Funny scenes on the last bell (grade 9). Scenes for the last call to subject teachers

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. /BUT. Disterweg. /

Dear Larisa Vladimirovna!!!

I would like to say a huge "THANKS" for everything that you have done for us! You taught us 5th grade. Much time has passed since then. But I will never be able to forget the knowledge that we received by studying the course of history and social studies. I always wanted to go to your lessons with joy. They were educational, interesting and entertaining. You put on whole performances in the classroom, so that we were able to learn more in practice, for example, about the history of the Ancient World. I still remember how we made swords, shields, came up with outfits, how we analyzed the roles: who will be a judge and who will be a lawyer. I will always keep these memories in my heart.

I thank you for your creative approach and active life position. I wish you good health, prosperity, happiness!

Ten Soon Gum

Our school time is coming to an end. It's hard to believe that 10 years have passed so quickly. Over the years, we have learned a lot, matured, gained knowledge, and decided on further goals in life. And all this thanks to our teachers. I would like to say thank you to all of them for the work done.

I would also like to thank Zyryanova Valentina Alexandrovna... Since childhood, I dreamed of learning English. Valentina Aleksandrovna is a strong teacher, she gives very good knowledge. Now I speak English well enough to go to college. Being in another country, I can calmly explain myself to foreigners. And all this is the merits of Valentina Alexandrovna.

I would like to wish her good health and good students.

Another teacher I will never forget is Khodor Vera Ivanovna, our first teacher. A very kind, good and cheerful person. We went to her lessons with pleasure and tried to listen to her advice. I remember a lot to this day, her words have always touched the soul. I can say that Vera Ivanovna will remain in my heart for the rest of my life!

Be Irina.

A teacher is not an easy profession. How much work and patience is needed so that thoughtful young people striving for their goal grow from small, naughty mischievous people.

When it comes to teachers, I immediately think of my history teacher Larisa Vladimirovna.

When I first heard that Larisa Vladimirovna would teach history here, I had conflicting feelings. On the one hand, I knew that she is a very strong teacher who knows her subject perfectly, but I also heard that she is a very strict teacher.

When she first entered our class, her whole appearance expressed severity and restraint. Her gaze was very attentive. It seemed that he was directed at each of us individually, but at the same time she saw the whole class at once. During the few minutes that she looked at us, the impression was created that she managed to study our entire character, to hear our thoughts. The new teacher, with all her stern appearance, evoked not fear, but rather respect. Although we didn’t know her at all.

Later we learned that she is not only strict, but also a fair teacher. It is interesting to talk with her, to hold discussions, to discuss many issues. She teaches us to express our point of view. If trouble happens, then I know that I can always turn to her. Larisa Vladimirovna gives us wise advice that will help us in life more than once.

Dolgova Galina

The profession of a teacher at all times has been and remains the most honorable, but at the same time the most difficult. The ability to pass on your experience to young people who have just entered an independent life is a talent.

I want to tell you about two teachers who are for me an example of all the best that only exists in a person: Kmitto Larisa Vladimirovna and Ivanova Alla Vladimirovna... In their lessons, I always learn a lot of new and useful things.

History, social studies, jurisprudence - these are lessons on which we learn more about the past, get acquainted with the present and the future, and also talk about the concepts of "conscience", "personality", "law". Sometimes, in order to master the material well, to understand it, it is not enough just to read a book, but a lot depends on the teacher. Larisa Vladimirovna conducts lessons in such a way that each new material becomes clear, and I assimilate it better, acquaints us more closely with society, its laws, prepares us for a future and difficult life.

Larisa Vladimirovna always helps us in difficult times, you can consult with her, ask for help, and I know that she will never refuse, but will listen and help.

I am very glad that fate introduced me to the same person.

Alla Vladimirovna is one of my favorite teachers, although she does not teach with us now, anyway, being next to her, you feel calmer, because so much warmth and kindness emanates from her that it is difficult not to love such a person.

She is a very sociable, intelligent and responsive person. Time flies by in her lessons. Alla Vladimirovna shares her life experience with us, tells various stories that teach us to do the right thing, not to make mistakes.

We must always remember our teachers, who spare no effort and time, patiently and persistently teach lessons that will help us in later life. I understand how difficult it is to instruct and educate us. But teachers are doing their duty with honor and dignity. And we are obliged to respect, love them, treat them with the same kindness as they do to us.

Pak Alexandra

Dear Iraida Alekseevna!

Ryzhkova Iraida Alekseevna worked at our school for 45 years. How many children did she bring up! How many children she instilled a love of mathematics! And although we respect Iraida Alekseevna's choice to retire, we will miss her at school.

It is said that a great person who has found himself on the pages of a history textbook. It is not true. There are more villains and villains. In our opinion, the person who created the masterpiece is great. A person who has become a Master. And this is about you.

Your masterpiece is your life and professional journey. This is your family. These are thousands of difficult, but very important hours that you gave to the children, each of which was yours. And these are, of course, your students. Pupils are different, multifaceted, but without exception grateful.

Our school was and is a true temple of learning and comprehension of sciences, thanks, among other things, to your work, your perseverance, your optimism in life. And your love. After all, in order to create a masterpiece, you need to love people, you need to selflessly and selflessly give yourself to others. Live and work the way you have done for many years.

Today is your special day. Today - summing up. Intermediate. Because a real Master will not rest on his laurels, but will go to new heights. May God give you only health and good luck, for even a Master needs luck.

We know that today is a start to new frontiers, new discoveries and victories. And we are sure that we will admire the new masterpieces of the Master more than once.

Former colleagues who have comprehended the wisdom of the great profession next to you:

Yi Sung Cher, Kim Seung Hee


Dear and beloved Galina Edgarovna, happy birthday!

At 17 years of age
You connected with children and school
And still in service
With noisy kids, funny.
And to us, the young generation,
You keep on giving
Your experience, knowledge and skill.
We believe: it should be so!
And on this glorious anniversary
We want to say from all children:
Thank you, our good friend!

was our first teacher, she brought up in us kindness, respect for adults. She was the first person in the school who understood and loved us, despite our pranks. We still remember her smile, her voice and approach to children, her praise, which was very pleasant to hear.

Three years passed quickly, as if only yesterday we entered first grade, but we still had to leave. We left without being upset, because anyway we saw her every day, talked, pleased with her successes, were interested in her health.

But now, she went to another school, which was not very happy. Even now, when she teaches at another school, we still call her and remember our past.

Maybe in childhood we did not notice this, but with age we realized that we will remember our first teacher forever.

Heh Alexander

Our school with in-depth study of oriental languages ​​and culture. I am studying Japanese. I would like to tell you about a Japanese teacher Elena Arkadyevna... Our teacher is young and very pretty. In addition to the fact that Elena Arkadyevna is a strong teacher, she is also a wonderful person. She will always support in difficult times or rejoice with you, always understand and listen.

We have another Japanese teacher at school - Hiro... He came to us from Japan. For some time he lived in America, so he speaks fluent English and has already mastered Russian. Besides Japanese lessons, Hiro teaches pantomime and taekwondo. At home, in Japan, he starred in films, where he is a famous actor. Hiro himself is a very cheerful and good-natured person, with him there is always something to talk about. I am very glad that he works at our school.

In general, I must say that wonderful teachers work in our school, and we love everyone in our own way. I am proud that I study at school number 9 and that I have such unique, understanding and responsive teachers. I love and respect you all very much, thank you for being there!

Syromyatnikova Anastasia

My first teacher! Having brought us up to the 5th grade, she left school. But up to the senior management, the whole class remembered her with a warm and tender feeling. Natalya Anatolyevna still reminds me of my childhood, funny fun and pranks. And also from those years I often remember the image of a music teacher with a button accordion! How she sang! And it seems that we also learned to pull words like that!

I loved physical education very much. And I just adored Violetta Alexandrovna! She is a great coach. With a sense of humor, a decisive, active woman could lead us anywhere. It is a pity that they have lost such a teacher. I have deep respect for Violetta Alexandrovna.

Played an even more significant role for me ... I remember the disliked first impression I had of my biology lessons. But Alla Vladimirovna simply made me fall in love with all kinds of medicine, botany, anatomy and zoology. In her lessons, we sat spellbound! The call from class sounded like a traitor, interrupting the teacher's speech. Biology lessons were my favorite for me. And even now I could not stop loving this science.

I would like to note that Alla Vladimirovna is an excellent teacher, a specialist in her field. She has the gift of a teacher. Lessons are easy, the material is learned without much difficulty, a lot of interesting and surprising things can be learned from this person. As for me, I am insanely glad that there was such a person in my life.

Tyo Tatiana 11A

Iraida Alekseevna! So the prom night has come for us. For us, this is the last thing that connects us with the school. It's sad to say goodbye!

You know, although I sometimes made mistakes (which is especially noticeable in algebra tests), sometimes I did not learn the material (I’m all about the same sin and cos table) ... but I’m glad that these years I walked side by side with you. Time will pass, feelings will subside, but memory, or rather memories, will be alive.

Thank you for everything that you have done, for teaching me, for the fact that you will always remember us.

With love, your student Ten Marina, grade 11a 2000

Dedicated to your favorite literature teachers Kiseleva Elena Alekseevna and Belonosova Galina Edgarovna

Fatigue fell on your eyelashes
And do not raise your hands from the table.
Pages, pages, pages,
The notebook is laid down on the notebook.
It's already dawning outside the window
And then there is no rest - a lesson.
And again collects the guys
Shrill school bell.
And Tatyana can't sleep again
Over a bitter and tender letter.
Natasha and Bolkonsky are spinning
In his unrestrained waltz.
And in life, since everything has taken a sip,
You're not sad about that too:
Old age does not come, but wisdom
To you in the middle of the road.
And fatigue recedes again,
And in the voice there is joy and pain ...
... And somewhere in the distance Scarlet sail
Meets Assol by the sea.

1981 graduate Lekus Zhenya

We know Kim Elena Anatolyevna from the first class. For seven years she has always helped and supported us in difficult times. We treat Elena Anatolyevna with deep respect and great love. We know that if we turn to her for help, she will definitely help us in any way she can.

This is the only teacher we trust 100%. There were times when we trusted Elena Anatolyevna with the secrets of not only school, but also personal life. We never thought it was possible to understand a teacher so well. It may sound immodest, but it seems to us that the three of us are the only people in our class who are with Elena Anatolyevna in such a close relationship. At the moment, we can say with full confidence that Elena Anatolyevna has become a "second mother" for us.

Address to Elena Anatolyevna:

“We want to wish you many bright days, excellent mood, stay always, everywhere and in everything optimistic. We love you very much!!!"

Ulakhanova Maria, And Anastasia, Dream Ekaterina.

I have been studying at this school for only the third year, but I think that I will not remember those teachers from another school, but OUR ones, many of whom have become relatives for me in this short time.

When I came to the ninth school, the homeroom teacher in my future class was ... I remember her as an intelligent, kind and judicious teacher. But, unfortunately, Elena Vasilievna left our school and became our class teacher ... I am deeply grateful to her for the fact that she pushes us, does not allow us to be lazy and sometimes even does what we should do.

I also really respect And Vladislav Nikolaevich, this person organizes all the events in our school, in principle, that is why he is the organizer. He is a strict teacher, but still he is a very erudite and interesting person.

My favorite teacher is , I just adore her! When you are with her, you forget that she is a teacher and you are a student, in front of you is just a good person who will never refuse help.

I am now in ninth grade and I really hope that I will be able to study here for another two years, surrounded by such wonderful teachers!

Kolesnichenko Anastasia

A teacher is one of the oldest professions that has always been needed for the education of society. I mean in the concept of "Teacher" not only a person who gives knowledge, but a person who is a mentor for me in life. The kind of person I know is .

Liana Ivanovna is our class teacher, and, in my opinion, she copes well with her duties. She is a very sociable, intelligent, kind and understanding person. I think most of us like it a lot. Liana Ivanovna never let us down and always suggested what to do. For all of us, she became a second mother.

Liana Ivanovna's lessons are never boring, each time a new topic, which she explains in a very understandable language.

At school, I communicate with her as a student with a teacher, and in an informal setting she is an ordinary person with whom you can just talk. On weekends, we often walk with the whole class and with Liana Ivanovna.

Liana Ivanovna did a lot for our class. She brought warmth and kindness into him, thanks to her we became very close-knit. We love her very much.

It seems to me that it is Liana Ivanovna that will be remembered by me more than all the teachers and for the rest of my life. It was she who was able to bring you our class warmth, cohesion and confidence in each other. I think that after graduation, I will keep in touch with her.

Gwon Alexey

Starting from the first grade, our teachers were constantly changing. I don't even remember all of them by name, there were so many of them. But I remember one of them very well. It was ... We studied with her for only three classes, but during this time she was able to leave an unforgettable memory in my heart. She was young and beautiful, sometimes even funny.

Natalya Anatolyevna has always worried about each of us. Once I got sick and did not go to school for two weeks, and when I came to school, she kept asking me how I felt.

When one of us fought, Natalya Anatolyevna always told us that we must make up. And if someone cried, she always found the best consolations, which made it easier. She taught us to be kind to people, taught us to endure, forgive. Before the holidays, she gave us work assignments to make gifts to parents. But we didn’t give her gifts often, we were small - we were not interested in it, it began to interest me only now.

I will never forget her because she taught me not only to count examples or spelling. Natalya Anatolyevna taught me to be a kind and sympathetic person. I hope that when we graduate from school, she will be proud of us.

Kim Igor

I spent ten years of my life at school number 9. I can say a lot about school, because it is the place where your personality is shaped. And our beloved teachers do it.

To be honest, I cannot single out someone: for me, all teachers are the most dear.

Spent three years with us, from the fifth grade, and I remember her as a strong woman. She was constantly "rooting" for us. She solicited, took part in class activities. By the way, we had a lot of extracurricular activities: constant tea drinking, going to theaters, to the cinema. She was a very close person to us, like a mother. Like my mother, she took care of everyone, that is, she participated in all areas of our life.

I remember how we participated in the school KVN between classes. We have been preparing for it for a long time, we prepared the material together with Elena Alekseevna. We lost by one point, but there was a lot of fun that day.

But Elena Alekseevna left so suddenly, we were very sorry, but instead she came ... Although we had little time, only one year, this year was the most memorable. I have never met such a kind, open, honest person.

When she started working in our class, I immediately felt the warmth of her gaze, it felt like she had been with us for a long time. We immediately clung to her, became close in a short time.

Elena Alekseevna and Elena Yurievna were so kind, sympathetic, pleasant. You don't always meet such people in order to feel warmth and love at first sight.

A large role in the choice of my profession - a psychologist, played ... In literature lessons, Inna Gennadievna helps us to feel the state of writers, heroes of works. I realized that I want to feel, get to know people, and most importantly - myself. Inna Gennadievna is a gifted person. She conveys the mood of the works, when she reads the poems of writers, we immediately feel their state.

Literature lessons make a person morally and spiritually rich, make him developed and intelligent. I would never have understood this if it were not for Inna Gennadievna. She made a huge contribution to my, namely mine, life. After all, I became more developed spiritually, a lot was revealed for me. I really want to understand the world around me, but it's hard. And I hope that further lessons will help me in life. Inna Gennadievna herself is spiritually rich, it seems to me that she sees a person through and through, you just have to look into her eyes. It seems to me that she really loves her lessons and gives herself completely to her subject.

- a physics teacher is a kind, sympathetic, understanding person. Merry, to be honest, I don't know how to explain, but I really like her. You know how you see something so pleasant, or when you see a person and immediately understand that he is very good. Olga Leonidovna has kind eyes, they radiate light, so incomprehensible, but very kind, attractive. But she seems to be a strong, strong-willed woman.

I can tell a lot about teachers. Each teacher is individual, but all are united by one thing - their kindness of soul. All teachers have made a huge contribution to my life. I became not only “smart on the head”, but also smart in life. After all, I was taught by the best, and these ten years I will never forget, even though they are with sorrows, joys, misfortunes, pleasantries. It is a pity that everything flew quickly from the first to the eleventh grade. A huge world awaits ahead, this is a different life ...

But I thank the Teachers who have been with me during these ten years.

Thank you!

Pak Vera

She came to school when I was in third grade. Interesting mysterious, always smiling first won general attention, then - respect, and, in the end, and - the love of students. She taught us Russian language and literature, tried to interest us, to make the lessons memorable.

Probably, Elena Viktorovna charms the students with her charm, smile, individual approach. So she won our love too.

Kvak Olga

School is like a second home, you spend almost half of your life in it. And in her, as in life, there are teachers. They are the ones who teach us how to live. One of them was .

She taught us to feel this world, because with her appearance the foundation of our personality was formed. Our class, which she graduated - 3B - became the kindest, the best.

The students became responsible, strong in spirit, warm towards each other. Over the years we have lost each other. But I remember my third grade prom.

We have been preparing for it for a long time, and everything turned out to be great. We have shown ourselves to be good singers and actors. And in the end, we were given diplomas of the completion of elementary school. It was the most touching moment - we felt that we had become adults and were entering a new level of life. Natalya Anatolyevna did not want to part with us, because we became very close people. She burst into tears, but tried very hard to hold on, then I did not understand why, but now I know.

I am very grateful to Natalya Anatolyevna, because she played a big role in my life. It was she who released me into the big world, gave me knowledge and raised me. I will always remember her as my most beloved teacher.

Kim Vasily

There are many good teachers in our school. I would especially like to highlight a wonderful person and teacher - Sorokina Inna Gennadievna.

Her teaching style is different from all others. It's never boring in her lessons. She does not allow herself to raise her voice to the students, but if this does happen, it means that the children deserve this attitude towards themselves. Inna Gennadievna takes preparation for lessons very seriously. But it also requires a lot of return. Asks a lot, but this is only for our benefit. Always evaluates our knowledge objectively.

As a person, Inna Gennadievna is also unique, she can always listen and give good advice that can help in a difficult situation. If you treat her with understanding, but in return you will see the same attitude towards yourself. But if you do something that does not correspond to the student's behavior, then you should not be surprised that this teacher's opinion of you changes. She treats the student badly only if he does absolutely nothing.

Despite the fact that I do not know her subject very well, this is probably my omission, but I still think that Inna Gennadievna is a good teacher and a wonderful person. I would like our school to have more such special teachers.

And Sergei

One of the best teachers in our school is ... She is a highly experienced biology teacher and many students can boast that their parents studied with such a wonderful teacher.

Alla Vladimirovna is a kind and sympathetic person, and at the same time is an excellent teacher. It's never boring in her lessons. She knows how to combine rest and work, so time in the lesson flies quickly. Seeing fatigue on the faces of her students, Alla Vladimirovna always takes a short break so that the class can start working with renewed vigor.

During the break, Alla Vladimirovna tells stories that happened to her or teaches life how to act in certain situations. No one like her understands the mood and feelings of the students, and therefore without fear we can say that Alla Vladimirovna is the most understanding person.

Pupils fully trust her, she is able to assess the situation, both from her own side and from the side of young people. Today there are few teachers left who teach children free of charge and disinterestedly, and Alla Vladimirovna is exactly that teacher. I can say with confidence that she shares her knowledge not because of money, but because she wants to make real, respectable people out of us.

Kwon Leonid

All teachers are different. Each of them has their own approach and their own teaching method.

It seems to me that the teacher can only bring us what is interesting to him. I believe that a teacher's sincere and non-egoistic interest in the learning process is a necessary condition. If the subject or the learning process is not interesting to the teacher himself, he will not only not be interested, but also alienate the children from him.

It is such a person who fulfills this condition is Is one of my favorite teachers. Inna Gennadievna teaches Russian language and literature here - the two most important subjects in the life of every person. Although we have been working with her for only three years, it seems that we have spent our entire school life together.

An important quality of the personality of this teacher, in my opinion, is the fullness of vitality. This person respects a person in each of us, and most importantly, he is able to see not only the shell formed by external circumstances, but also a deep, eternal essence, and helps it to manifest itself, to gain the necessary experience. And only one who has found, who sees in himself his inner essence, that is, a mature and experienced person, is capable of such a vision.

I love being in the lessons of this teacher, listening to his speeches. Inna Gennadievna brings to us as much interesting and necessary information as possible. It seems to radiate energy that attracts our thoughts, our attention. I admire her wealth and breadth of knowledge. Along with professionalism, I see in her a kind and sincere soul, devotion to her beloved work. Inna Gennadievna will always meet us in difficult times, understand, cheer and say kind words of parting words. I also appreciate her patience, which is not enough for everyone, and which is also considered an important criterion for teaching.

I consider the teaching profession to be one of the hardest professions, requiring great respect and honor. I would like many of us to learn to understand and appreciate what is being done for the good of us and from the bottom of my heart thank all the teachers for their hard work and our own donations.

Dream Inna

teaches computer science with us. In her lessons, we study important programs that can help us in the future.

Elena Anatolyevna leads us as a good friend and this contributes to the best perception of information, but at the same time, she does not allow us to "sit on our neck." We look forward to every new lesson in computer science and are always actively working.

Despite her young age, Elena Anatolyevna perfectly presents the material of the next topic to her students.

She always comes up with interesting topics for our projects, and we, in turn, try to reveal this topic as widely as possible, showing our knowledge.

Kirin Alexander

A teacher is not an easy profession. How much work and patience it takes to grow from small, disobedient students into thoughtful young people striving for their goal.

When it comes to teachers, I immediately think of our first class teacher Pak Elena Yurievna. Unfortunately, she did not stay with us very long, and we have not seen her for many years. Elena Yurievna had a good character. Even on notorious hooligans, she never raised her voice. We were small and did not understand a lot, but she found an approach to each student.

I remember how one day after school we went downstairs, and there Elena Yurievna was waiting for us. It was in the eighth grade. She flew to us for a short time. We went for a walk with her to the park. At first, everyone was shy and silent, it was funny, but then they began to remember the first grades and talk about serious topics. The day passed unnoticed. There were many impressions, but the most important thing is that, living far away and not seeing us, she still remembers and loves her 1 "B" class. And we also remember her and remember her often. It would be nice if she came to our prom.

I think that everyone remembers their first teacher, because it is he who pioneers the beginning of school life. I will always remember my first and last homeroom teacher with great fondness.

Kang Yulia

Teacher ... We often say this word, but we do not think what a huge role Teacher plays in our life.

It is hard to imagine how much effort, work, soul, patience teachers put into each of their students so that they grow from little girls and boys into successful, happy people. Day after day, year after year, the teacher gives himself to the children. No wonder they say that school is a second home, and a teacher is a second mother. As a writer lives in his works, as an artist - in pictures, and a teacher - in the thoughts, actions and deeds of his students.

It depends on the teacher what will grow and ripen from that small grain that he once sowed. Teaching children is not an easy task. And a huge responsibility lies, first of all, on the shoulders of the first teacher, a person who, as a rule, leaves the deepest mark in the souls and destinies of his students. With him, children bravely open their doors to the world of knowledge, which begins with the alphabet and the primer.

Each of us remembers our first call, the first lesson, the first answer, the first school holidays, our first prom. And all this is connected with the name of the first teacher.

A little more time will pass, and we will leave the walls of the school, which have become dear to us in ten years. But in our hearts the memory of our beloved class teacher will forever remain. Sensitive, sympathetic, at the same time strict and fair, who took care of us like his own children. I'm talking about Kozlova Elena Viktorovna.

Each of her literature lessons more and more gave us an idea of ​​eternal values, good and evil, about the world and people, about her Motherland and her people. Together with her, we sympathized with the heroes, laughed, cried and mastered the power of word and language.

I am sure that none of my classmates will forget the farewell evening with Elena Viktorovna. The trembling voice of a classmate who was reading the lines he had written for the first time burst into my memory. The teacher, like all of us, had tears in her eyes. A crowd of children, who had half the way of school life, surrounded the woman who had become a native.

Being a Teacher is a vocation, a talent given from above

Kim Irina

A teacher, in my understanding, is a responsible, kind, responsive and extremely original person. When I was in elementary school, the teacher for me was an educator who always helped and prompted. It seemed to me that it is very easy to teach lessons, to explain topics, to clarify what refers to what.

But now, being one step in adulthood, I understand that a teacher is, first of all, a knowledgeable person who sees much further and deeper than us. This is a person who expects results from us and is always ready to help us achieve our goals in the future. And the most important thing is that it is the teachers who support us in our studies, they try to make us realize that education for a person is one of the most important steps in achieving a goal. Without which it is almost impossible to live at the present time.

Now my favorite teacher is ... This wonderful teacher deserves the very best in life. I like Inna Gennadievna because in no one else I have not noticed such a desire to teach us. The most important thing is how the teacher communicates the topic to the students and how they perceive it.

That is why I emphasize her as a sincere, benevolent teacher with a creative and persuasive nature of character. The smile on her face already says a lot that she is pleased to be with us. And we are very pleased to hear it. I am very glad that such a literate person like her will release us into adulthood. At each of her lessons, I discover something new for myself and once again I am convinced that nowhere else in the world could I have learned it better than with her.

Inna Gennadievna's point of view and understanding of life convinces me that every chance in life should be tried. In order to achieve something, you do not need to be rude, you just need to be a person in this life and not forget about your duties and values.

Kim Natalia

Who is a teacher? In the explanatory dictionary of V. I. Dahl it stands for “mentor, teacher”. You can give many definitions to give this concept, but it seems to me that a teacher is, first of all, a mentor. That is, a person who does not just transfer to us the knowledge of his subject, but teaches us to live, to live in this many-sided world of today. And that's the kind of person I think Lee Ok Hwa - Oksana Mikhailovna.

I think many will agree with me that she is an extraordinary person, a bright personality. And here's what's strange: she succeeds in what not every teacher is capable of. They say that interest in the subject being studied depends on how the teacher can convey information to the student, because even the most boring, hated subject turns into a holiday if it is led by a person who completely devotes himself to his work, who is passionate and understands students perfectly.

Korean is difficult, and you need to have a strong desire and determination to be able to wade through the nuanced jungle of grammar and vocabulary. But Oksana Mikhailovna was able to make the Korean language one of my favorite subjects. At the same time, she not only does not get angry, but also does not force, while remaining a strict teacher who does not allow indulgences.

But not only knowledge of the language gives us Oksana Mikhailovna, she helps to adapt to the harsh conditions of this world, in which the strongest wins. And I know that she will help in any situation, listen calmly, support, cheer up. It was Oksana Mikhailovna who made me understand that I must not give up, because there are no unsolvable problems, that you can never despair. Life is not black or white, life is a riot of colors, and we must not forget that our world is beautiful.

Kang Alina

Pupils of grade 4A about Khodor Vera Ivanovna

(Pak Yulia) My most beautiful teacher is Vera Ivanovna. She is such a smart, pretty woman and this profession is very suitable for her. Her appearance is very beautiful - brown eyes, a wonderful smile, and her teeth are white as snow!

She teaches us lessons: Russian, mathematics, physical education, reading, fine arts. Vera Ivanovna teaches from the first grade and therefore we love her very much. I want her not to forget us and remain as beautiful, smart, healthy and gentle!

(Ulanova Anna) My favorite teacher is Vera Ivanovna. When we came to the first grade, we knew nothing at all. For four years Vera Ivanovna taught us to read, write, and count. Now we are able to reason, boldly answer in the classroom.

Vera Ivanovna is very cheerful, but at the same time, she can also be strict. Especially when you are not learning the lessons. Holidays are very interesting with her. It's fun to go hiking with Vera Ivanovna.

She also helps students who are lagging behind. She conducts additional classes specially for them. If someone does not understand the new topic, Vera Ivanovna will explain it again. We studied with her for four years. Primary school ends.

I will always remember my first teacher, Vera Ivanovna.

(Barkova Alina) My beloved teacher's name is Vera Ivanovna. I've been studying with her for four years now.

During this time I saw how beautiful Vera Ivanovna was, intelligent, talented, kind. Thanks to her teaching, I became an excellent student. When we have trouble, Vera Ivanovna immediately helps us to cope and solve the problem.

It seems to me that she alone makes for us holidays, gifts. I am always pleased when I enter the class to see her joyful face and smile. Vera Ivanovna does only the best for us. It's nice to hear her kind, affectionate words. I also love to listen when she tells stories from her life.

How sad it is to think that we will move to grade 5 and part with Vera Ivanovna. Vera Ivanovna is the best teacher! I wish her happiness, health, success in her work, prosperity in life and all the very best.

(Kang Elena) I am in school number nine. And my class teacher Vera Ivanovna. She is very smart, beautiful, funny and kind.

Our class is the most friendly and funniest and this is thanks to Vera Ivanovna. Our class is very comfortable. There are white curtains on the windows, stands with colorful drawings on the walls, as well as flowers on bedside tables, window sills and appliqués on the wall. We did all this with Vera Ivanovna.

Our holidays are merry. We go out with the whole class or celebrate in class with the teacher. Vera Ivanovna arranges funny, interesting and entertaining contests in which we win prizes. Although Vera Ivanovna is strict, she still remains the same kind. She worries with us for bad grades and rejoices, like a child, for good ones. So her mood depends on our knowledge.

We're in our fourth grade graduation. I really don't want to part with Vera Ivanovna. I don't want to say goodbye to children's jokes and funny games at recess. So sad and at the same time joyful, because we are growing up, moving to the fifth grade.

I wish Vera Ivanovna that she would be healthy, happy, that she would have good smart first-graders in the future, long life and that every day would be especially funny and unforgettable.

(Olga Gordienko) In my essay, I want to write about my first teacher - Vera Ivanovna. Vera Ivanovna teaches us from the first grade. When I came to school on the first of September, in the first grade, Vera Ivanovna met us as the closest and dearest to her people. She was very beautiful as I imagined her. Our class is very friendly, helpful and kind. And all this is thanks to Vera Ivanovna, because we constantly have various events: hiking in nature, festive tea parties, discos.

Vera Ivanovna is a fair, competent teacher, a very kind, sympathetic person. But sometimes it is strict and even very strict. And this is correct, because if she were only kind, then we would, as my mother says, "sit on her neck."

I am grateful for everything she taught me in four years. And I will miss her a lot in fifth grade. But I hope our class will meet her more than once in the fifth grade.

Orlenko Vika, student of grade 5A Elena Andreevna
You are so beautiful and kind
Strict but fair
You are so talented, generous
You are beautiful in soul.
You are patient and smart
You give a particle of heart to children,
Your dreams, habits, hobbies,
And it takes hellish patience
To teach us all.

Kim Maria, student of 5A grade Olga Andreevna
Olga Andreevna is a kind teacher,
Professional class teacher.
She will tell you
She will teach.
She will surround everyone with her care.

Kim Maria, student of grade 5A Angelina Sergeevna
Angelina Sergeevna is the charming of all.
And I give this verse to you forever.
The fifth grade respects and loves you,
And he will never forget about you!

Tsoi Valya, a student of grade 2A about Marina Alexandrovna

I love my teacher
This is our first friend.
After all, we learn a lot with her,
What we need.
Who will remind us of the task,
And put a five in your diary?

And for the fact that we are not ready
Will he write us a comment?
We love to walk with a teacher
Now to the theater, then to the museum.
I love Marina Alexandrovna
And I'm writing a poem about her.

Our favorite teachers are Kim Elena Vasilievna, Kim Angelina Sergeevna, Taldykina Irina Anatolyevna and, of course, our class teacher - Kim Elena Anatolyevna.

Our teachers are the best and teach the best subjects. Elena Vasilievna teaches literature, Angelina Sergeevna English, Irina Anatolyevna Russian, and our class teacher is computer science. Our teachers are very responsive, we really love the lessons they teach. Trying to teach and do all the lessons that we are asked. They are all kind, funny and smart. We love and respect teachers. And they are the best. (6 "B" Class.)

Congratulations to Elena Anatolyevna - class teacher 6 "B" from Tarakanovskaya Nastya

Elena Anatolyevna!
I respect you very much,
But I do not write poetry well,
And yet I wish you happiness
Joy, health
And a lot of luck
Be who you are
And let you countless friends
You will always be glad.
The days go by,
Five times you celebrated a holiday
But do you believe
That the sixth is ahead.
So always let it be for you
Teacher's Day is just a class !!!

The last call is both joyful and sad. I am glad that school days are behind us, painstaking study, ninth or eleventh grade, but still sad at heart from parting with teachers and friends. There are exams ahead, which largely depends on which path you will go in your life. Ahead are experiences, admission to educational institutions. But while the last bell rings, he drives away all troubles and hardships. Teachers are also rooting for you, as are your parents and family and friends. Let us congratulate them in prose from the bottom of our hearts on this solemn day - the last bell, and express our gratitude to the subject teachers, say for them an identical and sincere speech of gratitude. If you cannot express words of gratitude in your own words, we will help you with this.

Congratulations to the teacher of Russian language and literature

The last bell is not only goodbye to school. Despite the fact that exams and graduation are ahead of us, today's holiday serves as an excellent occasion to thank our beloved teachers, as well as refresh all the knowledge that, thanks to their professionalism and sensitivity, will help to pass the most important school test and become a springboard to a new life. One of these teachers is undoubtedly the teacher of the Russian language and literature. Thank you very much for teaching us to love our native language, to be proud of its beauty and wide diversity. You helped us feel the depth of the immortal works and get real pleasure from their deep meaning and vitality. You taught us how to express our thoughts correctly and navigate freely in the literary world. Thank you very much, because without this knowledge we now simply cannot imagine our life.

Thanks to the teacher of algebra and geometry

One of the most important disciplines for every student is algebra and geometry. Thanks to them, we learn not only to perform various operations with numbers, to navigate in the construction of geometric shapes and their corners, but also begin to better understand the space around us, learn to think logically and increase our IQ. Today, under the farewell ringing of the last bell, we begin to fully realize the invaluable work that you have put into us, our dear teacher, the importance of the knowledge gained and the huge role of the exact sciences in the life of every person who strives to achieve success in this life. Thank you for your patience, responsiveness and sincere love for the subject. We will try to please you in the upcoming final exams and promise not to lose the knowledge we received from you in the upcoming new life.

Congratulations to the English teacher

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without constant communication and interaction of different peoples. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the English language, which helps people of different nationalities to communicate fully. This became possible for us too thanks to the high professionalism of our respected English teacher. The last bell, preceding farewell to school, gives us an excellent opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our teacher. You helped us expand the horizons of communication, knowledge and increase the level of cultural enrichment. Thank you very much for your invaluable work and desire to pass on your vast knowledge. We are sure that we will pass the final exams with honors, in many respects, thanks to your high professionalism.

Congratulations to the chemistry teacher

Today's holiday, The Last Bell, gives us a great opportunity to thank the teacher who helped us master one of the most important subjects that reveal the essence of things - chemistry. Thank you very much for discovering for us the amazing secrets of the structure of various substances and their compounds, for unforgettable experiments during which we were able to feel like magicians, for helping to understand how a whole world of molecules can fit in a small test tube and atoms. We are immensely grateful to you for your patience, great love for the discipline taught and incredible professionalism. On the eve of the upcoming final exams, we want to promise you, show the maximum of our knowledge and try very hard not to let you down.

Wishes for the last call to the physics teacher

The Last Bell has arrived, which means that soon we will have not only exams, but also a graduation party, symbolizing parting with school and our beloved teachers, so today we want to express our deep gratitude to our dear teachers and, in particular, the physics teacher. It is thanks to the invaluable knowledge that you put into our heads that we know why we stand firmly on our feet, we understand that the creation of electricity is no less exciting process than the birth of a new life and that atomic energy was created not to destroy people, but to serve benefit of the person. These and other discoveries have become some of the most amazing in our life. The knowledge that you were able to convey to us will help not only successfully pass the exam tests, but also simplify the solution of the tasks that life will pose for us.

A speech of thanks to the teacher of geography

Our beloved parents, when they brought us to the first grade, showed us how to navigate at school, but the geography of a huge planet called Earth was helped by our dear teacher of geography. Thank you for opening before us not only various cities and countries, but also the mysterious depth of the oceans and the immense breadth of the continents. There is no place on our planet to which we would not have made an imaginary journey under your careful guidance. We will try very hard to please you with our results in the upcoming exams and carry through life all the invaluable knowledge that we received thanks to you.

Congratulations to the history teacher

There is not a single person who would imagine his future and the future of his country without knowledge of history. We try to learn from the mistakes and achievements of our ancestors, which we learn about thanks to our dear history teacher. Today, on the day of the Last Call, we sincerely want to thank you not only for the fact that we are perfectly oriented in what happened many years ago, but also for the opportunity to be proud of the history of our country, its many heroic victories, unsurpassed minds and people, like you, selflessly loyal to their homeland. We know that we also participate in the creation of history, so we will try to leave only a bright mark in it and start small - we will pass the exams with excellent marks.

Thank you to a biology teacher

The last bell opens the door to a new life for us, future graduates. After passing the exams, we will plunge into the unknown world of new acquaintances, fresh knowledge and stone jungle. It will all be bright and amazing, just like our biology lessons. Thank you very much to our dear biology teacher for making the world of wildlife and plants around us more understandable, close and dear, for helping us, our students, to feel part of an incredible and amazing community of living beings and to delve into the intricacies of their existence ... We will try to put all these feelings and knowledge into practice during exams and always remember you with respect.

Wishes to the labor teacher

Today, thanks to the Last Call, we are given an excellent opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our respected labor teachers. This item is undoubtedly one of the most important, because on it we learned that with our own hands we can create things necessary in everyday life, learned how to cook deliciously and sew beautifully. Thank you very much, our dear teachers for the golden hands and bright minds who were able to pass on important knowledge to us and taught the craftsmen to use various household tools. We are sure that these skills will be useful to us in the future and we will always remember you with gratitude and love.

Social studies and sociology teacher

The last bell is not only goodbye to school, waiting for exams and graduation, it is also an opportunity to evaluate your knowledge, to realize how much the teachers have invested in us. One of these teachers, undoubtedly, is the teacher of social studies. This subject and your competent attitude towards teaching it helped us to correctly prioritize life, taught us how to navigate the twisted corners of the law and developed the ability to stand up for ourselves. We are very grateful to you for your sensitivity, attention and deep knowledge in the subject taught. We are confident that this knowledge will serve us well not only in exams, but in later life.

Gratitude speech to the teacher of physical education

We all know that full-fledged human development includes not only deep knowledge, but also physical health, therefore, today, under the melodic ringing of the last bell, I especially want to thank our respected physical education teacher. Without your professionalism and love for the subject taught, we would not have been able to grow into full-fledged and physically developed people. You instilled in us a love of sports, talked about the importance of thinking through future steps and showed how important it is to strive to achieve the highest results. We promise you that the desire to win will burn brightly in us not only on passing the final exams, but also in a new, so exciting life.

Words of gratitude to the teacher OBZH

Today, on the day of the last call, we can say with confidence that we are ready to leave our native school walls and plunge into the sometimes dangerous adult world. We do this easily and boldly, because we are perfectly able to take care of ourselves and know how to act correctly in any, even the most difficult situation. This became possible thanks to the invaluable knowledge that we received in the lessons of life safety. Thanks to our dear teacher for the understanding that there is a way out of any difficult situation, for the ability to stand up for oneself and help others in an emergency, for the ability to quickly navigate in changing conditions. We know that we can take care of ourselves and maintain a presence of mind, including on such a serious test as final exams.

There is no subject more interesting
Than social science:
You teach us wonderfully
To complete tasks.

We will study life and society
With your guidance,
Let's take a scientific approach,
We will show the knowledge.

May good luck be with you
And the success is significant,
Congratulations to you today
Happy Teachers Day!

We know about society
Gives social science,
And our teacher is experienced
After all, he earned recognition:

Today is teacher's day
Preparing congratulations
We wish him happiness
And super moods!

With you sides and edges
Societies are studied.
And with great efforts
Knowledge gained.

Thank you for the science,
Cool lessons.
We give you today
Admiration string.

On Teacher's Day, we wish
Good patience to you.
We appreciate your lessons
Every moment.

Social science leads
The teacher is competent.
He will teach everything, understand everything,
Will allow you to master the subject.

We will thank him,
How gallant he is!
And all thanks to the mind,
Thanks to the talents.

Congratulations on the holiday,
Our dear teacher,
For the subject of social studies,
And for knowledge is our baggage.

We wish you a lot of happiness
And health and love,
And success at work,
And dreams come true!

You help us society to know
We consider your work to be difficult, the greatest,
We wish you never lose heart,
I wish you health, of course, joy and happiness!

May everything that you are silent about come true,
Happy Teacher's Day to the whole class,
May all days be clear, beautiful
We wish you longevity, harmony, and good!

Social studies will help
To know our life in detail,
Therefore, we are a teacher
We want to wish you so much happiness
And happy teacher's day
Its from the heart today,
Health, joy, success
We are in a hurry to wish you more!

In the lessons of your steel
We are an order of magnitude smarter.
In complex society nuances
We are not too lazy to figure it out.

We are native teachers
Congratulations on a glorious day.
The world was discovered interesting
Us, in which we all live.

So many subtleties in different sciences,
In Social Science, everyone intersects
Here is philosophy and sociology,
And psychology meets here.

You know everything, everything is flawless,
You give us excellent knowledge,
Congratulations today from the heart,
And we wish you happiness together.

Happy Teacher's Day, Peace, Health,
Make your dreams come true
Let bad things not happen to you,
Your heart does not know grief, troubles!

We all want to say now
Thank you for this knowledge!
We really appreciate, we love you,
Our social science teacher!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy days and inspiration
Bright and great success,
Goodness, health and luck!

Scene improvisation for congratulating the teacher of social studies

Murashova Natalia Yurievna, Teacher of additional education, MYOU, secondary school № 58, concurrently MBOU secondary school № 44.
Purpose: Congratulations to the class teacher in a creative way
1. Create an atmosphere for collective creativity.
2. To consolidate the skills of "screenwriting" while working on the written text, using quotations in the construction of replicas.
3. To practice acting and improvisation skills in any "proposed circumstances".
Description: Whoever remembers such an improvisation show as "Thank God you came!", Which was shown on STS several years ago, will quickly understand our idea. There is no need to explain anything to the heads of a theater studio or a circle. Indeed, in my student life in directing classes, not a single lesson was complete without a start. It is almost like "impromptu theater", only at a higher level in mobility, the development of acting skills and collective interaction in any proposed circumstances.
* From the theory of directing:"ZACHIN" is a complex exercise of 5-10 minutes duration for student filmmakers. Perfectly develops imagination, imaginative thinking, improvisation skills. "Initiation" allows you to mobilely, in practice, master such parameters of the theory of directing as action, event, proposed circumstances and the laws of operating them. It allows you to develop practical skills of effective analysis in order to learn how to find or come up with an expressive physical action (exercise or rebuilding) adequate to a mental task.
For example, at our directing department, the exercise was that our teacher came to the lesson 5 minutes after the call and we, the students, had to come up with a mini-performance with our curator in the lead role, distribute roles among ourselves and remarks, along the way to think over a couple of additional options for the development of events - you never know how the "victim of improvisation" will behave. We met the teacher with indignant exclamations of the party meeting and demanded to push the speech about the milk yield of the dairy farm. Either she was our "guest of honor at the wedding," now a late first-grader, now a nurse in a kindergarten, now a soloist (or guitarist) of a rock band, now a president at a press conference ... I can't remember everything. Costumes and props can be used. The task of the teacher was: to quickly figure out how to behave in an unexpected way and improvise in response.
We have adopted this idea to congratulate the class teachers. We prepared the text using quotes often used by the teacher, assigned roles, put on costumes and set up props.
Where it comes in handy: It will come in handy for everyone who is not against a friendly company to congratulate and arrange a surprise for the class teacher, school director, hero of the day or birthday. And even though we were preparing this particular production for the last bell, it will look great in a more intimate performance: for example, in the classroom on Teacher's Day. In any case, our teachers liked it: they recognized themselves in the performance, recognized their phrases.
It was a risk on my part. Youthful maximalism and sharpness, the presence of parody (a very fine line), the lack of acting training bothered me very much. Still, it was the last call, the stage, the crowd of spectators. But I am glad that the children withstood this test with honor: they really got into the idea, very accurately chose the image of the teacher and with laughter and warmth recalled the teacher's favorite phrases, copied gestures and facial expressions, funny facts from school life. I love the process of creating a masterpiece (and its level is not at all important). The main thing is inspiration and accurate hitting the target.
The words of Tatyana Yuryevna especially warmed the souls of the children: "The number was for me, about me, I recognized myself in every phrase. And it was so nice to see that everything I taught for several years remained in the minds of my students, that they were with humor and kindly collected everything (even my "swear words") in this production and made an excellent number, where it was pleasant for me to feel myself in the leading role. "
* Particular attention must be paid to the delivery of the material: in order not to offend the mentor, tact, a sense of style, and the ability to work with text are required.
* Quotes of the teacher are underlined in the text.

Secretary, Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, Accused, Witness and Homeroom Teacher as Judge.

Scene 9. "Crime against learning"

Presenter1: Oh! school, school ... how we will miss her!
Lead1: Nothing ... there are a lot of interesting things in adulthood too, baby.
Presenter1: Hmm ... Who's talking!
Lead2: Yes, I'm just sure that this particular individual at school did anything but study. And he committed many crimes against learning.
Voice behind the scene: The class teacher of the 11A grade is invited backstage: Tatiana Yurievna!

Scene-improvisation for the teacher of history and social studies

Secretary: All rise, the court is in session!
Tatyana Yuryevna comes out in a black robe and a judge's cap, everyone sits down
Secretary: The case "Crime against education" is being heard! The accused is Yana Lebedeva. I now give the floor to the prosecution.
Prosecutor: Hello gentlemen of the jury, colleagues, distinguished judge! Defendant Yana Lebedeva is accused of numerous crimes against education. Namely!
1. Preference farm style elegant school uniform, which is extremely unacceptable within the walls of a school institution. (pause)
2. Failure to comply with the requirements of the teaching staff.
3. Consumption of food during educational activities!
Defender: It is not true!
Prosecutor (strictly): I have not finished yet.
4. Excessive in-fan-ty-lism. (significant pause)
5. Lack of socialization. (pause)
6. Finally! (pause) I want to note... (check with the list) small personality scale.
Yana: "The giraffe is big - he knows better ..."
Prosecutor(strictly): And you, the accused, shut up. You will still be given the floor.
Secretary: The floor is given to the side of the defense.
Defender: This offensive statement by the prosecution has nothing to do with reality!
In addition, a respected court must consider all aspects of this case.
Defender's speech: School uniforms sometimes have to be washed too.
Why do children not have time to learn?
During the year we have 365 days to study.
Of these, 52 days are Sunday, 313 days remain.
Because of the good weather, it is difficult to take up studies, subtract another 25 days, leaving 288.
An average person sleeps 8 hours a day. This amounts to about 122 days per year. There are 166 days left.
We spend about 1 hour a day on a hobby, we subtract another 15 days. 151 days
We spend about an hour a day on food and light snacks - that's another 15 days. In total, there are 136 left.
Minus 3 months of vacation. 46 days left.
Also, a vacation at the end of a quarter is, if you add it all together - minus 16 days
Almost everyone has a pet, and we spend about 48 hours a year caring for it, that is, 2 days.
Also, children love to take a walk, and this is about 12 days a year. After deducting all these troubles, there are only 4 days left.
Even the healthiest person can get sick and stay at home for 3 days a year.
There is only 1 day left and it's Birthday!
And about other charges: we have a witness!
Secretary: A witness from the side of the defense is invited!
A witness appears on the scene
Witness: I saw that Yana Lebedeva did not eat and did not sleep in class!
Snoring is heard from Yana's side
Prosecutor (undermining): Wow! But we didn't even notice the elephant!
Dear gentlemen of the jury, you yourself can see for yourself the uniform meanness of the accused!
Defender: My client is not a scoundrel!
Prosecutor:Lebedeva is not a scoundrel? Well I'm sorry!
Defender (cold): Apologies are accepted!
Secretary: We listened to the views of both sides. What can the accused herself say in her defense?
Yana (in a dream): I will correct ... I will not sew hats ... I will not sew hats.
The defender nudges Yana with his elbow
Yana (waking up):BUT? What?!?! (Tatiana Yurievna) Dear Court, (to the audience) gentlemen of the jury, I promise to improve! (heavy sigh) Happy childhood is over ...
Secretary: The final word is given to the chief judge: Tatyana Yurievna Melnikova!
Tatyana Yurievna reads out the text of the verdict
The class teacher is given flowers

P.S. An example text for a teacher may sound like this: "I, full name, after listening to all statements from the prosecution and from the defense, I sentence Yana Lebedev and all my graduates to successfully pass exams, a worthy choice of profession, happiness in my personal life, a dizzying career, a healthy lifestyle. life and excellent health. The verdict is final and not subject to appeal. "
P.S.S. * From the theory of directing: The term “proposed circumstances” was introduced into the practice of directing by Stanislavsky. “The proposed circumstances are the plot of the play, its facts, events, epoch, time and place of action, living conditions, our acting and director's understanding of the play, additions to it from ourselves. mise-en-scène, staging, scenery and costumes of the artist, props, lighting, noises and sounds, and so on, which are invited to the actors to take into account in their work. " If the viewer believes the event: "Yes, it really was!" - the proposed circumstances worked.
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