Lesson of extracurricular reading based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Fire". Fire dogs (real life)


Audio true story "Fire" from "The First Russian Book for Reading" by Leo Tolstoy. You can read the briefs (summary), listen online or download for free and without registration the audio story "Fire".
In the harvest, the men and women went into the fields to work. Only the old and the young remained in the village. In one hut, a grandmother and three grandchildren remained: three-year-old Masha, one-and-a-half-year-old Kiryushka, and eight-year-old Vanya. Grandmother heated the stove and lay down on the bench to rest, covered her head with a fly scarf and fell asleep. In the meantime, Masha raked coals from the stove into a shard and set fire to the sheaves in the hallway. Sheaves caught fire. Frightened, Masha and Kiryushka returned to the hut and hid under a bench. Vanya was on the street, saw that smoke was pouring from the passage and ran into the hut. It was too late to extinguish. The boy woke up his grandmother. That half-awake forgot about the children, jumped out into the street and ran to call people. Vanya found Masha and Kiryushka under the bench. It was no longer possible to leave the burning hut through the door. He raised the window. First, Masha got into it, then he pushed Kiryushka, who was resisting, and managed to jump out the window himself.

Lesson of extracurricular reading Grade 2.

Teacher - Kildibekova I.I.

Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Fire".

Goals: Educational - to continue acquaintance with literary genres based on the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Fire"; repeat the works of famous authors about the fire; teach selective reading.

Developing - develop oral speech, teach to reason,

develop thinking through the analysis of the actions of heroes, the ability to compare, draw conclusions; expand the horizons of students through the use of additional information and literature, interest in literature.

Educating - careful handling of fire, a friendly attitude towards each other, a culture of speech.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang for us

The lesson starts.

Try to understand everything

Lots of new things to learn.

2.Updating knowledge.

Guys, guess the riddle.

Runs, sparkles, shimmers, shimmers,

And if you touch it - it burns, bites? (Fire).

Guys, do you know how fire appeared on Earth?

Do you want to know? Egor will tell us about this (fire from lightning, how people maintained fire, the sacredness of fire). A drawing of fire on the board.

There is also a legend about the appearance of fire on earth. You can get acquainted with it in this book "Myths of Ptolemy", which can be borrowed from the school library.

Guys, do any of you know how to get fire?

(during friction, when hitting stone on stone)

Since ancient times, people have learned to make fire, considered it sacred, but why did people need it so much?

What are the benefits of fire? (children's answers)

The words are hung on the board: - warms


Cooking food

Well done boys.

But is fire only beneficial? (No)

And about the harm that fire can cause, you yourself will remember from the works you know.

Group work.

Each group receives its own task (an excerpt from a poem).

S.Ya.Marshak. "Fire".

Lena opened the door -

The fire jumped from the log,

Burned the floor in front of the stove

Climb up the tablecloth on the table,

Ran over the chairs with a bang,

Crawled up the curtains.

S.Ya.Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero".

A lot of people crowded on the panel.

People looked under the roof in alarm:

There from the window

Through the fiery smoke

hands child

Stretched out to them.

K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion".

And the chanterelles

They took the matches

Let's go to the blue sea

The blue sea was lit.

The sea is on fire

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey firefighters, run!!

Help, help!"

Thank you! Well done!

What do all three works have in common? (fire theme)

In what work that you read at home did you meet

The word FIRE?

Who wrote this work? (L.N. Tolstoy).

What genre does this piece belong to? (Verse, story, fable, epic), (story, it tells about an event that happened).

3. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys, look at the blackboard and say what will be discussed in the lesson? (We will work on the work of Leo Tolstoy "Fire" and find out if fire is always our friend).

4. Phys. Minute. Eye charger. To the music.

5. Vocabulary work.

We open our eyes. - What changed? (words appear on the blackboard).

What are we going to do now and why is it necessary?

(we will analyze incomprehensible, complex words)






How and where can you find out the meaning of these words?

Who can explain the meaning of these words?

(show sheaves, according to Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary we find the meaning of the word stunned - lost her mind from fright, great surprise)

6.Checking reading comprehension.

At home, you familiarized yourself with the content of the text. - Did you like this story?

Why is this story called "Fire"?

Who are the main characters of this work?

What is the main idea of ​​this story?

What is FIRE? (this is a disaster, the death of nature, people)

The dictionary gives such an explanation of this word - unintentional ignition of objects through negligence, due to careless handling of fire.

What happened in the story?

And who is to blame for this?

What was this girl's name?

7. Work on the content of the text. Selective reading.

Find the answer in the text and read it.

Why did Masha do this?

(she was bored, interested, curious) a mark is put for reading.

How did the children behave when the fire started? Read out. Grade.

What was wrong with the kids?

(wake up grandma and run out of the house)

Let's find a passage that tells about the heroic deed of Vanya's older brother. Read out. Grade.

8. The result of the lesson.

All the stories of Leo Tolstoy necessarily teach us something. What did this story teach?

What conclusion did you make for yourself? Guys' answers.

When can fire become not a friend, but an enemy, and on whom does it depend?

Do you know what number to call in such a situation?

Who will come to our aid?

firefighter phone picture 01

Why do we have to turn to people of this profession,

you will see now.

STAGE (two students)

D.-What should we do? M.- What would you do?

Oops, I think I figured it out!

(pulls matches out of pocket, tries to light them)

Let's make a fire with you.

D. - That's great! Let's! Light up, fire up!

An adult appears.

Vzr.- Oh, what are you doing?

Well, what are you shouting, is it a fire?

Vzr. “If I don’t stop you in time, the fire cannot be avoided!”

Oh oh oh! Because of some tiny match, a fire? Well, you made me laugh!

Vzr. - Yes! - Really, guys!? We know that matches are not a toy. When we are careless with fire, it becomes our enemy! Choral reading of the last phrase.

Many thanks to our artists. Evaluation.

Reflection. Continue the offer

I found out…..

I understand….

I thought...

I like it….

I wanted….

In the next lesson, we will continue to study the work of Leo Tolstoy and talk about the play "Love those who offend you."

Are you interested in the name? Do you want to know what this play is about?

How is the play different from other literary genres?

9. D.Z. pp.72-74 chit. Write down and find an explanation for difficult words. Pick up proverbs.

The article presents the content and analyzes the story of Leo Tolstoy "Fire Dogs".

Brief biography of the author

L. N. Tolstoy was born back in 1828. His parents belonged to a noble family, owned the estate "Yasnaya Polyana" in the Tula region (then - the province). They died early, leaving their son in the care of relatives.

The guardians took good care of the boy, gave him an excellent education. After graduating from Kazan University, Lev joined the army and left for the Caucasus. It was here that he began to write. His first work is "Childhood". In total, Tolstoy wrote more than 170 books.

Russian author Leo Tolstoy is known to almost every compatriot for such works as "Anna Karenina" or "War and Peace". But he also wrote a lot for children (the writer himself had 13 offspring, 5 of them died in infancy). Tolstoy's most famous children's stories:

  • "Philip".
  • "Three Bears".
  • "Bone".
  • "Kitty".
  • "Fire".
  • "Lion and dog"
  • "The truth is more precious than anything."

The children's story "Fire Dogs" is interesting and instructive. The analysis of the work is given in the article.

Leo Tolstoy died in 1910, but his memory and love for his work will always live on.

The story "Fire Dogs" begins with the explanation that during a fire, small children get scared, hide and sit quietly. In smoke and soot, rescuers cannot always see them; they do not respond to calls. What to do, how to save kids from fire? In London, especially for such purposes, they began to train dogs that, with the help of scent, found children and carried them out of the fire. Four-legged friends were called that - fire dogs. One heroic dog named Bob carried 12 children out of the fire.

The story goes on to tell how one day Bob carried a 2-year-old girl out of the house during a fire. The firemen, making sure that the dog was safe, wanted to take her away, because the girl's mother said that there were no more children in the house, but Bob was eager for the fire. He was released, and he fearlessly ran into the burning house, and a minute later he returned back, carrying something in his teeth. Is it still a child? When the dog ran closer, everyone saw that she had saved a big doll from the fire! The firemen laughed.

Analysis of the work

Analyzing the story "Fire Dogs" (Tolstoy is the author of this work), it is necessary to point out the courage of the dog, his quick wits and dedication while saving children from the fire. With this example, the author wants to show how closely connected the world of people and animals is, trying to inspire the reader with the idea that in difficult times our smaller brothers are able to save them from trouble, so you need to take care of them and protect them. Much later, another hero, the Little Prince, will say: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." The firefighters in the children's book did exactly that: they carefully examined Bob after he ran out of the burning house to make sure that the dog was safe and sound. Such care for a valiant four-legged friend is worthy of respect.

Approximate on the topic: "Fire dogs" (Tolstoy L. N.)

This lesson is held in 3-4 grade. Its tasks include the following:

  • to introduce students to the author L. N. Tolstoy, his works;
  • practice reading skills;
  • develop memory, attention, the ability to listen to others, as well as to formulate and express their point of view;
  • to expand students' knowledge about the relationship between nature and man;
  • Teach children to respect and appreciate animals.

Indicative action plan:

  • Tell the students who Leo Tolstoy is, briefly and in an accessible language describe his life, characterize his work, name the most popular works, recommend reading children's stories (give a list). For clarity, use the presentation.
  • Read the story "Fire Dogs" (Tolstoy), an analysis of which will be done later.
  • Answer the teacher's questions: "Who is the story about?" (about the fire dog), "What was the dog's name?" (Bob) "What do small children do during a fire?" (they hide and remain silent), "Where did they first start training dogs in fire fighting?" (in London), "Why did Bob the dog go back to the burning house?" (behind the doll). Such short questions and answers will help students remember the story better.
  • Go directly to the analysis of the work. The teacher gives leading questions: “What impression did this short story make on you?”, “How did the firefighters treat Bob the dog?”, “How does this dog make you feel?”, “Would you like to have such a four-legged person next to you friend?", "What are the obligations of the owner in relation to his dog, to other pets?" The answers to these questions should not be short, but voluminous, based on the student's reflections.

To consolidate the material, you can invite the children to draw a drawing for Tolstoy's story "Fire Dogs" at home and bring it to the classroom so that the teacher can organize a mini-exhibition of creative works.

In the harvest, the men and women went to work. Only the old and the young remained in the village. A grandmother and three grandchildren remained in one hut. Grandmother fired up the stove and lay down to rest. Flies landed on her and bit her. She covered her head with a towel and fell asleep. One of the granddaughters, Masha (she was three years old), opened the stove, heated coals into a crock and went into the hallway. And in the passage lay sheaves. The women prepared these sheaves for the tie. Masha brought coals, put them under the sheaves and began to blow. When the straw began to catch fire, she was delighted, went to the hut and brought her brother, Kiryushka, by the hand (he was one and a half years old, and he had just learned to walk), and said: “Look, Kilyuska, what a stove I blew up.” Sheaves were already burning and crackling. When the passage was covered with smoke, Masha got frightened and ran back to the hut. Kiryushka fell on the threshold, bruised his nose and wept; Masha dragged him into the hut, and they both hid under a bench. Grandmother heard nothing and slept. The eldest boy, Vanya (he was eight years old), was on the street. When he saw that smoke was pouring out of the passage, he ran through the door, slipped through the smoke into the hut and began to wake up his grandmother; but the grandmother went dazed and forgot about the children, jumped out and ran through the yards after the people. Masha, meanwhile, sat under the bench and was silent; only the little boy was screaming because he had hurt his nose. Vanya heard his cry, looked under the bench and shouted to Masha: "Run, you'll burn!" Masha ran into the passage, but it was impossible to get through because of the smoke and the fire. She came back. Then Vanya raised the window and ordered her to climb in. When she climbed through, Vanya grabbed his brother and dragged him. But the boy was heavy and was not given to his brother. He cried and pushed Vanya. Vanya fell twice while dragging him to the window, the door in the hut was already on fire. Vanya put the boy's head through the window and wanted to push it through; but the boy (he was very frightened) grabbed hold of his little hands and did not let them go. Then Vanya shouted to Masha: “Drag him by the head!” - and he pushed from behind. And so they dragged him out the window into the street and jumped out themselves.

In the harvest, the men and women went to work. Only the old and the young remained in the village. A grandmother and three grandchildren remained in one hut. Grandmother fired up the stove and lay down to rest. Flies landed on her and bit her. She covered her head with a towel and fell asleep.

One of the granddaughters, Masha (she was three years old), opened the stove, heated coals into a crock and went into the hallway. And in the passage lay sheaves. The women prepared these sheaves for the tie.

Masha brought coals, put them under the sheaves and began to blow. When the straw began to catch fire, she was delighted, went to the hut and led her brother Kiryushka by the hand (he was one and a half years old, and he had just learned to walk), and said:
- Look, Kilyuska, what a stove I have blown up. Sheaves were already burning and crackling. When the passage was covered with smoke, Masha got frightened and ran back to the hut. Kiryushka fell on the threshold, bruised his nose and wept; Masha dragged him into the hut, and they both hid under a bench. Grandmother heard nothing and slept.
The eldest boy Vanya (he was eight years old) was on the street. When he saw that smoke was pouring out of the passage, he ran through the door, slipped through the smoke into the hut and began to wake up his grandmother; but the grandmother lost her sleep and forgot about the children, jumped out and ran through the yards after the people.
Masha, meanwhile, sat under the bench and was silent; only the little boy was screaming because he had hurt his nose. Vanya heard his cry, looked under the bench and shouted to Masha:
- Run, you'll burn!
Masha ran into the passage, but it was impossible to get through because of the smoke and the fire. She came back. Then Vanya raised the window and ordered her to climb in. When she climbed through, Vanya grabbed his brother and dragged him. But the boy was heavy and was not given to his brother. He cried and pushed Vanya. Vanya fell twice while dragging him to the window, the door in the hut was already on fire. Vanya put the boy's head through the window and wanted to push it through; but the boy (he was very frightened) grabbed hold of his little hands and did not let them go. Then Vanya shouted to Masha:
- Get him on the head! - and he pushed from behind. And so they dragged him out the window into the street and jumped out themselves.