Wine ceremony at the wedding. Uniting ceremonies Rose ceremony at the wedding

On their wedding day, newlyweds unite their two lives, their identities, by saying "YES" and vows of eternal love and respect. A beautiful symbol of this decision to go together and build a life together, one day, were unifying wedding ceremonies, different in execution and origin, but invariably filled with the meaning of the merging of two loving souls.

Homemaking Ceremony

This tradition came to us from the United States. Traditionally, immediately after the exchange of vows, the ceremony of lighting a common candle takes place, symbolizing the creation of a home.

Most often, candles are lit by the mothers of the bride and groom, representing two families. From the candles of their mothers, the bride and groom light their own candle, symbolizing the union of two families and the creation of their home. Fathers can also join this ceremony, their participation will reflect the agreement and understanding in families. The common candle of the newlyweds can be larger in size or a different color, or placed in the center between the candles of their families, symbolizing respect for their loved ones.

After the ceremony, the bride should keep all three candles to keep the warmth of the hearth.

In our country, this ceremony is also very popular among newlyweds. Unlike American weddings, in our country there are no strict rules for this ceremony. It can take place after the marriage registration ceremony, and at a festive banquet, or be the final stage of the holiday. But the meaning of this spiritual tradition is the same in all countries.

Sand Ceremony

Since ancient times, the sand ceremony has been performed at the wedding of the native islanders in Hawaii, where sand of any color can be found. This beautiful ceremony is also popular with modern newlyweds and has become a symbolic attribute at weddings. The ceremony is carried out immediately after the exciting “YES!” or before the vow exchange ceremony. To hold it, the bride and groom each take their own vase of sand, while the color of the sand of the bride and groom is different, symbolizing the individuality of each of the newlyweds. Then each of them pours sand from his vase into a common vessel. This vessel with the resulting bizarre sand pattern symbolizes the union of two lives, two destinies into one, which will never be separated. The newlyweds can be joined by their parents, personifying harmony, mutual understanding and harmony in families, as well as friends and relatives, as a symbol of the unity of everything that surrounds the bride and groom.


Despite the transience of time, all newlyweds want to keep their feelings and the harmony of the wedding day for life. As such a symbol, the unifying ceremony "Hourglass" is held. The hourglass vessel is simultaneously filled by both newlyweds, and each pours sand from his vase. This process means that they want to unite the time of their whole life separately into one life together. The hourglass is kept by the newlyweds as a reminder of the immutability of their decision to spend their whole lives together, because the number of grains of sand in the vessel will forever remain unchanged.

Ceremony "Tree of Love"

Planting a tree as a sign of the creation of a new family is an ancient tradition that exists in the cultures of many peoples of the world, in which the tree is associated with love and family.

The bride and groom entering marriage are like young shoots of trees that have to find their true mate to weave their lives with her, support each other and strengthen their love and family over the years, as the roots of a tree grow stronger in the depths of the soil.

The Tree of Love ceremony is held after the exchange of vows between the newlyweds and their consent to marry.

If the wedding ceremony itself takes place in the open air, then the solemn planting of a tree will be its logical continuation to beautiful romantic music.

If the wedding ceremony was indoors, then after its completion, the bride and groom go to the garden or park, where the “Tree of Love” ceremony will be held.

The tree can be planted in the front garden or in a beautiful pot that will take its rightful place in the newlyweds' new home.

It is also symbolic that the newlyweds collect the soil for planting in the gardens of their parents (or take it from domestic plants), thus personifying consent, understanding and mutual respect in their families, which they want to create in their own.

A mixture of soil from parental homes with love and care during planting and further care will give excellent fruits in the future, just as a family in which everyone treats his beloved with love and care will be strong and prosperous.

stone ceremony

According to European legends, the stone has a good memory for events and feelings of people, which it preserves for centuries.

At the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds swear an oath of eternal love and fidelity, placing their hands on their common stone of unity.

The initials of the bride and groom and the date of the wedding can be engraved on the stone.

To preserve all the feelings and atmosphere, on the wedding day, parents, friends and relatives can also be given a stone each, which they will hold in their hands during the ceremony, mentally wishing happiness, love and harmony in family life.

You can invite guests to write down their wishes on a stone to keep them as a keepsake.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds put their unity stone in a box or aquarium to preserve in their family the feelings that they were surrounded on their wedding day.

If all the guests took part in this ceremony, then all the stones are collected in a common box after the ceremony, and the newlyweds keep them in their house.

There is even an ancient legend on the topic of stones. It is called - "Stone of the wise woman".

The traveler was very happy. But a few days later he came to the stream in search of a woman. Returning the stone, he told her: “I know how valuable this stone is, but I am giving it back to you, hoping that you can give me something more precious - what is inside you, which allowed you to give me stone."

The Locking Ceremony

There is another wedding tradition that came to us from Japan - this is the "Locking the Castle" ceremony.

The idea of ​​this wedding ceremony is quite simple: the union of the hearts and souls of the newlyweds forever.

After the ceremony, uniting their lives forever and locking the lock, the newlyweds release the key to the sky in balloons, throw it into the water or bury it in the ground, thus symbolizing their desire and aspiration to be always together.

Wine ceremony No. 1 - wine aging

Like fine wine, marriage gets better with age.

Following this thought, many newlyweds choose a wine ceremony as their wedding ceremony of unity.

For this ceremony, the bride and groom must write each other vows, but not wedding vows, but those that they can read only on a certain anniversary chosen by them.

After the ceremony, a bottle of selected wine and wedding vows are placed in a wooden wine box, which may be engraved with the newlyweds' initials and their wedding date.

The box is tightly sealed or locked. The term of its storage is determined by the newlyweds themselves.

By opening this box on their anniversary and reading the love vow left several years ago, the couple will again plunge into that wonderful romantic atmosphere of their wedding day.

Wine ceremony No. 2 - the union of two varieties of wine

The unifying wine ceremony at a wedding symbolizes the idea that two people, as different as two varieties of wine, decide to combine their lives into one.

During it, the bride and groom pour different types of wine into a common vessel, each from their own vessel.

After that, the groom pours some wine from the common vessel into his glass, and the bride does the same.

After that, they drink wine from a common vessel for the union of their two lives into one family.

Guests are also invited to drink a new wine, created as a symbol of a new family, harmony and mutual respect for her.

Ceremony "God's Knot"

“Where one may be powerless, two will support each other. A knot of three ropes will not fray soon ”- these ancient lines illustrate the importance of the family in the Christian religion.

The "God's Knot" unifying wedding ceremony has its origins in this religion, which believes that two people united by God are stronger than separate individuals. In the Christian religion, marriage is more than a union between a man and a woman, it is also a union with God.

Therefore, the wedding ceremony of the "God's Knot" is the weaving of a knot of three ropes by the newlyweds, symbolizing each of them and God. A rope representing God is placed in the middle so that his love will continue to support the family.

Each rope is attached to a metal ring held by the groom. And the bride, in turn, weaves them together.

The ropes have specific colors: gold represents God, red represents the groom, and white represents the bride.

During the ceremony, the master of ceremonies can tell the story and meaning of everything that happens to the parents, friends and loved ones present at the ceremony.

You can also complement it with slow soulful music to complement the special atmosphere that is created at this ceremony.

Knot tying ceremony

After the consent of the newlyweds and the exchange of vows, one of the unifying ceremonies "Tying the Knot" is held.

The newlyweds each take their own rope, which differs in color, and tie them with a sea knot while telling about the symbol and essence of this ceremony.

By tying their two ropes, the newlyweds personify their lives with them, which they want to tie together and forever, unite them with a common goal and the essence of existence, thereby presenting a unique gift to each other.

Like a knot, love and family are lifelong support and strength, and like a rope, a marriage grows stronger after trials and pressures.

Ceremony "Secret Knot"

Among the followers of the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a wedding tradition "Secret Knot", which is held to bless the family for good luck, harmony and longevity.

According to this tradition, you need to wrap the rope around the hands of the newlyweds 6 times without crossing it. These six circles symbolize the infinity of the circles of birth and resurrection.

In the Catholic and Anglican churches, it is customary to tie the hands of the newlyweds only once as a sign of their marriage forever.

chemical ceremony

Molecules are similar to people, some do not react, and some combine to form a new element.

This is exactly the meaning of the chemical unification ceremony at the wedding - to unite your lives and create a new family.

To conduct this ceremony, each of the newlyweds must pour the substance from their small (100-200 ml) flask into one common (1000 ml). After that, the molecules react, forming a new chemical element.

Of course, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to provide the right chemical elements.

One of the possible options is the following:

In a large flask 2/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water

In small flasks 2/3 baking soda and 1/3 water.

Upon reaction, the compound will sizzle, and after the release of carbon dioxide, it will become a beautiful purple color.

Ceremony "Foot washing"

This tradition is rooted in the gospel and is a great idea for a Christian wedding.

As a wedding ceremony of unity, it represents that both family members respect each other, are committed and are always ready to support each other.

For this ceremony, the bride and groom take off their shoes, put their feet into the basin and pour water from a beautiful jug, lightly washing each other's feet.

After that, they dry their feet with a towel, which may have their initials or the date of the wedding, and put on shoes.

rose ceremony

In the language of flowers, roses mean love, and one rose means the phrase "I love you."

During this ceremony, the bride and groom exchange roses as the first gifts to each other, in a new capacity - spouses.

If desired, the bride and groom, having exchanged roses, can give them to the mothers of their beloved.

After the ceremony, the couple may plant their roses in the garden in front of their house to keep their first gifts to each other as husband and wife.

Every anniversary you can give each other a rose, which will mean that your marriage is based on love.

Unfortunately, there are difficult moments in family life .. when you can offend the most important person for you with a randomly thrown phrase. After all, it is easiest to upset those whom we love the most. And here, when it is difficult to find the right words to explain, remember your wedding ceremony of roses and put a beautiful rose in the vessel of your choice on your wedding day. The flower will say for you: "I'm sorry", or "I forgive you" or "I need you."

Salt Ceremony

Since ancient times, salt has been considered a sign of prosperity and harmony in the home.

In connection with this giving, there are several variants of unifying ceremonies associated with salt.

The bride and groom pour salt from each of their vessels into one common vessel, symbolizing prosperity and harmony in the families of their parents and their individuality.

Another variation of this ceremony is that the groom picks up a handful of salt in his hand and sprinkles it on the bride, who in turn does the same. This symbolizes eternal harmony and respect in their home.

You can also invite parents for this ceremony, symbolizing the union, love and harmony between the two families.

Ceremony with a pattern

One of the more recent wedding unification ceremonies is the pattern ceremony. It symbolizes the union of two creative personalities, which, in turn, will become the basis for new creative achievements.

The white canvas at this ceremony is the beginning of a new joint path, and the colors that the bride and groom will paint with are their life, the one they want to create together. The bride and groom draw with different colors, which symbolize their individuality, and the resulting creation - them together.

puzzle folding ceremony

This is one of the new wedding unifying ceremonies.

One of the possible options for its implementation is that the bride and groom combine different elements into one picture (it can be made of wood or cardboard), symbolizing the union of their two lives into one.

Also, to connect the puzzle, you can invite parents and guests, inviting them to write their name and wishes on each element. These elements will symbolize the entire environment of the bride and groom, united by their couple.

As a logical preparation for this ceremony, you can also make wedding invitations in the form of puzzles, collecting which guests will find out the place and time of the ceremony.

Newlyweds are increasingly interested in new unusual wedding rituals. We will tell you about the five most beautiful and memorable ceremonies that can be held during the wedding celebration.

Newlyweds are increasingly interested in new unusual wedding rituals. We will tell you about the five most beautiful and memorable ceremonies that can be held during the wedding celebration.

sand ceremony

One of the most beautiful wedding ceremonies, during which the newlyweds “draw” their unique “Picture of Love” with sand, was written to us from the Hawaiian Islands. The sand ceremony symbolizes the unification of the newlyweds into one whole: as it will be impossible to separate multi-colored grains of sand from each other, so your love will be unshakable and indestructible.

For the ceremony, you will need three transparent vessels - for the groom, for the bride and a common one. It is better to choose a common vessel of an unusual shape, for example, in the form of a heart. The vessels of the bride and groom are filled with sand of different colors (most often the bride uses sand of red shades, and the groom - blue). And uttering mutual vows of love, the newlyweds fill the empty vessel with multi-colored sand, receiving a unique "Picture of their love." Then the filled vessel is closed and given to the newlyweds for eternal storage, as a symbol of that bright feeling that united them on this day. Husband and wife break empty vessels, symbolizing farewell to the old life and the beginning of a new one.

Letter of happiness

Newlyweds write letters to each other in advance with a story about their feelings, share their love story. During the wedding celebration, the newlyweds put their signatures on the "Letter of Love", cork it in a bottle and send it by water. Or they bury it next to some tree (the tree symbolizes the union of the three elements).

It is believed that the one who finds this letter will surely find his love and will be as happy as the newlyweds who sent it.

rose ceremony

There are 1001 ways to confess your love to someone dear to you, but in the language of flowers it sounds simply amazing!

So, the Rose Ceremony, which came to us from the UK, fascinates with its beauty. Of course, receiving flowers is the legal prerogative of the weaker sex, but not on the day of the wedding ceremony. Young people are invited to exchange red roses, symbols of love, and, passing the flower, tell the chosen one / chosen one about their feelings. These roses are the first family gift that the newlyweds present to each other.

After placing rosebuds on a picture or in some vessel, you need to keep them in your home as a reminder of that great gift presented to you from above - your love!

(In Hawaii, this ceremony is performed using a wreath instead of a red rose.)

family hearth

It is believed that the bride and groom, entering into marriage, leave their former families in order to form a new one, therefore, not only the newlyweds, but also their parents take part in the family hearth lighting ceremony.

This ceremony is carried out necessarily at the beginning of the wedding celebration, and the lit “family hearth” burns throughout the entire wedding evening.

So, the mothers of the newlyweds approach their children with lit candles to say parting words to them, then at the same time bring the lights of their candles to the large candle of the newlyweds, thereby showing that by connecting their two lights, they gave strength to the third light, which is yet to come. flare up and gain strength.

By the way, the ceremony of lighting the hearth was popular with our grandparents.

air heart

It is very romantic at the end of the wedding evening to launch an “airy heart” into the sky with the names of the newlyweds or with a wish note from the newly-married family. The heart can be glued from balloons with helium or use ready-made paper lantern hearts.

This is not only a very beautiful ceremony, but also symbolic: by releasing personalized balloons with wishes into the sky, you seem to be talking about your happiness to the Universe itself.

The ceremony of lighting the family hearth, the general launch of sky lanterns, the sand ceremony - every year at weddings new customs appear that either complement old traditions or replace customs that have become obsolete. One of the new and original traditions at the modern wedding is the wine ceremony - a custom that seems to remain on the list of favorites for a long time. There are two options for a wedding wine ceremony, and we will talk about them in today's article.

Option number 1: traditional

The essence of this option is that different varieties of wine are poured into separate vessels. After that, the happy newlyweds mix drinks in one large container. They must try this wine first themselves, and then treat it to their parents on both sides and other guests. Interestingly, there are several variants in this tradition. So, for example, the first of them concerns the choice of wine: some newlyweds choose each of their favorite varieties, and some couples choose according to the “white and red” principle. Secondly, a couple in love can also choose the amount of wine and those who will participate in this ceremony. So, the newlyweds can mix some wine and drink it themselves, or they can share this drink only with their parents on both sides. In addition, the bride and groom can mix a large amount of alcoholic drink so that there is enough wine for everyone present.

It is worth remembering that there is a considerable percentage of the risk that the resulting wine may not combine well with each other and turn out to be completely tasteless. In order not to get into such a not entirely pleasant situation at your own wedding, you should try a mixture of wines to taste in advance. However, even if this happens, it is not necessary to drink the whole glass of wine, because this ceremony is rather symbolic, so it will be enough just to sip a little.

The symbolism of this original custom is quite interesting, because it is associated with the ancient passing of a table bowl from hand to hand. In ancient times, drinking from the same vessel showed a strong bond between those present and their trust in each other.

Option #2: Letters in a Bottle

For this version of the wine ceremony, you will need a bottle of expensive and really high-quality wine, as well as a box in which this bottle will fit (preferably a wooden one). To conduct this particular version of the wine ceremony, the bride and groom on the eve of the wedding will need to write letters to each other with words of love and, without exchanging them, seal them in envelopes.

At the wine ceremony at your wedding, you will put these letters in a box along with a bottle of wine. In addition, you can put things in this box with which you have shared good memories. After that, the box should be carefully sealed with a small lock or sealing wax, and the date the box was opened should be indicated on it. You and your significant other can choose any date: the first wedding anniversary, the birth of the first child and even a silver wedding - decide for yourself! That is why the wine must be of high quality - so that this time does not spoil it, but only benefits it. Sometimes it happened that the box was opened when the couple decided to leave. Then, after reading the letters, they gave each other another chance.

The symbolism of this variant is that a good wine only gets better with time, it acquires new shades and aromas. Approximately the same thing happens with a young family, whose feelings only become stronger over time. Since the wine ceremony is still a rarity at Ukrainian weddings, you will most likely be original. In addition, it is very easy to arrange this custom, you just need to buy a bottle or two of high-quality and tasty wine.

Next - the most interesting: the choice of a bottle of your favorite wine. Condition? It should be to your taste! You can buy wine in the store or have a custom-made bottle with a personal design that will match the style of your wedding.

And, of course, what is a bottle of wine without a box?! Both a tube and a wooden box will do. Most importantly, keep in mind that this box will remain with the newlyweds as a keepsake. Inside it, you can fill it with special decorative straw so that the contents are safe and sound. Moreover, in addition to oaths and wine, you can put in the box, for example, beautiful wedding glasses, a photo, a DVD-ROM or a flash drive with a love story of the newlyweds, some significant souvenirs ...

Holding. The most correct step would be to entrust the wine ceremony to the organizer of the celebration. Then this most beautiful ritual will be presented to the guests in the most understandable way, because it is very important that all those present understand the purpose and meaning of what is happening.

The best time for a wine ceremony is a wedding banquet. A box with wine and other significant items must be sealed with a wax seal, tied in a knot, nailed or padlocked.

Further, the box should be placed in a safe shelter and kept in the family, as a memory of the great and bright love of the newlyweds. The shelf life should be determined by the owners of the box, that is, the young. As a rule, wedding anniversaries are chosen - 5, 10, 15 years. Of course, your own version is also possible - it all depends on the wishes of the newly-made spouses.

P.S. However, there is an option when the box must be opened before the deadline. The reason may be a family conflict or crisis. At this moment, open the contents of this family heirloom, reread your love messages, remember why you decided to tie your destinies together, refresh your feelings, dreams ... All this nostalgia can be a good cure for family troubles.

However, we have a hope that if you decide to hold a wine ceremony at your wedding, you will open the treasured box on time - when you planned. And its contents will become a pleasant memory of your wedding day, not only for you, but also for your descendants!

The program of modern weddings often includes new unusual traditions. The wine ceremony is one of them. It will fit perfectly into a European wedding, which takes place in a castle located in some wine country. Or just please a couple who loves and appreciates this noble drink.

There are two options for holding a wine ceremony.

Option number 1: Mix wine and drink

How does it go

The essence of the ceremony is as follows: the bride and groom pour different wine into their own vessel. Then they mix this wine in one common large vessel. The resulting wine must be tasted, and then treated to parents and guests.

There may be several variations within this ceremony. First, they are related to the choice of wine.

  • The bride and groom mix two types of wine: each chooses his favorite.
  • You can choose wine simply by the principle: one is white, the other is red.

Secondly, with the choice of vessels and those who will participate in the ceremony.

  • The bride and groom can mix a small amount of wine from their glasses and drink it themselves.
  • The newlyweds can drink the resulting wine themselves and treat them only to their parents.
  • You can initially take larger vessels, for example, carafes, and treat all the guests with the resulting wine.

There is only one danger here: the final wine may turn out to be completely tasteless. But this can be checked in advance. In addition, drinking mixed wine in large quantities is not recommended. Since the ceremony is symbolic, it is necessary to drink wine purely symbolically.


The meaning of this ceremony is easy to explain - it is associated with the symbolism of the common table bowl. In the old days, drinking wine from one cup at the table spoke of people's trust in each other, united them, it was a universal ritual in different cultures.

Option number 2: Write letters and keep the bottle

How does it go

For this variant of the wine ceremony, you will need a bottle of expensive and high-quality (really high-quality) wine and a beautiful wooden box in which this bottle can easily fit.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride and groom write warm letters to each other with words of love and tenderness and seal them, preventing the other half from reading.

At the wine ceremony, these letters will be placed in a box along with a bottle of wine. You can also put some other cute little things there, symbolizing the feelings of the couple. After that, the box is sealed - closed with a padlock or sealed with sealing wax (options may be different depending on the box). It indicates the date when the bottle needs to be opened.

The opening date can be very different: the birth of the first child, a silver wedding, and so on. That is why the wine must be of high quality with a long shelf life, so that it does not deteriorate by the appointed day.

In addition, the newlyweds can open the bottle ahead of time if it happens that they decide to leave. Perhaps after reading the letters they wrote to each other on their wedding day, their decision will change.


Wine as a drink is created for a long time and is difficult, every year it acquires new flavors and only gets better. The same will happen with the family that the bride and groom create.

Pros of a wine ceremony at a wedding

  1. All guests can participate in the wine ceremony if the newlyweds choose the first option.
  2. The ceremony is unique and unusual, rarely performed yet, and most likely you will surprise the guests.
  3. The wine ceremony is quite simple.
  4. Everything you need for a wine ceremony is easy to find.