Application lesson in the preparatory group space travel kindergarten

In the preparatory group for school, it is important to create an aesthetic environment that contributes to the development of the creative potential of children, providing an opportunity to make independent creative decisions. In creativity, the child learns not only the world around him, but also himself, better understands his inner world and the world of his own fantasies. Collective creativity creates conditions for both individual work and teamwork, where everyone creates their own little masterpiece for the sake of a common creative idea. The application on the theme "Festive Round Dance" is a fertile platform for realizing the creative potential of both the teacher and children, where any pedagogical find can find a response in the open hearts of children.

Educational guidance for organizing classes

In the preparatory group, the main goal of the work is to familiarize children with beauty, foster love and interest in fine art and creativity, aesthetics and a sense of color and compositional harmony.

In applique classes, children 6–7 years old cut out cut pieces or whole figures from paper and glue them on. The main artistic means in the applique are color, expressiveness of the contour. Silhouette cutting takes a significant place. An interesting work that develops the skill of cutting can be the transfer of form from nature.

The process of evaluating work is becoming important in the preparatory group for school. The teacher should teach children to pay attention to the shape, color scheme, arrangement of figures, as well as plot and compositional solutions. In addition, such a creative analysis develops analytical skills, speech, the ability to express one's opinion, horizons. Each lesson should end with an assessment of children's work with the help of leading questions from the teacher.

Preparation for a lesson on the collective application on the theme "Festive round dance"

Thematic variations

The application on the theme "Festive Round Dance" opens up wide prospects for the manifestation of imagination and creative ideas of both the teacher and the children. The lesson can be timed to coincide with a calendar holiday: Children's Day, National Unity Day. Pedagogical ingenuity will help the teacher come up with festive events that are not on the calendar: the arrival of spring, the holiday of the Russian costume, the holiday of the Russian nesting doll, the holiday of uniting all the children of the planet. An application on this topic can be both collective and individual. However, collective creativity contributes to the rallying of the children's team, the development of cognitive interest, as well as the desire to achieve a common creative idea and result.

Using different techniques

In the preparatory group, work on this topic becomes more difficult with the help of decorating techniques and the use of traditional and non-traditional techniques for making applications or their creative combination. Depending on the level of general training of the children, the teacher may limit himself to traditional techniques and invite the children to circle the figure using a template and cut it out of a whole sheet of paper or perform a symmetrical applique. Non-traditional techniques are an excellent means of developing imagination, inspiration, children's giftedness and inquisitiveness in creating future masterpieces, not only in applique classes. Among the unconventional techniques that the teacher can use in the lesson on the topic "Festive round dance" are the following: quilling (creating compositions from strips of paper swirling in spirals), facing (can be used as a decoration technique along with symmetrical or silhouette applique), corrugated applique paper or fabric.

Design options for the basis for a round dance

The basis for the arrangement of the round dance from children's work is done by the teacher in advance independently, if it will be the subject of a preliminary conversation at the beginning of the lesson, and according to the teacher's plan, the children should not know about the topic of the upcoming lesson. Collaboration with children is another option. The provider can bring in a small group of 3-4 children to work together on the preparation. This type of work can become a logical continuation of the topic that was discussed with the children in other classes, and the children know what activity they are preparing for and what it is devoted to.

The basis for placing a round dance from children's works directly depends on the topic of the lesson. Examples include the following ideas:

  1. "Round dance of friendship" - the image of the globe in the center of a large sheet of paper and a round dance of boys and girls from different countries, in different costumes, of different nationalities. You can add drawing elements and make prints of colored children's handprints around the round dance.
  2. "Spring round dance" - the image of the girl of Spring in a bright green sarafan, a wreath of the first spring flowers in the center of a large sheet of paper and a round dance of girls in decorated sundresses. May be completed with flowers and crepe paper butterflies.
  3. "Round dance of Russian beauties" - an image of Russian birches on a sunny day (you can use non-traditional drawing or application techniques) and a round dance of girls in Russian sarafans.
  4. "Winter has come" - the image of a Christmas tree, powdered with snow, in the center of a Whatman paper tinted in a light blue color, and a round dance of snowmen around. You can make snow on the tree using the cut-off applique technique.
  5. "Golden Autumn" - an image of an Autumn girl in a golden sundress decorated with gifts of nature - leaves, berries - in the center of a large sheet of paper and around a round dance of girls in yellow, orange and red sarafans, decorated with autumn motives or according to the intention of children. You can decorate the remaining space with the help of falling leaves, performing them in different drawing or applique techniques (for example, dry leaves from a herbarium).

Recommendations for preparing a synopsis for a lesson on the application on the theme "Festive round dance" in the preparatory group

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher spends several minutes on enhancing the cognitive activity of children, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture for completing the educational task. Depending on the topic of the lesson, the teacher selects various material for talking with the children. Sketches, poems, riddles, conversations about holidays, the use of didactic material, as well as game technologies can be used as a motivating beginning. You can have a round dance with children dressed up, for example, in Russian national costumes or costumes of different nations. The use of musical accompaniment plays a positive role in the perception of a new theme by children, inspires them to productive work, activates the imagination: songs about the homeland, folklore works, the piano cycle "The Four Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, scenes from musical performances.

When drawing up the outline of the lesson, you need to pay attention to the sequence and types of work that you plan to use and correctly allocate time for each educational stage:

  1. Preliminary work (3-5 minutes)
  2. Main part (17-20 minutes)
  3. Physical education (1-2 minutes)
  4. Final part (summing up) (2-3 minutes)

HE. Mischuk. Application lesson on the theme "Let's join hands, friends!"

When a child creates, he learns the world.

Organizational educational activities
Kind of activity Theme / Materials Tasks / Program Content
Application "Round dance of friendship"
Decorated base for a collective composition, colored paper, scissors, glue, brushes, globe.
Teach children to cut stylized silhouettes of people out of paper, develop aesthetic perception, the ability to arrange figures in one composition (around the globe).
To enrich knowledge about the world around us: to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinents, different peoples, friendship.
To bring up accuracy, perseverance.
Lesson stage GCD content
Preliminary work Consider the globe, reinforcing knowledge of the continents. Remember which continents correspond to the colors of the Olympic rings.
Consolidate knowledge about different peoples and nationalities.
Main part Conversation on the topic "All peoples should be friends"
The teacher brings in a globe and asks the children if they know what it is. Children's answers. Clarify that this is a model of our planet Earth, on which many different peoples live.
Reads a poem about the Earth.

Our beautiful planet Earth!
Seas, oceans, forests and fields,
Winds and fogs, rains and snows:
Every earthling is dear to you!

Our cozy planet is Earth.
Everything here is for comfort, everything here is for living.
The planet was adorned by people of labor,
By building roads, gardens, cities.

Oh how defenseless planet Earth is
Before those who share power in our world,
I'm ready to blow up and destroy the planet -
Our common, beloved, only shelter.

Trouble can fall from Space,
And life on the planet will be interrupted then.
Like a crystal ball, the planet is fragile.
Keep her, good God's hand!

The earth is our ark, our homeland, home,
In which we all live together.
Let's be good to create and create,
And the Earth, like a mother, and cherish and love!

Panasyuk L.

The teacher asks the children about what is depicted on the globe in blue, yellow, green colors (seas and oceans, land, forests). Clarifies that there are five continents on our planet and invites children to remember their names.
He says that there are many countries in the world, large and small, in which people of different nationalities live, they speak different languages, they have different traditions and customs, as well as national costumes.
Game "Who lives in this country"
The teacher names the country, the children - the people who live in it. (For example, Russia - Russians).
They clarify that all peoples are different, but everyone should be united by friendship and respect, there should be no wars and strife in the world.
Remember the proverbs about friendship.
Friendship is a great strength.
Don't leave your friend in misery.
Better a faithful friend than a precious stone.
A small friendship is better than a big fight.
Life is tight without a friend.

The teacher suggests remembering the Olympic symbol of friendship between peoples. (Olympic rings). Asks the children what the five intertwined rings mean. (Five continents). Europe is blue, Asia is yellow, Africa is black, Australia is green, America is red.
The teacher says that the Olympic rings are not only a symbol of friendship and meeting of all athletes on Earth, but friendship and unity of all peoples.

The child reads a poem about the friendship of peoples.
Today, when there are so many nations in the world,
And we are now standing shoulder to each other,
You can't play with lives, like in a dash,
Not noticing a blizzard in someone's heart.
We are different, of course, everything is outside,
But in our veins the blood alone flows,
And in the coldest cold again,
Skin color won't count.
We all have the same feelings
And the heart beats the same
My soul must be still not empty
When people are screaming for help.
Yes, we have different traditions and beliefs,
But this is the main thing for us.
A sphere should be created in the world of happiness.
So that a smile is born on your face.
I call on all people on the planet
Unite, become one family.
And in life, the main answers for everyone,
Let's find it, ending the moral war!

The teacher says that today they will make a round dance of friendship for all the children of our planet, where girls and boys will hold hands and lead a round dance around the Earth. (Introduces a large sheet of paper with a globe in the center). We will choose five colors, as well as the colors of the Olympic rings, which will symbolize the friendship of children from different continents of our planet.

Description of the application execution scheme.

Physical education Gymnastics "March of Friendship"
I go and you go - one, two, three. (Children walk in place).
I sing and you sing - one, two, three. (Children conduct with both hands, standing still).
We go and we sing - one, two, three. (Children walk in place holding hands).
We live very amicably - one, two, three. (Children walk in place and clap their hands).
The final part (summing up) Let's say it again what unites all peoples on Earth. (Friendship). What's the best way to show friendship? (Help a friend, hold hands with friends and lead a round dance in a circle, symbolizing the rotation of our planet).
Let's look at the resulting figures of children, and remember from which continents they came to visit us in order to hold hands and show how important friendship is for every person on Earth.

Description of the order of the application

The teacher should pay special attention to explaining all stages of the application:

  1. We fold the blank from a colored rectangular sheet in half with the colored side inward. (Picture 1);
  2. Draw a contour with a simple pencil - you can use a template - a boy or a girl in a dress. If the level of preparation of children is high enough, this stage can be omitted. (Figure 2);
  3. We hold the blank in our left hand, with our right we begin to cut out the silhouette of a man. We hold the scissors straight, directing away from ourselves;
  4. Expand the finished shape of the man. (Figure 3);
  5. Gently spread with glue, and, under the guidance of a teacher, glue it onto a base sheet with a globe. All children stick on little men to make a round dance.

Photo gallery: templates for application

Folding the sheet in half Outline of the cutout man Girl and boy


1. Educational:

To teach children how to work in a new technique of making an applique - an applique made of twisted flagella.

Learn to create a composition using the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet, harmoniously place the details of the applique.

Strengthen the ability to work with a stencil.

Continue to learn how to combine various techniques for making applications to create a beautiful, harmonious composition, applying the knowledge gained earlier;

2. Developing.

Strengthen the skills of communicative behavior;

Develop the creativity of children

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop tactile perception using paper of various textures;

3. Educational .

Foster interest in artistic creation;


Artistic taste.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about insects;

2. Examination of paintings, illustrations, postcards on this topic;

3. Listening to poems, riddles of this subject;

4. Viewing presentations on the topic "What are insects?"

5. GCD "Unloved animals"

Integration of educational areas: artistic creation, cognition, communication, labor, health, fiction.

Material for the lesson:

Squares of blue and brown cardboard with a cobweb stencil, strips of colored black and blue paper, squares of colored orange paper, rosettes with glue, brushes, scissors, white napkins.

Course of the lesson.

1 part. Organizational

Educator. Guys, now I want to tell you a story.

I think the spider needs help to build a new home, twist a beautiful spider web and invite other spiders to visit.

How do you agree with that, guys?

Part 2. Practical.

Educator: now let's look at the spider that I got. Who can describe the spider: what parts is it made of, how many legs it has, what shape is the body, what color of paper should be taken for the legs, body, eyes?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's remember with you, so that you get many legs at the same time, how should you fold colored paper?

Children: Accordion. (Answer followed by a show)

Educator: How to make spider eyes?

Children: It's boring to fold a strip of orange and black paper in half to make a square. And then, rounding the corners of the square, cut out circles. (Answer followed by a show)

Educator: How should you make the body of a spider?

Children: You need to glue the ends together to form a cone at a black, rectangular blank. (Answer followed by a show)

Educator: And so, when all the elements of our application are ready, you need to assemble them into one whole. (The sequence of work is determined).

Educator: And now we will have a little rest.

I ask you to rise - this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look ahead - that's three.

We spread our arms wider by four.

To squeeze and unclench your fingers with force is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six!

Educator: Guys, we just have to make a spider web for the spider. To make the cobweb look beautiful and similar to the real one, for this I want to introduce you to a new application method that we have not yet used. This is an applique made of twisted flagella. (The teacher demonstrates a sample made by him from twisted flagella). I will teach you how to do it. For this we need white napkins and scissors. First you need to cut the strips from the napkin. How do you think, and why exactly from a napkin, and not from landscape paper?

Children: The napkin is soft. It will be easy to curl.

Educator: I twist the resulting strips of napkins with a flagellum with two fingers. Like this (shows). See how thin the flagellum is, it can be folded and bent in any direction, at any angle. Then we take the cardboard where the spider web stencil is drawn. Gently, with a brush, we apply glue to the spider web stencil, trying to make thinner lines with glue and without going beyond the edges of the stencil. We take a flagellum and glue it onto cardboard, pressing it with a finger, gradually filling the entire stencil. If you try and do everything carefully, then you will get a beautiful, openwork spider web for a spider.

Educator: Let's prepare our fingers for work.

Physical education "Spiders"

A spider is crawling along a branch, Hands are crossed; fingers of each hand "run"

And children crawl after him. on the forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand.

A rain from the sky suddenly poured Clap down his knees with his palms.

To walk on a branch. and then over the head.

Educator: Rested. But before starting work, let's say these words: "I will sit up straight, I will not bend, I will take up the work."

Now you can get to work.

Independent work of children.

In the process of children's activities, the educator encourages independence, accuracy, creativity. For those children who find it difficult to work, the teacher helps.

Part 4. The final.

After independent work, the children examine the finished work.

Educator: How many spiders we got! What a beautiful cobweb they have. It is not easy for spiders to live in the forest. Either the rain will wet them, or the wind will tear the web. And sometimes some child, not thinking about the spiders, will destroy their houses. But the cobweb is so beautiful! Especially after the rain, when the remaining water droplets sparkle in the sun, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. There is nothing superfluous in nature, therefore, take care of every inhabitant of our planet, be it a small spider or a huge whale.

A spider between the birches
I wove a beautiful hammock.
And now
On a hot day
Swaying in it.



Summary of a lesson on application in the preparatory group "Spider"


1. Educational:

To teach children how to work in a new technique of making an applique - an applique made of twisted flagella.

Learn to create a composition using the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet, harmoniously place the details of the applique.

Strengthen the ability to work with a stencil.

Continue to learn how to combine various techniques for making applications to create a beautiful, harmonious composition, applying the knowledge gained earlier;

2. Developing.

Strengthen the skills of communicative behavior;

Develop the creativity of children

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop tactile perception using paper of various textures;

3. Educational.

Foster interest in artistic creation;


Artistic taste.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about insects;

2. Examination of paintings, illustrations, postcards on this topic;

3. Listening to poems, riddles of this subject;

4. Viewing presentations on the topic "What are insects?"

5. GCD "Unloved animals"

Integration of educational areas: artistic creation, knowledge, communication, labor, health, fiction.

Material for the lesson:

Squares of blue and brown cardboard with a cobweb stencil, strips of colored black and blue paper, squares of colored orange paper, rosettes with glue, brushes, scissors, white napkins.

The course of the lesson.

1 part. Organizational

Educator. Guys, now I want to tell you a story.

Once upon a time there was a small spider. His name was "Tiny". The spider has woven itself a beautiful cobweb under a birch leaf. There he slept, there he met his friends. And the crown of the birch saved his house from the rain. But then one day a hurricane hit the forest. The spider almost died, as its web was torn, and he could hardly hold onto its edge. The crumb was thrown from side to side until the wind stopped. Without strength, the spider fell onto a birch branch. He was left without a house, and the rain that began soaked him through.

I think the spider needs help to build a new house, twist a beautiful spider web and invite other spiders to visit.

How do you agree with that, guys?

Part 2. Practical.

Educator: now let's look at the spider that I got. Who can describe a spider: what parts is it made of, how many legs does it have, what shape is the body, what color of paper should you take for the legs, body, eyes?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's remember with you, so that you get many legs at the same time, how to fold colored paper?

Children: Accordion. (Answer followed by a show)

Educator: And how to make spider eyes?

Children: It's boring to fold a strip of orange and black paper in half to make a square. And then, rounding the corners of the square, cut out circles. (Answer followed by a show)

Educator: How should you make the body of a spider?

Children: You need to glue the ends together to form a cone at a black blank, rectangular in shape. (Answer followed by a show)

Educator: And so, when all the elements of our application are ready, you need to assemble them into one whole. (The sequence of work is determined).

Educator: And now we will have a little rest.

I ask you to rise - this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look ahead - that's three.

We spread our arms wider by four.

To squeeze and unclench your fingers with force is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six!

Educator: Guys, we just have to make a spider web for the spider. To make the spider web beautiful and similar to the real one, for this I want to introduce you to a new way of application, which we have not yet used. This is an applique made of twisted flagella. (The teacher demonstrates a sample made by him from twisted flagella). I will teach you how to do it. For this we need white napkins and scissors. First you need to cut strips from a napkin. How do you think, and why exactly from a napkin, and not from landscape paper?

Children: The napkin is soft. It will be easy to curl.

Educator: I twist the resulting strips from napkins with a flagellum with two fingers. Like this (shows). See how thin the flagellum is, it can be folded and bent in any direction, at any angle. Then we take the cardboard where the spider web stencil is drawn. Gently, with a brush, we apply glue to the spider web stencil, trying to make thinner lines with glue and without going beyond the edges of the stencil. We take a flagellum and glue it onto cardboard, pressing it with a finger, gradually filling the entire stencil. If you try and do everything carefully, then you will get a beautiful, openwork spider web for a spider.

Part 3. Independent work of children.

Educator: Let's prepare our fingers for work.

Physical education "Spiders"

A spider is crawling along a branch, Hands are crossed; fingers of each hand "run"

And children crawl after him. on the forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand.

A rain from the sky suddenly poured Cotton with palms on his knees.

The spider washed it to the ground. We perform shaking movements with the hands.
The sun began to warm Palms with their sides pressed against each other, fingers are spread out, we swing our hands (the sun is shining)
The spider crawls again, The fingers of each hand "run"
And all the children crawl after him, on the forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand,
To walk on a branch. and then over the head.

Educator: Rested. But before starting work, let's say these words: "I will sit up straight, I will not bend, I will take up the work."

Now you can get to work.

Independent work of children.

In the process of children's activities, the educator encourages independence, accuracy, creativity. For those children who find it difficult to work, the teacher helps.

Part 4. The final.

After independent work, the children examine the finished work.

Educator: How many spiders we got! What a beautiful cobweb they have. It is not easy for spiders to live in the forest. Either the rain will wet them, or the wind will tear the web. And sometimes some child, not thinking about the spiders, will destroy their houses. But the cobweb is so beautiful! Especially after the rain, when the remaining water droplets sparkle in the sun, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. There is nothing superfluous in nature, therefore take care of every inhabitant of our planet, be it a small spider or a huge whale.

A spider between the birches
I wove a beautiful hammock.
And now
On a hot day
Swaying in it.

Tasks: To consolidate the ability to use the cut-off application method; develop visual control, hand actions; cultivate perseverance and the desire to bring what has been started to the end.

Material and equipment: Glue, brush, colored paper, sheet of white or tinted paper, stencil, pencils.

Preliminary work: A teacher's story about the Russian army, examining paintings depicting the military, reading literature.

Activity progress:
The song is performed by the ensemble "Fidgets" "The soldier has a day off", the children and the teacher sit on the carpet for a conversation.
IN: Tell me what holiday do we celebrate in February? (children's answers)
- And who serves in the army and navy? (children's answers)
- Soldier, what is he? (D. and "What?")
- Yes, we are right when we talk about soldiers, but who else can we say that? (children's answers)
- Ahead is a holiday, can we somehow please our dads? (children's answers)
- What else do they do for the holiday? (children's answers)
- So today we will make a postcard for dad "Soldier", let's go to the tables.

IN: Guys, what method can you make an applique? (children's answers)
We do not have scissors for shearing, there is nothing loose for filling, today we will make a cut-off application. You already know what it is.
Let's start by transferring the stencil onto a sheet of paper and painting the details and background of the future postcard. We will also paint the face and hands of the soldier with a pencil.

Children are doing the task
- Let's rest and warm up a bit.
Didactic exercise "Name the military professions"

Let's get down to the application itself. I suggest starting from the top, i.e. from the cap so as not to get dirty and not ruin the card. We smear a small area of \u200b\u200bthe image with glue, then put torn off small pieces of colored paper on it, which can be spread or pressed using the back of the brush.

Children perform the task by sticking pieces of paper on the items of the soldier's clothing.

I suggest you get some distraction and play a game
"The sea is worried once ..."

Now it's time to finish the job.

Children finish gluing. Then you can suggest to circle the outline of the jacket, cap, boots with a felt-tip pen ...
At the request of the children, you can paste the text of congratulations inside the postcard

When the work is ready in the group, you can arrange an exhibition, followed by discussion.
Title: Summary of a lesson on application in the preparatory group "Soldier"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, application, Preparatory group for school

Position: educator of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 183"
Location: Yaroslavl

Larisa Kolotovkina
"Festive outfit for an owl." Summary of the application lesson in the preparatory group.


Lesson summary

by applications in the preparatory group

Teach children to compose volumetric application from geometric shapes, correctly conveying their relative size

Strengthen the ability to transform a rectangle into squares and cut out the same parts from them

Strengthen the ability to stick parts in order of increasing their number (triangles) and reducing their size (circles)

Continue to learn how to beautifully place details on a piece of paper

To form the skills of an accurate and careful attitude to materials.

Materials for occupation

Sheets of cardboard of different colors

Red, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink stripes of paper with triangle markings

Blue, pink, white, orange, black rectangles



PVA glue

Preliminary work

View pictures with images owls, pay attention to the location of the eyes, the shape of the body, head, beak. Reading a nursery rhyme "Owl-owl"; poems "Owl" T. A. Shorygina.

Course of the lesson

Somehow the birds gathered and began to boast of whom outfit the brightest and most beautiful. They proudly paced the branches, showing off their plumage. The bullfinch showed its red breast, the woodpecker showed its red beret and black vest, the titmouse boasted of a green blouse and black tie, only an owl could not boast of such bright feathers.

Guys, let's help the owl, at least for a while, become the most beautiful bird and make its plumage bright.

Remember how all birds are alike?

(there is a head, torso, tail, wings of the eye, beak, feathers, two legs)

How does an owl differ from other birds?

(large head, large eyes located in front, night bird)

I will show you how to make a bird's body. We will make it from colored triangles. We will carry out the work from the bottom of the sheet. You need to step back a little from the bottom edge and glue the red triangle in the center with the sharp end up. Then we take two yellow triangles, glue a strip opposite the sharp corner and glue them with sharp corners down so that the red triangle is between them, and the sharp corners remain not glued. In each next row, their number will increase by one. This will give us a voluminous body.

Now we need to make the head. We fold all rectangles in half.

What geometric shapes did you get? (squares)

We collect the rest of the circles into large circles in descending order, like a pyramid. We make a beak out of a triangle.

Securing the sequence of work.

Physical education

An owl was flying - a big head. Running in a circle

So she flew, flew, Waving with straight arms to the sides

Looked around, Circular turns of the head

Sang the song Bends forward, hands back

And flew again, Easy run

The branches spread, spread their arms in front of the chest through the middle

She invited me to work. Sit at tables

Independent creative activity of children. I remind you about the correct work with scissors, the use of napkins, careful work with glue. I help those who find it difficult.

As the work progresses, the work is posted on the board.

Our birds are ready. Now the owl is definitely the brightest and most beautiful in the forest.

Abstractopen classby application"The Bird of Happiness"with children of the preparatory group.

Goal: Mastering the technique of symmetrical, silhouette cutting, using various methods of attaching material to the background to obtain a volumetric applique.


Educational: teach children to relate real and fabulous images. Based on the impressions received (in the process of preparatory work) create the image of a fabulous bird, conveying its originality and brightness, using decorative elements. Continue to introduce children to the volumetric applique. To teach how to cut the silhouette of a bird from paper folded in half.

Developing: develop visual control of hand actions. To give each of the children the opportunity to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity. Teach to be careful with the materials used and finished products. To develop children's creative imagination, artistic taste.

Educational: educate accuracy, interest in the lesson, instill a benevolent attitude towards fairy-tale characters. To foster friendly relations between children, the ability to rejoice at your success and the success of your friend. Bring the work started to the end.

Material and equipment:

Exhibition of works on the theme "Fairy Birds" made in different ways. Audio recording "Voices of Birds", "Sounds of the Forest". Colored cardboard, strips of colored paper, confetti, glue, glue brush, scissors, napkin

GCD move

Educator: Guys, today our applique class begins unusually. I invite you to a fabulous meadow, where different birds have gathered, made by you and your parents in different ways. Guys, look and tell me, what birds have gathered in the meadow today? Name them.

Children: Woodpecker, magpie, pigeon, crow, etc.

Educator: Where can you find these birds?

Children: In the forest, park, zoo.

Educator: Guys, there are birds that are found only in fairy tales. What are they called?

Children: Fabulous birds.

Educator: Look and tell me what common and fabulous birds have in common?

Children: Beak, head, torso, tail, wings, paws.

Educator: How do fabulous birds differ from ordinary ones?

Children: The shape, size and color of feathers.

Educator: There are many real and fabulous birds in our meadow, but there is not one - "Birds of Happiness". People believe that there is a bird in the world that brings happiness on its wings, bright and joyful, like its uniquely beautiful tail.

Educator: How do you think it should be?

Children: Bright, beautiful, with a big tail.

Educator: I suggest you make your own "Bird of Happiness", but before starting work, let's spend a physical education.

Physical education "Bird".

(Children pass and sit down tables)

Educator: Guys, you correctly noticed that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All fabulous and real birds have the same body parts (torso, head, tail, wings, paws). Now we will cut out the silhouette of a bird without a tail, we will make it later.

Educator: The silhouette can be cut out of paper folded in half. Next, we draw the bird according to the scheme: we begin to draw from the beak, then the head, then the neck, and the body. What do you need to hold the workpiece for to cut the bird?

Children: Behind the fold line.

Educator:. You need to cut it starting from the body. We will glue the bird's body to the sheet, and the neck and head will be freely turned forward. So we get not a flat, but a three-dimensional image that will give our bird liveliness. The bird bowed its head importantly and seems to be about to come off the leaf and fly away.

Educator: The main decoration of any fabulous bird is its tail. Each of you will have your own unique "Bird of Happiness". And we just have to decorate it. The more unusual your bird is, the more joy and happiness it will bring. (Independent creative activity of children.)

Educator: Guys, miracles always happen in fairy tales. So a miracle happened on our fairy glade, our birds came to life and flew to our glade. They have prepared a small surprise for you, and which one we will see now.

(Dance of fairy birds)

Educator: Now take your birds and become a semicircle. We've got a whole flock of birds of happiness.

Educator: "The Bird of Happiness" brings good luck, happiness, goodness, peace to the house on its wings. But the more we give happiness to others, the more it becomes with us.


Guys, I really liked you today. You know how to correlate real and fabulous images, create the image of a fabulous bird, conveying its originality and brightness, using decorative elements. You got acquainted with the volumetric applique, learned how to cut the silhouette of a bird from paper folded in half.

Photos of the event