Suit horse for two sew. How to make a paper mask or a horse costume for a girl and a boy. Horse Costume Children's Sports Suit

2014 - the year of the horse in the Chinese calendar, so to celebrate the New Year in horse costume It will be very relevant! New Year's suit for your beloved Chad can be bought in the store, but so nice to make costume do it yourselfBy putting your soul into each element of the future masterpiece.

Be sure to connect to this creative, cheerful and exciting work of your children. By participating in the manufacture new Year's costumes do it yourselfYour children will show non-sex fantasy and smelting, and joint labor is even more smoking your family. We offer you schemes for the manufacture of horse costumes, as well as other New Year's costumes with their own hands.

New Year's horses costume

What will be needed for making a horse costume with your own hands:
. Brown hooded jacket
A piece of dark brown and black felt or other dense material
Gloves or mittens.

Let's start making a horse costume with mane. To do this, cut the felt strip 15 cm wide and a length of 30 to 60 cm (depending on the length of the hood, see photo). Moving it in half the width and make cuts. The resulting strip is sewed to a hood with cuts up. It turned out a mane for a horse.

From the felt, cut 2 circles with a diameter of 2-3 cm. Also, you can enjoy the hood - these are the eyes of our future horse.

The most difficult thing is to make a horse's horses costume. To do this cut out 2 of the same triangle from cardboard. Top with a cloth suitable for the color of the sweaters and enter it as in the picture.

Optionally, you can make a tail on the back of the couch. To do this, it is necessary from the fabric suitable for the color of the sweaters, cut a long rectangle and flash it in length so that a long tube is turned out. Inside the pipe to conceive cotton wool or foam rubber. Top to sew a strip of felt.

We sew your own hands "Horse" costume

This horse costume will consist of elements:
1. Tunic
2. Straight pants
3. Hood with ears
4. Tail

For the manufacture of a horse costume, a monophonic gabardine or flax will be required; fur with a pile or thick yarn or boa (from accessories for ballroom dancing) for the mane; Sequins (sequins). For the finishing of a suit in "Apples" we need a spray with bright quick-drying paint (for example, for graffiti).

Work description

1. Modeling

Horse costume is sewn through the basic pattern of a vest and jacket. The pattern of the sleeves and trousers must be divided into two parts, the bottom of the extension (socket).

Preparation of chrokes

Horse costume pattern.

Change the parts of the basic pattern as shown above

1. Shelf - two details
2. Back - one detail with a fold
3. Sleeve - Two Details
4. Front Half Trousers - Two Details
5. Rear Half Trousers - Two Details
6. Purulele sleeves - two details
7. Flaver of rear halves of trousers - two details
8. The front of the front of the trousers - two details
9. Belt - Braided


Horse ear pattern, draw yourself according to the sketch,

Overall dimensions: 10 x 8 cm.

2. Finishing

We shake the cave paint and apply "apples" on the details of the patterns of gray gabardine. Pre-practice on an unnecessary piece of fabric. In order for the "apple" to get a "soft circuit", it is necessary at the time of spraying to remove the hand to the greater distance.

3. Tailoring

Details of the trousers and the skin stack. Suts of iripature. Step side and stepper seams. The brushes put one in one and perform the middle seam. On the upper cut of the trousers to perform a scenery. Insert an elastic tape. Cursing trousers to squeeze sequins.

Tail horse.

Attach the tail to the belt of the trousers. The length of the tail is not lower than the knees.


Cut and sew the tunic on the pattern and description from any magazine on sewing. Run sleeves with sockees. On the sides of the tunic make cuts. Treat the neck of the rul, the ends of which are simultaneously strings. Sleeve cuts and tunic sparkles, decorate rhinestones.

Pick up a braided belt with long ends or make it yourself. To do this, we wish three long tules and gluing them with a pigtail. Sew a few bright pussy on the tunic (see sketch). If you wish, you can decorate the back of the applique "Horseshoe".


Cut and sew a hat to sew the mane (artificial fur with a very long pile or boa) on the middle seam of the cap. A free end should hang out behind a few centimeters (before the blades).

Sew ears. Large detail (outer contour) Crow from a gabardine and duplicate for rigidity with a gasket (dublerin or fliesline), less - from light atlas (or crepe-satin) do not duplicate. We connect the contours, stepping, turning on the front side. Send your ear to the hat along the damping line. Stoles are expanding sparkles and rhinestones.

Tail. From the suitable for the color of the yarn (you can use Boa) make the tail length to the knees. The tail fasten the trousers in the rear seam.

Creative mothers will not be difficult to make a New Year's costume of a horse with their own hands. All that is needed is a bit of seamless and useful advice.

Who else to dress up in the New Year, as not in the symbol of the upcoming year! New Year's costume horses will bring your child enchanting popularity on matinees. And for the whole family, the presence of a living symbol will attract good luck next year.

Buy the finished suit liked by the child is easier than simple. But a possible meeting with your copy will completely spoil the holiday. Combine efforts and together with the Chud Make a New Year's horse costume with your own hands. It will be fun!

Horse suit from ordinary clothes

Make a New Year's costume of a horse with your own hands, if you have a suitable clothing:

  • Sweatshirt or hooded hooded "horse" colors (brown, black, white)
  • Instead of a hood you can take a hat-helmet (See the diagram below - Pattern 2)
  • Small flap fabric in tone
  • Suitable pants (may differ)
  • A piece of felt, fleece or other suitable material of black or dark brown

1. Cut from the fetra to cut the band for the mane width of 15 cm. Succession of the strip in its middle to the hood from the top of the shoulders. Candle the edges to split the "strands".

2. From the same felt cut your eyes with a diameter of 2-3 cm and a hood. You can use large eyes for soft toys.

3. Ears cut out of the fabric to the tone and the trick on the top of the top.

4. For the tail, cut a few bands with a width of 5 cm and about 30 cm long. Slit to the picker's sweater or trousers.

Complete the image with black blank shields. New Year's costume horse is ready!

We sew a suit of a horse out of a fabric

Mom, familiar with a sewing machine, can sew a New Year's costume of a horse with their own hands in a couple of hours. This will require:

  • Pattern base of direct jacket and trousers from any magazine (for example, pajamas set) - (Pattern 1);
  • Cap hat-helmet (Pit 2);
  • A monophonic fabric, for example, a gabardine - is sufficiently dense, does not occur, inexpensive;
  • For tail and mane - fur with a long pile, yarn, felt or fleece.

1. Prepare a pattern in the size of the child. Sleeves and pants trousers can add a small glue from the elbow and from the knee.

Horse costume. Pattern 1.

Horse costume. Pattern 1.1.

2. Sisthat pants:

  • still side and stepped seams;
  • pants to put one in another face to face and follow step seam;
  • on the belt, follow the scene and insert the gum;
  • the tail length is not lower than the knees of the tissue lanes or the beam of the yarn can be fixed in the step of the seam just below the scenes.

3. The shirt can be sewed with a slight cut and string on the neck (from the back or on the chest). Sequence:

  • perform the backs of the back from the bottom up Up to the end, disappear;
  • perform the shoulder seams;
  • treat the neck of the baker, the ends will become ties on the back;
  • sleeves;
  • perform the side seams and seams of sleeves;
  • treat the bottom of shirts and sleeves.

4. An important detail of the costume is a hat. Insert the ears in the upper seam. Sew eyes, ready or fabric. The mane is from the same material as the tail, a trick from the top of the top, it should be dropped below the shoulders.

Horse costume. Pattern 2.

Horse Costume Children's Sports Suit

This option suit is suitable for both the girl and the boy. In order to make such a costume, you need a sports suit without bright and catchy inscriptions and drawings (better if it is a monophonic brown, orange, white, gray or black suit, and his jacket will have a hood). We like the most brown suit. You can try to purchase such a costume - after the New Year holiday, all the details of the masquerade can be easily removed from it, and the costume itself will still serve as a child! In order to turn a sports suit in New Year's, you will also need:

    · A wide strip of black fabric for the mane, which keeps the form well (for example, the cloak tissue is suitable) - it is folded in half and make cuts, and then sew a hooding center, silent the band in the middle;

    · Black fabric cuffs for creating hoofs (we take the same fabric and lumbering) - create four identical details in the form of wide length strips, sufficient to cover the pen and legs of the child, stitch each lane, bend one edge - we get into elastic;

    · A piece of black fabric for the tail (it can be cut into stripes, but not to the end, to fill the part of the strip in the pants and fasten with the thread or pins);

    · White paper or fabric for eyes - cut out large eyes, draw pupils on them, with the help of one - two stitches attach to a hood;

    · A piece of soft yellow or white fabric for a horses face (we cut out two ovals, stitch them together, we are loosely stuffed with a synthetic tube, sew to the edge of the hood).

Horse costume from ordinary sports suit ready! Optionally, you can decorate the stuffing horses with a red smile and a tongue.

Horse Costume Children's For Girl

This option suit will not require any major costs and great efforts. It makes up only two details: a hat with ears and mane, as well as a belt with a tail. To create a cap, you will need a knitted lightweight fabric of the desired color (just sew the strip sufficient to cover the baby's head of length and width), separately sew the soft ears from the same fabric, sew them to the hat. To create the mane and tail you will need two or more yarn motors: one is attached to the cap (we grab the stitches between the ears), and the second is attached to the belt. Little horse is ready for the exit!

The main family holiday of the country - the New Year - are waiting for both adults and children with impatience. After all, this holiday is special. And in the New Year, everyone wants to look irresistibly and stunningly. Of course, you can wear a just evening dress, but this is the easiest option, but you can choose a carnival costume. For example, children are suitable for any animal. This article will give advice on how to make a horses costume. It is not necessary to buy such a robe at all, it is better to spend time, arm a fantasy and make it with your own hands.

Example First: how to sew a horse costume

For manufacture, you will need:

Pencil simple;

Gouache paints;



The first box will come in handy for us for the manufacture of an animal body. Measure the semi-cuddle of your hips and add ten more centimeters. It will be a hole. A suit will be put through it. Take a pencil. Draw a hole, and then cut out. The second box will need to cut the details for the animal - the head and tail, as well as for our rider. Take a pencil. Draw on the side of the box arbitrarily tail and head. You can draw a template independently and put in a pencil. Do not forget about the rider. Draw his legs in trousers and boots. All prepared details need to be cut. Now let's start apart from our costume. Take the gouache and brush. Treat the color gamut in advance. Connect your children to paint parts, together more fun to engage in such an exciting occupation. When all the details are drawn, let them dry dry so that nothing smeared. Then we fasten the details of the scotch. To the hole through which the outfit will be put on, attach two tapes. It will be straps, due to them, the horse will hold onto the human shoulders. Stick to the head of the animal. Now try on the original costume of the horse and go for the holiday.

So easy you can make original New Year's costumes for a child or for yourself with your own hands. After all, this is a pleasant occupation, because making the outfit, you put your soul into each item.

A horse mask may need a child to school or in the garden not only on the New Year's matinee. The horse is the heroine of many fairy tales. It will come in handy for open literature lessons at school, and for festive performances for celebrations.

Mask options

There are several options for masks made by your own hands:

  1. Mask-head of a horse from paper on a rim or on an elastic band. The template can be done by yourself or use the ready-made scheme. The advantage is that it is just done. Especially if you immediately cut all the details of the color cardboard. But also quickly breaks.
  2. Paper mask bulk. Here you have to work hard. To make such a 3D mask, you will need the perfectly correct pattern. Otherwise, the handwriter will be spoiled, and the horse will be completely unlike himself.
  3. Mask of foam rubber or felt. Another kind of bulk masks. To make it, you should cut every detail from the foam rubber, and then connect them to each other. The finished horsepower is put on straight on the head. This is complex, but the most reliable mask version with your own hands.

We decided to make an ordinary paper mask so that you could create with us.

Preparation of materials

We are confident, everything you need in every home. It is more convenient to organize work at the table, as we will deal with drawing. But first must be prepared:

  • glue - any suit;
  • sheets of colored paper;
  • feltaster black;
  • paper sheet A3;
  • scissors;
  • a4 horsepower pattern.

The template can be drawn independently. Do not forget that our horse is fabulous. Nothing terrible if there will be some inaccuracies during drawing. Fork, which looks at you from a sheet of paper, is like a horsepower? So you did everything right.


We decided that our horse would be brown, but it can also remain white, be blue or pink. Especially if this is a mask for a girl. Then the horse will remind the heroes of favorite cartoons about the pony. Getting to work.

A pretty horse mask made by hand ready. Do not hurry to throw it out after she played a role. Put a paper crawler into the book, so that it remained smooth. In the future, the mask of the horse can be useful. Then it will be enough to change the rim, and you are almost ready for a new masquerade suit.

Recommendations for the choice of tissues and accessories:
To perform the costume, a monophonic gabardine or flax will be required; fur with a pile or thick yarn or boa (from accessories for ballroom dancing) for the mane; Sequins (sequins). For finishing "Apples" - a spray with bright quick-drying paint (for example, for graffiti).

Work description
1. Modeling
The costume is sewn through the basic pattern of vest and jacket. The pattern of the sleeves and trousers must be divided into two parts, the bottom of the extension (socket).

Picture 1

2. Finishing
We shake the cave paint and apply "apples" on the details of the patterns of gray gabardine. Pre-practice on an unnecessary piece of fabric. In order for the "apple" the "soft circuit", it is necessary to remove the hand at the time of spraying at the time of spraying.

3. Tailoring

Details of the trousers and the skin stack. Suts of iripature. Step side and stepper seams. The brushes put one in one and perform the middle seam. On the upper cut of the trousers to perform a scenery. Insert an elastic tape. Cursing trousers to squeeze sequins.

Attach the tail to the belt of the trousers. The length of the tail is not lower than the knees.

Cut and sew the tunic on the pattern and description from any magazine on sewing. Run sleeves with sockees. On the sides of the tunic make cuts. Treat the neck of the rul, the ends of which are simultaneously strings. Sleeve cuts and tunic sparkles, decorate rhinestones.
Pick up a braided belt with long ends or make it yourself. To do this, we wish three long tules and gluing them with a pigtail. Sew a few bright pussy on the tunic (see sketch). If you wish, you can decorate the back of the applique "Horseshoe".

Cut and sew a hat to sew the mane (artificial fur with a very long pile or boa) on the middle seam of the cap. A free end should hang out behind a few centimeters (before the blades).
Sew ears. Large detail (outer contour) Crow from a gabardine and duplicate for rigidity with a gasket (dublerin or fliesline), less - from light atlas (or crepe-satin) do not duplicate. We connect the contours, stepping, turning on the front side. Send your ear to the hat along the damping line. Stoles are expanding sparkles and rhinestones.

Tail. From the suitable for the color of the yarn (you can use Boa) make the tail length to the knees. The tail fasten the trousers in the rear seam.

master Class:

Fairy pony Twilight sparka,
master Class.