Quick hairstyles for long hair. Hairstyles for long hair for yourself Make a hairstyle for long hair yourself

Long hair is very beautiful. A girl with long hair looks feminine and charming and, of course, attracts attention from the male. But you don’t always want to walk only with loose hair, and it’s not always out of place. You need to keep your image in perfect condition. In order for the curls to look good and neat, beautiful hairstyles for long hair are suitable.

There is a huge variety of beautiful hairstyles for long hair, both for every day and for a festive occasion.

They can be made quickly and easily, without any special effort and also at home.

For long hair, there are the most styling options, so that every lady can find the right one for her.

How to make beautiful hairstyles will be described below.

Hairstyle for long hair quickly and beautifully with a ponytail

One of the most common hairstyles for long hair is the ponytail, as it is simple, quick and beautiful to make, and at the same time the appearance looks different.

But the usual classic ponytail is not very interesting, so there are many options that help to diversify it.

Tail of harnesses

If there is absolutely no time, but you need to look well-groomed, then you can make a very light hairstyle for yourself.

Tail on the side

On the side, you can make a regular ponytail, it will look stylish. But here's another trendy one. Consider how to make a light beautiful hairstyle for long hair in stages. Of course, it is important that the hair is clean, as any dirty, even the most beautiful styling will look ugly.
First you need to divide the hair into two parts: one larger and the other smaller.

The smaller part should be divided again, but now in half. These parts need to be intertwined with each other, gradually picking up strands from the other.

Do this until the tourniquet reaches the other side and the strands for the most part run out. Then everything is fixed with an elastic band. Additionally, you can decorate the hairstyle with some kind of decorative element.

How you can still diversify the ponytail, see.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles with a braid

A braid for a girl is simply an irreplaceable styling. It makes the look on long hair cuter and at the same time eliminates the additional hassle, such as regular correction of hair.

Even if you just add a little weaving to your hair, it will look completely different.

Braid headband

To begin with, the hair is combed. Several braids are braided behind each ear. They usually weave, you don’t need to pick anything up, just a classic pigtail.
Then the braid is thrown to the opposite side and fixed behind the hair, so a kind of rim is obtained.

The number of braids can be varied, it all depends on the desire, but, of course, you should not make too many of them, two or three on each side will be quite enough.

Bundle with a scythe

First you need to highlight the parting from one ear to the other. Then, tilting your head down, you should start weaving a pigtail-spikelet, picking up the side strands, from the back of the head and rising up. When the pigtail reaches the crown, you need to tie it with an elastic band. Gather a bundle from the ponytail and secure it with a hairpin or invisible.

Spit waterfall

The hair is carefully combed and three small strands of the same size are separated from one side. From these strands it is necessary to weave a pigtail, while picking up the side ones. When the first two turns of the braid have been done, the strand that is at the bottom should no longer be used, but left hanging - this will be the waterfall jet. Instead, a strand is taken from below. So you should continue to weave to the opposite side. Laying under the name is ready.

To make the hairstyle look better, you can wind hanging curls.

See even more styling with braids.

Hairstyle curls for long hair

Curls are a universal styling for women of any age.

Most often, this stunningly beautiful hairstyle is done for a celebration or some special occasion, such as a wedding or prom.

Gathered back curls

This hairstyle is quite simple, but at the same time the image is simply magnificent. Evening hairstyles of this level in the salon will be quite expensive, but you can do it at home.

To begin with, the entire head of hair is divided in half. The part that is on the back of the head is tied into a tail and wound onto a curling iron. Next, the strands that are closer to the face are wound.
The hair in the tail is combed and fixed in a bun. The front part of the hair along the curl is attached to the beam. Everything is additionally fixed with varnish.

In general, high styling makes the image of a girl more feminine, highlighting her neck and décolleté.

Hairstyle long curls with fleece

The hair is divided into two parts. The occipital is tied in a tail. The front of the hair is combed and fixed with hairspray. The bouffant is laid on the top of the head and secured with hairpins or stealth pins. All strands that hang down should be wound.

In order to make it more festive and beautiful, one curl can be released along the face. This styling will go well with bangs, and without it. Many famous and public women often use this styling. It is done simply and quickly, but it turns out very beautiful.

Similar styling can be done in a different way, using, instead of fleece, a special roller and decorate with a pigtail of any weaving. A photo from all sides will clearly demonstrate such a creative and original hairstyle for long curls.

How to turn long curls into squares

With the help of curls, you can try on yourself and a medium-length haircut. To do this, the entire hair is wound with a curling iron. Curls are given volume with the help of fleece at the roots. Then all the hair is gathered together and tied with an elastic band almost at the base. Everything that is after the elastic band is tucked up and fixed under the total volume.

That's all, now you can try on an image with an average length without a haircut.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls for long hair

Fashionistas girls with long hair should be taught from childhood to good appearance and beautiful hairstyles. That is why mothers can do various fashion styling on their hair. They should be simple so as not to take a lot of time when collecting.

Long-haired women rightly believe that their luxurious curls do not need styling and additional decorations - they are good for their naturalness. But a lush mane is not able to maintain its ideal shape for a long time: after a few hours it loses volume, loses its luster, shaggy and confused. To make loose hair look attractive all day long, it is not enough just to brush it. A woman should make a little effort to give her hair a certain shape.

Romance in curls and curls

On long hair, curls and curls look luxurious. Large shiny curls give the face a soft and feminine expression, make the image light, airy and very romantic. A woman with loose wavy curls flowing down her back will not go unnoticed.

Making beautiful curls is easy. To do this, you will need a comb, thermal hair protection, styling product and any curling device. You can curl curls in different ways:

  • Curling iron. This is the most common way for women to achieve soft, even curls of any size. Usually a curling iron is used to create large curls.


  1. Apply a thermal protectant to dry hair, distributing it along the entire length - from roots to ends;
  2. part your hair with a straight parting and comb it carefully;
  3. separate one wide and flat strand, wind it on a hot curling iron so that future curls are directed away from the face;
  4. hold the curling iron until the curl heats up;
  5. carefully remove the curled strand and, without straightening it, fasten it to your head with a hairpin or invisible;
  6. when all the strands are curled, remove the hairpins, fluff the curls with your fingers and fix them with varnish.

Advice! Do not comb your curled hair: this will break the structure of the curl and fluff it. As a result, the hairstyle will not look spectacular.

With the help of a curling iron, you will create light voluminous curls that are as beautiful as the best salon styling.

  • Iron. Yes, the iron is used not only for straightening hair, but also for curling. However, before using this method, practice curling on individual strands: after all, the wrong movement will deprive the curl of softness, make it angular and uneven.


  1. divide dry hair with a parting and comb thoroughly;
  2. apply a thermal protectant to the strands;
  3. separate one strand, place the iron on it so that it is at a distance of a couple of centimeters from the roots;
  4. run the iron along the entire length of the curl, turning the device 180C;
  5. after the first strand is ready, curl the rest of the hair;
  6. Gently run a wide-toothed comb through your hair to even out curls.
    To make your hairstyle last longer, spray hairspray on it.

Curls created with a flat iron will be less bouncy than those made with a curling iron.

  • Papillots. If you dream of small lush curls, then you should use curlers. They are fixed on the hair for at least half a day, and after removal they leave pretty curls that spring merrily under the fingers.


  1. wash your hair, dry it slightly and comb;
  2. separate a thin strand from the mass of hair, tightly wind it onto a hairpin;
  3. fix the papilot on the head;
  4. do the same with the rest of the strands;
  5. leave the papillots for 12 hours (for convenience, you can tie a scarf on your head);
  6. remove them and style the curls with your hands, without resorting to the help of a comb.

A mischievous hairstyle of small curls will last longer if you apply styling mousse to your hair before curling, and fix the result with varnish after removing the curls. This method is the least traumatic for the hair, since the curls are not exposed to high temperatures.

No less spectacular curls can be created using curlers, hair dryer or tongs. Many women, for fear of damaging their hair with high temperatures, resort to a proven method of curling - weaving braids.

Advice!Any curls tend to disintegrate over time and lose volume. To prevent this from happening, fill them with mousse before curling to add volume, and after curling with varnish.


Despite the fact that it is curls that are considered the most feminine hairstyle, perfectly smooth hair has recently come into fashion. Smooth strands with a mirror shine attract no less attention than frivolous curls.

You can make your hair even with a hair dryer and brushing (round comb). It is enough just to wash your hair, dry it slightly in a natural way, and then dry it with a hairdryer. In order for the hair to lay flat, hot air should be directed from the roots to the tips. Use a round comb to curl the strands for maximum smoothness.

Hair can be smoothed with an iron:

  • Apply a heat protectant to dry hair.
  • divide the hair horizontally into two parts: leave the lower strands loose, lift the upper strands to the crown and fix with clips;
  • separate one narrow strand from below, comb it carefully and run it from roots to ends with a hot iron;
  • fix the strand with varnish and proceed to straighten the next one;
  • when all the hair is straightened, apply a little hairspray to the comb and walk it along the entire length of the hair: this will prevent the hairstyle from becoming frizzy.

This styling looks spectacular on owners of long hair, as well as on women with graphic haircuts. If you decide to straighten your hair, then you need to know that their condition must be perfect: split ends and traces of an unsuccessful haircut are clearly visible on a smooth surface.

Advice!If you want to give your hair a glossy shine, use a shine spray.

Hairstyles with braids

Long braided hair is a classic. Now there are a lot of weaving options, thanks to which a woman can create different images every day. Braids can be even and smooth, in the style of the fabulous Alyonushka, or complex, multi-tiered, with loose strands and the inclusion of flowers and accessories.

Braid "Fishtail"

This option is suitable for smooth hair and for hair with highlights. "Fishtail" always looks neat, does not interfere with everyday activities, so the hairstyle is considered universal.


  • comb your hair, moisten it with water and comb the entire hair back;
  • separate the strands from the temples: one on each side;
  • cross the strands in the back of the head;
  • separate another strand on the left side and lay it on top of the previous two;
  • do the same with the strand on the right side;
  • weave more and more strands until you reach the lower hair growth zone;
  • divide loose hair into two parts;
  • cross strands, choosing them one at a time from under the tail: strands on the left side
  • combine with the right side of the hair, strands on the right side with the left side;
    braid the braid to the end of the hair and secure it with an elastic band.

Such a hairstyle can be done in a few minutes, but its result will exceed all expectations: you will get a smooth, shiny braid without a single stray hair.

french braid

There are many options for a French braid, but for an instant hairstyle, it is better to use classic weaving:

  • divide the hair horizontally into two parts: the top should be slightly less voluminous than the bottom;
  • divide the upper part of the hair into three strands;
  • put the right curl on the middle, the left on the right;
  • weave a regular braid to the back of the head;
  • shift all three strands in one hand;
  • With your free hand, take a strand of hair from the lower right and connect it to the right strand;
  • put the entire right strand on the middle one;
  • do the same with the left side;
  • repeat these steps to the lower limit of hair growth;
  • braid the remaining hair to the end in the usual way and secure with a hairpin or elastic band.

Having mastered the classic way of weaving a French braid, you will soon be able to do more complex hairstyles.

Spit waterfall

This is one of the modifications of the French braid. It does not turn out smooth and even: individual strands are not woven into the braid, but remain free, creating the effect of “flowing” hair along the back.

Such a hairstyle will look neater than loose hair, but the effect of lightness and ease will remain.
One of the options for braiding a waterfall


  • comb your hair and apply styling product on them;
  • separate the curl in the temporal zone and divide it into three strands;
  • cross the middle strand with the top so that the top is in the middle;
  • do the same with the bottom strand;
  • leave the upper strand below free - it will become the first "trickle" of the waterfall;
  • separate a new strand from above and repeat all the steps;
  • continue to weave the braid until it covers your head with a crescent;
    secure it with an elastic band or hairpin.

A master class on creating a waterfall braid, where the braids are folded into flowers

Step 1. Braid three vertical braids in parallel. Step 2. In each braid, loosen the strands on the right side

Hairstyles with headbands

Now, hairstyles with bandages have become very popular. Bandages can be very diverse: a fabric ribbon, braid, a tourniquet made of metal elements, a braid made of artificial hair. Authentic hippie style harnesses are especially appreciated.

One of the options for a hairstyle with a bandage is a Greek-style hairstyle. To create it, you need to take a thin braid that fits snugly to the head. The procedure is as follows:

  • comb your hair and separate it with a straight parting;
  • put a bandage on your head and secure it with invisibility;
  • separate one strand from the right temple and lay it behind the elastic so that it holds tightly and does not fall off;
  • do the same with the strand on the left side;
  • twisting the strands on both sides in turn, reach the back of the head;
  • Remove the remaining hair with an elastic band or braid it.

The bandage looks no less beautiful on loose, slightly disheveled or curled hair. The main requirement for such a hairstyle is harmony. It has to go with everything. That is why a bandage in the hair is not suitable for a strict office attire or a business suit.

Tails: great variety

The ponytail is the easiest hairstyle for long hair. So that it does not look boring and everyday, you can slightly modify it.

Ponytail with fleece

You can make this hairstyle in 5 minutes:

  1. divide the hair horizontally into two parts;
  2. lift the upper part higher and comb it carefully;
  3. combine both parts and secure with an elastic band at the back of the head.

The hairstyle will turn out magnificent and original. Such a tail can be made low, high or even placed on the side.

Tail with a bow

A charming hairstyle for women who love experiments is a ponytail with a bow. It's easy to make it:

  1. make a regular ponytail and hide the elastic band by wrapping it with a thin strand of hair;
  2. separate the strand from the top of the tail, roll it into a loop and fix it with a transparent elastic band;
  3. divide the loop into two equal parts;
  4. with the help of invisibility, attach parts of the loop on both sides of the tail in the form of a bow;
    separate another thin strand from the tail and wrap it several times in the middle of the bow, each time passing the strand through the elastic.

Such a frivolous hairstyle will decorate the summer look of any young lady.

Bundle: severity or romance?

The bun has always been popular with women. It looks especially beautiful on thick and long hair: in this case, it acquires additional volume.

Tousled bun

Every woman should be able to make a bunch:

  1. collect hair in a ponytail and pull it off with an elastic band;
  2. comb the tail and twist it into a voluminous, not too tight tourniquet or braid a loose braid;
  3. wrap a tourniquet or braid around the base of the tail;
  4. secure the bundle with invisibles.

This hairstyle will look good even on not very clean hair.


A smooth and shiny bun can be made using a special “donut”, which is sold in any store. This bun looks much neater than the disheveled one and is suitable even for an evening dress:

  1. collect hair in a ponytail and pull it off with an elastic band;
  2. pass the tail through the hole of the "donut", securing it exactly on top of the elastic;
  3. tilt your head down so that the hair is distributed over the surface of the "donut";
  4. fill the free ends of the strands under the “donut” and twist around the base of the tail;
    fix the hairstyle with invisibility;
  5. To add a glossy shine, apply a shine product to your hair.

The classic version of the beam with the use of a "donut" is suitable for going out

Now there is a huge variety of hairstyles in haste. Owners of long curls just have to choose the right one, arm themselves with hairspray and do a few simple manipulations that will definitely give an amazing result.

The owners of long hair are very lucky, because their curls are not just a matter of pride, but an "untilted field" for creating all kinds of hairstyles. They can be braided, made into a ponytail, put in a bun. Fantasy is limitless here. But the most romantic has always been, and still is, loose hair. However, even here you can create almost non-stop: smooth, even, ironed strands, soft, romantic curls, actual malvinka with weaving, high top or plaits, exquisite vintage - all this can easily be brought to life with your own hands.

If your hair isn't long enough for beautiful waves or curls, consider using natural bobby pins. In this case, the stylist can do almost any styling that you have in mind. As a result, the correct result is practically guaranteed - the style you conceived.

If you plan to regularly decorate yourself with loose hair, you will have to stock up on both patience and the necessary tools: combs with different tooth frequencies, ironing, tongs, hairpins, styling products, headbands.

We offer 100 photos of beautiful hairstyles with loose hair for inspiration.

Side swept hair

The option with loose curls on the side makes the image elegant and sophisticated, it is often used by stars. To perform the hairstyle, you will need tongs (curlers), varnish with flexible fixation for hair styling. After winding the curls, they are folded into rings, and fixed to the head with clamps. When the curls cool down (about 15 minutes), the clips are removed, the hair is gently combed with a brush. This hairstyle looks especially beautiful with a side parting, when most of the waves are on one side. As a result, the hairstyle needs to be fixed with varnish.

Side swept hair

One of the most popular wedding hairstyles, there are just a lot of variations of it. Basically, these are beautifully styled and pinned up cascading curls.

Malvinka with a high top

Malvinka is an actual hairstyle for every day, as well as for an evening out or a wedding. To create it, the hair in the upper part of the head is precombed layer by layer, the top layer is smoothed. Then the upper part of the hair is gathered together at the back of the head, and decorated with a beautiful hairpin or comb.

Semi-loose curly and straight hair

The same malvinka, but the upper part is smoother. Bottom - curls or smooth hair. Depending on the situation, the hairstyle is decorated with rhinestones, flowers, a hairpin, a bow.

Malvinka with weaving

Decorate your hair with curls or straight hair with a beautiful weave, and a bright look is guaranteed.

romantic curls

The next in terms of simplicity and speed of implementation is the hairstyle with classic curls, which can be done with tongs of various diameters, ironing or using curlers. So that the curls do not fall apart and do not straighten during the day, they must be fixed twice: the first time with mousse, during winding, the second time with varnish, at the end of work.

doll curls

beach waves

Super easy summer hairstyle. Created with a salt spray and flat iron in just a few minutes and lasts for days!

Loose hair with plaits

It is very simple to make such styling. After straightening the hair or twisting it, you need to select small strands from the face on both sides, twist them with a flagellum and fix them either at the temples or at the back of the head with invisible hairpins or hairpins.

Headband hairstyles

Don't forget about hair accessories like headbands or headbands. Thus, it is easy to change the appearance in a few seconds.

Loose hair with an elastic band or headband

Vintage Hollywood glamor

Vintage hairstyles with loose hair are a great option for going out. To create them, you will need tongs or curlers, strong fixation varnish, mousse or gel. You can wind your hair on large curlers, dissolve them, and arrange the bangs in the form of waves. You can comb your hair at the roots, give it volume, and curl the ends into large curls. Or you can straighten your hair, comb it at the roots and decorate with a retro-style headband.

Retro brushed

Bangs pulled back

A very easy way to change the overall style of the hairstyle is to move the bangs back, pinning them with ordinary or decorative invisibles, or wrapping a strand of hair around the head.

Straight hair

The easiest styling option is to straighten your hair with an iron. For this, in addition to the iron itself, you will also need a heat-curing agent - this way you can achieve perfect smoothness without much harm to the health of the hair.

And this is only a small part of the options for styling with loose hair, in fact, there are many more.

Long hair is the real pride of its owner. This is a concentrate of femininity that no technical progress can dilute!

The most important thing is to learn how to properly care for the natural beauty of the hair and not be limited to a simple tail or bun at the crown. Otherwise, the beauty and meaning of having long hair is lost. Demonstrate your natural gift to the World!

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

Face shape test

7 hairstyle ideas for long hair for a lazy morning

#1 Big and fast bun

Separate a strand above the ear and braid it into a pigtail, securing it at the end with a thin elastic band. You can do this on one side of the head, or on both. By mood.

Tilt your head down, holding the pigtails with your teeth. Comb all your hair to the crown and make a high ponytail.

Wrap your hair around the ponytail, making a bun, and secure it in a way that suits you.

Wrap the pigtail or pigtails that you made earlier around the base of the bun, tucking the ends under the bun and securing them with hairpins.

#2 Making curls for long hair

Moisturize your hair. It's a good idea to apply a heat protectant spray to your hair.

Braid your hair into tight, fairly small pigtails.

Pass through each pigtail with an iron. Be careful! Do not hold the iron for too long in one place and choose the right temperature.

Give the braids time to cool and take shape.

Unbraid your hair. Ready!

Another option for quick curls for long hair, which is performed using a tail-based curling iron:

#3 Elegant French Twist in a Hurry

Life hack! Similar hairstyles, when the volume of hair is collected at the bottom, at the base of the neck, are very convenient for winter. They let you wear a hat.

And you can straighten your hair and add volume to your hair after a hat if you have a compact package of dry shampoo in your purse.

#4 Voluminous ponytail

Slightly disheveled hair and careless styling have been very relevant for several seasons. And, judging by the fast pace of life, they will remain at the peak of popularity for a long time to come.

A voluminous ponytail is a quick and very relevant hairstyle for casual style lovers!

To create volume, both at the crown and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail itself, just comb your hair. To give more volume to the hairstyle, you can first apply foam, dry shampoo or special powder to the roots.

#5 Twist and Pin

Separate a thin strand of hair from one side of the face and twist it in the opposite direction from the face.

Fasten the twisted strand with invisible criss-cross. Invisibility of a contrasting color with respect to the hair will look good in this hairstyle. After all, they are an unusual accent hairstyle.

#6 Get inspired by the samurai style

Original hairstyle with a ribbon

Make a pile in the crown area.

Braid your tail.

Take a narrow ribbon (braid or thin leather strip) and tie as shown in the photo.

Pull the top of the ponytail over the ribbon.

You can spray your hair with hairspray or apply hairspray to the temples with a toothbrush. So you smooth frizzy hair and get a shiny and smooth result!

#7 French twist - tail

Very elegant and neat hairstyle that is great for the office

The photo-instruction shows a variant of the vertical version of the twist. By the same principle, but by shifting the mass of hair at an angle, you can perform an asymmetric styling option.

How to match hair color to eye color

Beautiful hairstyles with braids for long hair

#1 Chic voluminous spikelet

Gather your hair into a ponytail.

Divide the tail into 3 parts, and with the 2 side parts of the tail, overlap its central part from above and secure the top two strands with an elastic band.

With the lower side strands of the tail, wrap the central part of the tail on top and secure the upper strands again with an elastic band.

Continue braiding as described above.

To add volume to the spikelet, stretch the upper parts of the weave to the sides.

#2 Braid on the back of the head

Tilt your head down and braid the “Dutch braid” at the back of your head. This is a variant of the braid inside out, when the strands are intertwined not above the central strand, but under it.

Secure the braided braid with an elastic band at the crown.

Wrap the remaining tail around its base, making a bun.

You can slightly fluff the braid by stretching its weaving to the sides.

Fix with hairspray if desired.

A more elegant version of the hairstyle looks like this:

The beam is made more accurate (you can use an elastic band - a roller). The braid at the back of the head is not as wide and fluffy as in the first version. The bundle is wrapped at the base with another thin pigtail, which must be done by taking a strand from the tail.

#3 Waterfall from braids

How to make a waterfall braid:

Comb clean hair to make it as smooth as possible.

Separate 3 strands of the same width and thickness from the side.

From these 3 strands, weave the braid as follows: put the top strand in the middle (through the top), then the bottom strand in the middle. Make two such bindings. Move the top strand back to the middle, now move the bottom strand to the middle.

The strand that is at the bottom (photo 4), leave it freely flowing. This will be the first "trickle of the waterfall."

Instead of the left strand, take a new small strand from the total mass of hair from below. And to the top strand, add a small strand of hair above the pigtail, thus weaving the hair into the already existing braid.

Continue braiding as described above. It can be driven both horizontally and at an angle. Falling strands during weaving must be taken forward and held so that they do not interfere. If you are doing this hairstyle, you can hold the strands with your hand. If you do your hair yourself, there is no other more convenient way how to hold these strands with your teeth.

A few more options for braided waterfalls:

Beautiful hairstyles for curly hair

Easy styling for every day

Apply Curly Smoothing Cream to damp, towel-dried hair.

Blow dry your hair and use a large round brush. Curl your hair with a brush at a fairly fast pace.

If necessary, you can additionally curl your hair with a large curling iron.

Fix the result with a hairspray.

Neat hairstyle for curly hair with pigtails

Simple hairstyle for every day: diagonal braid

How to do a diagonal French braid. Consider the option when the braid goes down diagonally from left to right:

Separate a large strand of hair from the left side at the crown, and divide it into 3 parts.

Begin to French braid, gradually weaving hair into it from both sides of the head. When weaving a braid, do not forget that you are doing an asymmetrical version.

When you braid the braid to your neck, secure it with an elastic band, leaving a fluffy tail at the bottom. If desired, you can close the elastic band with a strand of hair taken from the tail and an invisibility pinned under the tail.

"Hair hoop"


Gather your hair at the crown into a ponytail. Twist it around your finger into a snail and secure with a hairpin.

Going down the head, and taking strands of hair from 2 sides of the head, continue to make new "snails", as described in the first paragraph.

Beautiful evening hairstyles for long hair

Evening hairstyles that look as natural as possible are the latest trend. All kinds of weaving and French braids and buns are in fashion. If you want to keep up with the times, the hairstyle should look fresh, a little spontaneous and unpretentious. Too "serious" and "suffered" styling options add age!

Elegant hairstyles for smooth long hair

If slightly tousled hair is not to your liking, opt for elegant and sleek hairstyles:

Very stylish hairstyle with thick and deep long bangs. Absolutely smooth hair at the top, turning into playfully twisted outward ends of the hair is the highlight of this hairstyle.

This hairstyle is made very simply:

Dry your hair with a hairdryer and a semi-circular brush. Straighten the bangs and hair along the entire length with an iron. Twist the ends of the hair outward with an iron (for this it is good to use a wide iron).

Helpful Hint: After washing your hair, immediately twist the ends of your hair outward.

2 styling options haircut "cascade"

Option 1. Elegant

This styling is very simple: with a hair dryer and a round brush. If desired, you can stretch out some strands, for example, bangs and hair ends, with an iron.

Option 2. Playful

Dry your hair with a hairdryer and a flat or semi-circular brush. When the hair is almost dry, style the lower ends of the hair with a hairdryer and a round brush, twisting them inward. The upper, short strands that frame the face, lay with an iron, twisting them outward.

Owners of long hair can do different hairstyles with their own hands for any occasion. And if you want variety and inspiration, you can learn how to create a few more hairstyles by following the step-by-step instructions.

A low ponytail is a simple hairstyle that you can quickly create with your own hands. It looks great on long hair and, thanks to its elegance and practicality, is useful for all occasions.


  • Treat hair with a styling agent and go through an iron.
  • In front, a part of the hair is isolated from the total mass.
  • The rest of the hair is collected with an elastic band at the back.
  • The separated strand of hair is divided into two parts, so that the parting is on the side.
  • Close the elastic on the ponytail with the front strands crosswise.

Low tail with flagella

This hairstyle will be appropriate both at work and for an evening trip to some event.


  • On one side of the head below, you need to select a strand of hair and divide it in half.
  • Then the halves are twisted together, while gradually adding new strands to the main bundle.
  • Bringing the tourniquet to the opposite side, make a tail of hair and decorate with a ribbon or hairpin.
  • Those who don't want to add ribbons and embellishments to their hair can elegantly hide the elastic with a strand of hair.

High ponytail

Very easy hairstyle for long straight hair.

You can make it yourself in a matter of seconds, using only a couple of elastic bands and stealth:

  • Tie well combed hair into a high ponytail.
  • In the inner part of the tail, a strand is separated and braided into a thin braid.
  • Wrap an elastic band around the ponytail with a pigtail.
  • Fixed with invisibility.

Greek tail

Owners of long thick hair can try to make a beautiful Greek tail. It is necessary to first wind the curls along the entire length, collect them at the crown and into a long tail falling on the back, then decorate it by dragging it along the entire length with a ribbon or beads. Get a classic Greek hairstyle for a special occasion.

There is another, more everyday version of the Greek tail, which can be worn to work:

  • The hair is divided in half with a straight parting.
  • Weakly braid two pigtails, starting from the temples.
  • Connect the pigtails together at the neck.
  • A strand of hair is wrapped around an elastic band.
  • Relax the pigtails by pulling out a few strands.
  • Lightly comb the ponytail for volume.

Tail with a voluminous top

If you have to go to a party or a club, you can collect your hair in a stylish ponytail in 5 minutes.

To do this, you need a comb, elastic band and 3-4 hairpins:

  • Well comb the hair along the entire length.
  • Throwing the head back, they collect a high tail.
  • To add volume, you need to pull out the hair a little from the face, the temples remain smoothly combed.
  • The next step is hiding an elastic band under a thin strand of hair.
  • Lightly comb the tail from the inside to give splendor and comb well from above.
  • Spray with a little varnish.
  • To give the tail more volume, you can insert 3 hairpins into the base of the tail from the inside.

To make the studs hold better, they can be sprayed with varnish before use.

Tail of twisted tails

Hairstyle for long hair, which you can do with your own hands, spending just a couple of minutes. Despite the simplicity, such styling is perfect not only for weekdays, but also for a special occasion. You can use the entire mass of hair, or individual strands.

Option 1:

  • Gather a low ponytail near the middle of the neck, the hair should not be pulled tight.
  • Fixed with a thin invisible elastic band.
  • The hair above the elastic is divided in half, making a hole out of them above the elastic.
  • Thread a tail through it.
  • Pull the elastic up and hide it under the hair.
  • Slightly loosen the hair above the elastic to add volume.

Option 2:

  • To begin with, two small strands are distinguished at the temporal part of the head.
  • They are fastened together with an elastic band at the back of the head and the tail is turned out, passing it through the hole above the elastic band.
  • New strands are separated on both sides of the head, lower than the first.
  • Having fastened, they turn them out in the same manner as the first ones.
  • At the bottom of the head, collect all the remaining hair in a low ponytail and turn it inside out, like the previous ones.
  • If you hide the elastic bands with flowers or decorative hairpins, then the daytime office version of the hairstyle is transformed into evening styling.

french braid

The French braid has not lost its relevance for many years. This styling looks aristocratic and playful at the same time and lasts quite a long time. You can make such a pigtail both on thick hair and on sparse ones.


  • Well-combed hair is combed back. Fine hair needs to be combed at the roots for volume.
  • Separate the top strand above the forehead and fasten it with an elastic band at the back of the head.
  • From both sides, parts of the hair of the same size are isolated and begin to braid.
  • Alternately, a new strand is captured from each side and woven into a braid.
  • Continue to repeat this manipulation with strands to the end of the head.
  • When all the hair on both sides is woven into a braid, continue to weave in the traditional way.
  • The end is fastened with an elastic band.
  • If desired, you can slightly loosen the pigtail by stretching its tiers with your hands.
  • To prevent unruly hairs from breaking out of the pigtail, they should be fixed with a small amount of varnish.

French braid headband

Using the skill of French weaving, you can make a beautiful headband with a little skill and patience:

  • It is necessary to comb the hair back and with an even parting “from ear to ear” select part of the hair near the face in a wide strip;
  • Loose hair is pinned up so as not to interfere.
  • The selected part of the hair is divided by a horizontal parting into two identical parts.
  • Weaving should begin at one ear, gradually moving to the opposite.
  • The back part of the selected strand is the main one when weaving, and uniform strands are gradually woven into the braid from the front part.
  • Having braided to the other side of the head, the pigtail is continued in the usual way and the tip is fixed, hiding it under the hair.

You can braid a pigtail with classic weaving or twisted.

dutch braid

The French braid can be braided in reverse - such weaving is called Dutch or purl.

To do this, the strands are crossed not over the middle strand, but under it. The pigtail is turned inside out. Before crossing, you need to gradually add side loose hair to the extreme strands. Continue braiding until all hair is woven into a pigtail.

Do not forget to start strands while weaving under the bottom. When the braid is ready, relax the strands. It looks very elegant and significantly increases the visual volume of the hair.

Braid "Fishtail"

At first glance, the fishtail weave looks complicated, but in fact it is the simplest braid that is braided with just two strands. With your own hands, it is very easy to braid this charming pigtail on long, even hair. This style of weaving is also used in complex evening hairstyles.

If the hair is naughty, it is better to pre-moisten it a little. a special hair tonic, or just water. So the hair will be easier to style and less electrified.

The braid is woven as follows:

  • Hair is divided in half.
  • A thin strand is isolated from the outer edge of the right part of the hair and transferred to the middle part of the left half of the hair.
  • The left extreme strand is attached to the middle of the right part of the hair.
  • Weaving continues, shifting the extreme thin strands from the sides to the middle. The thinner the strand, the more beautiful the end result will look, but it will also take more time.
  • At the end of the pigtail, a decorative elastic band is fixed, the braid is straightened with your hands, stretching out the strands and increasing the width of the weave.

braid twist

To create such an unusual braid, you first need to pay a little attention to the root volume of the hair: apply styling mousse to the roots of washed and slightly dried hair and dry the hair until completely dry. If you braid wet hair, the braid will lose its volume.

The twist braid is suitable for any type of hair.


  • A side parting is done and all the curls are thrown over one shoulder (opposite from the parting).
  • At the base of the parting, a strand of hair is isolated and divided in half. It turns out two halves: one closer to the face (front strand), the second further (back strand).
  • Slightly turning the front strand counterclockwise, throw it over the back. Now the strands are reversed.
  • Add some loose hair to the front strand, scrolling counterclockwise, and throw it over the back. The strands have changed places again. Continue to add loose hair to the strand before each turn, thanks to this action, the braid gradually becomes thicker. Weaving continues until all the curls are involved in the braid - you get two strands.
  • Continue to weave the braid, twisting two strands together. At the end, a transparent elastic band is wound.
  • Finally, use your fingertips to lightly fluff the hair at the roots to add volume and relax the braid, gently pulling up the braided strands. Spray lightly with hairspray so that it lasts longer.

Four-strand braid with ribbon

Weaving a braid of four strands is not only popular, but also very beautiful, and decorated with a beautiful ribbon, it is also very elegant. It takes a little practice to braid a four-row braid, but there is nothing complicated in this hairstyle.

The main thing is to stick to a simple scheme:

  • As in the case of the French braid, you need to separate a section of hair and tie a ribbon under this strand at the roots of the hair.
  • Then the selected strand is divided into 3 equal parts plus a ribbon (the ribbon plays the role of a quadruple strand).
  • For convenience, you can number the strands from left to right: No. 1, No. 2, insert the ribbon strand at number 3 and No. 4 - the rightmost strand.
  • Strand No. 1 must be thrown over strand No. 2 and under strand No. 3 (tape) and over strand No. 4; then No. 4 is thrown over No. 3 and under No. 2.
  • Each time, loose curls are added to the outer strand on each side until all the hair is involved in weaving.
  • The end is fastened with a ribbon and left or hidden, stabbed under a braid.
  • Strands above and below the tape give volume, slightly stretching them.

Spit "Chinese stairs"

A new trend - the Chinese braid, although it seems like a rather complicated job, in reality everything turns out to be very simple. To keep your hair from getting tangled, it is best to do your hair on slightly damp hair.


  • Collect hair in a ponytail (high or low depends on desire).
  • On the right side of the tail, a thin strand is isolated. They make a loop out of it, tie it around the tail, thread the end into the loop and tighten it (reminiscent of tying shoelaces).
  • Another thin strand from the tail is added to the selected strand.
  • Again, a loop is made, tied around the hair, the end is threaded into the middle of the loop and tightened.
  • Continue in the same way until the end.

braid crown

There are many variations of the braided crown hairstyle that are quite easy to make. The result will be different if you experiment with different types of weaving and accessories. Styling is suitable for both long and not very long curls.

Step-by-step analysis of the classic hair crown:

  • Divide the hair with a parting in the middle into two parts.
  • You need to start braiding from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the front. You should get two pigtails that hang forward.
  • One pigtail is wound on the head and secured with hairpins or invisible ones.
  • The same is done with the other braid.
  • Release a couple of thin strands around the face.


Spit-waterfall gives the image tenderness and romance. Freely falling flowing curls resemble the jets of a waterfall, hence the name.

This braid looks great on wavy hair, but is also suitable for smooth hair.


  • A small strand is separated at the temple and a simple braid begins to be braided.
  • First, the top strand is shifted to the middle.
  • Then the bottom strand is moved to the center.
  • Repeat the previous two steps one more time.
  • Further, the strand that was at the bottom remains free. Instead, you need to select a new strand from below from the free hair. In the future, this new strand will already participate in weaving.
  • A thin strand of free hair is attached to the strand that was at the top, as is done with French weaving, and shifted to the middle.
  • Next, a new strand from below takes the place of the central one.
  • Repeat all the above manipulations: leave the bottom strand free, replacing it with a new one.
  • Continue to weave like this, each time leaving the bottom one, replacing it with a new one and adding to the top free hair.
  • Repeating in turn all the described actions, continue weaving around the head.
  • Having brought the weaving to the opposite side, fix it with an inconspicuous elastic band and hide it under the hair or continue the pigtail to the end.

Brigitte Bardot Ribbon Hairstyle

Retro hairstyles have already become classics, indispensable for a festive event. One of these hairstyles is considered to be a hairstyle in the style of the famous actress of the 60s Brigitte Bardot.


  • Separate the upper part of the hair, lifting them up, make a pile from the inside and spray with varnish.
  • Gather the hair at the back of the head, grabbing the temporal strands. No need to tighten the elastic band so as not to spoil the volume.
  • A ribbon is tied on top and sealed with varnish again.

Low elegant bun

Hair, styled in an elegant, neat bun, always looks perfect both in the office and at a festive event. Such a bun is suitable for women of different ages and does not depend on the thickness of the hair, and the use of various accessories, plaits, braids can turn an everyday ordinary hairstyle into an aristocratic evening styling.

To build an elegant bun, you need to stock up on a pair of elastic bands, hairpins and a “donut” for hair made of foam rubber (a thick elastic band will do).


  • Wavy hair is best treated in advance with an iron.
  • Then, using a special comb with a thin long end, small strands are separated on the sides and removed so as not to interfere.
  • From the remaining hair make a low ponytail.
  • Above the elastic band that fastens the tail, a foam rubber “donut” or a thick elastic band is attached, pierced on the sides with studs.
  • Lift the tail up and fasten with a thin elastic band above the attached "donut".
  • Tuck the remaining ends under the foam donut and fix with hairpins.
  • Straighten the hair evenly to completely hide the bagel (elastic band).
  • The front loose curls are laid on top of the beam, hiding the ends and securing with invisibility.
  • Using decorative hairpins with flowers or pearls will turn your hairstyle into a stylish evening styling.

Topknot with loose hair

Loose hair with a carelessly gathered bun at the top is a romantic and at the same time slightly hooligan look - a peak in youth, and not only, style.

Ideal for any hair of various lengths and done in a few seconds:

  • Separate a third of the hair at the crown from the total mass.
  • They twist a tourniquet out of them.
  • Fold the tourniquet in a ring or bundle.
  • Secure with an elastic band that matches your hair color.
  • For reliability, a couple of studs are added.

Twisted bun of braids in the form of a flower

Usually the bun is made on the basis of the tail, but you can make a beautiful unusual bun from braids:

  • The hair is divided into 3 parts: the side two are smaller, the middle part is larger;
  • braid three braids.
  • A bundle is twisted from the middle braid and fastened with hairpins.
  • Side braids are laid around the bundle: one wrapping the bundle from above, and the other from below.

Bow bun

A bow from a beam looks youthful and cute.

Its creation does not take much time:

  • It is necessary to collect a high tail and, turning the last round of elastic, make a loop, leaving 10 cm free from the ends in front.
  • Divide the resulting loop into two halves and distribute to the sides.
  • The free ends left in front lead back through the middle of the bow and hide under it, stabbing with invisibility.

Bundle of curls

One of the most popular hairstyles for prom or weddings is the romantic low bun.


  • Divide the hair into two parts near the face and highlight the third - the back (it is slightly larger than the front).
  • Make a ponytail from the back of the hair.
  • Wind large curls with a curling iron or ironing.
  • From the curls tucked into the tail, a careless bundle is formed and fixed.
  • The curls left by the face are attached to the bundle in thin strands in stages.
  • The hairstyle is fastened with varnish so that it does not bloom longer.

Bundle "bubble"

Easy quick hairstyle, suitable for study, home, walk.

All you need is a hair tie:

  • Comb the curls and collect the tail so that the ends of the hair remain under the elastic.
  • Secure the ends with a hairpin or hairpin so that they do not stick out.
  • The elastic band can be hidden with a thin pigtail or hair flagellum.

Greek with a bandage

There are several options for styling hair in the Greek manner. To do this, you need a decorative bandage - an elastic band.

Option 1: hair is twisted into flagella and placed under an elastic band.

Option 2: part of the hair is laid under the elastic, and a ponytail of curls remains behind.

Option 3: the front curls are placed under the bandage, the hair at the back is braided into a pigtail.

Gatsby style

Hairstyles in this style were at the height of fashion in the first half of the twentieth century and today they again covered the world of modern hairstyles with a retro wave. Due to the variety of options, the length of the hair does not play any role in creating such a hairstyle. The main thing is the absence of bangs. For styling at home, you will need an iron, hair clips and varnish.


  • Comb hair and spray with varnish.
  • A strand of hair is separated and grasped with an iron at the roots so that an upward arc is formed in the form of the letter C.
  • Move the iron down along the strand and arch it in the opposite direction.
  • They continue to curl in semicircular arcs, alternately arching up and down along the entire length of the strand.
  • The formed waves are fixed with clamps for the convenience of work.
  • At the end, the waves are sprayed with varnish and the clamps are removed.

classic shell

Easy comfortable hairstyle for long hair, which is not difficult to build with your own hands:

  • Pull hair to one side.
  • Curls are twisted on the side into a shell.
  • Transfer to the other side and fasten.

Lush shell without bangs

This styling differs from the classic shell in a more lush volume and looks more solemn, in the evening:

  • To add volume, you need to throw the hair at the forehead forward and comb it slightly.
  • Then the combed strand is laid back and attached with invisibility at the back of the head.
  • Loose curls are twisted into a shell on the side and, shifting to the other side of the head, they are stabbed with hairpins.

Pierced criss-cross hairstyle

Stylish and boring hairstyle for office everyday life.


  • Hair is divided into 2 zones: front and back.
  • The front part must be stabbed so as not to interfere.
  • From the back of the hair, a ponytail is collected and wrapped in a bun.
  • The hair left in the front zone is divided into two parts with a side parting or straight - to whom it suits best.
  • The facial strands are crossed over the beam and wrapped around it, hiding the ends.

Retro hairstyle with voluminous bangs

Lovers of voluminous bangs can try the retro hairstyle in the style of "Babetta", which has not lost its relevance in the modern world.


  • You need to tie your hair into a high ponytail.
  • Then a hair roller or bagel is attached under the elastic band.
  • The ends of the hair are removed under the roller, forming a bun.
  • Straighten hair evenly.
  • The bundle is decorated with a ribbon, rim or scallop.

Hippie weaving

The hippie movement gave the world cute natural hairstyles that do not need special styling, decorated with flowers and colored ribbons.

Any weaving option is welcome:

  • Two loosely braided braids with loose strands and embellished with bright ribbons.
  • Two thin braids, braided from the front strands and fastened together at the back of the head over loose hair.

Quick curls

You can quickly wind curls at home using mousse, foam or varnish, so that the result pleases longer, use a curling iron, iron or a simple hair dryer.

With the help of a curling iron


  • Collect all the hair on the crown in a ponytail.
  • Break the tail into 4-8 parts (the amount depends on the thickness of the hair).
  • Screw each part onto a curling iron.
  • Remove the elastic and straighten the curls.
  • Fix the setting.

With the help of an iron


  • Apply mousse to clean hair.
  • Twist a tight tourniquet from a strand of hair 2 or 2.5 cm thick.
  • Run the iron along the twisted tourniquet.

With a hair dryer


  • Slightly damp hair is combed.
  • Divide the hair into 6-8 parts.
  • A tight tourniquet is twisted from each part and folded into a bundle.
  • Dry each bundle well with a hairdryer.
  • When the hair has cooled, curls are dissolved.

Making an original hairstyle for long hair with your own hands is quite simple. All you need is the desire to look new every day, a little time and skill. And a boring stylish look will delight and cheer up not only the owner of fashionable styling, but also delight others.

Do-it-yourself hairstyle for long hair: video

Quick hairstyles for long hair, see the video clip:

Evening hairstyle for long hair with your own hands, see the video clip: