Devices for self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis techniques and what self-hypnosis is. Self-hypnosis method e. que

Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis are psychological methods that are tools for personal improvement and getting rid of problems in a wide variety of areas of activity.

How does self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis work?

Active thinking not only creates material and intellectual values ​​aimed at the person himself, it forms. This process in psychology is called self-hypnosis, and its power is such that it can change a person beyond recognition.

Active thinking and self-hypnosis differ from passive thinking by purposefulness and awareness. They create a target setting in the subconscious that changes some embedded programs, removes or establishes prohibitions, etc.

If the mechanism of action is not known, the process of self-hypnosis can be launched involuntarily by a person, which is not always favorable. For example, when upset because of a failure, a person can reproach himself for a long time, calling himself a “loser”, “slut,” etc. This often leads to the fact that in the next difficult situation he will begin to behave accordingly - like a loser and a bungler.

Self-hypnosis differs from self-hypnosis in that the individual is more deeply immersed in a pre-conceived image. That is, he doesn’t just mentally call himself “lucky”, he creates a visual picture of his own triumph and immerses himself in it as much as possible.

Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis are used in many religious practices: Buddhism, Taoism. Prayers in themselves are a strong self-hypnosis, since in a relaxed state the power of thought increases significantly.

How to learn self-hypnosis?

For a more noticeable result, you need to practice self-hypnosis in a comfortable environment and with absence of irritating factors. It is advisable to think through the self-hypnosis formula well to avoid mistakes.

The most common mistake is the use of negative particles “not” and “neither”. You cannot tell yourself, “I will not feel fear,” but repeat, “I am strong and fearless.” The subconscious does not perceive negative particles, and the wrong attitude can lead to polar results.

In addition, the formula for self-hypnosis should be brief and unambiguous - complex structures can also lead to the wrong result. New desired qualities should be introduced into the formula gradually, and you should start small. Over time, the skill of self-hypnosis can be used not only alone, but also when among people.

Suggestion, influence techniques, hypnosis are psychological techniques that are used to improve the quality of one’s life. Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis are used to get rid of bad habits, to change thinking, and to eliminate incorrect attitudes.

Self-hypnosis will help improve your quality of life

Definition of the concept

Hypnosis is a state in which a person is placed with virtually no awareness. If a person is not aware of the hypnotic influence, after leaving it he cannot recognize his own thoughts and what was suggested to him.

Self-programming is a type of hypnosis in which a person engages in independent suggestion. It is programmed to the mood it needs. You can learn and master this technique at home. Changes in thinking, correction of individual attitudes allow you to change what a person does not like about himself or his lifestyle.

Self-hypnosis needs to be learned gradually, studying the psychology of behavior and the consequences that occur after self-medication using hypnosis.

The essence of suggestion

  • Suggestion is the basis of hypnosis. This is the receptivity that is responsible for protecting the psyche: the more receptive a person is, the greater his suggestibility. This criterion determines the duration of the trance state (the main therapeutic activity of the method is carried out in it). Suggestion Guide:
  • the suggestible must be ready for hypnosis, his mood and moral preparation are important;
  • It is better not to use self-hypnosis in a difficult psycho-emotional state or under the influence of spontaneous desire;

You need to prepare for any impact on the psyche.

Suggestibility depends on the choice of hypnosis method: this technique is selected individually. Individual skepticism can reduce the effectiveness of suggestion, so you need to get yourself in the right mindset before the session.

You need to be prepared for changes in behavior: if a person gets rid of bad habits or wrong attitudes, changes await him, for which he should prepare. After suggestion or hypnosis, excess stress will only do harm.

To learn self-hypnosis on your own without outside help, you must follow the basic rules of the technique. It is impossible for strangers to interfere, especially in a state of trance. Random sounds can disrupt the hypnotic state during the first training sessions, when a person learns to maintain a trance state. During classes (when a person is introduced into hypnosis on his own), you should listen to your own body. Any negative reactions are a good reason to terminate the session.

Hypnosis consists of several states:

  • trance;
  • blackout;
  • suggestion;
  • exit from trance.

To learn self-hypnosis, you need to be systematic: you need to master each stage of hypnosis, understand its nature and how it works. By changing consciousness, you can decide how effective the self-hypnosis technique is.

Suggestion and exit from trance are the two main and final stages. It is important not to harm your own psyche: every suggestion is a great responsibility to yourself.

Trance and blackout - stages of self-hypnosis

Characteristics of the trance state

The trance state is an unconscious state when external stimuli are turned off. A person under hypnosis is in a state between sleep and wakefulness. The role of consciousness in such a process is minimal: inspired information is difficult to distinguish from ideas and thoughts that appear naturally. For the person being hypnotized, this state is natural; he does not feel discomfort or fear.

Consciousness does not have any questions or doubts: in a trance you can wean yourself from smoking, from addiction to alcohol or drugs. Without the participation of consciousness, it is easier to reconfigure the individual’s thinking; this is the main difference between hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.

After a trance session, a person cannot remember what happened to him in this state. For him, the entire session is painless. Changed thinking manifests itself immediately: behavior, habits and principles change.

Concept of self-hypnosis

Learning self-hypnosis begins with proper relaxation. Experienced hypnotists recommend treating the technique as an opportunity to observe yourself; during self-hypnosis, you must behave like an observer.

By general definition, self-hypnosis (self-hypnosis) is the ability to plunge into a hypnotic state without the help of strangers. Active self-hypnosis is carried out only after long practice.

Method capabilities

How can self-hypnosis help? This is a technique for beginners: helping to restructure your thinking. Some people help themselves get rid of suppressed fears, while others use meditation with elements of self-hypnosis to get rid of fatigue. This auto-training will help:

  • cope with prolonged stress;
  • improve health;
  • establish a sleep schedule;
  • master the technique of proper rest;
  • cope with mental disorders, nervous tension;
  • get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, gambling and drug addiction);
  • reduce weight;
  • survive crises (money, depression);
  • learn to believe in yourself, increase self-esteem;
  • improve relationships with loved ones and colleagues;
  • develop hidden abilities;
  • gain positive thinking.

The more subconscious incorrect attitudes, the more afraid a person is. It is difficult for him to understand himself and find his place in society. Self-hypnosis and self-analysis will increase self-esteem.

Treatment using self-hypnosis is effective: a person learns to live without bad habits. The treatment takes place in comfortable conditions and avoids long-term rehabilitation.

With the help of self-hypnosis you can learn how to relax properly

Crisis situations

Self-hypnosis is the foundation of self-hypnosis. This is a direct process of introducing information into the brain that will transform life. Self-hypnosis does not harm or cause mental disorders. This technique is used in crisis situations when a person is experiencing a difficult psycho-emotional state. Using this technique, all resources and all abilities that will help overcome a crisis situation are activated.

After entering a trance, you can concentrate on one task. In this state, it is easier to conduct introspection and look at the current situation from a different angle.

Self-hypnosis is used before important events if a person is sure that he will experience severe stress and anxiety.

Mental and physiological problems

Mental problems do not disappear overnight. The more a person works on himself, the faster he clears himself of obsessive thoughts. To eliminate self-doubt and improve work capacity (for chronic fatigue), self-hypnosis is used.

Self-hypnosis helps in getting the right impulse or motivation. A person gets ready to win or receives a great charge of strength for further actions. For creative individuals, self-hypnosis enhances creative abilities, allows you to escape from everyday problems and concentrate on self-realization.

Self-hypnosis can awaken motivation

Chronic diseases

Active self-hypnosis strengthens the body's defense mechanisms. Psychosomatics (psychological factors cause physiological symptoms) are treated with self-hypnosis, but only in cases where the person is ready for change. If phobias are a defensive reaction, then it is impossible to get rid of them without treating the root cause of the suppressed fear.

Psychosomatic and chronic diseases constantly weaken the immune system. Psychological and neurological pathologies are dangerous for adults and children. The longer they affect the body, the harder it is to get rid of them. Regular use of self-hypnosis will help get rid of chronic diseases and improve the general well-being of the patient.

Basics of Self-Hypnosis

The technique of self-hypnosis is simple: it consists of sequential steps that need to be remembered. To achieve a good result, systematic and methodical approach is required. Stages of self-hypnosis:

  • decision-making;
  • relaxation;
  • putting oneself into a trance;
  • suggestion of a therapeutic (treatment) program;
  • exit from a trance state.

To prevent a person from forgetting the technique, each stage is constantly repeated. Complete immersion requires dedication; you cannot approach self-hypnosis without complete trust.

Additionally, during hypnosis, sound or color techniques are used. These are auxiliary tools for deep immersion, when the subconscious mind better perceives new settings.

First session

The technique is simple: a person analyzes his own condition and possible ways to solve the problem. If there is no other way out, hypnosis is used.

You cannot make a diagnosis without consulting a specialist. If there is a problem, you should consult a doctor of the required specialization. Self-medication, even with the help of hypnosis, does not harm if the patient is aware of the state of his own body. Psychosis is contraindicated for deep immersion: hypnotherapy is used only by a doctor, otherwise it can harm the patient.

Muscle relaxation

If the decision is made, the person must tune in. He is confident in the chosen treatment method, collected and concentrated. The responsibility for self-hypnosis lies with the patient, so doubts are not allowed. It is important to learn how to relax correctly. Neuromuscular relaxation is based on maximum relaxation of all muscles.

If complete relaxation is needed for deep self-hypnosis, one of the techniques is used for relaxation: Jacobson’s relaxation technique is useful before self-hypnosis.

It is based on concentration: at the first stage of relaxation, you need to tense all your muscles as much as possible and only after feeling them, relax. The exercise is carried out sequentially in 2-3 stages. Tension and relaxation begin in the upper limbs and end in the legs. During the first approach, muscle tension takes 2-3 seconds, then the exercise time increases. The technique is carried out until the muscles of the whole body are completely relaxed.

State of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis training centers around one stage - introducing a person into a trance state. Without it, it will not be possible to instill the correct attitude. Before the session, you need to find a comfortable, quiet place. It's better to be completely alone.

Self-hypnosis consists of 4 stages: at each stage a person controls his own body and mind. The first stage of hypnosis, which puts a person into a trance, is called “closing the eyes” - it allows you to be in a state of semi-sleep.

The first stage is the most critical. It depends on how quickly a person enters a trance. He says “one” to himself and gives the command to his body to calm down. He imagines his eyelids becoming heavy, all his thoughts focusing only on this process. You need to feel this state and not think about anything else.

The phrase about heavy eyelids is repeated until there are no other extraneous thoughts left. When the physical sensation of heavy eyelids appears, hypnosis begins to work, suggestibility is good, and you can continue self-hypnosis.

The first stage is the most crucial: the person enters a trance

Second phase

At the second stage of self-hypnosis, you need to say “two” (the report in the stages of the technique helps to concentrate). The hypnotist repeats to himself the phrase that the eyes are not just heavy, they themselves want to close. The eyes should be open unless there is a desire to close them. The phrase is repeated until the desire to lower the eyelids appears.

The second stage takes most of the time. This is a difficult process where the hypnotist needs to give in to physiological needs. If he manages to force his eyes to close with the help of thoughts, self-hypnosis will be successful.

Third stage

Command “three” allows you to move to the third stage of self-hypnosis. The hypnotist thinks to himself that his eyes are so heavy that they cannot open even with a strong desire. He needs to feel this state when the eyes and eyelids cannot be controlled. The main thought of the third stage needs energy, otherwise the trance state will quickly go away.

It’s easy to check whether hypnosis works or not. If attempts to open the eyes were successful, it was not possible to achieve trance.

If the eyelids remain motionless, self-hypnosis works. Effectiveness depends on concentration: the fewer extraneous thoughts remain in your head, the easier it is to turn off your consciousness.

Concentration is a special skill, without which you cannot learn self-hypnosis. It is very difficult to reach the third stage the first time. The hypnotist is patient and repeats the first two stages until the body gets used to the commands and begins to obey.

Without the ability to concentrate you cannot learn self-hypnosis

Fourth stage

The fourth stage is acceleration. It consists of repeating the simplest self-hypnosis scheme:

  1. The first stage begins with the thought of heavy eyelids. This is repeated until they become heavy.
  2. On the count of “two” the thought is repeated, but only once.
  3. When the eyes close on their own, you need to say “three” and repeat the thought.
  4. Open your eyelids at the command “open”.
  5. All stages are repeated, but without counting. You can think to yourself about the sequence of stages, but not say any words. Thoughts are repeated once for each stage. The more practice, the easier all stages of self-hypnosis become.

Only long-term practice allows one to achieve a deep hypnotic trance. Having achieved it, you can use self-hypnosis.

Mastering the program

The verbal formula allows you to reach the final goal. This is an installation, a kind of program that you need to instill in yourself. Before entering a trance, you should create a figurative plot: it should be simple, clear and structured.

During the presentation of the scenario, extraneous thoughts, random images, and distracting observations arise. It is a residual phenomenon of consciousness that resists. Every time the image begins to blur or go away (slip away in random thoughts), it needs to be returned. Individual images can be used each time you practice self-hypnosis.

Healing images

If self-hypnosis is used to combat diseases, during a trance you need to imagine the diseased parts of the skin and the medicines that are applied to them. It is necessary to imagine that medicinal bandages or ointments help immediately - the pain and itching goes away.

When the bandage is mentally removed, the skin remains intact and healthy. This image will allow you to quickly recover from illnesses.

Images of the past have a positive effect; these are experienced moments associated with recovery or healing. Images supported by emotion help to quickly perceive self-hypnosis.

Inspired dreams

Sleep disorders are difficult to cure. Psychoanalysis and hypnotherapy are used to help the patient. At its core, dreams are the result of the work of the unconscious part of the mind. A person can control dreams: for this, unnecessary images that cause anxiety and nervous disorder are erased, and new ones are recorded that bring joy and calm.

To form useful dreams, a person influences himself: he rewrites dreams, leaving only good associations in the subconscious. For such manipulations, short images are needed, and long images are used in cases where it is necessary to overcome a complex problem.

Coping with Anxiety

The wording “I’m not afraid of anxiety” helps reduce stress. This is a useful phrase used to treat people with anxious, intrusive thoughts. You can practice anti-anxiety imagery as often as a person can afford. The image allows you to calm down and get rid of internal tension.

Images can be tied to actions. To calm down, use one of the breathing exercises that allow you to calm down anywhere and under any conditions. Long images or installations are needed if long-term stress is caused by suppressed fears: each cause of nervous tension is gradually destroyed.

Coming out of a hypnotic state

If the hypnotist managed to quickly put himself into a trance and give instructions, he should also quickly remove himself from hypnosis. You can end the session only after a complete repetition of the installation or image; you cannot cut the installation, otherwise it will not work correctly. To enter a trance (behave normally in a trance) and exit it, only one phrase is needed - a signal about the end of hypnosis. The hypnotist forces his own eyes to open. The phrase “come out” signals the end of the trance.

It will take a few minutes to come out of the trance: there is no need to be afraid of a long awakening. The brain returns to its usual mode, and at the same time awareness comes.

If a person falls asleep during hypnosis, there is no need to be afraid. This is a normal reaction of the body to relaxation. After a hypnosis session, you can relax and take a breath.

After sleep or deep trance, a person recovers within half an hour. The recovery period also needs to be planned so as not to rush about business while half asleep. Methodicality, composure and concentration will help you use self-hypnosis for your own purposes without harm to your health.

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-suggestion, sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses can be evoked, as well as influence the autonomic functions of the body.

The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses through the constant repetition of specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious and it begins to act according to this impulse of thought, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repeating settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.

Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle “not” is excluded from verbal formulas. You cannot say “I don’t smoke.” You need to say “I quit smoking” or “I stopped smoking.” You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration on the subject of suggestion. While pronouncing each self-hypnosis phrase, it is advisable to vividly imagine what is being suggested.

Self-hypnosis methods work most effectively when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful message to the subconscious) occur against the background of a state of relaxation in the body. The more relaxed the body is, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve a specific goal, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.

There are quite a large number of methods of self-hypnosis - these are affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechniques.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis where you repeat formulas out loud or silently. The point of this psychotechnic is that you construct a sentence in which you say that you have achieved a certain goal. For example, “I have good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have a good job”, “I am married to my loved one”. What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely supplant them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.

Gratitude is a type of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we give thanks, strong emotions arise at the same time, and this has a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health,” “Thank you for my new home,” even if you don’t have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this home. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have something repeatable.

The most common state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable for this psychotechnics. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his entire day. That is, you can do whatever you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, as long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of your memory.

Affirmations are the simplest method of self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious; they are less powerful than visualization and need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is to simply imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our minds do not differentiate real events from imagined ones. When you imagine something, the mind believes that it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you must imagine that you are driving that car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you insert your keys into the keyhole and open the door for the first time, how you enter the house, how you look around it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.

You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting from your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is embedded in the subconscious must be very clear and vivid - then the subconscious will be able to give commands to the corresponding organs and tissues.

The duration of this psychotechnic is not particularly important. The main criterion is your pleasure. Visualize it for as long as you like it. This can last as long as an hour or five minutes. The main thing is that the process should be enjoyable. The more often you imagine the desired image, the sooner the renewal process will begin. And the result may simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula several times (at least 20). The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, “I am healthy.” In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this self-hypnosis method lasts 3-4 minutes and is repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using drowsy states for psychotechnical sessions in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lowest level) or hypnotic trance (highest level). The creator of the autogenic training method is Johannes Heinrich Schultz, and he also owns the term “autogenic training.” This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yoga, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the method of self-hypnosis by E. Coue and others.

By practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which occurs on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the “coachman” position. Having achieved relaxation, you need to:
– activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
– cause, if necessary, not only calm, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
– accompany self-hypnosis formulas with figurative ideas.

The effectiveness of using this psychotechnics will depend on the degree of concentration, so other matters are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one has an extremely bad effect on achieving the effect.

A type of autogenic training is imago training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago training, every person without any training is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago training specialist) beyond the limits of his usual capabilities and reveal his creative abilities.


Meditation is intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating from consciousness all interfering factors, both external and internal.

A necessary condition for meditation is the cessation of internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly have with ourselves. Stopping it is not difficult at all. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.

Meditation is a psychotechnic that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more; in principle, it is very simple. It can be divided into four parts, four components:
– definition of installation;
– entering a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given attitude within oneself;
– exit from a state of emptiness to a normal state with an attitude already embedded in the subconscious;
– if it is necessary to carry out the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.

Installations should be extremely concise, succinct and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase “I am deeply asleep...”. Next, you should mentally count from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away further and further from the familiar world, plunging deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting “zero,” say the key phrase “I am deeply asleep...” again and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it’s time to pronounce a formula that will help you achieve this state faster in the future. It goes like this: “Every time I say the words “I am deeply asleep...”, I enter a state of self-programming faster and faster.”

This formula must be repeated several times at each of the first lessons and only after that the self-hypnosis formulas must be spoken.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnic that makes it possible to re-experience a past situation in a concentrated way, but in a new way, in a virtual space. Re-experiencing is the discovery of new possibilities in an old situation, not for then, but for new opportunities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant today. That’s the only reason it makes sense to experience them, that’s the only reason they can be experienced. To actually experience a situation again means to see new possibilities in it.

The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of significant components of a situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be re-examined, rethought, etc.
3. You need to restore and reproduce in the situation what happened for you personally. The situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there was a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.

tinctures – an effective method of self-hypnosis

For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person’s consciousness reaches its maximum degree of concentration. Therefore, while performing the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.

Moods are words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. The fact that the words are spoken by the person himself does not weaken their influence. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word that comes from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than what was heard from another.


Visualize a deflated balloon above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely freed from these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize the balloon floating up and disappearing, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is an excellent psychotechnique that is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed has a hundred times greater impact on the subconscious than the word seen, spoken or heard.

Psychotechnique is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). You read it several times. Then go to bed and, reciting the suggestion formula, fall asleep.

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Learning the technique of self-hypnosis does not require a significant investment of time. A few exercises are enough to learn how to put yourself into a trance state, in which you can instill the necessary commands in your subconscious - overcome a phobia, lose weight, quit smoking. Once you learn simple self-hypnosis techniques, you can move on to hypnotizing other people.

What is the ability to put yourself into a hypnotic trance? Perhaps you want to acquire new knowledge (learn English, study, master chess). After several sessions of self-hypnosis with the immersion technique, your learning abilities will increase many times over.

Preparatory exercises

To use self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires, you first need to enter a trance state. Those who are not yet familiar with this technique should go ahead (the page with preparatory exercises will open in a new tab).

To learn the technique of self-hypnosis, you will need a tape recorder or MP3 player, as well as a recording of the self-hypnosis program, the text of which you will find in this article. In the future, you can refuse to listen to the recording, but at the initial stage this is necessary.

It should be borne in mind that self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis only work effectively if no one distracts you during the session. Turn off your phone, choose a time when you are guaranteed not to be disturbed for at least half an hour. You can conduct a session before bed or immediately after waking up.

So, take a comfortable position, do the preparatory exercises, turn on the recording of the self-hypnosis session (let's call it “Recording No. 1”). For the first time, it will be unusual for you to hear your own voice, but later this inconvenience will disappear.

Preparing “Record No. 1”

Dictate this text into a voice recorder or record it on a computer using a microphone and special software. If you do not have the necessary software, you can download the Audacity program.

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath (pause 3-5 seconds). Now exhale, feel your body relax. Concentrate your attention on your toes. Imagine that they are filled with warm water, becoming heavy and tired.

Now imagine that water begins to gradually fill your body, every cell of it. It goes into the feet (pause 3-5 seconds), spreads into the calves and shins (pause 3-5 seconds), into the kneecaps. Rises higher to the hips and fills the stomach. Take a deep breath, hold your breath (pause 3-5 seconds). Now exhale.

Warm water begins to fill your chest and flow down your arms - from your shoulders to your fingertips. The muscles become heavy and completely relax. Warm water fills the neck and face, reaching the top of the head. Your eyelids become heavy and close… close… close.”

Note: when you dictate the text of the introductory self-hypnosis technique, pronounce it in an even, monotonous voice, without any intonation. There is no need to rush too much; the hypnotist’s speech should be measured. The text enclosed in brackets does not need to be read.

“Imagine that you are in a cave in which there is twilight. In front of you is a staircase illuminated by a mysterious light source. This staircase has five steps. Now I will ask you to start going down it. With each subsequent step, you will relax more and more, plunging into a state of half-sleep.

Go to step five. Feel how your muscles become flabby and limp. You cannot move your arm or leg. Get down to the fourth step. It’s nice and comfortable here, all the problems are left behind. Third stage. Try to forget that you have a body. Get down to the second step. Nerve endings lose sensitivity.

You have reached the first stage and are now completely relaxed. Allow yourself to enjoy comfort and serenity."

Note: at this stage of self-hypnosis, the brain begins to work in alpha rhythm. This means that critical thinking is turned off and suggestion can be made. The text of the suggestion is compiled in any form, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

For example, if you want to overcome the fear of public speaking in front of a large audience using self-hypnosis, you can read the following text:

“You enjoy interacting with people. You feel relaxed and confident. The audience listens to every word spoken, applause is heard. You express your thoughts easily and freely.”

After it has been said, you will need to end the session. An abrupt exit from the state of self-hypnosis can cause a headache, as well as slight malaise.

The exercise is completed, in the next article we will discuss the technique of putting other people into hypnotic sleep.

» Self-hypnosis

© S.V. Umansky

Practical guide for beginners

Using self-hypnosis, you can:

  • cope effectively and successfully with stress;
  • restore and strengthen your health;
  • improve sleep;
  • learn to rest fully and deeply;
  • eliminate depression and fears;
  • get rid of neurotic disorders;
  • quit smoking;
  • get rid of addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • it is easier to overcome life's shocks and crises;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • get rid of shyness;
  • improve family relationships;
  • develop intelligence, memory, intuition;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • form positive thinking;
  • find meaning in life.

Methodological recommendations are devoted to the use of self-hypnosis to overcome crisis situations, solve psychophysiological problems and enhance the therapeutic effect of traditional drug therapy for various psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases. The manual describes in detail the methods of self-hypnosis and provides specific formulas of suggestions.

The guidelines are intended for psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists interested in teaching their patients methods of psychological self-help, as well as all those interested in mental health problems.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist of the highest category, chief psychotherapist of the Kurgan region. He has published more than 100 scientific papers devoted to the study of borderline mental disorders, psychotherapy for psychosomatic disorders and alcoholism, and group psychotherapy. He is the author of 5 monographs: “Clinical hypnosis”, “Synergetic psychotherapy”, “Introduction to psychological counseling”, etc.

From the author

These methodological recommendations are intended both for specialists (psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists interested in teaching their patients methods of psychological self-help) and for people who want to learn how to manage their internal state and understand the secrets of self-management.

When I started practicing psychotherapy more than 30 years ago, the main method of mental self-regulation was autogenic training. The basic elements of the technique were muscle relaxation training and self-hypnosis. However, the duration of training for this procedure, its emotional unattractiveness, combined with the monotonous pronunciation of suggestion formulas and intellectual complexity repelled patients from it. The desire to give a sick person a method of immediate psychological self-help drew our attention to the method of self-hypnosis. The new technique quickly gained popularity and was accepted and recognized by the majority of patients, and a quarter of a century of experience in using this technique confirmed its high effectiveness.


Self-hypnosis- this is a conscious, controlled ability of a person to immerse himself in a hypnotic state, as well as the ability to realize various phenomena characteristic of a hypnotic state. The technique of self-hypnosis must include a component called self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis- this is the introduction into the brain of figuratively imagined commands or settings against the background of a hypnotic state of consciousness.

Self-hypnosis is absolutely safe for health and is the most effective method of self-influence and mental self-regulation.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can learn to control the physical and mental processes of your body, overcoming crisis situations, resolving psychophysiological problems, getting rid of psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases.

Crisis situations

Using self-hypnosis, a person can mobilize his internal reserves and resources to overcome crisis situations. The hypnotic state is useful, first of all, because it opens up opportunities for making changes in the psyche. By introducing oneself into self-hypnosis, a person can focus his attention much more deeply on a problematic situation, thinking about its different sides. Remaining calm and confident in crisis situations, he is able to clearly control his emotions and his behavior.

Another feature is the psychological effect of self-hypnosis, which changes a person’s perception, giving new meaning to an old situation.

Self-hypnosis can be successfully used by people who lack self-confidence before speaking in large audiences or at concerts.

Psychophysiological problems.

Self-hypnosis can be used to work with yourself, effectively solving problems of fatigue and improving performance.

Using self-hypnosis, athletes can successfully program “victory states” in themselves. People of the artistic and intellectual type, using self-hypnosis, can increase their creative capabilities.

Psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases.

Psychosomatics(from the Greek Psyche - soul, Soma - body) in a broad sense - a term adopted in medicine to designate an approach to explaining diseases, in which special attention is paid to the role of mental factors in the occurrence, course and outcome of somatic diseases.

Psychosomatic disorders are understood as a wide range of diseases in which there is an interrelation and interdependence of neuropsychic and somato-neurological pathologies and in which psychosocial problems and the accompanying emotional stress are significant factors in the occurrence or exacerbation of the disease process.

Chronic (long-term) diseases are almost always a psychosomatic condition.

For patients with psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases, the technique of self-hypnosis has proven itself in practice. Optimal results are achieved with regular use.

We must be aware that we do not always set ourselves the goal of curing a serious illness. In a chronic disease, the goal may be sustained remission or maintenance of remission without the use of medications. This is an ideal option for chroniclers. If during such treatment the remission lasts for years and decades, this is a very good result. For psychosomatic disorders, complete recovery may be the ideal option.

Self-hypnosis is a psychological technique that always aims to achieve a specific result.

Self-hypnosis includes the following steps:

1. Making a decision to independently make certain changes in yourself (with a clear formulation of goals and objectives), using the technique of self-hypnosis;

2. Neuromuscular relaxation;

3. Putting yourself into a hypnotic state;

4. Implementation of the therapeutic program through:

  • self-hypnosis of verbal formulas;
  • visualization (mental visual representation) of one’s own image endowed with the desired qualities;
  • visualization and color manipulation;

5. Exit from the state of self-hypnosis and consolidation of new qualities with real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

Making a decision to make certain changes in yourself.

In crisis situations or emerging psychophysiological problems that do not reach the level of illness, a person himself can decide to use self-hypnosis. In such situations, he must analyze his state, psychophysiological resources and clearly define goals: change behavior or emotional reactions to various situations, get rid of obsessive thoughts or actions, etc. and so on.

When using self-hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, one must be very careful. Without medical education, you cannot diagnose yourself. Even if you know that you have a psychosomatic disorder or a chronic disease, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Using self-hypnosis, a person must rely on the conclusion of the attending physician about the presence of a particular disease. It is advisable that your doctor approves your use of self-hypnosis and conducts dynamic monitoring of your health.

Neuromuscular relaxation.

To use the state of self-hypnosis more effectively, a person must learn to relax well. The ability to relax the muscles of the body and feel muscle tone comes to some immediately, while others need training. The essence of neuromuscular relaxation is to relax all muscles as much as possible. A little independent practice, as a rule, gives good results and a person learns to relax quickly and deeply.

If you can’t relax on your own, you can use a method called Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation. It is based on the fact that with the help of concentration, one first develops the ability to capture the feeling of muscle tension and relaxation, and then develops the skill of mastering the voluntary relaxation of tense muscle groups. Exercises to tense and relax muscles are done sequentially, starting from the muscles of the upper extremities and sequentially moving to the muscles of the lower extremities. First, a short-term tension is applied to a group of muscles, which are then completely relaxed, and attention is focused on the feeling of relaxation in that area. After complete relaxation, move on to the next muscle group. This is done until all muscles are relaxed.

Introduction to a state of self-hypnosis.

To put yourself into a hypnotic state, we recommend following the following instructions.

Take a comfortable position (comfortably sitting in a chair or lying on the sofa with your arms extended along your body).

The first stage of self-hypnosis is “closing the eyes.” This means a condition in which, while awake, you cannot open your eyes.

1. Say “one” to yourself and at the same time think: “My eyelids are becoming heavy.” Just think about it, focus on this thought, be imbued with it, believe in it while you think about it. Drive away any other thought, such as this: “I wonder if this will work.” Focus on one thought: “My eyelids are becoming very, very heavy.” If you have only this one thought, if you concentrate on it, imbued with it and believe in it at the same time as you think about it, your eyelids will begin to get heavy. Don't expect them to get very heavy; when they start to get heavy, move on to the next phase.

2. Say “two” to yourself and at the same time think: “My eyelids are now very heavy, they are closing on their own.” As in the first phase, think only about this, concentrate on this thought, believe in it. Do not forcefully close your eyes or try to keep them open, but concentrate on a single thought: “My eyelids are now so heavy that they are closing themselves,” and at the same time, while you repeat this single thought, let your eyelids act on their own. If you are imbued with this thought, concentrate on it to the exclusion of all others, if you are imbued with it and believe in it, while you think about it, your eyelids will slowly close. When the eyelids close, leave them in this state.

3. Mentally say “three” and at the same time think: “My eyelids are tightly closed, I cannot open my eyes, despite all my efforts.” Repeat this mentally as before, think only about this, focus on this thought, imbue it with it and believe in it. But at the same time try to open your eyes; you will notice that you cannot do this until you say “open”, and then your eyes will instantly open. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts at self-hypnosis are unsuccessful. Most often, when learning self-hypnosis, the first two or three attempts end in failure, since usually the ability to focus on only one thought to the exclusion of all others is still lacking.

Failure does not at all indicate insufficient mental abilities. To focus on one single thought to the exclusion of all others, you need to master a new skill that requires persistence in practice. And if you fail the first time, you have to try again. If you are able to control your thinking processes, you will be able to focus on one thought; and once you can do this, self-hypnosis will become available to you.

Then, when your eyes close, you will move to the next phase and think: “My eyelids are tightly closed, I cannot open my eyes despite all my efforts.” You must constantly return to this thought, this one thought, and while you are thinking this, try to open your eyes. The entire time you concentrate on this single thought, your eyelids will remain closed. Your eyelid muscles will strain to open your eyes, but they will remain closed until you say out loud or mentally, “Open.”

4. Now move on to acceleration. Carry out the first phase as before, and at the moment when your eyelids become heavy, move on to the second phase. While you say “two,” think the said thought once (twice at most), but eliminate all other thoughts. When your eyes are closed, say “three” and again think about the said thought once (or at most twice), but only about it. Your eyelids will remain closed. Open them with the “open” command.

Now begin again whatever you were doing, but instead of saying “one,” “two,” and “three,” limit yourself to thinking about those numbers in the same order. Finally, do the entire exercise without numbers, but repeat the thought of the first, then the second and third phases once each. After sufficient practice, you will be able to close your eyes and keep your eyelids closed almost instantly, just once by thinking the thought of the third phase.

You will soon notice that you have gained speed and are able to control yourself more and more confidently. Once you have mastered the ability to concentrate on only one thought (phase one or two), you can almost instantly move to the third phase, which represents a complex thought. The touchstone of success in self-hypnosis is the ability to quickly close your eyes. When you achieve this, you will be able to achieve the depth of trance that is necessary to fearlessly face the problems that trouble you.

When you achieve the closing of your eyes and relaxation, which will increase simultaneously with the closing of your eyes, you will have reached the first stage of the trance of self-hypnosis. Now you are able to perceive the suggestions that you will give yourself.

As with closing the eyes, where speed is achieved through repeated repetition, the following phases require training. The secret of success lies in the ability to focus on only one thought, to the exclusion of all others, to become imbued with it and believe in it.

Try simple suggestions first. For example: squeeze your left index finger with your right hand. Think: “I can’t free my finger.” As before, focus on this single thought, become imbued with it, believe in it, and at the same time try to free your finger. He will be chained until you think, “Now I can free him.”

The state of self-hypnosis, as well as the usual hypnotic state, is characterized by hypnotic and post-hypnotic effects.

It is easier for a person who has previously attended hypnosis sessions and was in a hypnotic state to induce a state of self-hypnosis. The memory of the past hypnotic state can refresh and restore those sensations that were during hypnosis. At the initial stages of learning self-hypnosis, the patient is recommended to reproduce the situation of a hypnotic session (dimmed light, specific music, body position, etc.) 1-2 times a day at home.

In the future, if you follow certain, clearly established rules and regularly practice self-hypnosis, you can learn to put yourself into a state of hypnotic trance, sometimes even deeper than it was during hypnosis sessions with a psychotherapist.

Recommendations for persons who were previously in a hypnotic state induced by a psychotherapist. “Get comfortable and relax by taking a few deep breaths. Remember the hypnosis session. Try to relax, as you did when you were hypnotized. When you relax, tell yourself mentally that you are about to enter a state of deep hypnosis. Take three deep breaths, and as soon as you take the third breath, you will fall into a very deep hypnotic trance. During hypnosis, you will be able to think and maintain complete control over yourself. You can make any suggestion to yourself while you are under hypnosis, and exhibit all the hypnotic phenomena you wish. To wake up, all you have to do is tell yourself that you are waking up. Then you will count from ten to one and at the count of “one” you will finally wake up. If a critical situation arises while you are hypnotized, you will instantly awaken to take all necessary measures.

Implementation of the therapeutic program.

Implementing a therapeutic program means imagining a pre-compiled scenario, plot, verbal formula of suggestions or color based on the requirements of the final goal. If you are capable of imaginative thinking, you need to focus on the plot and break it down frame by frame from the initial state to the desired one.

Having chosen an image or formula of suggestion, you must concentrate on it as much as possible. But in practice, it can be quite difficult to keep attention on them for a long time. A series of extraneous thoughts and images arises. After you realize that you have left the original image, you need to return to it, but not immediately, but through the entire chain of thoughts and images in reverse order.

By practicing self-hypnosis, modeling various images, you can create individual images-symbols of health for yourself.

For skin diseases, it is recommended to imagine the affected areas of the skin on which balsamic dressings are applied. You can imagine how, when applying a bandage, the itching and burning sensation from the affected area of ​​the skin goes away, and a pleasant coolness appears. By slowly removing the bandage, you can see healthy, tender skin.

If you tend to abstract from images, correlating the desired state with a specific color, then you should concentrate your attention on a specific color, holding it and increasing its brightness.

For those suffering from chronic headaches, we can recommend the following figurative and color combination: “Concentrate your attention inside your head. Visually and figuratively imagine the intracranial space as black. Then gradually roll the black color into a lump so that outside of it the color becomes lighter and lighter. Gradually, slowly, replace the black color with a light one (preferably blue or green), relaxed, constantly observing the color change. When the color changes completely, the headache will go away.

If you have psoriasis or any other skin disease, visually imagine the affected areas in some unpleasant color for you. After you clearly imagine this, replace the color of the affected areas with another color, the one you prefer. When performing this operation, make sure that the color changes occur gradually. Step by step you will see new skin sprouting right before your eyes. Do this slowly and very visually.

Positive images of the past can be effective: You are swimming in the sea, basking in the sun, lying in a warm bath with aromatic additives, etc. The discomfort that disappeared after these procedures is an objective indicator of the success of self-hypnosis.

One of the most common problems with which patients turn to doctors is sleep disturbance. Prolonged difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, unpleasant dreams, sleep that does not give rest and much more. Self-hypnosis helps to cope with some of these conditions. For the above problems, it is good to use self-hypnosis immediately in the evening before bedtime, transferring the state of self-hypnosis to sleep. To do this, you can use images of a person sleeping soundly, warm and soft colors. The formulas of suggestions may sound like this: “I easily and quickly fall into a pleasant drowsiness, which envelops me more and more. My sleep is calm, deep, with joyful, bright dreams. In the morning I wake up cheerful and well rested.”

A dream is a product of the unconscious functioning of the brain. However, this does not mean that a person cannot control his dreams. Maybe. Moreover, a person can order dreams for himself. Learn to control your dreams: erase unnecessary and disturbing images, fill them with black paint, stop dangerously developing plots, etc.

The formation of healing dreams is another way a person influences himself when he edits or rewrites the script of his life in his dreams.

The use of suggestion formulas has its own specifics. Suggestion formulas (SF) during self-hypnosis can be short, consisting of one sentence, or long, included in some context.

PV for alcohol addiction: “The very sight of alcohol disgusts me, the smell of alcohol disgusts me. Never a drop of alcohol anywhere."

FV for toxicosis and vomiting of pregnant women: “Any food is pleasant to me. I have a wonderful appetite. I eat well and with pleasure.”

FV with anxiety: “I’m not afraid of anxiety. There are many sorrows in life, and I will endure them all. You don't have to get rid of everything unpleasant to feel confident. From now on I will be able to control my emotions. I don’t want to worry too much about everything, because there is no sufficient reason for this. I will try to stay calm even in difficult situations. I am in control." These suggestions can be associated with certain post-hypnotic cues (see below). For example: “I have self-control and can relax by focusing on my breathing. I consciously slow my breathing. I remember that I can cope with the feeling of anxiety. After all, this has happened to me before. Everything will be fine, I close my eyes for a moment and imagine a peaceful environment. Now, whenever I feel anxiety coming on, I will breathe deeper. It’s like I turn the light on and off or slowly turn it down and turn it up using a relay... I regulate my state... from the depths of the subconscious... from the inside... I confidently move towards the goal.”

Rules for drawing up self-hypnosis formulas:

1. Positive wording. You should talk about what you want to get, and not about what you want to get rid of: “Every day I become more and more confident,” “When I come out of a hypnotic trance, I will be in a great mood and feel great.”

2. In the formulas of suggestion there should be no particles “NOT” and “NOR”. Negative particles are often not perceived by our consciousness. If you tell yourself, “I don’t want to be upset,” the command will be perceived as “I want to be upset.” Therefore, the formula of suggestions in this case should be: “I want to be calm in any, the most difficult life situations.”

3. Brevity. Long phrases often lose meaning. Therefore, the formula should be as short as possible.

4. Unambiguity. The formula for self-hypnosis should be unambiguous. The ambiguity of interpretation of the suggestion formula is reflected in the result.

5. Eco-friendly. The implemented formulas of suggestions should not harm you or make you worse. Remember that realizing a desire has many consequences, and these consequences are not always what can benefit you.

Examples of suggestion formulas:

I can easily cope with problematic situations.

Every day I become more and more cheerful.

Color, images and suggestion formulas can be combined.

Exiting the state of self-hypnosis and consolidating new qualities with real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

When you have fully worked out the therapeutic program, you will mentally give yourself the command to open your eyes. Not everyone can do it quickly. Most people do not return immediately from a state of self-hypnosis. A strong drowsiness overcomes. Slowly and gradually the normal feelings and sensations of your body return. There's no need to rush. You can leave this state for as long as you need it.

There is no need to worry even if you fall asleep during the self-hypnosis procedure. Most often in such situations, self-hypnosis turns into normal sleep. Awakening occurs after 20-30 minutes, after which a well-rested person returns to his normal world.


For beginners in self-hypnosis, our recommendations may seem too complicated. But every student will soon be convinced that in practice everything looks simpler. Remember that your self-hypnosis and actions should be based on your goals. One just needs to calm down, another needs to improve their sleep, and a third needs to overcome self-doubt. Start small, gradually turning classes into a system.

Everything will be fine if you act methodically, consistently, with a gradual increase in demands on yourself. Introduce new images and formulas of suggestions in small fragments and carefully. Don't demand the impossible from yourself. Small failures in the beginning should not bother you.

I wish you success in mastering self-hypnosis!

Be healthy!

Self-hypnosis is hypnosis without a hypnotist.

“Self-hypnosis will give you the opportunity to act in your own interests, solve your problems yourself, which is the basis of independence and self-esteem.”(R. Tims)

Remission- weakening of the disease process, accompanied by the disappearance of severe symptoms.

© S.V. Umansky, 2012
© Published with the kind permission of the author