DIY New Year's toys - Christmas tree made of cardboard. Making paper toys with your own hands. Beautiful three-dimensional paper craft

New Year is just around the corner. You can feel the approach of a holiday in the air, which is slowly but surely moving towards our homes and hearts, because the New Year is a special holiday when you want to believe in a dream, hope for the best, and expect miracles.

The New Year is a special and bright holiday for children, because on New Year's Eve, children often spend quite a lot of time with their parents, enjoying pleasant family joys.

And if parents usually don’t have time, then on New Year’s Eve they definitely find it to take care of New Year’s chores with their children.

A very entertaining and joyful thing for children on New Year's Eve is the opportunity to decorate the New Year tree together.

If you can afford to buy New Year's toys and create a stunningly stylish New Year tree design - super!!! This Christmas tree will appeal to both children, adults and your guests.

If you can’t buy beautiful toys for the New Year and new New Year’s decorations for the Christmas tree, we advise you to get creative and create beautiful New Year’s toys and decorations for the New Year with your own hands.

DIY Christmas toys and DIY Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree and home are a very fun activity for the whole family.

Therefore, laziness to the side!!! Let's look at what New Year's toys and New Year's decorations for the New Year you can make with your own hands without much effort, not only to decorate your home, but also to get even closer to your family members.

We create New Year's toys and decorations with our own hands

Firstly, let us immediately note that creating New Year's toys with your own hands, making homemade decorations for the New Year is a very fun activity. It can be compared to a ritual, to an exciting process, in the minutes of which a miracle is born and a fairy tale comes into its own.

After all, when making homemade New Year's toys and unusual, homemade New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree and home, you breathe into them a piece of your love and warmth, so such New Year's decorations and beautiful toys for the Christmas tree turn out to be truly special.

New Year's toys made with your own hands will not only decorate your home, but will also add a special atmosphere to your home, enriching it with bright accents and cozy little things.

What kind of New Year's decorations can you come up with so that it is not expensive, interesting, and so that such New Year's decorations transform your home.

In order to make New Year's toys and decorations for the New Year's tree and home, stock up on all the necessary materials.

In order to make New Year's decor, namely homemade New Year's decorations and New Year's toys, you do not need special materials.

For this purpose, available materials such as threads, a needle, of course, paper, pieces of multi-colored fabric of different textures, beads, sparkles and many other little things that may be standing and waiting in the wings to become an original mega fashionable New Year's toy are suitable.

Of course, you can’t start making New Year’s decorations and toys without imagination, because it is the driving force of the whole process.

New Year's decorations made from paper look creative. They are not at all difficult to make, and today’s New Year’s decorations in the style of papier-mâché and quilling are so varied that even if you are not the greatest craftsman, you will no doubt get New Year’s paper snowflakes, New Year’s garlands, stars or balls for the New Year.

And if, in addition to multi-colored or white sheets of paper, you have ribbons and sparkles, you are simply risking being a master of quilling and papier-mâché if you try a little.

New Year's decorations and New Year's toys are not only about New Year's quilling and papier-mâché.

For New Year's decor, an excellent option would be New Year's toys knitted with your own hands using knitting needles or a crochet hook. And there are no fewer ideas here than in paper decorations.

A retro-style Christmas tree will look amazing if your New Year's decorations, crocheted or knitted yourself, resemble birds and little animals.

The tree and house will be decorated with New Year's bells, flowers, snowflakes and stars, and balls made using the decoupage technique, which will make the design of the tree and house especially warm and cozy for family evenings.

The tree will look rich and tasty if it has New Year's garlands of sweets, fruits and other goodies.

Such New Year's decorations will shine with bright colors on the New Year's tree and will become a tasty surprise for the little residents of the house.

You can make New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree and home in the form of New Year's gifts. If you have old trinkets gathering dust in a box, treat them with varnish and dust them with glitter, and you will have a very original New Year's toy.

You can also create very successful New Year's toys and decorations from polystyrene foam. Make blanks in the form of balls or cubes.

Cover the blank with bright ribbons, sequins, you can take beads, different types of cereals are also suitable, with which you can create a whole masterpiece, and not a New Year's toy.

New Year's decorations in the form of large multi-colored socks, felt boots and mittens, which are best made from thick fabric, have already become a tradition.

Very interesting New Year's toys and decorations are made from burlap and felt. This material is easy to work with, and any decor on it will look very impressive.

Both children and adults will enjoy making New Year's toys made using the kanzashi technique.

To make such New Year's decorations, you need to stock up on ribbons, beautiful fabric, beads, pearls, laces and wire.

New Year's toys in the form of garlands create an unusually festive mood. DIY Christmas garlands can be much more interesting than store-bought ones.

Garlands made of paper can be combined with garlands of foam balls, garlands of old toys decorated in a modern way, etc.

Don’t forget that DIY New Year’s toys can serve not only as decorations, but also as symbolic New Year’s gifts, which will always remind you of pleasant New Year’s evenings spent with loved ones.

Children especially love making such New Year's toys, because they put a piece of their soul into such a homemade surprise for mom, dad, grandmother and other family members.

Now let's see what New Year's toys and beautiful New Year's decorations, besides those mentioned, can still be made from ordinary materials, giving them a completely unusual and very important essence.

What kind of New Year's toys do you make with your own hands?

DIY New Year's toys: photo ideas for inspiration

You can make paper toys with your own hands at any age. At the same time, you can not only relax, but also make something useful for the household. You can make wonderful New Year's decorations from paper, which will not only make your tree original, but will also allow you to significantly save on its decoration.

Many representatives of the older generation of Russians know how to make paper toys with their own hands. The fact is that during the Great Patriotic War, when the country had a difficult economic situation, many families simply did not have the opportunity to buy certain toys for their children. Newspapers came to the rescue, from which they made figures of people, flowers, and animals.

Now the problem with toys is not acute, but knowing how to make paper toys with your own hands will never hurt. Sometimes you may find yourself out of town or out into the countryside with your children, and if they urgently need a new toy, only the means at hand can help you out. Paper, for example, newspaper or napkins, is always at hand.

Working with paper develops imaginative thinking, imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers.

In addition, if you teach children to make paper toys with their own hands, you can solve the issue of their employment for a long time. At the same time, working with paper develops imaginative thinking, imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers, as a result of which your child will develop much faster than his peers. If he demonstrates his skill among his peers, he will be able to gain respect among them in kindergarten or school.

As for adults, they should learn how to make such homemade products as a hobby. For example, practicing origami allows you not only to spend time usefully and relax, but also gives you the opportunity to make an original gift yourself that you can give to your family and friends, for example, for the New Year.

The ability to make paper crafts also has a purely utilitarian application - the creation of various decorations, souvenirs and toys. For example, you can decorate a wedding hall and table using paper flowers and garlands. It will not cost much, but the whole wedding will turn out beautiful and elegant, and guests will appreciate the originality of the wedding ceremony design, which they will remember for a long time.

Paper kitten toy

Separately, it is worth mentioning toys for kittens, created with your own hands from paper. The fact is that cats usually spoil and break their toys quite quickly, and they get bored with many of them and then gather dust in the closet. If you make them a new paper toy every time, they will never get tired of it, and it will cost you exactly the price of one sheet of writing paper.

Types of paper crafts

If you decide to make paper toys with your own hands, you should know that there are several types of such crafts. However, they differ from each other in the manufacturing method, as well as in the use or non-use of glue in this process. These are quite significant differences that affect the possibility of creating one or another craft in a certain way.

Today, the following methods of making paper crafts are known: applique, origami, glued toys.

Applique is the easiest way to create paper crafts

Applique is the easiest way to create paper crafts. Usually for this they use a ready-made drawing along the contour, which is glued with various pieces of colored paper to form, for example, the face of a paper man or the same snowman. Even a child can do the application. By the way, if you make it on an object such as, for example, a paper cup, you can get a pretty decent toy for your child.

As for origami, this is a rather complex method of making paper crafts, but the things created in this way look original and unusual. The essence of this method is to fold one or another figure from a whole sheet of paper. This art came to us from Japan, and there are specialized websites that present hand-made origami paper toys, as well as their diagrams.

Origami is a rather complex method of making paper crafts.

Experienced masters of this art can create very complex compositions; for example, they make three-dimensional paper toys with their own hands. Sometimes they represent quite impressive figures, for example, a Christmas angel or Santa Claus. However, the most common are small crafts, such as cranes for good luck.

As for glued crafts, they usually take the form of complex figures or various installations made from scrap materials, for example, paper cups. Thus, for example, a snowman is made from such glasses or a Christmas tree. Glued crafts, along with appliqué, are considered the most accessible for children and therefore are widely used in kindergartens and hobby groups.

Important! There are also moving paper crafts; they can be made using the origami method or using wire and other improvised materials.

So, craftsmen can make the same crane with flapping wings or an original piggy bank.

Decorating holiday celebrations using paper

Handmade paper toys can help you decorate your holiday table, as well as the room where you will spend your holiday. Firstly, paper garlands would be appropriate for any holiday. They are made very easily and quickly, and can decorate a festive room, table, ceiling, window treatments. In addition, garlands can be hung at the entrance to the building where this or that celebration is celebrated.

Secondly, paper flowers will always be in demand at any holiday. The fact is that usually there are always not enough fresh flowers, and they are very expensive. Therefore, if you make them from paper, they can replace live roses or carnations. If you use colored paper and satin as additional material, you will not be able to distinguish them from natural ones.

Thirdly, you can make your own New Year's toys from paper, replacing them with classic decorations for the New Year's tree. As a result, you will not have to bring your toys from home to the same job, the Christmas tree will turn out to be unique and unforgettable, and at the same time you will be able to demonstrate unusual skills in front of your colleagues. You can assemble such a Christmas tree at home, but you will need to carefully monitor the children there so that they do not accidentally set it on fire.

We should also talk about how you can create useful paper toys with your own hands. The fact is that the art of origami allows you to make not only funny things from paper, but also useful ones in everyday life. So, for example, you can fold the original packaging into a flower for a gift for the same wedding. At the same time, it will be quite funny and beautiful, but at the same time it will perfectly cope with its functions, hiding your gift from the eyes of others for the time being.

The art of origami allows you to make fun things out of paper

In addition, having learned how to fold paper correctly, you will be able to make other useful things in everyday life: hats, boxes, fans. Yes, they will be relatively short-lived, but you can make them when you need them, and they will cost very little. Moreover, all these useful things can be useful at any holiday, since the same boxes made of paper can be used as a stand for cutlery, and fans will be very useful to guests during a feast.

Making paper flowers

If you decide to make paper toys with your own hands, it makes sense for you to watch a video on this topic, since it is not always possible to understand the first time how to make this or that craft. It's best to start with the simplest things, such as flowers.

So, to make a paper rose you will need:

  • pencil;
  • a sheet of thick paper;
  • glue and scissors.

On a prepared sheet of paper, a spiral is drawn and cut out with scissors. Next, you will need to wrap the ends of the spiral outward, and if the paper tears a little, your rose will look more realistic. After this, the spiral is twisted to the end, and after tightening it, it is secured with glue. After the glue has dried, the base of the flower is formed by pressing the spiral to form a circle. The resulting rose is glued to it with glue.

Making paper flowers

Advice! If you use different spiral twisting patterns, you can get different types of artificial flowers.

By the way, they can be collected into bouquets by gluing homemade items onto one base. Such flowers and bouquets can be used by children in games or serve as decoration for a children's room. Moreover, after some simple training, children will be able to learn how to make them themselves.

Making paper Christmas toys

In many families, it is customary to make Christmas tree decorations out of paper with your own hands on New Year's Eve. Typically these include stars, balls, garlands, and snowflakes. These are fairly simple crafts that can be easily made at home. However, you can create more complex things at home.

So, for example, you can make three-dimensional paper toys with your own hands; you just need to find suitable patterns for them. For example, Santa Claus is a very popular character for the New Year, and you can try to make it yourself. For this you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • paper plate;
  • colored paper;
  • glue and acrylic paint.

To begin, paint a paper plate white. After the paint has dried, glue a nose made from a paper ball to the back of the plate. It is covered with scraps of torn paper. Eyebrows and cheeks are formed using the same principle. They are also painted white.

As for the mustache and beard, they are made from cotton wool. It is torn into strips of the required width and glued to paper. You can use the toy after the glue has dried.

Using scrap materials to make toys

By the way, you can make paper toys with your own hands using available materials, for example, paper napkins or glasses. So, using paper napkins you can make an angel figurine right at the New Year’s table. Such a trick can greatly amuse the guests of the holiday, who will be able to keep such a homemade product as a souvenir.

To do this, you need to prepare glue, as well as scissors and sewing threads in advance. You can take paper napkins directly from the table. Taking several napkins, you will need to fold them together. Next, a paper circle is rolled out of another napkin, which will subsequently serve as the angel’s head.

This lump is placed in the middle of the unfolded napkins, which are wrapped around the paper lump, after which it is pulled together with sewing thread. This completes the formation of the figure’s head. All that remains is to make the angel wings.

To do this, the back corners of the napkins formed around the makeshift head are raised up. After this they are glued together. The result is a kind of wings. In addition, an angel needs a halo. It can be made from a golden ribbon folded into a ring. As a final finishing touch, you will need to trim the bottom ends of the doily, which will form the angel's skirt.

Snowman made from napkins

You can make other figures in a similar way, for example, a snowman. If you use paper cups, you can create other crafts, for example, original paper balls. As for the garlands, if necessary, they can be made from both napkins and paper cups.

In any case, having learned several of the most common methods of making paper toys, you don’t need to get hung up on them.

Advice! Imagine and improvise in order to create something new and unusual.

In addition, it makes sense to periodically study the materials posted on sites dedicated to home handicrafts. There, in addition to new methods and schemes for making paper crafts, you will be able to find like-minded people who will teach you new techniques and share their own experience in making certain paper toys.

As children, we constantly made numerous toys and decorations for the New Year tree. Snowflakes were cut out for windows in kindergarten. But most of us liked to make New Year's toys with our own hands. Transforming ordinary cardboard, colored paper, foil, satin ribbons and nuts into something amazingly beautiful. Don't deprive yourself and your children of this fabulous pleasure! Our small master classes with detailed instructions and step-by-step photos will help you learn New Year's magic. We hope you will certainly find something for yourself in our selection.

Simple ideas for interesting options

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Bright decorations for the Christmas tree for the New Year

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Stylish balls made from acorn caps

This decoration is really stylish and very easy to make. On the Christmas tree it looks natural and bright at the same time. If there are children in the house, then they will have the opportunity to help you, and you will admire the result together. Time to make one ball is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

To make it you will need:

  • acorn caps;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • gold or silver acrylic spray paint;
  • foam ball.

The entire step-by-step master class for a New Year's ball made of acorns.

  • Take a ball of your preferred size. It can be purchased at a handmade materials store. It needs to be painted. In our case it is brown.
  • Next, your child can help you. It is necessary to press the cap into the foam, coat the hole with glue and glue the caps to the ball layer by layer. Don't be afraid that it's not smooth! The ball will be even more beautiful.
  • The next step is painting. In our case, we painted the ball with gold acrylic.
  • We attach or glue the ribbon and decoration to the top - your ball is ready!

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Original New Year's balls made from coffee beans

This amazing piece of jewelry is easy to make and looks very vintage. You don't need any complicated equipment other than coffee beans, acrylic paint, a foam ball and glue. Paint the ball with acrylic. Then, it needs to be covered with coffee beans, sprinkled with artificial snow and a bow attached. Your guests will be delighted with the unusual Christmas tree decoration. Ask your child to make his own “coffee ball”, and your little one will be proud of such a delicious-smelling New Year’s toy.

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DIY paper Christmas balls

From old postcards you can make these cute New Year decorations - Christmas tree balls. If suddenly your hand doesn’t rise to cut congratulations dear to your heart into small pieces, postcards can be replaced with the covers of glossy magazines or notebooks, candy boxes or colored cardboard.

We will need:

  • postcards, thick colored paper or cardboard
  • compass or template
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • glue and brush
  • beautiful rope or ribbon

Making a paper ball with your own hands

On the back of postcards, cardboard or thick colored paper, draw 20 identical circles with a radius of 35 mm using a compass. Given the size of the cards, the radius of the circles can be adjusted to make optimal use of the paper. The main thing is that it is the same for all circles. Let's cut out our circles. Now we need to fit an equilateral triangle into each circle, which can either be drawn manually using a ruler and pencil in each element circle, or, in order not to suffer for a long time, we cut out a triangle template from thick cardboard and duplicate it on each circle.

Next, on each circle we carefully bend three identical flaps. To make the fold even, we make it using a ruler along the sides of the previously drawn triangles, i.e. We bend the edges of the circle along the lines of the triangle inscribed in it. If the edges of the circle are bent not upward, as in the picture, but inward, our paper ball will turn out without pronounced edges and will look like a classic New Year's ball, but still the faceted ball looks much more interesting.

For the first five fragments, lubricate the side flaps with glue. Glue the circles together by the flaps and we will have the top of a paper ball. We make a hole at the very top with an awl, thread a ribbon and secure it with a knot. Glue together the five remaining fragments in the same way. This will be the bottom of the ball.

From the remaining 10 elements we will make the middle of our unusual ball. We glue the individual fragments into a strip and close it into a ring. All we have to do is assemble the ball by gluing together the top, bottom and middle.

As you can see, the original New Year's ball is incredibly simple to make. But so beautiful and elegant that it just begs to be on the Christmas tree! Even a child can make such a cutie!

Small Christmas balls made from fewer parts will look no less impressive on a Christmas tree or in New Year's home decor than large and complex ones, and their production will take much less time.

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Photo of a master class on making an unusual New Year's ball from paper

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“New Year’s hedgehogs” - original balls for the Christmas tree

Have you ever met New Year's hedgehogs?! Haven't you? Well, let's get acquainted! Luxurious New Year's balls, decorated with cut glass and silk ribbons, look so much like funny hedgehogs dressed up glamorously in honor of the holiday. These cute creatures will help create a truly fabulous holiday atmosphere in your home. If you think that making them yourself will be difficult, you are very mistaken. We invite you to make sure once again that everything ingenious is simple.

We will need:

  • beads with a diameter of 5 mm made of cut glass or plastic
  • balls with a diameter of 4.5 cm made of polystyrene foam or cotton pulp
  • long tailor's pins
  • glass beads
  • silk ribbon

How to make a “New Year’s hedgehog” for a Christmas tree

On a long tailor's pin we string first one small bead, and then one faceted one. In this case, a small bead will not only play a decorative role, but will also prevent the large bead from slipping off, since its hole may be larger than the head of the pin. After stringing the beads onto a pin, we stick it into a foam ball. Only the beaded part of the pin should remain on the surface of the ball.

We repeat the previous stage: string the beads onto pins and stick them into the ball until we cover its entire surface. We leave only a small section of the ball free for attaching the tape. We tie the ribbon with a neat little bow, trim the ends, “put” the knot of the bow on a pin and attach it to the ball. You can add a hedgehog to the Christmas tree!

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There can never be too many Christmas trees! Or you can’t ruin the Christmas tree with Christmas trees!

To make the main beauty of the Christmas tree not so lonely, make little sisters for her in elegant dresses with ruffles and frills. How to make such Christmas trees? As easy as pie! We cut out templates from cardboard - triangles with a trunk. We cover the finished template with any suitable fabric. If you want to dress your Christmas tree in a lace dress with frills, glue multi-colored braid in rows onto the template. Don't skimp on holiday accessories for your fashionistas! For greater solemnity, decorate their dresses with butterfly figures, bows, flowers, beads, rhinestones, sparkles and sequins. We attach beautiful threads or ribbons to the tops of the trees, with which they can be hung on the tree or hung around the house.

You can make beautiful miniature Christmas trees from fabric in a slightly different way: we cut out two parts in the shape of a Christmas tree from fabric, sew them together and fill them with padding polyester or cotton wool. On top of the “dress” we sew beads, rhinestones, sequins, unusual buttons and all that interesting decorative detail that you have at hand.

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Handmade Christmas toys made from pasta

Just look at what wonderful Christmas tree decorations you can make from the most ordinary pasta! To create this beauty with our own hands, we will need raw pasta, glue and paint to color the products. For creative New Year's pasta, it is better to take shells, spirals, bows, stars, straight tubes with an oblique cut, curls and other fancy pasta.

A hot glue gun is perfect as glue; it is very convenient and quick to work with. For greater solemnity, ready-made Christmas tree decorations made from pasta can be decorated with sparkles, beads, sequins, rhinestones, and glitters. For painting, a spray can or acrylic paint is suitable. You can choose any colors, but the New Year’s palette will look more enchanting: golden, silver, snow-white, bluish.

How to make Christmas decorations from pasta

We pour dry raw pasta onto the table and put it together into a composition that we would like to see on our Christmas tree. What could it be?! Yes, anything! Beautiful snowflakes and New Year's stars of the most amazing shapes, figures of men and angels, animals and fairy-tale characters. Having finally decided on the design, we sequentially connect the pasta to each other using a glue gun. We wait until the glue has completely dried, hardened and set, and then we begin painting the products.

You can safely entrust your child to work with acrylic paints. Hand him brushes and paint and let him paint! If you use spray paint, it is better to take the composition outside or, say, to the balcony. Be sure to lay down newspaper or oilcloth to protect the table and walls from paint. Immediately after applying the paint, the craft can be sprinkled with glitter, or when the paint has dried, the toy can be additionally coated with varnish or transparent glue with glitter. These are inexpensive and very beautiful decorations you can make for the New Year!

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Edible toys for the Christmas tree

There are a lot of master classes on making such Christmas tree decorations. Orange cinnamon jewelry has been very popular for several years now. They are not difficult to make, but they look stylish and fragrant. If you string dates, prunes or other dried fruits onto a wire, as in the picture, you can get an original New Year's decoration.

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DIY New Year's ball “My Dream”

We all dream about something and hope for something... Do you want your dream to come true in the new year?! Then, let's get to work! Make your dream come true in a New Year's ball, hang it on the tree, admire it and rejoice every time you look at it, and your dream will certainly come true! How to make your dream come true in a balloon?! Let's say, if you dream of a vacation at the sea and golden sand, decorate the ball in a marine style. To do this, we seal part of the ball with tape, and fill the empty spaces with glue, sprinkle with sand and small pebbles. When the glue has set well and dried, we glue seashells or mother-of-pearl buttons as a final touch.

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DIY painted Christmas toys

To beautifully paint New Year's balls, you don't have to be an artist. It’s easy to create such a simple, but unusually touching and very pretty winter landscape on a Christmas tree ball, even if this is your first time holding a brush in your hands! To do this, we need white and red acrylic paint and the already mentioned brush, or better yet two – a thick one and a thin one. We will work in stages. First of all, use white acrylic paint to depict the snow cover on the ground. To do this, paint the bottom of the toy in a double layer. Apply the second coat of paint after the first has completely dried! When the bottom is dry, use a small round brush to carefully paint white trees of different sizes. Let the paint dry again. Then we make a few small strokes on top of the trees with red acrylic paint - these will be our bullfinches. When the bullfinches are dry, we create the effect of falling snow: with the tip of a thin brush we place small white dots all over the ball. Charming!

We will send the material to you by e-mail

The time has come to actively prepare for the New Year: while there is still a lot of time left before it, it is worth taking advantage of such a valuable resource and making New Year's toys with your own hands from paper and more. The editors of the site undertake to help you with this, as they are also preparing their houses and apartments for the New Year.

Let's start making New Year's paper toys with our own hands: options for holiday decorations

It’s amazing that a great variety of different decorations can be made from paper, in addition to the well-known lanterns, garlands and snowflakes. Let's understand the beauty of paper and try to make a New Year's toy with our own hands using photos from the master classes.

Beautiful figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are made from paper, even as a symbol of the coming year they look great like a Christmas tree. We study tips for making various decorations for the Christmas tree and try to put them into practice!

Cute Santa Claus

One of children's favorite hand-made New Year's toys will be the wonderful Santa Claus. This come to life fairy-tale character from a childhood dream will find the most prominent place on the Christmas tree.

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Snowman without snow

The snowman is also a traditional winter symbol that children will enjoy making with their own hands. There are several ways to make a small beautiful snowman.

Angels in different ways

The cutest do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy is an angel. A Christmas tree decoration like this always lifts your spirits and will serve as decor for the coming Christmas.

Garlands - large-scale apartment decoration

You can make excellent New Year's toys with your own hands together with your children. The process of creating a garland would be such a suitable option.

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DIY garlands for the New Year: photo. Christmas tree, paper circles, accordion, corrugated garland and origami, garland made of fabric or felt, pine cones and other material, LED garland decor - in our article.

Flower wreaths and more

Christmas wreaths immediately give a festive and solemn mood to anyone who glances at them. They also make gorgeous wreaths out of paper!

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: history and tradition of origin, master class on creation, what to make the base for the product from (newspaper, cardboard, pipe insulation), decorating a New Year's wreath with various materials - read in the publication.

Stars and snowflakes fall in the apartment directly from the ceiling and walls

The familiar appearance of snowflakes is still popular, but there are other options for making these traditional elements. We also suggest trying to make beautiful paper stars with your own hands. You can make a garland from them, hang them from ceiling beams, a chandelier, glue them to walls and doors, to windows or to a Christmas tree.

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: the art of quilling and the beauty of paper strips. Stencils for New Year's snowflakes, modular origami, geometric shapes, fluffy snowflakes, a star for a paper Christmas tree - in our publication.

Making Christmas balls in different ways

What would we do without the usual Christmas tree balls? Paper also makes its own adjustments to the production of New Year's decor. Let's try to create beautiful balls?

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corrugated paper, kusudama, origami, paper flowers; New Year's ball made of felt and fabric, decorating a New Year's ball for the Christmas tree using different means - read the publication.

Lanterns for the Christmas tree and more

A flashlight is a universal toy, suitable even as a DIY decoration for a city Christmas tree. There is also always a place in the apartment where a New Year's lantern is clearly missing.

How to make your own New Year's toy from yarn, ribbons, beads, felt and pine cones

In addition to paper, you should try using different materials to make New Year's decorations. Interesting and beautiful works are made from natural materials, easy-to-handle felt, and beautiful yarn. Acrylic paints, hot glue and PVA glue, glitter and any decorative elements help in the work.

DIY Christmas tree decorations: new life for grandma’s yarn

Any dense thread can be turned into voluminous or flat original decorations for the holiday, which are so good that they keep their shape for many years.

Video: example of a thread toy for the New Year

Making a New Year's toy from ribbons, beads, sequins

A bag of sequins or beads is inexpensive. They decorate any surface or use them as decorative elements for finished products. Glue the decoration with hot glue or super-moment.

It’s easy to make even a large Christmas tree toy with your own hands from fabric, ribbons, and beads. They sell ready-made large-sized foam plastic blanks that just need to be decorated.

Felt toys for the New Year

Small and large New Year's toys can be easily made with your own hands from a material such as felt. This is a fascinating process that always has a positive result for both experienced craftsmen and beginners.

You also don’t need to spend a lot of time learning the basics of working with felt: the material is easy to cut, it is not difficult to stitch it by hand or sew it on a machine. The edges are decorated with any types of seams.

More often than not, felt serves as the base on which the decor is placed. Decorative elements are also cut out from felt of a different color, or embroidered on it, and various beautiful decorations are glued on.


Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

With the arrival of the winter holidays, it is time to prepare the main symbol of the New Year holidays - the Christmas tree. You can make your own Christmas tree decorations from paper for the New Year 2020 step by step according to instructions with photos or use them to implement your own ideas. The article outlines accessible ways to decorate the New Year's tree.

Paper balls

Ball-shaped Christmas tree decorations are considered the most common way to decorate a New Year's tree. They are easy to make and have many variations.

Sphere of circles

To make such a ball you will need 21 pieces of paper in the shape of a circle of the same size, glue, scissors, and thread.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's tree decoration:

Advice! To make the New Year's toy look interesting, use wrapping paper with a beautiful design. For a triangle template, use thick paper or thin cardboard.

Simple New Year's ball for the Christmas tree

Homemade decorations are fun to make with children. Simple Christmas decorations made of paper are well suited for a joint activity. To make a volumetric ball, you will need several identical circle-shaped blanks, but not less than four. The size of the sphere depends on the diameter.

New Year's Eve is done step by step according to this scheme:

  1. Using a stencil or template, circles are marked on paper. It is recommended to use paper of different colors and designs.
  2. The circles are folded in half with the front side facing inward.
  3. The blanks are glued together in halves.
  4. Before installing the last circle, a thread is glued to the center of the sphere. The loop should protrude outward and easily attach to the branch of the Christmas tree.
  5. The last blank circle is glued to the first, connecting the structure into a single ball.
  6. The product is leveled, given the desired shape and dried well.

Note! The more blanks are used when creating a ball, the more interesting the final version looks.

Toys in the shape of a Christmas tree, a star and other objects are made using the same scheme. The main rule is that the workpieces must be symmetrical.

Spheres from stripes

A simple and quick way to make a New Year's toy with your own hands is to use paper strips. To create a decoration you will need a sheet of paper with any design, glue, thin wire and beads for fixation.

Step-by-step instructions for making New Year's balls:

Note! The diameter of the toy depends on the length of the blanks. To create balls of a certain size, a mathematical formula is used to calculate the circumference.

New Year's paper lanterns

This Christmas tree decoration is easy to make with your own hands, working together with children. For the simplest flashlight you will need several strips of colored paper of the same width but different lengths.

  1. The shortest strip is cut out in a single copy, the rest are in pairs. The length can be increased arbitrarily, but at least 3 cm is recommended.
  2. The blanks are laid out on the table. In the center is the shortest one, on the sides there are paired stripes that increase in size.
  3. The ends of the strips on one side are aligned and fixed with a stapler. This is the bottom part of the flashlight.
  4. The upper part is assembled in a similar way. The ends of the strips are aligned along the length of the shortest workpiece.
  5. An awl is used to make a through hole. A thread is threaded through it and secured so that the structure does not fall apart. The edge of the thread is tied into a loop to hang the toy on a tree.

Paper lantern made from a sheet of paper

To make the second type of New Year's lantern, you will need a sheet of A4 paper. It is preferable if it is colored paper or with a pattern. Then the decoration will be bright and unusual. You will also need scissors, glue or tape, and a pencil.

  1. We cut a short strip 1-2 cm wide from the leaf. It is used to hang the toy on a tree branch.
  2. The remaining paper is folded in half and the fold line is smoothed. The workpiece is not unrolled.
  3. A strip 1.5 cm wide is marked along the edge. The remaining part of the sheet is drawn with longitudinal lines. The distance between the lines is from 1 cm.
  4. Using scissors, make cuts from the fold to the edge of the sheet along the drawn lines, without going beyond the mark at the edge.
  5. Unfold the structure and glue the top, bottom and middle.
  6. A handle made from a strip of paper, cut off at the very beginning of the work, is glued to the top part. You can use it to hang a lantern on a Christmas tree.

Note! Paper decorations are decorative and flammable. Do not use them near open flame sources (such as candles).

Chinese style lantern

For such decoration you need to prepare a template. The blanks will differ depending on the type and shape of the New Year's toy.

To implement this idea with your own hands, Christmas tree decorations for the New Year 2020 are assembled step by step from paper according to the instructions with photos:

Important! The main difficulty of such toys lies in the drawings. It is difficult to apply them accurately on paper by hand. You need to print it on a printer or use a pre-prepared template.

3D star

The five-pointed star is found everywhere in Russian culture. On Christmas trees it often decorates the top, but can be used in other places. To make a simple but effective New Year's toy, you will need five sheets of paper, glue and scissors.

Note! If the decoration is the top of the tree, then the lower part is not completely sealed. Leave a small space for threading on top. For a hanging toy, you can remove all the seams and secure the loop with an awl at the top beam.

Drop-shaped jewelry

Using the method of gluing halves, it is possible to obtain beautiful three-dimensional Christmas tree decorations. If the template has a symmetrical shape, then you can use it to decorate a New Year's tree.

  1. A drawing of a workpiece in the shape of a drop is applied to a sheet of paper. The more details are used, the more voluminous the result will be.
  2. Drops are cut out of colored paper, folded in half and the middle is removed along the line. Similar actions are carried out with the remaining parts.
  3. Apply glue to one of the halves and connect to the opposite part.
  4. Gluing continues until all parts are connected into one toy.
  5. A loop is made from the thread, glued to the top of the New Year's decoration or placed in the middle.

Note! To obtain the volume from the example, 16 parts are enough. It can be adjusted by adding or removing the number of blanks.

Hedgehog-snowflake made of paper

To make such New Year's toys with your own hands from paper, you will need several round-shaped blanks. The more details are used, the more magnificent the result will be.

  1. 8 cut lines are marked on the workpiece from the edge of the circle to the center. There is no need to cut all the way. There is space left in the middle to connect the parts.
  2. Each of the cut sides is rolled into a cone using a pen or pencil and glued to secure it.
  3. Similar actions are performed with all workpieces.
  4. To prevent the thread knot from piercing the paper when connecting parts, a piece of soft rubber is attached to the end.
  5. A thread is threaded through the center of each workpiece using a needle. When the parts are pulled together, the spines of the paper hedgehog straighten in different directions.
  6. The tie is held in place by a second piece of soft rubber on the opposite side. The end of the thread is tied into a loop for hanging the toy from a tree branch.

Fairy lights

This type of decoration is suitable not only for the New Year's tree, but also for the room. Paper garlands are easy to make. You can even do it with small children.

To create the simplest one, you will need multi-colored paper cut into strips. First, glue the first link of the chain into a ring and wait until it dries. The next link is also connected by a ring, capturing the previous element. The result is a chain made of paper links.

Note! To avoid waiting for the glue to dry, use a stapler. The staples instantly connect the parts of one link and are practically invisible from the outside.

To get a more effective result, you should complicate the work. The garland thread is decorated with any elements - stars, geometric shapes, three-dimensional details, animal figures. There is a special place for the symbol of the Chinese New Year - the White Rat.

With the help of instructions and photos, it is very easy to make Christmas tree decorations out of paper step by step with your own hands and realize your ideas for the New Year 2020. If you liked the information, do not forget to leave feedback in the comments and share this material on social networks.