Knitting an eight-piece beret. Knitted berets with knitting patterns, photos and videos. Voluminous beret for a girl

Features of knitting women's berets Gerda, Nako, with braids, garter stitch, English elastic, openwork.

The variety of women's hats inspires us to create delicate images. And if the first ones are made with your own hands, then you feel especially comfortable in them.

Perhaps the beret will never lose his fans. It’s easy to knit and there’s always plenty to choose from.

Please note - almost every fashion magazine necessarily contains photos of various women's berets.

Both novice needlewomen and experienced ones want to look beautiful in their own handmade products. Continuing, we will analyze the nuances of knitted berets.

Gerda takes with knitting needles: diagram and description

knitted beret Gerda on a mannequin

An interesting knitted model of a women's beret, Gerda, has a number of design features. Therefore, all needlewomen who want to knit it should be careful when reading the diagram with a description.

Gerda's beret is attractive with its combination of braids crossed in different directions. This means it is suitable for cold weather.


  • yarn - 2.5-5 skeins depending on the weight and thickness of the thread
  • knitting needles - circular or scarf nos. 3,5 and 5, auxiliary of any diameter

Operating procedure:

  • tie the control fabric with an elastic band and the main pattern to accurately determine the required number of loops for casting on and in the place where the braids are knitted,
  • perform a 3x3 elastic band to a height of 4-4.5 cm on the main number of loops,
  • move on to knitting the main pattern and expanding the beret fabric. Perform the recommended yarn overs by lifting the broaches between the loops, having previously crossed these broaches,
  • to turn the braids, use an auxiliary knitting needle, either before or after work,
  • if you choose the yarn indicated for the model from the magazine, you will get 8-10 wedges. If the other one is until 14-16,
  • Be sure to wash the finished beret in a cool place and let it dry on a horizontal surface.

A detailed diagram of the work and description of knitting the Gerda beret is presented in the photo below.

detailed diagram and description of work for knitting a Gerda beret

And several options for patterns and patterns for knitting a Gerda beret:

samples of patterns for knitting a Gerda beret

How to knit a voluminous beret for a woman?

voluminous knitted beret with a pompom on a smiling girl

The volume of a knitted beret is given by the pattern:

  • braids
  • interlacing loops
  • looseness of knitting elastic

And also the secret lies in the thickness of the thread. The larger it is and the looser you sit on thick knitting needles, the looser and more voluminous the beret will be.

There are two ways to knit such a headdress:

  • vertically from bottom to top without seam
  • separate dome and trim, which are sewn together

Let's consider the second option for a head volume of 56 cm. It will also be of interest to beginning needlewomen.

  • Make a control pattern with an elastic band, knit 1, purl 2, and achieve a density of 13 stitches. x 18 rub.,
  • Cast on 91 loops for knitting a dome and knit with knitting needles No. 4-4.5 with a 1x2 elastic band to a height of 23 cm. Use circular knitting needles with fishing line or stocking needles.
  • Decrease 30 stitches evenly across the entire fabric.
  • After 5 cm, repeat the reduction of loops by another 30 pcs.
  • At a height of 30 cm from the beginning of knitting, pull the thread through all the remaining loops and pull them together, cut the thread,
  • For the binding, cast on 13 stitches and distribute them as follows: 1 edge, 1 purl, 9 knit stitches for the braid, 1 purl, 1 edge,
  • Cross the braid loops at a height of 9 rows,
  • When the binding is equal to the circumference of the head, connect the loops of the last row with the first or close them and sew,
  • Sew the binding to the dome, evenly distributing its loops so that you get the same volume in a circle,
  • Wash the finished product carefully by hand in warm water and leave to dry on a horizontal surface.

A description of one of the options for voluminous women's berets is presented below:

detailed description of knitting a women's beret with cones

Takes with braids with knitting needles: diagram and description

knitted beret with braids on a blonde

The women's beret with braids, knitted with knitting needles, is especially popular. The craftswomen are so inventive that they have come up with a lot of variations for it with crossed loops:

  • straight braids along the entire canvas in the amount of 9-12 pcs.,
  • originating from elastic loops,
  • with branches and turns,
  • with expansions and contractions of fabrics with braids,
  • with vertical arrangement,
  • present only at the inlay.

See patterns and descriptions of women's knitted berets with braids in the photo below.

description of knitting a women's beret with braids, option 1

description of knitting a women's beret with braids, option 2

description of knitting a women's beret with braids, option 3

Summer openwork beret with knitting needles: diagram and description

knitted openwork summer beret on a woman

In the hot season, a woman's beret is also relevant. Choose an openwork pattern for it and knit it with knitting needles made of natural thread, for example, 100% cotton.


  • openwork elastic band
  • crochet

The width and height of the beret's dome can vary depending on your preferences. Most likely you won’t want to knit it too fluffy, so 6-8 repeats of the pattern are enough.

For detailed descriptions and patterns of knitted women's berets, see the pictures below.

pattern diagram and description of work for knitting a summer women's beret

view and diagram of an openwork pattern for a women's knitted beret, option 1

description of work for knitting a women's openwork beret, option 1

openwork pattern for a knitted women's beret

view and diagram of an openwork pattern for a women's knitted beret, option 2

view and diagram of an openwork pattern for a women's knitted beret, option 3

description of work for knitting a women's openwork beret, option 2

Mohair beret with knitting needles: diagram and description

ready-made women's beret made of mohair, knitted

A mohair beret turns out to be warm, looks elegant and not boring. This thread gives airiness to the product, but if you choose an openwork pattern, it may get lost. That is, there will be a slight hint of it on the beret.

The simplest knitting is relevant for a mohair beret - stockinette stitch. Therefore, if you are just planning to pick up knitting needles and knit yourself a headdress, feel free to take mohair threads.

The procedure is simple:

  • tie the binding with a 2x2 elastic band to a height of 5 cm,
  • in the last row, increase the number of loops by 30%,
  • knit a straight fabric to a height of 23-25 ​​cm,
  • divide the loops into 6-7 or 8 equal wedge parts,
  • in each or through a row, knit 2 loops together at the end of each wedge,
  • Pull 6-7 or 8 final loops with thread.

Beret with English elastic knitting needles: description

knitted women's beret with English elastic band on a mannequin

English ribbing is simple to knit, and the finished product with it is voluminous and cute. Another plus is the speed of knitting, which beginner knitters will also appreciate.

The peculiarity of knitting a beret with this pattern is to work on 2 knitting needles and then sew the product together.


  • 1-2 skeins of yarn. The smaller the footage, the greater the consumption will be,
  • knitting needles with a thickness equal to the diameter of the thread and 1 set, which is one and a half sizes larger,
  • scissors
  • needle or hook

Description of work:

  • Having measured the volume of the head and knitted a control sample to determine the future dimensions of the beret, cast on loops and connect them into rings, stretching the penultimate loop through the outermost one,
  • knit with a 1x1 elastic band no less than 3 cm,
  • add 25-30% of stitches in the last row of ribbing so that there is no hole left from the yarn overs. The best way is to pull from the loops of the bottom row,
  • continue working on knitting needles of larger diameter, making an English rib pattern,
  • after 13-15 cm from the place where the binding passes into the dome, switch to knitting a regular elastic band and gradually decreasing the loops,
  • Pull the final 7-10 loops with thread,
  • Sew the finished product with a needle or crochet.

The diagram for making English elastic on knitting needles is below.

diagram and detailed demonstration of knitting English rib

Beret with knitting needles: diagram

pale blue knitted beret with leaves and a scarf to go with it

The leaf pattern looks cute on a woman's beret and is suitable for both warm summer and cold autumn days.

Of the nuances when choosing leaves as the main pattern for knitting a beret, we note:

  • combine them with braids on the trim or as stems on the main beret fabric,
  • carefully calculate the number of loops so that each pattern repeat is visible on the finished product and does not suffer when the bottom loops are shortened,
  • if you like berets with minimal volume, knit 7-8 repetitions of the pattern, if with maximum volume - 10-12,
  • when knitting the bottom, switch to knit stitches or select patterns for smaller leaves,
  • The center of the bottom of the beret, made in the shape of flower petals, looks original.

For inspiration, look at several leaf patterns shown in the pictures below.

knitting pattern for leaves, option 1

knitting pattern for leaves, option 2

knitting pattern for leaves patterns, option 3 knitting pattern for leaves, option 4

knitting pattern for leaves patterns, option 5

knitting pattern for leaves patterns, option 6

Takes with garter stitch knitting needles: diagram

the bottom of a knitted beret in garter stitch

Garter stitch is perhaps the simplest and most understandable for a needlewoman of any training and experience.

To make your beret look especially interesting, take jacquard yarn.

Of the convenient features of knitting berets in garter stitch, we designate:

  • work on two needles
  • identical knitting loops of the main fabric
  • smooth edges without curling
  • sufficient knitting density for a winter model

The scheme for creating a garter stitch beret looks like this:

  • after casting the required number of headband loops, knit the first row with knit stitches, and then 5-7 cm with a 2x2 elastic band,
  • Purl the last row, among which raise new 28-30 loops,
  • continue working in garter stitch for another 8-10 cm,
  • divide all the loops into 6 equal wedge parts and mark them with markers, for example, black thread,
  • at the beginning and end of each wedge, knit 2 loops together, reducing the total number of loops by 12 pcs.,
  • repeat decreases every 2 rows after the one in which the loops were knitted together,
  • knit the final 12 stitches a couple more centimeters without decreasing in garter stitch,
  • pull them together with thread and continue to sew the product from the crown to the rim.

Takes fans with knitting needles: diagram and description

women's beret knitted with a fan pattern

Needlewomen often name the same pattern in their own way. For example, one person’s fans are another’s peacock tail. What they have in common is the design on the product. By the way, a beret with such a pattern will suit you for a warm spring or autumn.

Like the “leaves” pattern, the “fan” pattern has a repeat - the number of loops on which it is knitted. Therefore, focus on it and carefully form the total number of beret loops.

The peacock tail pattern looks like this:

samples and patterns of the “fan” or “peacock tail” pattern

The procedure for knitting a beret is as follows:

  • tie with an elastic band 1x1 5-6 cm,
  • evenly increase by a third the total number of loops of the future beret,
  • continue working with the peacock tail pattern, performing 7-9 repeats,
  • upon reaching the height of the product, when you have knitted 8 fans, break the fabric into wedges and begin decreasing at the end of each of them,
  • after completing 6 more fans, tighten the remaining loops with thread,
  • if you worked on 2 knitting needles, crochet the fabric,
  • Wash the beret in warm water, put it on a plate and leave until completely dry.

A detailed diagram and description of knitting a beret with fans is presented in the picture below.

description of the work on knitting a beret with a fan pattern

Takes Nako (Nako) with knitting needles: description

women's knitted Nako beret, decorated with a flower brooch

The original appearance of the beret, as well as the knitting order, will appeal to skilled needlewomen.

In Nako, you first knit the dome from the middle of the fabric, and then the headband, sewing it on or picking up stitches from the finished part of the headdress.

Description of work:

  • cast on 16 loops and knit, in addition to the edge stitches, 3 purl stitches, 8 knit stitches, 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch, 1 knit stitch,
  • all even rows - according to the drawing,
  • starting from the 3rd row at the end after the purl, add a yarn over,
  • continue to work the extension after the purl stitch at the end of the row until you reach 14 stitches,
  • in parallel, cross the braids every 8 rows,
  • gradually reduce the large triangle from stockinette stitch by 1 stitch in each knit row by knitting a new wedge triangle,
  • in total you should knit 6 wedges that flow beautifully from one another,
  • From the edge loops of the strip with braids, pick up loops for the headband so that there are one third fewer of them,
  • knit with an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2 to a height of 7-8 cm,
  • Wash the finished beret in warm water and place it on a balloon to dry completely.

Takes a braided line with knitting needles: diagram and description

cute knitted beret with large braided pattern

A knitted beret with a braided pattern will delight you with warmth and comfort on cold winter days. It will especially appeal to needlewomen who love braids and weaves in their products.

The pattern of the braided pattern depends on the rapport. It is performed on 4, 6, 8 and so on loops, divided in half for crossing.

And the order of work depends on your preferences for knitting berets:

  • from the elastic band to the crown
  • from crown to elastic band

There are more models of berets knitted using the first method, so we will consider it:

  • tie the headband with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band, 7-8 cm high,
  • double the number of loops
  • knit the next 4 rows,
  • depending on the selected repeat, cross the loops in one direction until the end of the row,
  • perform the next 4-6 or 8 rows with facial rows,
  • cross the loops in the other direction until the end of the row,
  • repeat the previous 3 steps until you start decreasing stitches. It is convenient to do this 5 cm before completing the work,
  • after knitting a row with crossed loops, knit 1 row,
  • then repeat *k4, purl 2 together. , 2 purl* to the end of the row,
  • next - knit 4, purl 2 together, purl 1,
  • after - knit 2, purl 2 together, purl 2,
  • K2, P2tog, P1,
  • K2, p2 together,
  • Knit all the loops 2 together until the fabric is reduced to 20 loops,
  • pull the loose strand of yarn through them twice and tighten well.

Additionally, if desired, decorate the finished beret with large beads or a brooch.

And another description of the work of knitting a beret with a braided pattern:

description of knitting a women's beret with a braided pattern, option 1

description of knitting a women's beret with a braided pattern, option 2

Knitting Pumpkin beret: diagram and description

knitted pumpkin beret: view from three sides

An interesting version of a women's beret in the shape of a pumpkin, or hedgehog needles.

To knit it, take 2 colors of yarn that combine with each other, for example, dark and light brown or purple and pink.

The main part of the beret is dark yarn, and with light yarn, work several rows in front of the bottom and all the way to the bottom.

The pattern of the beret pattern is a set of teeth consisting of 2 knit stitches and 1 purl loop. Around the last one you will need to first add 6 loops and then subtract them.


  • yarn with added wool in 2 colors
  • circular knitting needles Nos. 3 and 4
  • scissors

Operating procedure:

  • tie a headband of 90 loops with a double elastic band to a height of 6 cm,
  • distribute the stitches for knitting 30 teeth and perform a row without increments,
  • on both sides of each purl, add 1 loop using the pulling method from the previous row,
  • knit the loops added in the previous row purlwise and pick them up again on both sides of the knit stitches,
  • now make an island of purls and yarn overs from the row with knit stitches, be sure to add another loop on both sides of the main knit pattern,
  • repeat the increase in fabric loops until there are 6 of them around the main purl loop,
  • now gradually knit a decrease row by row according to the mirror pattern,
  • upon reaching the initial number of loops - in this case 90, purl 5 rows, then knit a row and again purl 5 rows,
  • Divide the fabric into 6 wedge sectors and decrease 1 loop at the end of each of them. Knit the bottom with knit stitches,
  • knit the final 6 loops up 6-7 rows and tighten with thread.

To your taste, alternate the color of the yarn when knitting a beret-pumpkin.

So, we looked at the nuances of knitting women's berets in various ways, patterns, and techniques.

Choose the model you like, buy yarn and enjoy your autumn evenings! Easy loops for you!

Video: how to knit a women’s beret “Gerda”?

A beret for a woman is a universal demi-season headdress, comfortable and attractive, and many people want to be able to knit such things. Our video tutorials will explain the sequence of work. Look at the lessons, they have diagrams with descriptions, and the procedure is described in detail.

You will see that knitting a simple beret with knitting needles for beginners is not at all difficult. A beret can be not only for an adult, but also for a child; you will learn how to correctly calculate and knit a beret for a girl for cool autumn or spring weather.

p.s. In the last article we looked at how to crochet a beret, now with knitting needles.

Watch our videos for beginners and learn, it's actually quite easy to learn. Try)

Alize Lana Gold Classic wool blend yarn was used, containing 50% wool and 50% acrylic. Its density is 240 meters per 100-gram skein. Circular knitting needles with diameters of 3.5 mm and 5 mm were used. We will tell you how to knit a beret with knitting needles.

Work begins with 96 Italian loops. In the next row, purl stitches are removed and knit stitches are knitted. The following rows are knitted similarly until the fifth, on which two loops are knitted with the front one and one with the purl. The elastic is knitted up to a five-centimeter length, after which knitting continues with an English elastic, replacing the knitting needles with five-millimeter ones.

Video lesson:

We used wool blend yarn (50% wool and 50% acrylic) from Madame Tricote – Jasmin, dark gray color 009. 100 grams of yarn – 200 meters of thread. To knit the beret, knitting needles No. 3.5 were used, the elastic band was knitted with knitting needles No. 2. The beret is knitted, starting from the crown, in the round, for which the first 16 loops are cast on.

Each even row is knitted with 8 increases, with eight additional loops. By the time we got a circle with a diameter of 25 cm, there were 36 rows. Next, 6 rows are knitted without increases, with facial loops, after which in odd rows the decrease of 8 loops per row begins.

Video lesson:

The yarn is wound on a bobbin in two threads, it consists of 90 percent merino wool and 10% nylon, which increases the wear resistance of the material. If you want to knit a warmer women's beret, you can take fluffier yarn - angora or alpaca. For knitting, ring needles No. 3.5 on 80-centimeter fishing line were used.

80 loops are cast on, before further work they are moved to another knitting needle, and further knitting occurs in a ring. Knit and purl stitches are cast on alternately. In this way, three rows are knitted, after which you can start adding loops.

Video lesson:

Knitted from thick yarn with needles number 5. Drops Eskimo yarn, two skeins with a small remainder. Each skein weighing 50 grams contains 50 meters of thread. The beret was tied on the head with a volume of 54 centimeters. When you test knit with garter stitch and stretch it to its maximum, there are 9 stitches per 10 centimeters of satin stitch.

For the entire size of the beret, 49 loops are cast on. The extreme loops are connected to each other. The first row is formed with purl stitches, the next row is knitted with knit stitches, and the third row is knitted with purl stitches again. At this point you can complete the formation of the side, or you can knit a few more rows.

Video lesson:

Knitted from Lana Grossa Cashsilk yarn, the beret used two skeins of 50 grams of emerald color to get a model for size 52 cm. Circular knitting needles with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 cm were used, but longer ones can be used. The head circumference is assumed to be 52 cm. The beret is divided into six sectors.

The first step is to knit the band, then several rows of the wall with increases, followed by rows without increases and the bottom, which is knitted with decreases. How to make additions and decreases will be shown in detail. The bottom of the beret is finished with a hollow cord of two loops. You can attach a pompom to the top of your head.

Video lesson:

Knitted from pure Alize Cashmira wool using circular knitting needles with a diameter of 2 mm. They cast on 124 loops. Having knitted the first row, we connect the ends into a ring and knit 14 rows of 2 x 2 elastic. To get a lapel, it is better to start the next row not with straight loops, but with purl ones. Next 13 rows are knitted in a checkerboard pattern, the knit stitch is higher than the purl stitch, and the purl stitch is higher than the knit stitch.

Next we switch to needles No. 4 and now knit with increases. The next row already consists of 156 loops, because one more was added to each knit stitch. The braids with which the beret is decorated begin to be knitted at this level.

Video lesson:

The lilac yarn used is made from pure merino wool Fibranatura Sensatinal, 50 grams of which holds 83 meters of thread. A beret for a head circumference of 54-58 will use about 100 grams of yarn. Circular needles No. 2.5 or 3.5 were used. 120 loops are cast on for an adult; you will have to count them for the children's version.

The extra loop is knitted to complete the knitting circle. Next, work continues in the circle with stockinette stitch, and these six rows form the lower edge of the beret, which curls and takes on a beautiful appearance. Now comes the turn of knitting 2 x 2 elastic.

Video lesson:

Designed for sizes 54-56 cm, but also suitable for 58 due to its elasticity. We used Caucasian troika yarn with a density of 150-180 meters per 100 grams and knitting needles No. 3. 80 loops are cast on the knitting needles, and a 2 x 2 elastic band is knitted to a 7-centimeter width. Then you can add one loop every four loops.

Next, the main “corn” pattern is knitted, the height of which is 16 cm. 10 knit stitches and 10 purl loops are knitted, while in each pattern one loop is decreased until about a dozen loops remain.

Video lesson:

Made from “Magnificent” yarn produced by Pekhorka, consisting of 30% angora and 70% akil. A 100-gram skein contains about 500 meters of thread. Circular knitting needles No. 2.5 were used. Cast on 120 stitches and begin to form a hollow 1 x 1 rib without pulling the stitches too tight.

If the elastic band is not planned to be hollow, it is necessary to reduce the number of loops and try it on the head. After completing 6 cm of hollow elastic, we will move on to forming the “spikelet” pattern. We switch to thicker knitting needles size 3.5 and knit two purl stitches and three knit stitches for the entire row.

Video lesson:

Knitted from Lana Grossa Alta Moda Alpaca yarn (wdtn 045), which was used in one skein. Knitting needles No. 5 were used. The head size is adjusted to fit - 10-15%, so instead of 90 loops, 76 were used. An extra loop is cast on to join the knitting in a circle. Next, a 1 x 1 elastic band is knitted, in which one loop is knitted and the second loop is purled.

The next round is knitted so that the knit stitches are knit and the purl stitches are purl. We knit 15 rows of elastic and switch to pure knit stitches. To expand the beret, increments are made.

Video lesson:

Takes with knitting needles: diagrams and descriptions of models

It's hard to imagine a more feminine headdress than a beret. True trendsetters and connoisseurs of fashion, the French know a lot about beautiful and sophisticated accessories, so in France everyone wears berets: women, children and even men. If you want to emphasize your good taste in clothes, then you simply must knit a fashionable beret.

This could be a warm knitted beret for autumn or winter, or a light openwork beret for the first days of spring. For you, I have collected the best knitting patterns for berets with descriptions in Russian, as well as ideas for patterns for berets and current fashion trends of the season.

I wish you easy loops and pleasant creativity with Hummingbird!

Do you want to try your hand at knitting hats? Then add a simple but very elegant beret to your collection. What's good about it? At a minimum, the fact that you won’t freeze in it, and, unlike more decorative styles, this one covers your ears, which suffer greatly in the cold. You can choose the color of the yarn according to your...

Good practice for beginners and an easy warm-up for experienced craftsmen. We are knitting a cute lingonberry-colored beret for the winter. The work is simple, quick, using two types of knitting needles. Material – acrylic with additions of mohair, wool and methanite. This headdress is good because it is warm, wears for a long time, does not lose its shape, and even looks great after washing. ...

Walking bareheaded in our climate is fraught with health problems. In summer you are at risk of sunstroke, and in winter - the famous frosts and winds that frayed the nerves of the armies of the French and Germans. Therefore, we recommend that beautiful ladies knit a warm and elegant beret, decorated with a simple but beautiful pattern in the form of thin braids. ...

The knitting method with the funny name “hedgehog” was invented a long time ago, but it doesn’t come across that often. Completely in vain, by the way. After all, a beret knitted in this way turns out to be very warm and dense, and at the same time, it looks beautiful and relevant in any season. Hats with voluminous knitting look very interesting and original. You …

What do you think of this cute knitted beret? Like? Do you want to knit exactly the same one? This is not at all as difficult as it may seem to beginners. But how proud you will be of yourself when you complete the work. The knitting material used is a very good yarn - Patons Angora Bamboo. Buying it online is not at all...

A cool and very simple model for those who are just learning how to work with knitting needles. The beret is light and comfortable, but at the same time quite warm. In autumn and spring it is very comfortable. Looks beautiful and knits easily. Even beginners in knitting can do the simplest braid patterns. Cool acrylic yarn with additives...

Knitted voluminous berets have been out of fashion for several years now. Knitted with knitting needles in a simple ribbed pattern, the beret is made from yarn in a beautiful color and will effectively complement your look. The beret is decorated with a button closure that needs to be matched to the color of your yarn. Head circumference: 56(58) cm You will need: yarn (65% wool, 35% alpaca, 75 m/50 ...

This season, knitted berets with large braided patterns have found a second life in the wardrobes of modern fashionistas. I bring to your attention another interesting beret model, made with knitting needles and a beautiful pattern of spiral braids. Scheme and description of knitting a beret.

A knitted beret is a versatile and practical headdress that can bring any outfit to perfection, especially when combined with a spectacular scarf. Modern style is tolerant of both sophisticated soft and large, coarse knitting. Knitting a beret with knitting needles will not take much time, the main thing is to be patient and calculate the stitches correctly.

Modern girls can create an attractive and sophisticated look with a classic headdress - a knitted beret. This is not only a practical thing, but also very relevant for any time of year. It practically does not wrinkle and holds its shape well.
A knitted beret harmonizes well with dresses and trouser ensembles. As for knitting, any texture and any density of the fabric is appropriate here. Berets made from large shaggy yarn look very expressive.
An example of a voluminous spring beret made of red mohair, made in stockinette stitch.

Another version of a voluminous headdress made of thick yarn, additionally decorated with multi-colored buttons.

A versatile gray beret with a pattern of “grape leaves” will decorate any spring-autumn ensemble.

Wearing a beret is modeled with a wide leg. It can be completely tucked inside the beret or done only halfway. The photo shows an olive angora model with a removable fur pompom.

You don't have to buy wool to knit a beret. It can be knitted from leftover threads, even in different shades. The beret can be decorated with brooches, flowers and bows.

Women's winter berets knitted, diagram with description

There are a huge number of women's models and patterns of warm berets: with cross knitting, with braids, plaits, double knitting, with honeycombs, etc.
Usually the beret is knitted in circular rows based on the size of the head. For cold weather, it is best to make a headdress with yarn in several folds or in a dense pattern.

Volume beret

For model size 52-54 you will need 200 g of plain yarn. The work is best done using circular needles No. 4 with double thread.
For the front stitch, pick up facial loops (RP) in the front rows (LR), and purl loops (IP) in the purl rows (IR).
For garter stitch, LR and IR - IP are used.
The elastic band (1x1) is performed alternately by 1 LP, 1 IP.
Three-dimensional patterns are created based on the given diagrams 1,2.

Knitting procedure:
Cast on 104-106 stitches on the knitting needles, knit 2 cm with an elastic band and proceed to pattern No. 2. Having knitted 15 cm with a pattern, they begin to decrease the loops: in every 3rd row, 20 stitches are removed at once. At the end, the remaining 5 loops are pulled together with thread.

Tricolor beret

The beret cap is designed for R.56.
To work you need to prepare:

  • 100 g of three-color yarn;
  • knitting needles No. 4.5 and No. 3.5.

At the beginning of work, the knitting density is immediately determined. The given dimensions are given taking into account the fact that in a square of 10x10 cm 10 p. in 26 r.

The leg of the beret is made with a double hollow elastic band of 69 loops with an auxiliary thread (knitting needles No. 3.5).

Winter model with wedges

Often there are headdresses made on the basis of facial loops alone.

Knitting for spring, diagram with description

For many years now, the spring collection has included classic versions of beret styles. But youth street fashion is replete with stylish beret hats. Their basis can be convex petals in the style of the Ravelry pattern. The elastic band clasps the head tightly, and the beret itself hangs slightly back.

Beautiful women's beret with knitting needles, diagram with description

The romantic look is successfully complemented by openwork berets. They can be either warm or light spring-summer. Thin mohair models with linings made of identical yarn will warm young fashionistas in the cold spring, while cotton or bamboo openwork models protect from the sun and will be a wonderful addition to the boho style.

Foliage motifs
The work is done from the bottom (from the elastic band) up. From 144 loops, a 1x1 elastic band is formed and knitted for a 3-3.5 cm border. The pattern is made on thicker knitting needles.

Women's voluminous beret with knitting needles, with description

Large knitting of thick threads makes the berets voluminous and very elegant. Today, such models are relevant in combination with a down jacket or a short coat. We must remember that not every woman suits voluminous berets. They are most often worn by those with oblong and oval shapes. Moreover, they wear the beret so that the center is closer to the back of the head.

Model "Gerda"

Thanks to the intricate pattern, the beret retains its shape in any position.

Beret for a teenager

Beret autumn 2019, diagram with description

In autumn, prim classic models are especially in demand, complementing the elegant style. They should be in harmony with the color of your skin and hair. Black and white shades are considered neutral.

Double-sided Zigzag model
For a head circumference of 53 cm you will need 100 g of yarn. Knit the pattern in the round.
Diagonal pattern (rapport - 4 p.)

2 years ago

In winter, autumn, spring and even summer it is very important to wear berets. In today's article we will discuss knitting a beret. In a headdress created with your own hands, you will always look delightful and stylish. And the variety of options will pleasantly surprise you. There is nothing difficult about knitting a beret, so even a novice craftswoman can cope with the task.

A hat is a must-have item for every wardrobe. There are many interesting models of knitted berets. Any knitting pattern for a beret can be chosen, it all depends on the level of your practical skills.

On a note! Berets knitted according to the same pattern, but from different yarns, will differ in appearance. Hats made from bouclé mohair, angora, and melange yarn look very original.

A beret for a girl will be a beautiful and fashionable addition to a child's look. Knitting it is not too different from adult models. You can take one pattern as a basis and calculate the required number of loops based on the volume of your head.

Replenish your creative treasury with new models of knitted berets:

  • refined simplicity;

In fact, knitting a beret for women is not a difficult task. Everything, of course, depends on your skill level. As a rule, they try to knit berets on circular knitting needles to make the product seamless. But novice needlewomen can use two knitting needles, and then connect the two parts of the product along the back of the head with a knitted seam.

Now you will see that berets are easy to knit. Take note of knitting patterns.

Advice! Yarn consisting of wool and acrylic in equal proportions is suitable for berets. You can take wool mixture with polyester.

Necessary materials:

  • yarn;

Step-by-step description of the process:

Beret "Gerda"

Knitting a beret for beginners is difficult mainly in circular knitting. Try just knitting a small sample first.

Advice! To avoid confusion, be sure to place a colored marker at the beginning of the row and constantly move it, knitting the row in a circle to the end.

Necessary materials:

  • yarn;
  • knitting needles of the appropriate size.

Step-by-step description of the process:

Let's welcome winter in style

You can knit an original beret for yourself or your daughter using the “bump” pattern. Even novice craftswomen can cope with such a pattern. For convenience, use an auxiliary knitting needle.

Necessary materials:

  • yarn;
  • knitting needles of the appropriate size;
  • auxiliary knitting needle – 1 piece.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. To knit such a beret, it is better to choose yarn that is half wool.
  2. We cast on the knitting needles the required number of loops in accordance with the volume of the head.
  3. We start by knitting elastic bands 1x1 and 2x2.
  4. Then we knit several rows with a scarf pattern. We knit one row exclusively with knit stitches, the second - with purl stitches.
  5. Now let's start knitting the pattern. From rows 1 to 4 of pattern repeat we knit all rows using stockinette stitch.
  6. In the fifth row we begin to knit a cone pattern. Rapport looks like this: we knit the first 8 stitches with knit stitches. Next comes a bump consisting of 6 loops.
  7. We knit the cone like this: we slip the next 6 loops onto an auxiliary knitting needle. We knit 8 rows high in stockinette stitch.
  8. We move the knitted section to the right knitting needle.
  9. We repeat this repeat, starting with 8 knit stitches to the end of the knitting row.
  10. We knit the next rows, from the sixth to the ninth, only with stockinette stitch.
  11. In the 10th row we begin to knit the pattern again.
  12. First we knit 1 knit stitch. Next, we knit a cone according to the rapport described above. Then we knit 7 more knit stitches.
  13. Repeating this repeat, we knit the row to the end. The rapport is 10 rows high.
  14. We repeat it until we get the canvas of the desired size.
  15. Then we make decreases evenly, trying the beret on the head.
  16. We move the remaining loops onto the working thread and tighten them well.