How to choose the right tattoo for yourself. Online test "Which tattoo suits you?" (22 questions) Which first tattoo to choose

Have you dreamed of getting a tattoo for a long time and got the courage to realize your idea? Do not know,? Don't worry, it's actually much easier than it looks. Finding a suitable drawing is not at all difficult, it is more important to understand whether you really want it. Of course, modern equipment in salons allows you to remove a boring tattoo, but such a procedure is quite expensive. If you still made this decision for yourself, then go ahead and choose a design.

How to choose a tattoo design?

Design Choice

Choosing a place for tattooing

Think carefully about whether you want the tattoo to be in a conspicuous place. If the answer is yes, then you should choose a design with which you could feel comfortable both at home and at work. Think over your style of clothing, hairstyle, so that your image is fully combined with the tattoo.

First, print out the layout of the tattoo, try to temporarily apply it to the skin. This can be done with henna (it will last a week or a month). You may not be able to make it in color, but this will be quite enough to get at least a partial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhether you like this drawing or not.

How to choose the size of the tattoo?

Want to get a small tattoo? The idea is not bad, but it should be remembered that such an image on the body may not always look as good as on paper. The fact is that tattoo machines often have a thicker stem than a pencil or ballpoint pen. It is better to refuse too small icons and drawings. If you really like this particular image, you can increase it a little in size, which will allow you to detail the picture, make it more lively and realistic.

This is especially applicable to portraits, depicted body parts (hands, legs that require special rendering), animal faces, etc. Increasing the size of a tattoo often requires choosing a different location for its location.

Therefore, let's say a few more words about how tattoos are chosen, or rather places for their application. It can be done on any part of the body, but in some places it is much easier to apply a drawing and it will be less painful. For example, getting a tattoo on the buttocks, stomach, back, shoulders and chest is easier than on the phalanges of the fingers, ribs, wrists, ears and face. This is due to the structure of the skin, its thickness and sensitivity. In any case, drawing a picture on the body is an unpleasant and slightly painful process, therefore it is better to choose places that are less sensitive.

How to choose a tattoo so that the drawing does not blur over time?

Unfortunately, the nature of such images is such that over time they lose their former clarity, become pale, and begin to blur. The onset of this moment can be slightly pushed back if you properly care for the tattoo. It is better to hide the drawing from the hot sun as much as possible. It is also important to know that dark pigments (blue, black, brown) are considered more stable. It is desirable that your tattoo has more black, because other colors are more prone to fading.

The color of the selected image is extremely important because it affects your body (general indicators or the functioning of individual systems and organs). Red color stimulates the nervous system, yellow - respiratory, purple increases brain activity.

Be careful with the choice of drawing, because there is a certain type of image that only people with a criminal past fill themselves with. How to choose tattoos so that the meaning of the drawings is not related to the criminal theme? So, try to avoid skulls, images of snakes, naked women, dice and cards.

Thanks to the wide spread of the Internet, you can find out how easy it is to choose a tattoo that will reflect exactly your nature. The network presents a huge number of sketches and finished works, among which you are sure to pick up something for yourself.

How to choose a tattoo:

  1. Understand the reasons why you want a tattoo.
  2. If you want a tattoo to reflect who you are, think about things that inspire you or have special meaning to you.
  3. If you want to get a tattoo in honor of someone, think about the things that person likes or associates with.
  4. Take a look at other tattoos, it can spice up your imagination.
  5. Look for tattoo designs in books, magazines, posters, etc.
  6. If you find something similar to what you want, ask the wizard to make the necessary changes.
  7. Remember, the pattern you choose is your reflection.
  8. Be creative. You do not need to draw anything, contact the master with your ideas.
  9. Think about how your tattoo will reflect on your work and the opinions of others.
  10. Decide what kind of tattoo you want: black and white or color.
  11. Take your time with the choice.
  12. Remember, your imagination is limitless!

The choice of design and place of the tattoo

You still decided, but now the question arises: what and where to do. While this is a matter for everyone to decide on their own based on their own tastes and preferences, there are a few things that could help you make your decision.

pain factor

The question I get asked most often is something like this: “Where does it hurt the most?”. Unfortunately, I don’t have a definite answer, but, based on many years of experience, I can distinguish the following body parts:

The most painful places for tattooing:

In men: abdomen (belly), spine, chest.

In women: ankles, spine, ribs.

The least painful places for tattooing:

For men: arms, back.

In women: abdomen (belly), buttocks, thighs, shoulders.


It's nice to see more and more white collar and office workers coming in to get tattoos lately. Tattoos are gradually becoming mainstream, they are no longer associated with criminality and are not considered something immoral. However, do not forget that tattoos are not acceptable in all professions. Before turning to the master and “hammering” the visible part of the body, think about how this will affect your work and the opinion of the people around you.

Tattoo is your reflection

You can simply pick up the latest issue of any tattoo magazine and see examples of beautifully executed tattoos in various styles. Monsters, demons, dragons, or tattoos with an erotic twist can be true works of art, but it's not certain that they will suit you as well. Believe me, no matter what kind of tattoo you have, people will have an impression of you, including, and depending on your tattoo. Of course, it is entirely up to you what and where to stuff, but if you want to make a good impression, remember that your tattoo should also make it.

Need ideas for a tattoo? Check out my color and black and white work featured on this site.

Getting a tattoo allows you to express your individuality in the best possible way, and the choice of design is especially important. Before you decide to get a tattoo, you should carefully, to the smallest detail, think through all the nuances: why do you need it, what exactly and how do you want to express, because this is not only a beautiful drawing, but also a reflection of your personality, your tastes, and each tattoo carries its own special meaning.

The semantic load is an important detail that you should first of all focus on when considering which tattoo to choose. The drawing should not only be a beautiful picture, but also carry a special meaning, so that even after years, the chosen tattoo has meaning for you, and does not turn out to be a fleeting whim that you will later regret. Removing a tattoo is not a cheap pleasure and, moreover, painful. That is why you should carefully familiarize yourself with the symbolism of the tattoo, look at the options on the finished photos in order to choose the option that is most suitable for you.

Choosing a tattoo style

When you decide which tattoo to choose is the most ideal for your case, you should carefully study all the variations in the style and design of your future body decoration. Determine for yourself which version of the style is closest to your spirit: do you want to get a tattoo in the oriental style or is typical ethnicity most attractive to you. Tattoo photo galleries in the catalog of our portal or on the site of the selected master will clearly demonstrate the most impressive tattoo design and allow you to choose the most appropriate option. You can take one drawing from the catalog as a basis, and, depending on your imagination, choose the original version of its design.

Which design to choose

The design of the tattoo depends on your imagination and the ability of the tattoo master to realize any dream of the client. You can order the creation of realistic drawings in the form of portraits and landscapes, or choose spiral patterns in the Polynesian style. Fantasy connoisseurs can opt for biomechanics when choosing a tattoo design. Celtic patterns are preferred by men, while girls opt for tattoos depicting flowers and butterflies. One of the most popular options is tattoo inscriptions, which are preferred by many, regardless of gender.

When thinking about which tattoo to choose, also determine where you are going to fill the picture, what color and size it will have. The choice of a place on the body depends on whether you want the drawing to be accessible to everyone's eyes or remain an intimate detail known to few of your surroundings. When choosing a tattoo, it is also worth considering that the drawing should not contradict your style and image as a whole.

The choice of a tattoo should not be accompanied by a rush. This is not a momentary whim. It is worth considering everything carefully, weighing it in order to choose the most successful version of the picture with the ideal meaning, style and design, which will become a particle of your essence expressed on the body.

    A very interesting test. Everything is detailed enough. At first I thought that it would be written simply as a description of some animal or symbol. But the result exceeded all my expectations. I did not even expect such a result.

    Before, I always thought that various online tests were complete nonsense. But thanks to the test "Which tattoo suits you", I realized how interesting it is and at the same time informative. At least I learned a lot of new and interesting things about myself. Now I'm happy to take other tests.

    Quite an interesting test. She was happy to answer any questions without overthinking. Everything is very clear, starting from the questions themselves and ending with the result. The result describes not only a suitable tattoo, but also some character traits. More such tests.

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    My friends advised me to take the test. They said it was very interesting. At first I thought they were cheating. Since I have not seen such tests before. But now I will trust my friends. I liked everything. The questions are easy and understandable. In a word, I was left with good emotions from such a mini leisure.

    I decided to get a tattoo and for a long time I could not decide which tattoo to do. I looked at many different sites and came across this test. I really liked the questions, and the result not only helped me decide on a tattoo, but my character was also described. The test was really helpful.

    Tattoos are not my forte, and I treat them more negatively than neutrally. Decided to take the test just out of curiosity. I liked the result so much that I decided to make myself a tattoo after all.

Getting a tattoo allows you to express your individuality in the best possible way, and the choice of design is especially important. Before deciding, you should carefully, to the smallest detail, think through all the nuances: why do you need it, what exactly and how do you want to express, because this is not only a beautiful drawing, but also a reflection of your personality, your tastes, and each tattoo carries its own special meaning.

The semantic load is an important detail that you should first of all focus on when considering which tattoo to choose. The drawing should not only be a beautiful picture, but also carry a special meaning, so that even after years, the chosen tattoo has meaning for you, and does not turn out to be a fleeting whim that you will later regret. Removing a tattoo is not a cheap pleasure and, moreover, painful. That is why you should carefully familiarize yourself with the symbolism of the tattoo, look at the options on the finished photos in order to choose the option that is most suitable for you.

Choosing a tattoo style

When you decide which tattoo to choose is the most ideal for your case, you should carefully study everything and the design of your future body decoration. Determine for yourself which style option is closest to your spirit: do you want to get a tattoo in style or is the typical one most attractive to you. Tattoo photo galleries in the catalog of our portal or on the site of the selected master will clearly demonstrate the most impressive tattoo design and allow you to choose the most appropriate option. You can take one drawing from the catalog as a basis, and, depending on your imagination, choose the original version of its design.

Which design to choose

The design of a tattoo depends on your imagination and ability to realize any dream of a client. You can order the creation of realistic drawings in the form of portraits and landscapes, or choose spiral patterns in the Polynesian style. Fantasy connoisseurs can opt for biomechanics when choosing a tattoo design. Celtic patterns are preferred by men, while girls opt for tattoos depicting flowers and butterflies. One of the most popular options is tattoo inscriptions, which are preferred by many, regardless of gender.

When thinking about which tattoo to choose, also determine where you are going to fill the picture, what color and size it will have. The choice of a place on the body depends on whether you want the drawing to be accessible to everyone's eyes or remain an intimate detail known to few of your surroundings. When choosing a tattoo, it is also worth considering that the drawing should not contradict your style and image as a whole.

The choice of a tattoo should not be accompanied by a rush. This is not a momentary whim. It is worth considering everything carefully, weighing it in order to choose the most successful version of the picture with the ideal meaning, style and design, which will become a particle of your essence expressed on the body.