This lovely wedding is in blue! Decorating a blue wedding: unusual modern ideas

How to achieve the desired effect? Anyone knows that a real blue wedding is a competent design. From invitations to the general decor of the hall, blue should be present and fundamental in the overall concept of the holiday.

Here are some ideas for you. So, blue wedding - decoration.

The most important thing in wedding decor, if it is not an off-site registration, is the decoration of the banquet hall. You will spend at least five hours in it, and the overall impression will depend on the atmosphere that you manage to create there!

For a blue wedding, a combination of snow-white tablecloths and well-placed accents of rich indigo is perfect! Bows on chairs, seating cards, compositions on tables, the presidium of the newlyweds - all this should reflect the color theme of the wedding.

Wedding decoration in blue is not only a festive hall! Continuing the theme of blue, props for a wedding photo shoot can also be made in this range. Just look at the huge paper flower! Surely, you have met such, but made in blue tones, it immediately attracts attention, being distinguished by its uniqueness! The usual words for wedding photography also look interesting. Thanks to the combination of blue shades, they look especially stylish.

The bride's bouquet deserves special attention. The main thing that future newlyweds need to know is that a blue bridal bouquet, completely executed in this color palette, can play a cruel joke, standing out with an obsessive bright spot. The composition, complemented by white flowers, will look much more laconic. It can be roses, peonies, daffodils. They will dilute the bright shade, besides, these will go well with a snow-white board! But there are few blue flowers in nature. To draw up wedding bouquets, florists use delphinium, much less often forget-me-nots. There are also irises and unusual meconopsis - and that's probably all. Here is such a small injustice.

Adhering to the Something blue tradition, young people can bring a modern touch to its interpretation, and include "something blue" not in the bride's outfit, but choose the groom's suit in this color.

To decorate the photo shoot zone, satin ribbons and garlands, carefully made with your own hands, will be used. It's worth mentioning here that guests can also expect great shots.

Wedding decoration in blue can be implemented in the official part of the ceremony. The arch will look good for a "fake" wedding. In this case, the path for the solemn appearance of the heroes of the occasion should also be decorated with decorative elements in blue tones.

After a touching moment, guests can be offered sweet treats. Candy bar can become a real center of attraction, because the combination of rich blue and white in the design of sweets looks just fabulous!

Don't forget about the bridesmaids. They are a real decoration of the wedding! May they be in blue that day too! If you plan to use this opportunity, remember that in this case, the cost of tailoring and buying outfits falls on your shoulders.

Aerobatics for a photoset at a blue wedding will be a luxurious hall found ahead of time, made in these colors. Pictures in its interiors will turn out to be especially colorful! In addition, for the desired perception, this will create additional emotions for all participants in the celebration, for the sake of which everything is started!

You can touchingly end the wedding evening with a sand ceremony. Previously, it was held mainly at "sea" weddings. It is very symbolic and has already fallen in love with newlyweds, who celebrate the celebration not only on the ocean coast, but also in noisy megacities and in nature.

Decorating your wedding in blue is a great opportunity to tastefully celebrate your main day!

Good luck with your color solutions!

Text: Julia Chernaya

Thanks for the photo to Maria Khalcheeva and

Blue can be a great theme for a wedding. The richness of its palette makes it possible to create many unique combinations of shades: from delicate sky blue to exquisite indigo. In addition, a wedding in blue will be appropriate at any time of the year. In the summer, you can focus on the marine style, in the winter - on the Scandinavian. You can find out how to use blue for the style of a celebration in our article.

Accessories and wedding invitations in blue

You can start decorating the holiday with invitation cards, from which guests will learn about the style of your banquet. It is better to make them bright and saturated using deep blue. Silver or golden patterns, rhinestones, sparkles, floral appliques, beads, various patterns, flowers, leaves are perfect as accents.

You can offer another option: make inscriptions and patterns blue on a white, cream, gray or light blue background. This combination looks no less contrasting. For a nautical wedding in blue shades, it would be a great idea to make invitations in the form of scrolls and tie them up with a blue ribbon, or use seashells, pebbles, stars, miniature sea knots as decor.

Banquet cards can be made in the form of small cones with blue sand, into which you should stick miniature plaques with the names of guests. They will look especially impressive next to crocuses. Here's another option: tie a balloon with an inscription to each chair, or use ordinary cards decorated with umbrellas and skewers.

Blue wedding: choosing a palette

A combination of white, blue and black is considered the classic color scheme used in decorating the holidays. It will look very bright and sunny with yellow. But the combination of blue, red and green is recommended to be excluded. Together, these colors do not match.

If you want your wedding in blue shades to be as harmonious as possible, then use extra silver. Most of all, this combination is suitable for a winter wedding. A celebration in the summer can be emphasized with a red-azure palette, which perfectly sets off bright berries and flowers. The combination of blue and pink will look more gentle and romantic.

For an fall wedding or country banquet, the blue and orange option is best. This range looks as contrasting and effective as possible. Be sure to mention such a non-standard combination as blue-turquoise or purple.

Of course, these are not all possible combinations of the palette. It is possible that experimenting with color, you will find your ideal range.

Wedding decoration in blue

If you decide to focus on a particular color in style, then all the decor elements should be matched in it, even such trifles as ring pads and napkins. First, keep in mind that blue is a very rich color. There should not be too much of it, otherwise, the main concept of the celebration will be lost in gloom. When decorating the space of the banquet hall, be sure to strike a balance with lighter colors.

Use blue draperies, balloons, garlands, lamps, blue paper appliques, posters, flower arrangements to decorate the room. Tables can be decorated with painted dishes, blue tablecloths, plates, glasses, candlesticks, colored glass vases, satin ribbons, beads. It is better to choose white chair covers and tie them with blue ribbons.

For a wedding in a marine theme, you should add compositions with shells, pebbles and corals to the main decor. If the celebration is held in winter, then applications in the form of snowflakes, artificial snow, cookies and gingerbread in the form of snowmen will not be superfluous.

Finish off your wedding in blue with a sumptuous tiered cake topped with icing and patterns to match the main colors of your party.

Wedding in blue: the look of the bride and groom

Blue wedding dresses adorn the collections of many designers. They can be either a saturated shade or pale blue, cornflower blue. It is worth noting that a girl with any type of hair and skin tone will be able to choose the shade of blue that suits her face. However, you can dwell on the classic version - a white dress decorated with colorful shoes or accessories. This can be ribbons, hair clips, jewelry, or a purse.

The outfit is only part of the bride's image, the next important stage is makeup. Stylistics in a blue shade can be emphasized in the same color with ink, shadows or eyeliner. Lipstick should be chosen in a lighter muted tone, for example, pink or beige.

The groom will look most elegant in a dark blue classic suit with a white shirt. If you still decide to give preference to a light suit, then decorate it with a spectacular blue tie or boutonniere.

Blue wedding: what bridesmaids and friends of the groom look like

When choosing outfits for bridesmaids, you must first of all be guided by the color of the bride's dress. If it is classic white, then the girls should be dressed up in blue tones to create contrast. Conversely, a bride in a blue dress should be surrounded by bridesmaids in light decorations.

It is best if the groom's friends are dressed in the same suits, or at least shirts. If difficulties arise with this option, then pick them up the same ties or some other accessory.

Wedding in Blue: Bridal Bouquet

For a summer blue wedding, it is recommended to include violets, crocuses, delphiniums, hydrangeas in the floral arrangement. For a celebration in winter, it is better to give preference to more frost-resistant plants. It can be roses, irises, hibiscus, phlox, tulips, lilies, juniper. The groom's boutonniere should also be of the same colors.

You have decided that this will be your wedding celebration. This means that you have no interest in harmony and confidence. You know how to set ambitious goals and achieve them through your calm and focused actions, so a wedding in blue is what you need.

Why do introspective, conservative, wise, empathetic, patient natures choose such a wedding shade?

External restraint is fraught with this blue tint. This also affects the relationship of the newlyweds - it generates refined feelings and respect.

For many peoples, identification occurs in its own way:

For Christians, this color is a symbol of sincerity, prudence and piety.

For residents of Western countries, it is a symbol of nobility and stability.

Indian peoples associate this color with wisdom.

Beating hearts in unison is such a celebration. For young people, in this case, family comfort, trust and peace are in the foreground. The royal wedding is in blue - because of the commitment of the monarchs to this shade. Surrounded by this serene and calm color, the characters of the bride and groom are transformed.

Color is associated with calmness, bliss, relaxation. Even guests such a holiday tunes in to inner calmness and slowness. The most important thing is to create a wedding style. You can do this yourself or with the help of a designer. Just think over everything to every little detail.

Approach this matter responsibly. Because a wedding in blue (ideas) is a color scheme that is present everywhere: in the banquet hall, wedding procession, in the outfits of guests and newlyweds, in a cake, etc.

Room decoration

To decorate the room where the wedding will be held in blue, choose several shades. Pick a color that's not too dark. Try to keep it of medium density.

You can use light and bright shades. To add a touch of piquancy, you can add a golden color. Don't try to do everything in the main color. Use white, light yellow shades to decorate the room. You can achieve greater effect if you drape the surface of the ceiling, walls, etc. with blue velvet.

The white tablecloths on the tables will be combined with the walls decorated in blue. And if you put long candles under gold on them and put napkins in blue shades, then the tables will sparkle with new colors. You can decorate the napkins with a blue ribbon and stick a flower on top of it.

Let's say you want a dim light in the hall. Then decorate the ceiling with a star-studded night sky.

What impressions will a wedding in

Wedding decoration must also affect the guests. We need to think about them and prepare bonbonnieres with gifts. Sew the bags. Decorate them with ribbons. Put gifts in the form of candies with original wrappers inside.

Fresh flowers on the tables can be put in hand-made vases (they can simultaneously serve as an invitation to the festive table). To do this, you will need jars that are the same size. Decorative paper can serve as a decoration for them.

On each jar, write the names of the invited couples or those who came without a couple. For a couple, you can use one jar. Put delicate flowers in these unusual vases: hydrangeas, forget-me-nots, tseanotus, irises.

About the outfits of the bride and groom

The bride can wear colors, by the way, this shade will help hide figure flaws. You can wear classic white, but decorate it with some catchy accessory of the main color of the wedding.

Contrasting belts, bright shoes, various embroideries, etc. will be appropriate here. Blue shades look good on fair-skinned, light and dark-haired brides. You can also add wedding shades to the bride's makeup by using cosmetics and nail polish.

You can choose any accessories: ribbons, hairpins. You can decorate the outfit with a pendant, ears - with earrings, only not massive, but light.

Engagement (silver or decorated with sapphires - this is also part of the style. It is rich in variations regarding the choice of an intimate accessory for the bride's wedding dress - a garter. It also needs to be taken care of in advance. Maybe the purchased garter will need to be decorated somehow.

The groom can be in a dark blue suit and a snow-white shirt. However, a light suit will also be in place, but then there should be a tie and a blue boutonniere. Marine color instead of black in men's outfits is the wedding trend of 2014. The groom must feel like a king next to his beloved queen.

About girlfriends and friends of newlyweds

A wedding in blue is not only the main color of the celebration, but also other shades. The most important thing is that the bride's outfit differs from the outfits of the girlfriends, does not merge with them. The following option is quite acceptable: girlfriends wear blue dresses (it is desirable that the styles are also the same), light bouquets in their hands and shoes to match. But this is possible only if the newlywed decided to put on a snow-white outfit.

Let the groom's friends be in blue suits. If this option does not work, then - identical shirts. Or let there be blue shades of ties (you can - blue kerchiefs in breast pockets of jackets).

The bride's bouquet

Wedding decoration also involves the selection of flowers in a bouquet for the bride and in a boutonniere for the newlywed. By the way, the boutonniere is miniature. This accessory should be somewhere up to 10 cm in height. Attach it to the left side of the lapel of a jacket or pocket with a pin. Lovely bouquets for the bride are distinguished by their beauty and tenderness. What colors they will be composed of depends on the season.

For summer, for example, bouquets of fragile crocuses, violets, hydrangeas, delphiniums are suitable. In winter, bouquets of roses, irises, phlox, hibiscus are relevant. You can make a bouquet of juniper, holly. There is no need to worry about the selection of shades of flowers and the choice of decor for a bouquet, because experts will create any color for you, taking into account all your wishes. Just make sure that both bouquets (for the bride and groom) consist of the same items.

Winter wedding

A wedding in white and blue will be original in the winter. You can hang blue toys, white and blue snowflakes on the tree. You can also come up with a lot of unusual things, related to a given time of the year, for example, sprinkle all the attributes prepared for a wedding with "hoarfrost".

Tables can be decorated with blue or light blue attributes in the form:

  • napkins,
  • clamps-snowflakes,
  • tablecloths,
  • balls, garlands,
  • ice sculptures, icicles,
  • of snowy blue flowers decorating a wedding cake.

How can you use blue and its shades at other times of the year?

In spring, it is better to choose blue with elements of pink. Autumn is the time of the year when you can use coral and blues or yellow and blue combinations. Summer time is bright colors, impressions, so the red-blue duet will only enhance the festive mood. This will be a very unusual decision.

If you take advantage of our tips and add something else of your own, your wedding in blue will be remembered for many years. Photos and videos will be the main proof of this.

How to decorate a wedding hall: ideas and decor options, DIY decorations for the hall.

A wedding is a wonderful and exciting holiday. I would like the celebration to be beautiful and magical, because this is a memory for a lifetime. Preparation for a wedding takes a lot of time, effort and money.

If you have the opportunity to entrust the wedding decoration to professionals - great! You will have the opportunity not only to get the wedding of your dreams, but also to spend your time on other, no less important moments in organizing a wedding celebration.

Important: The decision to arrange a wedding with your own hands comes not only with the desire to save money. Sometimes you don't want to trust such an important moment to strangers.

If you are confident in your organizational skills, and you also have a craving for needlework, you will be able to decorate the wedding hall. In turn, we will help you with wedding decor ideas and options.

How beautiful to decorate a wedding with your own hands

The next step in preparing for a wedding is choosing a style of celebration. All elements of the wedding decor should be harmoniously combined with each other. Choosing a decor in a single scale is not an easy task, but if you succeed, you can judge the presence of good taste.

So what can come in handy for decorating a wedding? We list the materials that may be useful:

  • the cloth
  • Lace and satin ribbons
  • Balloons
  • Colored paper
  • Beautiful vases
  • Candles
  • Rose petals
  • Flowers
  • Paper pom poms
  • Garlands

How to decorate a wedding hall with your own hands: photos of the best wedding halls

Beautiful atmosphere, thoughtful decor of the banquet hall, a certain style of celebration - all this will make the wedding a dream holiday, will give a lot of joyful emotions not to newlyweds, and to guests.

Wedding hall decoration: fashion trend 2017

Purple color - the choice of many couples

Luxurious wedding hall in gold

The best wedding halls

Hall decoration in light colors

Ideas for decorating a hall for a wedding with paper flowers

Important: There are no minor trifles in wedding decor, all the details are important, they are like little puzzles of one beautiful picture.

Wedding decor is always associated with flowers. These can be fresh flowers that decorate the arch for the newlyweds, tables for guests, a photo zone, etc. Or maybe paper flowers. The advantage of decorative paper flowers is their durability, as well as cost.

Do not doubt that paper flowers look beautiful. You can verify this by looking at a selection of photographs.

Wedding hall decor with paper flowers: beautiful and stylish

Arch decoration with paper flowers in a rainbow style

Paper decor for a wedding

Decorating the table of the newlyweds with large flowers

Unusual decor of chairs

Organization of a photo zone Compositions for tables

How to make large and small, simple and voluminous flowers, you can learn in the next video. If you wish, you will quickly master the technique of making paper flowers.

Video: How to make paper flowers?

Ideas for decorating a hall for a wedding with balloons

Decorating a wedding hall with balloons is a good old tradition. But this does not mean at all that such a decoration looks out of date. On the contrary, the imagination of designers allows you to create stylish and varied compositions.

Balloons as decoration have many variations:

  1. Chains that look graceful;
  2. Hearts or wedding rings, usually placed at the table of the newlyweds;
  3. Balloon bouquets, can be placed on guests' tables and indoors;
  4. Arches and columns;
  5. Helium balloons are located on the ceiling in a beautiful pattern;
  6. Huge multi-colored or solid balls can be tied to chairs or released from the ceiling.

Important: A surprise ball takes a special place at the party. Confetti, tinsel, serpentine are placed in a huge ball. During the wedding dance, the ball is pierced, and the newlyweds are enveloped in cheerful tinsel. For convenience, it is worth buying a special detonator with a remote control to make the surprise truly successful.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the table of the newlyweds with balloons

Arch of balloons with flowers

Hearts from balls

Large balloons are a trendy touch of wedding decor

Large balls for room decoration

Wedding hall decoration ideas with posters

Important: Let's not lie to ourselves, decorating a wedding with posters is a tradition that has sunk into oblivion.

Posters with humorous slogans, funny drawings and best wishes to the young are rarely used these days. Even 20 years ago, this idea was relevant. It was especially appropriate to decorate the gloomy walls of factory canteens, where weddings were usually held, with posters.

Posters at a wedding are not the hottest trend

Among the modern choice of decorations, preference is given to more elegant types of decorations. For example, banners. A wedding banner will look appropriate in a modest cafe and luxurious restaurant.

Luxury banner for wedding

Wedding banners are a decent alternative to old-fashioned posters

Another option is slate boards, which are ideal for a photo zone and as a stylish accessory.

How to decorate your wedding in style

On the board you can write your favorite slogans of the newlyweds

Ideas for decorating the hall for a wedding in Italian style

What associations do you have with Italy? Fine wine, parmesan cheese, excellent pasta, pizza, and also: luxurious carnival masks, exquisite olive branches and aromatic spices. If you want to have an Italian style wedding, these elements are indispensable.

The options for decorating an Italian-style wedding celebration are different, here are examples:

  • Quiet, cozy wedding with your family.
  • Noisy wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival.

For the implementation of the first idea, olive branches and various spices are suitable as accessories. They can be used in a bridal bouquet, boutonnieres, table decorations. Decorative bottles of olive oil, table setting with green twigs, laurel wreaths on chairs - all this can be harmoniously fit into the decor.

Italian style wedding accessories

Table design at an Italian wedding

Green wreaths are suitable for decoration

Candy bar for a wedding in Italian

Wedding decor in the style of the Venetian carnival implies a riot of colors, feathers, rhinestones, bright ribbons. The main decoration of a wedding in this style are masks, which can both decorate the hall and the faces of guests and newlyweds.

Decor of the wedding hall in the style of "Venetian carnival"

Feathers are great for a carnival wedding

Luxurious wedding hall in Venetian style

Video: Italian style wedding decoration

Wedding hall decoration ideas in blue

Blue represents elegance and luxury. The blue color scheme is relevant at all seasons.

Important: If your choice fell on a certain color scheme, not only the design of the banquet hall, but also other attributes (outfits, car decoration, invitation cards) must correspond to the chosen shade.

Blue is in harmony with white. Below are many variations of the wedding decoration in blue and white.

Elegant wedding in blue

Hall decoration in white and blue

Wedding decor accessories

Wedding decoration: nautical theme

Ideas for decorating the hall for a wedding in peach color

Important: The peach color matches spring and summer weddings. You can use natural peaches and apricots for interior decoration. This will add a spice to the wedding decor.

  • A peach-colored wedding is the embodiment of romance and tenderness. When decorating a banquet hall, the emphasis should be on light translucent fabrics of beige or peach color.
  • Lacy tablecloths and ribbons will emphasize the tenderness and grace of the celebration. Flowers of a delicate beige, white or pink shade (peonies, roses, orchids, calla lilies) are suitable for the floral part of the decoration.
  • As for color compatibility, there is plenty to choose from: peach is combined with white, pink, coral. Peach looks presentable in tandem with gold. The peach color itself can range from a light beige, which is considered a classic in wedding decoration, to a rich apricot.

Bridal table in delicate peach color

Peach Wedding Decoration Accessories

Romantic peach blossom

Lace and peach complement each other perfectly

Hall decoration ideas for a wedding in red

Important: Red is a symbol of love, passion. A wedding in red will emphasize the brightness and love of the couple.

When decorating a wedding hall, it is important to understand that an overabundance of red creates a dark and heavy atmosphere. Red goes well with white. When decorating the hall, take more white and dilute with red accessories. This approach will create a pleasant atmosphere.

Several ideas for decorating a banquet hall:

  1. Red roses are perfect for a wedding. Other flowers give flight to the imagination too, like red tulips.
  2. You can put white covers on the chairs, then decorate with red bows.
  3. Plates should not blend in with the tablecloth. Dilute the white plates and white tablecloth with red napkins.
  4. Accentuate the theme with red petals.

Table decoration young in red

Luxury wedding decoration in red

Harmonious combination of red and white

Wedding with elements of red

Budget hall decoration for a wedding: ideas, photos

If you are interested in decorating the hall as budget as possible, but at the same time doing it with taste, there are several options:

  1. Decorate the hall paper pompoms... Paper pom-poms are suitable for decorating a table for young people, a photo zone, tables for guests, they can also be attached to the ceiling. The colors of the pom-poms will play an important role in the design: bright colors will make the wedding rich, warm and delicate shades will emphasize tenderness and romance. A huge plus of decorating the hall with paper pom-poms lies in the ease and convenience of such decoration.
  2. To inspire the entourage of magic will help candles... The more candles the better. To keep the candles from going out, you can put them in vases or glasses.
  3. Filler vases... Glass vases or ordinary jars with beautiful filling will decorate the interior of the hall. As a filler, you can use flowers, fruits, sea pebbles and shells, decorative stones, plants. The jar can be decorated with lace, plain cloth, paper.
  4. Paper garlands... You can decorate the hall with garlands of joint photographs, as well as in the form of hearts, circles, flowers, butterflies. Making such garlands will not be difficult.

How to decorate a wedding on a budget

Pom-poms on chairs

You can decorate a wedding hall with candles

Decorate the room with original handmade flower vases

DIY garland for a wedding

Balls of thread for hall decor

Video: DIY wedding decor

Ideas for decorating a wedding with an off-site registration: photo

A beautiful exit marriage registration will allow you to preserve magical memories for a lifetime. Marriage registration in nature can be carried out at any time of the year, even in winter. For this, you need to choose the right accessories.

The main elements required for an off-site ceremony include:

  • Arch of the newlyweds
  • Receptionist desk
  • Path to arch
  • Places for guests

All elements must be decorated in the same style. Consider popular decor options.

Decoration with fresh flowers.

Arch decorated with fresh flowers An original solution for marriage registration Whatever style of wedding and decoration you choose, be guided by your wishes. After all, a wedding is your holiday, and let nothing darken your mood on this bright day.

Video: Registration of exit registration

The airy, calm and light atmosphere at the wedding celebration will be created by the sky-sea white and blue colors. And how to give exquisite beauty to every detail, the portal will tell you.

Blue-white meaning

The white and blue palette is a very contrasting and expressive combination of colors. Blue, like white, represents endless love and loyalty. The spirituality and discipline of blue, combined with the innocence, purity and obedience of white, create a flawless unified image.

Wedding decoration in white and blue

The design of the wedding hall successfully uses the coolness and lightness of numerous shades of blue. The overall theme and concept of the wedding has a significant impact on the design of the banquet wedding hall. A wedding in white and blue colors can be decorated in a romantic nautical style or in a traditional porcelain theme.

Lace, lace napkins, decorative napkin rings, long tablecloths and exquisite candelabra are perfect for decorating banquet tables. Light blue satin stripes and white skirts on guest tables, white and blue floral arrangements, light airy draperies, white and blue ribbons on chairs will add elegance to the room.

Balloons, shells, vases with sea sand, pebbles, candles will help to decorate the hall in a marine style. For a porcelain theme, consider posters with sophisticated blue and white painting, soft blue fabric pillows with embroidered white patterns, porcelain or blue glass dishes.

Tall blue vases with snow-white flowers will be a wonderful addition to the tables. It is necessary to think over sweets for the candy bar in a uniform style. Use a white and blue color scheme and delicate, graceful designs. The finishing touch to the wedding table setting will be a large blue and white wedding cake.

Wedding dresses for a wedding in white and blue

Since blue is associated with chastity, it is perfect for a wedding dress. The color blue has a huge variety of shades: azure, light, dark, sapphire, indigo, etc. With the help of the white and blue range of a wedding dress, you can correct the figure of any bride.

Blue satin and silk wedding dresses look great. Despite the fact that a blue wedding dress is not yet very popular and in demand, be sure that only you will get all the looks and you will be remembered for a long time. As a decoration for a custom blue dress, choose snow-white lace, embroidery, rhinestones.

If you are in doubt about choosing a radical blue for a dress, then the traditional white outfit, complemented by blue elements, remains. So, a white dress can be decorated with a blue pattern, pick up a blue corset and a fluffy white skirt, or supplemented with a jacket with a Gzhel pattern.

Accessories for the bride should also contain blue and white decoration. You can pick up a graceful clutch, blue wedding shoes, sapphire earrings. Do not forget to complete the look with a gentle, discreet makeup, and vice versa, a bright manicure.

A wedding three-piece for the groom should emphasize and complement the bride's dress. A navy blue outfit will look fresh with a snow-white bride's dress (you can choose a striped suit). Shading elements of a suit for the groom are a white shirt, a blue or white-blue-red striped tie, black shoes, navy or maroon socks. It is better to choose a boutonniere for the groom with white flowers.

Flowers for a wedding in white and blue

When drawing up a bride's bouquet, the website strongly recommends using a color scheme that will not merge with the color of the wedding dress. For example, a monotonous blue bouquet, with the addition of flowers of a different shade, will suit a snow-white dress. But, for white, along with blue patterns, it is better to choose a bouquet in white and blue colors.

Pay attention to a bouquet of white peonies decorated with a blue satin ribbon, or a miniature bouquet of white carnations and blue hyacinths, or a bouquet of white tulips and blue hydrangeas, or a bouquet of snow-white eustoma with vintage lace and pearls.

Wedding accessories for a wedding in white and blue

Observing the basic color concept will help to achieve sophisticated beauty in detail. Design invitation cards and seating cards in a blue and white combination. For printed text, use blue or silver foil, designer paper, white satin and blue organza decorative ribbons. In addition, paper wedding accessories can be decorated with porcelain painting.

Take some time to decorate your wedding glasses and bottles. One bottle can be decorated in white with blue decor and the other in blue with white decor.

Make a cushion for rings with blue satin and white lace. Various decorative ornaments will help support the white and blue theme of the holiday: butterflies, ribbons, flowers.

You cannot do without white and blue colors in the design of the wedding procession. Order dark blue cars and decorate them with white balloons and butterflies.