Flirting men in a conversation. Appearance and accessories. Flirting Basics for Men

Scientists have long found out that communication with friends pleases people more than communication with relatives. Maybe because we choose our own friends, but we have to put up with our relatives, with what we have. If you decorate friendship with light flirting, you can make the process of communication even more enjoyable.

Flirting is good precisely because it does not oblige you to anything, it cheers you up and is perceived with ease by both parties - both men and women. Frequently flirting people found an increased content of red blood cells, which has a beneficial effect on immunity and overall health.

To avoid awkward situations and misunderstandings, you need to flirt correctly. It's quite easy to learn this. Moreover, in most of us coquetry is inherent in nature. At the same time, there is always room for improvement.

Signs that a person is flirting

Doctors say that only happy people flirt. Flirting is easy to recognize. In a conversation, compliments appear in the direction of the interlocutor, his name is often heard. Flirting men involuntarily lean towards the object of interest, smile, and during a conversation touch their shoulder or palm in a friendly way. Women become smoother in their movements, touch their hair more often, open their lips. We do all this instinctively, without noticing it ourselves. If you learn to control the process, flirting can become an indispensable assistant, both in friendships and in romantic relationships.

To begin with, we will learn to understand how much we are interested in a man. Signs that he is ready to flirt will be: attempts to attract attention (he may begin to gesticulate brighter, speak louder, joke) and attempts to show his best side (your hero will straighten his hair, straighten his shoulders). Considering that men are more likely to have an intimate continuation of relationships, the signals of sympathy emanating from them often have an erotic connotation. A man can subconsciously spread his legs if he is sitting, as if demonstrating his masculinity. More modestly, when he takes off his sweater or unbuttons the top button of his shirt, showing his willingness to undress. When someone is sexually attractive to a person, his skin becomes more sensitive, and he begins to involuntarily touch his face. So, if the interlocutor now and then rubs his chin, touches his cheek or lips, he definitely tuned in to your wave.

So, the guy is ready for flirting, and for its romantic continuation. It is up to you to decide over which border you will transfer it, and where you stop.

Best flirting tricks

According to statistics, 87% of men are excited by a slightly open female mouth, especially in combination with a slight half-tilt of the head towards the partner. A slow change of legs from a position where you are sitting with your legs crossed can drive 92% of men crazy. Many are turned on by the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla emanating from a woman. Most men consider the most erotic gesture to be the touch of a woman on their hair, in particular, the thoughtful twisting of strands around her finger. But the main weapon of flirting is still the look.

A few seconds of a direct look into the eyes of a man is enough for him to take this as a signal to act. Ordinary glances last, on average, 1.8 seconds. If you hold your gaze for 2-3 seconds, the man will feel a pleasant excitement. The main thing is not to overdo it, because a longer eye contact is likely to cause bewilderment and a feeling of embarrassment, romanticism will go away.

Author of the book "Flirt. Secrets of easy victories ”Max Liss advises, looking into the eyes of a man, mentally say:“ You are just wonderful. This emotional message will certainly be read. And, besides, it is this phrase that will determine the optimal duration of the look. It is also important to learn how to discreetly observe the man you are interested in using peripheral vision. To catch his eye at the right time and make it clear that you are interested in him. Remember that men are best affected by looks thrown over their shoulders, as Maxim Leonidov sang: “I looked back to see if she looked back ...”

In addition to gestures and looks, appearance is also important. Sexologists believe that femininity provokes men to flirt - first of all, the sensuality of the lips, the well-groomed hands and the graceful plasticity of movements. At the same time, keep your distance. Do not approach your partner closer than 30 centimeters; this way you will get into the intimate zone, but do not violate the boundaries of a person’s personal space. The place of the meeting is also important. When it comes to flirting with a stranger, 62% of men like it when female drivers flirt with them from cars. In half the cases, such flirting ends with an acquaintance.

Possible mistakes

An attractive appearance will not save you if you feel despair inside yourself. Unhappy people repulse. So before you try to flirt, you have to work on your inner state. You need to focus on positive emotions. Surely there are many positive moments in your life, and if you do not notice them, who is to blame? Who is responsible for the fact that you drink your morning coffee mechanically, without getting any pleasure from the aromatic drink, and you don’t pay attention to the rare autumn sun at all? Start smiling even if you don't see much reason to smile, and after a while you will suddenly notice with surprise that life has improved a lot.

Another obstacle to successful flirting can be the fear of strangers. Try to become more open, because it is the stranger who later may turn out to be your best friend and even the only man for life. Is it worth it to be afraid? Choose your man, look into his eyes a little longer and be ready to support the game. Too shy gentlemen can be pushed to the first step. Women who initiate acquaintances are usually considered by men to be more accessible, respectively, they are valued less. But nothing prevents you from cheating a little and starting a conversation in a detached way. Find a neutral excuse, ask a man to help you sort out the situation (say, if you happen to be participants in one conference), ask what time it is.

A potential partner may be scared away by a noisy company that has gathered around you. In addition, not every man is ready to immediately move on to action. Don't force things. Observe with your peripheral vision, keep your toes pointed at the object, and wait for the desired reaction. Look not at the floor, but in front of you (this will give the impression of your readiness to communicate). When a man speaks, do not refuse his offer to drink or dance. Of course, you should not agree to everything, but it is entirely within your power to support your partner's bold undertakings. Let's say give up alcohol, but settle for coffee. The phrase: “I would love to drink coffee instead of wine” will sound quite innocent.

Psychological aspects

Flirting is not only physiology! It's a way to show someone you're interested. And often we are not talking about future sexual contact. In the presence of a certain eroticism, flirting is often just an innocent part of friendship. So don't forget about "psychological strokes". For example, the most important flirting technique is the ability to listen. If you learn to delve into the essence of the interlocutor's thoughts and sincerely listen to his judgments, the person will always be interested in communicating with you. Make the man feel more important in the conversation. This will raise his self-esteem and set him up to want to please you.

Do not forget that men intuitively feel the attitude of a woman towards themselves. So successful flirting is possible only where there is mutual respect and interest. Indeed, in the first place, men expect exactly this from us - a high appreciation of their skill, eloquence, intelligence, appearance, abilities ... and this list can be continued forever.

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Sometimes it may seem that flirting with a guy is an impossible task, however, after learning a few subtleties, you will understand how simple it really is.

Guys are people too, and some psychological tricks are attractive to them. Which ones - read our article.


The look is the main weapon that you can use regardless of the situation and the meeting place.

With the help of the eyes, you should show that the guy is interesting to you. Do not scare him with close eye contact, as if trying to drill.

Look the young person in the eyes with interest, keep his eyes on you, and then smile and look away.

If you really like the guy, do not neglect the wink: take courage and just make this cute gesture.


No matter how much you like your serious face, remember, a smile is always attractive. Many studies have proven that a smile makes its owner more attractive.

A guy will always notice a smiling girl faster than a girl with a calm, emotionless face. In addition, a smiling face makes you look much more successful, which is the key to effective flirting.


Often, even without saying a word, with the help of gestures you can show your attitude towards a person.

  1. If you like a guy, never cross your arms in his presence: with this movement you will be fenced off from the outside world, and from him as well.
  2. Play with your hair. This will attract the guy. Do not forget to shake your hair in his presence and, preferably, in sight. Such a movement attracts men and catches the eye.
  3. Pick up decorations. It is especially useful when flirting to play with jewelry around the neck: this attracts male attention to the décolleté area, where guys like to look so much.

Meet as often as possible

To crash into memory and thoughts, you must always be in sight of your sympathy. Find out where he spends studying, working, spending his free time, and try, as if by chance, to be there.

Walk past his audience where he is waiting for the start of the couple, take a walk in the park where he likes to ride a bike, sign up for the gym where he works out.

When following this advice, do not forget about a sense of proportion: a young man should not feel like he is being persecuted.

Take care of your appearance

Guys love not so much beautiful as well-groomed young ladies who under no circumstances stop taking care of themselves.

  • And if nature has also rewarded you with an attractive appearance, then proper self-care will perform a real miracle.
  • You must always be clean and.
  • Be sure to keep your hair clean, well-groomed and styled. Don't be afraid to experiment with, even if you like pinned up hair, don't be afraid to loosen or curl/straighten it once.
  • Choose comfortable yet feminine clothing. It does not have to be expensive - the main thing is to keep it clean and ironed.


After the first signs of attention comes the turn of communication. This is the next stage of flirting. In conversation, keep yourself natural and open. Talk about general topics: study, work, leisure, sports, events.

  • Talk about him. Find out about his hobbies, lifestyle, interests. From time to time start a conversation on topics of interest to him. Find out more about them on the Internet or in a book, perhaps you will find something attractive for yourself, from this you will only get closer.
  • Guys love girls' sense of humor, so if you have it, don't be afraid to make the young man laugh.
  • Compliments. Oddly enough, men and women need kind words equally, just don’t overdo it: give one compliment, you can do it for no reason, if he doesn’t reciprocate, don’t try again.
  • Use his name in conversation. For a person, his own recognition is very important, and his name in someone's mouth is the sweetest music. This is a long proven fact.
  • Do not ask questions that require a short answer: yes or no. Usually the conversation ends with these words.


You already know what wonderful properties a smile has. Laughter is another weapon of a charming girl. When a young lady sincerely laughs at a guy's joke, he feels like an interesting and witty interlocutor, and men are very attracted to women with whom they gain confidence.

In addition, when laughing, the girl looks happy and cheerful, and this is the perfect image to please.


Another fact proven with the help of psychological experiments is that touch is another step towards intimacy. Therefore, if a young man has sunk into your soul and you dream of building a relationship with him, use the random touch technique.

  1. If you study together or are work colleagues, ask him to give you some object, and when you receive it, lightly touch the hand of your sympathy.
  2. You can also straighten his tie, barely touching his neck and looking into his eyes.
  3. As if accidentally touch his shoulder during a conversation. To such a gesture, he certainly will not remain indifferent.
  4. If you find out the good news, cling to the guy, as if you are doing it on happy emotions. You can also put your hand in it and watch the reaction.

Try to draw his attention to your body

  • In conversation, lick your lips as if you were doing it reflexively.
  • If you have a beautiful belly, in an informal setting, you can ask him about his opinion about the navel piercing and slightly expose the waist.
  • Make it look like you're tired. Lower your décolleté, tilt your head back slightly, and massage your shoulder. Such movements will make his heart beat faster.
  • Do not overdo it, otherwise the guy will misunderstand your frank gestures. Do everything in moderation, a girl should always have a secret. You should not flaunt in front of him in a bikini, of course, if the events are not unfolding on the beach - in this place such a trick will work with a bang.

Flirting is a real art. And some are perfect, and some are not.

If you want to be a girl who can charm any guy, then this art must be comprehended. A guide on how to flirt with a guy will help you. Before you start flirting with a guy, you need to understand how they do it.

How men flirt

Regardless of age, men like to be charmed. However, they themselves do not seek to start flirting with the first person they meet. In fact, flirting for a guy is a terrible thing. Not everyone knows how to show their sympathy. They, at times, will not even begin to take risks if the girl does not give a sign. All because guys are afraid to make a wrong move and be ridiculed.

How to flirt with a guy

Before you start hunting for a guy, you need to let the young man know that you are positive and not averse to flirting. And if you still use the following tips, then all men will flirt with you, even if there is a girl next to him.

Smile modestly and blush

Guys are delighted with positive and happy girls. Especially young people like those who smile and laugh when communicating with them. So don't be rude and arrogant, keep cheeky comments to yourself when it comes to flirting. Even if the girl is attractive, then the guys prefer to stay away from such persons. Be cheerful and simple, enjoy the guy's company. Smile and sometimes blush when someone compliments you. This, one hundred percent, will not go unnoticed.

Thank him and give compliments

Guys love to be praised. One of the steps towards a flirtatious conversation is compliments. If you like something in the interlocutor - speak. He will love it. If he is gallant and polite, then thank him for his actions and words with a warm smile. When his behavior and gestures seem conducive to further communication, admit it. He will continue to try to please you. And he will continue to flirt only in order to win your attention.

Look into your eyes

One of the secrets of flirting is the ability to enjoy what the guy does. And you don't have to be in love with him, you just have to enjoy the knowledge that you are next to him. So the next time you talk to a cute guy, look him straight in the eye and smile. This act will certainly lead him to a dead end and make him feel uncomfortable. But such visual contact will make the knees tremble a little.

Male and female flirting

Be Expressive

Take a few minutes and stand in front of a mirror. To develop different facial expressions. Learn to use your eyes and facial expressions to your advantage. Then you won't need words to impress a guy and make him flirt. Clap your eyes, rehearse smile options, in a word, do everything to be a flirtatious goddess without words. Then not a single guy will pass by. And if you're not sure facial expressions will make a difference, think of Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie, who shine with awe-inspiring flirtatious expressions. It may take several weeks or months to learn, but the game is worth the candle. Who knows, it might even help change your life.

Touch your hair

Men are not indifferent to women's hair. Beautiful hair. Fact. Perhaps because they themselves are deprived of the opportunity to play with their hair. In view of her absence in the form of a woman. However, guys love it when girls play with their hair. Beautiful hair is incredibly attractive to men. Therefore, in the middle of a conversation, you can run your hands through your own hair or put it behind your ears. This will show your confidence in the interlocutor. And besides, your sexuality. One way or another, do something with the hair so that the guy has the opportunity to admire them.


Don't always put a guy on a pedestal with enthusiastic words. Sometimes it's worth taunting a joke so that the young man works even harder and wins your attention. If the guy joked really badly, then tell him about it. Tell him that he is trying too hard to be funny. Let it show itself. All jokes, however, must be released as a joke so that he feels comfortable. Sometimes tease, so that there is an incentive to fight.

No need to be bold and loud

How to fall in love with a man

Absolutely all real men love feminine girls. Of course, you don’t need to pretend to be a fairy princess, but during the conversation, try to be feminine and balanced. And this applies to voice, demeanor and style of clothing. Rude, impudent and loud girls scare guys away.

Touch it unexpectedly

This is one of the most effective ways to make a guy flirt and arouse the desire to possess. Men are thrilled that the woman they are flirting with suddenly touches them. And after each touch, the guy opens up more and more. He begins to feel more comfortable, talking and flirting. Try it, it works.

Be feminine

You don't have to act like a junior high school girl to settle in a guy's heart, but for a young man to start flirting, you need to let him know that he can protect you. Men have always been protectors and hunters in the process of evolution. And if you want him to be yours and constantly communicate with you, you must give the initiative to him, at least for a few minutes.

Either way, men love to be in charge. So give him a chance to flirt first. Do not deprive him of such an opportunity, otherwise she may no longer present herself. Play. And wait, any minute he will start flirting.

Let him know he's special

One of the important rules is to let the guy know that he is not like everyone else. He is special. After that, you can not make any effort. The young man will need to fuel such a feeling, will be carried away by you and want to be around. Anything can make it special. Your smile is not the one you give to others, facial expressions, but maybe your compliments or flirtatious unexpected touches during a conversation. With all this, do not forget that you need to behave with a guy as naturally as possible. Otherwise, the game called "flirting" can turn against you, and you will get out of it, alas, the loser.
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Flirting is a high art that some girls are naturally trained in. But for some it is not given, although flirting with men can be easily learned! Do you want to become a girl, but which all the guys "sink"? Do you want to seduce a man so that he does not even understand that you are flirting with him? Learn how to flirt like a virtuoso!

The stronger sex is actually not so brave: they think twice before making an attempt to meet a girl. So you have to take the initiative in your own hands! Learn a "guide" on how to flirt with a guy without making your intentions so obvious. And if you follow our advice on how to flirt with a man, you will be successful in any company - even if the guy came to her with his girlfriend.

The "prior consent" concept: all men love to be flirted with

To understand how easy it is to flirt with a guy, you should understand how his brain works and how the stronger sex perceives flirting. It is worth learning the main thing: ALL men, regardless of their age, social status and education, love charming women. They can be attractive, self-confident narcissists, or nervous, depressive rogues - however, when it comes to communicating with the weaker sex, they all love the company of charming women. So if you really want to know how to flirt skillfully, you must understand that they are always ready and willing to flirt with a girl.

At the same time, flirting is a terrible stress for a guy, in most cases he will not dare to approach you if you do not give him a sign. After all, he is afraid of being seen as a pervert who attacks women. A hint of familiarity is all that is required in this case, but again, this does not mean that a man is ready to go far with every stranger. And remember that you should never take the first step: these tips are just about how to flirt with a guy to stimulate him to exploits. Use them and get results!

  1. smile. Guys love those girls who are happy, content with life and themselves, and full of positivity. A girl who smiles and laughs while talking to him will always please a man. And learn: in a conversation with a handsome guy you should not be arrogant, rude or bombard him with sarcastic comments - men try to stay away from girls who behave in this way, even if they are VERY attractive. Smile at him in a way that makes him feel special. One smile - and his heart will stop!
  2. Ask for a small favor and then thank him. By asking a person for a service, you will “bind” him to yourself in this way (psychologists invented this technique a long time ago), and also test him “for strength”. Service provided? Don't be stingy! All guys love compliments, especially since compliments are one of the tricks of flirting and flirtatious conversation. If a man is being polite or chivalrous, thank him with a warm smile. Positive gestures encourage a man to try to please you - he may even start flirting with you himself, just to get your attention.
  3. Look into your eyes- this is one of the main secrets of virtuoso flirting. And at the same time, one of the simplest: you just need to look deeply into his eyes and smile while he is talking to you. Just don't stare - you're not going to confuse him or make him feel uncomfortable.
  4. Be expressive. Master gestures that will make you more feminine and a little flirtatious. Facial expression, look, turn of the head - all this will really help to change the situation in your favor. Spend a few minutes in front of the mirror every day, working with facial expressions. Learn to use your eyes and body language to your advantage, and you really don't need words to impress a guy and make him flirt with you. It may take weeks or months, but once you learn this art, you can capitalize on your strengths and change your life forever. (And yes, do you really think that women like Angelina Jolie or Cate Blanchett were born with faces that inspire awe in millions of men?)
  5. Hair trick. Just don't ask us why men love long hair. But it is so. And if you have long hair - use this weapon! The next time you're talking to the object of your desire, run your fingers through your hair and shake it to show your confidence. You can style your hair behind your ears with your fingers to show off your flawless oval. However, these gestures should be natural and unobtrusive, otherwise the guy will suspect something was wrong.
  6. Tease him! If you really want to know how to flirt with a guy, you also need to be able to get him excited - then he'll want to impress you. You cannot please a person by putting his conceit on a pedestal, using compliments and enthusiastic epithets. If his joke wasn't very funny, feel free to let him know. Always remember, if you want to successfully flirt with a guy, you need to make him feel special. But this game should always be under your control, so from time to time test his ego for strength. It is only important not to overdo it and not humiliate him.
  7. Be defenseless. You don't have to act like a schoolgirl to win a man's heart, but if you want him to start flirting with you, you must make him feel that he can (should) protect you. Men have always been hunters and protectors in the process of evolution. So, if you want this state of affairs to continue, you must let him take the lead - at least for a few minutes.

Every woman is unique. Some ladies have reached unprecedented heights in business, others have made a scientific discovery, and still others look like they stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine. But, unfortunately, many of these women are unhappy in love. Why is this happening? Yes, because these women do not know how to deal with a man.

Flirting is the first step to start a relationship. This is the foundation of love. If a woman knows all the secrets of coquetry and knows how to flirt with a man by correspondence or in a normal conversation, then success with the opposite sex is guaranteed to her.

The article will discuss the art of love relationships. You will learn how to learn how to flirt and flirt with men.

The concept of flirting

Courtship, love game, coquetry - all these concepts characterize this word. Everything that is connected with attracting the attention of the opposite sex is called "flirting".

When a woman starts flirting with a man, she "floats" any tricks. If the woman started:

  • wink;
  • smile sweetly;
  • lightly touch a man's hand;
  • wind your hair around your finger;
  • communicate coquettishly;
  • change intonation;
  • speak phrases that can be understood in two ways;
  • play with foreign objects: a pen or a fan;

then you can safely conclude that this woman is flirting.

The purpose of such coquetry is different for all the fair sex - some women just want to sleep with a man, while other ladies dream of a serious relationship.

The result of flirting will directly depend on how frankly a woman flirts. If a lady exposes her décolleté and licks her lips with her tongue, then it immediately becomes clear that she needs sex. If a woman is just playing lightly with her hair, then we can conclude that her intentions are much more serious than just making love.

Therefore, it is so important to know how to flirt with men. It's easy enough to learn.

Famous coquettes

Think of a woman like Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. She was not very attractive, but she always had the best men at her feet. The story says that the stronger sex was ready for any feats for the attention of this woman. Men said goodbye to life for a night of love with Cleopatra. So what is the secret of the Queen of Egypt? Her highlight was an indescribable charm, a gentle and bewitching voice, clothes that emphasized all her virtues, and aromatic oils that she used instead of perfume.

Here is another example - the famous actress Marilyn Monroe. She was the most attractive woman of her time, and she is still considered the standard of beauty. Marilyn Monroe perfectly mastered the art of flirting and could drive any man crazy. The stronger sex dreamed of talking with her, because the manner of communication of this woman simply bewitched all men.

Many believe that flirting is not a science, but a natural gift of a woman. But things are a little different. You just need to know a few coquetry tricks, and flirting will not seem like such a complicated skill. Further in the article we will talk about how to learn to flirt with a man.

Simple rules for flirting with a man

Flirting can be called a kind of game that has its own tricks and rules. If a woman knows the rules of this game, then her success is guaranteed - men will "stack" at her feet.

Here are some tips on how to learn to flirt with a man:

  1. Smile. A friendly smile is green for a man. He realizes that you are pleased to communicate with him. A friendly smile indicates that a woman is positive, open and glad to meet new people.
  2. Shoot a little with your eyes. This is done very simply - look at the man for a few seconds, and then lower your eyes, showing that you are embarrassed. You should not look at a man for a long time and intently - he may think that something is wrong with him or with you.
  3. Use perfume. Pleasant and light aromas will attract the attention of men. You can use perfumes with the addition of pheromones - this will only play into your hands.
  4. Enter his personal space. Approach the man at a distance of 50 centimeters so that he can smell the scent of your perfume, and you can casually touch his hand.
  5. Dress attractively. You can wear some interesting accessories or an attractive dress. How you should look depends on the taste of the man you want to please. Some men like deep cleavage, while others love it when a woman is dressed modestly and tastefully.
  6. Don't talk too much. Excessive talk can "kill" all the romance. Speak softly and gently. No need to shout, just speak so that the man can hear you.
  7. Take advantageous postures. Stand or sit so that a man can appreciate the beauty of your figure. Do not slouch or sit cross-legged.
  8. Play a little. Twist your hair, breathe or stretch like a cat. You can go to extremes - drop something and sexually lean over it.
  9. Talk about his interests. Men love it when a woman has something to talk about. Ask about his hobbies. If he is a fisherman, then ask about the biggest catch. Listen to the man carefully, ask questions and show interest.
  10. Be ambiguous. For example, a man says that he does not sleep all night while fishing. You can answer that you also like to stay up all night, especially in nature.
  11. Admire the man. The stronger sex loves praise. Be sure to appreciate his achievements and tell him that he is great. Avoid flattery, speak only the truth!

How to flirt with a man example

Imagine a situation: an unfamiliar guy and a girl meet in a store. The woman starts the conversation.

Or this option of starting a conversation: "I was just waiting for you here. I really need your help. Help me get coffee in the top shelf, please."

Here is another example of how to flirt with a man. The situation is a first date.

She: "You are so interesting. You are very versatile, probably not boring with you and you are able to surprise every day."

Or: "I have been cherishing one dream for a long time, but I will talk about it a little later. During dessert or instead of it."

Another example of how to flirt with a man correctly: "I have a great idea, I want to implement it as soon as we get to know each other better."

How to flirt with a man by SMS or correspondence on social networks

Now couples mostly meet on the Internet. According to statistics, every third at least once met online. "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "Facebook", "Instagram" and dating sites - all these resources involve communication and correspondence.

The task of a woman is to be able to interest a man with just the words that she writes. And this is much more difficult than in a personal meeting, when a man is at arm's length. In correspondence, it is impossible to wink, take a hand or smile sweetly. The only weapon of a woman in this situation is words.

Below we will talk about how to learn to flirt with men with words.

Flirting via SMS with the stronger sex is based on long pauses, well-formed phrases, humor and attractive photos. If you have never flirted by text, then at first this science will seem complicated to you. In order not to alienate a man, you should heed the following tips on SMS coquetry:

  1. Be smart. Simple mistakes and distorted phrases will spoil the whole impression of you. For example, instead of "Thank you" do not write "SPS".
  2. Do not write long texts. State your thoughts clearly and concisely. Men get tired of reading long messages.
  3. Take breaks. Do not answer SMS instantly - wait for the man to get a little worried. Leave intrigue.
  4. Do not use emoticons in your correspondence. Let your interlocutor look for hidden meaning in messages.
  5. All phrases you write should be emotional and fun.
  6. Ask questions. This will help not only to get to know the interlocutor better, but also show the man that you are interested in his person.
  7. Do not write a lot of compliments so that the man does not get the impression that you have already fallen in love with him.
  8. Send good photos.

Purpose of the correspondence

Before you start a correspondence, think about what goal you are pursuing.

  • If you want to impress a woman you need to "run after", then do not give a man a lot of compliments. You need to structure the conversation in such a way that the man understands that he has a chance to talk with a unique and unusual woman. Men will definitely win such a lady.
  • If you want to play and joke, then you can throw frank flirtatious phrases that will awaken a storm of emotions in a man. Just be careful! A man may think that you are serious about this. In this case, there may be trouble.
  • If you are looking for a serious relationship, then just be yourself. Men love sincere women.

Examples of flirting over text

If you do not know how to start a correspondence, then you can use one of the suggested phrases.

  • "I started watching the series. The main character is handsome. By the way, he looks a lot like you."
  • "I bought an unusual thing. You will definitely like it!"
  • "I ate a piece of cake today. Can you tell me the best way to burn off those calories?"
  • "Did you ever stay up all night?"
  • “I’m so tired that I don’t have the strength to undress ... I wish someone would do it for me.”
  • "I can read minds - you want to meet me."

These phrases are best rebuilt to fit your character and communication style.

Advantages of SMS flirting

  1. You can say goodbye to seriousness. Forget that you are a business woman. Be airy, light and flirtatious. In correspondence, you need to be a cheerful laughter.
  2. You can say anything. Sometimes in correspondence it is much easier to express something than in person.
  3. Correspondence is not a date, it does not take much time.


Your coquetry will succeed if you are a confident woman. If you know that you are an attractive and interesting lady, then there will be no interference for you. As soon as you notice that a man is delighted, you can safely say that you have mastered the skill of flirting at "5+".