How to buy a quality mink coat. How to choose the right mink coat - experts from fur salons tell you what to look for when choosing a mink coat. The difference between a good mink coat

What fur to choose a fur coat? Of course, mink! This luxurious, delicate, shiny fur is today considered almost the main accessory of a real lady. A high-quality mink coat will faithfully serve you for many years. But how to choose a mink coat is a serious question, because you can rarely afford such an expensive purchase. Therefore, before you go for the fur coat of your dreams, find out the main criteria for the right choice!

Today, mink coats are classified as elite fur products. The history of their mass creation began in the 18th century in Europe from a local mink. In the 19th century, the skins of larger American animals began to be used. And it was during this period that American manufacturers laid the foundations for high-quality dressing of high-quality furs. Therefore, now it is American ones that are quoted higher, and not, for example, Chinese mink coats. Although European products are also quite good.

How to choose the right mink coat

Inspect the product carefully. The quality indicators of a good fur coat are as follows.

  1. Shiny, flowing, iridescent fur. If the coat looks faded and dull, the fur has been improperly processed or stored in inappropriate conditions.
  2. Elastic villi. Between the pile of mink fur there is a large volume of air, which makes the fur coat look so fluffy. When smoothing, the villi should quickly return to their original position. A good pile is elastic, obedient, equal in length and density, does not fall out when you try to pinch off a piece. If the pile sticks together in places or looks greasy, it was made of poor quality. By the way, it is thanks to the presence of an air gap under the pile that the fur coat will be warm in the most severe frost. Therefore, when asked what is warmer - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat, experts will answer you: of course, a fur coat! In a sheepskin coat, the ability to retain heat is much lower.
  3. Long lasting color dyed fur. If you are planning to buy a dyed mink coat, wipe it with a damp, light-colored cloth. It shouldn't change color.
  4. High-quality dressing of the mezdra (back side of the skin). It is distinguished by softness, elasticity, the absence of cracks and squeaks when pressed. Usually recognized manufacturers do not use lining in their products - this indicates that they have nothing to hide from the buyer. If there is a lining, ask the seller to cut off its edge to get acquainted with the quality of the mezra. This request will not be denied to you in any self-respecting salon.
  5. Minimum seams. The fewer seams on the back of the product, the longer it will look like new. If you notice that the fur coat is sewn from many small pieces, it is better to refuse the purchase, as it will “spread out” after a couple of seasons.

How to choose a mink coat: color, length, style

The cost of a mink coat depends not only on the quality of the fur, but also on its color:

  • most affordable coat- from light to dark brown tones (the darker, the more expensive);
  • mid-range coat- from dyed fur of red, beige, gray, blue colors;
  • high price fur coat- "tourmaline", it is distinguished by a smoky color, the effect of which is formed as a result of the transition of the beige tone of the undercoat to the dark outer fur;
  • expensive mink coat- from white undyed fur;
  • exclusive, elite mink- black, with a shimmer of blue or purple tones, reminiscent of velvet. These products are made from North American mink.

When choosing the length of a fur coat, be guided by your preferences in clothing. If you are used to wearing skirts and dresses, in winter it will be warmer in a floor-length fur coat. If you often wear trousers, a sheepskin coat is also suitable.

The styles of mink fur coats can be different, and the choice should not be guided by fashion trends. After all, you buy a fur coat for more than one year (a quality product will look like new even after 5 years of wear). Therefore, the main thing is that it suits you. Put on a fur coat, raise and lower your hands, take a walk. Are you comfortable and do not restrict movement? Then this is your option!

Mink coat accessories

A mink coat is an absolutely self-sufficient product that does not need additional decorations. No way of tying scarves or the most stylish belts will emphasize her nobility and charm. You can wear a mink coat:

  • with gold jewelry. Mink and gold are classic luxury styles. Put on a pair of gold rings, one large ring or precious metal bracelet. And do not combine gold and silver in your image, as you will look tasteless;
  • with boots and ankle boots of your choice. Shoes can be leather or suede, its color should be in harmony with the fur coat. So, brown boots are suitable for a red mink, and white boots for a blue one;
  • with a handbag to match the boots;
  • with a mink hat, hat or stylish beret. If you choose a mink hat, its color does not have to match the color of the fur coat, but be combined with it in tone. Other hats should be plain, you can choose them in the color of the handbag and boots.

Use our tips on how to choose a mink fur coat. And admire your magnificence of acquaintances and girlfriends!


In whatever part of the Earth a woman lives, no matter what party she belongs to, no matter what nationality she is, she always secretly or clearly dreams of throwing a light, elegant, always fashionable mink fur coat over her shoulders. This thing will not go out of fashion for a long time and it is quite practical when it comes to a quality product. But how to determine the quality of a mink coat?

Choose a model

It's no secret that, first of all, when buying a fur coat, a woman pays attention to its color, then the model, and only then tries to delve into the quality of the proposed product. Let us follow the same path.

Undoubtedly, it is very important to choose the right model. Short ladies are not recommended for lush and elongated fur coats. Trapezoidal products are usually sewn using the technology of dissolution (from medium-sized diagonal parts), so they should be treated more carefully and worn more carefully. In addition, such fur coats are not designed for severe Siberian frosts. A straight elongated model under the belt with a hood and tapered sleeves will warm much better.

It is believed that mink is not the warmest fur. In this regard, if you feel that you are cool in a new thing, insulate it with woolen batting.

There is another indicator by which all furs are evaluated. This is weariness. So, according to him, the mink firmly occupies only the fourth place. Here it is significantly inferior to sable, otter, beaver. Therefore, if you are going to buy for daily wear, then you are making a big mistake.

A long fur coat, despite the fact that it looks expensive and luxurious, is not suitable for those who drive a car on their own. A short fur coat or a shortened model is much more convenient in this situation.

Color is very important

Do not be surprised, but the quality of mink coats largely depends on the chosen color of the product, unless, of course, we are talking about the long-term operation of the model. It is well known that even the highest quality fur turns yellow over time, and, unfortunately, this is an irreversible process. Therefore, if you plan to carry your fur coat without taking it off for several years, then it is better to refuse light colors.

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the desired contrast between the appearance of a woman and the color of her fur coat. Light models are very refreshing, and dark ones emphasize the existing pros and cons. In other words, if you haven’t had enough sleep or are tired, then a dark fur coat can add a couple of extra years to you. If you decide to buy a light fur coat, carefully inspect the underfur, both in daylight and in artificial light. There should not be even the slightest hint of yellowness. On a beige mink, aging will not be so noticeable, and the snow-white fur will change its color in two seasons. Quite rarely, a blue mink is perfect for someone. But if she suits you, do not hesitate - you will look like a queen.

And one more tip for lovers of light furs. In summer, the fur coat must be stored in a special case (not plastic), carefully protect it from direct sunlight. Today, in large cities, the services of a "fur refrigerator" are quite often offered. With such storage, the fur does not turn yellow.

Fashionable doesn't mean quality

In recent years, quite often painted. Sometimes this is done in order to achieve a certain color, and sometimes to hide the defects of the skins. How to determine the quality of dyed? Bright dyed furs fade much faster, thereby significantly losing wear. However, today they are at the height of fashion.

Often, light mink (especially “white gold”) is discolored. After that, she significantly loses wear.

There is an unspoken rule when choosing fur in dark colors - the darker it is, the more expensive it is. Therefore, some enterprising sellers may sell you dyed walnut mink instead of the more expensive black mink.

how to define quality

Nowadays, breeding and raising mink is a profitable business. They are practiced in many countries. The sale of furs, as a rule, is carried out at several large international auctions. Most often, their names are indicated on the labels. Today we will introduce you to the major fur manufacturers.

Russian mink

This fur has always been considered the warmest. He has a high awn and underfur, so outwardly he seems a little "shaggy". It is quite affordable, widely represented in our stores and markets. In recent years, it has been slightly pressed by the mink of foreign manufacturers - high-quality, but expensive.

scandinavian mink

It makes up 80% of all fur sold in the world. It has a medium awn and very dense underfur. This fur is sold at an auction in Finland and has the name SAGA. This is a magnificent shiny mink, which is popularly called the "black diamond". If you are concerned about the question of how to find out the quality of a mink coat, then you can be sure: if the product is made of this fur, this is a guarantee that you are purchasing a really high-quality model.

North American mink

This fur can be identified immediately. It has a very low pile and almost no sheen. Usually it is called velvet. Experts believe that the higher and thicker the fur, the warmer it is. Consequently, the North American mink is not well suited for Russian winters. Such fur is sold at the American auction Black INAFA, and the best black mink with a passport and a label is Black Glama. If you enter the code on the label on the site, you will receive complete information about the product and, importantly, find out if it is genuine.

wild mink

In search of an answer to the question of how to define quality, do not be mistaken about the fact that expensive means quality. This type of fur is a rarity. It is distinguished by a very long pile, almost like that of a sable. The only color is dark grey-brown. In addition, it is distinguished by a very light underfur. Such fur has many defects, and therefore much more skins are required to manufacture the product. Accordingly, its price rises significantly.

Chinese mink

If you do not know how to determine the quality of a mink coat, then our advice to you is not to buy products from Chinese manufacturers in the markets. High-quality mink fur is produced in China, but due to the increased demand for it, it remains in the country. Only inexpensive products of dubious quality go abroad. In addition, Chinese manufacturers like to stretch the fur, which is why it becomes brittle very soon, wears out much faster, and the fur coat practically does not heat.

Italian, Greek fur coats

In sunny Italy, mink is not grown, but local craftsmen, as well as the Greeks, create magnificent specimens with exquisite design. Today, many go on tours to these countries to purchase fluffy new clothes. The quality of mink coats from Greece and Italy always pleases fashionistas. It is better to buy such products in stores at fur factories. Compared to prices in Moscow, you can save from 800 to 1000 euros.

Shopping for joy

If you decide to purchase a mink coat, then in order for the purchase to please you for a long time, do not buy the product in the market where you will not receive any guarantees. If you need to keep within a fairly modest budget, wait for the March or June discounts. In the summer, buying a fur coat with a 50% discount is not a problem.

How to check the quality of a mink coat

To buy a quality product, pay attention to the following details:

  • the underfur of the fur should not have yellowness;
  • mezra (skin) - white, without spots, without foreign smell;
  • the pile of fur is shiny, does not stick together and does not look greasy;
  • after holding the palm against the wool, the fur is quickly restored and takes its former position;
  • do not buy glued fur coats - this is a product for one season;
  • run a wet white handkerchief over the fur - if a trace remains on it, then the product is dyed, and not of very high quality.

We hope that we were able to help you understand the quality and possible defects of mink fur products, and you will be able to purchase just such a fur coat that will warm and delight you for a long time.

Mink coat is the dream of many women. This thing in the wardrobe is not just a standard of chic and an indicator of high status. It has excellent qualities - high wear resistance, good heat-shielding properties and is not afraid of wet weather.

Most modern manufacturers are focused on affordable prices for fur products. But not in all cases the parameters of price and quality are comparable. Despite the wide range of models and popularity, the question of how to choose the right mink coat always remains open.

It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances and tips before buying a coveted fur coat. If you take them into account, then she will delight her mistress with beauty and warmth for more than one season.

Consider how to choose the right mink coat and not fall for the hook of scammers.

Any product made of fur has its own distinctive features and characteristics. Mink is a noble fur and it has special properties, knowing which you can buy a high-quality fur coat or fur accessory.

How to choose the right mink coat

In, to how to choose the right mink coat , help you professional advice.

  • The very first thing you should pay attention to is fur. If it is of high quality, then it has rich color and shine, it shimmers in the sun.
  • The fur of the animal should not have a strong smell. Otherwise, the dressing of the skin was wrong. And the fur coat itself was not made in a special factory. The sticky fluff testifies to the same.
  • An uneven or faded color indicates the old age of the animals used. The presence of rust spots is a nuance of keeping animals in cages. No dry cleaner will take them out.
  • The lighter the shade and the lighter the weight of the product, the higher its price. A fur coat made of good large hides is the best choice. It should not have creases and other defects - protruding threads and glue, small pieces of fur.
  • In any case, the surface of the fur cover must be smooth and even and free from visible defects.

Basically, advice on how to choose the right mink coat comes down to a visual inspection of the product and focuses on the fur from which it is made. But do not forget about such things as the lining and accessories, the style of the fur coat itself.

  • Turn the coat inside out and evaluate the evenness of the seams on the lining fabric. The fabric should be dense, and the lines should be even. The lining should not stretch too much when trying on.
  • High-quality accessories - buttons and snakes should be securely and evenly fastened, well unfastened and fastened without effort.
  • And most importantly - the size. When trying on, compare fur coats of several sizes, even if you clearly know which one suits you.
  • Give preference to the classic style and length of the fur coat - so it will always remain in the latest fashion trends. The same applies to the color of the product.

How to identify a mink coat

How to identify a mink coat

How to choose a mink fur coat - the tips that were given above are good if you buy a product in a company store and you really have a mink product in front of you. Now more than ever, fur coats of different colors are popular. Their price is more attractive and it is not easy to determine the quality and naturalness of the product. There are certain nuances , how to choose the right mink coat, which in this case should be followed.

  • Price - a good mink coat, especially in the autumn-winter season, cannot have a low price. Big discounts are a sign of low quality goods or old models, in the worst case, fake fur. Light fur and light weight, large animal skins are the best choice. But the price of such a fur coat is much higher.
  • Fur - a real mink does not fall off, has a thick down. Natural mezra is soft to the touch, light in color and with a characteristic sheen. It shimmers and shines evenly over the entire surface. Run a wet hand along the fur coat - if there are villi left on it, then you should not choose this product.
  • Color - it can be anything. It is best to give preference to natural shades of skins that are found in nature. But, if you want a bright and spectacular fur coat, then resort to a little trick. Check the color fastness - rub the fur lightly with a damp cloth or cloth, it should not leave traces of paint.
  • The core of the dyed product has a dark shade. Regardless of the color, the fur of the coat shimmers and shines. It also should not crumple and will return to its original position if it is clenched in a fist.

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake

Consider how to choose a mink coat when buying.

At the time of purchasing a fur coat, many women can act impulsively and forget about the quality of the thing for the sake of a more attractive price or model. But the quality criteria should not be neglected if you do not want to become the owner of a fake.

  • Start by evaluating the fur itself. The fur fabric must be uniform and without visible defects. With a slight pinching of the product, you should not have any fluff or hair left in your hand. Otherwise, after a short time, the fur coat will lose all its attractiveness and crumble like a stagnant Christmas tree.
  • Pay attention to the general appearance of the product offered to you. Creases and bruises indicate that the fur coat has been lying for a long time. Sticky fluff indicates improper storage and violation of technologies at the time of manufacture. Mink hair should be soft, shiny and supple. Run your hand over the cover of the fur coat - natural and high-quality fur will immediately return to its place.
  • Estimate the weight of the item. A good mink coat weighs more than it seems at first glance. But you shouldn't rely too much on these feelings. A product made from high-quality fur of young animals is inferior in weight to those made from old animals.
  • Examine the item from the inside. Turn the coat inside out and pay attention to the back, where the lining easily moves away from the skin. This place is the most vulnerable - it is the most subject to wear. If the seams are even and do not diverge, then everything is in order.

In addition to these nuances when buying a product, it is important to know how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. They can also be performed at a high level and this is a fairly common practice.

Here are some more tips on how to avoid fakes.

  • The surest way is to ask the seller for a certificate and check the labels on the product. The markings applied to them must match. Otherwise, the fur coat will not only not last a couple of seasons, but will also harm your health. Fakes or low-quality mink coats can easily cause allergies and skin rashes.
  • The low cost of a fur coat, which, according to the seller, is made from whole skins, also does not speak in favor of a natural fur coat. Mink fur is highly valued and therefore cannot be cheap.
  • Uneven seams, traces of glue, protruding threads or pieces of fur - all these are not only signs of low quality, but also not an original product. A different color of the mezdra or a down that does not match the pile is also very likely a fake.
  • Often they try to replace the mink with a marmot or a rabbit. It is worth remembering clearly - rabbit fur is shorter and softer, the marmot has a coarser mezdra and no soft fluff. The texture of the fur of the mink is more rigid, while he himself has a delicate down.

Where not to buy a mink coat

Regardless of all the advice and criteria for the quality of a fur coat, the place of its purchase plays a decisive role. If in doubt, how to choose a mink coat - choose the right store that sells fur products.

Markets, with their many stalls, are not the place to buy quality goods. Basically, there are glued mink coats made of pieces. They are not subject to long-term operation and quickly wear out at the gluing joints.

It is worth buying mink fur coats in fur stores, which have existed for many years. They monitor their product and issue a guarantee for products.

The domestic manufacturer also takes good care of the quality of its products, so buying a fur coat in its company store is fully justified.

Remember that you can always look at reviews on the website of fur salons and read detailed information about fur stores on the Internet.

For more tips on how to choose a mink coat correctly, see the video.

And it costs a lot of money, so the purchase must be treated with special care. After all, a thing will last more than a dozen years, and it is very disappointing when a fake is purchased for a high cost. To avoid this, let's figure out how to choose natural fur.

Where to buy a mink coat?

Perhaps the main question. It is better to purchase the product in specialized stores. There you will receive a warranty card, care instructions and a certificate of quality.

If the purchase is made via the Internet, the situation is much more complicated, because the fur coat cannot be touched, examined and, most importantly, tried on. It remains to rely on the integrity of the selected seller.

Where is the least likely to buy a fake?

Of course, even in the store you can buy low-quality goods, but still less likely than on the market counter. A mink coat is worth buying:

  1. In large chain stores. The seller will value his reputation, so he will not allow the sale of fakes.
  2. Factory stores. The manufacturer will not neglect the trust of customers, moreover, the products will have reasonable prices.
  3. Outside the country. Fur products purchased in Europe, China and Latin America are famous for their high quality.

The seller will provide a guarantee and So, we have decided on the place of purchase. Let's start discussing the main question: how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

The first sign of a fake

Low cost. Quality fur will not be cheap. An exception may be low-paid manual labor, but this is unlikely. But for poor quality and tailoring, the product can be discounted. Therefore, if you do not want to freeze in severe frosts and shed tears, watching how the fur coat goes apart at the seams, you will have to pay a considerable amount to buy a quality product. And yet, how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

Mink will shimmer and shine. If there is no this effect, and the villi still stick together, it means that the production technologies were not followed. We understand how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake, but first we will consider possible defects:

  • If the fur coat is unevenly colored, has scuffs and burnt spots, this indicates that it was made from old, unusable material.
  • The presence of red spots that cannot be got rid of (they are present on fur coats due to the content of minks in iron cages).
  • Irregular hairs. The picture looks like a sloppy haircut.
  • If the fur resembles parchment to the touch, it means that the fur is dry and will soon crack and spread.

If at least one of these defects is found, do not buy the product. Before proceeding to the question of how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake, let's talk about ways to check the quality of fur.

How to do it and is it worth it?

Of course, yes, even if you did not find visible defects, this does not mean that they are absent. Unscrupulous manufacturers by any means hide defects by coloring faded spots, coating the hairs with a special varnish to add shine and gloss.

So, to the tips:

  • Raise the hairs with your hand against their growth. The villi should return to their original position without creases and depressions. And on the palms there will be no hairs and fluff.
  • Move the fur. A quality product has a light core. A dark base means that the fur has been dyed or the skins have been stored incorrectly.
  • No seams should be visible. You can determine the quality of the seams that must be made with strong threads in the area of ​​​​the shoulder line and the collar area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product by pulling the joints to the sides.
  • Pierce with a needle from the inside of the product, and pull the hole, if it does not increase, the fur is of high quality.
  • The undercoat should be soft to the touch, not spiky and thick.
  • Go over the fur with a damp piece of cloth. The remaining traces of paint indicate that the product is of poor quality.
  • An uneven pile indicates that the fur has been sheared.
  • Smell the fur coat, there should be no smell of an animal and chemical impurities, an unobtrusive scent of a cleaning compound is acceptable.

To begin with, we note that mink coats are sewn from pieces no more than fifteen centimeters in length. They will be light. The fur is silky and soft and will not shimmer blue in the sun. So, we will figure out how to distinguish a natural mink coat from a fake.

Often the seller gives out a rabbit or groundhog for a natural mink. An unprepared buyer will not discern the differences, because the pile has similar characteristics, soft and fluffy. And at the same time, mink fur is thicker, while rabbit fur is sparse, has almost no down, if squeezed between fingers, it becomes intangible.

Difference Between Mink and Marmot

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Products have a similar appearance, but to the touch a different texture. The groundhog has hairs of various lengths, this is easily visible when stroking the fur against the growth of wool. The pile of the groundhog will not return to its original position, it will be shaggy. The difference is easy to notice: the painted marmot is characterized by a blue or purple hue.

How to distinguish honorik from mink?

The first was obtained by crossing a ferret and a mink, which is larger in size than its parents, similar to a sable. The first thing that distinguishes them is the color. The honorik has a dark coat color, and the fluff is much lighter, while the mink, as we already know, has the same fur color. And do not forget about the size of the stitched pieces, in mink it is much smaller. This is if the product is not sewn from small shreds. Let's look at the photo, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake.

You should also beware of faux fur, which looks like natural fur. And in this case, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Everything is very simple here, fake fur is sewn onto a fabric base. It is enough to look at the inside of the product. And how to figure out the quality of the mink lining?

It deserves no less attention when buying than the fur itself:

  1. The lining must be of high strength and quality. As a rule, natural silk is involved.
  2. It is the “second skin” of outerwear; the fur does not bulge when moving.
  3. The bottom lining is not sewn to the fur coat itself, which gives access to the wrong side of the skins. The natural fur is white, and the yellowish tint indicates that the fur is old.
  4. The seams are smooth and high quality, well processed and durable.
  5. And the edge is finished in the form of a cord.

So, we found out what you should focus on when buying a mink coat, and now we will take a closer look at tips so as not to buy a fake.

Summing up

How to distinguish a fake from the original mink coat:

  1. The first thing to start with is to feel the product. Remember that the fur should be dry and uniform, pleasant and soft to the touch, you will no longer want to let go of it.
  2. Pull on the hair. They must sit tight.
  3. Mink fur always shines, if not dyed, white villi come across.
  4. The guard hairs should be even and equal in length.
  5. The mink has an undercoat.
  6. High-quality fur does not make any sounds when moving.
  7. Pay attention to tailoring. The fur coat must be sewn with line seams, which are checked from the back of the product. Check for any traces of glue.
  8. Mezdra should be thin and elastic.
  9. A product made of natural mink is light, but not quite.
  10. The bottom lining is never sewn to the fur coat.

And also see the marking, which indicates the full information about the manufacturer and the rules of operation. So, we figured out how to distinguish a fake mink coat. These simple guidelines will help you choose a quality product.