How to understand that there is not enough milk in the breast. Does the baby eat breast milk

"Is my baby getting enough milk?" - a question that worries so many mothers. Pediatricians with weight gain charts, grandmothers with their memories, girlfriends with very different experiences - everyone is interested in the weight and behavior of the baby, and now the mother begins to worry ...

Exact sign

Reliably speaks of whether there is enough milk or not, only one sign: good weight gain. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, babies should add from 125 g per week for the first few months of life. Note that the gain of a newborn in the first month is calculated not from the body weight at birth, but from the minimum weight, because in the first few days of life, the baby often loses up to 10% of the weight with which it was born. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, but the lost 200-300 g, too, do not return by themselves, but due to mother's milk!

When calculating allowances, it is usually not necessary to weigh the child more often than once a week. And the "control feeding", which the doctors of the "old Soviet school" loved so much, do not give any idea about the amount of milk in the mother at all - on the contrary, too frequent weighing makes both mother and baby nervous, already because of the weighing itself, the child can suck less, and the mother's milk is worse. It is quite enough to do this once a week, at about the same time, and you need to weigh the baby naked or in a freshly put on dry diaper (a thoroughly soaked diaper or diaper can pull 250 grams).

Well, in order for the mother to be able to navigate the situation on a daily basis, you can conduct a "wet diaper test", that is, calculate how many times the baby pees. For a child over a week old whoreceives exclusively her mother's breast, without supplementing and feeding with anything, the number of "peeps" less than 8 times a day can make you think about insufficient milk intake.If the number of urinations per day is 8 or more, then there is enough milk for the child, although, most likely, it makes sense to offer breast more often. Well, when the baby urinates 12 or more times, then, as a rule, this indicates that there is a very good weight gain and, accordingly, there is no need to worry about the amount of milk!

Invalid signs

And yet, most mothers begin to worry about a lack of milk, not focusing on the baby's increase. A study conducted by Russian doctors in Astrakhan (A. Dzhumagaziev et al., 2004) showed that the most common reason for starting the use of formula - 50% of all cases - mothers considered "lack of milk". However, an in-depth analysis found that this "diagnosis" was justified in only 2.4% of cases. Usually mothers mistake the following for signs of milk shortage ...

Mom stops feeling hot flashes ... Most mothers (although not all) experience a rapid and strong breast filling with milk only in the first few weeks after childbirth, when the new hormonal status of the body has not yet been established. At this time, milk arrives abruptly and in large quantities at once, and after the so-called establishment of lactation, the body adapts to the needs of the child, and milk begins to arrive little by little, but constantly. As a result of the establishment of lactation, the breast seems smaller and softer than it was very recently, but this is not due to changes in the amount of milk produced, but simply due to the absence of previous sharp flushes! The very feeling “my breast is fat is soft and seems empty” does not say anything about the amount of milk - while the baby sucks and swallows, there is milk in the breast, even if it seems to you that it’s not so: it’s not about milk at all, you just have lactation.

Mom can express quite a bit ... The breast is not a bottle, it does not show exactly how much milk the baby has sucked. Some moms, worrying about it, try to express milk just to figure out how much there is. But the amount that can be expressed, even if it is one tablespoon, does not mean anything. Breast pumps are different, many models simply do not work well enough in principle or with some peculiarities of the breast; but you need to be able to effectively express manually. And the most important thing: no breast pump and no hands by themselves can draw milk as well as a correctly attached baby can suck it! The breast and the baby are originally intended for each other, everything else remains an imitation.

The baby often asks for a breast and sucks for a long time . There is no one-size-fits-all rule for how often or for how long a baby should feed. The child asks his mother to give him the breast, whenever he is worried about something! This "something" may be hunger, but hunger is not the only or even the main reason for anxiety for the baby. The baby can remember the stress of birth, it can be bothered by pain in the tummy, or the head can hurt against the background of changes in atmospheric pressure and changes in weather. And since mother's breast is the quietest and most comfortable place in the world, in all these cases the child will start giving signs that he wants to suck: he turns his head from side to side, pulls his hands to his mouth, opens his mouth, even smacks his lips ... as much as he needs to calm down. When the discomfort is small, then a couple of minutes may be enough, during which the child will suck out only 5-10 ml, which is necessary simply to achieve comfort and to get the feeling that he is loved by his mother and the mother accepts him. And at other times, the baby may be at the breast for a very long time; many babies love to sleep under their breasts, sucking, and this is completely natural for a baby! If the child is constantly "hanging" on the breast, this also speaks not so much about the amount of milk (everything can be fine with him!) But about the quality of attachment. Unfortunately, with shallow or incorrect latching on to the breast, the baby needs much more time to receive the portion of milk necessary for saturation, although there may be enough of it in the breast. In cases where the baby sucks for a long time, and often - for example, themselvesfeeding durationabout an hour with breaks, also about an hour, and so constantly - it is necessary that the situation be assessed by an experienced breastfeeding consultant, since it is this behavior that often speaks of improper attachment. The result is a decrease in the amount of milk that the baby is able to receive from the breast, even if there is quite enough of it.

Baby screams after feeding ... Sometimes, indeed, the baby can suckle for a long time and not gorge itself - especially, as we have already said, in the case of improper attachment to the breast, when it is difficult for the baby to effectively produce milk. But there are many other reasons for this behavior: it may be colic, or teething, or a desire to stay with mom longer, or even get a pacifier if mom often gives it. On the basis of this behavior alone, one cannot conclude that there is a lack of milk!

The baby bends at the chest ... But this feature of behavior is usually associated with the flow of milk. Newborns often do this because of the high flow of milk that they cannot handle. And in older babies, "arching" most often means that the milk flow is weakening, and the baby would like a more active flow. In the first weeks of life, babies in such cases simply fall asleep at the breast, but a few months later - especially if there is an experience of sucking a pacifier or a bottle - the baby begins to express his dissatisfaction with the "arching" or scandals. The amount of milk has not changed, the baby has changed!

What to do?

But suppose my mother received strong confirmation of her opinion about the lack of milk. What to do if it really is less than the baby needs? Do not rush to feed with mixtures! Lactation is a hormone-dependent process. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of milk, is produced in response to breast stimulation. This means that the amount of milk can change either less or more depending on your baby's sucking. And in order for the child to have enough milk, by and large, it is enough to observe only four principles (they are arranged in order of importance):

Latch your baby correctly to the breast . This is important not only for the child, but also for the mother, since if the baby is incorrectly applied, it can damage the breast (which is why cracks appear). Feeding with improper attachment is often ineffective: the baby does not receive enough milk, although it can suck a lot and for a long time. The correct attachment is affected by the use of a pacifier and a bottle, since the very principle of sucking the nipple and breast is different! Whatever "orthodontic" shape the nipple has, nothing can change the simple fact that to suck on the breast, the child needs to open his mouth wide and actively work with his lower jaw (this is the only way milk is extracted from the breast), and to suck on the nipple, just open his mouth slightly and do suction movements with your cheeks. And the feeling of a soft mother's breast is very different from a hard silicone nipple, which suggests a different degree of impact. Very often, a child who is accustomed to sucking on the nipple begins to pick up the breast incorrectly and suck it badly! Therefore, if the baby needs to be given medicine or supplementation, it is better to do it from a cup, spoon, pipette or other supplementary feeding devices, in addition to a bottle nipple; you can watch a video about different feeding methods, in addition to the nipple .

To attach your baby to your chest well, try doing this. Press the baby firmly with your tummy towards you so that the nipple is approximately at the level of the nose. Support the chest with your hand so that the thumb is on top, and the index and the rest are on the bottom, parallel to the lower lip of the child. The index finger should be far from the nipple, no closer than 5 centimeters, so it will not restrict the baby's opening mouth. Wait for the baby to open his mouth wide and point the nipple up into the sky. The nipple and areola should be deep in the mouth, larger below than above. The lower and upper jaws are turned outward during sucking. The baby's head is directed upward when feeding, the chin is pressed against the mother's breast, and the nose either touches it with its very tip, or is completely free. Very detailed animated videos on correct attachment can be viewed , and the video of correct attachment - .

A well-attached baby sucks quite large volumes of milk during feeding. And this also applies to cases when the baby fell asleep under the breast - children have a unique ability to eat well in their sleep! You can be convinced of this if you follow the characteristic way of sucking a baby who receives milk (and not just keeps her mother's breast in her mouth): when the baby's mouth opens as much as possible, then before his jaws move again, the baby's chin is delayed. Such "hanging" of the chin means a sip of milk. You can also notice this by the swallowing movement of the neck, but in some feeding positions it is difficult for mom to follow the neck, but it is quite simple to track the pause between the sucking movements. a good selection of videos about attachment and supplementary feeding options, where you can just look at the features of good and not very good attachment.

Some mothers believe that such pauses indicate that the milk in this breast has already ended. Just the opposite! A child who sucked at the breast with pauses of 15-20 minutes may turn out to be very full at the end of feeding, but if the baby just sucked without swallowing, then two hours may not be enough for him to eat.

Feed your baby on demand. The main advantage of feeding on demand, which a mother can never be sure of when feeding her baby on a schedule, is the knowledge that the baby is really , and that he is in a state of the greatest psychological comfort that is now available to him. The same child can suck at completely different frequencies at different times in his life, because children grow unevenly, and their life circumstances are different. At any time, your baby may suddenly require more frequent feeds over the course of several days, resulting in a corresponding increase in milk supply. Children are great at regulating their needs if you allow them to control the situation on their own. Of course, demand-feeding assumes that the mother is breastfeeding, and nothing but the breast (no nipples, water, or other fluids)!

An important point - on-demand feeding can also mean the mother's demand. The mother does not have to wait every time for the baby to show interest in feeding; she can offer the breast on her own initiative. For example, the baby is awake and does not apply for 3-4 hours, and the mother's breast is already overflowing with milk. Or mom needs to go somewhere, but before going out she wants to feed the child. Or the mother has milk stagnation, and she needs the baby's help to dissolve the lump. Finally, if the "wet diaper test" shows the result from 8 to 12 times a day, then the mother should sometimes offer the breast herself, so that the baby gets more milk.

Feed at night ... The hormone prolactin is a "night" hormone: stimulation of the mother's breast from 3 to 8 am causes its maximum production. Therefore, at night the baby eats and "regulates" the amount of milk from the mother. Usually a healthy child, who is not worried about anything, wakes up himself two or three times between 3 and 8 in the morning to kiss his mother's breast. A mother who underfeeds her baby at night usually quickly notices that by the evening there is not enough milk ... In emergencies, when the baby himself does not wake up his mother for night feedings, you literally have to set an alarm to "save the milk." Sleeping with a baby or sleeping in a crib as close as possible to the parent's helped many mothers to cope not only with their sleep deprivation at night, but also with the problem of lack of milk.

Relax well ... If milk production itself is associated with the hormone prolactin, then its release is with the hormone oxytocin. When a mom is in a constant state of anxiety, the oxytocin response is suppressed by stress hormones. This means that there may even be a lot of milk, but it is poorly excreted from the breast; it is this condition that is usually called "milk has disappeared from the nerves." In fact, it does not "disappear", but in a nervous mother it is much more difficult for a baby to suck it out. Therefore, it is important for a nursing mother to be able to relax during feeding, get enough sleep and be less nervous!

These four principles play a major role in maintaining lactation. If at least one of them is not observed, problems may arise with the amount of milk. There are many "folk" ways to maintain milk production, but most of them have no basis at all, and the rest will give very little effect without observing the basic principles. But you can use them as auxiliary ones.

Pumping can be used to gradually replace formula supplements with breast milk. In this case, the mother expresses her breasts several times a day (in addition to feeding, if she is with the baby, or instead of feeding, if they are separated), stimulating the breast for additional milk production, etc.

It will be great if, if necessary, feeding it is given to the crumbs throughbreast feeding system- it is a container where supplementary food is poured, and from where two maximally thin capillaries depart, one of which is inserted into the baby's mouth to ensure a constant supply of food during breastfeeding. Even if the breast is completely empty, when using such a system, the baby will receive nutrition during sucking - and, unlike other feeding methods, this one allows not only feeding the baby, but also stimulating the breast to increase the production of its own milk! In the videos referenced above, you can look at feeding using such a system.

Skin-to-skin contact , that is, frequent wearing on hands or in a sling, and laying out the crumbs on your stomach stimulates both lactation and the good development of the baby. This is especially useful if the baby is restless under the breast.

Lactogonic agents different mothers have different effects. Western doctors and consultants find it effective to use the herb and seeds of fenugreek (also known as shambhala and fenugreek) - you can usually buy it in the spice departments; By the way, fenugreek is a part of many mixtures sold under the name "curry", its content in such a mixture can reach 20%. ... But in general the recipeswhich are very popular among the people, are not effective for everyone - and sometimes, unfortunately, they also cause an allergic reaction in the baby. And, in particular, such a popular remedy as hot tea, activates the flow of milk, but does not increase its total amount in any way.

The main thing to remember: if the mother wants, any problem is solved. Breastfeeding counselors help to breastfeed even babies who are not receiving breast milk or are receiving very little of it. Just feel free to ask for advice!

author , photos were used in the design of the article Olga Ermolaeva

How do you know if your baby is not eating enough breast milk? There are different ways, but they are all very imperfect. Yes, you can fully express and measure the volume received, you can even weigh the newborn before and after feeding, then calculate the difference in weight. The only objective and most reliable indicator will be children's behavior. Show observation and soon you will be able to accurately determine whether your baby is full or not. It is also useful to know the principles of correct feeding, as well as the signs and causes of too little milk in the breast.

Feeding expressed milk from a measuring bottle is not the best way to determine how much food you eat.

How to tell if there is enough milk?

How to understand that a baby has eaten breast milk? Some signs will help here. There are 5 of them:

  1. The number of feedings per day is 8-12. There may be more of them, this will also be the norm. Frequent breastfeeding is attributed to three factors:
    • the baby needs close contact with the mother;
    • his small stomach simply cannot contain much food;
    • fast digestion of breast milk.
  2. The duration of one feeding is at least 20 minutes. It is not necessary to determine the duration of the meal - the baby should suckle until he is full. If he has stopped eating and is behaving calmly, babbling cheerfully or sleeping peacefully, it means that he had enough milk. Make sure that the feeding position (both yours and the baby's) is not uncomfortable.
  3. A clearly traced swallowing reflex. Check that the baby does not just smack, but swallows. At first, he will do this often, because he is hungry, and the so-called near milk is liquid and not very nutritious. After a few minutes, swallowing will become less frequent, since hunger will dull, and the distant milk is thicker, to swallow it, you need to make an effort.
  4. The child is gaining weight according to the norms (we recommend reading :). In the first days, the baby's weight will be less compared to what it was at birth. This is normal, as the body gets rid of meconium (the original feces formed in the womb) and tissue swelling. They begin to track weight gain from the fourth day of life - the increase should be 125-215 g per week.
  5. The child looks healthy. He is calm, but at the same time shows activity and curiosity; lively, but not overexcited. When he wants to eat, he loudly demands the chest; when he is full, he sleeps peacefully or is awake. Pink skin color and firmness will also indicate that the baby is receiving adequate nutrition in sufficient quantities.

It will take very little time to track the listed signs. If in doubt, you can use the measurement of the amount of urine and feces.

Lack of nutrition

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To understand that your baby is short of breast milk, there are 3 simple tests:

  • wet diapers;
  • the amount of stool;
  • weight gain.

To determine how many times a child pees per day, you need to keep him not in a disposable, but in a reusable diaper or just in a diaper (disposable diapers are generally undesirable and can only be used as a last resort) (we recommend reading :). When the baby has enough breast milk, he wets the diapers 10-12 times a day. If this happens less than 10 times, the crumb does not gorge itself.

In the first 3 days of life, as such, they do not yet have a chair. The dark mass that can be seen in a diaper is meconium (primary feces). It will appear in small quantities 1-2 times a day. Then, when the child is already breastfeeding and his digestion begins to function, the excretion of feces will occur 5 times a day.

What is the normal weight gain? In the first 3 months - at least 500 g per month or 125 g per week. Then this figure decreases slightly - 300 g per month. It should be noted that weight gain may occur unevenly, but this is normal and should not be alarming. Track the rate of weight gain after 1 or 4 weeks. There is no need to do this more often.

Weight gain tracking is a safe and easy way to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk.

Day and night, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your baby. There are signs that speak not just of a lack of nutrition, but already of dehydration:

  • the child is too lethargic and sleepy;
  • the eyes are sunken and the eyeballs become dull;
  • the mucous membrane in the mouth is dry, the saliva has become stringy;
  • the baby cries, but you don't see tears (we recommend reading :);
  • the skin has become flabby (if you pinch it lightly, it will not immediately smooth out);
  • an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth;
  • dark, saturated urine with a pungent odor, which appears 6 or less times a day.

The last point, as well as the simultaneous presence of 2 or 3 others, is a signal that you need to urgently call an ambulance. Do not tighten so as not to bring to a deplorable situation.

If the mother noted that the baby has become lethargic and drowsy, it may be about dehydration.

Why is there not enough milk?

The main reason why a baby does not have enough breast milk is very simple and commonplace - an improperly organized breastfeeding process. Let's see what factors lead to this:

  1. Compliance with a strict regime. Lactation experts have come to the conclusion that the process must be natural. You need to feed the child when he asks. The only thing that is desirable to observe is the time interval between feedings, which should be at least 2 hours.
  2. Feeding too short. The kid should eat until he is full. One feeding should last at least 20 minutes.
  3. The baby is not properly latching on to the breast.
  4. When feeding, you take an uncomfortable position (we recommend reading :).
  5. Reducing or eliminating night feeds. Feeding at night and in the morning stimulates lactation as much as possible.
  6. Dummy abuse.
  7. Bottle feeding.
  8. ... They prevent proper grip on the nipple. They can only be used temporarily when the nipple is injured.

Silicone pads should only be used for medical reasons, as they provoke improper grip on the nipple compared to natural feeding conditions

The breast begins to fill only 2-3 days after natural childbirth and 5-6 after cesarean section, however, you need to continue to apply the baby to the breast (we recommend reading :). Firstly, as long as he has enough colostrum, and secondly, breastfeeding is the best stimulant of lactation.

There are other reasons why a baby does not eat breast milk. Among them:

  • inadequate nutrition of a nursing mother and low fluid intake;
  • tense or stressful state of the mother;
  • hormonal disorders in the mother's body;
  • insufficient rest;
  • physiological features of the breast (flat nipples, narrow milk ducts) or temporary problems (lactostasis, cracked nipples);
  • improper work of the baby's digestive system;
  • runny nose and swelling of the nasal mucosa, due to which the baby simply cannot breathe and suckle normally;
  • too large toddler who lacks nutrition;
  • too weak a kid who simply does not have the strength to eat for a long time.

Stress in a nursing mother can also be the reason that the baby does not eat enough and does not have enough milk.

Correct feeding process

If you realized that your baby does not have enough breast milk due to non-compliance with the feeding rules, then it is not very difficult to solve the problem. It is necessary to eliminate mistakes and provide everything for yourself and the child so that in the future there will be no more difficulties. Follow the guidelines:

  1. Feed your baby when he demands. The more he sucks at the breast, the more milk production is stimulated.
  2. Don't rush the child. When he is satisfied, he will simply release his chest.
  3. Make sure to. The baby's mouth should be wide open and cover not only the nipple, but the entire areola. If it only grabs the nipple, the nutrient fluid will not be sucked out, and you will feel severe pain. You should also hear the baby swallowing.
  4. Make sure you both sit or lie comfortably when feeding. The child's head and back should be on the same straight line, the head just above the legs. Study for GW.
  5. It is advisable to apply the baby to only one breast at a time. So it will suck everything out completely.
  6. Weak babies sleep a lot, so they often have to be woken up to feed. During the day, do this at least after 3 hours, and at night - after 5. Before feeding, you can wash your baby - this will slightly invigorate him.
  7. Do not use nipple bottles or pacifiers. It is easier to suck from a bottle than from a breast, which is why babies often give up breast in favor of a bottle. Give a bottle only as a last resort - for example, when the nipple is injured and you are simply physically unable to endure feeding.
  8. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Sacrifice household chores for a good rest. The more the degree of fatigue, the less milk you will produce.
  9. Do not refuse help, even if it is offered by a friend who came to visit you.
  10. Eat every time after feeding, that is, at least 5 times a day. Provide yourself with a nutritious diet and plenty of warm fluids.
  11. If you find that your baby has health problems, be sure to show him to the doctor.

7 myths about lactation

When young mothers are seriously concerned about the question of whether the baby has enough breast milk, they may heed dubious and completely meaningless advice, and wrong actions can have disastrous results. Let's dispel some of the myths about feeding and warn ourselves against mistakes.

For every mother, one of the pressing problems and main questions is how to understand if the baby has enough breast milk? Perhaps the baby is not eating enough and should be supplemented with formula? He behaves restlessly, is capricious, maybe this is exactly the case when he is hungry? It should be noted that the child's anxiety cannot always be justified by hunger. If the feeding was very recent, then you can offer him a pacifier, pick him up. In the event that the child is really hungry, such manipulations will not help, and he will still be capricious, demanding breast.

Of course, in order for the baby to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins, the mother must provide herself with a complete diet. Her menu must include: fish, meat, cereals, vitamins and minerals from natural products. Thanks to the good nutrition of the mother, the baby will receive important trace elements for him, and accordingly, he will eat well, grow and develop. Every mom wants to know how to understand that there is not enough milk for a newborn. There are certain manifestations that demonstratively show that the baby does not have enough milk.

The main manifestations of baby malnutrition

It should be noted right away that if you realize that your baby lacks the volume of milk that enters the breast, this does not mean that you need to immediately run after the mixture and introduce artificial complementary foods. It may be worth changing the feeding schedule, if you have already established one, and feeding the baby as he wishes. Night feeding should not be replaced with water and, in general, review the organized breastfeeding.

So how do you know if there is not enough milk? It is necessary to pay special attention to the following manifestations on the part of the child:

  • when mom has a small volume of milk supply, the baby will suckle for a long time. He may fall asleep in the process, you should not immediately put him to bed, because in an hour he will wake up hungry again. Wake him up by stroking his cheek or running a nipple over his lips, he will start eating again. It is better to let the child eat for forty minutes, but still be full, rather than constantly waking up from hunger during the night. Do not forget that the baby quite often asks for a breast during an illness, when his teeth are climbing, but this calms him more, and does not indicate a systematic feeling of hunger;
  • considering the question of how to understand that the child is not enough milk, it is necessary to take into account the monthly weight gain. There are standard parameters that the baby must fit into. The first few months, weight gain should be at least 500 g per month. If less, the doctor talks about deviations from the specified norm, then you should pay special attention to breastfeeding;
  • To make sure that the baby really has enough breast milk, counting the number of his urinations per day will help. You will only need to give up diapers for a day and use only diapers in order to accurately see the amount of baby's urination. Normally, the baby should urinate at least 10 times a day, but this is provided that he receives exclusively breast milk, without supplementation in the form of a mixture and water.

How to find out if a newborn has enough breast milk, you can pay attention to his behavior, sleep. If the child does not gorge himself, then he will often ask for breast, sleep poorly and constantly wake up, and behave restlessly. However, anxious behavior can be associated with other problems - teething, overwork, painful condition.

Among the new mom's biggest fears of being a leader is a possible lack of breast milk. But in fact, according to various sources, the absence or insufficiency of lactation occurs in only 1-5% of women around the world. Unreasonable fears are most often associated with the statements of “kind” relatives brought up in the spirit of Soviet times, when women were not ordered to feed at night, as well as changes in the child's behavior, which are manifestations of development or malaise. Instead of falling into despair, it is better to assess the real parameters that indicate the sufficiency of milk.

There are several objective indicators by which you can understand whether the baby is eating up. They can be assessed by any mother at home without any special tools. Unless you need a scale.

Number of urinations

For the most objective assessment of this parameter, it is recommended to conduct a test for "wet diapers". To implement it, it is necessary to give up disposable diapers for at least a day. You need to count how many times the baby urinates in 24 hours. Normally, a child who is one week old pees at least 10-12 times. This test is valid if the baby is not given enough water.

With less accuracy, you can estimate the abundance of urination in disposable diapers. Provided that breastfeeding is sufficient, the baby fills them per day in the amount of 4-6 pieces.

Child's age
Urine volume per day, ml
The number of urinations per day
The volume of one portion of urine, ml
1-3 years
0-6 months400-700 20-25 20-30
6 months - 1 year375-720 15-16 25-45
3-5 years
5-7 years
7-9 years old
9-11 years old
11-13 years old

This is not the only parameter associated with a baby's toilet business.

In the first days after birth, and sometimes during childbirth, the baby's intestines get rid of meconium. This is the original feces. It is dark in color. With the appearance of milk in the mother, which occurs about the third day after birth, the baby's feces first turn green and then yellow. From now on, the baby must empty the intestines at least 3 times a day. This figure is valid until the child reaches the age of 3-8 weeks, when the frequency of bowel movements can be only 1 time per day, and sometimes less often, since milk is absorbed more fully.

Weight gain

If in the first 4-7 days of life the baby loses weight, which is a physiological norm, then then he begins to gain weight 125-500 g per week. The increase for the first month, the minimum value of which is 600 g, must be counted from the minimum weight.

Age, months1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Increase per month, g600 800 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350
Increase for the past period, g600 1400 2200 2950 3650 4300 4900 5450 5950 6400 6800 7150
Increase in height (in cm) per month3 3 2,5 2,5 2 2 2 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Increase in height (in cm) over the past period3 6 8,5 11 13 15 17 19 20,5 22 23,5 25

It is often not worth evaluating how much a baby weighs, since it is gaining unevenly, and the mother will only have cause for concern. By the way, the scales must be the same.

These are 3 reliable indicators that can be evidence of whether or not there is enough breast milk for the baby. Sucking movements can also be evaluated. When a baby is breastfeeding, not for the purpose of calming, but for food or drink, then this can be easily determined. One sucking movement consists of three phases:

  • letting go of the chin down;
  • pauses;
  • raising the chin.

At such moments, the baby receives the maximum portions of milk. If this happens regularly, then most likely there are no problems with lactation.

The rest of the opinions are just speculation.

Milk scarcity myths

There are several factors that may worry an inexperienced breastfeeding mom. Their appearance is attributed by the woman herself or someone from her environment to the fact that the baby receives little breast milk. But this is a misconception.

1. The baby continues to cry after feeding. Most often this happens in the evening. But crying is a baby's only language. The baby screams for many reasons: fear, discomfort, headache, meteosensitivity, colic, etc.

2. The child "hangs on the chest", that is, asks often and sucks for a long time. In fact, this is the norm. After all, a breast for a small person is not only food, but also a way to calm down, and the world around is full of stress, especially for a newly born baby. Yes, and there are more than enough difficult periods in life. Therefore, everyone has their own mode of attachment to the breast. But if the child sleeps less than 20 minutes, is restless, then it is worth contacting the pediatrician.

3. Even with a breast pump it is possible to express a maximum of 30-40 ml. This is one of the most frightening parameters. But it doesn't really mean anything. After all, it is impossible to imitate the sucking movements of a baby either with a breast pump or with your hands. In addition, milk rushes occur while the baby is sucking, even with greater intensity than during the breaks.

4. Milk no longer flows from the breast by itself. In the first months, mom often wakes up in a puddle of milk, and during the day, you cannot do without special breast liners. But at about 3 months, lactation is established, so the milk stops leaking.

5. The breasts feel soft even between feedings. It is also associated with the establishment of lactation.

6. The kid does not sleep at night. In fact, a baby in the first months should not skip night feeds, latching on to the breast between 3 and 8 am is important for lactation. If the baby sleeps for more than 4 hours, then it is worth waking him up. To do this, it is enough to catch the moment when the baby is busy and try to give him a breast. Sleepy babies suck well.

7. The baby is happy to take the bottle after feeding. This does not always show that the baby is hungry. In addition, bottles and nipples can make it difficult to breastfeed.

If a nursing mother is faced with similar phenomena, and weight gain and urinary frequency are normal, then you should not panic. Properly organized breastfeeding is the prevention, and often the solution to lactation problems and milk shortages.

The main secret of proper lactation is feeding on demand, including around dreams. In addition, there are a number of other nuances.

If you have any doubts or concerns, it is best to contact a real breastfeeding pediatrician and a breastfeeding counselor. It is these specialists who should help you in establishing lactation, and, if necessary, make a decision together with you on the introduction of supplementary feeding.

Video - How to understand if there is enough breast milk for a baby

Calm behavior and good development are the main indicators that a baby is getting enough breast milk.

If the baby, after the next feeding, calmly lets go of the breast, is in a good emotional state, is actively awake for some time, and then sleeps for a long time, usually waking up only for the next feeding, then he has enough milk.

Having received a sufficient amount, the baby often urinates (up to 10-15 times a day), defecates from 1 to 6-8 times a day. His stool has a uniform consistency, without an unpleasant odor.

A baby who gets enough breast milk will gain normal weight and height. Estimating these increases, you can focus on the following average indicators. In the first month of life, the child gains an average of 600 g in body weight (in the first days after birth, he often even loses a little in weight due to the so-called physiological loss of body weight, which is then compensated for by higher rates of development). For the second and third months, the average body weight gains by 800 g, and then for each month of life, these gains decrease by 50 g, amounting to 750 g in the fourth month, 700 g in the fifth, etc. Monthly growth of a child in the first 4 months of life on average 2.5-3 cm.

How to feed a baby at 6.5 months? My baby. Breast-feeding. Will the baby have a formula after breast milk - usually there is no problem with this, the formula is also enough And how to find out if there is enough milk if complementary foods have already been introduced. Maybe he already doesn't have enough milk ...


I gave Frisolac mixtures, started for 5 months, especially at night, during the day I already gave complementary foods, and their porridge too. I understand that the dispute about which mixtures are better and whether they are generally needed can last endlessly, but Friso, I think, is really good, the child had no allergies or constipation, and made me very happy. We are now happy to participate in the action ([link-1]) from them.

no milk for up to a year. Top up with the mixture.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. Recommends to walk in the fresh air before going to bed, if you wake up to give some water and pacifiers, do not give breast. My baby is already 2 years old, I breastfed him up to 8 months, milk was enough.In the first days when ...


In this situation, the nipple is your enemy. Try to stop giving it altogether. Always to calm down - the chest. Feed more often during the day, in the first half - in any case, always after sleep and before sleep. Try to sleep with your baby during the day. In the afternoon, do light exercises - stretch yourself properly, roll your shoulders, wave your hands, you can take a contrast shower. Continue feeding continuously in the evening, shifting from one breast to the other. Who tested latching on your breast? Exactly correct, asymmetrical attachment?

If you feel the need for supplementation, express after night feeds to give this portion in the evening. It is better to give supplements from a cup or syringe. After supplementary feeding, before supplementary feeding - breast.

Whether there is enough milk, we determine by peeses per day - at least 12 - and by an increase per week - from 130 g.

Perhaps there was a crisis, I had a crisis with the first in his month, when in the evening there was very little milk, the baby cried, but they were tuned in to GV and therefore suffered for a week, but I was tired, that is, I began to eat even more, drink tea with milk, more to rest more and then without problems up to 6 months fed without complementary foods, without bottles. Hold on, sometimes you have to fight for milk, but it's worth it, children are really healthier than artificial ones.

Is there enough milk? Our problems: (. Breastfeeding. Situation: Recently bought, fed, from one breast there was not enough milk, gave the other. Max still cries and does not sleep, tried to pump, from both breasts drained 5 grams. What to do, to supplement?


Thanks to everyone who answered, but I really don't understand what's the matter. I am:
- I sleep with Max and he constantly sucks one or the other breast during the night;
- he is constantly in my arms and I feed him for every squeak;
- I drink apilak and hippie tea for the took away. lactation;
- naturally I hold the baby in a column after each feeding;
- poops thinly, almost after every feeding, there used to be lumps in poop, now there are none at all, some yellow ones;
- born 3850-vipis 3720- in 1 month 4650;
- I can’t carry out control weighings, I don’t have scales, today we’ll go to the clinic to be weighed, how much we gained in 2 weeks ...;
I am still worried about the right breast, there is always noticeably less milk in it (by sensations), should I offer it more often?
Milk is usually not enough after 8 pm, then everything is fine ... In general, it's a shame, there are no words, I seem to do everything, what kind of organism is this ?!

Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B, weaning. We are 2 months old, we are breastfeeding only. We are gaining weight, but not very well. I understand that all children are different and should not grow up ...


what do you mean "not very good"? in the understanding of grandmothers (usually), the child should not be visible behind the folds ... :(
can you give the numbers?

If the baby does not eat up on one, then you can give the same breast first of the next feeding, and then offer another, then start the next feeding with the one you finished. I had such a thing a long time ago. She was also afraid that there was not enough milk. Then, I drank a bunch of everything lactogonous, slept and everything seemed to be in order (TTTCHNZ). And Sonya refused to breastfeed for a week. THE MAIN THING IS A DESIRE!

I think that this situation is a typical breast refusal from using a bottle. Due to the use of the bottle, the following negative moments occur:
1. It is easier to suck on a bottle and there are children who quickly understand this and require a bottle.
2. The more liquids other than milk enters the stomach, the less breast milk is placed there, the less it is sucked out by the baby, the less it is produced (since the mother's brain receives a signal: "you need to produce less milk, the baby eats less "). At the same time, it is clear that the value of water and milk is not comparable.

PAMAGITIA! Not enough milk .. Increased lactation. Breast-feeding. How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. Recommends to walk in the fresh air before going to bed, if you wake up to give some water and pacifiers, do not give breast.

Is there enough milk for the baby? Increased lactation. Breast-feeding. Mommy, tell me how to determine if the baby has enough milk. My beauty is soon 4 months old. In the evenings, she sulks and prefers to sit on the arms of her mother, and she can still for a long, long time ...


I was worried about the same thing at 3.5 months - I went to the control feeding - everything was found out there :-)) A young doctor, together with an elderly nurse, smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mommy! There is enough milk!" I calmed down, and the baby calmed down too :-)) So the main thing: don't worry and don't panic! All your emotions are transmitted to the child! Good luck!

Most likely it really puts itself to sleep like that. We are already a year old, and we also do not get off our breasts all evening. And you can determine using a simple test: if the baby describes 5-8 diapers (diapers) a day, then there is enough milk.