How to raise children: useful tips. Raising your child right: simple tips

Most parents want to see their children healthy, successful, but not everyone knows how to raise and raise a happy child. Proper parenting is science plus art multiplied by love and patience squared.

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How to properly raise and raise a child so that he becomes happy

First of all, it is desirable, with the right upbringing of the child, that the parents be happy.
"Happy Parents, Happy Children"

The first thing you need to properly raise and raise a happy child:

  1. Sincerely love and accept the child as he is
  2. Build the educational process on the basis of goodwill and cooperation, using an authoritative style, but not an authoritarian or permissive style
  3. There should be more rewards than punishments. Be sure, if you criticize the child for something negative, then for the same but positive - you need to praise.
    For example: if you criticize for a poorly completed task, then praise for a similar task performed well.
  4. Permits should also be more than prohibitions.
    For example, any instructions to the child should be given in a positive way: "Be smart" instead of "Don't be a fool", or "Tell the truth" instead of "Don't lie", etc.
  5. When raising a child, double standards, uncertainties, and contradictions should be completely eliminated.
    For example, you teach a child to tell the truth and be honest, and somehow you go with your five-year-old son to a children's theater, where it is written on the doors that children under five are allowed in for free. You decide to save money and tell the child to tell the aunt at the entrance that he is four years old, not five.
  6. Any indirect impact on the child should be excluded by discussing and comparing him in the third person with him.
  7. Avoid family quarrels and conflicts with a child. He loves both mom and dad equally.
  8. Pay as much attention as possible to the child: his feelings, desires and needs. Spend more time with him in joint walks, communication and games.
  9. In no case should violence be used for educational purposes: psychological or physical.
  10. Treat your child with respect for their developing personality, sense of self and identity. Respect his natural rights and freedoms.
  11. Do not show your child your negative emotions, including those brought from work.
  12. Important: from a young age of the child, prepare for his age-related crises, especially for adolescence.
    Gradually lower your parental authority and overprotectiveness. Switching to more adult interaction and collaboration.
    So that after the child's ten years of age there would be no bewilderment about his inadequacy, rebellion and protests.

Remember! How you raise and raise your child directly affects his future, his fate.

I wish you all psychological well-being!

If you wish, you can get an individual, more complete consultation on the proper upbringing of children according to

A small person is like a bank account: what you put in is what you take away.

What do you think about the child's self-confidence? The ability to take care of yourself? Or to open the door to the director's office with his foot? Self-confidence is courage in your feelings, thoughts and actions.

In most cases, an insecure child is the fault of the parents. Yes, it's so tough. Since childhood, he has been criticized, manipulated, ignored. And phrases like: “You promised” are also manipulation!

Then the child pulls these patterns into adulthood. In relations between a man and a woman, and even with work.

When does it start?

3. Learn to interact with people. Yes, just take it and tell me how to communicate in various situations with peers, strangers, adults.

4. Praise for achievements more than scolding for mistakes. 60/40 is better so as not to overdo it. Many parents are accustomed to taking the success of their children for granted. And of course, without them, the children would not have coped.

5. Speak more often that you love and always come to the rescue. I'm not talking about hyper-custody, but rather. There must be balance in love too.

Signs of a confident child

To analyze the confidence scale, monitor social behavior outside the home. Watch the offspring from the side. You will notice that:

  • he knows how to say “no” to others;
  • easily defends his opinion without "psychos";
  • communicates with new people without problems;
  • takes on a new job with enthusiasm.

Bingo! The kid grows up confident in his abilities.

For approval - to adults

It is important for children that mom and dad appreciate - “This is cool. And this is where we need to improve.” This is one of the basic needs of a child. If in response children receive neglect, ridicule or - they lose confidence.

A child is like an apple tree. If you do not spud it, then it will grow wild. She also has sweet apples, but you still can’t make jam from them.

Notice the similarity?

Be sincerely interested in affairs or daughters, let them speak out and learn to speak with children. Otherwise, in adulthood, they will have to attend not developmental training, but a psychiatrist.

By the way, aggressiveness is also uncertainty.

If a child has beaten the router for bad Wi-Fi, in this way he throws out the accumulated stressful

If he is indecisive

Cheer up. Small, in your opinion, problems for a child are a whole universe.

Ask. Let him make his own decisions. Start with “What would you like…?”.

Don't draw attention on his insecurity or shyness. Especially the phrases "He is so shy with us ...".

Parents' ridicule is taken literally and translated into complexes.

If uncertainty and shyness are in progress, take your child to a theater group. Puppet theater is ideal for starters.

By the way, many movie stars admitted that this is how they defeated shyness and became self-confident.

Let the child play with younger children. So he pumps the skills of responsibility and growing up. Sometimes you need to catch "among the sheep I'm done well."

Without self-affirmation

Accordingly, they set and achieve goals of any level. (By the way, this also applies to adults).

Both parents as individuals, in order to convey to the child the correct attitude towards success and failure, towards criticism, towards the environment. And say more often that you love.

Ksenia Litvin,
psychologist Growth phase.

“Be careful not to despise
one from these little ones"

Do you remember these words of Christ? Have you thought about how they relate directly and directly to you?
Have you not enough of these “little ones” whom you are to watch over?
Do you have few sons, daughters, for whom you shed bitter tears?
Are there not enough depraved daughters and sons - thieves and hooligans?
Many, many tears you shed over them. Why is this?
Because they did not remember these words of Christ before: "Be careful not to despise one of these little ones." When it becomes hard for you because of what your children are doing, then you cry, then you pray to God to help you. And your prayer remains fruitless, because you cannot place your own duties on God, because you yourself had to take care of your children and educate them, and not wait for God to do this for you.
If your servant does not care about his work, but waits for you to do it yourself, then will you begin to work for him, will you not be angry with a negligent servant? What do you want from God if you yourself do not take care of your children?
St. John Chrysostom said terrible words about those who do not raise their children: “Parents who do not raise their children in a Christian way are more lawless than child killers, for child killers have separated the body from the soul, and they plunge soul and body into hellfire.”
A heavy, heavy answer will be given before God by each of those who do not care about the upbringing of children. In the Bible, in the First Book of Kings, it is told about the pious high priest Elijah, who was the judge of the people of Israel for fifty years. With him was, he served the holy prophet Samuel, then still only a youth.
And one day, in a dream, the Lord commanded this holy lad to announce to the high priest Elijah that a terrible punishment of God awaits him for not taking care of his children.
And his children were Old Testament clergymen and with their wickedness embittered the people and turned them away from God. When the Jews brought the meat of animals as a gift to God, then the servants of these wicked priests chose the best pieces of meat from the cauldron in which it was boiled for sacrifice, and gave it to these wicked ones. They even took away raw meat, and to the demand of those who brought it first to burn the fat on the altar, they answered: “If you don’t give it, I’ll take it by force.” Seeing this, the people turned away from the sacrifices. For such impiety, the Lord punished not only these priests, but also the high priest Elijah himself. It happened like this: there was an invasion of the Philistines on the land of Israel, and during a fierce battle, this 98-year-old elder was sitting at the temple, waiting for news. And an agitated messenger ran up to him, covered with dust, and said to him: “Your sons have been killed, and the Ark of God has been taken captive.” On hearing this news, the high priest fell on his back, broke his spine, and died a grievous death. And the Lord announced that the punishment would continue over all his generation.
You see how terrible it is - the whole family of the high priest Eli was punished for not keeping his sons from grave sins. This threatens each of those who will not take care of the upbringing of their children. And about those who strive with all their hearts to raise children in piety, you hear at every Matins in Psalm 102 such blessed words: and those who remember His commandments to do.”
Forever and ever God's blessing on those who bring up their children in piety. But forever and ever the curse of God will weigh on those who have not been brought up in the spirit of Christian piety. Tell me, what will happen to your unfortunate daughter, who in her youth indulges in debauchery and then marries and bears children? Will God's blessing be on her and on her whole family? No no. It will grow up an impious, ungodly race.
Think how terrible it is, what a heavy responsibility you bear before God if you do not raise your children in Christian manners.
How should they be educated?
The way the ancient Christians, the Christians of the first centuries, brought up their children. From early childhood they accustomed them to prayer, church, fasting, to the sacraments of the Church, taught them to read and write from the books of Holy Scripture, never allowed a child to sit down at the table without prayer. They inspired the children that every deed, every step of a Christian should begin with the sign of the cross and prayer.

They cared not only about the general education of their children, not only about their acquisition of pagan wisdom, about teaching philosophy, music, and the arts. No, in teaching their children, they were guided by a deep, holy rule: they considered him unfortunate who knows everything and does not know God. That blessed one who knows God, even though he knows nothing else.
Do not think that this forbids you to teach your children all secular sciences. Not at all. Our greatest fathers and teachers of the Church themselves, in their youth, very diligently indulged in the study of all scientific and philosophical wisdom. St. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom were highly educated people of their time. And your children should be educated, scientists. But it is only important that their education and upbringing is not limited to secular wisdom alone, the wisdom of this world, so that along with this they learn the highest truth and truth, learn the law of God and the commandments of Christ, accustom themselves to constant piety, always remember God, the commandments of God. about the way of Christ. Then, and only then, will they not stray on the path of human wisdom, only then will they place Christian wisdom, the knowledge of God, above all else. Thus it behooves you to teach your children.
But how should you educate them, instill in them the highest Christian morality? First of all, by your example, for children are brought up precisely by the example of their parents. Any verbal instruction, any pedagogical art is nothing, an emptiness in comparison with the example that children see in their parents. Tell me, will those children grow up as pure and good people who see the worst examples of immorality in their parents? Will your daughters be pure and chaste if you yourselves give them an example of adultery? Will your children be pure, incapable of stealing, if you do not teach them honesty from a very young age? When sons devastate other people's gardens, do not leave the fruits in the gardens to ripen, and when they come to complain about them, some mothers calmly answer: “Well, little children, what should I ask of them?” The Lord will ask them! He will ask menacingly why they allowed children to steal from a very young age, why they did not teach the commandments of God, why they did not inspire disgust and contempt for theft and hooliganism?
You will give a heavy answer before God for every temptation that your children see in you, for all quarrels, curses, idle talk, fights that take place before their eyes. If you yourself do this, what will you teach your children?
The great ecumenical teacher, the greatest of the church preachers, St. John Chrysostom said this about parents who do not teach their children goodness, but encourage their bad qualities, passions and wickedness: Woe, - it is said, - to those who laugh, - you give children many reasons to laugh; woe to the rich - and you are only trying to make them rich; woe, when people always speak kindly to you ecu, - and you often spend all your property because of the glory of people; again: He who reviles his brother is guilty of hell, - and you consider weak and cowardly those who silently endure the insulting speeches of others.
Christ commands to turn away from strife and strife, and you constantly occupy your children with these evil deeds. Love your soul, - said the Lord, - it will destroy it, - and you in every possible way involve them in this love; If you do not forgive, - He says, - a person of their sins, neither your Heavenly Father will forgive you, and you even reproach the children when they do not want to take revenge on those who offended. Christ said that those who love glory, whether they fast, whether they pray, whether they give alms, they do all this to no avail; and you are only trying to make your children get glory. And it’s not only bad that you inspire children contrary to the commandments of Christ, but also that you blaspheme the good, calling modesty - ignorance, meekness - cowardice, justice - weakness, humility - servility, gentleness - impotence; You incline them to such deeds for which Jesus Christ determined inevitable death; you neglect their souls as something unnecessary, but take care of what is really superfluous as necessary and most important. You do everything to ensure that your son has a servant, a horse and the best clothes, but you don’t even want to think about it so that he himself is good. No, extending to such a degree care for wood and stones, you do not honor the soul with even the smallest part of such care. You do everything, if only there was a wonderful statue on the house and the roof was golden, but you don’t even want to think about it so that the most precious statue - the soul is golden.
So said St. John Chrysostom in ancient times, 1500 years ago, but it is useful for you to hear these words even now, for don’t you bring up your children just as badly now, without instilling in them the fear of God? Don't you care first of all to secure a better position in life for your children, to put them in the ranks of those in power, rich and strong? Don't you inspire them that there is power in money, that you need to acquire great knowledge for the sake of wealth and a secure, free life? But is it necessary?
Just the opposite is needed. You need to instill in your children contempt for money, wealth, fame, high position in society. It is necessary to instill in them a love for purity, holiness, piety. And that's the least you care about.
Children must begin to be educated from the very cradle, for only at a very young age are they easily amenable to any kind of learning. Their soul is soft as wax, everything is imprinted on it - both your bad examples, and pious words, and every bright and pure example.
Ancient Christians from a very young age taught children to pray and read Holy Scripture. And now they say: “Is it childish business to study psalms? This is the business of monks and old people, and children need fun and joy.”
You forget what St. Tikhon of Zadonsk said so simply: “A small tree, where you tilt it, will grow there; the new vessel will emit the smell with which you nourish it, pouring into it either a stinking liquid, or fragrant and clean.
Now, if you pour any stench into the soul of a small child, it will become stinking. If you pour in the fragrance of Christ's fragrance, then your children will be fragrant before people, they will be joy and delight for you. Raise your children by example. The glorious Russian preacher, Archbishop Ambrose of Kharkov, spoke beautifully about this: icons, and the mother does not start anything without the sign of the cross, when even a small child is not allowed to touch food until she crosses herself - do not these children learn to ask God's help in everything, and call on God's blessing for all, and believe that without help God there is no security in life, and without His blessing there is no success in human affairs?
The faith of parents cannot remain fruitless for children when, in need and poverty, they say with tears in their eyes: “What is to be done? Be the will of God." In danger: "God is merciful." Under difficult circumstances: "God will help." With success and joy: "Thank God, God sent." Here, always and in everything, God's goodness, God's providence, God's justice are confessed. The mother, the object of all love and tenderness for the child, stands with a reverent expression on her face and prays before the icon of the Savior. The child looks first at her, then at the image - and does not need long explanations of what this means. Here is the first silent lesson in the knowledge of God.” Here is the first and most important lesson of godliness. Such lessons can and must be given to your children always and in everything.
You must protect children from everything that is unclean, bad. You must keep your daughters from reading unchaste, voluptuous novels, you must demand from them that they read with analysis, you must keep them from empty spectacles, not always allow them to amuse themselves and constantly run to cinemas and theaters. You must accustom them to a quiet and laboring home life.
And you should not forget that you cannot raise a small child without ever punishing him. You must remember that the greatest mistake is made by those parents who are in love with their little children, admire them, forgive everything, never punish. The wise Sirah said about such people: “Church a child, and it will frighten you.”

And here is what our great hierarch Tikhon of Zadonsk says: “Junias unpunished and having come of age are like untrained and ferocious horses. Therefore, Christian, love your children and punish them. Let them now be ill in body while they are young, so that you yourself do not ache for them in your heart. Let them weep for you, so that you do not weep for them and for them. However, moderation in everything is commendable and necessary.”

We need moderation in punishment, according to the word of the saint. You can not punish children with irritation, with malice, with hatred. You need to punish calmly, loving. Then the children will feel this love, they will feel that they deserve punishment, and then the punishment will be useful and will correct them. Many of you do not think about such a punishment for children and leave unpunished not only small, but also serious offenses - even theft, hooliganism, even the dissolute life of young girls.
See what enormous tasks you face in the upbringing of children. See how holy are the duties of mothers. There is no more important duty, no higher responsibility before God for a mother than the good upbringing of children. You will be held accountable before God and you will bring down the wrath of God on all your offspring if you do not take care of the upbringing of your children. And you will still be here on earth, tormented and crying, looking at them.
So: "Be careful not to despise one of these little ones." Always take care of them, always give them pure, holy examples of piety, and then the Lord's blessing will be from age to age on your children and on yourself.

How to properly raise children? - This question worries many parents, because every conscious parent wants to raise their child to be kind, reasonable, loving, spiritual and moral, conscious, etc.

Parents are the first teachers in a child's life, and thanks to them, his worldview and worldview are formed, they do not just feed him and take care of him, they teach him to love, think, live. Each mistake in education will be reflected in his whole life.

“Don’t raise your children, they will still look like you. Educate yourself!"

Video about how to raise children WRONG!

Any conscious parent knows that children absorb everything they see in the people around them and then manifest it themselves. Scientific studies prove that up to 3 years old children are 100% hypnotizable and, like a video camera, record all incoming information into the subconscious, and then after 3 years they begin to reproduce the information received in their words and actions, so it is very important to consciously approach the issue of raising a child up to 3 years! With particular vigilance, monitor what information (the speech of parents and other people, music, films, cartoons, pictures, etc.) enters the mind of the child.

On this subject, there is a wonderful book by Masaru Ibuka, It's Too Late After 3, which I recommend you read. For your convenience, I have placed this book at the end of the article.

Now I want to show you a video of one special teacher, Chris Ulmer, who praises his children before each lesson, thereby instilling positive qualities in them.

How to properly raise children!

This strategy of teaching and raising children in my opinion is very effective. After all, often we unconsciously say to our children phrases like “Why are you so stupid?”, “Are you stupid or what?”, “Don’t you hear me?” - with such phrases we inspire the child with these programs and he becomes stupid, stupid and does not hear you.

Instead of telling children:

  1. "Don't do that"
  2. "Do not go there"
  3. "DO NOT Eat This"
  4. "DO NOT touch it"

tell your kids like this:

  1. “do it like this because…”
  2. “it’s better to go here because it’s dangerous there”
  3. "It's better to eat healthy food"
  4. "Please put it back, it's for adults only"

Even children under the age of 1 are able to understand you, so explain to them, talk to them like an adult and raise your children consciously!

Be a good example for your children!

I recommend that you study 2 education courses from Viktor Fedotov:

In this lecture, the following main mistakes are discussed in detail:

  • Insufficient knowledge of parents and the lack of subjects at school in the physiology and psychology of the body, social adaptation and sanity in general.
  • The absence of the formation of the authority of parents in a child under the age of five.
  • Incorrect setting of goals in a young family (a focus on welfare to the detriment of education).
  • Decrease in control and decrease in the amount of love for a child in adolescence.
  • Lack of knowledge about the principles of proper nutrition (both nutritional and informational).
  • Lack of understanding of the dangers of watching TV by toddlers even in infancy.
  • An attempt to make the child dependent on the fact that his parents raised him, fed him and taught him.
  • Upbringing in an incomplete family (in view of the lack of examples of relations between a man and a woman, the energy of the opposite sex, and other factors).
  • Emphasis on the treatment of sick children, and not on prevention and recovery. Incorrect formation of an opinion about a father who does not take part in the upbringing of his son, which leads to low self-esteem of the son, etc.

Who at least once attended a lecture by Viktor Fedotov knows about his UNIQUE PRINCIPLE approach to any issues of our lives. This person penetrates deep into the essence of the problem, sometimes revealing it to us from completely unexpected facets. We listen and every time we are amazed at the wisdom and clarity of this amazing person. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that the topic of raising children requires a deep and careful approach.

Proper upbringing of a child is the key to his happy future and harmoniously developed personality. It is far from always possible to find a common language and those psychological techniques necessary for raising a little person.

In this article you will find the answer to the question - how to properly raise a child? Let's start with psychology.

There are a number of psychological principles necessary for the successful development of a personality:

  • It is important to understand that the child, due to his age, is not yet emotionally stable. He reacts to surrounding events and phenomena much brighter than adults. An insignificant event for an adult can be a huge shock for a child. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to a sharp change in the mood of the child, and, if necessary, calm him down;
  • Parents take the lead in a child's life. In connection with this huge role, you should carefully monitor not only your behavior, but also your words. Children often copy the behavioral traits of their parents;
  • the more parents will communicate with the baby, the better. You should take part in his life, talk with him, give advice. The central place of relationships in the family should be occupied by friendship between family members;
  • it should also be remembered that joint games and activities have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the family. When a child sees that parents are eager to spend time together, the child feels needed and important.

Rules for raising a baby from birth to a year

In the period up to a year, at the time of development and maturation of the baby, he laid the basic habits, behavioral traits. During this period, the baby is emotionally and physically connected with the mother and, above all, needs her constant care. How to properly raise a child from birth?

So, from 2 weeks of a child’s life, his upbringing should begin, which has 4 periods:

  1. From birth to three months. It is necessary to talk with the baby, smile at him, sing songs to him, recite poems. The voice at this moment should be soft and caring. All this contributes to speech development and the early formation of a culture of communication;
  2. Three to six months. During this period, hearing, sensory perception of the baby and visual development are actively developing. The child needs to include listening to music, children's songs, classics. The kid should also be introduced to the outside world: show different objects, pictures;
  3. Six to nine months. At this time, cognitive activity in children increases. It is worth allowing the child to crawl around the apartment on their own, to study the environment, of course, under the supervision of their parents. At this time, it is also worth instilling hygiene rules: accustom to a bib, wash hands before eating;
  4. Nine months to a year. At this age, the baby is most active. At this stage, you need to introduce him to the properties of things: liquid water, the ball jumps, the machine can be rolled on the floor. Unwanted actions should be stopped with a soft but confident word “no”. For the harmonious development of speech, it is worth communicating with the child as much as possible.

How to properly raise a one year old child

At the moment when the child's age reaches 11-12 months, his formation, both psychological and physical, begins to develop more rapidly. At this age, an important stage in the formation of the future personality takes place.

The child at this time is still emotionally connected with the mother, but little by little begins to master the world around him.

For successful education during this time period, you must adhere to the following rules:

Many parents are faced with the fact that the baby becomes more capricious and sensitive during the period of one year of age. This is due to the fact that the boundaries of his interests are gradually expanding and he is learning to look at the world in a new way.

It should be understood that such a regression in behavior is not permanent and will soon pass.

How to raise a child in 2-3 years

The leading activity at this age is the game. Parents are still the authority among adults. The child at this moment experiences an important stage for him - the formation of personality.

This manifests itself through the so-called “crisis of three years”. For proper education during this period, it is necessary:

  • to limit the child from more prohibitions, to give him the opportunity to make his choice. In situations where the baby is naughty and does not want to do something, you should not force him. It must be put in a situation of choice. For example, he is hungry, but picky and refuses to eat. He should be offered a choice of two or more dishes. Most likely, the baby will make his choice and calm down, since at that moment he was allowed to act like an adult;
  • it is important not to lose self-control and not to succumb to emotions at the moments when the child throws tantrums. In a calm, even tone, it is necessary to clearly and reasonably explain your position;
  • you should talk to the baby like an adult. No need to use diminutive words and distort speech. Firstly, it contributes to the speech development of the child, and secondly, the baby will feel like an adult.

Parenting at the age of 4-5 years

The behavior of the child becomes more conscious, meanwhile, his upbringing is more complex. At this age, the child is already a separate person and it is worth treating his desires and interests with understanding. It is important to continue active interaction with him, as well as adhere to some rules:

The influence of parents during this period on the behavior of children is slightly reduced. This is due to the fact that parents are no longer the only authoritative people in their environment. There is such a social unit as teachers and friends.

And the older the child becomes, the less authoritative parents and teachers become, and the vector of authority shifts to friends.

The peak of this is reached at the stage of "transitional age", when friendships are in the first place for a teenager.

Therefore, it is important not to try to severely restrict the freedom of the child, to put pressure on him and force him. It is important to maintain harmonious and trusting relationships. Trust is a key moment in communication between the child and parents at this time.

Given all this, you should follow a few simple rules to build a trusting relationship:

  • talk more often with the child, ask about his successes and deeds;
  • support in his desire for independence;
  • If something doesn’t work out for him, in no case do not scold him for it. On the contrary, it should help to understand the problem, advise ways to solve it;
  • involve in joint activities and activities.

How to educate a personality

Personality and character are formed in children under 5 years of age. Therefore, it is extremely important to lay the very foundation of personal qualities at an early age.

First of all, it is worth supporting the child. This is especially true in situations where something does not work out for him.

After all, it often happens that the negative behavior of parents at such moments contributes to the fact that the child closes in on himself and ceases to trust his parents. Therefore, open communication within the family is of great importance.

It is also worth giving considerable freedom of choice. We must not forget that the child should have his own responsibilities. For example, cleaning your room and caring for indoor plants. This will instill responsibility and independence.

For the harmonious development of the personality, it will not be superfluous to enroll the child in various sections and circles. They can be both creative and sporty. But here it is important to listen to the opinion of the child, not to put pressure on him and in no case impose his opinion on him.

The key components of the relationship between children and parents should be:

  1. Confidence;
  2. Joint pastime;
  3. Close friendly communication;
  4. Personal space;
  5. Freedom of choice;
  6. Lack of physical punishment and raising voice;
  7. Reasonable conversations;
  8. Joy and praise for achievements and successes.

How not to raise children

It is not always enough to consider advice on how to properly raise a child, sometimes it is useful to learn about those things that are not acceptable in parenting. Often, many people do not even notice the mistakes they make.

All this comes from ignorance, generally accepted stereotypes and how parents themselves were brought up in childhood. Examples of how not to raise children include situations where parents:

In addition, parents do not know that in order to form a trusting relationship between the child and parents, it is necessary to develop the emotional intelligence of children.

To do this, adults in their speech need to describe their emotional state with phrases such as “I'm happy for you”, “I'm having fun”, “I'm sad”.

Similarly, it is worth describing the mood of the child, using the phrases: “you are upset”, “I see what you are experiencing”, “you really want to walk, but it's too late. You are upset that we do not let you go for a walk.

Good luck in raising children!

And a few more tips on raising a baby - in the next video.