How is seniority counted? General work experience

At the time of the onset of retirement age, the question arises of the correct execution and calculation of the due payments. Of great importance for the registration of an age pension is the total set of periods for the total length of service.

The concept of total work experience (OTS)

An entry about the professional employment of an individual before retirement must be entered in the employee's book. The concept of total work experience (OTS) means the total result of all professional activities of a person, which is regulated by the state at the legislative level.

In other words, the total duration of work and other activities required to receive a pension benefit is counted (FZ "On labor pensions of the Russian Federation").

The work book of the employee confirms the employment of the person and is the main factual collection of information about the OTS. With the help of the index of the sum of the total experience, the amount of the pension benefit associated with old age, disability and seniority is established.

The main requirements here are the need for professional employment only in the territory of the Russian Federation with a previous confirmation of insurance payments to the Pension Fund (PF) for the established amounts of money.

Making insurance payments is allowed to citizens of the Russian Federation who are at work in other states, if this is confirmed by the relevant international treaty documents.

OTS is classified as a type of work experience, which also consists of and. An indicator of the general period is the emergence of grounds for obtaining an age pension, the loss of a breadwinner due to his long-term illness, disability. Due to the longer period of professional activity, a person has the possibility of early retirement.

After the pension reform took place in 2002, the term OTS was replaced by insurance experience (SS). The concept of insurance came from the obligation of an individual to make regular contributions to the Pension Fund, thanks to which the due pension benefit will be accrued in the future.

What is included in the total work experience? How to calculate it?

The terms that are not included in the concept of general experience include: the time of education, personnel retraining, caring for the sick, minors, people with HIV infection, being in occupation during the Second World War.

Regarding the time for studying, it is worth noting that it is not labor, therefore it is not taken into account in pension calculations. In addition, insurance contributions to the PF do not occur here.

OTS periods include:

  • Service in the Armed Forces.
  • Caring for a baby up to a year and a half.
  • Disability due to illness considered temporary.
  • The period spent on the account in the employment service with the receipt of benefits for the unemployed.
  • Being in a pre-trial detention center, MLS due to unfounded accusations.
  • Public paid work.
  • Forced change of residence in the direction of the civil service.
  • Being with the spouse-contractor of the Armed Forces at the place of his appointment and the inability to find a job on the spot (only up to 5 years).
  • Care for a disabled person of the 1st group or a pensioner aged 80 or more.
  • Staying abroad, with monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Time spent with a spouse-diplomat, consul (no more than 5 years).
It will be necessary to calculate the total length of service after collecting the necessary documents for applying for a pension. The legislation of the Russian Federation designates a full work experience for women as 20 years, and for men - 25. The amount of the cash benefit is determined by the established average earnings and amounts to 55% of it.

According to the pension plan, overworked years add to the payment for each subsequent year from 1 to 20%. Therefore, for citizens who continue to work at retirement age, a constant adjustment of the coefficient is carried out.

The calculation is carried out in a simple and preferential way. In the first case, labor years are counted manually, by placing indicators in a column for each place of work. The preferential method is the most convenient, as it is represented by a special program on a PC.

To receive a basic pension, you must have 5 years of OTC. Then add the result obtained for all deductions made by the employee in the PF to the total years (calculated by months) during which payments will be made.

It is allowed to confirm the experience with a work book or the testimony of several witnesses, contracts, orders, extracts. The need for confirmation arises during natural disasters, when documents are irretrievably lost.

Any person can take care of himself in advance in his old age and make an informed choice in favor of the enterprise that works officially.

What is the difference and what is the relationship between the total work experience and insurance experience?

As soon as a person reaches the prescribed age period, he will be assigned a labor pension if he has at least 5 years of work in terms of insurance experience. There is no difference between the general labor and insurance experience - now these concepts are combined, they are one and the same. One term was replaced by another with the introduction of some nuances. Since 2015, the labor pension has been called insurance.

The insurance period consists of the paid funds paid in the PF. The characteristics of periods of insurance experience include:

  • the opportunity to receive benefits in case of temporary incapacity for work;
  • caring for disabled people of the 1st group, a minor, an elderly person (who is over 80 years old);
  • leave associated with caring for a baby up to one and a half years.
The term OTS itself evaluates all the rights of individuals who worked before January 1, 2002. From the beginning of this year, pension insurance payments to people retiring will affect its size. Therefore, the term will be used for some more time for a specific category of workers who worked before the beginning of 2002.

OTS is confirmed only by labor, and after 2002 - by documented accounting indicators for personification.

The total length of service is calculated with the installation of accumulative capital and valorization indicators. The length of the period according to the total length of service greatly affects the determination of the monetary calculation of the pension payments due.

Is total work experience taken into account when calculating pensions?

Legislation in Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions” and Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” defines the requirements on the basis of which the calculation and calculation of the due payment is made.

The total length of service until 01.01.2002 is considered a combined concept of all labor and employment useful to society. Its duration affects the accrual of the amount that is on the personal account of a civilian.

When issuing benefits, the UTS takes into account the rights of citizens affected by disasters (radiation or man-made); reduces the time for the start of pension payments due to prolonged stay or professional employment in the zone of radioactive contamination, especially after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1).

The types of employment that are counted in the total length of service include the following periods for insurance:

  • term of military service in the guards, mine rescue units, communications agencies;
  • creative activities (writers, theatergoers, artists, composers, cinematographers);
  • contract service in the Armed Forces, FSB, military units, internal affairs bodies, etc.;
  • work in all spheres and areas (from an employee to a collective farm member);
  • disability within a certain period that occurred at work: disability by group, work injury, occupational disease;
  • being in the MLS for more than the prescribed period;
  • assigned benefits for the unemployed; social work with pay; moving to another region of the Russian Federation due to professional necessity.
The calculation of all days according to the calendar is necessarily carried out for all months, especially if a person worked before 01/01/2002, except for employment for:
  • water transport with navigation in companies with seasonal industrial sectors (the whole year of operation is included, regardless of frequency);
  • the base of medical institutions that are related to leper colonies and anti-plague departments (they count a year as two);
  • service in units in the midst of hostilities, injuries received in battle, long-term rehabilitation, radiation (OTS is charged for three years).
The terms that increase the total length of service several times include:
  • labor during the Leningrad blockade (1:3);
  • employment during the Second World War 1941-1945 (1:2);
  • labor in the regions in the Far North (by 1.5 times);
  • draft military service (1:2);
  • unlawful sentencing, keeping a person under arrest, followed by rehabilitation (1:3);
  • forced work in the exclusion zone (for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, by 1.5 times).
Despite the fact that the reform abolished the term OTC since 2002, this concept will be relevant for a long time with the possibility of its use in calculations. Before the transformations, OTS meant all labor and social activities, and after that it meant only insurance experience (how much money you paid, so much money you will receive in old age).

In the pension legislation, the concept of "work experience" previously existed. It was one of the most important legal facts, in connection with which the right to accrue benefits and benefits comes.

Currently, it is identified with the concept of "insurance experience".

Concept and legal meaning

Seniority is the total duration of work and social activities calculated in a certain order, starting from the moment of reaching working age. Its calculation is necessary to obtain various guarantees and compensations established by law.

From a legal point of view, this is a fact, with the onset of which the right to receive pension payments, certain types of benefits, and benefits arises.

It has two characteristics:

  • quantitative, that is, the time period of the duration of the activity;
  • quality - represents the conditions in which a person worked, their harmfulness, danger, and so on.

The main document confirming its duration - employment history.

You can learn more about this concept from the following video:


Regulations distinguish several types of experience.


Defined as duration of work under employment contracts. Social activities also fall into this category.

Breaks in work do not affect the amount of time, since the calculation is based on the total amount of time worked. That is, if a person for some reason was not officially registered in an organization, with the further continuation of the activity, the experience will increase, its countdown will not start again. At the same time, the break period itself is not added to the working period.

Based on the value of this indicator, a pension for long service, disability, old age is calculated.

The types of activities to be included are:

  • work on, including those that began before the formation of the USSR, as an employee, worker, member of a collective farm and any other enterprise;
  • other work during which the person was subject to state insurance;
  • activities in residency, graduate school, etc.;
  • military service;
  • individual entrepreneurial activity;
  • working time by ;
  • participation in paid public works.

The following periods of time are not included in the total experience:

  • education in universities and colleges;
  • caring for a disabled person of group I;
  • residence of spouses of military personnel in areas where they could not find a job due to the impossibility of this action;
  • residence abroad of spouses of employees of any international organizations, as well as Soviet institutions;
  • caring for a child in the period starting 70 days before his birth and ending at the age of 3 years;
  • caring for a disabled child until they reach the age of 18.


This type refers to the total period of labor activity in certain industries, in certain positions, in certain areas, in special conditions.

These activities include:

  • work in difficult climatic conditions, for example, in the north;
  • harmful production;
  • labor in territories exposed to dangerous radioactive radiation;
  • employment in the security services.

Based on this period, a special preferential pension is assigned. Seniority is also included.


Represents period of continuous work in one or more enterprises.

Until 2007, the value of this period influenced the calculation of sick leave payments. However, at present, the amount of this benefit is determined depending on the total insurance period.

Continuity is maintained if:

  • the break in work was no more than a month;
  • a woman has a disabled child under the age of 16;
  • the break after dismissal by agreement of the parties is less than three weeks;
  • the dismissal was caused by the transfer of the spouse to another locality, as well as retirement.

The value of this indicator is not used to calculate pension payments.

Difference from insurance experience

Many people have come across these concepts, but not everyone knows what the difference is between them. The insurance period is applied when determining the right to accrue a pension from 2015.

According to the current law, payments are assigned when a person reaches retirement age and if there is a total insurance period of at least five years. This period includes the time for which contributions to the Pension Fund were accrued and paid, as well as some periods during which the person did not work:

  • caring for a disabled person of group I;
  • caring for a disabled child;
  • time of receipt of temporary disability benefits;
  • caring for a child up to one and a half years, but not more than six years in total;
  • caring for an elderly person over the age of 80.

Labor is used to determine the right to pension payments of citizens who worked before January 1, 2002. Currently, this concept is absent in the legislation. The amount of the pension accrued before the specified date depends on its duration. After it, payments are calculated differently.

Calculation procedure

When calculating the length of service for different purposes, the employee's work book is used, all. If it is absent, then the calculation is made on the basis of an employment contract, a certificate from a previous place of work, extracts from orders, payrolls and similar documents.

The specific calculation algorithm depends on the purpose of this procedure.

For pensions, benefits

In this case, every day of service is important, since the amount of payments depends on the length of the term. For the calculation, all periods of a person’s work are used, including the time of municipal service, as well as other types that involve the deduction of insurance premiums.

According to the legislation, when calculating for a month, a period of 30 days is considered, and a year is equated to 360 days.

The calculation procedure is as follows. To begin with, you should write out the start and end dates for all periods of employment. After that, the duration of each period is determined to the nearest day. Further, all the figures are summed up, the number of full years, months, days is indicated.

  1. First of all, you should count the days: 25 in September, 19 in December. Total 44 days or 1 month and 14 days.
  2. Next, calculate the months: 3 full months in 2012, 11 in 2014. Total 14 months or 1 year and 2 months.
  3. After determining the number of full years: 1 year in 2013.
  4. Now you need to add up all the resulting values: 1 year, 1 year and 2 months, 1 month and 14 days. Total 2 years, 3 months, 14 days.

This indicator is the total work experience.

For sick leave

The calculation to determine the amount of temporary disability benefits is carried out using the work book. The determination of the duration of the working period for this purpose must be made to the nearest day. If a person worked at several enterprises, the length of service is calculated for each place of employment.

The value directly affects . That is, the longer the period, the higher the accrual. According to the law, the dependence is as follows:

  • with an experience of up to 6 months, the amount of the allowance is equal to one minimum wage;
  • up to 5 years - 60% of the average salary;
  • up to 8 years - 80% of earnings;
  • more than 8 years - 100% of the average salary.

The calculation method is the same as for determining the amount of the pension. For example, if the term of a person’s work in total is 2 years, 3 months and 14 days, then the amount of payments will be 60% of the calculated one.

Using an online calculator

There is no need to manually calculate the periods of time included in the length of service. On the Internet you can find many special calculators. With their help, calculating the desired number is much easier and faster.

To do this, you need to fill in the fields, putting down the start and end dates of the work, after which the system will automatically determine the size of the indicator.

What is included in the total work experience ? Sooner or later, almost every one of us asks this question, because it will depend on the length of service for which pension after reaching the legal age, we will be able to claim. In the article below we will try to understand this concept.

What is meant by total work experience?

Speaking of general work experience, it is worth noting that this concept is quite common at the philistine level, but there is no such term in the legislation today. At the same time, earlier general work experience understood the total time period during which the employee carried out labor or other socially useful activities, giving him the right to social. guarantees (holidays, benefits, etc.) and registration of a labor pension.

After the pension reform, which was carried out in our country in 2002, the term " general work experience” was replaced by the term “insurance experience”. This was due to the introduction of a new system of social and pension insurance for the working population. From the moment the changes come into force, each employer is obliged to pay insurance premiums for their employees. All periods and, accordingly, the amounts paid to the Pension Fund are summed up, and on the basis of this, a pension is accrued to an employee who has reached retirement age.

In accordance with the current law, the period of insurance experience includes the time when a citizen directly carried out labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation and paid insurance premiums for it, plus other periods provided for by law:

  • the period of passage by a person of military or other service, equated to military at the legislative level;
  • the time during which one of the parents was on leave to care for each of the children born in the family, until they reach the age of one and a half years;
  • the period of time during which the citizen received benefits in connection with temporary disability;
  • the time spent by a citizen caring for a disabled person of 1 gr., a person aged 80 years or more, or a disabled child (regardless of the disability group);
  • the time period during which the person received unemployment benefits or was employed in paid public works;
  • the period of detention or exile of illegally convicted or repressed citizens, who were subsequently rehabilitated.

Special work experience

Speaking of types of work experience, it is impossible not to mention also such a variety of it as special work experience. Officially (in the regulatory framework), this term is not used, however, some of the provisions of Soviet legislation on special experience are also valid in modern labor law.

In this way, special work experience the period of work of a citizen in a certain production, in a special industry, climatic zone or associated with professions / positions that give him the right to additional pension benefits (early start of pension payments, their increased size, etc.) should be considered.

To date, such benefits are established in exceptional cases, and the range of grounds for their appointment is as narrow as possible in comparison with the Soviet period. According to the current legislation, they can count on special work experience:

  • persons with special working conditions, including, when they establish 1 or 2 disability groups, they have an injury or disease directly related to their professional activities;
  • persons who were employed in underground work or worked in hot shops;
  • persons entitled to benefits in connection with the length of service (this category should include members of the armed forces, doctors, teachers, etc.).

If you are going to retire or get a job, then you must know what seniority is and how to calculate it correctly. After all, not only the amount of future social payments, but also some allowances from the state will depend on the amount of experience.

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Definition of “Work experience”

The length of service for both men and women is the number of years that a person has worked at work. In some cases, the length of service may include a period when a citizen did not work for one reason or another. All these circumstances are described in the labor code of the Russian Federation. The total length of service can be calculated using a work book, in which all periods of a citizen's labor activity are entered.

The note! The rights to social benefits of a person will depend on the number and other characteristics of the length of service.

Types of work experience

In order to calculate the length of service correctly, it is necessary to define the types of experience, as well as to know how to correctly calculate. So, there are 3 types of experience:

  1. General work experience. Total work experience is the total number of years worked. When calculating the total length of service, the position or salary is not taken into account. The total number of years when a person worked for any enterprise or firm is calculated. The amount of a citizen's pension will depend on this type of experience.

    The note! It is worth noting that the years of study of a person at an institute or university can also be taken into account in the total experience. The corresponding entry is made in the work book after graduating from a higher educational institution or after receiving a diploma.

  2. . The further amount of the pension will not depend on this type of seniority, but it may affect additional benefits for the worker. An example of such benefits can be vouchers to sanatoriums, additional bonuses and other cash payments, as well as subsidies for utilities and other services.

    The note! This type of experience includes a period when a citizen held a certain position in one of the enterprises for a certain number of years (continuously).

  3. Special experience. The type of experience in which the number of years worked in a particular profession or position is taken into account. This experience includes the professions of military personnel, work in special services and bodies, etc.

In addition to these types of experience, there is also an insurance experience, which takes into account the periods when a citizen made insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. This type of seniority is taken into account when a person retires for old age.

The work experience includes the following periods:

  • Unemployment registration.
  • Service in the army, police department, as well as institutions of the system of correction of citizens.
  • Maternity leave and raising a child up to 1.5 years.
  • Participation in public works.
  • Long-term and short-term stay in exile or prison.
  • Disabled care.

These periods are stipulated by law and will be mandatory included in the general experience of a citizen, if before that a person worked at least 1 day, while enrollments were made to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Calculation of seniority

It is quite simple to calculate the length of service, for this you need to calculate the number of years worked, which are indicated in the work book. The minimum work experience is 20 years for women and 25 for men. If the length of service in your work book is lower, the amount of the pension will be reduced accordingly.

It is worth noting that the right to a pension also depends on insurance contributions to the pension fund. As a rule, these contributions are deducted from the salary of workers in formal employment. If, for one reason or another, a citizen is not officially employed, contributions on his behalf to the pension fund may not be made. That is why the government of the country is doing everything possible to ensure that every citizen is confident in his future and is introducing new pension reforms and systems.

The note! In order to calculate not only your length of service, but also the amount of monthly income after retirement, you need to contact the accounting department at the place of work and ask for a printout confirming insurance transfers, as well as an algorithm for calculating a pension.

Rules for calculating continuous work experience

Since 2007, when calculating the pension, the amount of continuous service is not taken into account. The amount of the pension depends only on the periods of time when the citizen made insurance payments. Only in some cases may the amount of continuous experience be required, for example, when comparing it with insurance.

The insurance period also includes the following periods:

  • Time spent caring for children until they are 1.5 years old (but no more than 4.5 years in general). It is worth noting that until 2014, a total period of only 3 years was taken into account.
  • A period of temporary disability, for example, pregnancy, when payments were made from the social. insurance.
  • Army and service in the Russian Armed Forces.
  • The time of caring for the disabled, including children, while the care must be carried out by an able-bodied person.
  • The time of residence of the family of military personnel in the area where they cannot get a job. In this case, the maximum insurance period is 5 years.
  • Time of residence of spouses (wives / husbands) abroad. If one of the spouses was sent to work abroad as a diplomat or researcher, his wife or husband has the right to receive an insurance period of up to 5 years.

All the aforementioned periods are taken into account only if the citizen worked before and after any of the periods.

Despite the fact that the term “general length of service” (OTS) is absent in the legislation after the pension reform was carried out in 2002, it has not lost its relevance and is used in certain calculations.

Before the reform, the total work experience was understood as the total time during which a person carried out labor and socially useful activities, which guaranteed him various social payments (benefits,) and accrual.

After the introduction of the new social insurance system, this term was replaced by "", which includes the time the employee was working, for which the employer paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and other periods provided for by law.

However, knowledge of the periods included in the OTC is necessary to calculate pension rights earned up to and including 31 December 2001. These periods are calculated on a calendar basis (another difference from the modern system), from the first day of work until dismissal, taking into account all non-working days (weekends and holidays, vacation days), and include:

  • work under an employment contract;
  • membership in collective farms, creative unions (artists and writers);
  • military service: in the army and armed forces, internal affairs bodies, foreign intelligence, FSB, etc.;
  • any work that involves the state pension insurance of the employee;
  • periods of temporary disability that occurred during work, including
  • obtaining disability of the first and second groups due to the production or nature of the work;
  • the time of caring for the elderly (over 80 years old), a disabled child (up to sixteen years old), a disabled person of the first group;
  • the period of care for a child (each) up to three years plus 70 days before childbirth (for non-working women);
  • the period of stay in custody and in places of deprivation of liberty, if the person was brought unreasonably and subsequently rehabilitated;
  • time of work in custody when making appropriate entries in the work book (from 09/01/1992);
  • receipt time .

In accordance with the current legislation, these periods are not counted and are not equated to any type of work due to the lack of payment of insurance premiums. This applies to calculations both for the period after January 1, 2002, and before.

After the enactment of the law on insurance experience, the total length of service of a working person after December 31, 2001 will be considered equal to zero.

Now its value is used to calculate part of the pension rights that were earned under the old legislation. From its duration, the initial pension capital is calculated and then the labor pension is established according to:

  • old age (in some cases early);

The total duration is set by summing up the dates from the beginning to the end of the periods taken into account, which are confirmed by a work book or other documents from the place of work, military ID cards and archival extracts.

Also, some periods can be confirmed by testimonies.

The exception is creative activity, individual, work in the farm.

Calculation procedure

From the employee's work book, it is necessary to write out all the dates of the employment records and all the dates of dismissal, and then add them up to get two amounts as a result, one of the dates of admission, the second of the dates of dismissals. Then you need to subtract the first from the second sum.

At the same time, one day from each place of work is lost, so a number equal to the number of entries in the work book must be added to the amount received.
The resulting figure must now be converted into years, months and days, given that the average number of days in a month is 30, and in a year there are 12 months.

  • June 25, 1995 - March 25, 1996 she worked as a secretary in OAO Trade;
  • March 30, 1996 - January 30, 1998 at Svet LLC;
  • February 1, 1998 - December 4, 2001 at Yunus CJSC.
  • Since January 11, 2002 Kravchenko P.F. worked for another organization.

Sum of recruitment dates:

  • 25.06.1995 + 30.03.1996 + 01.02.1988 = 56.11.5992
    The sum of the dates of dismissal from work:
  • 25.03.1996 + 30.01.1998 + 04.12.2001 = 59.16.5995
    We calculate the difference between the two sums:
  • 59.16.5995 – 56.11.5992 = 03.05.0003
    Which means 3 years, 11 months, 3 days.

Since the employee had three periods of hiring / dismissal, we will add another three days, and Kravchenko's total work experience will be 3 years, 11 months and 6 days.

What is the maximum period you can count on when receiving sick leave, you will find out if you follow the link and read ours.

What if the result is negative when subtracting?

If the number of months is negative, decrease the number of years. by one and add the number 12 to the negative number of months. Accordingly, if the number of days is negative, the months must be reduced by one and added to the days 30.

For example, we present all the data in the form of a table for better clarity:

Amount of tricks:
27.06.1996 + 19.04.1997 + 02.02.1999 = 48.12.5992

Amount of layoffs:
13.04.1997 + 31.02.1999 + 02.08.2001 = 46.14.5997

46.14.5997 – 48.12.5992 = (-02).02.0005

We subtract one from the number of months, add 30 to the days. (-2) + 30 \u003d 28

We also add three days (by the number of periods) and get a total length of service equal to five years, three months and one day (since we added three more days to 28 and got 31, and the average number of days is 30, we turn 31 back into month and one day).

Even after several reforms and many innovations, the correct calculation of the total length of service remains fundamentally important, since its duration in most cases significantly affects the value.