What rights does a large family have? The rights of a mother with many children. Preferential medical care, food and welfare

Families with many children from Moscow can enjoy certain benefits: housing, tax, medical and social benefits. To obtain them, you must have a certificate of large families, and they are established by federal and local legislation.


The main legislative act establishing the list of benefits for large families in Moscow in 2018 is Presidential Decree No. 431. It says that the authorities of the regions can independently determine the criteria for large families, as well as establish social support measures, however, they must be guided by the norms available in the Decree.

On the basis of this regulatory legal act, the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 23, 2005 No. 60 was issued, which explains which families belong to large families and what benefits and payments they are entitled to.

There is also a local Law of July 9, 2008 No. 33, which regulates the specifics of paying transport tax by citizens.

Who can claim benefits

The main document confirming the right to privileges is a certificate of having many children. It is issued to one of the parents for a family with three or more children under the age of 16. If a minor continues to study after receiving secondary education at a university on a full-time basis, preferences will be provided until he reaches the age of 18.

When social and other benefits are not provided to families with many children:

  • If the children are on full state support.
  • If parents were deprived or limited in their rights.

If the above criteria are met, citizens can issue a certificate of large families. To do this, they need to contact the Social Security Department at the registration address with a set of documents:

  • statement;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • the passport;
  • marriage certificate;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • a certificate from an educational institution, if the child continues to study after the 16th birthday;
  • a court decision on adoption (if any of the children is not native);
  • agreement on the place of residence of minors (if the parents are divorced);
  • photos 3 x 4.

Social Security employees are given 30 calendar days to consider the materials, after which the applicant is notified in writing of the decision. If it is negative, the notification will contain the reasons. You can fix them and reapply for identification.

If the decision is positive, the applicant must come to the Social Security to receive a document confirming the rights to privileges.

Important! Benefits do not start automatically after the certificate is issued. To use them, you need to apply for each of them, otherwise the family is left without preferences and payments.

List of benefits

The list of benefits that large families in Moscow can receive includes the following:

Social tax Medical Housing
Monthly compensation for the purchase of children's goods Exemption from the payment of transport tax, as well as the provision of a free parking space Provision of medicines for a child under 18 years of age is carried out at the expense of the state Free provision of land
Monthly allowance for families with 10 or more children If the owner of the plot is disabled or otherwise, he does not pay tax on land up to 600 square meters. m. Everything above is subject to taxation Provision of free vouchers to children's health camps Compensation for expenses for paying for housing and communal services (gas, water, heat, electricity, housing maintenance)
Payments to parents caring for a disabled child under 23 Tax deduction of 3,000 rubles. for employed parents Reimbursement for home phone use
Benefit to citizens in connection with the increase in food prices
Annual payment for the purchase of school uniforms
Provision of free baby food for children under seven years of age
Easy access to public transport
Free admission to parks, museums and exhibitions once a month
Payment for breakfasts and lunches at the school is made at the expense of the municipality
Priority admission to kindergartens

Now let's look at all the preferences in more detail:

  • Compensation for utility bills is carried out in the amount of 1,044 rubles. per month, if the family has three to five children, and 2,088 rubles. – if more than five minors.
  • Free use of public transport is only available for children and one parent.
  • The amount of compensation for a home phone is 250 rubles. monthly.
  • 10 000 rub. relies on families to buy clothes for school each year.
  • The amount of additional allowance for families with 10 or more children is 1,500 rubles.
  • If parents are raising more than five minors, they are transferred compensation of 1,800 rubles. for the purchase of children's goods.
  • If the income does not exceed the subsistence level, a monthly subsidy of 10,000 rubles is paid. for a child under three years of age. After the age of three, the amount of payments is reduced to 4,000 rubles.
  • Immediately at the birth of the baby, 14,500 rubles are paid. at the same time.
  • A parking permit is issued at Moscow Parking and gives the right to use free parking for one year.

Another important "benefits" is. Unlike the federal one, the amount of payments here is significantly lower - only 100,000 rubles. You can spend money on improving living conditions, paying off mortgage interest and the body of a housing loan, educating a child, or forming a funded part of a mother's pension.

The right to a local mother capital arises after the birth or adoption of a second child. It is issued through Social Security, the disposal of funds is carried out according to the certificate.

Important! As in the case of the federal, the regional capital is not issued in cash. It is spent only for certain purposes, the money is transferred by bank transfer.

You can find more information about benefits here:

How to apply for benefits

Various state and municipal organizations are involved in issuing benefits, so before you deal with this issue, you need to decide where to contact:

  • For tax preferences, documents are submitted to the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.
  • To receive payments and benefits, free tours, coupons for visiting exhibitions or reduced travel, as well as other social benefits, you should visit Social Security.
  • To place a child in a kindergarten, an application is sent to the Department of Education.
  • For free meals at school, documents should be submitted either to the leadership of the educational institution, or to Social Security - at your choice.
  • The Department of Social Protection is responsible for processing housing and communal services compensations.
  • To obtain a free piece of land, you must submit an application to the local administration.

The whole procedure for applying for preferences looks like this:

  1. The family determines which benefits it needs and which ones are required by law.
  2. Documents are being collected and an application is being prepared. All this is provided to an authorized organization.
  3. 10 days are allotted for consideration of materials. As a result, citizens receive a notification of the decision.

Consider, on a practical example, obtaining a tax relief on transport:

The Agapov family has a 200 hp passenger car. s., the father is the owner. In Moscow, there are no restrictions on engine power for tax exemption, so the owner can issue it. To do this, he visits the IFTS with an application, TCP, STS and a certificate. After consideration, the decision is sent to him in writing to the address indicated in the application.

Note! The IFTS recommends that you apply for benefits in advance, preferably in May-June, so that beneficiaries can be included in the appropriate register on time. Payment of property tax is made before December 1, but receipts are sent to payers before November 1 of the reporting period.

The documents

To take advantage of the benefits, citizens will have to bring certain lists of documents to different organizations, but there is a general list that may be needed in any case:

  • statement;
  • certificate of large families;
  • the passport;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • SNILS;
  • property documents (if a property tax benefit is issued);
  • income statements;
  • extract from the house book.

The receipt of benefits by large families from Moscow makes it possible to somewhat simplify life and provide children with the necessary social measures of assistance. To use them, parents just need to issue a certificate and contact the organizations responsible for providing state support.

Author: . Lawyer, specialist in labor, tax, criminal and business law, practical experience since 2013. Education: National Research University "BelSU", Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.
June 28, 2018 .

Last modified: January 2019

Benefits for large families are provided both at the federal level and by local executive authorities. The demographic situation that has developed in our country over the past few decades is forcing the Government to take a number of urgent measures to stabilize it. To increase the number of large families, a wide range of diverse support was developed and implemented.

Due to the fact that the provision of assistance and support for such social cells is assigned by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 431 of May 05, 1992 to local regional authorities, the very definition of a large family and the list of preferences and payments due to it vary significantly. Benefits for large families are determined by the area of ​​residence. There are a number of which we will describe below.

Basically, according to the legislative documents of most regions, families with many children are considered to be those in which they raise three or more children who have not reached their majority (18 years). In some municipal organizations, the minimum threshold has been increased to four or five children, or the age of counted children has been reduced from 18 to 16 years.

Also in most municipalities, the list of counted younger family members includes:

  • adopted children;
  • children in respect of whom guardianship was issued;
  • children who were born in previous unions of parents, but are part of the newly created family (stepdaughters and stepsons).

In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, this list is slightly expanded.

If the offspring receives education at the daytime department of an educational institution of an average or higher level or is a soldier in military service, then his age is extended from 18 to 23 years in many areas of the country. But there are regions in which the age of registered children from the category of students is not extended to 23 years, but is limited to 18 years or extended to 20-21 years.

Obtaining the status of a large family

In itself, the birth of a third or subsequent children does not give the family the status of having many children. To obtain it, you must contact the local department of social protection or the MFC with an application for the assignment of such status and a set of necessary documentation.

After consideration of the application, the family will be assigned the status of a large family, which will be the basis for assigning additional payments and preferences established for these categories.

What payments and benefits to large families are included in state support

State support for families raising three or more children extends to various areas of life. These include:

  • tax preferences;
  • labor and pension benefits;
  • privileges in medical care, in providing food and life;
  • state assistance in providing housing and land allotment;
  • advantages in the field of various services;
  • additional financial benefits.
Attention! All payments and preferences are not assigned automatically even after the family has been granted the status of having many children. To apply for any payment or privilege, you must contact the appropriate state institution and write an application for the accrual of financial payments or the assignment of benefits.

What financial benefits can be received at the birth of the third and subsequent babies

When a third and all subsequent babies appear, a large family has the right to count on the same payments that are assigned to families with one or two children. These payments include:
  • , assigned at the birth of a child (it does not depend on what account the baby was born in, and is equal to 16,759.1 rubles from January 1 to January 31, 2019, February 1, 2019 and later, then the amount of the benefit is 17,328.91 ), you can apply for a payment at the place of work of the father or mother or at the department of social protection if the parents are not employed. Required documents: a photocopy of the applicant's passport and the offspring's birth certificate, a certificate from the registry office and a certificate from the other parent's place of employment that the payment was not accrued to him.
  • for a newborn until they reach 1.5 years of age (its smallest size for the second and all subsequent children from 01.02. one year old. Appointed at the place of employment or in a social security institution.

Other payments are classified as regional and are not assigned in all subjects of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • Compensation for the 3rd and subsequent children, appointed up to the age of 3 on a monthly basis in the amount of the subsistence minimum per child in the region. It is issued in the social security authorities and was paid in 2018 in 60 municipalities.
  • when a third child appears in the family. Paid in some municipalities, its size is most often 100,000 rubles. As in the case of maternity capital, you can use it when the third child turns 3 years old and use it in the areas indicated in the legislative document of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Monthly surcharges for large families belonging to the category of the poor are assigned:

  • a mother on maternity leave until she is 3 years old (the amount of the supplement is determined by the local government);
  • minor family members (the amount of the additional payment is determined by the subsistence level per child in the region of destination).

Payments designed to compensate for the loss of part of the income from inflationary processes. These include:

  • compensation for large families to pay utility bills (in most municipalities, its amount is 30% of the total amount for a communal apartment, but in some regions this figure rises to 50%, for example, in the Republic of Crimea);
  • compensation associated with an increase in the price of food in the consumer basket (accrued in some regions of the Russian Federation for each child under 3 years old in poor cells of society raising three or more children in the amount of 675 rubles)

Payments are made at the place of employment of the parents or at the department of social protection. The basic documentation package includes:

  1. photocopies of passports of parents and children who have reached the age of 14;
  2. photocopies of certificates of birth of all family members who have not crossed the age limit of 14 years;
  3. a certificate of family composition issued at the MFC or the passport office;
  4. certificate of income issued from the place of employment of adult family members;
  5. certificate from the educational institution, if one of the children is a student.
Attention! When applying for benefits and payments, employees of state organizations are not entitled to require certificates that they can request themselves through internal channels, for example, a certificate of family composition or a certificate of benefits received.

Privileges for parents with many children in the field of work and pensions

When employed, parents of a family with the status of having many children are entitled to the following concessions:

  • Additional vacation, lasting 2 weeks, which is not paid. It is given to a father and a mother raising two or more children. The provision of such leave should be discussed with the employer and indicated as a separate clause in the employment contract.
  • With a 40-hour working week, a parent with many children has the right to 1 additional day off, which will be paid by the employer. For this, the father and mother must have official employment.
  • When looking for a job, parents with many children in the employment service are offered vacancies in the first place, assistance in finding work at home or with part-time employment, as well as of a temporary nature.
  • Parents have the right to undergo free retraining for professions that are in demand in the territory of their residence.

All of the above labor preferences are included in the employment contract when applying for a job. And the benefit for free retraining is being processed at the Central Scientific Research Center.

Retirement benefits for mothers with many children

A woman who has given birth to five or more children, who brings them up to at least 8 years of age, and has a work experience of 15 years or more, has the right to retire earlier than the generally established age of 50 years (instead of 55 years).

A woman who has worked in the Far North for 12 years or in areas with harsh climatic conditions for 17 years and has two or more children is also entitled to early retirement at the age of 50.

An important preference for mothers was the inclusion of vacation associated with the birth of a baby and looking after him in the total experience, which is taken into account when a woman goes on a well-deserved rest. As well as the accrual of pension points, both for the birth of the first child and all subsequent children. 1.8 points are awarded for the year of the decree for the first child, 3.6 for the second and 5.4 for the third and subsequent children.

Attention! Legislative acts provide for a limitation of the period that is included in the experience of a woman while she is on maternity leave, 6 years.

Mom's pension benefits are registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to prepare the following document package:

  • identity documents of senior family members and children;
  • a certificate confirming the family composition issued at the passport office or the MFC;
  • TIN of all family members;
  • certificates in the form 2-NDFL from the place of employment of parents.

Preferences in the field of medical care assistance in catering and recreation for children from a large family

Family members with the status of having many children are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Provision of prescription medicines for children up to the age of 6 is free of charge. In some regions, for example, in Moscow, medicines are prescribed free of charge for children under 16, and if they study full-time, then up to 18 years.
  • Service in medical institutions in the first place.
  • Providing younger family members with vitamins free of charge.
  • In some regions, medical services are provided to the mother of a large family with partial payment (or full exemption from it), for example, dental prosthetics
  • Rest of children in camps and placement of children for health improvement in sanatoriums with payment of a part of the permit or free of charge.
  • Issuance in some regions of the form for school and sports at no cost.
  • Organization of free meals for children in schools, vocational schools and secondary educational institutions.
  • Free visits by family members to cultural recreation sites (theater, museum, amusement park) once a month,

To apply for free meals, a parent should visit a school or educational institution and write an appropriate application, providing the following set of documentation:

  1. Photocopies of parents' passports.
  2. Photocopies of birth certificates for younger members of the family.
  3. A document confirming the registration of children, which is issued by the ZhEK or HOA.
  4. Certificates of parental income from the place of employment.

The educational institution itself, having considered the application, sends it to the local department of social protection.

If the trip to the camp was paid by the parents on their own, then you can return part of its cost (or in whole) by visiting the social security authority and presenting a check confirming the payment, a certificate certifying the child's stay in the camp and the contract.

If a child improves his health in a sanatorium, then the parents pay only 50% of the fare to him.

Benefits for large families in the field of taxation

The norms of the Tax Code for families with children provide for a standard tax deduction, which allows you to reduce the tax base by a certain amount. So if there is one child in the family, the base is reduced by 1400 rubles. The same thing happens if there are two children (1400 rubles each). At the birth of the third and all subsequent children, the base is reduced by 3,000 rubles. If one of the parents works in the family, then the reduction in the base occurs in a double amount.

For example (click to view)

There are 3 children under 18 in the Ivanov family. One father is employed. His salary is 45,000 rubles.

(1,400+ 1,400 + 3,000)×2=11,600 rubles for such an amount, the tax base is reduced, therefore, the father of the family will pay 13% personal income tax from 45,000 - 11,600 \u003d 33,400 rubles. Using the deduction, the family will save 11,600 × 0.13 = 1,508 rubles. monthly.

For cells of society with three or more minor children, the following tax breaks are also provided:

  • reduced land tax rate or complete exemption from its payment for a certain period (depending on the region):
  • when renting out a land allotment to a large family for farming, payment for it is not charged;
  • upon registration by the parents of an individual entrepreneur, exempting them from paying a partial (or full) registration fee;
  • partial from 20 to 70% (depending on the number of children) refund of money spent on paying for kindergarten.
  • partial or full exemption from vehicle tax (depending on the region), for example, in Moscow, if there are 3 or more children, a family does not pay tax on 1 car.

State assistance in the field of providing land and housing

The state provides large families with the right to at least 6 acres. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the size of the plot can be increased, but cannot exceed 15 acres. It is allowed to build a house, a summer residence or use it as a vegetable garden on the land plot received.

Families also have the following support options:

  • a subsidy that is issued for the construction of a dwelling;
  • provision of free housing under a lease agreement;
  • granting an apartment from the state to the property.

A subsidy is issued to repay a loan or interest when purchasing real estate for one's own finances.

In different subjects of the Russian Federation, there are programs of assistance in the construction of residential premises or the acquisition of it. Local executive authorities provide large families with loans on favorable terms, loans without charging interest, which are used to build a house or purchase materials for it.

Mortgage lending for this category of families provides for:

  • no down payment;
  • longer installment period up to 25-30 years;
  • deferment of the first payment for up to 3 years.
At the initiative of the President, in 2018, a state assistance program was launched in the form of families with a second or third child from January 1, 2018 and continues to operate in 2019.

To obtain a land allotment, a family must meet a number of mandatory requirements:

  1. The marriage union of parents is officially registered.
  2. The family does not own the land.
  3. Children live with their parents.
  4. Parents are registered as persons in need of housing.
  5. All members of the family are citizens of the Russian Federation and have lived in the region for at least 5 years.

Applicants for receiving housing from the state can only be those families that do not own any living space, their housing is recognized as dilapidated (emergency) or the area that falls on 1 person is much less than the standard established by law. Be sure to take into account the income part of the family in relation to the PM.

In order to be on the housing waiting list, you must visit your local government and submit an appropriate application along with the following documentation:

  • photocopies of the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation of parents and children over the age of 14;
  • copies of certificates of birth of all family members under 14 years of age;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • a certificate confirming the registration of the family in the region;
  • certificates of income of parents in the form 2 - personal income tax;
  • a certificate from the dean's office of the educational institution, if there are full-time students in the family;
  • documents confirming the fact of adoption or taking a child under guardianship, if any;
  • documents confirming the lack of ownership of housing or evidence of ownership of real estate (taken from Rosreestr);
  • The act of recognizing the dwelling as emergency or dilapidated, if it is owned by the family.
Worth knowing! The state may refuse to put in a queue for receiving housing from the state, if it is established that the conditions of residence have been specially worsened in order to receive an apartment in this way.

Additional preferences for large families

There are a few other perks that weren't mentioned above. These include:

  • free travel for children who study at school from this category of families on all types of transport (except fixed-route and ordinary taxis) around the city, as well as in suburban and intra-district directions;
  • free visits (or with partial payment) by children to various sections and circles organized on budgetary funds;
  • registration of children in a preschool institution out of turn;
  • one-time payments in preparing children for school (the amount depends on the region), for example, in Moscow, 7,500 rubles are allocated for a first grader, and 5,000 rubles for students of other classes.

State awards for large families

There is another type of state support for large families. This is the awarding of parents with honorary signs or orders.

The Order of Parental Glory is eligible for senior members of large families in which 6 or more children are brought up, at least until they reach the age of 8.

In addition to great moral satisfaction, awarding the order also brings material rewards:

  • a payment of 100,000 rubles, which is intended for the entire family;
  • EDV to the parent who was awarded the amount of 25,000 rubles.

In some subjects of the Russian Federation, additional awards and incentive bonuses have been established for them. For example, in the Kurgan region, mothers are awarded the badge of honor "Maternal Glory" of 3 degrees. And a premium is paid for receiving a badge of distinction of the 1st degree - 100,000 rubles, 50,000 rubles. - 2 degrees and 25,000 rubles. - 3 degrees.

To encourage and make life easier for large families, an extensive list of various payments and privileges is provided. Those citizens who belong to this category should be required to issue the status of large families and enjoy all the benefits.

Advice ! When registering the status, you should write down in the social security authorities all the preferences and payments due to the family that are valid in this region, indicating the terms and the list of required documentation.

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The appearance of a child in the family significantly affects the financial situation. The government supports citizens who have children by establishing the right to benefits for families with many children. Sometimes it is difficult for parents with many children to take advantage of privileges for a number of reasons. For example, it is easy to get confused by the laws and regulations that govern an issue. Sometimes local officials do not meet the needs of citizens who want to receive legal benefits. Therefore, it is better to know the list of privileges due to a large family in order to obtain them.

What families are considered large

The central government of the Russian Federation leaves the administration of the constituent entities the right to independently define large families. However, there are two general criteria that are taken into account for the approval of the corresponding status:

  1. The number of minors in the family. Almost everywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation, families with many children are recognized from the moment the spouses have a third child. The exception is subjects with positive fertility dynamics, where couples have many babies. This figure is higher there.
  1. The age of the eldest child must not exceed eighteen years. Sometimes the age threshold is even lower. For example, if a grown child gets an education, does not go to work and does not bring in income, the age threshold increases to twenty-three years. But in some regions this moment is not taken into account.

The legislator did not establish restrictions on the conditions for the appearance of children by a married couple. It could be:

  • birth in or out of wedlock;
  • adoption or placement of a child under guardianship;
  • the child is from a previous marriage.

In addition, mother and father can bring up the younger generation together or one by one. This does not affect status assignment.

IMPORTANT! Only parents who are deprived of parental rights by law will not receive benefits for large families, because then the state takes care of the children.

In other cases, subject to the above conditions, the family will be given the status of a large family if adults bring documents to social security to prove their position:

  • statement;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • photograph of the applicant;
  • an extract from the house book or a certificate from the passport office;
  • marriage or divorce certificate.

After the recognition of having many children, the applicant receives a certificate that proves the right of his large family to a number of benefits and privileges. And some bonuses can be received automatically, without registration of this status.

Thus, the regional authorities decide which families they have with many children. Local officials are required to provide parents with information about the entitlement privileges.

Federal benefits for large families

At the federal level, there is a minimum list of benefits for a large family. Local authorities can only expand it. In all parts of the state, based on Decree “On measures of social support for large families”, This category of citizens should receive the following assistance:

  • in the housing and utilities sector, parents with many children receive compensation for the funds spent on housing maintenance;
  • in the social sphere, the state guarantees assistance in obtaining education for children and parents;
  • in the regulation of labor relations, parents of a large family have an advantage in employment and are protected from layoffs;
  • in the tax sphere, various benefits and deductions are provided for large families;
  • children from a large family are entitled to free medical care.

To a greater extent, state guarantees of assistance to large families relate to the compensation of parents' expenses for the maintenance and upbringing of children and housing and communal services. In addition, the law gives the right to labor, tax benefits for large families and free medical care.

Tax incentives for large families

All tax benefits for large families are described in detail in the tax legislation. According to this document, if a family brings up three or more children (this number varies depending on the region), the state provides parents with standard and social tax deductions. Now a large family has the right to:

  • exemption from income tax on benefits received for children;
  • an increase in the income tax deduction from the wages of parents for the third child. This right is not lost even after the older children reach the age of majority. To increase the deduction, you need to write an application to the accounting department, which itself will submit the necessary documents to the tax office;
  • reduction of the land tax rate or exemption from it;
  • when organizing a peasant farm or opening an individual entrepreneur, parents have the opportunity to enjoy a number of reliefs when paying property tax. Unfortunately, in many regions the mechanism for implementing this part of the law does not work well, and beneficiaries do not receive their tax privileges;
  • in some regions, one of the parents is exempt from property tax and from vehicle tax per car.

Such taxation eases the fiscal burden on beneficiaries.

labor benefits

Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees citizens with many children a number of benefits and advantages in the field of work. First, the regions provide assistance to large families in finding employment. Secondly, parents are entitled to free education in accordance with the needs of the labor market.

Thirdly, Part 4 Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits employers from firing an employee on their own initiative if he is the only breadwinner in a large family. The exception is the moments when the liquidation of the organization / individual entrepreneur occurs or the guilty actions of the employee take place.

Fourth, in accordance with Art. 263 TK, a parent with many children has the right to take additional annual leave at his own expense at a convenient time.

Fifth, upon dismissal, a parent may not work for the required two weeks if he leaves because he needs to take care of the children.

ATTENTION! In addition to the above benefits, families with three children are supported by the trade union in the form of priority provision of cheap vouchers to a sanatorium or gifts for the New Year.

The employer is obliged to observe the rights of an employee with many children enshrined in law. In case of their violation, it is necessary to seek protection in court.

Medical service

The state has provided benefits for large families in the medical field. In the regions of the Russian Federation, children from this category have the right to count on privileges:

  • Such patients are primarily served in clinics and hospitals.
  • Free prescription drugs for children under six.
  • Payment for a ticket to a health resort for a child. If the parent is traveling with him, but his travel expenses will only be repaid by half.
  • A child from a large family is entitled to free medical care. The state is obliged to assume all expenses, and not just those included in the usual minimum for insurance.

It should be remembered that benefits in the provision of medical services are provided only in public institutions. Parents will have to pay for the services of private clinics on their own.

Benefits for utility bills

A significant share of family budget expenditures falls on utility bills and home heating. Therefore, the state provides large families with the following benefits in this area:

  • ensuring a reduction in utility bills by at least 30%;
  • beneficiaries are entitled to compensation for the cost of purchasing fuel if they do not have central heating, this situation is still not uncommon in rural areas;
  • this category of citizens has the right to receive housing under the social hiring program.

Starting this year, a program of preferential mortgage lending for large families begins to operate. Now such families are eligible for a loan at a rate of 6% if the third or later child was born after 01/01/18, but before 12/31/22.

You can use the subsidy to purchase housing in the primary market, having the opportunity to pay a down payment of 20% of the cost of the apartment. His parents have the right to contribute from maternity capital.

The preferential mortgage rate is valid for five years, and then increases, but is calculated according to a special formula. If parents have already purchased housing on a mortgage on a general basis, and then became large families, then, upon application, the debt will be recalculated taking into account their new status.

These benefits are valid throughout the country. The regional authorities determine the mechanism for their implementation, so some details on this issue in different parts of Russia may not coincide.

Privileges for large families in the regions

The regions of the Russian Federation are obliged to comply with the minimum benefits established by the federal government in the field of housing and communal services. For example, a family that has the status of a large family should receive a 30% discount when paying for a communal apartment. In some areas, this figure has been increased to 50%.

Depending on the economic situation of the region, additional local benefits are established for large families. For example, in Moscow, families with more than three children, in addition to a discount on utility bills, are entitled to pay for garbage collection in the amount of 50% of the cost of this service and only for adult family members.

In addition, in the Moscow region, families with ten or more minor children pay half the cost of the occupied housing if it was provided from the social rent fund.

Similarly to the above example, state support for large families in the housing and communal services sector also operates in other regions of the country.

Transport benefits

Almost always, citizens with many children are forced to use urban or personal transport. This invariably incurs significant travel costs. Therefore, such families receive the following transport privileges from the state:

  • All family members can use public city transport free of charge after presenting a certificate of having many children.
  • The state repays 50% of the cost of tickets for suburban buses and trains.
  • Sometimes a mother or father is exempt from paying car tax.

This type of state assistance to families with many children is especially important for city residents.

Social Benefits

Having the status of having many children, it is possible to apply for a number of social benefits to reduce the cost of maintaining children. This includes the following types of assistance:

  • when earning less than the minimum wage, the couple has the right to up to one and a half years;
  • from one and a half to three years of the child, parents receive an allowance in the amount of 1 minimum wage, if this is the first child, and 2 minimum wages for subsequent ones. The same amount is paid for an adopted child, if he is the third in a row;
  • the right of the child to take a place in the preferential queue when determining him to kindergarten is guaranteed;
  • when a child visits a child care facility, parents are compensated for the payment of his services. The mechanism for exercising this right depends on the power of the subject. Basically, a refund is made: 20% is returned for the first baby, 50% for the second, and 70% for the third;
  • parents of schoolchildren receive assistance in providing school and sports uniforms for their children: clothes are given out or their purchase is compensated with a cash payment;
  • in state educational institutions, a minor is provided with a preferential lunch;
  • children from large families can visit the museum once a month for free.

All these privileges enable parents to provide their children with everything they need even with modest incomes.

Benefits for large families

In addition to all of the above, large families receive various payments and benefits from the state. This issue is regulated by the following legal acts:

  • "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children";
  • "On additional measures of state support for families with children".

According to these documents, the specified category of citizens is entitled to the following benefits:

  • After the birth of the second child, the parents will receive the amount every month for eighteen months.
  • Reimbursement for rising cost of living.
  • Allowance for the purchase of children's goods.
  • Reimbursement for the rising cost of food.
  • Telephone reimbursement.
  • If there are ten or more children, then each of them is entitled to about seven hundred rubles every month.
  • Having given birth to ten or more children, a woman should receive an additional payment to her pension. Such large families each year receive ten thousand rubles for the family day and fifteen thousand rubles for the day of knowledge.
  • Parents raising seven or more children are awarded the Order of Parental Glory and receive one hundred thousand rubles at a time.

ATTENTION! At the birth of a child, the mother has the right to receive the standard payments due to women in childbirth, as well as maternity capital, if this is not the first-born. The amount of such assistance is the same for the entire territory of the country and is constantly indexed.

These measures significantly reduce the financial burden on parents with many children.

Provision of a land plot

Seven years ago, the legislator gave the right to large families to receive a land plot free of charge. It is allowed to run a household, farm, build a house, register and so on.

But in view of the fact that the allotment is provided not by the Russian Federation, but by local authorities, the size of its territory and location is determined at the regional level. To obtain land, you should contact the local or regional authorities with this question.

So in Russia the right of large families to receive a land allotment in their property is realized. The future owner cannot choose where and what kind of land to get. Beneficiaries are given something that is not involved in the regional economy. Often, local authorities offer plots that are unusable. In this situation, you can only refuse the proposed option and wait for a more acceptable one.

The state provides comprehensive support to families with many children so that citizens can provide for children and seriously save the family budget. This state policy is designed to help improve the demographic situation in the country.

Parents raising 3 or more children are considered to have many children, and it does not matter whether they are born or adopted. For such families, the state provides an extensive list of benefits, but not everyone is familiar with them. In addition, each year some payments are indexed, others are canceled or new ones are added. In order to timely apply for one or another type of state support, it is worth studying what benefits are provided to large families in 2018.

What is a large family

According to the legislation of Russia, such a family is considered to be a family in which there are three or more minor children under the age of 16 or under 18 if they are studying in educational institutions that carry out general education programs. Both natural and adopted children, stepdaughters and stepchildren are taken into account. For some regions of the country, due to the increased birth rate, families with many children begin to be considered after the appearance of the fourth child.

The category of children may include adults under 23 years of age who are full-time students in a higher educational institution or who are serving in the military. Such conditions are not typical for all regions. The main document containing a system of measures to improve the quality of life of large families is the Federal Law "On State Support for Large Families", adopted on November 17, 1999. Its purpose is to provide conditions for family well-being. Each chapter of the law contains certain information:

  1. First. Reflects the basic rules and scope of the law, determines the procedure for the implementation of state support and financing of parents with many children.
  2. Second. Describes the requirements for the care and upbringing of children, provides a complete list of benefits and rights provided to such families.
  3. Third. Contains final provisions regarding social associations, non-compliance with the law, documentation and entry into force.

This is a law regulating the position of parents with many children at the federal level. The state does not give an exact definition of the status of large families for the entire territory of the country. Legislatively, it is established at the regional level in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992 "On measures for the social support of large families." Based on this document, each region, when establishing large families, must take into account the demographic, national and socio-economic characteristics of the population. He also describes the benefits in 2018.

What is due to large families

The list of eligible benefits is determined by Presidential Decree No. 431. They concern many areas of life of such families, including education, health, nutrition, provision of clothing, land, and utilities. In general, the following types of subsidies are distinguished:

  1. Tax. To pay utility bills. Each region has its own discount, but the total should not be less than 30%. The benefit concerns payment for heat supply, water, electricity, various types of fuel, and sewerage.
  2. The use of travel tickets is free. Children will be able to get to school and other institutions without spending money. Provided for students only. Children under 6 years old ride minibuses, buses or trolleybuses for free.
  3. To the cultural realm. It concerns development and the opportunity to learn something new. Children are provided with free tickets to museums, theaters, parks, and exhibitions. This includes preferential registration in budget circles and sections.
  4. A trip on suburban public transport with a 50% discount. The same goes for the children themselves.
  5. For medical assistance. The child can be sent to a sanatorium for rehabilitation free of charge. Depending on the treatment program, the parent either does not pay at all, or pays for some part of the voucher.
  6. Free meals. Applies to breakfasts and lunches in general education and vocational schools.
  7. Getting a school uniform. Issued for the entire period of study. This also applies to sports uniforms.
  8. Purchase of medicines. If the baby is under 6 years old, then medicines for him can be obtained free of charge. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor.
  9. Admission to preschool. Children of parents with many children go first in the queue list.
  10. Payment for first graders. Is 7500 r. For students in grades 2-11, they pay 5000 rubles. Additionally, on a monthly basis, parents can receive an allowance for the purchase of stationery for each student.

Payments to large families

Financial assistance to large families, including the poor, is provided at the federal and regional levels. Payments are the same for almost all benefits, the difference is only in the amount of money. The state provides the first support already from the moment of pregnancy of women. They receive the following benefits:

  1. In connection with registration for pregnancy and childbirth. A woman registered with an antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of age is entitled to a cash benefit. In 2018, it will amount to 613.14 rubles.
  2. On pregnancy and childbirth. Depending on the income of a woman in 2016 and 2018, she will be paid a certain amount, which is 100% of her salary. Non-working students also have the opportunity to receive benefits. You need to contact the dean's office for it. The amount of support in 2018 will be 1400 rubles.
  3. At the birth of a baby. In 2018, it will be equal to 16350.33 rubles. For the wives of military personnel, this amount is 24,500 rubles. Documents for this benefit must be submitted no later than the gestational age of 6 months.

Further payments are made after the birth of the child. They are also monthly and depend on the mother's salary. The list of such payments includes the following:

  1. Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years. You can apply for it after the baby is born. The amount of the allowance is calculated taking into account the income of a woman for 2016-2017. They take 4% of wages. At the birth of the third and subsequent children, the amount of the allowance is within the limits of 6131.37-23089.04 rubles.
  2. Compensatory payment for the care of a 1.5-3 year old baby. More often it represents the subsistence minimum for the region.
  3. Maternal capital. It is supposed if the parents did not receive it and did not use it after the birth of the second baby. In 2018, the mother's capital will be indexed and will amount to 505 thousand rubles.

Financial support from the state is also provided at the regional level. Assistance can be a lump sum or in the form of monthly payments. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are provided with an allowance of 10 living wages at the birth of their third baby. It is shown to parents who are not yet 30 years old. For comparison, in Volgograd the same categories of the population can count on only 16,000 rubles, in the Sverdlovsk region - only 10,000 rubles, in Yaroslavl and Saratov - 2,000 rubles, in Chukotka - 5,000 rubles.

Social support for large families in Russia

Assistance and benefits for large families in 2018 will be provided at the federal and regional levels. Support has an extensive system, affecting all spheres of life of parents. There are federal and regional funding sources. They provide material assistance, medicines, household items, food, and various benefits.

Support is expressed in the form of rights that are necessarily granted to large families, additional and extraordinary opportunities. The latter relate, for example, to obtaining a garden plot, priority provision of a place for treatment in a hospital or for attending a kindergarten. Assistance is provided to both children and parents:

  1. For kids. The opportunity to receive free milk meals, free prescription drugs, school breakfasts and lunches, free textbooks, attendance at sports clubs, vacations in summer camps or sanatoriums.
  2. For parents. They are granted the right to free travel on public transport, exemption from transport tax, visiting zoos, museums, exhibitions with children, receiving out of turn garden plots, an apartment or budget subsidies for its construction (territorially limited to the country), additional payments to pensions, temporary use of social housing with the number of children from 5, the right to compensation for the cost of home telephony.

tax incentives

In order to reduce the expenses of parents, tax incentives are provided for families with many children in 2018. They are special deductions - various amounts of money that are not taxed. These benefits fall into two main categories:

  • standard, which are intended for every minor;
  • social in the form of one-time payments, which are returned by the tax service after payment.

An important condition for receiving benefits is the age of children under 18 years of age or their full-time education. Of the required documents from parents, a 2-personal income tax certificate, a certificate from a school, technical school or university, and an application are required. If available, the following benefits are available:

  • reduction of the land tax rate, its non-payment on time;
  • discounts on rent for the use of land for farming;
  • exemption from paying the registration fee for those engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  • return of 20-70% of the kindergarten fee;
  • the opportunity not to pay rent for land plots for farming or peasant farming;
  • 30% discount on utility bills.


Officially employed parents are entitled to labor benefits. They are provided by the employer or the state. By concluding an employment contract in accordance with the law, a mother or father is entitled to the following types of benefits:

  1. Early retirement for women is not at 55, but at 50. The work experience must be at least 15 years.
  2. Extended vacation by 2 weeks. Provided at a convenient time for parents.
  3. An additional day off during the working week, which is paid.
  4. Accrual of pension points even during maternity leave, due to which the pension of a mother with many children will be increased.
  5. Assistance by the employment service in the employment of parents with many children, their retraining, the provision of profitable vacancies associated with part-time work or domestic work.

In the field of education

Parents with many children have the right to receive a tax deduction for the actual payment for the education of their children. The payment does not exceed 50,000 rubles. Such benefits will not be provided if tuition was paid with the help of maternity capital. Other educational benefits include:

  • priority admission to kindergartens;
  • 70% discount on payment for kindergarten services;
  • free breakfasts and lunches in educational institutions;
  • in the absence of a canteen, payment of material assistance at the rate of 40 rubles per day;
  • cash payment 1 time in 3 years for the purchase of a school uniform or a set of clothes replacing it for attending classes and a tracksuit;
  • free travel on intracity transport, buses of intra-district and suburban lines.

Provision of land and housing

Benefits and payments to large families in 2018 also apply to housing conditions. The purpose of this support is to provide children with the personal space they need to develop fully. This problem is very acute, as the living conditions of many families are unsanitary. Understanding this, the state provides the following benefits:

  1. Provision of land. The family has the right to receive a plot of 6-15 acres. It is used for a garden, summer cottage or housing construction.
  2. Social housing under the contract of employment. Provided by local municipalities. The condition for the provision of social housing is the discrepancy between the area per family member and the established norms.
  3. Acquisition of housing. The local government provides subsidies, credit or interest-free loans to buy a home or build a house. When applying for a mortgage, families are exempted from paying the first installment, and the payment period for them is increased.

Benefits for large families in Moscow

The highest level of benefits in Russia is typical for Moscow and the Moscow Region. At the birth of a third baby, parents are paid 173,000 rubles. In this region, new benefits for large families are expected in 2018. The authorities are still deciding to introduce a program called "Children's Housing Deduction". It involves the repayment of a certain part of the mortgage debt by the state. The authorities intend to pay up to 75% of the loan.

Registration of benefits

Difficulties in registration relate to the collection of necessary papers. There is no one document that would guarantee the automatic receipt of any subsidy. They are determined by specific organizations where parents apply. In addition, before receiving subsidies, you need to make sure that you are eligible for them. A certain region sets its own criteria for large families. For each child, it is necessary to issue not only a birth certificate, but also an identification code issued by the tax office.

Where to go

To receive a subsidy, you must contact the employees of local governments with a package of mandatory documents. The Pension Fund is responsible for pension issues, and the Federal Tax Service is responsible for tax issues. Most of the subsidies are handled by social security authorities or MFCs. Taking into account the benefits being issued, it may be necessary to contact employees of organizations from the following general list:

  • departments of the FMS;
  • local branch of the FIU;
  • Rosreestr;
  • Housing Authority;
  • city ​​or district social service fund.

The procedure for applying for benefits and subsidies

A parent, guardian or legal representative of the children must be involved in obtaining a particular privilege. First you need to decide on the authority responsible for the subsidy that you want to issue. A list of required documents will also be provided. The algorithm for obtaining subsidies is as follows:

  • contact the intended place of receipt of the service, consult about the necessary papers;
  • prepare a package of documents;
  • at the place where the privilege is granted, submit an application, attach related documentation;
  • wait for an answer, which is issued after 10-15 days from the date of submission;
  • receive a decision, in case of refusal, contact the employees of a higher authority for appeal.

What documents are needed

The main necessary document for obtaining subsidies is a certificate of large families. To issue this paper, birth certificates of all children, mother's and father's passports, 2 passport-sized photographs each, a certificate of family composition and a certificate of marriage or its dissolution are required. In addition to the certificate of having many children, when applying for a subsidy, the following are mandatory:

  • parents' passports;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of debts for utilities;
  • parents' income certificates;
  • real estate documents.

Depending on the type of grant being processed, a number of other documents may be required. For their clarification, you must contact the place of receipt of the service. Additional documents include:

  • building permit;
  • documents on land ownership;
  • a construction project created by an organization holding a license for such activities;
  • construction estimates that do not include labor costs for workers;
  • cadastral passport of an already built house and documents reflecting the costs of its construction.
