What are the ways to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? What can help with heartburn during pregnancy? Folk remedy for heartburn during pregnancy

The normal course of pregnancy is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, the most common of which is heartburn. Gastroenterology identifies it as a special condition, which is classified as "pregnancy heartburn." It is not at all harmless and can have dangerous consequences.

A sharp increase in the volume of the uterus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy inevitably changes the relative position of the abdominal organs and the muscular septum - the diaphragm, which changes the configuration of the stomach and esophagus. As a result, the muscular valve separating them (lower esophageal sphincter, hereinafter - LES) weakens, and the contents of the stomach are freely squeezed out into the esophagus. This phenomenon is called reflux.

Regular heartburn is a sure sign of reflux. It is provoked by excess pressure in the stomach as a result of the accumulation of food masses and (or) gases.

An increase in pressure inside the peritoneum causes a squeezing (clamping) of the gastrointestinal tract in a pregnant woman and limits the amplitude of the peristaltic waves of their muscle walls. The consequences of this are:

  • weakening of the muscle tone of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES);
  • weakening of peristalsis of the stomach;
  • weakening of the peristalsis of the esophagus;
  • spasm of the sphincter of Oddi (valve through which bile enters the duodenum).

Spasm of the sphincter of Oddi causes bile stasis and excess pressure in the bile ducts. Untimely release of bile into the duodenum causes its spasm, reflux of bile into the stomach (bile reflux), then into the esophagus. Bile acids irritate its walls and cause heartburn like stomach contents.

The second cause of heartburn in pregnant women is the presence in the blood of the hormone progesterone, which weakens the muscle tone of the uterus, and at the same time NPS, which causes an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Increased acidity of gastric juice is an additional factor of mucosal irritation in an episode of reflux (while the LES is open).

Heartburn can also act as a manifestation of other diseases of the digestive tract, exacerbated during pregnancy.

The acidic environment inside the esophageal tube, which persists for a long time, inevitably leads to mucosal lesions similar to a burn, thinning and rupture of the walls of the esophagus.

To prevent heartburn, a fractional diet and exclusion from the diet of foods that cause gas formation and bloating are necessary. In the last trimester of pregnancy, when the increase in intra-abdominal pressure is maximum, special attention should be paid to the normal functioning of the intestines, avoiding either excessive relaxation or consolidation of the stool. It is very important to monitor regular bowel movements and not overeat.

To maintain the normal peristalsis of the digestive tract will allow optimization of the regime of work and rest, taking drugs that facilitate digestion, on the recommendation of a doctor.

Important! Heartburn attacks should be relieved, avoiding, if possible, medications (including those based on herbs) that are harmless at first glance.

Thorough chewing of food is extremely important: it ensures complete impregnation with saliva, prevents air from entering the digestive tract, and ensures normal peristalsis of the esophagus.

The high head of the bed prevents the flow of gastric contents into the esophagus. For the same reason, you should not go to bed immediately after eating. The horizontal position can be taken no earlier than 45 minutes.

As a rule, pregnant women have a good appetite, but the expectant mother should control weight gain. Extra pounds increase the risk of heartburn. Hiking in the fresh air is a great opportunity to spend extra calories and saturate the body with oxygen.

If there are no contraindications, you can do fitness for pregnant women or do light exercises on your own. Leisurely walking will speed up the evacuation of food from the stomach, reduce the risk of heartburn.

Caution: Phytotherapy!

When deciding to engage in herbal medicine, you should remember that:

  1. the shelf life of medicinal raw materials does not exceed 3 years, provided it is properly stored;
  2. herbal raw materials should be purchased exclusively from trusted people;
  3. the preparation of medicines should not be trusted to outsiders;
  4. do not arbitrarily exceed recommended doses any medicines.

Heartburn - every second pregnant woman has to deal with it. Most often, it appears after the 20th week of pregnancy and remains until the birth of the child. One of the risk factors is the quantity and quality of food eaten. Therefore, the time of the New Year holidays with parties at work and a feast at home may well provoke heartburn. What can be done to prevent or alleviate these sensations?

What is heartburn

Heartburn- a feeling of warmth or burning in the chest, which occurs some time after eating. Most often, heartburn occurs in the evening. According to popular belief, she worries the expectant mother when the baby's hair grows. In fact heartburn occurs due to the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the lower esophagus. This happens because during pregnancy, the muscular sphincter, located between the esophagus and stomach, relaxes under the influence of the hormone progesterone. Another cause of heartburn is an enlarged uterus that presses on neighboring organs: the stomach, intestines. As a result, the volume of the stomach decreases, and even the usual amount of food can lead to overflow and reflux of food back into the esophagus.

No drugs

  • Eliminate or reduce fatty, fried foods and chocolate in your diet, as these foods provoke additional relaxation of the esophageal sphincter.
  • Eat fractionally: 5-6 times a day at intervals of 1.5-2 hours and in small portions. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Heartburn usually occurs within the first two hours after eating, so try not to lie down immediately after eating.
  • Try sleeping on a bed with a raised head end (you can put another pillow).

Despite the fact that heartburn is quite unpleasant for the mother, it does not have any negative effect on the baby. Start the fight against heartburn with proper nutrition, and you may not need medication.

Home remedies for heartburn

You can try to use folk remedies, it is only important that they are safe. For example, milk helps with heartburn, just a few sips - and the unpleasant burning sensation passes. It has the same effect grapefruit and carrot juice. You can get rid of heartburn with the help of different nuts(walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), but they are more likely to prevent heartburn than to eliminate an already appeared one. Ordinary medicines help someone cope with heartburn. seeds, but here, as with nuts, one must observe the measure. A few nuts or grains are great, but you shouldn’t eat them in kilograms, they contain a lot of fat and are very high in calories.

We use carefully

Expectant mother preferably if possible do not take antispasmodics unnecessarily(drugs that relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs), for example, H o-shpu, papaverine, as they relax the esophageal sphincter and thus contribute to heartburn. Some herbs, such as mint, have the same effect.

Soda is often used to get rid of heartburn. It really helps to relieve the unpleasant burning sensation very quickly, but at the same time it works for a short time. In addition, when baking soda interacts with gastric juice, carbon dioxide is formed, which has a strong juice effect - as a result, new portions of hydrochloric acid are produced, and heartburn resumes. It should be borne in mind that sodium, which is contained in baking soda, is absorbed in the intestines and can lead to edema, and this is completely undesirable for expectant mothers.

Safe medicines for heartburn

During pregnancy, you can use the so-called antacids. These medicines contain salts of magnesium and aluminum. They neutralize the acid that is part of the gastric juice, form a protective film on the wall of the stomach, increase the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. Nowadays, the most commonly used Maalox, Almagel, Rennie, Gaviscon. A side effect of some antacids is the occurrence of constipation (due to calcium or aluminum salts), and magnesium, on the contrary, has a laxative effect. Therefore, long-term use of these drugs is not worth it. When taking antacids, be aware that they can absorb other medications. Therefore, some time should elapse between taking antacids and other drugs.


Coffee ice cream in a waffle cup helps me

02/07/2019 00:51:43, Julia

And why is soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate) better than antacid preparations (containing sodium hydrogen carbonate and chalk (calcium salts))?

05/26/2017 17:35:18, Anastasia7890

Ayran helps a lot, he is also called Tan. Such a fermented milk product, kefir also helps, but it is sourer and thicker. Milk helps, it's true, sometimes I drink Borjomi, after releasing gases. But Airana hasn't found anything better yet.

04/10/2017 10:16:41 PM, Emerald

Fresh cucumber is good for heartburn.

04/07/2017 21:38:16, Lenochka96

Kefir with the addition of water helps me a lot

03/30/2017 14:51:11, Nazila

hello how to get rid of heartburn

03/12/2017 13:23:09, Shirin

I eat during pregnancy with heartburn 1 piece of persimmon and it helps me. maybe it will help someone too.

12/19/2016 07:25:37 PM, Maria153

Seeds helped me, and grapefruit really causes heartburn even more!

04/04/2016 22:33:03, Katya1305

How could you write that grapefruit juice relieves heartburn?? After the first slice, heartburn doubled! With heartburn, you can not eat foods that irritate the esophageal mucosa and provoke the production of excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach!

08/02/2015 03:17:49 PM

I always eat apples during pregnancy. They always help me and during this period they replace everything.

Comment on the article "Heartburn during pregnancy: how to get rid of it? 4 ways to treat heartburn"

Heartburn. Science has discovered the cause of heartburn in pregnant women. What are the main causes of heartburn and how to deal with it. Section: (if a pregnant woman has heartburn, who is she waiting for).


I'm abusing :)
Progesterone, produced during pregnancy, relaxes the muscles (the uterus, for example, so that there is no tone). At the same time, it acts on the sphincters (circular muscles) between the stomach and esophagus, as well as between the intestines and the stomach. Thus, the contents of the intestine (with bile) can enter the stomach and irritate it. Similarly, the contents of the stomach can be thrown into the esophagus and irritate the mucous membrane. Keep in mind that in this case, the growing fetus presses on the intestines, so the pressure in the intestines increases, which further contributes to reflux.
Fractional nutrition, diet, and pharmaceutical preparations will help alleviate the condition.
I had reflux esophagitis before B. And during B, everything intensified. I took Gaviscon. This is an antacid drug, it does not enter the systemic circulation, so it can also be used by pregnant women. By the way, for pregnant women they release it in the form of a suspension. I then still bought in bags, but now I saw it on sale in bottles.
I also drank mineral water (Esentuki 17 and 4), it seemed to help. But I drank it without measure (summer, heat, and it is salty and with bubbles), so I swelled a lot (probably due to salts). Therefore, the gynecologist forbade me to drink mineral water.
It will get easier after giving birth.

A break between food and drink is essential.

Why does heartburn happen? How does heartburn occur? Important! Heartburn can be caused by the reflux of duodenal contents into the esophagus. Expectant mothers often experience heartburn in the late ...


everyone has their own. I have from pregnancy and any sweets with menthol, for example, lozenges for sore throats, honey and paprika.
I save myself with milk, ice cream, and if it's really bad - Rennie.

from not very fresh (according to the date of manufacture, not to taste) store-bought cookies. there is not butter but margarine - it gives excruciating heartburn.

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. About why heartburn occurs, how to treat and how to avoid its occurrence, tells the candidate of medical sciences, a gastroenterologist ...

Girls, heartburn has been tormenting me for the last week. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? I, too, am dying of heartburn for the second week: (I also have bed rest - that is, I ate - and immediately ...

Fire in the esophagus. Heartburn is one of the most common symptoms of gastritis. Why does heartburn happen? Sex, fears and prejudices. Pregnancy and childbirth.


True, it is easier to say what exactly happens - flour, chocolate, sour, salty, canned food, smoked meats, fried.
And I, for example, have heartburn on an empty stomach ... cry-cry ... therefore, with me all the time maalox in bags. Day and night.
They say that seeds, fresh cucumbers, oatmeal on the water help.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. This article is devoted to such an urgent problem for many women who are expecting babies, like heartburn. I want to tell you what helps with heartburn during pregnancy and does not harm the unborn baby and his mother.

I was prompted to write material about this by a recent incident when, while spending time in the company of a friend who was “in position”, I saw how she was in pain after we ate dessert. Our conversation turned to this topic, and I learned that the banal and "ancient" method of getting rid of burning sensation with soda can be very harmful during pregnancy.

I decided to find and collect in one material such methods that are absolutely safe for expectant mothers.

First, let's look at the symptoms. It would seem that it is impossible to confuse heartburn with something else. But as my friend told me, before pregnancy she had no idea about this disease. And when I first felt a strange sensation in the esophagus, I thought that I had eaten something wrong, and, probably, now the contents of the stomach would be “asked” back. That is, not every person can immediately understand what is happening to him.


  • Pain, burning in the esophagus (chest area).
  • Distension and feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Frequent eructations, with much recent food and acid, but no gag reflexes.
  • Sensation of a lump in the throat (as if not all the food had "failed").
  • Persistent sour taste in the mouth.
  • Flatulence, bloating, intestinal discomfort.

As a rule, burning sensations in the esophagus are the most basic, leading sign.

Why is it common in pregnant women

Heartburn affects many ordinary people. This may be due to poor nutrition, overweight, bad habits, frequent consumption of spicy, salty, gastrointestinal diseases. But why does it suddenly appear during pregnancy in women who have never experienced it before?

In itself, an unpleasant painful sensation occurs due to a sharp release of stomach acid into the esophagus. Irritation of the mucosa begins, and the person feels it as a burning sensation and pain. During pregnancy, this happens for two reasons:

  1. In an "interesting position" in the female body, the content of the hormone progesterone increases. He, in an increased amount, is able to relax smooth muscles. And here also the growing fetus puts pressure on all organs and muscles. Here are the valves of the stomach and do not withstand the load: the acid is thrown out where it should not be.
  2. As the fetus develops, the amount of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract of the pregnant woman also grows. With its excess, frequent emissions into the upper parts of the digestive system also occur.

Usually, these causes of heartburn are temporary and go away after childbirth. So, ladies, be strong! And in order to alleviate this painful condition, we will consider all possible safe means that can help get rid of the disease.


Let's immediately agree that any drug should be prescribed by a doctor. There can be no talk of any self-activity here. I just give a list of drugs that are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. But they should be prescribed by a specialist, in accordance with the individual condition of each woman.

So, medicines that can be pregnant:

  • Smecta (powder, diluted in water).
  • Rennie (tablets to be sucked).
  • Maalox (liquid, drunk neat).
  • Talcid (chewable tablets).
  • Gastal (tablets).
  • Gaviscon (tablets).

All of these drugs can not be combined with each other and should be taken with caution with some other drugs. We carefully listen to the advice of the doctor and go to the pharmacy only after the prescription of the drug by a specialist!

Folk remedies

For a "pregnant" natural folk remedies are undoubtedly safer than chemical drugs. But even such methods must be approached wisely and carefully. First, consider why it is impossible to drink soda solution in the "position".

no soda

Many people are used to eliminating heartburn with soda (half a teaspoon is dissolved in half a glass of water and drunk). The alkali contained in soda quickly and effectively extinguishes the acid and the pain disappears.

But for ladies who are expecting a baby, this method is contraindicated, and here's why: soda is rich in sodium, and in large quantities it negatively affects the development of the fetus. It also causes swelling. There is nothing wrong with drinking soda once or twice, when there is nothing else at hand, and the pain is severe. But pregnant women should not use soda all the time.

What is allowed

At home, the following methods will help to deal with trouble:

  • During an attack of heartburn, you need to drink a glass of cool milk in small sips. The pain recedes very quickly.
  • Peppermint is a good remedy. It can be brewed with tea or neat. It doesn't matter what kind of mint, dried or fresh, the main thing is that it is natural. You can drink mint tea after eating, then the burning sensation is unlikely to bother you. Or use half a glass of infusion when you feel pain. Store the infusion for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.
  • Berry and fruit jelly (natural berries / fruits and starch, not commercial ready-made mixtures) also help a lot with this problem. You can drink regularly.
  • Flax seed infusion not only eliminates heartburn, but also has a great effect on the digestive system. To do this: pour a handful of seeds (you can ground or ordinary) into a glass, pour boiling water, leave for a couple of hours. Drink before meals or when you have a burning sensation.
  • If you chew on oatmeal, boiled corn, almonds or ordinary seeds, then the burning sensations pass.
  • Regular carrots help. You can just gnaw it or prepare such a salad: grate 1 carrot, pour a little olive oil, season with dill.

  • When there is no time to cook something, insist, just swallow a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil.
  • If you have a sweet tooth, keep dark chocolate in the house. A slice eaten with tea after a meal will prevent the release of acid.
  • Potato broth is also a good remedy. It is good for the stomach. Just boil the peeled potatoes in lightly salted water. Cool the broth and drink a little after eating. If the symptom bothers you constantly, drink the decoction at night and in the morning on an empty stomach.

This is all that pregnant women can do without any fear. But there is no need to get carried away with various infusions of herbal preparations. Many plants are not as safe as they seem. They should also be used under the supervision of a specialist.

Good results are given by homeopathic remedies, but here you need to be sure of the qualifications of the homeopathic doctor.

What else helps to eliminate heartburn during pregnancy

Diet food

Both the ordinary person and the expectant mother will help prevent heartburn from dietary nutrition. This does not mean that you have to give up healthy and necessary products or favorite dishes.

It is only necessary to limit, and ideally exclude the following:

  • Fatty oil dishes.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Too spicy and salty, sour food.

Moms - eat in small portions (it is better to eat a little every 2-3 hours than to eat "to the belly" 3 times a day). Even if you really want fried or salty, do not deny yourself, just do not abuse the amount.

Vegetables, herbs, dairy contain alkali and prevent the formation of acid. Dried fruits, especially prunes and dried apricots, have the same properties. You can eat any cereal. Don't forget to drink plain water. Without a sufficient amount of water, full-fledged metabolic processes in the body are impossible.

Foods that cause heartburn:

  • tomatoes;
  • citruses;
  • onion garlic;
  • mutton;
  • radish, radish;
  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • mustard and other hot spices.
  • vinegar.

It is the adjustment of nutrition that is the most correct, safe and reliable method of preventing gastric diseases.

Weight gain

Of course, the appetite of the ladies "in position" is what you need! An exception is the period of toxicosis. But it passes, and the passion for food increases significantly. I want one thing, then another, and constantly pulls something to chew.

Women, be sure that the fetus is quite enough for the full development of what you use in the usual way. Do not think that two portions eaten instead of one will bring the baby more benefit. Rather, it will only bring harm.

Excessive weight gain, which many "pregnant women" "sin", provokes not only edema, poor health, deterioration in the functioning of some organs, but also gastrointestinal diseases. The consequence of such violations is heartburn. Try not to overeat. Remember: it is better to have a variety of products and little by little than one thing and in large quantities. Yes, and after childbirth, it will be easier to lose weight when there is not so much excess.


Let's not forget that pregnancy is not a disease. No need to be lazy and wallow on the couch belly up. An inactive lifestyle provokes thousands of sores. Of course, jumping, running and lifting weights is not allowed here. But it is quite possible to sign up for fitness for pregnant women (in agreement with the doctor), walk more, do light exercises.

Daily cleaning in the house, evening walks, shopping - an excellent prevention from blood stasis and many other "byak". The more active you are during the day, the less likely you are to experience heartburn. The stomach digests food better and faster, all metabolic processes improve. Which activity options are better - you choose. But avoiding light physical activity is definitely not worth it.

  • Do not wear clothes that tighten the waist, stomach.
  • Sleep on a pillow, climb on it higher so that the torso is slightly raised.
  • Do not be nervous (the digestive system has a powerful connection with the nerves, because it is not in vain that they say that a stomach ulcer is a disease from stress). In addition, when the nerves are in order, the immune system is much stronger.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating, walk around or, in extreme cases, sit for half an hour before taking a horizontal position.
  • Eat slowly, chewing your food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Don't eat before bed.

Try folk ways to get rid of heartburn first. If nothing helps, only then resort to medical treatment. Don't worry about your fetus. The symptom does not affect him in any way. Even if you suffer from it often, the baby will not feel it in any way.

In 99% of cases, the symptoms caused by pregnancy disappear after childbirth. If heartburn remains and continues to bother you, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Perhaps the reason is in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But even such serious illnesses as ulcers, colitis, gastritis can be cured with a diet, however, it will take a long time to follow it.

The best prevention of all diseases is a good mood, a positive attitude, laughter and smiles.

Be healthy and happy, dear mothers!

Heartburn is a frequent companion of pregnancy. In the early stages, it is caused by hormonal changes, an increase in the level of progesterone in the body, and in the later stages, a growing fetus that presses on the stomach. Remedies for heartburn during pregnancy should be not only effective, but also safe. The fight against an unpleasant symptom begins with the correction of nutrition and lifestyle, if these measures do not bring relief, then the question arises of folk and medications.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate heartburn for all 9 months, but it is quite possible to reduce its manifestations. Not all expectant mothers are suitable for the same means, each organism is individual, so the selection is carried out empirically.

Choosing a medicine for heartburn during pregnancy is necessary only if the correction of nutrition and lifestyle in general does not bring results.

First of all, you should reconsider your diet:

  • reduce portions to prevent overeating;
  • refuse fried, fatty foods, smoked meats, hot sauces and seasonings;
  • exclude acidic drinks and foods;
  • limit the consumption of vegetables with a high content of fiber - white cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, radishes;
  • at the first sign of heartburn, give up mushrooms, nuts, black bread, chocolate, coffee and strong tea.

An example menu might look like this:

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge, bread and butter, tea, soft-boiled egg.
  2. Second breakfast: yogurt with cookies or cottage cheese with sour cream.
  3. Lunch: vegetable puree soup, rice with fish, vegetable salad (except prohibited), sweet compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: baked apples, biscuits.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew, steamed cutlet, toasted bread.
  6. Snack before bed: kefir or yogurt.

Dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. If heartburn is already present, then it is better to replace the steamed cutlet with a glass of milk.

To avoid burning, after eating, you need to walk for half an hour or do some business in an upright position (standing). If you immediately lie down or sit down and remain motionless, the peristalsis of the digestive tract will slow down, the food will stay in the stomach for a long time, and heartburn will appear.

It is important to observe certain physical activity and body position. Physical exercises with inclinations and tension of the abdominal muscles provoke the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. To avoid this, you need to keep your spine straight for as long as possible during the day. This will relieve pressure on the stomach.

Clothing should be loose, especially around the abdomen. If heartburn appeared in the supine position, you need to get up, walk around a bit, drink water, eat unsweetened cookies (biscuits).

Medicines for heartburn during pregnancy

Medicines for heartburn during pregnancy are divided into 2 groups: alginates and antacids. The mechanism of their action is different, as well as contraindications, side effects.

Alginates are made on the basis of a plant component. By chemical treatment of brown algae, substances are isolated that are able to neutralize pepsin and hydrochloric acid. As a result of this reaction, calcium ions are formed. They convert alginic acid into a single network (film). The surface of the stomach and esophagus is protected by a gel layer for 4 hours. As a result, even if there is a reflux of gastric juice, it is quickly neutralized.

Alginates relieve burning retrosternal pain and do not damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, even in the presence of gastritis or ulcers. They have practically no contraindications and side effects. This group of drugs includes Gaviscon and Calcium Alginate. There are dietary therapeutic and prophylactic products with a similar effect - Laminal, Magnesium algalan.

Are alginates safe during pregnancy? Their use is permissible for all 9 months, since they are not absorbed, enveloping the esophagus and stomach, absorb harmful compounds, restore the microflora in the intestine, and act quickly. Cases of individual intolerance are extremely rare, rather, on the contrary, by absorbing harmful compounds in the digestive tract, alginates prevent the development of allergic reactions.

The disadvantages of alginates include their high cost and insufficient prevalence in the pharmacy network. In addition, individual hypersensitivity to the components is not excluded.

A more well-known group of drugs for heartburn during pregnancy are antacids. They are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable.

The former are used during pregnancy with great care. After they are taken, sodium ions are absorbed through the intestinal walls and cause fluid retention in the body. Appear on the legs, less often on the hands and face.

When carrying a child, the kidneys receive a double load, especially in the later stages, so excess fluid is difficult to remove. An example of an absorbable antacid is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).

Most non-absorbable antacids contain magnesium and aluminum ions. These compounds contribute to the development, as well as the loss of phosphorus, which can lead to mental retardation of the child. Magnesium acts in the intestines, increasing its motility and causing diarrhea. This group includes Phosphalugel, Gasterin.

The best choice among antacids is combined preparations. Their formula is balanced, which minimizes the risk of side effects. Two-component antacids neutralize gastric juice, calcium contained in them strengthens bones, and magnesium in small doses heals ulcers of the mucous membrane and eliminates constipation. Combined antacids include Almagel Neo, Relzer, Gastal, Rennie.

What is better to take for heartburn during pregnancy: alginates or antacids? The former are safer, but they are not always available in the nearest pharmacy and the cost is high. The best option would be combined antacids in the minimum effective dosage.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy are safer than drugs, and at the same time quite effective.

The most common methods are:

  • Infusion of common heather. In 0.5 liters of boiling water pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs, boil it for 2 minutes, then insist for half an hour. Strain the finished broth and put it in the refrigerator. Drink 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  • Infusion of centaury ordinary. Pour boiling water into a glass, add 0.5 tbsp. l. herbs, insist for 2 hours. Strain, refrigerate for storage. Take 1 tbsp each time before meals. l.
  • Calamus root. It is necessary to prepare a powder from raw materials, carefully grinding it (or purchase it ready-made). Take 1/3 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  • Fennel tea. You can purchase a ready-made collection for making a drink or add seeds to regular tea during brewing.
  • Drinks and dishes with ginger. The root can be added to tea, and, crushed into powder, season dishes. For severe heartburn, cut off a slice of ginger and chew it slowly.

Precautionary measures

To avoid the development of heartburn during pregnancy, you should take the following precautions:

  • Without a strong need, do not take antispasmodic drugs (No-shpu, Drotaverine, Papaverine). They relieve spasm of the muscles of internal organs, including reducing the tone of the esophageal sphincter. As a result, the contents of the stomach are thrown into it, causing a burning sensation.
  • Do not take baking soda for heartburn. This remedy is very widespread, it really quickly eliminates burning, but not for long. When soda interacts with gastric juice, carbon dioxide appears. It provokes an even more intense release of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, which is why heartburn develops again. In addition, sodium, which is part of soda, provokes the formation of edema.
  • Medicines for heartburn can be taken only after consulting a doctor. Most of them contain magnesium, calcium, aluminum. With prolonged use, there may be an overabundance of them, especially if the woman is already taking mineral complexes (for example, Calcemin). The gynecologist will take into account all these nuances and, if necessary, adjust the dosage.

What helps with heartburn during pregnancy? First of all, it is necessary to reconsider the diet and lifestyle. If nutrition correction does not bring relief, then you can use folk remedies and medications.

Alginates are the safest for the expectant mother and her child, but if there are difficulties with their acquisition, it is worth choosing combined antacids (Renny, Gastal, Almagel Neo, etc.).

Useful video: causes and treatment of heartburn during pregnancy

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Heartburn during pregnancy is felt as heat, turning into a gradual burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach. It occurs due to a malfunction in the digestive tract and causes discomfort. It will be useful to know how the expectant mother can cope with it, because when treating pregnant women, it is important to remember that any medication affects the baby.

Why does heartburn occur in pregnant women

Heartburn during pregnancy begins due to the penetration of gastric contents with hydrochloric acid into the lower esophagus. Acid retention irritates the esophagus, and the woman feels an unpleasant burning sensation. During pregnancy, this is considered a widespread phenomenon due to increased hormonal levels or due to the growth of the uterus and the excessive pressure on the stomach that occurs against this background. Heartburn is not dangerous, but causes a lot of trouble, often accompanied by belching.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, heartburn is rare, the reason for this will be an increase in certain hormones in a woman's body. Specifically, this contributes to the increased production of progesterone, which has a relaxing effect. It turns out that the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach in its normal position limits the return of food back, but the hormone relaxes it, food can easily return. After 14 weeks, this ceases to be a problem, heartburn goes away.

At a later date

Heartburn in pregnant women in the later stages, in the third trimester, appears in the vast majority almost every time after eating. It is no longer caused by hormones, but by the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on the stomach and other internal organs. After eating, the stomach stretches, but the uterus presses on it so that the food begins to come back. The position of the stomach is also disturbed: it becomes flattened and raised.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

In order not to bring on heartburn, it is advisable to adhere to the rules of nutrition, conditions and daily routine:

  • Do not eat too much, exclude fried, spicy foods, eat vegetables and cereals.
  • Fractional nutrition is the key to health, you can eat a little bit, but often.
  • Don't eat heavily.
  • When taking medications, check with your doctor to see if they can cause heartburn.
  • After eating, it is better not to bend over or lie down.
  • Do not wear too tight clothes, do household chores in a squat, sleep on your back and do not worry for no reason.
  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, sour berries, fruits, cheese are best excluded from the diet.

You can fight heartburn with folk methods or proven pharmaceutical preparations. To select the latter, consult a doctor that pregnant women can have heartburn. Do not prescribe medication yourself, so as not to cause unpleasant consequences for yourself or the child. Use products that can cause an allergic reaction with caution. Remember that pharmaceutical preparations cannot be taken for a long time due to possible constipation, and they also reduce the absorption of other drugs and their effectiveness.

Folk remedies for heartburn

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy have been tested by several generations. Among the most common are:

  1. Soda with water. The simplest option, based on quenching acidity with alkali.
  2. Milk. Helps alleviate severe symptoms, and fennel or dill essential oil added there will give a pleasant taste.
  3. A handful of nuts, oatmeal or carrots will help to cope with the burning sensation.
  4. You can make jelly or freshly squeezed potato juice, the names of which sound unappetizing, but drinks cope with signs of heartburn without problems.
  5. Mineral water or "Borjomi", drunk after a meal, will eliminate discomfort.