Carbon peeling: reviews from doctors and patients. Carbon peeling Carbon peeling at home

Laser carbon peeling was originally developed in Asia and has now become one of the most popular laser peels for treating problem skin. This technique is a revolutionary laser treatment that is essentially completely painless and does not require any preparation or subsequent treatment.

This procedure is primarily indicated for people with oily skin, acne, enlarged pores, dull skin and acne on the face and body. It's also a great way to exfoliate and refresh your skin, giving it an instant renewal effect and leaving it soft, smooth and firm.

Using long wavelength laser energy that penetrates deep into the dermis without damaging the top layer of skin, the deeper layers of the dermis are stimulated to produce natural collagen and other vital proteins. This leads to effective skin polishing, making it look healthy and youthful.

How is laser carbon peeling performed?

Laser Carbon Facial Peeling is a procedure that uses a layer of carbon as a photo enhancer that improves skin color and helps give it a smooth texture and radiant complexion. This treatment is used to eliminate active acne because... The carbon powder penetrates the pores, thereby allowing the laser to focus energy more effectively. Carbon laser peeling helps to narrow enlarged pores, reduce oil secretion, eliminate acne and achieve a whitening effect.

After thoroughly cleaning the face, a thin layer of carbon solution is applied to the face. When the laser beam hits the carbon, a loud clicking sound and the sound of a suction machine are heard. To avoid being irritated by these sounds during treatment, you can put on headphones and just listen to music, then the procedure will be completely comfortable.

Thus, before laser treatment, a carbon-containing lotion is applied to the entire area of ​​the face. It is allowed to dry for 15 minutes. Then laser processing begins, which is used to heat the carbon particles. The carbon paste absorbs the focused laser light and focuses this energy onto the epidermis. Carbon begins to explode due to overheating, even smoke is formed, which is evacuated by hardware and directed upward.

Thus, with the help of carbon, any debris is removed from the pores, and dead cells are exfoliated from the top layer of skin. The treatment minimizes the opening of pores, and the thermal effect of the laser beam stimulates collagen renewal. The heat generated by the reaction also destroys the acne pillars and causes the death of microorganisms that cause pimples to form.

Benefits of the procedure

Cleansing. Carbon has the ability to actively absorb fat and pollutants from deep within the pores. When the laser passes over the treatment area, it specifically destroys carbon particles, and at the same time destroys all substances absorbed by it.

Exfoliation. Since carbon is the target of the laser, it blasts away dead skin cells, blackheads and thus effectively cleanses and exfoliates the skin. As a result, your skin becomes softer and more radiant, pore sizes are visibly reduced, and your skin tone becomes more even.

Rejuvenation. Carbon particles penetrate deep into the skin, and when heated by the laser, they stimulate the production of collagen, which, in turn, makes the skin more elastic, eliminates fine wrinkles, and leaves the skin taut and glowing.

Eliminates acne and reduces oiliness. The heat generated by laser carbon peeling provides two additional benefits. The treatment reduces the number of bacteria that are responsible for acne, which allows you to get rid of acne almost completely. As a result of the treatment, the sebaceous glands are also compressed, the production of sebum is noticeably reduced, and therefore the formation of plugs in the pores of the skin is significantly reduced. Treatment can be performed on any part of the body, including the back and chest.

Is the treatment painful?

Laser carbon peeling, unlike similar procedures, is non-invasive and gentle; most people describe the sensation as a slight tingling sensation. The procedure takes about 30 minutes when treating the face.

What results can you expect?

You will be surprised by the instant lightening of your skin immediately after the first treatment. You will feel how your skin has become soft and smooth, literally renewed. You will also immediately see a reduction in pores and other imperfections. The skin tone will continue to improve for some time, i.e. the rejuvenation effect will be prolonged. It is recommended to stay away from excessive sun exposure during the course of treatment. Decorative cosmetics can be applied immediately after completing facial treatment.

With this peeling, there are practically no restrictions on daily life after the procedure. The skin will be slightly pink immediately after treatment, but this will subside within just a few hours, and makeup and sunscreen can be applied immediately. The final effect improves if you manage to protect your skin from the sun and stress for a while.

Is carbon peeling necessary for people who do not have skin problems?

Anyone can benefit from laser carbon peeling. This procedure is especially good if you need an instant effect of renewed skin. In addition, it is important to understand that maintaining healthy and youthful skin is a long-term investment, so periodic carbon peeling is completely worthwhile.

Are there any side effects?

Carbon peeling is completely safe and does not have any serious complications. You can resume your normal daily routine immediately after the procedure. Only minor side effects may occur: mild to moderate redness for a few hours after the procedure. Temporary hair loss in the treatment area is also not uncommon. Within a week after treatment, you may experience a feeling of heat or tanning, which will also pass quickly.

Like any other cosmetic skin treatment, laser carbon peeling must be complemented by good daily skin care, and the mandatory daily use of high-protection sunscreen. After just one treatment you will get noticeable results, but to achieve maximum long-term effect, cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure regularly.

How many treatments may be needed?

After each treatment, you will notice improvements in the condition of your skin. The doctor recommends the number of procedures based on an individual examination and clarification of the condition of your skin. Depending on it, the course of treatment may include one treatment every 2-4 weeks, the entire course is 2-6 procedures. For acne, more sessions may be required. Also, carbon peeling can alternate with other types of treatment, such as microdermabrasion or chemical peeling. Maintenance procedures using professional cosmetics are recommended every 1-3 months.

Because carbon laser peel treatments provide significant improvements in skin tone and texture, some clients choose to undergo regular treatments, while others opt for periodic sessions before major social events or romantic dates.

Elimination of pigmentation

Laser carbon peeling can also be used to eliminate pigmentation. When exposed to the sun, the skin increases its production of a substance known as melanin, which protects the body from damaging ultraviolet rays. Pigmentation occurs when the skin produces too much melanin, which is concentrated in a large area, where dark visible spots are formed (ultrophonophoresis can also help with these). Although it is harmless, it can be unsightly and many people want to get rid of it. Pigmentation can also be caused by persistent skin irritation, acne, inflammation, hormonal changes, or even taking antibiotics or other medications.

According to eyewitnesses, the face after carbon peeling becomes unusually soft and tender, devoid of any pigmentation or other defects. People who have undergone this procedure openly admire the effect, and are especially surprised by the fact that no healing time is required. This effect seems incredible to people!

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Laser carbon peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for beautiful and healthy facial skin, which has a rejuvenating effect.

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Modern cosmetology allows women to take care of their skin more effectively, prolonging its youth and restoring freshness. Every year more and more procedures appear, the main goal of which is healing, rejuvenation and correction of certain skin defects. The main difference between these procedures is the method of exposure to the skin and the final result.

A procedure such as laser carbon peeling, which simultaneously combines the effects of special devices and comprehensive facial skin rejuvenation, has become quite popular. This procedure is offered in almost all beauty salons.

Carbon facial peeling price

This is a complex procedure that is carried out in stages. First of all, you need to undergo a consultation and examination with a cosmetologist, who will determine the area of ​​intervention and prescribe a specific brand of carbon mask. The cost of such a service depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the salon in which it is performed, and the amount of work in each individual case.

In Russia, the price of carbon facial peeling ranges from 3,500 to 20,000 rubles.

In Moscow, such a procedure usually costs more than in other cities.

In Ukraine, the price of carbon peeling is 600-2000 hryvnia.

It is worth noting that in Kyiv the cost of services is the highest.

When paying for several procedures at once, the beauty salon may offer various promotional discounts.

In most cases, caring cosmetics, which are prescribed after the procedure, are not included in the cost of carbon peeling and are paid additionally.

Carbon peeling: what is it?

Thanks to the development of modern technologies, special lasers have been developed that have a unique effect on the skin, removing dead skin cells and acne.

Carbon peeling is a modern procedure aimed at removing all keratinized cells from the surface of the epidermis, while accelerating the process of cell restoration. The main feature of this procedure is that two processes are performed simultaneously - photorejuvenation and exposure of the skin to a special laser.

Today it is not possible to carry out this procedure without using a special device. This is a device that emits high-frequency waves that help unclog and cleanse the pores of the facial skin. Therefore, only professional cosmetologists using modern equipment can perform carbon facial peeling.

The difference between carbon peeling and other methods of facial skin cleansing is that, with the exception of exposure to a special laser, in order to get the most positive result, a cosmetic gel is applied to the skin.

This gel mask consists of unique carbon dioxide particles, which is why the procedure is called carbon peeling. The word “carbon” in translation means carbon. At the beginning of the procedure, nanogel is applied to the skin of the face, after which you need to wait a little so that it can penetrate well into the pores of the skin.

This gel has the unique ability to penetrate as deeply as possible into the pores of the skin and absorb all the dirt and impurities. Then a laser is used, due to which the nanogel particles begin to swell and they literally explode. As a result, the pores are cleansed and further unclogged. During this cosmetic procedure, due to the influence of high-frequency radiation, all dead cells are evaporated, a stimulating effect on the process of collagen production is produced, therefore, the skin tone is evened out and a healthy color is returned to it.

Advantages of carbon peeling

Like any other modern cosmetic procedure, carbon peeling has a number of positive qualities:
  1. The procedure is most effective and after just one session and the use of nanogel, amazing changes in the condition and appearance of facial skin become noticeable.
  2. Thanks to the influence of modern technologies, a slight warmth will be felt during this type of peeling.
  3. The use of nanogel allows you to cleanse the skin of all impurities, unclog the pores, due to which all the slag is removed from them. At the same time, large pores become narrower.
  4. The procedure is completely painless. Most visitors to clinics or beauty salons find it difficult to decide to carry out various types of peelings, for which special devices are used, since unpleasant sensations may appear during the procedure. But in the case of carbon peeling, there is no discomfort or pain.
  5. The procedure has a photo-rejuvenating effect. Using laser carbon peeling helps to quickly restore youth and beauty to the skin. This result is achieved by smoothing the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as evening out the skin color.
  6. This cleansing method stimulates the process of collagen production, therefore, the skin regains its smoothness and elasticity.
  7. It appears to have an anti-inflammatory effect. After the first carbon peeling procedure, no additional rehabilitation period is required. Unsightly red spots or inflammation do not appear on the skin, which is typical for other types of facial cleansing.

Indications for carbon peeling

  1. Fine facial wrinkles and the first signs of skin aging.
  2. Loss of elasticity and aging of the skin.
  3. The presence of enlarged pores, including their severe contamination and blockage.
  4. Oily skin type is the main indication for carbon peeling. This procedure helps to narrow the pores, thereby reducing the intensity of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Presence of acne, wen, subcutaneous pimples.
  6. Dull complexion.
  7. Skin pigmentation - photoaging or freckles. After the first session, this problem is solved by about 40%.

Carbon peeling contraindications

  1. The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. The fact is that during laser exposure, the nanogel heats up, which can provoke a sharp surge in hormones, as a result of which skin pigmentation begins.
  2. The presence of individual intolerance.
  3. If there are inflammatory processes on the skin of the face, occurring in acute and chronic forms. For example, epilepsy, diabetes, tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases.
  4. If you have drug or alcohol addiction.
  5. In the case of a recent stroke, circulatory disorders or the presence of a pacemaker.
  6. Facial skin oncology.
  7. The presence of keloid scars, which, when exposed to a laser, can become inflamed and cause unpleasant painful sensations.
  8. Colds - for example, herpes.
  9. You are allergic to carbon dioxide, so you must first conduct a sensitivity test - a small amount of nanogel is applied to a closed area of ​​the body.
  10. Melanin metabolism disorder. As a result, after the procedure, new formations may appear on the skin of the face.

How is the carbon peeling procedure performed?

  1. First you need to consult with a cosmetologist, who should carefully examine the skin and determine the presence or absence of acne, inflammation and other signs of colds.
  2. If there are inflammatory processes, you first need to undergo a course of treatment, after which a carbon peeling procedure can be performed.
  3. In case of allergic manifestations, the doctor prescribes the use of special medications that eliminate these reactions.
  4. Approximately 5-7 days before the procedure, it is not recommended to carry out other types of facial cleansing that have a strong effect on the skin.
  5. A few days before your planned visit to a cosmetologist, it is not recommended to steam your facial skin.
  6. At the preparatory stage, an allergy test is carried out - a small amount of nanogel is applied to the bend of the elbow and left for 15 minutes. If during this time no unpleasant sensations appear, you can carry out the procedure. In case of severe redness and itchy blisters, carbon peeling is strictly contraindicated.
  7. Then the facial skin is wiped with an antiseptic, due to which all mild inflammatory processes are removed. Antiseptic gel helps destroy germs and cleanse the skin of cosmetic residues.
  8. After cleansing the facial skin, a special nanogel containing carbon is applied. The product is black in color and helps remove all dead cells. Nanogel is not applied to the area around the mouth and eyes.
  9. Now you need to wait a while, as the gel must dry.
  10. Once the nanogel has dried, laser treatment is performed, during which the skin is effectively cleansed of dead cells and dirt. At this stage, special glasses must be used.
  11. Next, phototemolysis is performed, during which collagen is produced, which helps to accelerate the restoration of skin elasticity and the return of a healthy complexion, and also has a rejuvenating effect.
  12. After completing the carbon peeling procedure, the facial skin should be treated with a special antiseptic gel.

Effect after carbon peeling

  1. Already after the first procedure, with increased oily skin, the volume of sebum produced is significantly reduced.
  2. Blackheads are removed.
  3. Enlarged pores narrow.
  4. It has a gentle exfoliating effect on dead skin cells of the face and neck.
  5. The carbon peeling procedure has a general bactericidal effect.
  6. Disturbed processes occurring in the lower and upper layers of the skin are brought back to normal.
  7. The process of collagen production is stimulated, which returns smoothness and elasticity to the skin.
  8. The complexion of the skin is evened out and refreshed, all pigment spots are removed.
  9. After just a few sessions of carbon peeling, the depth and number of wrinkles are significantly reduced and a general rejuvenating effect is achieved.

Rehabilitation period after carbon peeling

The duration of one carbon peeling procedure takes approximately half an hour, and the initial condition of the facial skin is of no small importance. As a rule, 2–8 sessions are sufficient to completely cleanse the skin and restore its beauty. Between each procedure there is a break of 5 days; if you neglect this advice, you can cause serious harm to the skin, as it must recover before the next session.

In almost all cases, after carbon facial peeling, no rehabilitation period is required, but to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you should follow a few tips from cosmetologists:

  1. Slight redness of the skin may appear, which goes away on its own a few hours after the procedure.
  2. After completing carbon peeling, it is not recommended to wash your face for 24 hours.
  3. You should not use any antiseptic gels for two days.
  4. There is no need to use cosmetics that contain alcohol, as this can cause serious harm to the skin.
  5. For skin care, you can use micellar water or foam, as these products have a mild effect.
  6. During the first day after the procedure, you need to constantly apply a rich cream to the skin.
The carbon peeling procedure is becoming more and more popular and in demand every day. And this is not surprising, thanks to its implementation, you can effectively cleanse the skin, restore its beauty, youth and healthy glow.

Real reviews about the carbon peeling procedure

Carbon peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. This is due to its relatively low cost and low invasiveness. Many clients leave positive reviews about this service.

Olga, 30 years old

I am a cosmetic “maniac” with 10 years of experience. I love all sorts of new beauty treatments and often pamper my skin. I decided to try carbon facial peeling. However, it is difficult to call it “peeling”. I would better call it “thorough pore cleansing.” The procedure itself is carried out in two stages. A special gel is applied to the face, which is a mixture of petroleum jelly and carbon dioxide. Glasses are put on the eyes, and a laser is passed over the face. The latter allows nanoparticles of the substance to penetrate deep into the skin. I didn't feel any pain, just hot. It is believed that thermal exposure also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and accelerates regeneration processes. As a result of carbon cleansing, even stale sebum comes out of the skin pores, comedones dissolve, and the facial texture is evened out. Immediately after the procedure, my skin became pink, matte and smooth. A more pronounced effect can be felt after a couple of days. All my comedones went away, my complexion evened out, and my pores became smaller. However, you should not expect the results to last long. This procedure is not therapeutic, but cosmetic, and therefore requires constant repetition if you want to keep your skin clear. In addition, you should not wait for rejuvenation or elimination of pigmentation. Carbon peeling is not intended for this.

Christina, 28 years old

I struggled with acne and skin inflammation for seven years. Finally I managed to beat acne. But another problem arose - scars and scars from rashes. They didn't go away and looked terrible. I went to a cosmetologist in the summer, but he said that it was not the season to do chemical peeling, so he suggested carbon peeling. I read a lot of reviews about him, everyone praised him, and I made up my mind. They prescribed six procedures for me. After the first one, I was shocked, because my face began to look even worse: the pores became even wider, the redness intensified, and the skin itself became very oily. In the evening, my face started to get very hot. The cosmetologist assured me that after the following procedures this would not happen and the condition of the skin would only improve. After the next five sessions, there really was no more burning or redness. But I still didn’t expect any improvement. The pores remained enlarged, red spots appeared after physical activity, and the pits from acne remained. Now I'm waiting for autumn to go for a trichloroacetic peel and finally get rid of terrible scars and oily skin!

Ekaterina, 26 years old

I have rather problematic skin on my face, I regularly take care of it and carry out combined cleansing. If this is not done, the pores become inflamed, clogged, and acne appears. Recently, my cosmetologist suggested that I complete my facial cleansing with carbon peeling. The procedure is carried out with the application of black nanogel and light “explosions” of the laser. No discomfort, just a slight tingling sensation. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure: my tone is evened out, my skin brightens. Since I have oily skin, a slight drying effect is what I need. Sometimes there is slight peeling in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. But in general, the skin tightens and becomes fresh. After a course of such combined cleansing, deep inflammation in my cheekbones went away. The blackheads, however, did not disappear, and the pores remained slightly enlarged. But overall, I'm happy with this procedure.

Carbon facial peeling is an innovative cosmetic procedure. It is actively used at any age, solving certain problems. It is performed with a laser, but with the use of nanogel - a carbon amplifier, which provides excellent results.

Carbon facial peeling – what is it, the essence of the procedure and how often can it be done

What is carbon peeling? The name of the procedure comes from the word carbon - carbon. Its essence lies in the complex effect of laser and photorejuvenation on the epidermis. This is achieved by applying a mask with carbon dioxide nanoparticles to the skin of the face. The gel has the ability to penetrate not only the superficial, but also the deep layers of the epidermis and draw out various contaminants.

The subsequent use of laser beams ensures the removal of dead cells and effective cleansing of the skin. It has a stimulating effect on the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis. Thanks to this, the surface of the dermis is leveled and its color improves.

Carbon peeling has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. It is also used in the treatment of certain skin conditions such as rosacea, acne and pimples.

A characteristic feature of this procedure is that the pronounced positive effect is clearly visible even after the first session. In addition, after carbon peeling there are no distinctive signs of other types of chemical effects on the skin - redness and irritation. The second name for this procedure is “Hollywood cleansing”, since it can provide emergency assistance in achieving an ideal facial condition in a short period of time.

Carbon peeling has a striking effect on the condition of the epidermis:

  • opens pores and effectively tightens them;
  • exfoliates dead skin particles and removes them;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers;
  • promotes the production of hyaluronic acid;
  • activates regenerative processes;
  • normalizes lipid metabolism in the epidermis;
  • has a detrimental effect on opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • eliminates the first signs of aging - smoothes out fine wrinkles, makes the skin smoother, firmer and more elastic;
  • evens out tone, has a whitening effect, and removes pigmentation.

Here's a video of how carbon peeling is done:

This procedure is irreplaceable at any age. In youth - it will help get rid of acne, effectively relieve unsightly spots and inflamed pimples. At an older age, it will help get rid of traces of acne, even out the skin and remove the first wrinkles. And in case of pronounced processes of withering of the epidermis, it will improve turgor and elasticity, restore youth, smoothness and silkiness.

Benefits and indications

Contraindications to laser use

Carbon peeling has certain contraindications for use. This is due to the fact that it belongs to a group of chemical peels, which under certain circumstances can have very adverse effects on human health.

Therefore, before you sign up for the procedure, you should consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist who can adequately assess your health status, indications and contraindications. Indeed, in some situations, peeling can lead to activation of the inflammatory process or provoke hormonal imbalance.

Contraindications include:

  • infectious and inflammatory skin diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin - wounds, cuts;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation and decompensation;
  • the occurrence of neoplasms;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation;
  • increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to carbon dioxide, the main active ingredient of peeling;
  • vitiligo;
  • disorders of melanin metabolism;
  • scarring of the skin.

The facial procedure with fruit acids is described according to.

How is laser cleaning performed?

Carbon peeling is done only in a beauty salon. Therefore, first of all, you should choose a master and a venue. Even during the preliminary consultation, the doctor will definitely do a carboxylic acid tolerance test. To do this, apply 1-2 strokes of the finished mixture to the back surface of the brush. The result is assessed in 5-10 minutes. In the absence of redness, itching, swelling, burning and other signs of an allergic reaction, the product can be safely applied to the face.

The procedure itself is carried out in 2 stages - applying a mask and using a laser. However, first of all, you should cleanse your face of cosmetics and other contaminants. To do this, the skin is treated with an antiseptic gel, which helps eliminate microorganisms and prevents inflammation.

Only after this, a thin layer of a mask with carbon dioxide nanoparticles is applied to the face.

It is a mixture of fine coal with mineral oils. This period is only 5-8 minutes. During this time, the nanoparticles will penetrate deep into the epidermis and “prepare” the site for further laser use. As soon as the mask is dry, you can proceed to the second stage - laser treatment.

The client's eyes are protected with special glasses and only after that they begin to treat the face with laser beams, covering every millimeter of the skin. In this case, deep heating of all layers of the epidermis occurs. As a result, the pores are actively cleansed, dead particles are rejected and the production of collagen, elastane and hyaluronic acid is stimulated.

Video of carbon peeling before and after:

The total time of the procedure is 25-30 minutes, while the client feels only pleasant warmth.

At the end of the carbon peeling, the mask should be washed off with warm water and a special mixture should be applied, aimed not only at soothing the skin, but also at protecting it. The procedure is carried out repeatedly, and in a course of 3-7 sessions. The intervals between them must be at least 5 days. The duration of the course depends on the initial condition of the skin and the desired result.

Skin care after the procedure

On the day of carbon peeling, you should not wash your face. If you need to cleanse your skin, you should use micellar water or soft foam. For the first few days, it is advisable to do without using decorative cosmetics. The face can be wiped with an antiseptic - an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine. In the first week, you should not use alcohol-based cosmetics.

Since peeling may occur after peeling, the epidermis must be actively moisturized. You can use special creams for this.

Possible complications

Carbon peeling is an absolutely safe procedure, since there is no damage to the skin during the session. However, in some cases complications may occur. Most often they are caused by violation of skin care rules after the procedure or neglect of contraindications.

In some cases, purulent processes may develop. This only happens when there was a wound or microcrack on the skin during the procedure. Therefore, if such a situation arises, you should postpone the peeling to another day, even if you are determined to do it today.

If the depth of exposure to laser beams is incorrectly selected, tissue swelling and redness may occur. For several days you should completely stop using decorative cosmetics, soap, gel for washing and alcohol lotions. The skin needs to be actively moisturized, if possible, do not go outside, especially in unfavorable weather conditions - severe frost, wind.

If you peel if there are contraindications - during pregnancy or with vitiligo - pigmentation may appear. It is impossible to get rid of this effect. The only thing you can do is spend less time in the sun, and over time the spots will gradually decrease or disappear.

Exposing keloid scars to laser beams can lead to renewed inflammation, causing them to grow even larger.

Peeling for the face - a procedure with which the skin of the face acquires a fresh and radiant color. This method allows a woman to achieve beautiful, smooth skin and a youthful face. Today we will look at how this procedure works, what are the contraindications and when is the best time to do facial cleansing.

The main thing in the article

Indications for carbon peeling

Laser carbon peeling is a procedure for cleaning the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis not only on the face, but also on other areas of the skin. The session is carried out using carbon gel and removing old cells using a laser.

The modern beauty industry is always improving so that the fair sex can enjoy their beauty. This procedure is recommended for owners of:

  • problematic skin;
  • freckles;
  • early manifestations;
  • rosacea;
  • uneven skin structure;
  • acne;
  • open pores.

Laser carbon peeling: procedure technology

Laser carbon peeling is carried out in three stages:

  1. Preparation and cleansing of the face from impurities;
  2. Application of a special carbon-based gel to the face;
  3. Using a laser to remove keratinized tissue.

Carbon gel is necessary so that the laser does not damage the epidermis, but removes old cells. With the help of short but powerful laser pulses, the old dermis is removed. The procedure involves steaming the dermis, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Contraindications to carbon peeling

No matter how much a woman strives for beauty, there are procedures that cannot be used. Carbon facial cleansing using a laser, like other cosmetic therapies, has contraindications.

  • Pregnancy period and;
  • Colloidal scars;
  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes.

Carbon laser peeling: step-by-step procedure

A beauty facial cleansing session is carried out with the goal of changing the structure of the facial dermis in a positive direction. Therefore, this operation includes several stages.

  • The cosmetologist examines the client for contraindications, and if there are none, he prepares for the procedure.
  • Then he cleanses his face of cosmetics using water or special makeup removers.
  • Next, the cosmetologist applies a special nanogel to the surface of the skin and waits for the gel to dry.

  • After drying, the specialist puts protective glasses on the client and takes the laser device. And then it treats the skin using the principle of evaporation using powerful impulses.

This method of cleansing helps stimulate microprocesses in the human body, which in turn provides the skin with the production of connective tissue proteins.

  • After completing the procedure, the cosmetologist removes the remaining gel from the face.

Efficiency and results of carbon laser peeling

This type has a very delicate effect on the dermis. This prevents any pain during the procedure. In addition, during the session, metabolic processes are restored in the body, which benefits skin rejuvenation.

  • The effectiveness of the procedure is visible after the first session; enlarged pores are noticeably narrowed, making them less noticeable. The skin of the face is smoothed out, becoming more elastic and smooth. Skin color looks fresher and more even.
  • If the patient had freckles or age spots, then after the first procedure they will be less noticeable or disappear altogether.
  • The amount of acne and post-acne will decrease. In general, the face or other area of ​​the body on which the operation was performed will look rested and healthy.

After the procedure, redness is also observed, which is associated with skin sensitivity. The redness goes away within a few hours.

Carbon peeling: how many procedures are needed?

  • Although the result is visible after the first session, this type of dermis cleansing takes on average from 3 to 5 procedures. Their number can also increase in complex cases when the skin is in a neglected state.
  • Carbon peeling is a minimally invasive procedure, so if the number of sessions has been increased, you should not worry about this. Since it does not injure your skin and will not cause harm to the body as a whole.

How often can you do carbon facial peeling?

The frequency of visits to the carbon procedure depends on the condition and type of skin, as well as on the recommendations of the specialist himself. On average, rest between procedures should be 10 days.

Is it possible to do carbon peeling in summer?

  • There are generally no restrictions on the procedure; it can be done at any time of the year and in any weather conditions. But cosmetologists strongly recommend performing facials in the autumn-spring periods.
  • This is due to the fact that in autumn and spring the sun's rays are least active. This means that the skin, which is more vulnerable after the session, will receive less damage from ultraviolet radiation.
  • In addition, this type of peeling contains photosensitizing substances, which aggravates the aggressive effect of ultraviolet rays.

Carbon facial peeling: before and after photos

"Hollywood Purge" - this is the second name for peeling, because this type of cleansing allows you to acquire a healthy appearance of the skin in a short period of time. And to see this, take a look at the photos of patients before and after surgery.

Cost of carbon peeling procedure

The price range generally depends on:

  • region,
  • status of a specialized center for the provision of carbon services,
  • dollar exchange rate.

Therefore, we will present the average statistical version of prices for this procedure. But be prepared that prices may change.

Among the numerous skin care procedures, there is one that combines the advantages of hardware techniques and cosmetic effects. This is a laser carbon peeling. The manipulation simultaneously rejuvenates, deeply cleanses and heals the skin.

Read in this article

Who should do it?

The procedure has a wide range of effects. Therefore, it is indicated for the following skin problems:

  • a network of wrinkles, individual shallow folds;
  • overactive functioning of the sebaceous glands, causing oiliness;
  • dehydration, loss of elasticity and wilting;
  • lifeless complexion;
  • acne marks;
  • dark spots.

Benefits of the procedure

Carbon facial peeling differs from other equally effective procedures in several advantages:

  • passes painlessly;
  • gives effect after the first session;
  • practically does not cause side effects that interfere with leading a normal lifestyle;
  • does not require rehabilitation;
  • has multiple beneficial effects on the skin (from bactericidal to anti-aging).

Carbon peeling: pros and cons

The advantages of carbon peeling are that it is safe and does not require long-term recovery; the disadvantages are that it cannot cope with deeper skin defects.

The advantages include:

  • absence of pain;
  • can be done in spring and summer, but it is still necessary to protect your skin from the sun;
  • smooths out porosity;
  • eliminates oily shine;
  • removes dirt and the surface layer of dead epithelium, removes peeling;
  • improves skin color;
  • you do not need to wear a bandage and immediately after the procedure you can go outside and have free contact with others;
  • there is a visible result after the first session.

Carbon peeling

The following are considered disadvantages:

  • the appearance of redness and rashes on the chin and around the nose;
  • black inclusions from the applied nanogel may remain;
  • will not affect scars and wrinkles;
  • the skin becomes dry and needs deep, frequent moisturizing;
  • you cannot use decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days;
  • high cost and the need for repeated sessions.

Carbon peeling technique

Carbon peeling before and after does not require any special measures. But still, before performing it, you need to consult a dermatologist and check if there is an allergy to the nanogel used during the procedure. It is applied to the patient’s hand, monitoring the reaction.

The impact itself is carried out in stages:

  • Removes makeup and impurities from the face. Then you need to apply an antiseptic gel. The impact should not be allowed to involve microorganisms.
  • After removing the antiseptic, a carbon composition is applied and the laser device is adjusted. The parameters must be clearly adjusted so that the epidermis does not burn, but warms up. The more pronounced the age-related changes, the higher the temperature and the deeper the penetration of radiation.

Stages of laser carbon peeling
  • The patient puts on safety glasses. Next, the actual carbon laser peeling is carried out. The specialist moves the device's handpiece along the surface of the skin without touching it. The process lasts 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Upon completion of treatment of the entire surface, the nanogel is removed using a cleanser. A soothing cream appropriate for the type is applied to the skin.

To learn how laser carbon peeling is carried out, its advantages and features, watch this video:

Effect of the procedure

Carbon peeling nanogel consists of tiny carbon particles that penetrate deep into the skin, draw out contents from pores, and also bind dead cells from the surface. Laser radiation destroys pathogenic microflora, stimulates the development of young and healthy cells of the collagen layer, and whitens. Due to the double impact, the effect arises:

  • the skin is deeply cleansed;
  • inflammation and opportunities for its development are eliminated;
  • the surface of the epidermis is leveled;
  • defects, enlarged pores, and oily shine disappear;
  • pigment spots disappear;
  • skin color improves;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • elasticity increases, the skin becomes moisturized;
  • Increased greasiness is eliminated.

Laser carbon facial peeling produces beneficial changes from the first session. In total, you need 5 - 7 of them, with weekly breaks between procedures. They are needed so that development processes in the skin can proceed independently.

You should not expect the procedure to have the same effect as plastic surgery. But it can be done by teenagers with oily skin, and middle-aged women who are immediately concerned about aging and increased oiliness.

Before and after a course of carbon peeling procedures


The procedure is non-invasive, that is, the tissue is not mechanically damaged. Nanogel is also not capable of causing harm. However, carbon peeling has contraindications, like any external influence. Some diseases and conditions create

danger to the health of the skin and the body as a whole during its implementation:

  • inflammation and any damage to the epidermis;
  • keloid scars;
  • oncology;
  • vitiligo;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of carbon peeling on the face

The carbon peeling procedure usually does not cause a negative reaction. The maximum that worries you is redness of the skin for a short time. But yet for some it may end:

These signs may occur as an individual reaction. Problems are sometimes caused by a low-quality carbon peeling device, a cosmetologist’s inability to work with it, or an incorrect choice of laser radiation parameters.

Skin care after

Tissues are not injured during the procedure. But this does not replace some precautions and special care after the procedure for several days. Changes occur in the skin so that it is vulnerable to bacteria, ultraviolet rays and any other influence. In addition, there is no protective film on it. And in order not to interfere with recovery, not to spoil the visible effect that laser peeling with carbon nanogel gives, it is necessary:

  • use for cleansing only for the first 24 hours;
  • intensively moisturize the skin with hypoallergenic products;
  • Do not sunbathe or go to the solarium for 2-3 weeks;
  • for the same period, refuse to visit the pool;
  • During the entire rehabilitation period, protect yourself from wind and cold;
  • do not perform procedures that irritate the skin (cleansing with scrubs, other peelings, applying aggressive products);
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder, etc.) for at least a week.

If these simple conditions are met, carbon peeling will have only favorable consequences. Otherwise, infection may occur, a new round of acne or pyoderma may occur, and increased skin dryness or hyperpigmentation may develop.

Why do acne appear after carbon peeling?

The appearance of acne after carbon peeling is caused by several reasons:

  • the procedure is stressful for the skin, the reaction to it is an exacerbation of inflammation;
  • the top layer (epidermis) is removed, which makes the rash clearly visible;
  • lack of proper aftercare: touching the skin with fingers, ignoring the ban on cosmetics, insufficient cleansing.
  • treat the skin with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, alcohol solutions are contraindicated;
  • lubricate the inflamed elements (spotwise) with Traumeel S, Levomekol, Zinc, Panthenol ointment.

If acne has not disappeared within 3-5 days, then you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

How many carbon peeling procedures do you need to do?

For minor changes, 2-3 are enough, and for severe problems, at least 7 carbon peeling procedures are recommended. The intervals between them are from 7 to 15 days. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin.

How much does carbon peeling cost?

Facial cleansing with carbon peeling will cost approximately 2000 rubles, 600 hryvnia for 1 session. With additional treatment of the neck and décolleté, the price will increase.

How long does the carbon peeling procedure last?

The average duration of the entire procedure is 45 minutes.

Questions from patients about carbon peeling

How often can you do carbon facial peeling?

Is carbon peeling allowed for dry skin?

Dry skin is not a contraindication. After the procedure, the top layer is removed, which will help the penetration of moisturizers and nutrients. It is important to regularly use recommended care products and avoid wiping with alcohol solutions so as not to dry out the skin.

Carbon peeling from what age?

From the age of 16, you can undergo laser skin cleansing procedures, but for widespread acne, you must undergo preliminary treatment. If this recommendation is ignored, the rash may worsen.

Is it possible to carry out carbon peeling at home?

Since the main component of this procedure is laser beams, it is impossible to perform it at home. An alternative option may be acid peels, but it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

Despite the high efficiency of the procedure and safety, its price is low compared to other similar manipulations. A session costs 2000 - 5000 rubles, depending on the area of ​​influence. Considering that you won’t need more than 5-7 of them, the course is inexpensive.

Useful video

Watch this video about how carbon peeling works and what are the indications for it: