Short congratulations on baptism 19. Short congratulations on the baptism of the Lord. Short congratulations on Baptism in verse

Congratulation on Baptism original in verse

And wish you purity

Health, happiness and love!
May the angels protect you
And guard your sound sleep
Let the grief of loved ones not know
And the Lord will be by your side!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord - verse

May holy water wash away pain and annoyance,
Let the disease and the enemy go far,
On the bright holiday of Epiphany, I wish you joy,
Let it be easy on the soul and on the heart!
With the Baptism of the Lord!

May the holy Epiphany
The whole family will be saved from adversity.
And the inextinguishable candle of Faith
You will be given a spiritual stronghold.
With a pure soul, as after Baptism,
I want you to live this whole year.
Then happiness will come, no doubt,
And every day will bring good luck!
I hasten to congratulate you on Baptism
And wish you purity
All thoughts and all aspirations,
Health, happiness and love!

Cool congratulations on baptism

Here is the baptism in the yard,
The girls are freezing on the mountain
And the walruses are all in the pond -
They bend into an arc.
Jump into the water once,
You will be illuminated for a year,
Well, today I'm in the mood -
I congratulate you on the Baptism!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
Glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
So that there are no troubles and bad weather!
Pray at the old icons
Let faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Your heart warms with warmth!

Warm congratulations on baptism

Friends! May each of you have a place in your soul for love and forgiveness on this Holy Day! Let the holy water wash away the burden of hardships and anxiety! May God give you the strength to keep the purity of your thoughts and the openness of your soul in a long series of new happy days of the coming year! We wish you that on this day your house will be open to friends and relatives, and everyone will find a place at the festive table and a kind word in it!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
Baptism is a holiday of purification and renewal, and on this day, I want to wish you that your life becomes brighter and cleaner, that grace descends on your home and all your loved ones are healthy and happy!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse

Let the Epiphany frosts
Angry outside the window
Let the quiet holiday come
On this day in your house
Let it bring into your souls
Peace and Grace
Let it be wiser, cleaner, better
He will help you become!

SMS congratulations on baptism

Happy Baptism! May the Angels guard your life path!!!

Congratulations on the Baptism of Christ

You with the Baptism of Christ
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
With Holy Epiphany,
Purification of the soul!
Be happy, love!
Do you love!? - This is God's gift!
Congratulations on the wash!
In the midst of the holiday!

Congratulation on Baptism in prose

Baptism in Russia was one of the most revered holidays. This is a holiday when we cleanse our soul and body, a holiday when we understand how important it is to be kind and loving. I want Holy Water to protect you, your home and your loved ones from all troubles and hardships. Be happy. May your family and friends always understand you. God bless you!

Congratulations on the Baptism. We wish the blessings of Heaven and God's grace!!!

SMS congratulations on baptism

On this Divine and Holy day, may Your thoughts rise, soul and body be cleansed and strengthened, love and forgiveness embrace Your good heart! Happy Baptism!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Today, on the Bright Feast of Christ's Epiphany, I want to wish you that fate be favorable to you. And may all the troubles and obstacles on your way you could pass with dignity. And let the evil blizzard take away all evil.

Every year in Epiphany frosts
Sacred water appears!
Sprinkle it on your loved ones!
And all troubles will sink forever!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse to friends

I congratulate you on the great Baptism,
It brings holiday and happiness, no doubt!
Full of life, be rich, love,
We keep by our Lord everywhere!

SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord beautiful

On this mysterious and winter day, I congratulate you and wish you happiness on the Epiphany of the Lord!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Please accept my congratulations on the holiday. May this holy day of the Baptism of the Lord be the first happiest day in a long series of happy days of your life, in which you will find our Lord in your soul. Peace to your house.

SMS congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

Forget all the bad, wash your thoughts. Raise your aspirations with the Baptism of the Lord!

congratulations on baptism beautiful

Congratulations on the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Stock up on holy water for a whole year to last until the next Baptism, and when you come home, sprinkle your dwellings with holy water. So that the grace of the Great Holiday comes to your house.

Verse: congratulations on baptism

Time for forgiveness!
General festivities!
Love and respect!

Congratulations on Baptism to loving people

Let loving eyes warm
The soul will be filled with goodness!
After all, Epiphany frosts are not terrible,
We will go to church for Holy water!
And we will not be afraid of thunderstorms,
And we'll live happily ever after!

SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

May all sinners repent on this holy day, all the righteous rise up, and we will step into a better new world! With the Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulations on Baptism in verse to your beloved

I'll dive into the water tomorrow.
I don't know where to go though.
'Cause I, too, without a doubt
I crave a lot of cleansing!

Congratulation on Baptism interesting

The sacrament of the soul is hidden in baptism, when the seed of kindness, love, happiness and spiritual purification is laid in a new person. We congratulate your child on this significant event. We wish you all the best in the hope that your son will be a sincere and noble person in baptism.

congratulations on christening dear

A moment is now equal to delight -
You dedicate yourself forever
Love, Hope, Faith, Feeling, God!
We heartily congratulate you on baptism!

Short congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verse

Short verses with the Baptism of the Lord
Baptism in the yard
Singing is heard in the church
Orthodox congratulations!
We wish you happiness, friends! Short congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord
Congratulations on the glorious baptism,
Don't forget to take a dip
And drink clean water
May the Lord reward you
Happiness, joy and health,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you with love! SMS verses with the Baptism of the Lord
Wake up, it's Epiphany!
Time to wash up
Icy but sacred
The purest water!
You will become vigorous and strong,
The cleanest and most beautiful! SMS with the Baptism of the Lord
Let the church chime
Happiness will bring to your home!
Sprinkle you in baptism
Home native holy water! Beautiful short SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord
With Holy Epiphany
Congratulations, friends!
Cast away all doubts
Be happy love!
Do not be afraid of various wickedness,
And wash yourself with holy water!
Guess for love...
The holiday is coming to us again! Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord short
Happy wonderful day, sacred day
I congratulate you!
With the feast of the holy Epiphany!
Help - bright water! Short SMS congratulations on Epiphany January 19
Let the Epiphany frosts illuminate your dreams.
Let the angel of breath drive away your sadness.
Let the Epiphany water give you health for years!
Let the Angels fill your house with singing!
With Holy Baptism!!! Briefly congratulate on the Baptism of the Lord
Happy Epiphany Day!
And with holy water!
Happiness and health to loved ones
And my lowest bow! SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord short
We meet today!
Let the sky smile
When sins are forgiven!
Candles are burning brighter
And have a good evening! Short verses about the Baptism of the Lord
Know, on Epiphany evening
You won't be alone
In my thoughts I'm always with you
Heart, body and soul!
May God forgive sins
And get rid of anxiety!

SMS with Baptism to a woman short congratulations in verse

Happy Baptism to you, dear,
Wash yourself with holy water.
May health be with you
Love and peace of mind.

You dive without fear into the hole and plunge three times,
On this day, Christ the Savior gives a chance to correct life.
As in the sacred Jordan there will be tender water,
Well, with Epiphany, dear, love and faith for years! Congratulations on the day of baptism,
I wish you feminine wisdom
Happiness, beauty, health,
Live with faith and love. Happy holiday, with the great Baptism,
With all my heart, dear, congratulations.
May you, your beautiful family
Gives joy on this day holy water.
Short poems for a woman for congratulations SMS The Christ Child in the Jordan received the great sacrament,
He brought grace to the earth, so let it be forever, and now
The soul abides in love and finds the way to God.
Happy Epiphany, my dear, let the angel come to the rescue. Ask God for women's happiness and with a twinkle
Plunge three times into the hole, signing yourself with a cross.
On this day, holy water gives beauty and become,
And I congratulate the beauty, wife and mother on Epiphany. With Baptism, the sacrament of the Lord,
Congratulations, my angel.
You sprinkle with holy water,
Be happy and young. A festive whirlpool swirled for almost a month,
Charging with positive and fun for the whole year,
I wish you to be healthy and cheerful from the bottom of my heart,
And congratulations on the almighty Baptism of the Lord!
Quatrains to a woman on January 19 In the hole, boldly plunging headlong, honest people
Tempers the strength of the spirit, carries optimism in the soul,
Light candles in the temple and ring the bells,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, joy, kindness. A wonderful holiday has come - the day of the Baptism of Jesus,
With a kind word of veneration, thoughts will ascend to heaven,
Let miracles happen in your life again and again,
Joy, happiness and love never leave. The Baptism of the Lord is a great bright holiday,
May joy and happiness fill your home
I congratulate you, let life be in chocolate
An astronomer will tell you by the stars.

SMS to a woman short wishes

I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord!
I wish you hugs, smiles, love,
Comrades faithful and noble,
People who are nice to go through life with.

I congratulate you on the Baptism of Jesus!
Let's pray for happiness before the altar,
Problems and troubles will all be settled,
I wish you not to be sad about anything. May the moments of your life be filled with goodness,
Today is the day of Epiphany, I congratulate you,
May pleasant surprises always await you ahead,
To please us with the light of their beautiful eyes.

Cool short congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord 2017

Hello! With the Baptism of the Lord
Happy to congratulate you in the morning.
Be brave and like a walrus today
Dive underwater in the cold.
Don't be afraid to dive into the hole
Only three times you cross yourself
Soul, how to be reborn,
Health will hurt.

Let Epiphany water
Instantly rejuvenates you
Wash away bad habits?
Quench the thirst for life.
Let there be no sad thoughts,
Only positive and joy
Sea of ​​material goods
To never end.
Let in January frosts
A miracle will suddenly happen -
Snowy, velvet rose
Grace will enter the soul!

I wish on the Epiphany holiday
You drink holy water
So that from all sorts of different diseases
Today it will be free.
So that all worries and problems
Suddenly they just became frivolous
And so that the baptismal, secret,
Holy water washed away the tears.

January nineteenth
Epiphany hole in the cold
A frosty day awaits you
(But only when sober).
Dive underwater three times
Three times, daredevil, be baptized,
Temper your body
Pray for your soul.
Celebrate the holiday in the evening
If you have tamed the flesh.
Christ commanded us to endure
But he turned water into wine.

Two THOUSANDS! years ago our Christ was baptized!
He was sinless, and we have a whole convoy of sins.
God washes away sins with holy water of baptism,
And we again let them bashfully on the threshold.
I wish everyone patience, the strength to avoid all sins
Not only on the holiday of the Christian God to remember.
Let baptismal water heal all souls,
May the word of Jesus Christ conquer demons in us!

On the day of Morozko's baptism
Cheeks bite,
Snow-covered Christmas trees and birches
January hides.
Russian winter is cool,
But we are cool too
We dive naked into the hole
All as young.
No sickness and disease
Only comfort to the soul.
This holiday is good for us
We are happy about Baptism!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
On this holiday, a miracle happens -
All the water is healing today,
She is sanctified by God from heaven.
You can drink it or wash it
You can plunge into the hole in winter.
Water will be good for your soul
And your strength will return again!

A miracle happened again
Epiphany water
Heals all colds
All souls and bodies.
I wish you health
May the Lord Baptism
inspires you
And gives cleansing!

Today there will be joy
And God's grace.
I wish all of you people
Be better now.
Will transform us all
May on a national holiday
The Lord will forgive us all
For bad habits
For wrong words.
Pour holy water
With Baptism, relatives!

Winter is in full swing
And frost reigns.
Once upon a time in Jordan
Christ himself was baptized.
It was warmer there.
We have cold
But we all, nevertheless,
We are always looking forward to the holidays.
In the baptism of the Lord
Dive into the Jordan
To the Neva, to Baikal and to the Volga,
And to the Pacific.
We remember Christ
We wish you all the best
Congratulations to each other
And we believe in miracles.

We sin all the time
But then we look forward to forgiveness.
Wash away sins with water
On the day of the Lord's Baptism.
Ah, if only it were that easy
We washed away the shame
Easy to leave in the past
Sins bandit and thief.
No, you can't fool God
This is where repentance is needed.
You will read a prayer
With love and diligence,
Then wash off with water
By the Grace of God
Your sins and torments,
Like bloody sweat from the skin.

Jumping barefoot in the snow
We run to the hole in the underwear.
How could it be otherwise
On the day of the Baptism of the Lord.
What is fun for a Russian
Basurman immediately death
We are glad to dive into Baptism,
We are not afraid to get sick.
After all, this water is holy,
So it's good for us
We subdue our flesh
Dipping in the cold.

You do not yawn in Baptism,
Dip the body in the hole.
Then pour some vodka
Warm your body from the inside.

Wash off the baptismal sins with water
Who is in the hole, who is in the Russian bath.
The water will cover us
We will become cleaner in body and soul.

At the Baptism of the Lord
Let's get some holy water
Let's wash it today
Brighten up our faces
And at a festive feast
Let's drink vodka at Epiphany
For good luck and health
For love and forgiveness.
Everyone is guilty before God
Except our Christ,
He promised us guys
Never leave.

On the day of Epiphany, be brave -
Dive famously into the hole.
It is very important to do this
Repent before the Lord
And cold water
God bless you.
You will be proud of yourself
You will become strong as granite.
Strength will give a blessing,
And baptismal water
Will give health without a doubt
Not for a day, but for years.

Will fill our souls and bodies
Cold, baptismal water,
And on a bright holiday there is no sin in that,
If we add a little vodka.

Short verses with Baptism

Great holiday, Epiphany
The holy spirit descended to the water,
I want everyone to be forgiven
Hope faith and love.

On the day of the Lord's Baptism
Congratulations love.
May the holy, great holiday
Light will give in the darkness of the day.

The glorious holiday of Epiphany has come,
It's time for us to part with sins,
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts,
Let your dreams come true!

Congratulations to all Orthodox
With Epiphany, a holy holiday,
Let life be filled with love
Let's make our own happiness!

Baptism is the sacrament of the Lord,
And a bright holiday in January,
We wish everyone in the world
Be kinder and wiser!

At the Baptism of the Lord
I send congratulations
All sins will cleanse you
Let the holy water sip.

On such a day the water is sacred,
Let her wash away her sins.
I wish for baptism
Released to debt.

With the Baptism of the Lord to you,
May the Lord protect your house
Pray sincerely every time
When adversity overtakes the soul.

On the day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you purity.
Let the holy water wash away
Your troubles and show-offs.

On the day of the Lord's Baptism
Autumn yourself with a cross,
Let holy water flow
The house will be cleansed from sins.

You are in the Baptism of the Lord today
Wash yourself with holy water
The grace of the Lord will descend
Will give forgiveness to the soul and peace.

Plunge into the hole,
Wash away all the pain, and in the heart of black.
I congratulate you on Baptism,
Become happier now.

Plunge into the hole today
Let the Epiphany water
Will wash away all the fate of beatings,
Happiness will give for all years.

Let your soul burst into the sky
Life is infinitely good
You cross yourself in autumn
And call God in your heart!

At the Baptism of the Lord
You are a sip of holy water
Cleanse yourself from sins
Accept faith in the Lord.

On the day of the Lord's Baptism
Go with faith.
Sprinkle the body with water
Don't forget about the soul!

Epiphany SMS congratulations January 19 short poems on Epiphany Eve

We want to love our neighbor

Let faith beat like a bird in the heart

Health will be strengthened by Epiphany water.

Baptism is a great day!

With all my heart I wish

To be healthy and happy

Appreciate every moment lived

Friends, family not forgetting!

Baptism today is not an easy day

All people go to temples for water

May grace descend on this day

And faith will warm in the cold!

Today is the Lord's Epiphany.

May the holy day take you away

Sadness, failure, adversity

Love, purification will bring to life.

Today, hearts are full of faith

Today baptismal water will wash away the sin

Today your life will light up

the grace of the Lord

Today I want to wish you happiness!

My friend, on Epiphany day

I heartily congratulate you

May God make you happy!

With love, faith, live life

With all my heart I wish!

A wonderful force descended from the sky.

Holy water gave healing.

Baptism of the Lord is grace to the soul.

Give the love of the whole world to people.

Let the ringing of bells play in the hearts.

The impure, the evil will crumble to dust.

At the moment of ablution, the light will illuminate.

Soul enlightenment everyone will see!

May pride, greed,

malice will fall from your soul.

Get rid of sins

make haste tonight.

The sky is shining with stars

The feat calls to repeat.

Everyone praises Jesus.

God's grace is coming!

When everything around is white-white,

When everything was covered with snow,

When it's cold outside

Check your cell phone.

There will be congratulations

Happy Epiphany!

I congratulate you on the Baptism.

Laugh on this January day.

Rejoice in life with rapture

Let no shadow fall on the soul.

May everything that God has spoken to us

It will be your principle.

Your goal, what you have prepared,

Let him let himself be conquered.

Let there be satisfaction

From what has already been achieved.

I congratulate you on the Baptism.

Laugh in this January moment.

The Feast of Epiphany helps people to cleanse themselves spiritually and discard all bad thoughts. It is also an occasion to say a few kind words to close and dear people. Of course, it will take a lot of time to come up with good wishes, so you can take ready-made congratulations on Baptism: short SMS in prose. It will be a pleasure to receive such congratulations with sincere wishes for every person.

I congratulate you on the Great holiday, Epiphany! I wish that your soul, as well as the souls of all the people around you, be filled with kindness and bright thoughts!

Let the Epiphany frosts recede soon, and with them all sorrows and hardships will go into the past. I wish that only good events happen in your life, and that only good people surround you!

Baptism is a bright holiday when water becomes holy. May it purify bodies, souls and thoughts, and may tears of joy appear in everyone's eyes! Congratulations!

I hasten to congratulate you on Baptism! I wish that your soul is always warm, that you find harmony with the world, and that you are always surrounded by loved ones and loved ones.

Congratulations on a bright holiday! May holy water give you strength, restore your health and relieve you of heavy thoughts. With the Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulations on the Baptism. I wish that on this day the angels descend from heaven and protect you and your loved ones!

I wish the blessed water bring you bright thoughts, health and healing of the soul. Happy Great Holiday - Epiphany!

I wish you to spend the holiday of Epiphany according to all traditions. Let swimming in the hole help cleanse your soul, let holy water bring healing, and Epiphany frosts make you healthy!

Happy Holidays to you and all your loved ones! I wish that holy water not only heals, but also brings happiness to the house!

I wish that thoughts were pure at Epiphany, that smiles shone on faces, and that many miracles happened on this day! Congratulations!

Baptism is a holiday that helps us become kinder. May your soul be warm and joyful on this day! Congratulations!

I congratulate you on an important holiday, Epiphany! I wish you happiness, prosperity and good health.

Baptism happens only once a year, so I wish you to spend this day for the benefit of your soul and body! May there be more joyful moments in your life, and may God give you strength and health!

I congratulate you on the Baptism! For a long time there has been a tradition - to plunge into the hole. Therefore, I invite you to perform this rite with me. May holy water help us heal our souls, cleanse our bodies, and make our hearts kinder!

On this Bright and important holiday, I want to wish you, first of all, health. And the rest will follow. May God keep you and help you overcome all the difficulties that come your way!

We have been waiting for this day for so long to drink holy water and plunge into the hole. The bright holiday, Epiphany, has finally come! I wish you on this day to be happy and surrounded by loved ones!

Happy Baptism! Let the soul, despite the severe frosts, be warm and warm on this day. May only good thoughts visit you, and may holy water heal you and strengthen your spirit.

Congratulations on the great holiday - Epiphany! I wish you to find God's Blessing today!

Baptism helps us cleanse ourselves of everything bad. So let's rejoice on this day, hug, plunge into the hole and give love to all our relatives! Happy holiday!

Today is a special day - many years ago Jesus Christ was baptized. And the Holy Spirit flew to him in the form of a dove, and he also heard the voice of God. I wish that your faith only grows stronger, that your soul is open to love, and that you rejoice at what God gives you every day!

Epiphany is a holiday that gives hope for the best. I wish you sincerely believe, love and be loved! Congratulations!

Happy Baptism, Happy Day! I wish a peaceful sky over your head, happiness and prosperity to you and all your loved ones!

I congratulate you on the Baptism! I wish that this holiday brings light to your soul, and that holy water heals you of all ailments.

Epiphany is one of the brightest holidays, giving us hope and rage. I wish you happiness, health, and more positive moments in your life!

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to remain indifferent to these sincere short SMS congratulations on Epiphany, on January 19 you can send them out in a couple of minutes, and how much joy they will bring to the recipients!


Page 6

I congratulate you on Baptism,
Bright, joyful moment!
Let dreams excite the blood
May there be love in life!

With the Baptism of the Lord!
Let the frost get stronger!
After all, the main thing today is
So that your spirit does not freeze!

Accept congratulations on Baptism,
There is a chance for you to start life in a new way!
Raise your hands to heaven in prayer
To give your heart to the Lord!

Let in January frosts
Birches shine with silver
And baptismal water
It will help you heal!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
Be strengthened by the power of spirit and love!
Make your path both pure and worthy,
And God will fill all the days with joy!

Do not trust in Baptism you on water,
Trust in the healer Christ.
He is with you in any bad weather,
And it will let you start from scratch!

On a frosty winter morning
Take a dip in the Epiphany water.
Always act wisely in everything,
Hold on tight to the Lord!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
Drink cold and holy water!
I wish you health for a hundred years
Go through life with a sober head!

At Epiphany, all nature triumphs,
And goodness pours down from heaven.
May the mercy of the Lord be with you!
Our generous Creator is full of love!

Epiphany water bestows grace,
But try with all your heart to know the Lord.
He will give you forgiveness and heal your body,
Gives his mercy and revives the soul!

Page 6

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord
And I wish guardian angels.
Let the soul shine with joy
May life be bright and good!

I congratulate you on Baptism,
I wish you happiness and good
good health,
And good luck with love.
May you always be lucky in everything
You are a hundred years ahead.

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, with all my heart I wish heavenly grace and happiness in life, true faith and bright hope, pure love and spiritual goodness.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
And I wish the grace of the house
Let troubles and bad weather go away,
And there remains peace in the soul, warmth and happiness!

At the Baptism of the Lord
Let dreams come true,
drops of holy water
All sins are washed away.

Here the Baptism has come -
A miracle descended from above.
Touch the holy secret
And plunge into the water
To wash away the sins
And be the healthiest!

At the Baptism of the Lord
You drink holy water
May the holy faith keep
From sins and from trouble.

With the Baptism of the Lord!
Happy big day and saint.
Let the heart be warm.
Health, faith, strength!

On the day of the Baptism of the saint
I wish you purity
In thoughts, heart and actions,
Let dreams come true.

May all the angels hear on the day of Baptism,
A prayer that the heart says quietly.
May health and luck be on a wonderful day,
Fill the house, save from crying.
Will give a quiet smile to everyone,
Water will wash away sad mistakes.

Let in Epiphany frosts
Everyone will be warm,
Let troubles, tears disappear,
And the world will be filled with good.

On the day of the Lord's Baptism
holy water,
May the Lord cleanse the souls
Gives hope and peace.

With the Baptism of the Lord to all your family,
Never let bad weather touch you,
Let sorrows, troubles, bitterness go away,
The soul will be filled with great, bright happiness.

Happy Epiphany!
Happiness and health!
Let the doubts go
Everything in life will be smooth!
God's light in the eyes
And smiles on your lips!

Plunge into the hole smartly,
Wash away sins and negativity.
I congratulate you on the Baptism,
I send you only positivity.

I congratulate you on Baptism,
I wish you blessings!
And let the baptismal water
Saves you from all troubles.
To cleanse, get drunk,
And live in happiness all this year.

I congratulate everyone on the Baptism,
With an incredible feeling
With purity and beauty
What is given by water!

Let the Epiphany frosts
The heat of the soul will not cool,
And holy water streams
Gratitude will be awarded.

Happy holy day, great,
We wish you well
Let the water cleanse from troubles
It will bring warmth to the soul.

With the Baptism of the Lord,
And peace on earth!
May you be happy today
Everyone will be in the world!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord.
I wish you all the blessings of the earth to your soul.
Live joyfully, easily, without fuss,
So that thoughts and deeds are pure.