The best curlers for hair of different lengths. Curlers wound at night, a strategic mistake

Today, a wide selection of curlers of different shapes, sizes and materials is on sale. All of them have the right to exist. However, not all of these devices are suitable for night waving. Remember that with this styling method, you will have to leave the curlers on your head not for an hour or two, but for quite a long time, moreover, you will also have to sleep on them.

It is imperative that the option you choose is mostly convenient. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the material from which they are made. We must say right away that it is better to choose curlers for the night that are softer.

In general, it is worth noting that you are free to choose the option that is best for you and more convenient. The main thing to remember is the feeling of comfort. If you sleep on hard and uncomfortable bobbin for a long time, it can not only spoil your sleep and mood, but also negatively affect your health and well-being.

How to make curls?

When the correct curlers are selected and purchased, you can proceed directly to the curling process.

Set aside enough time for it before going to bed - to wind your hair competently and accurately, you may need about half an hour or more.

Let us briefly describe the algorithm of actions that should be followed.

The process described above is quite simple, but all its stages are extremely important. To get a really impressive effect, follow this instruction exactly and do not skip any of the steps given in it.

Is it possible to make the effect of the procedure better?

Many girls devote a lot of time to the process of winding their hair on curlers, and take them off in the morning in a hurry and carelessly. This is a common mistake. To make the styling really perfect, you need to approach its final stages with all responsibility. First of all, make sure your hair is completely dry overnight.

If you find that the strands wrapped around the curlers are still slightly damp, there is a risk that the curl will not work. To remedy the situation, we recommend that you dry your hair thoroughly with a hair dryer without removing the curlers from your head.

IMPORTANT! No need to remove curlers from wet strands. If your thick hair has not dried out overnight, you should undo it only after blow-drying. If you encounter such a problem, in the future we advise you to wind only dry hair on curlers in order to avoid trouble with curling.

It is worth removing strands from curlers very carefully and slowly, trying not to injure or fluff the curls. It is better to start this process from the bottom of the head. When you have loosened all the curls, you can gently go through the hair with a comb with rare teeth. If desired, fix the curl with hairspray.


Curling hair at night is really a very practical and convenient solution, especially for those who do not have a lot of free time and want to put themselves in order as quickly as possible in the morning. The main thing with this method of curling is to choose really high-quality curlers made of soft material so that your sleep is sweet and calm, and does not turn into real torture.


Before curling, we wash our hair and wait until the hair is almost dry. Wet hair that sticks together in icicles is not suitable for curling. We are waiting for the state when the hair crumbles, but cool and slightly damp to the touch. This is the golden point from which a luxurious and very comfortable curl begins! Do not neglect this rule in any case. And then your curls will turn out to be persistent and very beautiful.

There are several types of foam rollers. Ordinary foam curlers, curlers (or boomerangs) and locks. The first two types can be used on short hair. True, they have not very comfortable plastic or wire parts that can interfere with sleep. If the length of the hair allows, it is better to use locks. They are suitable for shoulder length and longer hair. Loxes do not have hard or any angular parts, they are absolutely soft. Make your choice, in any case, you can get enough sleep on all these curlers.

Separate the curling strands with the thin end of the comb. What for? This is one of the most important rules. In my practice, I often come across the fact that girls do not carefully sort their hair into strands and wind them up. In this case, the hairs from one strand or twisted curler fall into another, or remain uncurled, cling and wind around the curler. It brings pain during sleep. By following this rule, you carefully separate all the hair on your head. Therefore, curlers on the head are practically not felt.

Consider the size of the curlers when dividing the hair into partings. Try to divide your hair into rectangles as long and as wide as your curlers. In this case, you will get almost salon results! This is the rule used by professionals. The standard size is approximately 7x3 cm. When winding hair on locks or boomerangs, it is also better to make small rectangles, although they will no longer exactly match the size of the curlers.

Carefully comb the hair of each strand before winding it into curlers. This rule is neglected by many, and thereby spoil both their sleep and the impression of the hairstyle. Just imagine, here are some hairs in the strands lay crumpled. Because of this, the hair was stretched unevenly during curling and all night you felt that something was itching and sipping somewhere. And having dissolved the resulting curl in the morning, you see sloppy crumpled hairs that spoil the whole effect of the curl. Avoid this oversight and your sleep will be truly comfortable, and the curl will be flawless.

When winding, strive to ensure that all the hair in the strands are stretched equally. I'll explain now. It happens that the hair in strands of different lengths. If you wind your hair on ordinary foam rollers or curlers, then start winding it from the middle of the strand, that is, from the place where you can grab all the hairs, both long and short. After making one turn, wind the remaining ponytail, and only after that wind the upper part of the strand, bringing the curlers closer to the very roots of the hair.


Curlers and their varieties

Curlers are well-deservedly popular among women. Depending on their variety, these simple devices allow you to create real masterpieces: soft voluminous curls, Hollywood waves, playful curls, large curls. How to understand the types of curlers and learn how to use them to make hairstyles with beautiful curls?


To understand what result you can expect, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of curlers.

Velcro - hedgehogs

Plastic hollow cylinders, on the outer surface of which a layer of material with small spines is applied. It is these spikes-hooks that act as fixators: the hair sticks to them, so there is no point in additional use of rubber bands and clips.


  • do not harm the hair;
  • curls are obtained without creases;
  • allow you to create maximum volume at the roots;
  • do not cause a headache due to the strong tension of the strands;
  • the finished hairstyle looks natural and lasts a long time.


  • curlers are not suitable for very long hair, as there may be problems with winding and removing;
  • if the hair is thin, contact with the surface of the Velcro can get tangled;
  • after each use, it is necessary to clean the Velcro from accumulated hairs.

Thermo curlers

There are two options: Soviet thermal curlers and modern ones.

In the first case, we are talking about paraffin cylinders with tiny spikes and plastic mesh clips. To curl your hair on Soviet-style hot rollers, you need to place them in a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil. After that, carefully remove one at a time and, without letting it cool, quickly wind it onto dry and clean strands. Wait for complete cooling.

More modern hot rollers are plastic cylinders with paraffin rods inside. Evenly heating, such a filling provides soft heating of the wound curl. On top of the plastic shell can be any coating - Teflon, ceramic, velvet.

  • there is a chance to curl strands in a relatively short time;
  • a less dangerous option for creating curls, compared with an iron and curling iron;
  • modern models have protection against overheating and a temperature indicator.
  • you can not wind your hair too often;
  • if you use old-style curlers that are in boiling water, there is a high chance of getting burned;
  • for heating, you must have on hand a gas or electric stove for Soviet hot rollers and a microwave oven for modern models.

Electric curlers

The kit includes the curlers themselves, crab clips, hairpins or elastic bands for fixing and a container-stand with a cord. Before you start curling your hair, the stand and the curlers installed in it are connected to an electrical outlet for 3-10 minutes. The contact time with the hair is 5-15 minutes (depending on the thickness of the strands and the structure of the hair).


  • provide a lasting effect;
  • allow you to get results in a short time;
  • some modern types of curlers are additionally equipped with ionizers;
  • if the surface of the electric curler has a velor, velvet, tourmaline, teflon or ceramic coating, winding is as safe as possible.


  • if the model does not have heat-insulating edges, it is possible to get burned;
  • dry hair if used too often;
  • heating requires access to an outlet;
  • should only be used with thermal protection applied.

Boomerangs (papilots)

Boomerangs are a flexible wire rod, on top of which a rubberized or foam rubber surface is applied. A slightly damp strand is wound on curlers from the root to the ends, after which the boomerang is wrapped in a miniature bun-bun. For fixing, no additional devices are needed, since the boomerang holds its shape on its own.


  • keep their shape well;
  • you can get neat curls that last all day;
  • harmless, as they do not pull out hair;
  • no clamps means no creases;
  • comfortable to sleep.


  • at first, the use of boomerangs can be difficult, given their atypical shape;
  • since foam rubber is a relatively short-lived material, over time it breaks through and the wire rod is exposed.


Hollow cylinders with a pleasant to the touch velvety surface. They have small holes that help hair dry faster. Winding is carried out on wet hair in a classic way - from the ends to the roots. Soft smooth waves are obtained.

  • safe;
  • lack of clamps and, accordingly, creases.
  • can not be used during sleep;
  • due to the lack of fasteners, they can slide off the hair.


They are hollow cylinders with holes and small spikes that prevent the curl from moving. For fastening, clamps are used - semicircular plastic meshes that are worn over the curlers.


  • reliable fixation;
  • strength and durability;
  • the finished hairstyle retains its shape for a relatively long time;
  • low cost.


  • you can not leave it wound up at night, as this threatens you with insomnia and a headache;
  • it is difficult for beginners to put on clamps on curlers on their own;
  • hair can get tangled during removal, clinging to spikes and protrusions;
  • creases remain from the clamps.


Smooth metal cylinders with holes for better hair drying. Fixation occurs with the help of an elastic band. On the shelves you can find another option - the frame of the curler is made of metal, and inside there is a brush made of natural bristles. Allows you to get elastic curls

  • inexpensive.
  • from contact with metal, the strands are electrified;
  • not suitable for sleeping;
  • do not dry with a hairdryer, because the effect of hot air on the metal leads to overdrying of curled hair;
  • not used for thin and weakened hair.


Thin sticks-cylinders, on the basis of which a spiral thread is applied. They can be made of plastic, but the most common type of curlers are wooden spiral ones.

Used on wet hair. Separate a strand that matches the width of the groove on the curler and place it in a spiral thread. Fixation occurs with the help of rubber bands. After the hair is completely dry, the curlers are removed.


  • small tight curls are obtained;
  • affordable price.


  • you can not wind curls at night;
  • heavy enough;
  • it is difficult to place the strand strictly in the groove;
  • it is difficult to wind the occipital strands;
  • there are poorly processed wooden curlers with notches that hair will cling to;
  • rather long and laborious winding process.


Bobbins are used for perm and for simple curling of hair without the use of chemicals. They are plastic or wooden sticks, wider at the ends than in the center.

There are two options for winding curls on bobbins:

  • you can wind the strand from the tips to the roots;
  • you can visually divide the strand horizontally into two torn parts, then bring the bobbin to the middle of the curl and wind the ends onto it; then rotate the bobbin, bringing it closer to the roots.

In both cases, fixation occurs with an elastic band. The result is tight curls.

  • low price;
  • long lasting result.
  • you can not twist your hair at night;
  • hair takes a long time to dry;
  • winding takes a lot of time and effort;
  • if the bobbins are made of wood, they must be washed and dried periodically so that mold does not start on their surface.


A simple and budget type of curler that allows you to get elastic curls. They are hollow tubes made of dense rubber with holes to speed up the drying of hair. Fixed with rubber band.


  • low cost;
  • you can wind curls at night;
  • safe and convenient to use.


  • when winding, rubber can pull wet strands, which brings a feeling of discomfort;
  • if you sleep with rubber curlers, then they can crumple under the weight of the head;
  • if the rubber is of poor quality, it will quickly tear.

Foam (soft curlers)

They are made of soft foam rubber, inside they have a plastic core-base, fixed with a fixing frame.

Separate alternately wet curls of the desired width and wind from the tips to the roots. Tie your head with a scarf and go to sleep. In the morning, remove the curlers and comb or fluff up your hair with your hands.


  • soft and light;
  • can be used during sleep;
  • ease of winding;
  • low price;
  • relatively harmless;
  • help create bouncy curls.


  • foam rubber tends to fray, so curlers can quickly lose their presentation;
  • small creases remain at the fixation site;
  • since the foam rubber absorbs moisture, the hair dries for a long time;
  • under the weight of the head, the foam rubber is flattened, which means that during sleep, the twisted strands can take on the most unexpected shape.

"Magic" spiral hair curlers MagicLeverag

MagicLeverag is a novelty on the Russian market, which many of our compatriots have already appreciated. Curlers are flexible spiral tubes sewn from elastic fabric. For winding hair, a special plastic stick with a hook at the end is also used, with which the strands are threaded into curlers.

In addition to the specified type of curlers, there are two more models: these are MagicRoller and wavy tubes. In the first case, after curling, you get coquettishly twisted ends of the strands, in the second - styling a la corrugation.

The principle of using MagicLeverag: you need to thread a stick with a hook into a silicone tube, grab a wet strand with a hook, retreating 5 cm from the roots, and drag it through the tube. At the end, you need to twist the tube in a spiral. Treat the entire hair in the same way and leave the curlers on the hair until it dries.

  • can be used at night - MagicLeverag are soft, so they do not interfere with sleep;
  • no need to use additional fasteners;
  • there are no creases on the twisted curls;
  • safe for hair;
  • the material of the curler is durable, the edges are additionally rubberized.
  • at first, it may be difficult for you to use them yourself;
  • until you adapt to a new type of winding, it will take quite a lot of time;
  • since the curlers are soft, after sleep, the curls can take an unexpected shape.

What curlers to choose?

When choosing curlers, you need to be guided by the length of the hair and their structure.

All curlers have characteristic features that you need to remember before buying them. After weighing the pros and cons and soberly assessing the condition of your own hair, you can choose curlers to create stunning images.

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Hello my dear readers! Beautiful, thick waves give the image of femininity and cause admiration from the opposite sex. Wavy styling can be ordered in the salon, but for everyday wear it is more useful to learn how to twist curls on your own, for this they use a curling iron, curlers, a hair straightener (yes, yes, he also knows how to twist hair). When using a curling iron and iron, do not forget about thermal protection, because high temperatures adversely affect the structure of the hair. There is a popular word among the people to "burn" hair, so that this does not happen, adopt simple and completely harmless life hacks. And today I will tell you how to make curls without a curling iron and curlers.

Why is the use of curling irons and curlers harmful to hair?

It's no secret that frequent heat styling has a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. Here are a few reasons to ditch this styling method.

After frequent use curling irons:

  • The hair is split at the ends.
  • Hair becomes brittle.
  • By acting on the strands with hot objects (curling iron, tongs), we deprive them of moisture. The result is lifeless dull hair.
  • By abusing tools that heat up, you risk losing volume and density - in such conditions, the hairs fall out sooner or later.

curlers unsafe, as it might seem at first glance. Electric and thermal rollers act on hair like curling irons and tongs. Curlers with a "brush" damage the hair structure, and metal ones electrify the strands and lead to a section of the tips. The most gentle are plastic curlers, but they are made with holes into which hair gets tangled and torn. A similar effect can be achieved using Velcro curlers.

If you use the "grandmother's secrets", the strands will not only be twisted, but also healthy. Here are the most common ways to curl hair without curling irons and curlers.

How to make curls with a bun

This method is easy and fast, it is recommended to do it on clean, washed, damp hair.

  1. To start, make a ponytail high at the back of your head.
  2. Next, twist the strands tightly, wrap them in a muzzle and secure with hairpins or stealth pins.
  3. After 7-8 hours, remove the studs and carefully unwind the tourniquet.
  4. The resulting strands do not need to be combed, but only whipped and straightened with your hands.
  5. Fix hair with varnish. We get light and stylish curls.

How to make curls with rags

The procedure looks ridiculous, but the result is elastic curls that will not lose shape throughout the day. You will need strips of cotton fabric and only 10-15 minutes of free time.

  1. Hair should be washed with shampoo, dried, combed and divided into strands, their thickness may be different depending on the desired result.
  2. Place the tip in the middle of the rag curler, twist to the very root, tie the ends into a knot.
  3. Take the next strand and do the same..
  4. Hair should be completely dry, as a rule, it takes 8-12 hours.
  5. After you have removed the rags, straighten your hair and sprinkle with varnish.

Interesting: in addition to pieces of fabric, you can use straws for cocktails, pieces of paper, foil, caps from felt-tip pens.

Hairpin curls

  1. To begin with, be sure to lightly moisturize your hair.
  2. Form thin small strands and from the roots in the shape of a figure eight, begin to twist the strand onto the hairpin.
  3. In a few hours you will have a magnificent hairstyle.
  4. Shake the hair with your hands from the roots, shape.

Curls with a bandage

The bandage is a common accessory for creating hairstyles. Few people know that with its help you can quickly create light curls. We put on a fabric bandage with a tight elastic band, sprinkle freely falling hair with water. Next, divide the hair into identical strands, then each must be twisted into a flagellum and threaded under the bandage. It will take only a few hours and the curls are ready! Remove the bandage, shape the hair with your hands without a comb.

Curls with braids - an old and proven way

This method is considered the most gentle and easy. To get lush curly hair, it is enough to wash your hair, dry it a little, braid a lot of braids and go to bed. Unweave in the morning and get light waves. If you want to get strands wound from the roots, braid the spikelets. The more spikelets, the smaller the curls.

Flagella are a good way to make curls

It will take several minutes to form curls in this way. Wet hair should be divided into thin strands, twist tight bundles, fix. We wait about 10 hours, take out the hairpins, form the styling.

Curly styling on the fingers

It is easy to wind the hair in this way: take a strand, wind it around your finger, attach it with a hairpin at the base. To make the strand thicker, wind it around a few fingers. To style in half an hour, pre-apply foam and lightly dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Twist hair with sticks

Chopsticks can not only eat sushi, but also braid hair. To get light curls, divide the hair in the middle - collect one part in a ponytail. Twist the free part into a ponytail around the stick, secure with an elastic band and thread the stick under the elastic band. Do the same, on the other hand, fix the sticks with rubber bands. Go to bed, and in the morning take off your sticks, rubber bands and enjoy the gorgeous waves. To simplify the hairstyle, you can braid one shell, the curls will turn out natural and light.

We spin on papers

First you need to make paper papillots. A regular notebook or other paper will do. Cut the sheets into rectangular strips, knead a little. Fold the rectangles into tubes, threading a thin piece of fabric inward so that the edges protrude from both sides.

The procedure begins traditionally: we wash the hair, rinse with conditioner, wipe it with a towel, let it dry a little naturally. Apply styling agent, distribute along the entire length. Separate the strands one by one, try to stick to the same thickness, wind them on pieces of paper, fix them with a string. We move in the direction from the back of the head to the forehead. Put on a scarf at night so that the papillots do not slip. Remember - the thinner the strands, the more magnificent and voluminous the hairstyle will turn out.

Features of winding depending on the length of the hair

When choosing a curling method, consider the length of the hair. Braiding pigtails on a square is unlikely to work, and spikelets from the roots are easy! Ask a friend or mom about it. In order for the hairstyle to take shape better, first apply a little mousse or foam, but in no case varnish - it is applied only to fix the result. By the way, if you use a curling iron or tongs, the varnish applied before styling will burn your hair.

Short hair can be wound on caps from felt-tip pens, tubes for juice. If you took rags for example, and the strands obediently curl in them, then this method suits you. It is most convenient to twist medium-length hair - any of the above methods is suitable for them. Long thick hair is more difficult to curl. Cloths, pigtails, plaits, pieces of paper / foil are suitable for them.

How to prolong the effect?

  1. To keep the effect of curled hair longer, wash your hair before the procedure, do not forget about the preliminary application of special products: mousses, foams, etc. They can be divided into amateur and professional. Using the second group, the effect will last a day or even two. They cost more, but it is much more effective. It is not recommended to use strong fixatives every day - it spoils the hair. Also, watch the dosage so as not to get sticky hair.
  2. Do not comb the strands, but shape them with your hands, fix the result with varnish. What is interesting: styling on washed hair lasts longer, the main condition is that they should dry well. If you do not wash your hair, but simply sprinkle the strands with water from a spray bottle, the effect of curly hair will last for several hours.
  3. In the 90s, rooted perm was in fashion - this gave the hair extra volume. Now the girls fell in love with natural images, for such styling, wind your hair, stepping back from the roots 10-15 cm (depending on the length). Hollywood stars fell in love with light, careless waves. To achieve this effect, wind the strands away from the face.

To look at 100, it is not necessary to visit a hairdresser every day. Beautiful styling can be done at home, the main thing is to study your hair, experimentally find the most successful hairstyle that holds up well. It is important to monitor the quality of the hair, from time to time nourishing it with masks and not abusing the hair dryer, then your curls will not only be beautifully shaped, but also healthy, shiny, well-groomed.

For most women, making curls without curling irons and curlers will soon become easy enough. This will only take 10-30 minutes. If you are twisting your hair for the first time, the whole procedure may seem complicated to you, but this is only at first - you will quickly learn everything and will flaunt with attractive curls.

Luxurious flowing curls without harm to hair? This is real! Locs - a novelty in the field of hair curling!

Girls, have you heard about the Loks? It's time to try them!

And now some facts:

  • LOKS - a patented model. No hooks, clips or plastic parts!
  • Locks are made of durable and wear-resistant foam rubber, the curls do not wrinkle overnight due to the quick restoration of the shape of the curlers.
  • Locks are eco-friendly and gently curl your hair.

Locks are unique:

  • Super soft for overnight curls
What is more comfortable to sleep on? On foam rubber, or hard plastic and wire inserts?

  • Hold firmly on the head
Curlers untwisted overnight and the whole hairstyle is ruined? You are insured against such surprises using Loks.

  • Spiral Curler long hair!

  • Curlers for volume short hair!

  • Development and production - Russia.
  • More than 1000 points of issue in Russia, with payment upon receipt, sending by Post, courier.

How to choose Loks?

With the help of Lox curlers, you can style hair of different lengths:

  • if you are the owner of long hair and want to create a lush volume or large luxurious curls, choose Loks Maxi vertical curlers;
  • in order to wind hair of short or medium length without harm, modern Loxa Classic spiral curlers are perfect.
  • To create basal volume on short hair, choose large soft Super Volume curlers.

Our foam curlers are also great for thin, weak hair. They allow you to make the most gentle curl and help create a lush hairstyle.

High price?

Sometimes we are asked why Locs are so expensive? After all, this is ordinary foam rubber and rubber bands?
The price is dictated by the characteristics of the material and its processing. If you open a very expensive mattress, you can see there, too, the most ordinary at first glance, foam rubber. But it's not. Its properties are specially selected for the loads for which this mattress is designed, for a certain shape memory effect, and so on.

Our material withstands repeated compression-expansion-twisting-twisting, quickly recovering its shape. According to our observations, Loks are able to serve at least 2 years, subject to approximately 2-3 perms per week.

Agree, for 2 years of constant high-quality perms, their price is not so high.

How to get Hollywood curls, soft waves or fun curls?

(on the example of Loksov Classic)

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