Sailors. Faithful men. Is it easy to be a sailor's wife

The Morskaya Pravda correspondent talked to the wives of sailors to find out from them how difficult it is, or vice versa, how easy it is to be the wife of a man who has been working in the seas most of his life.

Is it really so difficult to endure the long absence of a husband? Of course, it is much easier for modern sailors' wives today, because contracts for 9-12 months are practically a thing of the past. You no longer have to wait for your husband for almost a year. And the Internet technology allows you to almost always be in touch. But still, the question of whether it is easy to be a sailor's wife can only be answered by her - the sailor's wife!

Ekaterina Lysak (wife of the 3rd mechanic, together for 10 years):

“I very often hear such words: “It must be hard to be the wife of a sailor ...”. And a sympathetic look! And every time I lie: “It’s very hard. I miss you so much that I sleep badly. I cry from longing in the dark evenings. Why lie? Do you think I don't love my husband? I love it, of course! Crazy! I’m just not sure that everyone will understand when I have a well-deserved vacation as a “wife”: down with cooking, “Hurrah!”, an empty refrigerator, reading your favorite books in the evenings, yoga as many times a week as you like and, as a result, the lack of food minus 4 kg for 3 months. I won’t say that it’s so cool without a husband all the time. No. Only the first month you enjoy a vacation from the painful everyday life of a cook and a cleaning lady. Then begins the buzz of pleasant boredom for her husband. I heard that there is such an expression "romantic masochism", a very interesting fact. When you are such a romantic that the world expects love poems from you, you get such pleasure from the fact that the seas and oceans share with your loved one, your love grows and multiplies in calls and messages full of tenderness and confessions of innermost feelings. In separation, my husband and I write to each other “I love you” every day. After all, there is no need to say these words when you see each other day after day. It turns out that the distance gives rise to romance and excites feelings between us, each time returning us 10 years ago, when the relationship was just beginning and was quivering and tender, like rose petals.

And once again - is it hard to be a sailor's wife? Yes, of course, but the advantages that separation brings to our relationship outweigh all the disadvantages of this profession. Perhaps not all women are ready for the trials that are associated with the sea, but if you are a romantic at heart, then being the wife of a sailor, you will discover a new big world in yourself and learn to love even more.

Veronika Kitova (boatswain's wife, 5 years together):

“Somehow there is a lot of drama in this issue. Men choose such a job for themselves when you are away from home most of your life, why then women cannot choose such a husband for themselves? For me personally, there is nothing of the kind in this, I grew up surrounded by men who are constantly busy with work and, as a result, do not go home for a long time. The main thing is to know that the beloved is somewhere, even if not nearby at this moment, but the thought of a long-awaited meeting warms. It's like an eternal honeymoon! At the same time, you need to have endurance and patience: not seeing a person for half a year, you wean from his habits and lifestyle, and sometimes you just don’t recognize your husband in him, the severity of working conditions leave their imprints on the character and train of thought. In general, there is nothing supernatural in being the wife of a sailor, no, it's the same life, just a bit like a rollercoaster."

Yulia Golubovskaya (wife of the senior mate, together for 13 years):

“To be honest, the answer to this question is quite simple: being a sailor's wife is as easy as being the wife of, for example, a physicist or an architect… After all, we choose a man, not his profession. And for so many years of communication with my husband's colleagues and their wives, I realized that there is no direct relationship between the maritime profession and family relationships. In the families of sailors, as in any other, there are joys and sorrows, quarrels and reconciliations ...

The most common opinion why it is difficult to be a sailor's wife, and today it is more a myth than a reality, is the long absence of a husband. I remember the wives of sailors 20-25 years ago: so, today I have to come to the port, which means that I can go out to call, at what time is unknown, plus or minus a few days the landline phone at home does not take more than 1 minute - suddenly it will call, from do not go out at home, watch the phone! And then about a miracle - the long-awaited international call, determined by the characteristic beeps! The connection is disgusting, the conversation breaks off at the 2-3rd minute ... Futile attempts to renew the connection ... And again several months of waiting and uncertainty ... And so 8-9 months! This is torture - you can not argue!

Today, seafarers' contracts are quite humane: from 2-3 weeks to 4-5 months. And with the development of modern technologies, there are no problems at all to always stay in touch, moreover, you can also follow your spouse’s steamer online! Of course, evil tongues will say that all this is nonsense, he is still not at home for 4 months, but my husband is with me every day. But how often does it happen that a man who came late from work and was tired for the whole day, can physically and “with you”, but not with you! But what happiness when a husband has a vacation of 3-4 months! Who else can afford such a long family vacation? For me, the help of my husband around the house during the holidays, his communication with children, when he is completely immersed in solving children's problems, and his thoughts are focused on them, and not on work, his ability to always find the right words of support in difficult times and, of course, his ability to create an incredible amount of romantic moments for the two of us!

There is, of course, one problem: no matter how long the vacation is, for some reason it ends very quickly! And here you realize what it really means to be a "sailor's wife." Thanks to my husband’s profession, I am well versed in cars: I can change a light bulb in a burned-out lamp, pour antifreeze into an expansion tank, and recently I saw admiration in the eyes of a tire worker when I asked to pump up the wheels, and he caustically: “Of course, you don’t know, what should be the pressure? To which I answered him: “2.2 on all four, I think the right front is lowered,” which for him sounded like a prediction from my lips! I can easily change burnt out light bulbs in the apartment, change a shower head that was leaking for some time and finally broke down in the absence of my husband, I know how to use a screwdriver and distinguish between screws for wood and metal. I can easily configure the router and reinstall the system on the computer. I'm pretty good at football, because a few years ago I had to become a link between the Champions League games and football fans on my husband's steamer. This list is endless, but I am sure of one thing: my husband appreciates all this, and the male work that falls on the shoulders of a sailor's wife in his absence is not so difficult, and the more worries, the faster time flies, and the long-awaited moment of the meeting arrives.

For more than ten years I have been meeting my husband at the airport, and every time our meeting is unique! A look, touches, kisses evoke such emotions, as if this is the first date, and there is no nine-year experience of family life behind them. A slight dizziness, butterflies in the stomach, and thoughts only about how happy it is to hug your beloved man, and everything around ceases to exist at that moment ... You begin to double appreciate every second spent together! It is easy to be not the wife of a sailor, but the wife of a loving and beloved man!

Julia Golubovskaya with her husband

Olga Carlo (wife of the 2nd mate, together for 3 years):

“A sailor… This profession has attracted me since childhood. So at the age of 14 I wanted a husband of a sailor or a football player. I thought that it would be good this way, he works for himself, and I rest and live for my own pleasure. But I missed one point. Love! If you love a person, then these months of separation become unbearable. I am not one of those people who cry, who close themselves within 4 walls, life is seething, even when a loved one is on a flight, but it is devoid of bright colors. It's like being without one wing. It’s all the time to think about your husband, it’s to be strong without the right to make a mistake, because no one will help you, except morally, and even then not always, but at the same time it’s every time like the first time. Romance for life. After all, only at a distance you can understand how dear a person is to you and how hard it is without him!

Carlo family

Victoria Naumchuk (wife of the ship's cook, 5 years together):

“Only the girls of sailors know what a wonderful, but at the same time hard fate it is to be the wife of a sailor. And this burden lies in many ways. You need to be very strong in spirit and faithful to be with a sailor, as you have a great responsibility while your sailor is on a voyage. The biggest responsibility is the children! We must give them all our love, the love of two parents, make sure that they have everything, a happy and carefree childhood. But no matter how hard mother-sailor tries, the child will still miss dad, and dads really miss their little bunnies. It is very difficult for sailors because they do not see how their first teeth appear in their babies, how they take their first steps, how the first words are spoken. This is how children grow up, and sailors go through life, and I’ll say that there’s not enough romance in this, when every time a child gets to know his dad, gets used to him, and then again for six months, or even more, grows up without a dad! We sailors have no right to mope or say I can't! No, we can do a lot! We must support our beloved ones in every possible way, we must worry about how they waited out the storm and pitching there. But in no case should we show them that we can’t cope with something, because it’s much harder for them in a foreign land. The romance here is that separation gives us a second wind and fills us with love, feelings every minute, thoughts about our beloved. You begin to dream about how you will meet him, how you will hug and feel his hugs. And when you have already met, then euphoria and fireworks come in your soul, and the whole world stops! Girls need to think carefully before becoming a sailor's wife, whether they are ready to take on such a responsibility and whether they are ready to wait and live such a life.

Katerina (wife of the 3rd mechanic, 3 years together):

“I love my husband's profession. We are not eaten by life, like others, we do not know how to annoy each other ... I always really look forward to my man and miss him, and let them say that this is not life, not seeing each other for six months, but I think that this is wonderful a way to always keep the flame in a relationship! Twice a year I make sure to cry and love him more than ever, I miss him as soon as I let go of his hand at the airport! Twice a year I feel great excitement before the meeting, remember how at 16, before a date with a boy that you really like?! These feelings are always fresh and new for me, and every time I fall in love with a person with whom I have been together for more than one year! Every time I try to come up with something, I get worried, I get nervous ... Do others get nervous when a husband comes home from work? Are they waiting for him like that? I love my husband's profession because it allows me to always appreciate the moments when he is around.

Oksana Gorobchenko (wife of the 2nd mate, together for 8 years):

“Fate brought me to the sailor, although I did not even dream about it. In my student years, to be honest, I stared a little at the sailors, at their beautiful uniform, as I studied next to the Maritime Academy. Sea life is a whole novel, a story of tenderness, fidelity, love. Real feelings are not afraid of distance and separation. They only strengthen love, make it more tender and reverent. The waiting time is always directly proportional to the joy of the meeting. Although the beloved is far from home, but mentally we are still together. The work of a sailor is one of the most modern professions that require real masculine qualities: courage, endurance, masculinity. Sailors are incorrigible romantics, with a wonderful sense of humor and special charisma. They are breadwinners, always worried about the family, even away from home. For the ability to wait, fate rewarded me a hundredfold: true love, a strong family and a happy daughter.

Gorobchenko family

Olga Umanskaya-Konovalova:

“Many years ago, I would not even have thought that I would be the wife of a sailor. It has always been like this for me: a sailor is not a family. But don't hesitate! Now I am a happy owner of the status of a Sailor's Wife, a SAILOR, I'm proud of it, honestly, if the wives of sailors were given a uniform, I would be the first in line for it. It is, of course, very difficult to be separated from your family for so long, worries, there is no connection for a long time, all sorts of nasty things start to creep into my head, I personally endure flights very emotionally. And in everyday life, a sailor's wife is a jack of all trades ... You have to be one. Time passes, children grow up, and we are not getting younger, we see off our husbands to the sea and count the days until we meet. That's how we live! But this is our choice!

Olga Umanskaya-Konovalova with her husband

Being a sailor's wife is destiny. Quite difficult.

And it's not even a long separation, but forced loneliness. The sailor's wife has to solve all domestic problems on her own. The upbringing of children also falls entirely on her shoulders. The Pope is an authority, an icon. He is not visible, although he is always present in the life of the family. As a breadwinner and as the head of the family.

Expectation- hard work. A sailor's wife, like other women, always wants to feel a strong shoulder and, together with her beloved, meet life's difficulties. But, if the husband is a long-distance sailor, life will be completely different. You have to wait for your beloved for six months, or even longer, and while he is fighting storms, setting up a THI unit, a woman has to be strong, she must be a father and mother to children, and take care of the family hearth alone.

What is the fate of the sailor's wife only minuses? No matter how! First, the waiting time is always equal in proportion to the joy of the meeting. Real feelings are not afraid of distance and separation. They only strengthen love, make it more tender and reverent.
Secondly, during visits, children see their father - a real man. Sailors in their mass are not lazy and kind people. They are not office worms. Their work is one of the few modern professions that require real masculine qualities: courage, endurance, masculinity. They are the ones who will not be afraid of any work and will find a way out of any difficult situation. In addition, they are incorrigible romantics, with a wonderful sense of humor and special charisma. This is probably why women continue to fall in love with them, despite the difficult lot of a girlfriend or wife of a sailor.

How can you learn to wait?
1. Tune in. The thought is material. If a woman pulls herself together and tunes in to a calm expectation, life without a husband will not be easy, but tolerable. Yes, he is far away, but mentally we are still together. Life and weekdays are not an easy burden, but we do not live in the Stone Age. Now you do not need to go hunting to feed the children. Shopping at the supermarket is a much less time-consuming process.

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She always respected women who are waiting for their husbands from a long voyage and at the same time know how to maintain a family hearth. After all, it is actually very difficult. For example, I am very worried and miss when my husband leaves for a business trip for one week - this seems like an eternity to me, but here for half a year. I will say without irony, such wives are real heroines!

Of course, wives are heroines, the main thing is that their husbands appreciate it. And not only sailors, but also those who work on shifts. I know many families where husbands have completely withdrawn from the life of the family, and they want to be rewarded with constant attention, care and nothing for their absence for six months.

I work with a colleague at work (wife of a seafarer). Yes, she is a saint! Waiting for 5-9 months for a husband while he is on a flight, raising two sons is not given to everyone. But I see her blossoming into her 50s when he returns. It seems that they are 18 .. But I know other examples when, after the husband returns from the flight, the wife is already waiting, she can’t wait until he sets sail again. I'm out of the habit.

I probably wouldn't be able to live like this. Recently, my husband left for 2 weeks on a business trip - so I almost lost my mind. Firstly, I was bored, although we called each other several times every day. Secondly, it’s hard without an owner in the house - and the lock is broken, and the tap, but there is no one to do it ...

And I will say so. You wait a long time, you miss you madly, you experience so many difficulties, but everything is forgotten when He returns home. He is not interested in friends, drinking (I mean all the time), he cares about me and our children, of whom we have almost three. Every meeting is like a honeymoon! Thanks to my sailor that he is so strong, brave, caring and appreciates us! We are always waiting for HIM home.

Quote from Ulentsia

An anecdote about an ideal man immediately comes to mind - a deaf-mute sea captain.
But seriously, I think that in the normal sense, family life with such a person is impossible. Not see a person for months!!! Yes, during this time both change so much that when they meet, it is just right for them to recognize each other again.
Although, on the other hand, now the means of communication are growing rapidly, the Internet is spreading all over the world, you can communicate every day. But you want not just conversations, but physical support and affection.
On the third side, there are now so many families in which the husband does not seem to be a sailor, but he is also not very aware of family matters, because. goes to work when everyone is still asleep and returns when everyone is already asleep.

yes, you can communicate, but not every day, when crossing the oceans, there are no connections and the Internet, and the transitions can be very protracted, and a month or two, now I’m waiting for my beloved, a week has passed and we haven’t talked yet, so not everyone day, no, not every (((

I forgave my ex-husband a long time ago, but my attitude towards his actions has not changed, now I have a different relationship. And this is a very big difference. My ex-husband was at home for 4-5 months, sometimes less, and 7-8 at sea. It was a very hard life for me, especially after moving to another country where there were no relatives or friends. Separation was very difficult to experience psychologically, especially when it became clear that he was not going to change anything and always finds reasons for himself to go on a flight again. What is especially bitter to remember is his betrayals, which I learned about from him - in almost every port he had sex, that is, for each flight there were 6, maybe 10 new women, and not always prostitutes, in Latin America women agree for sex after a few hours of dating. That is, for 10 years of life in our marital bed there were 50, and maybe more strangers. And it cannot be otherwise. All sailors walk in ports, such a sailor has not yet been born who would not cheat on his wife, as they themselves say. Otherwise, they wouldn't be doing these jobs.

What normal man can live without sex for 7-8 months a year???? Yes, and 4 is also difficult to imagine.

I wrote about what we had and how I felt. If the husband goes to sea for 2 months, everything is probably different.
A sailor's husband cannot be compared with a normal man. A normal husband is one who works regular hours, loves and respects his wife, and has no bad habits. No matter how surprising it is for someone, there are a lot of such men.
If we proceed from purely practical considerations - our city is small, the rest of the men are either alcoholics or underpaid, then these are completely different motivations for marriage - I choose the lesser of various evils, then you should not talk about love. Otherwise, it sounds very two-faced - we have such love ... only now he leaves me periodically for half a year alone and cheats on me there with others instead of making a little effort and finding work on the shore.
Yes, he is an egoist and it’s more convenient for him - he woke up and was already at work, he didn’t need to go anywhere every day, he took a walk with other women, few places else will pay him such a salary. And I turn a blind eye to all this because he gets well and we go on trips with him after each flight. Both are comfortable.

You write "I'm not a masochist and I had a long, long time ago, in your expression, a" normal family "from which I ran away and never regretted it."

It seems to me that in your previous husband you were treated badly or you did not love him. It is very difficult to decide to change a normal family for SUCH.

Perhaps the most difficult thing for a woman is to learn to wait. Our heroines can do it almost professionally. Because their favorite occupations are sailors. This is such romance.

July is the most "marine" month. Everyone tends to resorts, to beaches. It is not known where the beloved men of our heroines will spend their traditional vacation time. Probably at work. And the girls are on the shore, waiting for their sailors, as always. We talked with Zhenya, Olya and Anzhelika about love, fidelity and sea legends surrounding the life of modern Penelope.

Evgenia, 27, Veliky Novgorod

When I married Ilya, I understood what I was getting into. I knew that there would be partings and endless expectations. We met on the Internet. From the first phrases, Ilya laid out the ins and outs of his profession for me, but this not only did not scare me, but, on the contrary, intrigued me. We have been together for more than three years, and every day the feelings are getting stronger, regardless of whether Ilya is at home or on a flight.
My husband is the third mechanic on the nuclear icebreaker 50 Let Pobedy, the largest in the world. Ilya has already gone to the North Pole many times, and the impressions from such flights are, of course, unforgettable. It even happened that white bears came close to the nuclear-powered ship and looked at it with sedate bearish curiosity. Often the ship sails along the Northern Sea Route, from Scandinavia to Kamchatka. Ilya is responsible for the maintenance of the mechanisms that ensure the safe operation of a nuclear reactor. His work is responsible and difficult, both mentally and physically, and I try to help him in any way I can. At least from the rear.

Four months after we met, Ilya went on a flight. This was the first test of the relationship. It was not possible to call or write sms. There were letters that went slowly, could reach the addressee two months (or even more) after sending, and even in a crowd, several at once. Of course, my sailor was jealous and doubted me ... But he returned, saw me and understood: I will wait for him. Always will!
Ilya approaches everything very responsibly, whether it is work or love. Everything with us was “as expected” - this is probably what he bribed me with: a candy-bouquet period, then meeting my parents, a marriage proposal, and finally a wedding. We have thought it through to the smallest detail. I wanted the most beautiful dress, and a restaurant, and a bunch of guests, and certainly a limousine. That's how it all happened. It was the first magical day of my life.
Then, exactly 9 months after the wedding, our daughter Sanya was born. When my husband left for the flight, I was in my third month and nothing was noticeable yet. And when he returned, his stomach was quite rounded. We all joked: the husband is from the flight, and the wife is with a belly. Of course, I wanted Ilya to be there throughout the pregnancy, to help and support. Did not work out. But during the birth, he was with me. This is the second fabulous day of my life. They gave him a daughter in his arms, and he managed to babysit her. In Sanechka, he does not have a soul, he spoils. The most amazing dad! When he is at home, he devotes himself completely to his family, he is engaged with the child, he gets up at night if she cries. These short four months that we are together (4 months my husband works, 4 - rests), fly by unnoticed, we do not have time to get bored with each other.

At the moment, Ilya is not with us, so all the worries are on my shoulders. I miss you wildly, I lack affection and warmth. Of course, it's hard alone, especially in the first time after his departure. But I know that I have Ilya and he will return. I can wait. I trust my husband, I know that he is faithful to me, as I am to him. Ilya also appreciates me very much and is proud of his rear. He says it's easier to work when you know for whom, a lot can be endured. I heard from him more than once: “Thank you, dear, for the house, for my daughter, I don’t need anything else ...”
Real men work at sea, and I am very proud of my husband. People talk about sailors all sorts of things. That they, they say, only know how to drink and walk, and in each port they have a wife. I do not care. I know my Ilya. For his profession, we pay a big price - separation. No money is worth the minutes spent together, and we sacrifice it. I would give anything to have my husband at home. You can't get precious minutes back. The child grows, and I meet important events alone - and I rejoice alone, and cry. And I really want him to hear Sanechka say “daddy” for the first time! But the husband loves his work very much and cannot imagine his life without it.

When Ilya leaves for Murmansk to work, we keep in touch all the time: telephone conversations, sms. But all modern means of communication will not replace ordinary letters. It is already our family tradition to write to each other. Do you know how nice it is to get an envelope out of the mailbox! And my husband carries all my letters and postcards with him, and each time the pack becomes larger and more solid.
And when Ilya comes from the flight! .. It seems that our love is just beginning. Everything is like the first time (you know what I mean!), honeymoon again! They say that long separations make love only stronger. Believe this. I know for sure.

Olya, 20, Rostov-on-Don

I've always liked guys in uniform. I even once dreamed of marrying a military man. But when I met Nikita, he was in civilian clothes, which did not prevent me from falling in love with him.
We met in September 2007. Girlfriends met on the embankment with a guy from a sailor (G.Ya. Sedov Maritime School), and he invited them to take a walk with him and his fellow students. I refused, I had completely different plans for this evening. But then I decided to go. One of the guys was Nikita. All evening I looked only at him. We chatted incessantly, although I am not a sociable person. The guys walked us to the stop, but for some reason Nikita did not take my phone number. I thought he didn't like it. Later it turned out that he was just shy, and a week later he got my number through mutual friends, but he couldn’t get through (apparently, the friend made a mistake by a couple of digits). A week later, Nikita and I still met. And since then we have not parted. Except for trips to the flight. The first one I remember right now.

We stood on the embankment for about two hours, embracing (Nikita was supposed to be picked up by a boat, the ship moored far from the port), looked at each other and hardly spoke. Nikita got into the boat, tears suddenly welled up in my eyes. I turned away. But the beloved understood everything. He began to show signs that I was leaving, but I was still standing. Then she dialed his number. He said that it was hard for him to look at me, he had to leave. That evening we talked on the phone. I've come to terms with the fact that he's not around. And in the morning he called and said that they would let him go to the city for the market for two hours. I immediately got up and left. Not for long, but still together ...
When they went to sea, communication almost disappeared. It's very expensive to call, it's hard to get through. SMS messages to Nikita were also expensive. And I wrote to him every day, knowing that I would not get an answer. I thought: firstly, it will support him, and secondly, if the message has reached, it means that the phone is on and everything is fine and even good with your loved one ... Nikita admitted that he was waiting for my sms. He also sometimes wrote. True, sometimes he said that there was a 10-point storm at sea, and it became scary. When the ship passed the straits (Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Kerch), a connection appeared. In addition, their ship called at our port a couple of times, and we had time to see each other. At first they were silent for a long time, could not see enough of each other, and then they spoke incessantly.

The life of a sailor's girlfriend is probably no different from the life of a girl whose boyfriend is busy with land business. The only thing is that it's hard to realize that your loved one is not around. You worry about him, you worry. You look with envy at happy couples and remember how you also walked like this together. But the main thing, in my opinion, is to know: you have a loved one. Let not next to you, but there is. And how magical dates are! You wait, mentally scroll through the meeting, think about what to tell in the first place. And when you see a native face, you forget about everything. Happiness and only.
I'm not afraid of breakups. I already know what it is. I think our love will endure everything. I once heard that real feelings happen only at first sight, and that’s how it was with us. In April, Nikita again went to sea for 9 months. And in the summer, between flights, we are going to get married.

Anzhelika, 37, Mariupol

We got married when we both lived in the Far North in Norilsk, famous for its nickel plant. Neither I, nor Dima even thought about the sea. Her husband worked in exploration as a driller. True, he has always been a romantic person: he played the bass guitar in a rock band, read poetry to me in English, which, in fact, won me over. But for him, the profession of a sailor was akin to the profession of an astronaut, for example. Work for real men, distant and unrealistic.
In the mid-90s, Dima lost his job, and we decided to move to my homeland in Mariupol. The daughter was only 6 months old. We arrived in a city where we have no housing, no work, no friends - a pure adventure.
After two years of ineffective business attempts, when it seemed to us that everything was hopeless, we met a young family. Its head was a long-distance navigator, the second assistant to the captain. Communicating with him, I fell ill with the sea. I seriously thought about going on a flight myself ... Naturally, no one was going to let me go to sea, the mother of a young girl. I had to realize my dreams and plans to my husband. It was hard for him to adapt to a new wave.
It is difficult after 30 to master a completely different occupation ... I had to persuade Dima for a long time that he had enough abilities and strength to be fully realized in a new role. He entered the Naval Academy in absentia, went on the first voyage as a soldier (orderly). Moreover, he was a 31-year-old man who had a family, a child, a rented apartment, a lot of debts and prospects that were not very clear to him ... All the 12 years that have passed since that moment, I convince my sailor that he has something to strive for and he deserves better and more because he is a true professional.

at the helm
The specifics of life with a sailor is such that you will either be “for your husband”, or not at all ... All sailors are vulnerable and touchy, like children. They are absent for a long time, and then it seems to them that some important part of life is passing by. In addition, many tend to exaggerate their merits: they say, I bring money to the house, I feed you, so everything will be as I said! After the voyage, such sea wolves begin to calculate where, on what and how much money was spent, where and with whom they spent weekends, holidays ... “the whole back is in shells” (so they say about experienced sailors). And upon arrival, he tried to explain to me who was the boss in the house. I didn’t know how to react, I was confused and disappointed: will it always be like this now?! Then I thought hard, realized that I need to learn to build relationships with my sailor.

I did it delicately, not trying to diminish the importance of my husband in the family. Apparently, worldly wisdom helped me steer the family ship and keep it in a very decent technical condition! And men still will never understand how difficult it is for us to solve everything alone - both in terms of raising children (schools, kindergartens, peers, illnesses), and in terms of maintaining a house (it fell off, broke, leaked, burst, cracked). Now the most important thing for Dima is that after returning from the flight, he would have the opportunity to rest. So that no one touches, does not call anywhere, does not interfere with sleep - a very comfortable husband! All misunderstandings with us, thank God, are in the past.
Marine life has even entered the lexicon of our family: it does not surprise anyone, for example, that dad, both at work and at home, calls the kitchen a galley, and any stairs - ladders. When I ask if he has seen my phone, my husband replies: “Look in the galley.”

Almost every family of a sailor has some kind of undercurrents. But love and understanding in large quantities and from both sides help to cope with them. If the family collapses only because it is difficult to wait for a husband for six months, then such a family is worthless. It can feel lonely when your spouse comes home from work at 7:00 every day. And for me it's much worse. There is a magical moment in the loneliness of a sailor - the joy of meeting!
At one time, I was afraid that long absences could negatively affect the relationship between my husband and daughter Katya. Nothing like this happened! Their relationship is just great. I sometimes even get jealous! They understand and feel each other perfectly. For Dima, a daughter is sacred. They have many common interests: books, computer games, music. True, a husband can also be a strict, demanding dad; he can arrange dispersal about study and discipline. But my daughter is an excellent student in almost all subjects, and soon it will be difficult to put her on her shoulder blades.
Now my husband is in the position of second mate, works for a German shipowner on a container ship, already has several promotions (recommendations from the captain) for promotion. And I sincerely believe that on his next flight he will go as a first mate. And my daughter and I will wait for our sailor on the shore and do everything to make him happy to return home.

Prepared by Yulia Reshetova

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