Tansy for abortion - reviews and moral aspects. Tansy as a means to terminate pregnancy

A decoction of tansy for abortion is a possible way for some to avoid abortion. Myth or reality? Although there are currently many modern, well-known medical methods for terminating a pregnancy, many still believe in this method, which has its roots in ancient times. In the modern world, a large number of people neglect traditional medicine and prefer folk medicine to it.

There are no exceptions for those women for whom pregnancy turned out to be undesirable, and either money or fear of publicity does not allow them to go to a medical institution. Therefore, many are looking for an easy way to solve this so-called problem, often not realizing all the risks of its use for their own health.

Recipe for tansy for abortion

There is an opinion that simply by brewing the flowers of an unknown plant, you can get rid of an unwanted pregnancy without going to the doctors and possible publicity. However, not many people think about the consequences of using traditional medicine in relation to such an important human function - reproductive. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that, referring to the methods of traditional medicine, one should still consult with specialists, excluding possible pressure from acquaintances who are not initiated into medicine.

The recipe for preparing tansy for abortion is simple - two tablespoons of the plant in a narrowed form are brewed in a glass of boiling water and infused for several minutes. It is necessary to take this decoction 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. This recipe is not universal and the desired effect from it may not occur, however, the above dosage of the use of this infusion should be observed.

Decoction of tansy

Tansy flowers can be purchased at a regular pharmacy, or at the so-called "green" pharmacy, which has almost all the tools needed to prepare recipes from traditional medicine. However, one should not forget that it is possible that only now pregnancy is a burdensome factor, and in the future it may not occur, therefore, little-tested and practically unknown medicines should be used very carefully.

Consultation with a specialist and a detailed study of the properties of this plant can eliminate the risks of negative consequences for the female body. Many diseases of the reproductive sphere can overtake a woman who incorrectly uses traditional medicine. Therefore, you need to think - is it worth contacting them? Maybe still prefer traditional medicine?

Tansy flowers for abortion

So, how can the flowers of this plant contribute to abortion? The need for proper preparation of tansy flowers is important because this plant belongs to the wild family and therefore its properties so affect the termination of an unwanted pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that not always this plant can be found in a pharmacy, but still, if it is found in any way, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. The desire of a woman to keep the fact of abortion with the help of folk remedies a secret is understandable and quite natural, however, one should still consult a specialist before using it. In a situation of possible complications after taking this decoction, not every doctor will be able to correct the situation, or even find out the cause of the ailments. Since the described recipe for the preparation of this remedy at first glance seems to be quite simple and effective, nevertheless, you should not neglect it, using it more than it should be, or use it not according to the prescription.

It must be understood that tansy is a poisonous plant, so you do not need to collect its flowers yourself. Buying this product from a pharmacy is one of the best options. When buying dried tansy flowers, you should pay attention to the expiration date, because 3 years is the maximum period that this remedy can be stored, used for the preparation of traditional medicine recipes. Only proper preparation and dosed methods of application can bring the desired result. You should not exclude the situation of a fatal outcome, so this method should be approached very carefully, ideally, ask for help from a specialist. It may seem to some that the more the drug is taken orally, the faster the effect will come, but this is a delusion. At best, an overdose will cause only minor harm to health, but certainly will not accelerate the effect.

Infusion of tansy

To obtain the desired result of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to observe the dosage of the use of tansy infusion - the use of this infusion should not exceed 6 tablespoons per day. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before eating. Tansy infusion can also be purchased ready-made, avoiding the search for this remedy in the form of dried flowers.

Women with heart disease are especially at risk when using this remedy for abortion, because in this case the risk of unpleasant consequences increases. It should be noted that in addition to such side effects of using this remedy as possible infertility in the future, death, sepsis can also occur, as well as uterine bleeding, so you need to carefully consider all the risks and ask yourself - is it worth taking this decoction?


The most important thing in the preparation of this infusion is the flowers. This plant blooms at the end of summer and is harvested around the same time, but it is still better to buy flowers at a pharmacy without resorting to self-collection, because this can be dangerous. But we should remember that they must be purchased, remembering the security measures, making sure that this is exactly what we need. Even if the tansy infusion is prepared correctly, the infusion regimens are observed, you should still go through this procedure under the guidance and supervision of a specialist in this field, regardless of whether this infusion was purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Regarding the period of time during which it is necessary to use this infusion to achieve the desired effect, it is difficult to say exactly how much it is necessary to use it in time. However, the dosage remains unchanged - 6 spoons per day, 2 spoons before each meal. The decoction should be taken only after it has been well infused, it is strictly forbidden to take dried tansy flowers inside in its original form. The finished solution can be stored for no more than two days - do not neglect this fact. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are possible side effects of this remedy.

Dosage of tansy for abortion

At long gestation periods, tansy infusion is likely to be ineffective, and the risks of side effects will increase significantly. After all, if we take into account the fact that tansy is a poisonous plant, then here we can talk about the general harm of its properties even on the body of a woman who is not pregnant. Only the correct preparation of the infusion, the correct dosage and consultation with a gynecologist may help achieve the goal of terminating the pregnancy, or if this effect is not achieved, the woman will remain safe without harming her health. We should also not forget that this remedy can contribute to the occurrence of uterine bleeding. Also, from the use of this tool, a fatal outcome is possible. Before using this remedy, every woman should think - do I need it?

For some women, two strips of dough bring great joy, while others only disappointment, since pregnancy is undesirable. Then they need to interrupt it artificially. To do this, there are many options: medical abortion, specialized medicines or folk remedies.

More and more often, a woman, having decided to terminate her pregnancy, does not want to seek the help of doctors and chooses other methods: decoctions of various herbs, heavy physical exertion.

This article will let you know: why a decoction of tansy is used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, and how to brew it.

Why is tansy used to terminate a pregnancy?

Tansy medicinal plant. Since ancient times, our ancestors used it in the treatment of dandruff, getting rid of worms, stimulating appetite and normalizing the functioning of the circulatory system or heart.

Why then is tansy used as a means of abortion? Because it contains toxic substances that cause contractions of the abdominal muscles and they are so poisonous that they can kill the embryo that is inside the uterus of a woman.

How to terminate a pregnancy with tansy?

To achieve the desired effect (spontaneous miscarriage), tansy must be started immediately when menstruation is delayed. To do this, you need to make a decoction of it, and then drink according to a specific scheme.

It is very important to observe all proportions while preparing a decoction of tansy, otherwise you can harm your health by making it very strong or weak concentration.

Proper preparation of a decoction of tansy for abortion

According to a centuries-old recipe, in order to induce menstruation in a woman, you need to take 2 teaspoons of tansy flowers, pour them with a glass of boiling water. Let the broth brew and strain. Take before meals about 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. For the correct calculation of the dose to be taken by a pregnant woman, it is necessary to take into account the period and weight of her body.
It is necessary to take a decoction of tansy until a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. To accurately achieve the desired result, this method can be combined with lifting heavy loads or sitting in hot water.

Attention! Possible consequences when using a decoction of tansy during pregnancy

If the concentration is too strong:

    poisoning in a very severe form, which will be accompanied by muscle cramps, fever, profuse vomiting, high blood pressure.

    intoxication of the body completely - as a result of the ingestion of toxic substances of such a poisonous plant into the blood;

    acute degree of liver failure - also after taking too large a dose of poison.

    During insufficient concentration:

    uterine bleeding - this can happen due to the fact that the contractions of the uterus were not strong enough, and there was no complete cleansing of the uterus from the dead fetus, which then begins to decompose;

    blood poisoning (sepsis) - also as a result of the decomposition of a dead fetus.

With any manifestations of a deterioration in the health of a woman, the use of the decoction should be stopped immediately.

The use of a decoction of tansy, despite all the listed dangers to the health of a pregnant woman, was very common, since when contacting a gynecologist, the fact of her unwanted pregnancy became public knowledge and was condemned. However, at the present time, when there are many private clinics that are equipped with new modern equipment, where they maintain complete confidentiality, it is best to terminate an unwanted pregnancy with a medical abortion. Because in this way it is possible to preserve women's health, and subsequently conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

How to terminate a pregnancy on your own at home video

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It has long been believed that if you use a decoction of tansy, you can terminate the pregnancy.

Is it really? After all, this myth originated in ancient times. Today, many people prefer to use only modern methods of treatment. But still, there are people who are not alien to folk remedies. And they are even used to terminate pregnancy.

Recipe for tansy for abortion

Is there a specific prescription for tansy for abortion, and how to use it? To do this, you need to properly brew the flowers of the plant. The fact is that tansy as a folk remedy can cause the development of quite serious side effects.

You should be aware that this can lead to infertility in the future. Therefore, it is forbidden to use this folk remedy on its own. How to brew that same tansy? To do this, you will need to take the plant in dried form, no more than two tablespoons. They are brewed in a glass of boiling water, after which they are infused for a short time. When the remedy is ready, you can start taking it. To do this, before meals, at least 3 times a day, two tablespoons of the medicine are taken. It must be understood that no matter how effective the remedy is, it always has side effects. No need to ask advice from friends or relatives. About this "treatment" should only talk with a doctor. In general, tansy for abortion is not the best remedy.

Decoction of tansy for abortion

How to prepare a decoction of tansy for abortion? The first step is to acquire the same ingredient. In this case, these are tansy flowers. You can buy them in an ordinary pharmacy. If this is not available, it turned out that it is worth visiting the so-called “green” pharmacy. All traditional medicines are here. It is necessary to purchase very little of this plant. To prepare a decoction, you should take only a couple of tablespoons of the mixture. After that, everything is poured with boiling water and some time is given for it to infuse. Only after that you can use the prepared "potion". It is advisable to do this before meals, at least 3 times. The medicine is taken in 2 teaspoons. Everything, of course, is good, but you should not self-medicate. After all, this can lead to a number of negative consequences. You can cause serious harm to the body and get some health problems. Including "donate" the opportunity to someday have children. Therefore, tansy for abortion is not at all the best way to do it.

Tansy flowers for abortion

How do tansy flowers "work" for abortion? The fact is that this plant belongs to the wild family. Due to its properties, it is able to terminate a pregnancy. All you need to do is prepare everything right. The first step is to find tansy flowers. This may not be easy at all. After all, they can not always be purchased at an ordinary pharmacy. After the main ingredient is found, preparations will need to begin. It should be understood that it is impossible to take the remedy just like that, without the knowledge of the doctor. It is clear that you want to do everything so that no one knows about it. But you can cause irreparable harm to the body. It will be difficult for a doctor to help if he does not know why a person is ill and what he was taking. Therefore, it is advisable to still talk with your doctor. How to prepare the remedy yourself? To do this, you will need to brew the flowers in boiling water and let them brew a little. Then, after a while, it will be possible to take the remedy in just a couple of spoons before meals. But it shouldn't be overused. After all, tansy for abortion is quite a serious remedy.

How to brew tansy flowers for abortion? It must be understood that this plant belongs to the poisonous family. So you can't just accept it. It is advisable to consult a doctor before doing anything. Naturally, it is not worth collecting flowers on your own, but, nevertheless, you will have to purchase a plant. You can do this at any pharmacy. In this case, it is important to brew everything correctly. To do this, just a couple of tablespoons of the dry mixture is enough to pour boiling water. Then you need to give a little time so that everything is infused. Only after this you can start taking the remedy. It is impossible to do this uncontrollably, because it is difficult to imagine how the body is capable of reacting to this. After all, all people are unique, so it is still worth getting a consultation from a doctor. When the tincture is ready, it should be taken six tablespoons daily. But until when should this be done? It is difficult to say for sure, so you should consult your doctor. After all, a fatal outcome is not ruled out. Therefore, tansy for abortion is a dangerous way.

Infusion of tansy for abortion

Can an infusion of tansy for abortion help achieve the desired result? To terminate a pregnancy, you need to use a self-prepared decoction or purchase an infusion. In this case, it doesn't matter. It is important that the dose does not exceed 6 tablespoons per day. But how to understand how long you need to drink this medicine? It is difficult to say something concrete in this case. Therefore, a doctor's consultation here is a must. How to take an infusion? A couple of spoons of infusion before meals is enough, but no more than 3 times a day. You can buy the tincture or make your own. But every woman should clearly understand that this entails serious consequences. Indeed, even a fatal outcome is quite possible. Therefore, it is impossible to take the drug uncontrollably. In general, it is not recommended to do this or still consult a doctor. You should also be aware that taking tansy in large doses can cause death, sepsis, and even uterine bleeding. Therefore, tansy for abortion is far from the best option to get rid of the baby. And is it even necessary to do so?

Instructions for tansy for abortion

Is there a specific tansy instruction for abortion? Naturally, it is forbidden to take the drug uncontrollably. But even guided by the instructions of an unknown doctor, nothing can be done. How should this remedy be taken? It should be understood that a lot depends on whether the setting was prepared on its own or bought at a pharmacy. After all, if you prepare your own tincture, then you will need to take certain ingredients. Naturally, the main flowers are tansy. You can buy them in a pharmacy in a dried form or immediately tincture. If you cook everything yourself, then you need to pour boiling water over the tansy and wait until everything is infused. After that, the "medicine" is taken 2 teaspoons daily, before each meal. Similarly, you should use the purchased tincture. It is difficult to say how long it should be drunk. Therefore, it is better to seek the advice of an experienced doctor. After all, tansy for abortion can harm the body, and even lead to death.


Most plants have certain properties that have found their application in traditional medicine. For example, there is a list of herbs that have long been used to terminate unwanted pregnancies in the early stages.

It is important to understand that some abortive plants can be toxic to the human body and abortion is only a side effect. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the choice of medicinal herbs with extreme caution and to study all possible consequences.

The action of abortive plants

All abortive plants have a slightly different mechanism of action. Many herbs help to increase the contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus, and therefore the rejection of the fetus occurs. This process is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
  • general malaise;
  • bloody discharge;
  • chilliness of the whole body.

In addition, there are herbs that cause fetal death in the early stages. Their action is aimed at inhibiting the activity of the central nervous system, in particular, the brain. This is provided by toxic substances contained in different parts of plants.

Some herbs can harm not only the fetus, but also the woman's body.

Pregnancy to use

In modern medicine, there is still no way to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, which would be absolutely safe for the mother's body. During the abortion procedure, a number of consequences and complications can occur.

However, the sooner the interruption occurs, the easier it will be tolerated by the body and the higher the likelihood of a speedy recovery. Abortive herbs can be taken up to 6 weeks, at a later date only surgical intervention is possible.

List of herbs

All abortive herbs have a different mechanism for early termination of pregnancy. So, for example, the tone of the uterus and the rejection of the fetus cause water pepper, cumin, senna, St. John's wort and yarrow. And oregano, anise and red clover help increase estrogen levels.

Some essential oil plants can inhibit the activity of the central nervous system of the fetus. These include tansy, wild rosemary and sage.

But there are abortive plants that, in addition to terminating a pregnancy in the early stages, lead to serious complications for the mother's body. These include:

  • goat's rue - a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • adonis - can cause a heart attack.

It is very dangerous to use abortive herbs uncontrollably even in the early stages of pregnancy. Many of the plants are poisonous, and therefore can lead to serious consequences.

Bay leaf

The leaves of the bay tree are widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. In particular, they are used to provoke miscarriage and early termination of pregnancy. This effect is explained by the high content of essential oils, which provoke the development of bleeding. At the same time, tannins and resins can cause uterine contractions.

Like other abortive herbs, bay leaf should be used up to 6 weeks, thereby reducing the risk of developing possible consequences.

The use of bay leaf for early termination of pregnancy is carried out in two stages. First of all, you need to prepare a decoction.

  1. Approximately 100 g of leaves pour a glass of boiling water. In this case, the plant does not have to be crushed.
  2. Put the workpiece on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for another 13-15 minutes.
  3. Then cool the herbal drink, strain through several layers of gauze and pour into another container.

It is necessary to apply the decoction during the day in small portions. From the remaining leaves, you can make a tampon and insert it into the vagina at night.


Tansy is one of the most dangerous medicinal plants for consumption. It is better to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages with the help of other herbs. The benefits of using this plant include:

  • severe intoxication of the body, which may be accompanied by vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature and blood pressure;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • severe uterine bleeding.

Early termination of pregnancy is just one of the possible effects. It is better not to use tansy as a folk abortifacient, but to turn your attention to other herbs.


Oregano or, in other words, "matryoshka", is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases. In the non-pregnant state, it has the following properties:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • promotes favorable conception.

However, there is a reverse effect, oregano can provoke an abortion. It contains such biologically active substances that lead to a strong tone of the uterus and rejection of the fetus.

To prepare a decoction of oregano, you need to take a tablespoon of chopped herbs and pour two cups of boiling water over it. Cover the broth with a towel and let it brew for 40 minutes. The resulting product must be used throughout the day in small portions.

With improper and uncontrolled use of the herb, severe bleeding can develop.


A decoction based on elecampane can be used both for delaying menstruation and for early termination of pregnancy. To prepare this remedy, pour two teaspoons of the herb root with 1.5 cups of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil for 4-6 minutes.

The resulting drink should be wrapped in a terry towel, left for half an hour, and then strained. The decoction is drunk 50 ml twice a day.

Decoction recipes

Hypericum decoction. Pour one tablespoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, cover with a warm cloth and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain the resulting product and take it throughout the day, after dividing the entire volume into 5-6 equal parts.

Means based on calendula. Approximately 4 teaspoons of calendula flowers, pre-crushed, pour 100 g of alcohol. The tincture should stand in a cool place for about a week, after which it will be ready. You need to drink this remedy 2-3 times a day.

Senna tea. Brew senna like regular tea and drink little by little throughout the day. For ease of use, you can purchase special phytobags based on this herb at a pharmacy.

A decoction of cloves. Pour one teaspoon of inflorescences or clove seeds into a small jar and pour a glass of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for 2-2.5 hours, after which it can be drunk 2 tablespoons in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Parsley remedy. Parsley, oddly enough, in large quantities can also contribute to the termination of pregnancy in the early stages. To prepare a decoction, boil 5-6 branches of parsley thoroughly, and then leave the resulting product for 15-20 minutes. The decoction is taken 3 teaspoons throughout the day (3-4 times).

Possible consequences

Medicinal herbs contain a large amount of biologically active substances, essential oils, alkaloids and resins, which can be extremely toxic to the human body.

Despite the fact that herbs are freely available in pharmacies, no one can guarantee their safety. That is why it is important to strictly follow the instructions and in no case use herbal decoctions in an immense amount.

If the allowable dosage is exceeded, there is a high risk of developing the following side effects:

  • profuse uterine bleeding caused by a strong contraction of smooth muscles;
  • incompleteness of the abortive process, which can cause tissue infection and the development of sepsis;
  • development of inflammatory processes and provoking pathologies of the female reproductive system.

The use of herbs for abortion is only a folk method, but not an official medical procedure. That is why, in order to avoid side effects, complications and undesirable consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a personal consultation.

What to do when pregnancy is undesirable for a woman? The only correct and wise act is a trip to the gynecologist. After all, only a gynecologist can give the right advice regarding your problem and carry it out with minimal harm to the female body. But often women, fearing to hear a reproach in their direction, or, due to fear of visiting a gynecologist (often found in young girls), do not turn to professional doctors for advice, but to healers and girlfriends. By doing this, they risk their own health, not even suspecting what this experiment on themselves will entail.

Tansy for abortion

For the entire existence of traditional medicine, an innumerable number of various methods of abortion have been described, each of them must be treated with extreme caution, always taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Herbal decoctions are considered the safest methods among the people. They can lead to spontaneous miscarriages, but you need to be extremely careful with them, because many of them are highly poisonous. Having a strong effect on the organs of a pregnant woman, they can subsequently lead to infertility.

Uterine bleeding due to the decomposition of a killed embryo, the consequence of which may be;

Sepsis, or due to decomposition of the fetus, often leading to the death of the woman.

Such conditions necessarily require emergency medical care, as they are critical for the life and health of the mother. Tansy for abortion without medical assistance can lead to death. And as the assistance provided by doctors, there can be removal of the uterus, since in this case it is the focus of infection, blood transfusion, ligation of the pelvic vessels and long-term antimicrobial therapy.

I don’t specifically give a prescription for tansy for abortion: you should not completely trust the recipes of traditional medicine with such a question, it is better to trust a qualified doctor. After all, despite the fact that tansy is a natural and herbal remedy, this herb has no less negative side effects, leading to death, infertility and other severe ailments, than chemicals and potent poisons.

Take care of yourself, do not take dubious folk remedies, especially those containing poisons, and then you will avert the risk of remaining fruitless!

In conclusion, I would like to mention that tansy is often used for menstruation. If periods do not come for a long time, or if they need to be brought closer for some reason (so that they come before vacation, etc.), you can prepare an infusion: take 2 tablespoons of tansy, pour 200 grams of boiling water over them and insist for half an hour. Take orally 50 gr. three times a day before meals. But when using this medicinal herb to speed up menstruation, do not forget that using it can lead to an allergic reaction, especially in case of individual intolerance.