Genital organs in girls, formation and development. The barbaric tradition of female circumcision

An unemployed blogger from Homel asked girls to undress for likes on social networks in front of tens of thousands of viewers.

Andrei Burim is eighteen years old. If you go to his page on the VKontakte social network, you will see an ordinary young guy from a provincial town: selfies, fast food photos, “it would be summer soon”, reposts from fashionable publics and songs from progressive trap artists. Behind the narrow walls of Andrey's apartment, the Belarusian Gomel is located, but instead of it there could be almost any city in the CIS - the life of a teenager, plus or minus, is identical in all latitudes of the former union.

This is probably why Andrey took up streaming, taking the nickname MellStroy. This is a harmless, in general, hobby: usually young people turn on the camera, turn on the game, and grimace. Someone succeeds better than others, and the hobby turns into a well-paid job - we wrote about those who collected hundreds of thousands of rubles in a couple of stream evenings. A Gomel teenager probably dreamed of such a career, but the trouble is that fame still couldn’t find a hero, and you won’t earn money without tens of thousands of subscribers. Andrei began to raise the stakes: in particular, in one of the streams he promised to burn a couple of his things if a certain number of viewers were recruited. The idea failed, but the young man found another way - to undress teenagers live, promising them likes.


It all started with Chatroulette - a video service where the interlocutor is selected randomly. Dmitry Larin launched a broad career as a blogger and Internet artist from Chatroulette. Andrey, apparently, dreamed of a similar development of popularity. MellStroy "caught" pretty girls, who were often 14-15 years old, and offered to play a game: if the interlocutor did not answer a simple question ("How old am I?"), then she had to remove some item of clothing. Many refused, but someone was not shy and was safely exposed to the amusement of Burim and (then still) 500-700 spectators.

Over time, what happened to Andrei was what he dreamed of all his life - the long-awaited glory. Several tens of thousands of people subscribed to the channel, and the amount of one-time viewers reached slightly crazy numbers - 5-6 thousand each. So many. Even top showmen like Khovansky and Mops do not always gather such a crowd at the monitors - for a little-known streamer, this is an astronomical result.

Money also came to fame: during the "show" grateful viewers do not skimp on encouraging the young pornographer with a ruble - those same "donations" work. The amounts, by the standards of top streamers, are small - a couple of thousand per hour, after popularity - more, but for not the most prosperous Gomel, it’s quite nothing. And MellStroy itself does not hide the financial side. Here's what he said on one of the streams:

My family is not rich at all. There is nothing. Mother works in a kiosk, father works at a factory. Do you know how much he gets? Five million [about fifteen thousand Russian rubles]. And there are four of us: brother, me, mother and father. I wear sneakers in winter. Thanks to you I earn the most

streamer MellStroy talks about the economic side of creating child pornography

With the growth in popularity, the divorce technique also improved: the guy, even before the start of the fun, found victims, added them to Skype, and then asked to undress. For a children's striptease - a reward: Burim promised the girls a lot of likes on social networks, free PR for their Instagram page, and other attributes necessary for the minimum life of a 14-year-old lady. We cannot show the full videos from the streams, but here is an understandable passage from which we can conclude - we note that almost 17 thousand people were enthusiastically watching this.

With other teenagers, he communicates in a similar way:

Or you can lower your fingers down and play with your tangerine

streamer MellStroy persuades a child to a public striptease

As you can see, Andrei is clearly turned on by his own activities. When another victim swims in his net, the blogger's pupils dilate, his voice trembles in anticipation, and his hands involuntarily run into his hair - most likely, the reason is sweaty palms. The girl takes off her jacket, and the streamer falls into something very similar to ecstasy; the term "pedophile" can now be illustrated with a clear photograph.

The apogee of this story came at the beginning of January: while the Russians were recovering from the New Year holidays, MellStroy was undressing children in front of 50,000 spectators. It took only a little ingenuity, perseverance and one single promise - to fill up the victim's web page with likes.

Anyone who minimally dealt with YouTube is now at a loss: why was the cunning Gomel resident not banned in the middle of a glorious path? Ordinary videos are closed even behind bare breasts, is it really that unprecedented tolerance has broken through the video hosting administration? As blogger Denis AIDEN Merenkov told us, the thing is different:

The fact is that YouTube does not have an automatic filter for live broadcasts. Only if you use someone else's content, they can cover it up. And since Andrei deleted the recordings after the end of the broadcast, he had nothing to present. Although it is known that several of his channels were blocked

blogger Denis AIDEN Merenkov

It is not surprising that MellStroy chose a streaming platform specifically from YouTube: on a similar Twitch service, he would have lasted no more than two minutes - they can permanently close the channel for accidentally showing panties. A teenage striptease would definitely not pass any control.

But the glory that Andrey tried so hard to ride, eventually twisted and spat poison in his face - a truly general public found out about Burim's streams.

Fall and Wanted

For the first time, the Melstroy channel was pulled out under the spotlights by the aforementioned blogger AIDEN. It was from his revealing video, recorded on January 17, that a chain wave was launched: the opinions of other bloggers (not a single noisy Internet scandal can do without this), the video of the YouTuber’s channel, which is positioned as a media about YouTube events. The headliners of the Russian Internet are silent, but they will definitely say their word: the wild story is still splashing in the hellish cauldron, but is about to spill out. Until this happened, Life asked AIDAN about what generally pulled the young man to such things.

Of course, this is an attempt to gain an audience in any way. It is known that he initially promised on the streams, for example, to jump from the balcony if the necessary mass of viewers was gathered. But from harmless jokes, Andrey switched to serious things, undressing young girls

blogger Denis AIDEN Merenkov - about Andrey Burim's motivation

Here Denis is absolutely right - harmless jokes imperceptibly crossed the line, including the criminal one. Melstroy's actions can be qualified under Article 343-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus "Production and distribution of pornographic materials or objects of a pornographic nature depicting a minor." In particular, the first paragraph of the article:

Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, article 343-1

So the term before the young streamer looms real, and this is not our speculation at all. According to the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, the police have already visited Andrei's apartment, talked to his parents, seized the computer and are now conducting an examination for the presence of pornography in the videos. The press center also added that Andrei does not work anywhere and does not study, and now he has gone on the run - Burim's whereabouts are unknown, but are being established.

This, however, does not prevent the streamer from accessing social networks - at the time of this writing, Andrey was last on VKontakte on the morning of January 18. Life tried to contact the blogger, but the Gomel resident avoids questions.

body for likes

But do not forget that this dubious story has at least two sides. And if with the one that asks to take off her jacket and screams excitedly, everything, alas, is clear, then the second one has questions: why take off this jacket at all?

Let's remember how the Rakamakafo channel gained popularity. That's right - due to pranks over tipsy girls. "Freshmen undressed for an iPhone" - a video with this title broke into Russian YouTube, provoking a strong discussion. The formula, once successfully implemented by Sobolev, periodically pops up every September: one of the regional entertainers arranges (usually for the dedication of students) a competition for public undressing, where the main prize is a new Apple brand phone. The discussion flares up again, the girls are shamed on the entire Internet (and part of real life), but no one even looks askance at the presenters, they say, the guys have something to do with it - they just let people be themselves. In the Melstroy situation, everyone is talking about him - and not a word about the other side.

Understand correctly: we are in no way defending Andrey. We understand the difference between students and children (even if it fits in a couple of years). But again: why take off your jacket, knowing that 10-20 thousand people are looking at you right now (the victims usually knew)? Because this disheveled individual, drowning in adrenaline, promised to promote the page on VKontakte? Strange, very strange motivation - and the iPhone in this context does not look so disgusting.

To understand the situation, Life turned to child psychologist Svetlana Prokopyuk:

Status is very important for children of this age - children are ready to do a lot for it. Fashionable clothes, gadgets, jewelry - all this emphasizes the status. Such shameless use of the body as an object of trade may be an attempt to get what the teenager wants. It turns out that status is more important than bodily safety. There is one more thing - at this age the concept of intimacy is formed: awareness of the body, the boundaries of this body, there is an interest in conversations of this kind. And at the intersection of these two processes - the desire to become noticeable in the eyes of others and develop an attitude towards one's body - it turns out that status wins: it is more important for a child to establish himself among his peers, and the value of intimacy is lost.

Svetlana Prokopyuk, child psychologist

In addition, as Svetlana Prokopyuk told Life, society also has a great influence on the behavior of a teenager. In talk shows, in political and economic circles, the emphasis is on outrageousness, on the desire to do something anti-social. And, perhaps, this becomes a contribution to the behavior of these adolescents - there is a desire to treat their body aggressively. And, perhaps, the teenager then repents, because he understands that such an unlimitedly offensive use of his body does not lead to good.

It is possible that children are afraid of the perfect act because of the end result - when they see their naked body on the screen, which is available to millions, they experience a shift

New media

I remember that Life ended the main trends of Russian YouTube in 2016 with a prophecy: they say, thanks to streaming services, interactive has come into fashion, and it is still impossible to predict where all this will lead, because the possibilities of YouTube and Twitch are intangible and limitless . The only thing we were sure of was that the site would still throw surprises.

The most important thing in this story: the Melstroy case is only part of the upcoming events that streaming services will dump on us. Since streamer Karina realized that Twitch can be used in any way, but not for its intended purpose, the very idea of ​​​​live broadcasts has changed radically - now it is a huge and, again, unexplored platform for experiments of the widest field. Pug arranged "Running Man" in real life, Burima thought of a children's striptease. This can be treated with contempt and fear (and these will be the most understandable emotions), but at the moment YouTube is more like a Pandora's box wrapped in a regular plastic bag: as soon as you scrape off the familiar layer and dig a little further, all the demons of the world will immediately fly out and they will show their snout - and, alas, nothing can be done about it. Because at the end of last year there were more than a hundred thousand people who paid for the beating of a former robber and fanatic, and at the beginning of this - more than fifty, salivating at a frightened girl, raising her sweater just above her chest.

The designers took into account the fact that girls of any age love to dress up, and besides, they do not sit still. Fashionable children's swimwear this season is designed for an active and comfortable stay and, of course, meets the latest beach trends.

But choosing a children's model is no easier than an adult. In many ways, the choice depends on the age and opinion of the youngest fashionista - it must be taken into account. Taste, as you know, is brought up from childhood and the choice of a beach outfit is an excellent occasion to lay its foundations.

Beautiful swimwear 2019 for girls: fashionable styles and colors

To look like an adult girl is a sacred dream of any girl aged 10-12, and a beautiful swimsuit is the right step towards this dream. But do not go to extremes and choose a frankly adult model - this season they present beach fashion in their own way. In many ways, they copy adult models, with the exception of one thing - frank openness.

First of all, it is important to decide on the style. This season, there are three very interesting directions in the favorites of the rhinestone - romance, ethnicity and sports. In each of them there are very stylish, adapted to the age and features of the figure of the model.

Pay attention to how trendy swimwear for girls looks spectacular in these photos:

Everyone's favorite bikini in the version for children this season looks enough and even too modest. No thongs and thongs - only democratic slips and shorts. Pleated or wide flounced micro-skirts look very stylish in such models.

They are echoed by bodices - simple classic styles are decorated with various ruffles and decorative flowers.

Children's swimwear for children: photos and descriptions of models

In creating comfortable and stylish images, there is no equal to children's closed swimsuits; in 2019, such styles have become hits in adult collections. One of the most successful of them is the best option, not only for mom, but also for her daughter.

The most fashionable colors and prints of children's swimwear - in the photo:

Such models look stylish and very girlish in bright pure shades of orange, sky blue and rich pink, fashionable this summer. And adults can envy the prints of 2019 swimsuits for girls - comic and anime characters, spectacular pop art drawings adorn the most stylish models.

But do not forget about fashionable classics - polka dots, small "naive" flowers, a cage and a thin strip look really impressive only on very young ladies.

Children's fashion for swimwear: photos of models

A special choice is models for very young fashionistas. Of course, there can be no talk of any separate models of "adult" styles. But, but even for very young girls, designers today offer: a cropped top with thin straps and panties with a short flounced skirt.

The most fashionable closed style of the season has become a classic simple model with straps freely tied over the neck. Designers have tried to combine the actual style and comfort in it - so you don’t have to choose between fashionable and comfortable.

Not a single child can sit on the beach - it is most convenient to swim, play and, of course, sunbathe in such a model.

Beautiful swimwear for girls this season is designed in trendy colors. All summer shades of orange, soft green, blue and pink look best in simple styles designed for children.

Designers have adjusted adult trends for age. The Hawaiian print, miniature flowers and bouquets, contrasting “polka dots” and a cage look very stylish - it is only important to choose bright and juicy combinations of trendy colors.

But the main summer hit is applications with portraits of iconic cartoon characters and dolls.

Look at the photo - children's fashion for swimwear is in no way inferior to adults:

Spectacular ruffles and frills are used as decor in the models of this season - they adorn cutouts and waistline. Gently, girlishly slightly coquettish, the decoration looks like small beads, shells, spectacular plastic fittings and flower brooches made of fabric.

Stylish swimwear for girls and their photos

The choice of this season is huge and able to satisfy every taste. But there are several design "taboos" addressed to parents. First of all, you should not literally copy adult styles and colors.

Today it is very fashionable to choose beach outfits for mom and daughter in the same color scheme and style - such a duet looks really very stylish. But in this case, the children's model should in no case be a copy of the mother's.

Redness of vestibule and vulva- non-specific sign. It constantly accompanies local irritation, for example, in the presence of roundworms, allergies to bath foam, enuresis, or poor personal hygiene. In the presence of a local bacterial infection, redness of the skin may be accompanied by discharge.

When streptococcal infection bright red painful erythema of the vulva may appear. Herpes simplex infection causes painful blisters with a red base. Hematomas can be the result of recent indecent acts, arising under the influence of friction or trauma. McSapp found nonspecific redness of the vestibule in 25% of prepubertal girls.

Swelling of the genital organs during the seduction of minors. Like redness, this is a non-specific sign and may accompany any local infection or irritation.
Child abuse injury. A hematoma in the vulva may be the result of an accident or a consequence of violent acts. Accidental trauma caused by an object caught between the legs usually causes bruising and damage to the bones, in particular the pubis, and the anterior part of the vulva, while sexual violence damages the posterior labial commissure (often in the midline) with ruptures of the vulva. hymen or without them.

Random injury may be accompanied by damage to the inner thighs and is usually more pronounced on the one hand, indicating a fall on a hard object. Violent acts may be accompanied by fingerprints on the thighs if an attempt was made to spread the legs.

Allocations during the seduction of minors. During and after puberty, leukorrhea is normal. Purulent discharge indicates an infection or the presence of a foreign body in the vagina. Bloody discharge indicates the presence of a foreign body or malignant tumor and justifies the use of anesthesia for examination.

Sometimes discharge appear as a result of irritation caused by roundworms, and due to secondary infection. A creamy, irritating discharge is characteristic of candidiasis. Diagnosis requires taking smears for histological and bacteriological examination, as well as for determining sensitivity to antibiotics.

Having a gonococcal infection testifies to violent acts for the purpose of seduction. Chlamydial infections are transmitted through the hands, but violent acts should always be suspected.

The hymen during the seduction of minors

Hymen may be thin and narrow or thick and fleshy, with folds. As sexual maturity progresses, the hymen becomes more fleshy. It can be annular or cruciform without a front field. The edges of the hymen may be narrow or rounded, sometimes with projections.

McCann observed 114 prepubescent girls who were not subjected to violent sexual acts. He found tubercles along the margins of the hymen in 34%, protrusions in 33%, and remnants of septa in 18.5%. The tubercles are usually between the 11 and 1 o'clock position. Partitions of the hymen were rare (2.5%), strands were more often noted (usually bilateral).

Vaginal crests and folds could be seen in 90% of cases. Often there is an irregularly shaped hymen. Furrows were observed in 6% of girls. Deep furrows to the base of the hymen or the absence of its wall indicates the presence of scars and trauma. The opening of the hymen may vary depending on the method of examination (whether the labia is separated or pulled out), as well as the position of the child being examined (on the stomach or in the knee-elbow position).
In addition, since vagina is a muscular tube, the hymen can narrow and expand during examination, so the size of the hole should not be given much importance.

If young woman claims violent acts with full vaginal penetration, manual examination may be required. First, one finger is inserted, then the second - only if there is confidence that the procedure does not cause pain to the girl. It should be noted whether it is easy to make an examination and what is the capacity of the vagina. A wide vagina is a sign of repeated introduction of any objects there or frequent sexual contact.

Posterior commissure of the labia during the seduction of minors. With forced intercourse, the posterior commissure of the labia is stretched and bears traces of damage, usually along the midline. Healing occurs quickly, subsequently a linear scar remains. If no violence has been applied, the posterior commissure can be stretched without tearing and scarring.

Anus when seducing minors

On anal tone may be affected by the presence of fecal matter in the rectum, chronic constipation or violent sexual intercourse. Hypertrophy of the external sphincter has been described with repeated violent anal contact, as a result of which the anus takes the form of a "tire". The presence of scars and soft warts indicates an old trauma in the anal border area and is more common in those who have experienced violent sexual activity than in those who have not been a victim. However, these signs cannot be considered reliable evidence of sexual abuse.

Anal fissures are associated with bowel disorders or violent acts, and medical causes of the pathology should be excluded. The dilated anus is ring-shaped and looks smooth. Its very irregular shape (which should not be confused with the anal ampulla) indicates chronic damage.

Fresh multiple anal fissures anal border swelling and fecal incontinence are characteristic of recent coercive and aggressive intercourse, but "if intercourse is done with care or if the passive partner is accustomed to such contact, there may be no signs of intercourse, since the anus can withstand considerable stretch and remain intact if the contact is slow.”

Perianal skin and veins during the seduction of minors

Leather the perianal area may be dark and this is not abnormal. With accidental injuries, bruising in this area, especially at the border of the anus, is rare. When the rectum is filled, the perianal veins are stretched. If you spread your buttocks and observe the veins for a minute or more, you can see how they gradually stretch.

This phenomenon is more pronounced in the posterior half of the circle that the veins form near the anus. With constant sexual violence, the veins protrude, and this sign disappears one of the last when the violent actions stop.

Reflex and dilatation in the seduction of minors

To check for signs of violent acts, the buttocks are bred and the anus is observed for about 30 seconds. As the external sphincter opens, the anus gradually opens. With a true reflex and dilatation, the internal sphincter also opens and the rectal mucosa is visible. Normally, the anus can expand up to 2 cm, while the opening retains a rounded shape. This "reflex" is more common in victims of violent sexual acts than in those who have not entered into forced anal intercourse, but this feature in itself is not of great diagnostic value, it can only supplement other evidence of child abuse.

Warts during the seduction of minors. Warts can be passed on through sexual contact or through the hands. It is important to find out who in the child's family has warts on the genitals or on the hands. They can be transferred to the genitals and the child himself, if he has them on his hands. This is how perianal and bulbar warts are transferred. If the warts are on the hymen, this indicates the fact of sexual contact, and it is important to find them on the genitals of a suspected or alleged seducer. The type of causative virus helps to identify the cause of transmission and the likely route of transmission.

Pregnancy with the seduction of minors. This is the only single irrefutable physical evidence of the fact of sexual intercourse.

Forensic medical examination in case of seduction of minors. For such an examination, material is needed that is important to properly label, pack, and transport. The method of sampling is also important. All this is described in the literature on forensic medical examination.

Differential diagnosis of seduction of minors

Above already cited explanations for various physical signs. Skin conditions such as lichen sclerosis or psoriasis that are limited to the genital area can cause bleeding and be mistaken for signs of sexual abuse. The presence of a skin disease does not exclude the fact of forced contact, but it is necessary to understand the natural course of this dermatological disorder. Diabetes and urinary tract infections should be ruled out. In any child with anal pathology, the possibility of bowel disorder as well as accidental injury should be kept in mind.

If a child agree to discuss your situation after the examination, you can talk with him and the person accompanying him. If nothing pathological is found, explain to the girl that you believe her story. Reassure the child that her genitals and anal area are fine, give her the opportunity to ask questions if she has any, and invite her back for a follow-up visit in case there are any problems later.

If there probability pregnancy, you should give the child pills for postcoital contraception. She should swallow two tablets directly in the doctor's office, and two more after 12 hours. If vomiting occurs, the dose must be repeated.

If Clinical signs indicate the possible presence of an STD, swabs should be taken to identify the pathogen - a bacterium or a virus. Young people often express concern about the likelihood of contracting HIV. All patients with suspected HIV infection should be referred to an STD specialist who will evaluate them, prescribe treatment and advice.

At acute injury may need, although rarely, anesthesia. If an infection is detected, the patient needs treatment.
Lead detailed, complete, meticulous records that need to be kept up to date. When demonstrating the results of examination of the genital organs and physical injuries, diagrams are very convenient. Any descriptions of violent acts made by the child himself must be quoted in full using his vocabulary. Keep a record of the child's emotional state. Note both negative and positive test results. Based on these records, the police or social services may draw their own conclusions. The child and his parents or caregivers should be aware of this.

“A woman is the biggest threat to a man, an evil spirit that leads him astray. She seduces him with what is between her legs. So it should be cut." This is a quote from the "wisdom of life" Nasser Al-Shaker Shaker, one of the main proponents of the legalization of female circumcision in Egypt. The barbaric tradition of circumcision of girls is practiced in many countries of the world: in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, in the countries of Africa, South America. According to UNICEF, around 125 million circumcised women live worldwide, and three million girls are threatened by this cruel ritual every year. London has become the European capital of female circumcision. According to the report of the parliamentary commission, there are 170,000 circumcised women in England, and 65,000 girls under the age of 13 are at risk of performing the hellish ritual of circumcision. See photo essay from Kenya, where the tradition of circumcision, although outlawed by law, is still practiced.


1. Theoretically, female circumcision is illegal in Kenya. However, in many of its districts, this tradition is so strong that no laws can stop this cruel practice, even if it faces imprisonment.

In countries where girls are circumcised on a massive scale, there is a deeply rooted belief that an uncircumcised girl will be promiscuous and unfaithful, so she will not have the slightest chance of getting married.

In the photo: a girl of the Pokot tribe after the circumcision ritual - she was wrapped in skins and painted with white paint, and now they are taking her home to rest. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

2. All girls of the Pokot tribe must undergo a circumcision ritual. This is part of the initiation rite, after which the girl becomes an adult in the eyes of the community. Only after circumcision can she get married.

In the photo: a young Kenyan woman after a barbaric circumcision ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

3. According to the UN, in Kenya over 25 percent of women are circumcised. A law banning the ritual of circumcision, which was passed in 2011, is ignored - especially by residents of poor rural areas.

In the photo: Pokot girls run to the place where the circumcision ceremony will take place. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

4. “We have always practiced the ritual of circumcision,” says the father of one of the circumcised girls. Girls are circumcised so that they can get married. This is their entry into adulthood.”

In the photo: a young Kenyan woman after the ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

5. The ritual, as a rule, is carried out in terrible conditions, using primitive tools - scissors, razors and even broken glass. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
6. Circumcision is not limited to poor, backward families. Girls from both poor and rich families, daughters and illiterate and educated people are subjected to the ritual of circumcision.

In Egypt, for example, 99 percent of women are circumcised in villages, and 95 percent in cities. In Nigeria, most circumcisions are done by wealthy families.

And although this tradition is often associated with Islam, there is not a single word about it in the Quran. Girls are circumcised in Saudi Arabia, where Islam is considered the most orthodox. In Nigeria, Niger, Kenya and Tanzania, circumcised girls have the most Christian women.

In the photo: the older women of the tribe are trying in every possible way to cheer the girls up so that they leave the hut and go to the place where the ritual will take place. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

7. “The pain will make them stronger,” the mother of one of the girls told a Reuters reporter. “She will show the community that she can endure the pain. I'm proud of her."

In the photo: the girls of the Pokot tribe are waiting for the start of the ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

8. The Kenyan authorities hope that the tribes will change their attitude towards the tradition of female circumcision. However, there are fears that this tradition has too deep roots.

“We still have a lot of work to do in this direction,” says prosecutor Christine Nanjala. “Maybe not today, but someday it will end.” The Kenyan prosecutor's office is currently conducting about 50 criminal cases related to the illegal ritual of circumcision of girls.

In the photo: the girls are waiting for the ritual to begin. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

9. The Pokot tribe gather around the fire to take part in the ritual of circumcision of their girls. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
10. In the photo: a girl cries after undergoing a circumcision ritual. In the words of one woman who herself went through this horror: “this pain cannot be described ... It’s like taking a knife and cutting off a piece of someone’s body.” (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

Circumcision is the removal of part of the genitals, usually the clitoris, less often the labia. The consequences of this ritual are deplorable - girls can die from blood loss or from infection. Circumcised women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, more complications during childbirth, and a lack of sexual desire.

11. Girls of the Pokot tribe after the circumcision ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
12. In the photo: girls waiting at the hut of a girl who is about to be circumcised. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

International organizations and national governments of those countries that consider the ritual a violation of human rights are fighting against the barbaric traditions of female circumcision. However, it is difficult to fight traditions without raising the general level of education among the local population, although, as practice shows, in Europe, where everything is in order with education, this ritual is practiced as if nothing had happened, despite prohibitions and laws, and most often carried out in expensive paid clinics.

13. Girls after circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
14. After circumcision, according to tradition, the girls of the Pokot tribe are painted with white paint. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
15. A teenage girl has just undergone a terrifying circumcision ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
16. Women of the Pokot tribe carry stones on which girls will sit during circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
17. The ritual of dousing girls with white paint after circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
18. A minute before the start of the ritual. Fear is painted on the faces of the girls. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

This terrible, barbaric tradition is nothing but a crime against girls, which does not have any arguments to be justified. Girls are mutilated in the name of a tradition that sees women as a threat to men, a habitat for evil spirits that lead men astray... This is an obsession with nudity and sex, and an irrational fear of the "unclean" naked female body. Ignorance and belief in outdated laws and customs.

Gynecological examination of adolescents are special techniques and methods that reveal the pathological and physiological conditions of the female genital organs up to eighteen years of age. The main task of the survey is to obtain data in order to make an accurate diagnosis of a possible gynecological disease in girls and adolescents. Such an examination is significantly different from that which adult women undergo. It has a number of features.

  1. Very often, teenagers are afraid of a gynecologist, they expect pain and discomfort, which is why they resist the action of doctors. In order to conduct a full examination, the doctor must reassure the patient and make her trust him. To do this, you need to treat her affectionately and affably. To this end, you can start a conversation about subjects that are not related to the examination, distract the child, help him get to know the doctor and the environment, which is of great importance. In addition, the girl must not be allowed to see examination tools and other materials. To do this, you need to try to remove from sight all the things that can cause fear. There should be no strangers in the examination room; it is also impossible to examine other patients.
  2. The genital organs of girls are much more difficult to examine inside than those of adult women who have already given birth or are sexually active. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a doctor to deal with little girls, and he needs to do everything very carefully, without causing pain and discomfort. It is also important to choose the least traumatic instruments.
  3. Girls have a dense pelvic floor, very limited spatial relationships, small genital organs, the shape and size of which have not been established, as in adult women.

Primary appointment with a gynecologist video

At the reception of a gynecologist-mammologist video

Therefore, physicians who practice pediatric and adolescent gynecology should have specific training in this subject. In addition, it must be available to both middle and junior medical personnel.

Before the examination, the girl must empty her intestines and bladder.

Gynecological examination of adolescents can be divided into general and special examination. The latter is divided into gynecological and additional types of research.

Adolescent gynecology - doctor's lecture