Relaxing Indian massage based on oils for the healing of the whole body and face. Indian oil massage

Such a simple procedure as a morning massage or self-massage can significantly improve our well-being and mood. A properly performed massage with individually selected oils will increase your vitality, which, translated from the language of oriental practitioners, means improving immunity, increasing energy and activity. Oil massage improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, enriches the entire body with oxygen and helps to get rid of toxins (exhaust gases and chemicals). To conduct an Ayurvedic massage session, you do not need to have special skills, your desire and time are enough.

Required Rules

There are quite strict rules by which massage should be done. The body is conditionally divided into three zones, within which there should be a special direction of movement, according to the structure of the muscles. The first zone is the head and torso. On the front side of the body, massage movements should be done down: from the face to the neck, on the chest, stomach and waist. On the back side of the body, the movements go up from the base of the spine to the top of the head, along the back and shoulders - from the spine outward. The second zone - from the pelvis to the tips of the toes: Starting from the navel on the front side or from the pelvic region on the back - and massage evenly down the legs, to the toes. The third zone is from the collarbones to the fingertips: we start from the collarbones and massage outwards down the arms. To make your massage physiological, it is enough to remember this simple scheme.

Also, during an Ayurvedic massage (unlike, say, Thai massage or Shiatsu), we avoid any unpleasant, painful sensations, do not cause ourselves or our partner even “pleasant” pain. Oil massage should always be 100% light and pleasant, that's when it benefits and energizes the whole body! Also, we never directly massage the spine, joints, do not put pressure on the bones: such effects also do not bring benefits.

Self massage

If you want to do an oil massage to yourself, it is quite possible. Unless you can’t massage your back with high quality. It is necessary to apply oil to the following areas: the temple area (and massage the entire head including areas under hair growth), the base of the skull (the top of the neck, where the spine goes deep into the skull), the heart and navel area, as well as the armpits, pubis, calves and soles of the feet . Gently massage these parts of the body in accordance with the rules for the three zones (see above).

What oils to use

Ayurvedic massage is always done with oil. Massage without oil is harmful to health: it raises the temperature of the skin, disrupts the gas exchange in the body. Massage without oil is fraught with colds in the cold season, while oil massage, on the contrary, softens the effects of sudden changes in temperature and humidity (home-car-office-street).

  • Oil for massage (or self-massage) should be selected individually, depending on the needs. Let's briefly talk about some oils.
  • Mustard oil cleanses pores, strengthens the skin, enhances pigmentation. It is not scary if it gets into the eyes or ears (this is a unique property of this oil).
  • Olive oil is useful in the cold season, because. makes the body more sensitive to the perception of solar energy. It has a healing effect, therefore it is recommended for the elderly, the sick, and children.
  • Sesame oil (black seeds) carries a large amount of prana (vital energy). Often used as a base for massage mixtures.
  • Sandalwood (as part of mixtures) - cleanses and tones the skin, natural antiseptic, has a strong pleasant smell, improves immunity. Beware of cheap imitations.
  • Almond oil strengthens hair, promotes the activity of the intellect and improves memory. They mainly massage the skin, although the whole body can be used.
  • Wheat germ oil improves complexion. It has anti-cellulite and wound-healing effect. It eliminates wrinkles, roughness of the skin, it is also good to apply it on a weather-beaten face and lips in winter - to restore the skin.
  • Grape seed oil moisturizes and softens the skin, fights aging, and is also used for problematic skin (acne, blackheads, enlarged pores, oily skin). Often used as a base for mixtures.
  • Coconut oil is nourishing and rejuvenating. Has a pleasant smell, moisturizes well; it is useful to apply it in a small amount to the hair. Softens and nourishes the skin. Absorbs quickly.

If you are bothered by colds, in addition to massage, massage only the feet and palms daily at night with a very small amount of ghee.
Ayurvedic mixtures of various oils are also widely used for massage. For example, the mixture of oils "Mahanarayan" is widely known for its life-giving properties. Such healing mixtures are sold in oriental goods stores and are affordable.

Try not to use ready-made massage oils from a pharmacy, especially “baby” and “mineral” oils - these are most likely oils of inorganic origin, with artificial flavors, poor in natural energy and useful substances; when massaged with such oil, the body can be “stuffy”.

You can make mixtures for massage yourself, after reading the literature on the topic. Blending, just like the massage itself, is an exquisite and exciting process.


Massage is not used if a person has a high fever, constipation, vomiting, and while taking laxatives.

Massage is a good habit

Oil massage (like other Eastern practices) has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. It not only prevents many skin diseases and relieves the problem of seasonal dry skin in winter, but also activates intellectual abilities, increases sexual energy, gives you self-confidence and harmony in your movements, which others perceive as natural beauty. It is enough to give massage 15-30 minutes a day, at least once a week (and preferably daily) to get a significant, noticeable result. We wish you health, beauty and good mood!

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The mention of massage dates back to ancient civilizations, ancient people kneaded and rubbed their body to remove all pain. Stepping from antiquity to civilization, you can see that massaging your body has not disappeared anywhere. People, having understood all the benefits and pleasantness of a massaging session, began not only to relieve pain by kneading the body, but simply to enjoy the procedure. Today, in this article we want to tell you about such a procedure as oil massage. Oil body massage is divided into several performance techniques, we will introduce you to each of them better.

Oil massage techniques

As we have already said, body oil massage is a procedure with several techniques, each technique has its own zest and rules for the session. The first session in line was Indian oil massage, let's figure out what its charms are.

Indian oil massage

This is an ancient technique aimed at the complete restoration of the body and skin rejuvenation, stress relief and improving metabolism.

  • The session takes place on the soft parts of the head, facial and shoulder areas, because it is in these easily “wrinkled” parts of the body that important points responsible for the state of internal organs are concentrated.
  • Most often, the session is carried out in a special chair, since the shoulder area, head, face, temples and neck are most exposed to massaging. Massaging the whole body is a completely different kind of relaxing procedure.
  • The master of Indian massage does not use any pain techniques during massaging, all movements are soft and smooth, only relaxation and peace.
  • As for the oil, this oil massage allows the use of both a hot mixture and a slightly warm one, there are no clear selection criteria here.
  • An Indian oil massage session lasts an average of 1.5 - 2 hours, during such a session a person can improve his blood flow, relieve headaches, improve metabolism, achieve total relaxation of the body and even increase muscle tone and remove hated cellulite.

And now our step-by-step instructions for conducting a session according to the Indian method:

  1. A water bath is prepared in advance, in which the oil mixture is subsequently heated. The mixture is warmed up and poured into the palm of your hand, the master needs about 50 milliliters of oil for the session.
  2. The oil is poured in a small portion, directly on the client’s head, and then gently and smoothly rubbed over the entire “working surface”. After, there are movements with the fingers, which are slightly reminiscent of shampooing.
  3. The master works the entire surface of the scalp with circular movements of the fingers.
  4. Again, a little oil is poured into the palms and it is distributed over the face and ears of the client. Massaging these areas is just as smooth and gentle.
  5. Now there is a transition to the neck, the neck is massaged with palms.
  6. After the neck, the master smoothly descends with downward movements to the shoulders and arms of the client.
  7. The last step is massaging the elbows, they are worked out by circular rubbing.

That's it, the session of Indian oil massage is over. Going down the body, you move from the Indian technique to a completely different one, but about this technique a little later.

Abhyanga massage

Abhyanga massage (abhyanga massage) is one of the Indian directions and this procedure serves to relax the whole body and improve the human body as a whole.

This procedure is performed with exceptionally warm, even barely heated oils. The master moves in this technique from head to toe, carefully working through every part of the body. A detailed scheme of the wizard's actions will be described by us a little later.

Usually a massaging session does not last long, the process can take from 15 to 35 minutes. The effect that can be achieved by applying this type of procedure:

  • getting rid of insomnia and normalizing sleep;
  • the disappearance of fatigue from the eyes and the restoration of visual acuity;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • complete relaxation of a tired body.

In Indian technology, not only the body and limbs are affected. Great attention is paid to the “processing” of the head and face. By acting on the face, you can achieve noticeable results of skin rejuvenation and tightening.

Everyone told about the benefits, now you can move on to how the abyanga oil massage is performed:

  1. First of all, the oil mixture is slightly warmed up, the master dips his fingertips into the heated oil, and then smoothly, with relaxing movements distributes the oily composition all over the client's body.
  2. The oil is distributed over the skin, now wait 5 minutes - this is necessary for the complete absorption of oil particles into the skin.
  3. Massaging all parts of the body is carried out both with fingers and palms.
  4. Movements in the area of ​​the heart and navel are gentle, in the area of ​​the chin and face are stronger with elements of slight pressure.
  5. Energetic movements are worked out - the head, auricles and feet of the client.
  6. Hands and feet are massaged in a straight line, while the master makes stroking manipulations.
  7. The joints, palms, feet and fingertips are massaged in a circular manner and not too intensely.

Here is such a simple performance technique that you can, in principle, cope with on your own at home by watching a video instruction with the actions of an abhyanga massage salon master. But as many forum reviews about such home procedures say: “It’s better not to try to massage yourself or torture someone with inept rubbing, go girls and boys to the salon to specialists!”

Thai oil massage

Thai oil massage is a procedure that actively improves blood circulation, oxygenates all the cells of the body, and, of course, relaxes well.

  • The impact in this procedure is on such areas as: muscles, bones and tendons, massage the head, neck, face, back, legs, chest and hips.
  • It is not very easy to make such a procedure for yourself, but all because the Thai oil technique is full of its difficult nuances. you will be crushed correctly.
  • This procedure is not similar to the classic Thai massage, and there are no power manipulations here, only relaxing rubbing and stroking.
  • Before heading to the salon for this relaxing treatment, choose an area of ​​your body that you want to stretch and relax. Why one area?! Yes, all because this procedure gives the maximum effect if you locally work out one zone, and not diverge throughout the body.

In parting, we can say one thing that the abhyanga massage parlor, Thai or Indian practices is the place where you will receive the highest quality and most beneficial massage for the body. It is better not to subject yourself to experiments. There is no need to carry out homemade “convulsions” kneading the body with your inept hands, having watched enough video clips, where incomprehensible masters step by step excoriate their virtual students the miraculous massage techniques. A five-minute video cannot teach you what masters have been learning for years! Go to the professionals and relax your mind and body.

Publication 2017-06-20 Liked 4 Views 1098

Indian massage: pros and cons

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian alternative medicine, is designed to bring harmony to the soul, mind and body. One of the main components of this science is massage. Indian traditional massage is called abhyanga.

Indian massage has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the spiritual principle.

Oil is the basis of Indian massage

From time to time, each of us has a desire to “reboot”. Indian massage in this case is a wonderful solution. The basic means of Ayurvedic massage is oil. Only natural oils are taken as a basis, often raw-pressed:

  • olive
  • coconut
  • sesame
  • corn
  • ghee butter
  • mustard oil, etc.

Coconut oil used in Indian massage becomes clear and liquid when heated.

Indian massage is done strictly according to the doshas. Sesame oil is more suitable for people with Vata dosha, as their skin is often dry and irritated. Sunflower or coconut oil is suggested for pita dosha, as it cools their constantly heated nature. Massage with corn oil is recommended for kapha people - warming up the muscles and activating blood circulation, it gives a fresh impetus to life. If necessary, natural essential oils are added to the base:

  • incense
  • jasmine
  • lemongrass
  • sandalwood
  • lavender
  • ylang-ylang
  • mint, etc.

Herbs + Indian massage = health of mind and body

With the help of lavender, those who have been prescribed an Indian massage relieve stress and tension, mint and eucalyptus increase attentiveness, thanks to citrus fruits the mood is lifted, and with vanilla awakens sensuality. To improve the skin and joints, herbs are sometimes added to the oil base:

  • bringaraj
  • sage
  • calendula
  • Melissa
  • rosemary, etc.

In Indian massage, only natural ingredients are used - they are quickly absorbed by the skin.

An individual mix is ​​not made by chance - before the Indian massage procedure, the specialist determines the client's dosha (vata, kapha or pitta) and, based on the data obtained, mixes the ingredients. Some oils cool the skin and muscles, others warm up. Those that speed up the flow of blood in one person will not work in another.

Abhyanga has been known to mankind for about five thousand years.

Indian massage - health ritual

The massage therapist must be well versed in Ayurveda and in the subtle energy channels of the human body. In the delicate process of abhyanga, work is not so much with the body as with the soul and mind. Indian massage has a positive effect not only on the removal of toxins. Patients note that migraines go away, muscle clamps are weakened, subcutaneous fat is reduced, excess fluid is removed, and skin irritations and dryness are eliminated.

Indian foot massage will never be forgotten by those who have had it at least once

In a room with pleasant music and a comfortable atmosphere, the massage therapist squeezes out excess fluid from under the skin with soft and smooth rotational movements. Pouring oil on the surface of the body, he goes through all the important areas, from top to toe.

The direction of movement in Indian massage is very important: from the lower back to the head, from the head to the lower back, from the lower back to the heels, from the heels to the lower back. Thus, blood circulation is accelerated and the energy channels of the nadis are activated.

At the Indian massage specialist you will not find plastic and synthetic accessories

It is believed that consciousness is tightly intertwined with points on the body and with the correct execution of abhyanga, blocks, prejudices, anger, aggression and resentment go away. Indeed, after an Indian massage, many note relaxation, a feeling of inner and outer purity, the absence of obsessive thoughts and lightness in the body.

A course of Indian facial massage - and only a memory will remain from wrinkles

Indian massage technique

In abhyanga, massage is performed with the pads of the fingers, "scissors", i.e. index and middle fingers, very often in four hands. Much attention is paid to the head, neck, feet. Minimize pressure on sensitive areas. The main movements are stroking, rubbing and squeezing. The emphasis in Indian massage is on the muscles, skin and marmas - invisible points of interweaving of energy channels in the body.

Our hands are worthy of such pleasure as an Indian massage.

In addition to the classic Indian abhyanga massage, there are other, narrower techniques. For example, Shirodhara. An unusual, but very pleasant procedure, in which oil is poured on the forehead in a thin stream for a long time.

Minimum set for Indian massage

Champi massage is an Indian head massage in which the temples are rubbed to relieve migraines and increase concentration. Compression, tapping and pressure on the entire surface of the head are used to relieve fatigue from the neck, eyes, facial muscles and dispel negative thoughts. Even the hair is often oiled.

Simultaneous Indian massage for two is carried out not only for newlyweds

Marma massage is an oil massage with 107 special points called marma. When prana freely enters the body, circulates in it and exits, a person becomes healthy, full of strength and inspiration.

Marma massage is best done by an Indian specialist

Snehana - internal massage. Oddly enough, Indian oil massage can be not only external. Oiling the internal organs with the use of vegetable and animal oils treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins, and stimulates the internal organs.

At the 1996 Olympics, massage was recognized as a primary medical treatment.

Udvarthana is a pleasant spa treatment that begins with an Indian oil massage followed by a body wrap with a natural herbal tincture. For some time, the client "rests" - the skin absorbs the healing decoction. Then the massage is resumed. With diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, joint injuries, with improper bone adhesions after fractures, as well as with muscle pain, Indian massage is recommended with warm bags of herbs soaked in oil - kizhi.

Interior in abhyanga is as important as touch, aromas, music and air temperature

Nasyam Indian massage is recommended for chronic diseases of the nasal cavity and respiratory tract. The nose is instilled with medicated oils. They slowly and gently pass through the sinuses, enter the throat and warm it from the inside, relieving inflammation. Before performing nasyam, you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

An ancient way to restore the body - Indian massage with warm herbal bags

Indian massage: pros and cons

Indian massage is incredibly beneficial. And, to everyone. Abhyanga is universal, it is not tied to territory, religion, creed. This is a magical process, after which a "second birth" is felt. However, if you decide on an Indian massage, you need to be very careful and be sure to warn the massage therapist if you have:

  • oncological diseases
  • allergy to oils or herbs
  • skin diseases
  • tumors
  • injuries and fractures
  • undergone complex surgeries
  • hypotension or hypertension
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system

Before signing up for an Indian massage, you should consult a doctor

Can I do Indian massage on my own? Yes! Unlike most types of massage, where there is only a mechanical effect, abhyanga heals on a subtle level. Acting through the skin on the internal organs, on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, it awakens the body to work with the help of the forces of nature.

As mentioned above, this massage perfectly tones and tightens the skin, relieves stress and tension. In addition, this procedure has a special effect on the joints. Gentle forward movements cannot harm the bone tissue, but they warm it up perfectly, which is so useful for osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and arthritis. The oils used in Indian massage sessions perfectly prevent premature skin aging, in some cases eliminate cellulite and small stretch marks. Such relaxation procedures are highly recommended for people whose lifestyle can be called sedentary, whose work requires resistance to stress and full dedication of their own strength. If you suffer from weak, lifeless hair or hair loss, then an oil head massage will be very useful, which perfectly stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the hair follicles and makes your hair well-groomed and obedient. In addition, massaging the head perfectly eliminates headaches.

Description of Indian Ayurvedic massage technique

The session should take place in a cozy warm room. It is great if there is a relaxing musical accompaniment that will help you tune in to a meditative mood. Ayurvedic massage should be performed on a soft mat or mattress.

Of the oils, sandalwood, sesame, olive are perfect.

The procedure should begin with massaging the feet, gradually rising higher in the head. Pressing should be done with your fingers, if the muscle is voluminous (for example, on the hips or buttocks), then you can press with your elbow. Ankles and hands need to be moved with rotational movements. Areas with thin skin (on the wrist, neck) lightly pinch.

With an Indian head massage, we first massage the shoulders, then the neck, gradually rising to the head itself. The movements should be directed against the growth of the hair, this way you will allow the oil to penetrate the hair follicles.

The total duration of an Indian full body massage session is approximately two hours. Do not be surprised if after this procedure you feel sleepy and generally relaxed.

This type of Ayurvedic massage is recommended to be done at least once a week. With regular attendance of these sessions, you will noticeably improve your health, activity, become more cheerful and self-confident. It is not so difficult to learn this business, and therefore you can also please your loved ones with this massage.

For a more detailed execution technique, you can check out this video:

Everyone knows that it is in the East that they perform the best restorative and. Indian massage is able to restore strength by acting on certain points of the body. In particular, it is useful for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Blood circulation will improve throughout the body, and a certain massage technique helps to direct energy flows in the right direction.

Many consider this type of massage to be erotic. Such a massage will be a real gift for your other half. With it, you can express all your warmest feelings. Your relationship will sparkle with new colors, unknown feelings will be added, harmony will come between lovers. Of course, you can pamper your loved one and have a massage at home. However, if you want to achieve effective results and enjoy professional equipment, it is best to contact specialized salons.

Oil massage saturates the body with useful microelements

Special massage technique

With the help of a special technique, it helps a person to find energy balance, as well as adjust the work of all organs in a harmonious manner. During the sessions, a person is freed from bad and obsessive thoughts, muscles and joints relax, the soul finds peace. A person begins to heal, the body comes into harmony with the soul.

The massage is performed with a lot of oil. Oil massage nourishes the skin with natural valuable oils, body tissues relax and rejuvenate. only natural is used.

You can get rid of cellulite, there is a kind of. Special techniques break down fatty layers, remove toxins from the body and give the skin more elasticity.

Systematic sessions normalize metabolism, relieve pain, increase immunity, relieve spasms and swelling. The main thing is that you will find peace, harmony and a feeling of renewal.

An oil head massage is also performed, which is aimed at normalizing blood circulation and rejuvenating the face.

What other healing effect can you get:

  • restoration of mental and physical strength
  • normalization of metabolism and slowing down aging
  • removal of toxins and toxins from the body
  • getting rid of cellulite
  • sleep normalization
  • elimination of tension and nervousness
  • development of tenderness and sensitivity

Indian foot massage

Reflexology uses this type of massage to a greater extent. The foot is considered here as a map by which one or another organ of the body can be identified. As you know, there are a large number of energy points on the foot, stimulating which can affect the internal organs. By pressing on a particular point, we improve the work of a particular organ.

If you delve into the topic of reflexogenic zones, you can make a rather amazing map on the foot that reflects the location of internal organs. Properly performed foot massage can relieve pain, normalize the functioning of the body. For many centuries in India, with the help of this massage technique, it was possible to cure many ailments.

The figure shows dots. Which are responsible for the work of certain organs. The main effect that needs to be achieved in reflexology is relaxation. By reducing stress, you thereby improve blood circulation and normalize the functioning of all organs.

As a rule, foot massage is carried out in a lying or sitting position so that there is no tension. If the patient has taken a prone position, in this case a roller is placed under the ankle joint. The masseur washes his hands, takes the necessary heated oil and lubricates the feet with it. Stroking, rubbing and pressure techniques are used.

First, a general foot massage is performed. The sole is rubbed from the heel to the toes and back. Then each finger is carefully extended, after which the foot is squeezed from the sides with two palms. Next, the massage therapist performs light, intermittent strokes. This technique tones up and helps to relieve the feeling of fatigue. Strikes should be made with the fingertips all over the foot.

To strengthen the energy consistency, rubbing with advance and stop is performed. This technique is not deep. This is followed by pressure with weak and great force. But you should be careful with these techniques, too intense pressure and duration can give completely different results. At the end of the procedure, light touching and rubbing is performed so that the foot is completely relaxed.

Often, the thumbs are involved in the massage, but in some cases the other four fingers are also used.


  • high fever and acute infection
  • inflammation of the veins and lymph nodes
  • fungal infection, foot atrophy
  • condition close to operation
  • osteoporosis
  • pregnancy

A full massage includes, body, and separately feet. The entire procedure can take 80 to 90 minutes. The most optimal course is 10 sessions. Of course, everyone is individual, 5 sessions will be enough for someone. Therefore, you need to consider your own feelings.