Retinol in cosmetology at home. Interaction with other drugs. Side effects and possible harm of vitamin A

The use of vitamin A or retinol palmitate is prescribed by a doctor during diseases associated with a lack of a substance in the body. The correct dose for children and adults is selected individually. It depends on the severity of the disease and the type of therapy. With the proven usefulness of the drug, it still has contraindications, and an overdose can be dangerous for humans.

What is Retinol Palmitate

Retinol palmitate is a fat-soluble substance related to fortified preparations. The second, more well-known name is vitamin A. It is synthesized in the human body from beta-carotene, which comes with foods. With insufficient absorption from food, it is allowed to take medicines containing vitamin A. The first discovery of retinol was made in 1913, at the same time they conducted experiments proving the importance of the substance. Scientists have found that this component:

  • helps regulate protein synthesis;
  • needed for cell division and regeneration;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • contributes to the proper formation of bones and teeth;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing skin diseases;
  • sharpens eyesight;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • serves to prevent heart disease;
  • improves spermatogenesis.


The drug is based on the substance of the same name - retinol palmitate. One drop contained in a conventional pipette or dropper is 3300 IU (international units of measurement), 1 ml of the drug contains 100,000 IU. In addition to it, the following auxiliary components are included in the oil solution of vitamin A:

  • rapeseed oil;
  • butylhydroxyanisole;
  • butylhydroxytoluene.

Release form

Retinol solution is available in various forms for external use and ingestion. You can find out about the method of use from the inscription on the package. The most inexpensive version of retinol palmitate is sold in a cardboard box containing a vial of an odorless, pale yellow oily liquid. Vitamin A can be bought in an online store or pharmacy in the form of red capsules in a plastic jar or metal blisters.

pharmachologic effect

If you take the drug according to the instructions, then conditions are created under which vitamin A is absorbed in the intestine, enhances tissue and cellular metabolism, and regulates the restoration of redox processes. Immunity is strengthened, the work of the digestive system is normalized. Retinol takes part in the synthesis of cholesterol, polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, has a positive effect on the regulation of mineral metabolism, promotes cell regeneration, skin rejuvenation, and reduces acne.

Indications for use

Before the appointment, the doctor conducts a survey and examination of the patient. There are main symptoms by which you can guess about the deficiency of retinol in the body:

  • peeling and dry skin on the hands and face;
  • decreased clarity of vision;
  • hair loss;
  • frequent colds and inflammatory diseases due to reduced immunity.

In addition, an indication for the use of retinol is the presence of such diseases as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • seborrhea;
  • retinitis pigmentosa;
  • acne;
  • burns;
  • baldness;
  • erythroderma;
  • pneumonia;
  • rickets;
  • frostbite;
  • bronchitis;
  • eczematous lesions of the eyelids.

At the discretion of the attending physician, retinol palmitate is used as an additional therapeutic agent for cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, erosive gastroduodenitis. The drug helps people who have received serious injuries and undergone surgery. It is noted that oily vitamin A contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

Retinol palmitate for skin

Many creams, gels, and other facial cosmetics contain retinol palmitate. The substance is involved in cellular metabolism, when applied externally, it promotes rejuvenation, eliminates age spots, evens out skin tone, and prevents the formation of new wrinkles. In addition, vitamin A is effective for acne. In this case, dermatologists advise to additionally take the drug by mouth.

Before using the product, it is recommended to carefully study the annotation, because some people are contraindicated in the external use of retinol. The description of the drug indicates how long vitamin A can be used to achieve the desired effect. The action of retinol palmitate on the skin persists for 4 months after the end of the course of treatment.

Retinol palmitate for hair

Vitamin A is useful not only for the health and beauty of the skin, cosmetologists advise using it topically to restore and strengthen the hairline. A simple mask with liquid retinol will help prevent hair loss and treat split ends. The oil preparation is applied to slightly moistened skin and hair. For greater effect, the head is wrapped with a film and a towel. After 30-40 minutes, retinol palmitate is washed off with warm water and shampoo. You can make such masks 2-3 times a week, and the duration of the course is 1 month.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use that come with the product describe in detail how to take vitamin A in oil orally or by mouth. For patients, individual dosages are selected depending on weight and age. A single dose of retinol is 50,000 IU for an adult and 5,000 IU for a child, the daily dose is 100,000 IU and 20,000 IU each. In addition, the features of the treatment of diseases are taken into account. With beriberi mild and moderate form take:

  • adults - 20000-33000 IU / day;
  • children 7-15 years old - 1000-5000 IU / day.

If, as a result of the examination, the doctor diagnosed "skin diseases" (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, acne), then prescribe:

  • adults - 50,000-100,000 IU / day;
  • children - 5000-10000 IU / day per kilogram of weight.

For eye diseases, vitamin A at a dosage of 50,000-100,000 IU / day is taken together with 0.02 g of riboflavin to achieve greater effectiveness. For the treatment of gastroenterological diseases, the following dosage is prescribed:

  • adult patients - 50,000 IU / day;
  • children - 5000-6000 IU / day.


Retinol is contraindicated only in children under 7 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient and women in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the rest of the childbearing period, it is allowed to take a therapeutic dose of retinol palmitate. It is not recommended to prescribe vitamin A to patients suffering from:

  • heart failure 2 and 3 degrees;
  • jade;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

Side effects

Complications after the use of retinol are very rare. They are due to a possible individual reaction to the main component. Undesirable effects from taking are indicated in the annotation of the drug. The patient must familiarize himself with them in advance. If you violate the rules of use, then adults and children may experience side effects:

  • vomit;
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • nausea.


With an overdose of vitamin A or hypervitaminosis, the excess of the substance is often excreted by the body. However, this is not a reason to exceed the dose of retinol indicated by the doctor for treatment. Signs of an overdose are added to side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • violations of coordination;
  • sweating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the lower extremities;
  • skin rashes;
  • vomit.

After the manifestation of these symptoms, you should reduce the dose or stop taking the drug for a certain period, then the negative effects of an overdose should go away on their own. If signs of intoxication are observed after the abolition of retinol, then a course of glucocorticosteroids should be drunk. Infants in severe cases may develop cerebral hydrocephalus.

Interaction with other drugs

When prescribing retinol, the doctor takes into account how the interaction with other drugs occurs in order to avoid undesirable consequences. It is not recommended to take vitamin A together with isotretinoin, which increases the risk of intoxication of the body. If a long course of tetracycline is needed, retinol palmitate is postponed to another time in order to avoid such a side effect as intracranial hypertension.

Hello beauties!

Today I would like to dedicate my post to vitamin A.

Let's start.

Probably, while our planet rotates, humanity will continue the centuries-old search for the elixir of eternal youth, beauty and health with undying enthusiasm. To maintain such precious gifts of Nature as beauty, health and youth, the "scientific minds of our time" are developing more and more new cosmetics, introducing innovative technologies.
It has been scientifically proven that vitamins are a vital element for the full functioning of the human body. The balance of the "vitamin alphabet" allows you to maintain and preserve beauty and health for many years. Nowadays, quite often as an anti-aging therapy and the beauty industry suggests using retinol - a true vitamin A.

Vitamin A recognized as one of the main vitamins of youth and beauty, due to its pronounced antioxidant properties. The use of vitamin A guarantees healthy and beautiful hair, strong nails, increased immunity, improved blood circulation, strengthened blood vessels and a stable metabolism.
Initially, in cosmetology, retinol was used to treat skin diseases such as acne, pimples and other rashes. Based on this practice, the anti-aging effect of vitamin A was also noted - smoothing fine wrinkles, improving skin relief, etc. After a series of lengthy clinical and laboratory studies, retinoids (retinol acetate, retinol palmitate, retinoic acid) began to be introduced into the composition of not only medical, but also cosmetic products.

Cosmetic products that include retinol have such advantages as:

Due to the ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin (the location of collagen and elastin), it helps to maintain skin firmness and elasticity, stimulates the growth and restoration of skin cells - an excellent and pronounced anti-aging therapy.

The use of retinol-containing cosmetics allows you to fight mimic and even deep wrinkles, improve complexion and even out skin texture, get rid of age spots, etc.

Vitamin A is actively used to treat acne (acne) - it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands (regulates the process of sebum secretion), accelerates the process of skin renewal, fights inflammatory elements and promotes the healing of wounds and scars after acne. For problematic skin, retinol can be used both internally - in the form of an oily solution or pharmaceutical preparations (tablets) with a certain concentration of retinol, and externally - ointments, creams or gels.

Retinol is one of the best anti-aging and regenerating components of cosmetics, the effect of which has been proven and is already undeniable.

The action goes in two directions - desquamation (that is, exfoliation) and proliferation (cell division and growth), i.e. they thin the stratum corneum of the skin, and thicken the epidermis. Therefore, retinol-based products simultaneously cleanse the skin of acne and age spots, smooth, renew and restore.

Side effects of retinol:

At excessively high concentrations, it can have a toxic effect on the body. Before you start using vitamin A (retinol), it is recommended to consult a highly qualified doctor or cosmetologist.

May cause skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays (photosensitivity). In this regard, the use of cosmetics with vitamin A suggests the use of sunscreens with a high SPF factor.

Please note that the use of retinol may cause skin reactions such as flaking, redness, swelling and dryness (retinoic dermatitis).

Can be applied exclusively at night or in the evenings, but not under cosmetics. Skin receptors are most sensitive to retinol at night, and besides, retinol completely loses its properties in the light. This is probably the most important point of all today. This is indeed a very effective ingredient in anti-aging skin care lines, but if used incorrectly, the consequences can be anything but joyful.

Rules for the use of retinol for the face:

Retinol is a very unstable product. Upon contact with light and air, it oxidizes very quickly, so if you are thinking of buying this vitamin in liquid form, then always choose not a bottle, but capsules. Of course, you need to store in a dark place.

Retinol makes the skin more sensitive to the sun and ultraviolet rays, therefore, while using products with vitamin A, it is imperative to use sunscreen or a cream with a high level of protection during the day (at least SPF15 is advised, but SPF30 and higher are better).

If you are going to use retinol for the first time, then it is better not to do this every day. First 1-2 times a week, then more and more often, so that the skin has time to get used to it.

For those who have very sensitive skin, it is better to completely abandon the cream with retinol. She just can't stand it, it's a very powerful tool. Some manufacturers offer creams with a more gentle formula, especially for sensitive skin, but everyone is individual, and the reviews are very mixed, although mostly positive.

Almost always, after the first application of a cream with retinol, red spots and a feeling of tightness of the skin appear. You need to keep using it. Usually after 1-2 weeks the skin gets used and everything returns to normal. If this does not happen, then your skin is sensitive to it and you should completely abandon cosmetics with retinol.

Retinol should be used with caution on dry skin. Judging by the reviews, the skin condition worsens after application. In such cases, experts recommend using products with retinol a couple of times a week, no more, and take care of intense skin hydration.

It is better to start using a cream with retinol in autumn and winter. Retinol increases the sensitivity of the skin to UV light and is better at minimizing the risks.

Retinol is mainly recommended for those who are already over 30, 35 and more. Many believe that it can only harm young skin, but do not forget that the most effective acne products are also based on retinol, and they are used just on young skin. In addition, many manufacturers are already moving away from dividing products by age, now it is believed that you need to use those products that your skin needs. For some, wrinkles appear after 25, while for others, they are not visible even at 40.

What products to combine retinol with for the effect of renewed smooth skin?

It is very important to remember that retinol is hygroscopic, i.e. is able to dehydrate the skin, so it is necessary to combine its use with moisture-retaining products rich in hyaluronic acid or gluconolactone (moisturizes, activates the keratinization process, improves skin quality, has a lifting effect, lingers in the stratum corneum, providing long-term hydration, does not irritate, has excellent antioxidant properties, quickly restores the skin, has an anti-acne effect). Their use should be included in the daily morning care, and at least once a week it is necessary to apply a deeply moisturizing mask.
Due to its renewing power, retinol is ideal as a vehicle for the absorption of the active ingredients of products combined with it.

The best results are seen when combined with vitamin C, that is, at night - retinol, in the morning - vitamin C.
An approximate model of anti-aging everyday skin care with a course of retinol will look like this:

Morning: Cleanse + Vitamin C Antioxidant Moisturizer + SPF Treatment
Evening: cleansing + retinol product (2-3 times a week)

The main disadvantage of retinol:

The use of even a small percentage is prohibited for pregnant, lactating, as well as in preparation for pregnancy. No matter what they tell you, you should not experiment with teratogenic components of cosmetics at such a crucial moment in your life.

Creams that contain retinol (brand and name):

1. MD Formulations: Vit-A-Plus Illuminating Serum
2. Holy Land Cosmetics: Alpha-Beta & Retinol Day Defense Cream SPF-30
3. Holy Land Cosmetics: Alpha-Beta & Retinol Restoring Cream
4. ROC: RETINOL ACTIF PUR Anti-Wrinkle Moisturizing Treatment Day
5. SkinCeuticals: RETINOL 0.3
6. Vichy: Reti C Soin Correcteur Intensif Jour
7. Faberlic: Aquaftem
8. Garnier: Retinol+Vitamin C Actifs Purs
9. Magiray: "Camellia" ("Camellia")
10. Magiray: Mask "Liftofin" ("LiftoFin Mask")
11. Anna Lotan Laboratories: solid gold
12. Darphin: ArovitA
13. Christina Professional Cosmetics: Active night eye cream
14. Dr. Taffy: Cream 12%
15. Decleor: Vitaroma re-sourcing emulsion lift contour et rides
16. Lumene: Retinol night revitalizer
17. Anna Lotan Laboratories: Rebalance
18. Avon: ANEW ULTIMATE Eye Cream
19. MD Formulations:Retin-a complex for men
20. MD Formulations: Men complex
21. Avon: ANEW ULTIMATE Skin Transforming Cream
22. Neutrogena: Anti-Cellulite Treatment Retinol Formula
23. Neutrogena: Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Intensive Night Cream
24. Avon: Anew Ultimate Eye Cream
25. ROC: Hydra + Vitamines Actives
26. Babor: Skinovage
27. Lyseidia: Botoderm
28. Estee Lauder: Diminish Anti-Wrinkle Retinol Treatment
29. SkinCeuticals: Retinol 0.5 Refining Night Cream with 0.5% Pure Retinol
30. Strength Refining: Night Cream with 1.0% Pure Retinol
31. philosophy: Eye believe deep wrinkle peptide gel
32. Alpha Hydrox Retinol: Night ResQ
33. Paula's Choice:Super Antioxidant Concentrate
34. Pharmaceutical research and production enterprise "Retinoids": Retinoic ointment (in the form of isotretinoin) is sold in pharmacies
35. LifeFlo Health: Retinol A 1% Advanced Revitalization Cream
36. Chantecaille: Retinol Intense Cream
37. Dr. Dennis Gross: Ferulic & Retinol Anti-Aging Moisturizer
38. Kate Somerville:RetAsphere 2-in-1 Retinol Night Cream
39. Lancer Skincare: Advanced C Radiance Cream
40. philosophy: Help Me Retinol Night Treatment
41. StriVectin: AR Advanced Retinol Night Treatment

And add some photos:

All information is taken from the Internet (there is no experience in using these creams). I hope it was at least a little useful to you. Be always beautiful.

Thanks for reading. I am Tatyana.

Retinol acetate for facial skin, also known as vitamin A, is an excellent tool for caring for your own appearance, allowing you to maintain freshness and youth for a long time.

If you intend to use retinol for facial skin, then it is worth remembering that it is recommended to buy it only in trusted outlets, and best of all in pharmacies, where it is presented in the form:

  • in the form of a solution - in this case, it is worth choosing an oily solution of retinol acetate for the face. It can be of different percentages, in particular, 3.44% and 8.6% and is ideal for home care;
  • capsules containing an oily solution. Just pierce the ampoule and then add vitamin A to the mask, cream or apply externally. This is essentially the most convenient way to use retinol;
  • retinol in ampoules. It is used for intramuscular injections, but it can also be used as an additive in homemade masks, creams, and so on;

Initially, vitamin A, also known as retinol acetate, was used to improve vision, but it is no less effective for improving the condition of the skin.

Retinol for facial skin has the following positive effect on it:

  1. Serves as a powerful antioxidant, which allows you to increase the skin's ability to withstand external negative factors, protecting it from ultraviolet radiation, eliminating itching and redness, inflammation, cleansing it of toxins and toxins;
  2. Retinol for facial skin at home, used in the form of masks, as part of creams, can improve blood flow, thereby providing nutrition in the deepest layers of the epidermis;
  3. Retinol helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the development of the vascular network;
  4. It effectively fights the first signs of skin aging, eliminating fine wrinkles, brightening skin tone and pigmentation on the face, removing dryness and flaking;
  5. Cleansing and peeling using retinol can cleanse the skin of blackheads, acne, inflammation and pustules, renewing the upper layers of the epithelium;

But before using retinol acetate for the skin of the face, conduct a preliminary test for an allergy to this vitamin by applying it to the crook of the elbow.

Precautions and contraindications for use

Despite the fact that vitamin A is very, very useful for the body, retinol for facial skin still has contraindications.

In particular, it should not be used for open injuries and wounds that have purulent content, as well as for skin diseases and in case of diagnosing an allergic reaction to this vitamin.

With great care, it should be used by pregnant and lactating women - its excess can lead to disturbances in the development of the fetus, and also cause allergies in the newborn through breast milk.

Retinol also has a strong draining effect on the internal organs: the liver and bile ducts. Therefore, it is contraindicated in the diagnosis of diseases of these organs.

It should not be used excessively, as an overdose can provoke nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and headache, and an increase in the size of the liver.

With regard to finished cosmetic preparations that contain retinol in their composition, on the world market today you can find a lot of products: creams, gels and serums.

But which retinol product should you choose? The most famous, popular and effective are presented at your discretion.

Retinol Fusion PM

Night serum containing concentrated, pure retinol, which allows you to eliminate the fine mesh of wrinkles and vascular network, stars. Indicated for all skin types.

Korf Lifting

Gel Regetsin

A powerful tool with an effective composition of vitamins, prescribed for the diagnosis of seborrhea and psoriasis, chronic problems with the dermis, allowing you to relieve pain and itching, redness.

Cream Retin - A

This remedy is used only as directed by a cosmetologist, since it has a powerful peeling effect and should be used with caution. It is able to restore the skin, removes, lightening pigmentation and the first wrinkles.

Belita-Viteks cream "Retinol+magnesium"

Cream from Belarusian manufacturers is a worthy replacement for high-quality imported expensive cosmetics. It contains not only vitamin A, but also magnesium, which intensively nourishes and regenerates tissues.

Masks with retinol for facial skin at home are a worthy replacement for expensive creams and ready-made mask compositions that can restore elasticity, youth and freshness. At your discretion, the following mask recipes are presented.

Anti-inflammatory mask

To prepare a homemade face mask with retinol and agave juice, you should take 1 tbsp. l. regular cream, preferably for children, add 1 tsp to it. aloe juice and 10 cap. liquid retinol.

All components are mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes, after simply rinsing the face with warm water.

Composition for dry skin

For cooking, take 1 tbsp. l. oils of vegetable origin - olive, jojoba or wheat germ, add 1 capsule of retinol to it.

The oil solution is applied to the face and left without rinsing, after some time, simply blotting the remnants from the skin.

Oil Rejuvenating Blend

Retinol acetate in face oil will perfectly rejuvenate it - just mix 1 tsp. burdock oil, sweet almond seeds and honey, then enter retinol in the same amount, mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. After half an hour, just rinse your face with warm water.

Retinol acetate for acne

It's also a great tool. In this case, to prepare the mask, they take an oil solution of retinol and cosmetic clay, any that is at hand. Clay is diluted with mineral water in equal proportions and 1 capsule of retinol is added to the resulting mixture - applied for 20-25 minutes.

Clay can also be replaced with lemon juice - in this case, pimples will dry out, the skin will lighten, pigmentation will go away.

It is enough to mix all the components in equal parts and apply on the face, leaving for 40 minutes.

Mask for problem skin

If the skin is prone to excessive oiliness and shine, a mask is shown from a mixture of retinol and any dairy product. Just mix an oil solution of vitamin A and serum or kefir and, having soaked a napkin in the composition, apply it on your face for half an hour, then rinse your face with warm water.

If the skin is dry and flaky, an oil solution of vitamin A and liquid glycerin are mixed in equal proportions, then the mixture is applied to the face. You can leave it on, especially if you plan to go outside in the cold - this will serve as an excellent protection against cold and bad weather.

Retinol is a fat-soluble compound belonging to the class of vitamins, and its properties have been used in cosmetology for more than 100 years. The effect on the skin of the face of this substance is extremely multifaceted and is not limited only to the fight against free radicals. Retinol acetate (aka vitamin A) is found in many plant and animal foods (details below). In any pharmacy, you can easily buy a variety of creams, ointments and lotions, and if you like to do everything yourself, then at your service are recipes for homemade masks, the healing properties of which allow you to take care of your skin without any significant material costs. It turns out that retinol is the basis of the foundations of modern cosmetology? Let's answer this question together!

Retinol acetate for face

If you are accustomed to monitoring your health and were able to properly organize your own diet, then there is nothing to worry about. Retinol in the required volumes enters the body with food. But the rhythm of modern life is such that various diseases caused by a deficiency of this vitamin have become constant companions of many of us. Of particular note: the skin of the face suffers from a lack of retinol acetate no less than the internal organs. What symptoms can be signs of its lack?

The main manifestations of vitamin A deficiency:

  • seborrheic dermatitis and acne;
  • early aging of the skin of the face;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: intestinal infections, gastritis, ulcers;
  • dry hair and dandruff;
  • decreased visual acuity, especially in poor lighting ("night blindness");
  • anemia;
  • hypersensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • a decrease in the protective properties of the body (lack of retinol acetate often provokes frequent respiratory infections and colds);
  • various ophthalmic problems: increased dryness of the mucous membranes, redness of the eyelids, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes.

Cosmetic effect:

    • Soft peeling. Strictly speaking, retinol for facial skin cannot be called an effective scrub ingredient, but its deficiency leads to a noticeable decrease in the rate of renewal of epithelial cells and, as a result, keratinization of the dermis.

  • Antioxidant effect. Retinol significantly slows down cell aging, protects the skin from the action of toxins and promotes the rapid removal of free radicals from the body.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands by inhibiting the growth of epithelial cells. As a result, retinol directly affects the composition and properties of sebum.
  • Stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin provides effective facial skin rejuvenation and slows down natural age-related changes.
  • Fight against photoaging of the skin of the face.

Therapeutic action:

  • slowing down the growth rate of malignant cells;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Retinol for young skin:

  • treatment of acne and pimples;
  • improvement of the relief of the face;
  • reduction of the area of ​​​​severe redness;
  • mild moisturizing effect.

Retinol for aging skin:

  • getting rid of age spots (the complex of substances contained in this vitamin allows it to act as an effective bleaching agent, not burdened by the shortcomings of traditional brightening preparations);
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face;
  • elimination of any manifestations of rosacea;
  • remarkable anti-aging effect, the effect of which extends even to the deepest layers of the epidermis;
  • fight against increased dryness of the skin of the face.

Foods high in retinol (mg per 100 g):

  • chicken liver: 10 to 12;
  • beef liver: 8.5;
  • pork liver: 3.5;
  • beluga caviar: 1;
  • acne: 0.8-0.9;
  • ghee: 0.6;
  • butter: 0.55;
  • quail eggs: 0.5;
  • caviar chum salmon: 0.45;
  • sour cream (fat content 40%) - 0.3;
  • cream (fat content 35%): 0.25;
  • chicken eggs: 0.25.

The properties of retinol acetate make its use in cosmetology not only possible, but also highly desirable. But you must understand that you can achieve maximum efficiency and complete safety only if you follow certain rules. Otherwise, the active substances contained in retinol can provoke quite serious side effects.

  • Powerful anti-aging cosmetics, in which retinol is present, is the prerogative of aging skin. Its use in 20-30 years will only accelerate the aging process.
  • To prevent addiction, it is best to use any vitamin-containing preparations in courses: after 50-60 days of treatment - a 2-3 month break.

  • In rare cases, retinol can cause redness or peeling, but if you are using such cosmetics for the first time, there is nothing to worry about: in 10-15 days your skin will get used to the new ingredient, after which the unwanted effects will usually disappear. If this does not happen, the treatment should be stopped for a while and consult a doctor.
  • Before using the drug for the first time, make sure it is safe. To do this, apply a few drops of the substance on your wrist and wait 40 minutes. If during this time no pronounced side effects appear, you can congratulate yourself: retinol is great for you.
  • If you have sensitive skin, try to avoid getting the product on the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • The best time of year to start treatment is autumn or winter when the sun is at its lowest.
  • Cosmetics with vitamin A are best absorbed into the skin in the evening: in the morning or afternoon, its healing properties will be significantly reduced.
  • To prevent moisture loss, purchase a good moisturizer from the pharmacy.
  • Choose cosmetics with a sufficient SPF factor (at least 15-20). In addition to additional protection for the face, this will significantly slow down the oxidation of retinol and reduce the effect of harsh UV radiation on the skin.

What to buy?

As we have said, in any pharmacy you can buy a lot of drugs containing retinol. Choosing the one that best suits your skin is a rather difficult task. First of all, you should focus on the composition of the product you like and its cost. Buying a cheap cream or ointment from a little-known brand will not require significant expenses, but the therapeutic effect will be rather weak. On the other hand, luxury cosmetics worth several thousand rubles have always been the lot of only very wealthy women. Therefore, we decided to offer you high-quality mid-level drugs with a good price-quality ratio, but without pretensions to exclusivity.

  • 4D Concentrated Lifting Cream With Retinol Day And Night Spf10 (Lirene, 50 ml/350 rubles). A good firming cream designed to model the oval of the face. It contains vitamins (B, C, E), as well as active antioxidants, which not only have a good lifting effect, but also allow you to get rid of wrinkles.
  • Professional Super Power Sleeping Mezo Mask (Bielenda, 50 ml / 630 rubles). Anti-aging mask with retinol, vitamin E and coconut oil. Its main advantages are effective skin hydration, fight against mimic wrinkles, restoration of epidermal cells and lightening of age spots.
  • Intense A Lifting Rughe (Clinians, 200 ml / 690 rubles). This facial cleansing milk contains hyaluronic acid in addition to retinol. Medicinal properties are diverse: removing dust and dirt from the surface of the skin, cleaning pores and stimulating intracellular respiration. The manufacturer claims that Intense A Lifting Rughe uses only natural active ingredients, so there is practically no risk of any side effects.
  • Gialur Rejuvenate (Piel cosmetics, 30 ml / 850 rubles). An effective serum with elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, actively counteracting the first signs of aging. Good even for very dry skin. The tool is not the cheapest, but the medical care it provides compensates for this shortcoming.

How to do?

Retinol can be used without any problems in home cosmetology, for example, in the preparation of masks. To do this, you will need the simplest ingredients, some free time and the desire to do something with your own hands.

  • with retinol (10 drops) and aloe juice (1 tsp);
  • with retinol (1 ampoule) and olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  • with retinol (1 ampoule), cottage cheese and sour cream (1 tablespoon each);
  • with retinol (1 tsp), honey, burdock and almond oils (1 tbsp each).

Beautician review

The effect of retinol on the skin of the face is a very interesting topic. Manufacturers claim that their products are able to fight wrinkles, stop the inflammatory process, provide effective round-the-clock hydration, and even slow down aging. To what extent are all these promises true? If you are looking at a cream for 100-200 rubles, then it would be too naive to count on any noticeable result. Therefore, if you want a guaranteed cosmetic effect, get ready for a hefty expense. The means mentioned by the author can be called the optimal choice with certain reservations.

Vitamin A has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, retinol for facial skin is able to speed up metabolic processes, due to which it is often used for acne and to eliminate facial wrinkles.

Beneficial features

Retinol acetate and palmitate is a vitamin A that is often used to regenerate facial skin. It is characterized by strong regenerating and moisturizing properties. At the same time, the molecules of this substance have a very low molecular weight, due to which they can penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis. This allows you to influence not only the studded layer, but also the deep ones, eliminating internal inflammatory processes.

It is prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, as well as preparation for childbirth. This substance helps to cleanse the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. By the way, for internal use there are special tablets or whole complexes of nutrients and minerals.

Benefits of retinol for skin:

Retinol is available in the following types:

  1. Injection. Despite the name, it is often used in cosmetic practice. It is this form of retinol that is most convenient to use at home. It is quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes and is known for its high concentration of nutrients;
  2. oil solution. Outwardly, it is very similar to a solution of tocopherol acetate or vitamin E. It is recommended to apply it to dry or sensitive skin. Due to the presence of oils in the composition, this type of vitamin will help not only deeply nourish, but also moisturize the skin. For the best effect, you can drink in the morning on an empty stomach in a spoonful of acetate;
  3. Tablets or capsules. Known for their low vitamin content. Here, retinol is most often combined with other nutritional and mineral components.

Reviews claim that a concentrated solution of retinol for the face has the strongest effect.

Instructions on how to use retinol

Masks with this vitamin have excellent efficiency: they significantly speed up metabolic processes, due to which you can get rid of various skin problems in a short time. They can be used to correct almost all known aesthetic skin problems. The easiest way to use is to apply the solution in its pure form.

On cleansed skin, you need to spread the solution and do not wash off the mixture. If possible, it is recommended to leave this mask overnight. If it is more convenient to do it during the day, then you can hold the solution for 20 minutes.

For acne on the face retinol in oil helps a lot. It is necessary to stir blue clay in equal proportions with water, then add ½ part of the vitamin to the mass. Apply the mask in a thick layer and hold until it hardens. You can repeat every other day.

With severe comedones or ulcers you can make masks with aloe and vitamin A. The leaf of the plant is broken off, cut along the growth line of the spines. The pulp is cleaned with a teaspoon. After that, it is mixed with an ampoule of the vitamin. With strong inflammatory processes, only 3 masks are enough to relieve skin soreness.

Lifting effect provides remedy with raw potatoes and egg. Such a mask with retinol has not only a strong cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. Potato helps tighten collagen fibers, while egg and retinol nourish and refresh the epidermis. Half of the potato rubs on a fine grater, and the mixture is added 1 egg and 1 spoon of retinol. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the chest, neck and face.

Photo - Retinol and tocopherol

Also for intense hydration the use of retinol and honey is suitable. This natural sweetness has excellent nourishing and brightening properties. Honey is heated to a liquid state, after which vitamin interferes with it. Any suitable vegetable oil may also be added if desired. Keep the mixture on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

Only a mixture of them can be more useful than one vitamin. For deep nutrition, hydration and eliminate age spots, it is recommended to buy acetate, tocopherol and vitamin B12 in a pharmacy. All these substances are mixed in equal amounts and applied to problem areas. It is important that it is not advisable to use the mixture a few hours after its preparation - all the vitamins have disappeared and there will be no effect. Keep the solution for no more than 30 minutes. It is allowed to repeat 2 times a week.

Video: retinol for acne and wrinkles

Professional and pharmacy products

Many cosmetics manufacturers (both domestic and foreign) offer girls various ready-made products with vitamin A. Consider the most famous names of retinol products for the face (the list contains both creams and masks, tonics and ointments):

Name Properties
Retinol Fusion PM Facial Night Serum It contains pure concentrated retinol, which helps to solve the problems of breakouts, early wrinkles or spider veins. This cosmetic is used for all types of epidermis.
RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream RoK is an effective retinol night moisturizer for the face. It is used in particularly difficult cases, when the skin is dry and prone to peeling. In addition to vitamin A, the composition also contains shea butter and ascorbic acid.
Korff Lifting pencil with hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Like glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid acts on the inner layers of the epidermis, compressing the elastane fibers. Retinol at this time deeply moisturizes the skin.
Regetsin Special medicinal gel with a powerful vitamin composition. It is prescribed for seborrhea, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Eliminates pain, itching, whitens the epidermis.
Proteic Gf Contains pro-xylan and retinol. Helps eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, reduces skin susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation.
Cream Retin-A (Tretinoin) Sold by prescription only. It has an effect similar to AHA peeling, so you need to use the product carefully. Intensively restores the skin, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles.
Belita-Vitex Retinol+magnesium Belarusian manufacturers are known for the high quality of their products. Belita cream is a worthy replacement for expensive imported products. It contains magnesium, which provides intensive tissue repair.
Thiogamma This is a rejuvenating tonic with vitamin A. It is used as an additional means of combating wrinkles. It does not contain alcohol, so it can be used for dry and sensitive skin.
Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Mask for the skin around the eyes. Helps to instantly remove puffiness and bruises. Its action time is 5 minutes, so the drug belongs to emergency means.

Of all the listed funds, Russian-made retinoic ointment should be distinguished. You can buy this facial retinol product only at a pharmacy, its price is about $ 1. According to reviews, this tool will help solve almost all age-related problems, and the effect is noticeable after the first use.