Parents' meeting in the kindergarten before the new year. Minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group Topic: “New Year's chores. How to prepare for a New Year's party in kindergarten

Russian Federation Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Parent-teacher meeting

"Soon, soon the new year"

Prepared by:

Natalia Koshelenkova


town of Mezhdurechensky


Parents' meeting "Soon, soon the new year"


    How to prepare for the New Year's party.

    A word to the parent committee about the gift preparation process.

3.How to spend time on vacation

4. Fire safety during the celebration of NG.

5. Briefly about different things: children's regimen - receiving children in the morning before (8:30) or calling the teacher with a warning that you are late. Educators every morning report on the number of children present and absent. It is especially undesirable to be late for kindergarten on Mondays, since there is no opportunity for educators to prepare in advance (in the evening) for classes, towels are issued and labeled.

Children's clothing - gym uniform, hairbrush, order in lockers.

How to prepare for a New Year's party in kindergarten

New Year's party is a very exciting and important event in the life of every child. He prepares for a long time, learns poems, songs, tries on a carnival costume, etc.

My children and I learn songs, dances, help in learning poetry. Prepare costumes for the children for the holiday: girls - sweets (Anya, Vika - clappers); boys - Pertushki (Andrey B., Danil, Kirill H. - bears).

It is also your task to prepare New Year's gifts. It is very important that the gifts are the same.

Try to plan your working hours so that you can get to the matinee. You should not miss such an event, children are very pleased to see their loved ones at the matinee. If you promised, but did not come, the pain and resentment will remain with the child for a long time. Imagine how all the children are photographed after the holiday with mom or dad, and yours looks at it from the outside.

In no case should you be late for the matinee, you must come at least 30 minutes in advance to dress up the child in a calm atmosphere. If it is not possible to come in advance, notify the teacher about this in the morning.

After the matinee, since it will take place in the morning, some parents will not be able to pick up their child from the garden immediately after the holiday. It is necessary to tell the child about this in advance, so that he would be ready for the fact that someone will be taken away, and he will stay until the end of the day. Children experience such moments very hard, take offense at their parents, and can transfer resentment to their classmates. You have to calm them down for a long time, persuade them, try to interest them in something.

Gifts are given to children to take home care to avoid being eaten anytime soon.

How to spend time on vacation

Plan ahead of time what you will do during your vacation

Look ahead of the holidays , find out what premieres will be at the Palace of Culture. So you will not only be sure that your trip to the long-awaited cartoon or performance will take place. In addition, planning your vacation in advance will create an excellent pre-holiday mood, and after the end of the vacation you can remember with pleasure how much you have done.

Choose and decorate a Christmas tree with the whole family

Decorating a Christmas tree can be one of the most enjoyable moments if every family member is involved. Parents can set up a fir tree and hang garlands, and children can decorate the tree with festive balls and tinsel. Some toys can be made with your own hands - this will make the decorated tree even sweeter and more elegant. With a little of their own efforts, everyone will feel pride in making their home a little more festive.

Go out of town for a few days

Sitting all the holidays within the usual four walls is tiresome. Try with the whole family to go skiing, downhill, walk in the forest, make a snowman all together. Do not forget your camera, because the carefree pictures of your joint vacation will delight and inspire you for the next year.

Go to the ice rink with the whole family

If someone from the household does not know how to skate, this will be a great reason to learn something new. In any case, the whole family will surely receive a lot of positive emotions, and you will have something to tell your colleagues after the holidays.

Invite guests, visit yourself

Both you and your children will be able to communicate and have a good time, because your friends probably also have a child.

Play with the whole family

Chess, checkers, "Twister" ... everything that there was not enough time for on weekdays. Such a pastime is very close, makes you a real friend to your children.

A winter weekend is a great occasion to strengthen family relationships, to become a friend, not always a pointing and demanding mentor for your soulmate and children.

Get real pleasure from relaxing with your family and remember these wonderful moments in the New Year!


"FIR-TREE, LIGHT UP!" New Year is the happiest, most long-awaited holiday. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, Christmas trees are decorated in houses and apartments, gifts and congratulations are prepared for each other, looking forward to the 12 strikes of the Kremlin chimes. At the same time, on New Year's Eve, fire brigades and ambulances are on duty. New Year is a hot season for them. Not a single New Year in Russia is complete without fires, and in recent years - and without injuries caused by the use of low-quality pyrotechnic products. Cotton wool under the trees is on fire, burning firecrackers explode right in your hands or fly not at all where you would like - for example, into the open window of someone else's apartment. Do you think this cannot be? How else can you? What to do now? New Year, perhaps not to celebrate? In no case! There is no need to cancel or prohibit anything! But so that the New Year holidays are not overshadowed by anything, it is necessary to remember. No, do not remember, but observe the fire safety rules. FIR-tree. The tree must be installed in such a way that it does not interfere with walking freely around the room and does not obstruct the doors leading to other rooms. And, most importantly, it would be away from the radiators. The top of the tree should not rest against the ceiling. You cannot decorate the Christmas tree with toys that are flammable, cover the stand under the tree with ordinary cotton wool, decorate the tree with burning candles. These rules apply to both real trees and artificial, plastic ones. By the way, when burning an artificial Christmas tree, very harmful substances are released. A drop of burning plastic, hitting the skin, will leave a burn deeper than a real red-hot coal.

GARLANDS. Electric garlands can also cause a fire or electric shock to a person - electrical injury. A garland is safe if it is certified and has not been damaged during storage in the store's warehouse. It happens that the garland serves for many years. In this case, it is all the more worth making sure that it is in good working order. A lot of New Year's fires happen due to short circuits. If you smell burnt insulation, notice sparking, or find that the wires are very hot or melting, you cannot use such a garland.

PYROTECHNICAL TOYS. What a New Year's holiday is complete without sparklers, fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers! Before the New Year, all the counters are littered with pyrotechnic toys. Unfortunately, their quality is often poor. Therefore, it must be remembered that the use of pyrotechnic toys can lead not only to a fire, but also to serious injury. Burns from pyrotechnic toys are so deep that a skin graft operation has to be performed. It often happens that children lose their limbs, mainly fingers. It happens that firecrackers explode right in your pocket. The explosive in some pyrotechnic products ignites spontaneously even at a temperature of 37 degrees. In order to prevent an accident, the rules for the use of pyrotechnic products must be strictly observed. You should not buy them at wholesale markets, in underpasses or electric trains. Toys with a damaged body or wick must not be used.


Use pyrotechnic toys in living quarters - apartments or on balconies;

Under low canopies and tree crowns;

Carry such items in your pockets;

Direct rockets and firecrackers at people;

Come closer than 15 meters to the lit fireworks;

Throw firecrackers at your feet;

Set fire to the wick, holding it near the face;

Use pyrotechnics in strong winds.

Purpose: unite parents and children into one friendly team.


  • to expand children's ideas about celebrating the New Year in Russia and other countries;
  • develop the creative and stage abilities of children;
  • involve parents and children in joint activities.

Equipment: the classroom is decorated for the holiday, an exhibition of children's works, a poster of a snowman without a nose, a snowflake fileword, costumes of clowns and aliens, masks of animals and a bun.

Musical arrangement: New Year's music "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Three white horses", "If there was no winter."

Meeting progress

Teacher: Hello boys and girls! Hello parents!


    Hello, New Year's holiday,
    Christmas tree and winter holiday.
    All my friends today
    We will invite you to the tree.

    Together with the whole country
    We will celebrate the New Year.
    With a cheerful, ringing song
    Let's start our round dance.

The song "If there was no winter" sounds.

Captain of the clowns: We are clowns and clowns

    I'm the clown Beam!

    I'm the clown Bom!

    I'm Dean the clown!

    And I am Ding-Dong!

    I'm the clown Columbine!

    And I'm Ondine!

    I'm Josephine!

    My name is Trick-Truck! Like this!

    I am a well-known clown Jacques!

    I am a famous illusionist!


It will be interesting for us together.


When you celebrate the New Year
The clock is knocking: Joy awaits us!


And everyone dreams of getting into the circus!
And the circus itself walks to visit us!

    Good afternoon dear friends!


    Let me remind you that winter has come again.

    We are celebrating the New Year!

    With which we congratulate you!

    New Year is not far off-
    Everyone's favorite holiday.
    Waiting for him to come
    Quiet and prankster.

    Both old and young
    We are glad to meet him.
    He will come in in winter to you and me,
    After passing the blizzards, obstacles.

    He will light the lights on the tree,
    Give us gifts.
    His deeds are like a round dance
    Both are cheerful and hot.

    And it will immediately become warmer to us,
    Though the world is frozen by a blizzard.
    And we will be even stronger
    Love, take care of each other.

    Into the New Year's noisy circle
    We will invite friends, girlfriends.
    Jokes, music and laughter
    Will sound that night for everyone.

    Hello, hello, New Year!
    A round dance will spin
    Even the tree will dance
    Will bloom with lights!

Teacher: The custom to decorate a Christmas tree, and not an oak, maple, or aspen arose in ancient times, when people inspired nature, believed that there was a spirit behind every object, phenomenon. It was believed that the spirit dwells in evergreen firs. Ate was decorated with various offerings. For the first time in Russia, a public Christmas tree was lit in 1852 in St. Petersburg.

The melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds and everyone sings.

Alien Captain:

From distant stars, from other planets
Galactic helmet ...

Together: Hello!


We don't even know each other,
but we feel at home.
Frost, blizzards do not scare us,
the warmth of our hearts keeps us warm.
Get on fast rockets -
and for a walk around the planets!
The cosmic wind has not forgotten about us
and spread the stardust like a carpet.

1. In the Congo:

Do you hear tom-toms knocking in the distance.
Long boats sail along the river.
Jumps into the water, screams kids
And the African heat is everywhere.
And if we look into the distance,
Everywhere instead of trees - palms
And instead of glass balls
Monkeys hang from vines.

2. In Peru:

In Peru, this New Year's law:
Water is poured into the street from the windows.
And they wish the New Year then:
Be pure and light like this water.

3. In England:

He came to London with a sack on his shoulders,
On Christmas Day he was greeted everywhere.
There are many witnesses, who do not ask.
He rode a taxi down Piccadilly.
In Trafalger Square at the winter bazaar
He sang and played electric guitar.
And near the Tower of Shadow Walls
The policeman stopped him:
- What kind of baggage do you have over your shoulders?
Mister, are you an accidental robber?
- I am Santa Claus, I live in the forest
And I bring gifts to children for the holiday.

4. In Scotland:

Santa Claus harnessed reindeer.
Deer rushed like snow shadows.
- What did you bring, deer, deer,
For boy Johnny and little Jenny?
- Jenny doll, Johnny car
And a charcoal bag for a large fireplace.

5. In France:

Jacques climbed into the basement with a candle
And knocked on the barrel of wine with his fist.
And Peer Noel climbed into the chimney
And echoed: Boo-boo-boo-boo!
The old evil was driven out like this
Peer Noel and the farmer Jacques.

6. In Italy:

It's raining in the city of Rome. Dark.
At exactly twelve o'clock the window opened
And flew out from there
Leaky chair, broken dish-
All things not needed in the new year ...
I won't go for a walk along this street.

7. In Japan:

Bamboo and pine and the moon in silence.
What does Suzuki want to see in a dream?
- Let me dream about dad and mom
And blue happiness is Mount Fujiyama.

8. In Mongolia:

Mongolian Frost - Tsagaan Ovgon
I went into the yurt and bowed:
- Here are your gifts: flint and flint.
Light the fire! Live happily! -
And again rode forty sides
On the yellow steppe Tsagaan Ovgon.

9. In Romania:

Marinka handed out pies to everyone.
Each got a special filling:
Anton - a wheel, Peter - a piglet,
And Uncle Dimitar - a pod of pepper.

10. In Iran:

In the old year smash all over the place
Old pottery
So that in the coming new year
Cook food in new dishes.

11. In India:

If a neighbor meets a neighbor on a festive evening,
He will politely wish his neighbor a thousand years.
And then, bowing politely a green turban,
She will wish him the same number of years and happiness in return.
And two smiling people in the light of the green moon
Polite elephants will bow politely.

12. In Russia:

Silver holiday in our country,
An elegant Christmas tree - in every window.
Everyone is waiting: now he will enter,
Brand new next year.
Twelve little sparrows are chilling in the garden.
Twelve months in the new year.
Midnight struck twelve o'clock.
And we read twelve verses.


I see the snow is spinning in the distance
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.
Santa Claus? Not!
Who is he?


New Year's postman!
There are many letters in this bag
Both simple and customized.
Here, on a holiday, guys
I will hand them over today.
I bring them congratulations
Telegrams, notifications!


  1. I do not know the point in the tree.
    Is this a tree for a wolf?
    What kind of tree tell me
    Describe everything in detail!
    The address is simple: the Nile River.
    Happy New Year!..

Children... Crocodile.

  1. Took a plane ticket
    Let's celebrate the New Year together.
    It's snowing, wonderful day!
    I'm flying to you ..

Children: Deer.

  1. We wish without hindrance
    You gnaw nuts for a whole year,
    Fun to play with burners.
    Happy New Year! Your ...

Children: Proteins.

  1. My stomach is empty
    Cabbage has been removed from the field,
    And the stumps are frozen,
    I'm waiting for your feeding ...

Children: Hare.

  1. I sit in my hole
    Cold, cold outside.
    I froze my paw
    Send me a muff, a hat.
    Address: coniferous forests.
    Black-brown ...

Children: A fox.

  1. I guys will come to you,
    I'll bring presents to everyone.
    I have a whole cart of them.
    Sends his greetings to you ...

Children: Santa Claus!


(They open the parcel. It contains the book "Kolobok".)

Children stage the fairy tale "Kolobok".


Adults and children know
He lived and was in this world
In the Russian fairy tale Kolobok,
Kolobok-ruddy side.
On the holiday of the New Year tree,
Near the Christmas tree today
The tale does not end
The tale continues!

Gingerbread man.

I am a funny gingerbread man.
Gingerbread man - ruddy side!
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window!
And today to your Christmas tree
I guys are invited!


He rolled along the path,
He rolled to our tree.
Suddenly at the old tree
Met a wolf.


Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend!

Gingerbread man.

I'm in a hurry to go to first grade
Dance at the Christmas tree dance!


I haven't eaten at all since the morning,
Now I'll eat you!

Gingerbread man.

What are you, gray do not rush!
Kids are waiting for us!
Come to the children today


Well thanks, I'll come
If I don't get into trouble!


Gingerbread man rolled
Down the road again.
And towards Kolobok -
Bear from the den.


Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Gingerbread man.

I'm in a hurry to go to first grade
Dance Russian dance!


Maybe I'll eat you?

Gingerbread man.

Not! Friends are waiting for me!
Come to the children today
We will celebrate the New Year together!


Of course I'll come
And I'll bring Mishutka!


Hare 1.

Hello, glorious gingerbread man!
Where are you in a hurry, friend?

Gingerbread man.

I'm in a hurry to go to first grade
Dance Russian dance.
Come visit the children,
We will celebrate the New Year together!

Hare 2.

We, bunnies, have not been forgotten!
We were invited to the Christmas tree!

(Fox runs in.)

A fox.

I'll catch you all now!
Oh, how many hares are here!

(Takes one hare by the ear.)

I can eat anyone!
Here I am, oblique,
And I'll take it home!

(Gingerbread man, Wolf, Bear come out.)


Fox, let go of the hare!
We must go to visit!

A fox.

Forgive me, friends!
Here it is, zayinka, take it!

Gingerbread man.

How, forgive her, friends?


You can't quarrel today!


Well, you can forgive!

A fox.

I will be friends with you!

Gingerbread man.

And now, friends, go ahead!
The Christmas tree is waiting for us all!

(The beasts run away.)

Guess riddles and find answers in the fileword ("Snowflake")

    He visited the house -
    I painted all the windows.

    Many, many stars
    As thin as glass
    The stars are cold
    And the earth is warm.

    Scattered Lukerya
    Silver feathers.
    Spun, swept up-
    The street has become white.

    Ember eyes
    Hands are knots.
    Cold, big ...
    Who am i?

    He will remove the trees with white
    Although it is not snow and not ice.

    What a thick glass
    Is the whole river clouded?

    Walking runners
    Same length.
    They run through the meadow to the birch tree,
    Two strips are pulled next.

    Steel little horses
    The craftsman will not be dropped on the dda.

    It's hard to pull them up the hill
    Going down the mountain is wonderful.

    Puck and putters
    They rush to each other.

Task for teams. Draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

(Each team member draws one detail.)

Assignment for parents. Come up with a quatrain using words:

    The student is a snowman
    Dexterity is a carrot.

    Teddy bear is a bump
    Snow is a fluff.

Snowball game.


  1. Pronounce a tongue twister 3 times: The weather is soggy.
  2. Make a riddle.
  3. Ride around the tree like a hare.
  4. Use gestures and facial expressions to depict a "New Year tree".
  5. Tell a poem or sing a song about the New Year.
  6. To meow the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Game "Attach the nose to the snowman."

Student 1.

Snow covered everything -
Both trees and houses.
It means it has come
Snow-white winter!

Apprentice 2.

Everyone is singing and having fun
They lead a noisy round dance
Because today is a holiday.
What a holiday?

Children(in chorus). New Year!

Santa Claus appears and gives gifts.

Santa Claus delivered a verdict:
Smile who is angry!
We will live richer
And it couldn't be otherwise!

Student 1.

We want the whole world to
In every house and apartment
There were guests and fun
Holidays and housewarming!

Student 2.

With respect and love
We wish you health
Strength, clear mind
And prosperity for you at home!

Student 3.

To draw better
For those who want to paint!
To dance better
For those who want to dance!
To perform better
For those who want to perform!
To better sing along
For those who want to sing along!

Student 4.

To have a surplus in the house
Both girls and boys
Fish, birds and cats,
And, of course, flowers!

The melody "Three white horses" sounds, everyone sings.

Santa Claus: And according to tradition, make a wish! Walk under the staff - and your wish will surely come true! Happy New Year!

MDOU "Novostepnovsky kindergarten" Rainbow "

Protocol No. 2

parent meeting in the senior group "Bee"

Subject:"New Year's Eve chores"

By the list: 27 pax

The meeting is attended by: ___ 23__ people

Missing: 4 people

Representatives of the MDOU: educator E.R. Engulatova, educator G.F. Garina. musical worker Usmanova N.S.

Parents meeting agenda:

1. Summing up the results of the first quarter.

2. Preparation for the New Year's event: making costumes, reporting the date, making crafts for the competition "Our Christmas tree is elegant."

3. Consultation: "Rules of conduct at the New Year tree", familiarizing parents with a reminder about fire safety measures when decorating a Christmas tree.

1. Organization of the delivery of preschoolers to the Novostepnovsky kindergarten "Raduga".

2. Acquaintance of parents with order No. 144 dated November 21, 2016 "On the procedure for attracting charitable funds to the Novostepnovsky kindergarten" Raduga "MDOU, with a memo on voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities to educational institutions.

The teacher E.R. Engulatova spoke. and introduced parents to the results of the educational process for the first quarter.

Musical worker Usmanova N.S. She explained to the parents how to prepare the child for the upcoming event, announced the date of the event - December 29, attracted parents to make costumes, New Year's paraphernalia for decorating the hall. Further, the educator Engulatova E.R. informed about the upcoming handicraft competition "Our Christmas tree is elegant" and invited all parents to participate in it together with their children.

At the third stage of the parent meeting, teacher Garina G.F. held a consultation: "Rules of conduct at the New Year tree" and handed out reminders to parents in order to prevent fire hazards.

On the fourth question, they listened to E.R. Engulatova, who informed the parents about the need to apply for the transportation of preschoolers before the administration of the Novostepnovsky kindergarten “Raduga”. The teacher invited the parents to write applications.

At the final stage of the parent meeting, educator E.R. Engulatova introduced the parents to order No. 144 of 11/21/2016 "On the procedure for attracting charitable funds to the Novostepnovsky kindergarten" Raduga "MDOU, with a memo on voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities to educational institutions ...


For parents to organize assistance to the teacher and music worker in holding the New Year's event - to make festive costumes and the necessary paraphernalia for decorating the hall.

Parents and caregivers continue to conduct conversations with children in order to prevent fire hazards.

Parents and children to take part in the competition for the best New Year's craft.

Parents to petition the administration of the Novostepnovsky kindergarten “Raduga” for the transportation of preschoolers along the route: “Konstantinovka-Novostepnoe” - 4 people; Timofeevka-Novostepnoe - 4 persons; "Blizhnegorodskoe-Novostepnoe" - 1 person. Attach applications.

Chairperson of the parent meeting _____________________ E.A. Seidemetova


The secretary of the parent meeting _________________________ E.A. Barieva.


"________" __________________ 2016

Speech by children to their parents. The script includes dances, a show of tricks, reading poetry, and a reenactment of the fairy tale "How the marks were arguing" from the book "What is the name of summer?" By Violleta Palchinskaite.

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"New Year's parents meeting"

New Year's meeting for parents

Characters: Leading,Pupil, participants with performance numbers, girls with Christmas trees,One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

Inventory: music, trees, blanket, script from the book Violetta Palchinskayte "What is the name of summer?" As the marks argued, gifts for parents.

The disciple lies and sleeps.

1 participants

Dance "Alarm Clock" (Yegor Creed)

At the end of the dance they wake up the student and run away.

The student takes a backpack, goes to school.

Classmates run after the Student with Christmas trees in their hands.

The student meets black cats.

2 participants

Dance "Black Cat" ("Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner ...")

The student disperses the cats, gets to school, studies.

3 participants


Turn ( ringing)

There is a big cool magazine on the stage.

Around it lie 1,2,3,4,5.

Deuce is the first to rise and shake off.

Keep your eyes on me!

I'm a famous person -

Twisted like a snake

Deuce, Couple, that's who I am!

Rises Unit

Well, who is this -

Long, dirty and skinny?

I, sister, One.

And I'm also called Kol.

The one who is too lazy to learn

You know me well!

How I didn’t know right away!

We're from the same magazine ...

Yes, and in the diary of a lazy person

I often meet you.

Exactly, you and I are friends

Where are you

I am there too!

Troika approaches them


I'm a lazy man too

Sometimes I visit ...

Although I don't like lazy people,

But I often praise them:

Three is still not a Two -

No headwash threatens ...

Let him answer somehow

It's not a couple, but a triple! ..

One (Three)

What's stuck?

Turns to Deuce.

Well, hello!

I have in mind

Lovely notebook

Where to relax.

Let there be blots - no problem!

Shouldn't I go there?


Maybe we can go together?

It's more fun to be together.

They are going to leave. Bumping into a Three.

He pushes the Troika away, but she does not leave. Four and Five stand next to the Three.


You are very smart,

And weaker than the Troika!

Even if you are folded,

Things won't get better:

A count and a deuce will live -

Three will not work!

Three (puzzled)

Count plus two?

How so?

It turns out to be a threefold!

It's amazing:

Count plus two

There will be a three -



If you add up the numbers,

And grades - never!

You can't help a matter by counting

He's not fit here.


It is high time for everyone to know:

A count plus two will be five!


To be exact,

Maybe there will even be ... seven!


To learn how to count

It takes a little work!

And ingenuity is needed here! ..

I, the Four, who are you friends with?

With those who read books

Who wants to know everything.

For those girls and boys

Even five is often given!


I am conscientious guys

Expanding the circle of knowledge

About the planets

Inquisitive guys

I, Five, the first friend!

Well, who is disrupting the lesson,

Carried away only by the skating rink

Yawns over the textbook

Two by two

And he does not know -

He is not familiar with me.


Look what!

Quietly Deuce.

No sister

This is not to my liking -

All to learn, yes to learn ?!

So out of boredom I will die ...

I don't like the five.

We need to deal with her!

To me too - imagines

As if he knows everything in the world! ..

Two (One)

Hurry to knock off her now!

Addressing the Five, loudly.

We know everything as well as you!

Do you want me to prove it on a dispute?


Well, serious conversation ...


Don't take it, Five, nose!

How will I ask you a question

You will not answer - well, look!

What is three and three?

One quietly.

My question with a trick ...


Three yes three?

Rub it to the hole!

If you add, forgive,

Three and three equals six.


Well this is necessary!

And I didn't know ...

It's good that you said.

Three and three is not a hole - six!

This should be taken into account.


Okay, okay ... I guess ...

Apparently, the Troika suggested!

Only three and three - not six!

Here you have a bobble.

Unit (edifying)

Three plus three

Said the bummer

There will be nine.

So you should know!

Four (Two)

You have a great brother

Immediately evident - a mathematician!

Two (One)

What are you talking about nonsense!

I got into trouble ...

Three and three - of course, five.


We'd better not believe you ...

Now answer us:

Snow, blizzard sweeps

Ice covers the rivers.

Answer without error -

Where do fish winter in winter?


Well, such nonsense

They even know in kindergarten!

Pisces, you can believe

They crawl out to live on the shore ...


And then, having gathered in a flock,

They fly to Africa together.


So they fly in the sky?

Over the seas and mountains?

You will be a laureate!

And probably soon ...


What is summer?


Nonsense for us and this!


Declining is a trifle for us!

We can "summer" ... So, like this:

Summer ... summer ... summer day ...


It's too lazy to do summer ...

However, just like in winter ...


Here they are declining! Oh oh oh!

I know a thing for a three,

But even then I more accurately declare:

Summer, summer, summer ... le - that ...

And there is no accusative!


How so - no?


It's just summer.


Again threes for answers ...

You need to do some work in the summer,

So as not to float me with the answer ...

I will reread the books

Everything from cover to cover!

And then, as I dream,

Maybe I'll become a Four!


Well, the intention is commendable ...

Isn't it time for us to go to the magazine house?


Stop arguing!

The day has come.

We return to the journal.

Hiding in a cool magazine. One and Two want to get in there. They are not allowed.


What is this?

I'll make a scandal now!

I'll rip all the notebooks!

What a stupid order ?!


Hey Five, Three, hey!

Pass us through soon,

Otherwise, it will be bad for you -

How will the guys be without us?


Will manage somehow!




Good journey!

Push Two and One. The presenter enters.

Leads One and Two.

Olga Mishkina
Parents' meeting "Soon, the New Year is coming!"

Parent-teacher meeting in the second junior group for theme: « New Year is coming soon»

Made up: educator MADOU d / s No. 66, g. Belgorod: Mishkina O.A.

purpose: to discuss issues for the preparation of the New Year's party for children in the preschool educational institution.


Discuss preparations for the celebration of the New Year's party by children at the preschool educational institution (costumes, poems);

Attract parents to create a festive atmosphere in the group;

Inform parents on the topic: how interesting it is to spend New Year's holidays;

Inform parents on the topic: safety for the New Year holidays;

- different: timely payment parent fees for visiting a child in kindergarten, uniform for physical education, timely arrival and departure of children attending d / s, mandatory presence (gloves, mittens, order in the locker;

Discussion of gifts, Santa Claus, video filming.

Meeting progress

1. Introduction - preparation for the New Year's party with children at the preschool educational institution (costumes, poems) EDUCATOR # 1;

2. How to create a festive atmosphere in the group EDUCATOR # 2;

3. How interesting it is to spend the New Year's holidays EDUCATOR # 1;

4. Safety for New Year's holidays EDUCATOR №2;


6. Speech parent committee.

Speech # 1.

N. Veresokina

Why is it snowing?

Why is there ice on the river?

This winter has come to us -

Poured a lot of snow.

Why is our guest

Christmas tree in bright lights?

Because it comes to us

Winter holiday - New Year!

Hello dear parents! Subject parent« New Year is coming soon» .

Today we will talk about the upcoming New Year's party, which will take place ..., about carnival costumes, we will distribute poems. So your children the first year in the d / s matinee will be held without your presence. For many children, the New Year's performance is their first performance among their peers.

Of course, we educators prepare children for this important event, but still the child is worried, and he just needs the support of the closest people.

We have prepared a PRESENTATION for you on how you can prepare a child for the event, thereby protecting his vulnerable psyche.

First of all, your task is to understand how much the child is embarrassed to speak in public. Failure at the first performance can seriously injure an introverted child, and he needs to be prepared so that he is not ashamed of his peers, not afraid that you are not around. If it becomes obvious that this is difficult for the child, pay special attention to preparing for the New Year's party in the garden. If your baby is a born actor, then he will still need parental attention, and accompany rehearsals at home with thunderous applause.

Try to find time to prepare your carnival costume. The main thing is to do it calmly and joyfully, attracting the child to help. This will build confidence in him and he will feel your support. Prepare the costume in advance so that it is familiar and familiar, otherwise the outfit may embarrass him and prevent him from performing well. Prepare a fancy dress and clothing the day before, so as not to injure the baby with fees for hastily... Try to come to the kindergarten in advance.

Learn the verses with your child and repeat it several times to consolidate. Play the role of Santa Claus, prepare for the performance in a playful way, do not hesitate to speak bass: "What rhyme do you know, kid?" Be kindly interested in preparing for holiday: “Have you danced already? Singing songs? Can you show me the kid? Don't forget to admire…. That's lovely!"

Help the child get dressed, let him play a little naughty. Do not force it down with strict requirements. "Keep the suit", because playing before the holiday helps to relieve tension. It is best to hold the fragile parts of the costume in your hands to the last, for example, a cardboard cap, a snowman's nose, etc.

After the matinee, be generous with compliments to all children and educators. They are have done: great and difficult work. Give your child the opportunity to socialize and play with the children, and then preferably take him home. If you are in a hurry to work, praise the child again, say that you are sorry that you have to leave, but in the evening you will certainly meet and he will tell everyone in the household how it went.

It is important for a child that loved ones know about his triumph, be generous with praise. Refrain from criticism and comments about flaws - of course, there were a lot of them, but the children are still young and the fact that they were able to organize is a great feat. Discuss with your child what he likes and dislikes. Perhaps he appreciates the matinee much more mature than you expected. Many children are well aware of flaws in their performance and note bad behavior others: Petya forgot the words, Masha pulled me, I forgot which way to go. Think together how to avoid such problems in the future.

The main thing is that the discussion of the New Year's party in the garden should be conducted in a joyful manner and the child retains the feeling of a holiday.

Green herringbone pleases the guys -

The lights on the Christmas tree are burning merrily.

Santa Claus dropped by for a holiday,

And he brought a bag of gifts for the kids.

There is snow everywhere, and there is ice on the river.

We have been waiting for you, grandpa, for a whole year.

Festive put on, grandfather, outfit,

Receiving gifts lined up.

We will tell poems, we will dance from the heart,

Moms will even tell how we are are good:

We do not contradict the elders, we know a lot of numbers.

We are from morning to evening - just great.

Speech # 2.

Is coming New the year is one of the most beloved holidays. Anticipation and anticipation is half the charm of the holiday. And so we want to create a fabulous mood for our children, and make the holiday unforgettable.

We hope that today's meeting will help you and me in this. Make a New Year's craft with your child for a group at the exhibition - this is an opportunity to have fun together. You will move away from everyday affairs, also feel like a child, plunge into the world "Magic"... You can easily persuade the kids to take part in the pre-holiday chores, and at the same time teach children a lot and give them the opportunity to enjoy the results of their labors.

To create a New Year's festive atmosphere, we will decorate the group together (after listening to your suggestions on how to do this, let our children spend the winter days in "Fairy tale".

Let us parents will guess now"Winter Riddles" We will lift our spirits and remember, recharge ourselves with positive energy, remember that we were children too, allow ourselves to plunge into childhood and how our children will wait for the New Year's miracle.

We are with friends on a frosty day

The snow was poured from a hose.

As ice appears

So everything is ready. (rink)

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear sleeps in the den.

Snow like a white border.

Who hosted? (Winter)

Someone cloud like a feather bed,

Ripped in half

Fluffs fell down -

Silvery. (snowflakes)

We blinded him deftly.

There are eyes and a carrot nose.

A little warm - will cry instantly

And it will melt. (Snowman)

Through the snowdrifts near the river

Long planks are riding

They are looking for higher peaks.

Name the planks! (Skiing)

Any bird here can

Treat yourself to the cold winter.

A hut hangs on a bitch,

It is called. (Feeder)

He is kind, he is strict,

All overgrown with a beard,

He is in a hurry for a holiday to us,

Who is this ?. (Santa Claus)

Santa Claus came to visit us

With a fragile, snow-white guest.

He called her daughter.

This girl (Snow Maiden).

The game: "Dexterous hands"

Divide into two teams ( Parents of girls, Parents - boys)

Offer parents cut snowflakes at speed.

Speech # 3

Child safety during the New Year holidays

Holidays are an exciting time for children, and to make sure your child is safe these days, follow the guidelines. Christmas tree

When buying faux spruce, make sure it is fire retardant. A living tree must be fresh.

Place the Christmas tree away from radiators, fireplaces, and electric heaters. The spruce should not interfere with walking and should not block the aisles.


Before hanging on the tree, check the garlands, even if you just bought them. Make sure that all lights are on and that the wires and sockets are not damaged.

Turn off all lights when you go to bed or leave the house. In your absence, a short circuit may occur, which will cause a fire.


All Christmas tree decorations must be made of non-combustible or fire-resistant materials. Choose tinsel and Christmas tree decorations made of plastic or metal.

Never decorate the tree with candles.

Avoid using sharp or breakable jewelry. Decorations with small details should be out of the reach of children so that they do not accidentally swallow or inhale them. Do not use decorations that mimic candy or other tempting food - children may want to taste them.

After all the gifts are unpacked, remove all packaging, ribbons, bags, etc. from the floor. They often cause suffocation and fires.

Safe toys

As a gift, choose toys that are suitable for your child in terms of age, ability and interests. Toys intended for children older than your child can be dangerous.

To prevent burns and electric shocks, do not present toys that must be plugged into a power outlet for children under 10 years of age. For small children, battery-operated toys are more suitable.

Toys that have ribbons and any long flexible elements should be at least 30 centimeters long to reduce the likelihood of suffocation.

Safe food

Bacteria are always present in raw food, so food must be carefully prepared. It is also important to wash fruits and vegetables.

Keep hot food and drinks away from the edge of the table, where a small child can easily drop them.

Wash your hands often and make sure the children follow this rule too.

If you have tasted food from a shared pot, do not use it again without washing it.

Always keep raw and cooked foods separate. And for their preparation, use different dishes.

Always thaw meat in the refrigerator, not at room temperature.

Food to be kept in the refrigerator should not be warm for more than two hours.

Happy guests

Clean up as soon as you see the last guest off. A small child can wake up early and taste the leftovers. "Adult" food and alcohol.

Remember that the home you are invited to may not be safe for the child. Do not allow children to be in places where any trouble can happen to them.

In case of urgent need, you should always have an emergency telephone number at hand.

Traveling, visiting and shopping, and even receiving gifts can strain a child's nervous system and cause stress. You and your baby will enjoy the holidays more if you follow the usual daily routine.

Happy New Year!

Speech # 4

"How interesting it is to spend New Year's holidays".

Dear parents soon new year holidays. Do not forget - this is not only a break from work, the festive bustle is also an anticipation "Fairy magic" for your children. This is another reason to be close to your child, to pay attention to him, to give your love and affection.

We invite you to make good use of this time.

Make a craft;

Decorate the windows;

Decorate the tree together;

Prepare a festive table;

Read more books on any topic, well, since it's winter, you can pick up books about winter;

Read riddles.

Fun games on the New Year's holiday

Games near the Christmas tree will give the New Year's holiday an unusual shade, amuse children, and create a festive mood for them. We bring to your attention the following games.

The game "Name what has changed"

This game is for the development of memory and attention. Participants are invited to examine the toys and remember them for a minute (The number of toys is taken depending on the age of the children.) Then the children are invited to leave the room or close their eyes, at this time several toys can be rearranged, removed or added others. After that, the children name what has changed in the series of toys.

The game "What, what, what, what?" An adult offers children any New Year's item (ball, snowflake, herringbone, etc.) The winner is the one who names more words of attributes to the proposed subject. For example, a herringbone - tall, prickly, elegant, beautiful, green, fragrant, etc.

Games in the yard.

You can play a lot of games in the yard, especially mobile: "Two frosts", "We are funny guys", "Swan geese", "Water" other. Children especially love the games of our childhood, so remember your favorite games and teach your children to play them. All these games will be useful for the physical development of children.

Let's decorate the trees.

Dilute water with gouache paints in plastic bottles. Make 2-3 holes in the caps of the plastic bottles. Take any molds or small buckets with you for a walk. After filling them with snow, pour them from bottles of colored water, and insert a loop of rope or thick thread into the middle of the mold. Leave to freeze. Such decorations can be used to decorate trees or any buildings made of snow. With the help of paint bottles, you can also paint snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees on the snowdrifts, it will turn out very beautifully and festively. Your children, in any case, will be pleased and happy that you play with them!

Well-aimed arrows.

On the fence, on the wall, draw targets by the number of players. Targets can be either round, oval, square, rectangular or any other fancy shape. Next, stock up on snowballs and start throwing snowballs at the target from a set distance. The winner is the one who completely closes his target first or hits only the middle.

Speech # 5

Discussion parents of topics:

Santa Claus,
