Make a goby out of wood with your hands. Master class do-it-yourself soft toy goby. The practical use of the bull in the garden

Goby catching is always an unpredictable and rather complicated process. Despite the fact that the fish spends a lot of time in certain places of the reservoir, quite often it is necessary to observe how, after casting the fishing rods, the gobies disappear somewhere.

The main habitat of this fish- coastal area with an abundance of grass and stones. At great depths, it can be found in windy weather with a strong current, but on sunny days and windless cloudy, it comes very close to the shore.

It is noted that the worst biting is observed in complete calm, as well as during the flowering period of aquatic vegetation. A significantly large layer of plants blocks the access of oxygen and it becomes almost impossible to catch a goby.

The goby pecks without interruption all year, however, autumn is considered the peak of its activity.. Preparing for the coming cold weather, the chinariki begins to eat. Therefore, the catches at this time of the year, even for beginner anglers, are great.

Best bite time- early predawn morning, as soon as it starts to get light, the fish peck greedily and without interruption. But during the day, the activity subsides significantly until the evening.

After a couple of hours after dinner, the goby again begins to look for food and does not stop pecking even at night. If you wish, you can catch a record number of fish per day in autumn.

Tackle selection

Fishing rod elements (bottom gear)

For catching gobies, specialized stores offer a wide range of gear. After all, this type of fish is found both in rivers and in the sea. That is why, before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics that rods should have.

Otherwise, you can spend the whole day waiting for a bite.

For catching chinariki (so the people called the goby), the most common fishing rod is suitable. It has all the necessary qualities - it is extremely easy to use, light in weight and as convenient as possible.

Both ultralight spinning rods and float rods are perfect. Experienced anglers prefer to make homemade tackle that fully meets their wishes.

When choosing a rod, the place of fishing, as well as the time of year, plays an important role.

For example, in winter fishing, you should use a small spinning rod for the convenience of fishing in the holes, and choose a line of medium thickness.

Main selection criteria

When choosing gear, you should consider:

  1. Season.
  2. Tackle manufacturer.

For summer fishing, a rod equipped with a fishing line with a cross section of 0.3 mm is perfect. Hooks are selected under the numbers 6-10.

It is not recommended to place a lead shot above the hooks.

There is a high probability of reducing the activity of biting. If you move the pellet close to the hook, then the bite will not take long.

In winter, a fishing rod appropriate for the season should be used. Hooks, fishing line and cargo do not require special selection. Although the fishing line can be used and much smaller diameter than in summer.

Equipment selection

Bottom tackle:

  1. The rod is suitable relatively inexpensive with a length of 2.5 meters when fishing from the coast line, from a boat - up to 2 meters.
  2. Tackle test recommended in the range of 20-100 grams.
  3. Since the reel plays an important role in fishing, the main criterion for selection will be reliability. Although, you can buy inexpensive Chinese analogues, because the fish has a small weight and it will not succeed in breaking the rod. The fishing line on the spool should be with a margin.
  4. The sinker will only need a flattened one. When fishing in shallow water, we choose a weight of 20 grams, and at a great depth not less than 40. Reliable fastening of the sinker occurs at the very beginning of the fishing line.
  5. Next, you should fasten the leashes with hooks. The best hooks for catching chinarikov are stainless steel hooks number 5.
  6. We carry out casting and we enjoy the active biting of bulls.

Float tackle:

  1. A fairly strong spinning rod will do.
  2. We select a fishing line with a diameter of 0.4 millimeters. At its tip we place a hook at number 5.
  3. Next, we select the sinker, after which it is possible to fix a leash about 10 centimeters long and place an additional hook on it.
  4. When choosing a float length, you should take into account the fact that the sinker must necessarily touch the bottom of the reservoir.

How to do it yourself?

Tackle "Rubber" in the working position when fishing from the bottom
Tackle “Rubber” when fishing “on top”

Recently, a tackle called "rubber band" has become very popular. This type of bottom tackle has proven itself from the best side, showing excellent results. It resembles a snack, but here, between the load and the fishing line, an elastic band is fixed.

The manufacture of such gear is completely inexpensive and within the power of every fisherman.

Necessary materials:

  1. Approximately 40 meters of monofilament, whose diameter is 0.4 mm. You will need it for the main line.
  2. Fishing line with a diameter of 0.1 mm r is useful for leashes. One leash must be no more than 15 centimeters long.
  3. Hooks with a sufficiently long shank, which provides a reliable serif - 2 pieces.
  4. Elastic- about 5 meters.
  5. Insulating tape.
  6. Reel for the line.
  7. cambric. You can use a piece of wire insulation, after selecting the desired color.

It takes very little time and effort to make gum:

  1. Pre-insulated reel, we wind the main fishing line on it.
  2. At the end of the line make 5 stoppers to secure the leashes in conjunction with hooks. The distance between them should be about 40 centimeters. We equip each stopper with 2 ordinary knots, keeping a distance of 1 centimeter between them.
  3. Then, you should thread the fishing line into the cambric, making a kind of loop, to which you later need to tie an elastic band. IMPORTANT! In no case do not tie the elastic immediately directly to the fishing line, this will contribute to its grinding.
  4. We tie one end of the elastic to the loop and, and the second - through the cambric to the rope.
  5. We tie the rope to the load. They can be an ordinary stone.
  6. Now, you should make leashes. Tie the hook to a fishing line no longer than 15 centimeters long, making a loop at the opposite end. We put on the cambric on the shank of the hook.
  7. received leash we fix between the stoppers located on the fishing line.

The line must be taut to see bites well. Since the chinarik spends most of its time in stones, with active fishing in one day, you can lose about 20 hooks.

With a good bite, using 2 elastic bands, you can catch more than 5 kilograms of gobies.

  1. It is enough just to catch a goby in shallow water. Therefore, when going fishing, it is necessary to choose days of cloudy calm weather. After all, it is at such moments that the goby comes almost to the very shore. It won't be hard to catch him.
  2. Considering the fact that the chinarik- bottom fish, tackle is recommended to be used with 2 hooks, one of which must touch the bottom of the reservoir, and the other should be located 20-30 centimeters higher.
  3. The most convenient way is to catch a goby from a boat, using a snack, but if fishing is planned from the coastline, then spinning should be preferred.

A cow sometimes symbolizes wealth, comfort, prosperity - an integral cozy attribute of any family home. Of course, we do not have the opportunity to keep a real animal in our apartment. However, we can quite afford to acquire a soft talisman. Anyone who loves needlework can sew a cow or a bull. And even if you have not tried yourself in such a skill before - it does not matter! It is not difficult to make any cow according to our pattern.

Our "Workshop" presents soft toys made in various ways. You can see with your own eyes how to sew a cow from fabric with or without pile, in a dress, in shorts or without clothes. Experienced craftswomen will tell you how to make hooves, horns, eyes and even eyelashes. In our workshop you will certainly find a toy that you want to make with your own hands. Perhaps it will be a cheerful Burenka with a flower, a glamorous Margot, a flirtatious Daisy or a spotted bull. You can dress the toy in any outfit or sew a whole collection of dresses. Decorations can be flowers, bells, bows, straps.

All patterns of cow toys presented in this section do not require high skill. It is enough to have desire and imagination. Your child can be a great help. It's so much fun to spend time creating a funny animal with your own hands. And if there is a mood and time, you can sew a couple in love - a bull and a cow, and even a whole family. Do you have a piece of soft cloth lying around in your house? Great opportunity to be creative!

If you have a bullock pattern that is not in our workshop, send it! We will be happy to post a photo of your masterpiece and recommendations. Sometimes you want to take a break from your daily routine and do something pleasant. Why not sew a toy that is beautiful, fun, unique! We offer you a collection of patterns, but it is not at all necessary to sew exactly according to them. You can use them as a reference point for your imagination!

Ekaterina Vyargizova

Children, today I offer you make one who is the cow's son,

He is short in stature,

He has four legs

There is a tail, there are horns,

There is also a red barrel

And his name is? That's right, goby.

What do you know about gobies (answers children) .And now listen:

The bull is a pet. It can be found almost anywhere in the world. There are many breeds of bulls, they all have a different color and their own shape of horns. Bulls, like many other ruminants, feed on plant-based grass food. Such food consists mainly of cellulose, which is difficult to digest in the body. The digestive system of bulls is complex. The process of digestion is assisted by millions of special bacteria in the stomach that convert fiber into sugars. In order to speed up the process, bulls chew their food twice. Their digestive process takes about forty-eight hours. Now you have learned a lot about bulls, and let's get down to our handicraft.

To make one bull, we need: colored paper, 2 matchboxes, glue.

From colored paper we make a stencil for the future crafts.

First, we take 2 yellow strips and glue the boxes.

Then glue one box on top of the other.

Guys, let's take a break now. get up guys:

After we paste the nose, horns, ears, draw eyes, and cute funny bull is ready. The craft is basically simple., but the children are very interested in what will happen in the end, so they do it with great pleasure!

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The goby is a predatory fish that feeds on fry and mainly lives on the bottom in coastal areas. The goby is found both in salt water (the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov) and in fresh water. This diversity can be explained by the fact that there are a lot of goby species, and all of them have adapted to life in different conditions.

The goby pecks best in spring and summer. In autumn, the goby also actively pecks, but only on animal baits. In the winter season, he goes deep into the depths, and it is much harder to catch him.

The goby's favorite habitats are snags, various minks that he makes for himself on the sandy bottom and areas of reservoirs with large stones.

Tackle for fishing

To catch a goby, you can use the following gear:

  1. Float gear. A rod for catching a bull should have a length of at least two and a half meters. Its test should be selected depending on the baits used. To catch light baits, you should use a fishing rod with a test of ten to twenty grams. For fishing with more massive baits, you should use a rod with a dough of twenty to forty grams. It is recommended to use with a parabolic action and a flexible tip, so that you can comfortably play the caught bull. The float should be pear-shaped with a bright color and good stability for fishing on the waves. As a reel, you can use a regular one with high-quality material. The most suitable diameter of the fishing line (preferably monofilament) is considered to be 0.8 mm. Hooks should be numbered from 5 to 8.
  2. . The rod for her must be powerful in order to make long casts. The fishing line must be used with a diameter of at least 0.8 mm. The weight should have an oval shape and a weight of five to eight grams.
  3. Spinning gear. To do this, you should use a high-quality spinning rod with a test of twenty to one hundred grams. Its length depends on the location of the catch. If fishing will take place from a boat, then a two-meter rod will suffice. If from the shore, then it would be wiser to use a three-meter rod. The spinning reel must be inertialess and work properly. Its spool must hold at least one hundred meters of fishing line. The main line should have a diameter of 0.5 mm, and the leader line should have a diameter of 0.3 mm. The most suitable length of leashes is ten centimeters. It is advisable to choose a flattened shape of the weight to avoid frequent hooks. For fishing at shallow depths, the weight of the weight should be thirty grams. For longer casts, it is better to use weights with a weight of fifty grams. As for swinging hooks, it is better to use strong stainless steel hooks with a silver color. They should have a long forearm and a sharp sting. For spinning tackle, it is better to use hooks with the number 5 or 6.
  4. Bottom tackle. For her, you should select a special bottom rod with a length of four to five meters. The fishing line must be very strong and have a thickness of 0.6 mm. The best weight weight is considered to be from forty to fifty grams. Its shape should be triangular and flat.

In addition to the main gear for catching gobies, you can use other gear: fly fishing and a casket. Let's consider them in more detail.

To catch a bull with fly fishing, a single-handed fishing rod of the fourth class with a length of two and a half to three meters should be used. As a reel, a special fly fishing reel should be used, which can maintain the balance of all the tackle and contain the fishing line.

As a fishing line, special cords for sea fishing should be used, which have a very strong structure. For fly fishing, ten meters of such fishing line will be enough.

As for the leaders, it is desirable to use nylon leaders with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

Fishing with a casket requires the active participation of the fisherman in the process of catching gobies. To collect it, you will need the following gear:

  • winter fishing rod;
  • monofilament with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • hook number 5;
  • lure fluctuating.

Making tackle for a bull with your own hands

The most effective tackle that you can make yourself to catch a bull is an elastic band. It is used for bottom fishing, and in its structure is very similar to the usual zakidushka. Its important feature is that the gum can be thrown only once, after which it should be re-adjusted.

For the manufacture of this gear, the following elements should be prepared:

  1. Sharp hooks with a long shank.
  2. Fishing line with a diameter of 0.2 mm to 0.3 mm for leashes.
  3. Line with a diameter of 0.5 mm to 0.6 mm for use as the main line.
  4. Strong elastic band with a length of three to five meters.
  5. Duct tape.
  6. cambric.
  7. Reel (for winding fishing line).

The process of making gum for catching a bull is as follows:

  1. First you need to wrap a small layer of adhesive tape (you can use ordinary electrical tape) on the reel, so that it is more convenient to hook the hooks when transporting the finished gear. Also, the tape can be replaced with a small piece of foam rubber or polystyrene, which are also very suitable for this purpose.
  2. Next, you need to wind a fishing line on the reel (about forty meters). This will be enough to catch from the protected zone. If the casting will be carried out from a boat, then more fishing line should be wound.
  3. Step back from the end of the fishing line forty centimeters and make five stoppers to secure the leashes and hooks. Two knots must be tied to each retainer at a distance of one centimeter from each other. The types of knots can be very different, but it is best to make a double knot.
  4. After that, tighten all the knots and make another one nearby.
  5. Tie a loop with cambric on the tip of the fishing line. To do this, you need to stretch the fishing line into the cambric, the length of which should be at least four centimeters. After that, make a loop.
  6. Tie a rubber band to this loop. If the elastic band is tied directly to the fishing line, then it will quickly untie or fray, which will threaten the rapid wear of the gear. The length of the elastic band used should be from three to five meters, but it is recommended to initially install a long elastic band so that it can be tied up, cut and adjusted during the equipping process. You should know that if the length of the elastic is insufficient, then the weight will be pulled up all the time, which will lead to a break in the gear.
  7. Next, you need to tie the fishing line to the weight.
  8. Then you should make leashes with hooks. To do this, tie the hooks to the fishing line and make a loop.
  9. Put on a cambric on the shank of the hook.
  10. Attach the leash with hooks between the stoppers on the fishing line. Pull the hooks into the loop and tighten near the main fishing line. After that, the equipment is ready.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

The choice of tackle depending on the place of fishing and the season

Depending on the place where the bull is caught, the following types of gear should be used:

  1. To catch gobies from a boat, it is very convenient to use a snack.
  2. For fishing from a protected area, it is better to use spinning tackle.
  3. If fishing occurs at a shallow depth, it is recommended to use a float fishing rod.
  4. If the bottom in the reservoir is muddy, then you should catch it with a spinning rod.

Depending on the season, the following gear should be used:

  1. In the winter season, it is recommended to use spinning tackle and a casket, since this fish is at great depths at this time. You should also use heavy round sinkers and medium thickness fishing line.
  2. To catch gobies in the spring, a float rod should be used, since during this period this fish prefers to swim at shallow depths in the algae growth zone.
  3. For fishing in the summer, a hook or bottom tackle is perfect.
  4. For fishing on a goby in the fall, it is better to use bottom tackle, because with the approach of cold weather, the goby sinks to the very bottom of the reservoirs.
  1. Windy cloudy weather is considered the best conditions for catching a goby. In hot weather, the goby hides at a depth, and its bite is practically absent.
  2. If after casting the tackle for twenty-five minutes there was no bite, then you should change the nozzle and the place of the catch.
  3. If the goby is caught in heavily twisted places, then very strong fishing lines and hooks that can withstand the hook should be used.
Agree, you have often encountered situations when, following the trends of fashion, you had to give up some personal predilections. If the question concerns clothes or hairstyles, the problem is small. After a while, they can be easily changed. And if this applies to more global things, for example, the design of a garden plot? Here it is much more difficult to give up what has been done and start creating as your heart tells you. What, to discard cherished desires forever? Or are there alternatives?...

Let the bull in the garden ...

If you still have a piece of a carefree childhood and you are a cheerful and kind person by nature, then you will surely like these funny log animals. It is not difficult at all to make such a donkey, or a calf, or a kid (whoever you like more). To do this, you do not need to have carpentry skills or be a cabinetmaker. The main thing is to have a suitable log at hand ...
Remember the old tale about how Papa Carlo took a log, an ax and ... he got a wooden boy Pinocchio. In order to make a goby, one ax is not enough, you will need some other simple tool, namely a saw, a chisel, but if you have a jigsaw and an electric drill, well, this can make the job easier.

So, for starters, pick up a suitable log. Its value depends on how tall the animal you are going to give birth to. If you want to make a bull about a meter tall (at the withers), then you will need a log 70-80 cm long and about 25 cm in diameter. This will be a trunk log. You can peel off the bark from a log, and then you will get exactly the same beast that is in the photo, or you can leave it. (If you choose a birch log, then you may well get a good bull of a white-and-white breed).
Next, you will need a slightly thinner and shorter log - 30-35 cm long and 20 cm in diameter. It will be a log-head.
For the legs, a pole about 7-8 cm thick and 70 cm long is suitable. It will also serve as a neck, only the neck should be shorter - 50 cm. The neck must be sharpened on both sides, and the legs on one.

Now that the main blanks are selected, we get to work.

Five holes must be made in the log-trunk - four for the legs and one for the neck. We hollow out the holes with a sharply sharpened chisel to a depth of 8-10 cm. The diameter of the holes should be such that the pole-legs and the pole-neck enter the holes with difficulty.

When the log-body is ready, proceed to the next step - the log-head. On the back of the log, approximately in the middle, make a hole for the neck. Next, repeat the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th operations, similar to those done on the trunk log, i.e. find the middle line of the log. (If this is not done, the eyes and ears of your animal may be in the most unexpected place). When the midline is found, proceed to the formation of the muzzle. You will have to work a little with it, but it is here where your imagination can run wild. First, on a log, mark with a pencil or chalk all the necessary holes for the eyes, ears and nostrils. On the one hand, saw through the end of the log with a saw or who knows how, can cut it down with an ax (without a skill, the log can simply split in half) - this will be the mouth. At the opposite end of the log, make two deep and narrow holes for the ears, two for the eyes, and two shallow holes for the nostrils. To give the muzzle some completeness, you can slightly chop off the edge of the log with a planer, and then process it with sandpaper.

Ears are cut from small boards (it is better to use soft wood). Here you will need a jigsaw. The shape of the ears can be arbitrary. Slightly deepen the auricle by selecting wood with a chisel. After the ears, sand and insert into the corresponding holes on the log-log. Insert small knots 3-4 cm long and 3-3.5 cm in diameter into the holes for the eyes. The log-head is ready.

Start assembling. Insert the pole-legs into the holes on the body log (remember, the poles should be difficult to enter into the holes), tapping the log from the opposite side of the hole. Now the bull can be put on its feet. Insert the neck pole first into the hole on the body log, and then into the hole on the head log. The bull is ready.

After you collect your pet, you can treat it with an antiseptic, such as Pinotex, because it will have to live on the street under the sun and rain. By the way, you can give your pet any color by choosing an antiseptic by color.

The practical use of the bull in the garden

For zealous owners, we suggest using the bull as follows:
It is no secret that the earth periodically needs rest, in which case it is either left under black fallow or sown with green manure plants (lupine, mustard, clover, etc.). It’s just that a garden bed sown with clover or mustard is boring, but if you enclose a piece of “resting” land with a small fence, and put a bullock inside, you get a very stylish corner. Here is the benefit and beauty for you. True, such a corner is appropriate only in country-style gardens or near playgrounds. Children will surely appreciate such a place for games.