A strong conspiracy for money for pumpkin seeds. A mystical story from life - spoilage on seeds

Seeds need to speak for the upcoming growth. This conspiracy is common to the seeds of all plants, it can charge any grain, any shoot. Take the seeds, pour them on a piece of paper and say these words over them:

Goy you, Moon-Lunushka, bless this fruit for growth, for color. Let this fruit survive the frost, and let the fry stand. Yes, give him the juice of life to drink, and save him from all kinds of misfortune. Be, my words, strong and sculpting, harder than stone, better than glue and sulfur, salty salt, sharpen a self-cutting sword, stronger than damask steel; what is intended will come true.

After that, transfer the seeds to a jar or box, and burn a sheet of paper, saying:

Fire, fire, save what you took. Your strength to the ground, your power to the root.

In no case should you throw away the ashes; when sowing the charmed seeds with this ashes, you need to fertilize the soil. The ritual of conspiracy over the seeds should be carried out in a dark room.

A conspiracy so that the seeds are well preserved until spring

To keep the seeds until spring, do this: soak the seeds in water at room temperature, and then mix with moistened sand (1 part seeds to 3 parts sand). Then you need to take a fine sieve, such that the sand is sifted, but the seeds are not. We sift.
Pour the mixture into a wooden box. But before you put the box in the cold, you need to protect the seeds from hypothermia, and the plants that these seeds will give from frost. To do this, we do this: light a candle, circle three times counterclockwise around the box with seeds, saying:

Mother Lunushka, it's cold, she's getting cold, the frost is friends with the family. Like a root, like saved, be good just right. Key on the tree, fire to the left. Amen.

After that, we drip wax from a candle into the left corner of the box. And then we take the box to a cool place.

A plot to saturate seeds with oxygen

It is necessary to saturate the seeds with oxygen in order to improve seed germination and protect future plants from diseases. The effect of such a procedure lasts for six months. To do this, you will need an ordinary aquarium compressor and, of course, a charm word.
You need to wait until evening and lower the seeds into the water. The proportion is as follows: one part seeds to four parts water. Turn on the compressor. When the bubbles go, you need to say the following conspiracy:

Air, air and water, air, air and water. Pour power into the seeds. The seed will be good. For good. To health. For the harvest. Zamo door. Key lock. The key to the sea-ocean. On the island on Buyan. May it be so. Amen.

The plot is read 3 times.

And the processing time of the compressor is:

  • onions - 14-24 hours;
  • carrots - 18-24 hours;
  • cucumbers - 18-20 hours;
  • beets - 18-24 hours;
  • tomatoes - 15-20 hours;
  • radish - 8-12 hours;
  • parsley - 12-18 hours;
  • celery - 20-24 hours;
  • dill - 12-20 hours;
  • pepper - 24-36 hours;
  • spinach - 24-30 hours;

A conspiracy to fill the seeds with warmth

Place the seeds in a sealed thermos filled with water. Shake the thermos twice gently and once harder. Then put it in a dark place, cover it with a red rag and say:

Fire, water, fire, water, the time has come for the seed. It will take the seed warmly, no matter how much water flows away. For good. To health. For the harvest. Amen.

After that, we leave the seeds in a thermos:

  • we keep cabbage, radish, turnip, radish for 20 minutes, at a temperature of 45-50 degrees;
  • beets, carrots, parsley - 20 minutes at a temperature of 50-55 degrees;
  • pepper, eggplant - 25 minutes, temperature 50 degrees;
  • tomatoes - 5 minutes, temperature 50-55 degrees;
  • peas - 5 minutes, temperature 50 degrees;
  • cucumbers - 20 minutes, temperature 40-45 degrees.

Conspiracy when sorting seeds

At dawn, draw water, let it settle, and then say these words over it:

Voditsa, voditsa, help - remove the bad seed

Wait a few minutes and then dip the seeds in water. After five minutes, the floating seeds must be drained along with water, they are bad, and the rest are good, after drying in the air, they can be sown under a film.

Conspiracy to protect seeds from diseases

To prevent any bacteria from overcoming the seeds, we need the help of aloe. First, thank the plant for helping (this, by the way, should be done whenever you disturb the peace of any plant - indoor, garden or field):

Not for the sake of evil, not for the sake of deceit, not for the sake of fun, not for the sake of justice, I ask for help, wonderful herbs. As Lunushka gave you water, so you give to drink, help, do not leave, take. Thank you.

Then carefully cut off a few leaves from the aloe. Take the red rag mentioned above. She is enchanted and therefore has a special power. You need to pull out a few threads from it and tie them to the places of cuts in aloe.
Keep the cut leaves of aloe in the dark for 5-6 days at a temperature of +2 degrees. Then squeeze the juice and dip the seeds into it. After a day, the seeds should be taken out and dried.

The pumpkin is compared with the sun: the same big and yellow, warm. Another pumpkin is a symbol of wealth: after all, there are so many seeds in it that look like coins. There is even a special conspiracy for pumpkin seeds. When you cook something from a pumpkin, separate twenty seeds. They need to be washed thoroughly and put on a sheet of clean paper to dry, at which time you can continue cooking.

When the seeds dry, they need to be laid out on a white cloth and say:

In a dark dungeon in deaf confinement

Good fellows sit, sit and do not move,

Words do not speak to each other

They don't see white light.

I will go out into the bright courtyard,

I'll swing a sharp knife

With a thin and sharpened knife

May I free the good fellows.

Well done to find freedom

And money to go to my house!

My word is strong, there is no other.


After that, you need to roast the seeds and salt. Watch carefully, not a single seed should be lost! At dinner, after eating a pumpkin dish, secretly leave the house from everyone and eat seven seeds. On the second day, three seeds, but not after dinner, but at lunchtime. On the third day, seven seeds after lunch, and on the fourth day, three seeds after breakfast. Each time, the skins from the seeds should not be thrown away, but put in a pocket. After you eat all the seeds, wrap all the skins in a clean sheet of paper and set it on fire. Ashes "sow" in a flower pot, saying: “Denyuzhki, grow up, little ones, grow up, earn ears, become big!”

In four days the conspiracy will take effect. And don't forget to read "Our Father" nine times at night.


In order for cabbage to help gain wealth, such a ritual is needed.

In the garden, you need to find the largest, most beautiful head of cabbage, cut it off and take it to the house. Remove the top ten sheets, wash them thoroughly, and then put a coin in the center of each. After that, each sheet is folded in half, then again in half, and so on until it is no longer possible to fold. You will get ten small envelopes of cabbage leaves, each of which contains a coin. They need to be fried on a hot frying pan and say:

Sister cabbage, grew in the garden,

She stretched her hands to the clear sun,

Yes, washed with dew,

Yes, I ate earth

Yes, grow yourself and people for joy,

Wow, the cabbage has grown!

How the cabbage grew

And to grow our money,

Yes, so that they do not disappear

No one stole

Yes, the wind did not let

Yes, the lightning did not burn.

How cabbage is born

And to us to have fun,

Need not to know

Money to come!

A word is hard, like a stone, you will not gnaw it,

You won't break.


As the cabbage envelopes are fried, they must be removed from the pan, pour sour cream on top and eat. And collect the coins from all the envelopes and “sow” in the cabbage field. At the same time, read “Our Father”, after sitting down to cross your soul.


There are a lot of rituals associated with garlic that block troubles and scare away enemies. Any evil spirits recede before garlic, it acts even on vampires. With garlic, you can protect your home and your money from the encroachments of any envious people.

If you make good money, but still there is not enough money in the house all the time, it seems to flow through your fingers, maybe it's because of someone's malicious intent? If you have such a suspicion, do a garlic ritual. People who do not wish you anything bad will not suffer, and those who decide to interfere in your life will lose this desire for a long time.

You need to take a head of garlic, peel each clove and take an odd number of cloves (if there is an odd number of cloves in the head, take all, if even, do not use one). They need to be finely chopped with a knife (you can’t knead in a garlic press), while saying:

Finely chop the garlic

With a sharp knife

Yes, with a thin blade

To be disrespectful

Evil spirits and earthly evil spirits

Open your mouth at my kindness.

I won't shed a tear

Everything will be as I say:

May those who wished evil be sorry!

Let those who wanted to take my money into their hands,

Crying bitter tears!

And those who hate me with fierce hatred,

Unbearable hatred

Yes, he wants me to die

Let the painful pain overtake

disease unknown,

And don't give up on her

As long as anger lives in a person!

I live in peace

Yes, your money to know the account!

My word is strong, but there is no other!


All garlic must be eaten within three days. After that, you need to sit on a hard fast for a week: only bread and water. At night every day - nine times "Our Father".

After that, your ill-wishers will quiet down for a long time, and your material problems will become a thing of the past.

Maria Semyonovna told me this: “This is one of the few “evil” conspiracies that I told. Actually, I don't do it. In general, I practically do not give conspiracies, during which you can harm someone. But this is simply necessary for any person, because bad things can happen to anyone: no one is immune from the evil eye and human envy. Of course, it's best to protect yourself from bad people. But sometimes it doesn't work for some reason. For example, the one who pierced it turned out to be stronger. Or there was simply no protection, our Russian hoped for a chance. Once I had to observe a very bad situation. My friend Anya, Orthodox, had a family: a husband and a daughter. They were all very decent people, besides, believers. And Anya had a friend - just a snake under the deck. All the time she envied her in everything: and that her husband is good, not drinking, not walking, and that her daughter was born so glorious, her parents almost do not worry. And all the time this familiar life of Anya tried to spoil it, what she didn’t do: every time she visits Anya, she will say something nasty, either about Anina’s cooking, or about her husband. Somehow Anya thought of telling that supposedly Anya's husband was pestering her like a man. Anya was very upset, but she did not say anything to her husband. In general, she behaved very meekly. Another in her place would have pushed her friend out of the house, and Anya accepted and forgave everything with Christian humility. One rainy day, Anya started having problems: suddenly money began to disappear from the house, and there were no strangers at home. At first, Anya thought to herself that maybe she forgot where she left it, then she began to suspect the brownie, and then she came to me, all in despair: because of this money, her relationship with her husband went wrong, he thought that she is wasting rubbish. I quickly saw what was the matter: it was the envious Anina who brought such damage on her. Anya only asked me to remove this slander, and anger just boiled in me. I told Anya that she could only remove the spoilage herself, and told her about the ritual with garlic, however, she kept silent that her friend would suffer after that until her hatred and envy got rid of. Anya performed the ritual, everything was as it should be, it worked. And a month later, Anya came to me again, and she told me about that friend that she doesn’t favor Anya now, she doesn’t go to visit, and she accepts with obvious reluctance, she keeps saying that she’s ill and can’t talk. I told Anya everything as it is, and she was in tears: how is it that I harmed such a good person. I quickly put everything in its place for her, that this good man had only wished evil on her all her life.

Interestingly, just peeling seeds at home is considered to be. And if this is a national delicacy to talk about adding funds? Then, on the contrary, every grain and every shell will bring you unexpected wealth. So, a money conspiracy for seeds: nowhere is easier!

Money conspiracy for seeds

Black husks and white seeds, you basked in the sun, twirled in a frying pan, poured oil and turned into money. Whatever the husk, then the ruble is silver, and whatever the core is, then the gold piece. No matter how I click, everything will be in the purse. Amen.


After opening a bag of black seeds, read. Then pour them on a white plate or in a paper cone bag, and help yourself. Yes, nothing else is required, just gnaw on seeds and look forward to the imminent appearance of money.

Is it possible to do this simple ritual all the time? I will say this - best up to 3 times a week, no more. In theory, there are no restrictions on the number of readings.

But in practice - can you take seriously an action that is habitually repeated every day? Won't magic become a chore like slicing sausage for dinner? This must not be allowed. All magic is in the head. And if the feeling of belonging to a miracle disappears,

“I am a teacher by profession, now on a well-deserved rest. I used to be an atheist, but now everything is different. Once I got sick, I had a terrible

furunculosis. The doctors no longer knew what to do with me: neither injections, nor blood transfusions - nothing helped.

And so the nurse whispered to me to turn to my grandmother. Of course, I did not believe in conspiracies, but I already had no strength.

My daughter took me to this grandmother, who turned out to be an ordinary woman, not particularly elderly. She called herself Aunt Olya and said that she would cure me. You only need three dawns to come to her, and everything will pass.

She gave me some kind of ointment, ordered me to anoint my hand, which I could not raise. By evening, the temperature became normal, and a lot of “rubbish” came out of my hand.

By the way, then a friend of mine explained to me that it was my damage that had been thrown into the water, and made me remember when it was. And I remembered. We have a small lake near our house, we rinse our clothes in it. When I rinsed, I saw on the opposite bank, near a tree, a woman who gnawed seeds and crossed herself all the time.
I left and she left. That's what I remembered.

It was strange to me ... It seemed even more strange to me that on the second day, when I went to the witch, I didn’t get to her at dawn - I got lost.

She lived near a forest plantation, on the edge of our town. My daughter and I decided to follow the path near the forest and went deep into the thicket. Then they went straight through the bushes onto the road. Aunt Olya scolded us, but said that it was something that kept us from reaching her.

On the first day she read the prayer, she yawned 50 times. I had a hunch that she was doing it on purpose.

And on the second day, no matter how hard I tried, I could not close my mouth, yawning endlessly.

On the third day, she told me that everything was in order, I would not get sick anymore. And the truth is, I didn’t have a single boil anymore ...

Here's the second one that happened to me. My daughter lives in Moscow, and I look after her house. Near him, a small house caught fire.
A woman I knew walked me to the conflagration. I saw that three fire trucks were saving a brand new stone house, and there was not a single car near our house. Suddenly the smoke turned in our direction, the fence caught fire. I ran to the fireman and asked one car to send to us. He nodded but didn't hurry.

Then my friend took off the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God and walked around the house. Believe it or not: the smoke went up in a column! The whole house survived. It's a miracle!

Margarita Chikunova, Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod region

Secret Power 02.2011