Water lily tattoo meaning for girls. What does a lily tattoo mean? History and symbolism

What is a lily tattoo? This is a very beautiful and feminine design. As a rule, a lily tattoo is tattooed in the form of one flower. Although some people prefer to stuff even whole bouquets.

Flower sizes can also range from very large to very small. Sometimes pictures are drawn along with heart-shaped leaves and stems.

Lily tattoo - main nuances

So, more details. A lily tattoo can be associated with various qualities. With femininity, purity, virginity, modesty, rebirth and beauty. In Egypt, the lily always meant fertility. In Europe - innocence (white flower), and orange - hatred. Such tattoos in most cases have a triangular shape. Apply to calves, ankles, forearms, shoulders, sides, stomach and back.

Noble flower

A lily tattoo is not just a drawing. Such an image can even be found on icons of the Annunciation. For example, in the hands of Archangel Gabriel. This flower symbolizes the Virgin Mary herself. Therefore, it is held in high esteem by every believer.

In Egypt, these flowers were used to decorate the bodies of young dead girls. People believed that they would have many children in the next world. In addition, the lily indicated, again, their innocence and purity.

Well, if you believe the German medieval legends, then elves live in lilies - fairy-tale good creatures.

General value

Next point. The “lily” tattoo has a complex meaning. But first of all, the flower speaks of calm, harmony, naivety and humility. However, the meaning also varies depending on the color.

After all, the yellow lily speaks, on the contrary, of disobedience and pride. Pink indicates tenderness and youth. Brindle or orange communicates independence, intransigence and even hatred.

Thus, when you meet a person with such a tattoo, pay attention to its color. He can tell you a lot.

Among women

Tattoos for girls - lily - are found in a wide variety of variations. For example, you can meet a girl with a heraldic (royal) flower on her body. This suggests that the lady is passionately in love with a man and dreams of staying with him throughout her life. Such a lily involuntarily brings thoughts of France to others. It was she who was always depicted on the coats of arms of the French monarchs, and also spoke of faith in nobility, greatness and all the best.

These tattoos are mostly done by the fair sex. However, let’s not forget about one more point. In ancient times, such designs were made exclusively by women of easy virtue. Today, the nature of such an image depends on what exactly the girl wants to put into it.

In any case, it is worth noting that a woman with a lily tattooed on her body is beautiful and charming. At the same time, she is absolutely not alien to such qualities as kindness, modesty and tenderness, as already mentioned above. She can be a faithful and submissive wife, a reliable companion for her other half.

In addition, the owner of such a tattoo is a person who is not devoid of creativity. Such a woman has well-developed artistic abilities. She is distinguished by a very subtle mental organization.

In men

A tattoo (lily) can have a certain meaning on the body of representatives of the stronger sex. However, only in a specific case. When a man has a lily on his shoulder next to a sword. This speaks of nobility, masculinity and loyalty to one's ideals. In addition, for such a man the concepts of honor, friendship and loyalty to his own word will be of great importance.

In prison

A lily tattoo on the shoulder in the underworld is found in most cases on women. Zonov's pattern can mean unconventional orientation or easy behavior.

So, the meaning of this tattoo is very rich, varied and not always positive. Don’t forget what was already mentioned above: at one time, easily accessible women, prostitutes, were branded with this image.

However, the more beautiful a flower looks, the richer and deeper its symbolism. The more difficult it is to fully comprehend and understand.

The main thing is that the owners of these tattoos cannot even imagine themselves without them. They seem to merge with them as one. They complement each other. And let some people consider the lily to be a stigma. Doesn't matter. For the owner of such a design, it is a sign of distinction, a way to stand out from the surrounding gray crowd. Rest assured, such people do not go unnoticed! After all, a well-stuffed flower is also very beautiful!

Water lily and lotus tattoos are not the same thing at all. People who are far from the world of biology and plants often confuse these two flowers. However, in an artistic tattoo, a lotus and a water lily have completely different meanings, and those who want to put a beautiful picture on their body should first think about the meaning of the sketch.
In order to understand the meaning of a water lily tattoo, you should first think about what this plant symbolized for different peoples. Unlike the lotus, which is an important symbol for Eastern people, the water lily is a European plant.

Our Slavic ancestors believed in the mystical properties of this flower. He could protect people from evil forces and other troubles, help defeat enemies, or, conversely, destroy a person who was looking for a water lily with evil intent. Among the Slavs, the water lily also has other names: overcome-grass, white water lily and others. Also, since ancient times, this plant has been considered a symbol of purity, purity and delicate beauty. Overcoming grass is often found in stories about mermaids, which justifies its other name - mermaid flower.

Among the Scandinavian peoples, beautiful nymphs and elves live on the flowers and leaves of the plant. There is a mention of this plant among the ancient Greeks. According to legend, the nymph, burning with unrequited love for Hercules, turned into a water lily. There is a similar story in the legends of the northern Germans. The ancient Greeks also described the flower as a symbol of beauty; according to some legends, it can also give eloquence.

Meaning of water lily tattoo

Water lily is a tattoo that means not only beauty and innocence. This is a symbol with a much deeper meaning: the mermaid flower on the body symbolizes the connection between the past and the present. The fact is that this plant has very strong stems that go deep under water. This is how the meaning of the water lily tattoo appeared.

Some people also believe that water lilies on the body signify a cherished desire. If you tattoo such a design on your body, your dream will definitely come true, because the water lily appears from a star that fell from heaven onto the lake.

Mermaid flowers are stuffed by people who often go on long trips. It is believed that the water lily can protect from evil people, diseases and misfortunes, and even give strength and fearlessness.

Where would a water lily tattoo look best?

This delicate flower looks equally attractive on any part of the body. Most often, people choose a sketch for the back, because there is enough space to fill a large drawing, it is better to display the variety of colors and the originality of the idea. The bravest girls put such a picture on the lower abdomen or even on the pubic area - however, do not forget that such work requires real professionalism from the artist in getting tattoos and planning the placement of the sketch.

Small water lilies in black and white also look good on the wrist or higher on the forearm. This option combines well with other sketches and is easily complemented with meaningful inscriptions (this is especially important for people who stuff a flower to make a wish come true).

You can also stuff a water lily on your foot. This idea will look best in realism, using a large number of colors. Typically, such sketches do not require additions in the form of other elements.

What colors are used?

Most often, people turn to the artist for a sketch of a water lily with a ready-made photograph they like. It is logical that in this case the tattoo artist simply focuses on the shades shown in the photo, although he may offer other colors to make the tattoo look more attractive on a specific area of ​​the body. In any case, regardless of the colors of the design, the water lily tattoo is interpreted the same way in all countries.

Typically, water lilies are stuffed either in black (if we are talking about black and red styles) or in bright shades: purple, yellow, red, blue with green leaves. If there are any other elements, they can be painted in any color.

Water lilies in women's and men's tattoos

Flowers are most often filled by girls, while boys usually prefer more “aggressive” and masculine designs. However, there is a nuance here too. The water lily is often used in men's tattoos when properly combined with other designs. The plant looks good in combination with the Japanese style, for example, with carp. You can also fill the water lily in black and combine it with dotwork (dotwork) or blackwork (dense painting with black paint).

As for the meaning, it is the same for both men and women, the only difference is in the colors of the tattoo and its design.

In what styles are mermaid flowers beaten?

Since most often the main task of the master when stuffing water lilies is to reveal the tenderness of the colors of the flower, to convey its mystery and mystical meaning, it is best to choose sketches in the style of “realism”. This option will allow you to better convey the idea of ​​the drawing, as well as interestingly play with the combination of shades.

They often combine realism with Japan. This combination is more common among men, although with the right choice of sketches, the combination of a somewhat rough oriental style and a delicate realistic flower looks very original.

The combination of the other two styles, finishing work (or graphics) with watercolors, looks no less attractive. The black water lily conveys the meaning of the tattoo, and the bright drips of paint prevent the design from becoming too gloomy or boring.

What to combine water lily with?

In addition to carp, other inhabitants of the lake and forest, for example, frogs or butterflies, go well with water lilies. Also in a tattoo, the combination of a mermaid flower with dragonflies or other plants looks interesting. However, most often water lilies are complemented with inscriptions or ornate patterns.

Bottom line

Regardless of the meaning of the water lily tattoo that is closest to you, we must not forget that it can bring good luck and help you achieve your goals. Stuff a beautiful flower, and what if your cherished dream comes true?

Tattoos illustrating flowers and plants occupy a fairly important place in tattoo culture. Some people choose them for their beauty and bright colors, while others choose them for the special secret meaning that our ancestors endowed flowers with. Today we will find out the meaning of the water lily tattoo.

History and symbolism

Many wonderful legends and tales are associated with water lily flowers. Images of these beautiful plants gained the greatest popularity in the territories of what is now Europe. For example, in Ancient Greece this flower was revered and respected. The water lily had a special meaning for girls. She was a symbol of femininity, grace and unearthly beauty. When delicate, unusually beautiful flowers appeared on the shiny surface of reservoirs, young girls wove them into their hair and decorated their clothes with them. The Greeks also believed that they were able to give eloquence.

And in northern Germany, the water lily was given a different name - swan flower. According to legend, if a warrior wore a coat of arms with seven white water lilies, then they granted him fearlessness, incredible strength and will, and the gates of the cities themselves opened before his troops.

Among our Slavic ancestors, the water lily was also endowed with a special sacred meaning. It was credited with healing and magical properties, and was even called overpowering grass. This is exactly what the plant was called in Slavic myths and fairy tales, which was the most powerful amulet, capable of protecting against demonic spells, evil spirits, filth and disease.

Also, according to another legend, water lilies grew from stars falling from the sky and ending up in lakes. According to custom, when watching a falling star, you need to make a wish, and it will come true. It’s not difficult to guess what the water lily tattoo means. Of course, the belief that everything dreamed will definitely come true sooner or later.

The place of the water lily in tattoo art

Contrary to all conventions, a tattoo with a water lily will suit both a delicate, fragile girl and a strong and courageous man. After all, for each of them this image will carry a special, individual and important meaning. The only difference is which style is better for a girl and which for a man.

The most common style for depicting flowers in tattoo culture is watercolor. This style is famous for its colorfulness, expression, liveliness and originality, because this is real painting on the human body. A tattoo in this style can embody any impulse of the soul, convey any mood and evoke a variety of feelings with the help of careless lines, strokes, halftones and transitions. When you see a photo of a water lily tattoo, you will see how beautiful this design in watercolor style looks. A watercolor tattoo is especially suitable for women and will become a real decoration on the body of any girl.

Another style that perfectly conveys all the beauty and charm of this flower is oriental. This direction involves the use of traditional motifs and elements of the culture of eastern countries. The most common are drawings of dragons, tigers, fish, flowers, chrysanthemums, or, geishas and samurai warriors. Well, the topics of work are very, very diverse. It could be mythology, religion, philosophy, or just images of plants and animals. An important feature of oriental style tattoos is their size. They rarely take up little space on the body. Such work can simultaneously combine images of animals and trees, fish, flowers and unusual patterns, thereby creating a complete picture with its own history, plot and mystery, which not everyone can solve.

If you have already chosen a sketch for yourself, then do not forget to take into account the features of its shape and size. For very small designs, it is better to choose the wrist, ankle or neck. Not very large vertical images look great on the forearm or lower leg. Well, shoulders and hips are the most advantageous places for larger, round or oval tattoos. Floral motifs also look great in feminine V-shapes above the bust or inverted "V" designs that sit below the bust.

Many women who want to decorate their body with tattoos choose floral motifs. Indeed, they look appropriate on ladies of any age. This is not a drawing that you should be ashamed of as an adult. Which flower to choose? The lotus (tattoo) looks impressive. This symbol can have a multifaceted meaning; it is not without reason that it is mentioned in many religions and cultures. Lotus is always associated with something good. If you are sure that you want to see this particular symbol on your skin, feel free to tattoo it without any higher meaning, just for the sake of beauty.

A beautiful flower with a stubborn character

Today you can see the lotus in many greenhouses and botanical gardens. In different plant species, inflorescences vary in size and color. One thing unites them. All lotuses grow in swampy places, where it is not so easy for humans to reach. The plant makes its way from the very muddy bottom through the muddy waters to the surface in order to open its buds to meet the sun. It is for this reason that the lotus (tattoo) often has the meaning of determination and firmness of intentions. This symbol is chosen for themselves by people who have these qualities and those who are just trying to develop them. But this is not the only interpretation of the sign; for centuries, the beautiful flower has occupied the minds of many philosophers. For this reason, references to the marsh flower are found in the cultures of many peoples.

Lotus in the ancient world

Anyone thinks about how the vast majority of people will interpret the chosen drawing. It's worth thinking about this, even if you choose a harmless tattoo traditionally associated with Ancient Egypt and the East. In the kingdom of the pharaohs, this plant was considered sacred; it was depicted along with the solar gods, symbolizing the constancy of cycles, eternal life and wisdom. If we turn to Buddhism, we can see that gods and sages are depicted on lotus inflorescences during meditation. It is not difficult to guess what a lotus tattoo means in the context of this religion. This is the enlightenment of consciousness and the desire to know the highest. Many peoples describe the lotus as a symbol of femininity because of the shape of its inflorescences. The population of Ancient Rome, who considered the goddess of love, was no exception.

Modern meaning of the symbol

The lotus is definitely a positive symbol. Throughout its history, it has not been mentioned in any culture as a bad sign. In China, these inflorescences symbolize love and fidelity, as well as marital union. If you rely on this meaning, such a pattern can be chosen to create lovers. It is believed that the lotus (tattoo) also has a mystical meaning. Sometimes this inflorescence is tattooed on their skin by people associated with spiritual practices, magic and fortune telling. The symbol is not suitable for warlocks and those who wish harm to others, since one of its meanings is purity. You should only stuff a lotus with pure thoughts and good intentions. People who are planning to change a lot in their lives often choose a tattoo in the form of this flower. Remember that all signs applied to the skin carry strong energy. You need to approach the choice of tattoo consciously. If you decide to depict a lotus, in the future you will have to match the meaning and character of this flower.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

Positive symbols can be printed on any part of the body - it is completely safe. The choice of place for a tattoo depends on your desire and lifestyle. For people working in industries that require a strict dress code, it makes sense to choose areas of skin for tattoos that are easy to hide under clothing. These are the back, hips and buttocks, stomach, upper arms and shoulders. If the opinion of your superiors and the public about your appearance does not bother you, you can safely choose any part of the body. A lotus tattoo on a leg or arm looks interesting; it can be complemented with a plant-type ornament or a random pattern. This flower is often depicted together with a goldfish or other oriental symbols. In this case, the meaning of the tattoo can be interpreted as the desire for an existing goal in combination with luck and the favor of external factors. When creating a sketch, remember that a water lily and a lotus (tattoo) have different meanings. Learn to distinguish between these plants and, if you want to proudly wear the one that has been revered throughout the world since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs, do not confuse it with the egg capsule or other plants of swampy ponds.

The lily today is a very popular symbol in tattoos, especially those intended for women. The main symbolic meaning of a lily tattoo is somewhat similar to the characteristics of a lotus flower in eastern countries. Basically, the lily is personified with harmony, tranquility, nobility, glory and purity, and also peace, majesty and tenderness.

You can learn more interesting things about attractive lily tattoos from the following material.

The lily symbol has been popular in many cultures and religious traditions around the world. In the West, the lily had almost similar characteristics to the lotus flower in the culture of the Easterners.

In ancient Rome, only members of the elite of society had the right to use the image of a lily. There it was minted on coins, plus everything the lily represented hope.

Among the ancient Greeks, the lily patronized the virgin goddesses; it was believed that this delicate plant was born from the milk of the goddess Hera.

The ancient Egyptians personified the lily flower with prosperity and fertility. There was also a tradition of decorating the bodies of dead virgin girls with the flowers of this plant. Subsequently, this began to indicate the transience of life and early death.

German legends and myths tell about elves living in these mystical flowers.

Among the French, the lily was revered as a royal symbol; its image can be found on the coats of arms of various representatives of the aristocracy. At the same time, there was a tradition of applying a flower to the shoulder area of ​​girls of frivolous behavior.

For adherents of Christianity, the snow-white lily is associated with the Mother of God, and therefore symbolizes meekness, modesty, innocence and humility. Looking at many icons, you can see how the Archangel Gabriel holds a lily flower in his hands.

Lily tattoo meaning

In nature, there are a large number of different types of lily flowers, which means that its meaning will vary based on the specific variety. Let's look at all the possible options in more detail below.

A large number of lilies

Quite common variants of women's tattoos depict a stem from which lily flowers emanate. This version of the drawing represents eternal life and reincarnation.

Dark lily

If a lily flower is decorated in dark shades, it can evoke thoughts about the beauty of the night and hidden desires. Mysterious and mystical dark lilies are very different from light tones, innocent and naive. Bright red or black flowers reflect passion.

White lily

The flower, depicted in a delicate light palette, surrounded by thorns and weeds, symbolizes innocence and purity, and also seems to thrive against the backdrop of a cruel and vicious reality.

Used on its own, without the presence of any auxiliary elements, this plant represents modesty, purity, innocence, embarrassment and naivety. Flowers are designed to inspire thoughts about sinlessness, fragility and chastity.

Orange lily

Tattoos with an orange lily, on the one hand, tell about originality, independence, original thinking, and on the other hand, they talk about a feeling of hatred.

Pink lily

This interesting version of the plant in pink colors will tell about the delicacy, tenderness and beauty of youth.

Yellow lily

The majestic yellow lily indicates inaccessibility, pride and arrogance.

Fairy lily

Fantastic versions of lily images, which are in demand among dreamy lovers of fairy tales and fans of myths, are believed to be inhabited by elves.

Thus, medieval German folklore claims that elves are inextricably linked with the buds and die when the plant withers.


Take a closer look at the images of the fleur-de-lis and you will see that it does not at all resemble the real flower. Variants of stylized drawings are highly unrealistic, but at the same time they have different positive characteristics.

The classic version of the tattoo is a flower with three petals. Moreover, the image has recognizable outlines, since one of the petals is located in the central part, and the second two are bent and deviated from the first.

Most likely, the prototype of this stylized version of the tattoo was the yellow iris, which is part of the lily flower family. As a rule, a tattoo with a heraldic lily is performed in cases where a person wants to emphasize his noble origin or wealth. This is why heraldry is not very popular among men.

Royal lily

A royal lily tattoo will change its meaning based on the color scheme. For example, the buds of a tiger lily will tell about a person’s independence, great creative potential and originality of personality.

Other meaning options

Different cultures around the world interpret the lily flower as a symbol of fertility, for example, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt.

The most common interpretation is the association of the lily with nobility.

But we should also not forget that the meaning of a lily tattoo as a female symbol is very rich, not monotonous, but not in all cases positive. Indeed, at one time, a lily tattoo applied to the shoulder was a shameful mark, which designated women of not the strictest moral principles.

The meaning of lily tattoos for men

It should be noted that representatives of the stronger half of humanity decide to depict a lily on their body in extremely rare cases. Basically, this is still a female symbol, and the only exceptions can be those versions of tattoos in which the lily is depicted together with honey.

Then she will act as a symbol of nobility, masculinity and loyalty to her principles. A man who decides to get such a tattoo is distinguished by honesty, loyalty and is always responsible for his words.

The meaning of a tattoo on the zone

You can find a variant of a tattooed lily on the shoulder, usually again on women. In this case, the tattoo will tell about the person’s unconventional sexual orientation or excessively frivolous behavior.

One can draw a logical conclusion that the more attractive the lily flower in a tattoo is, the more expressive symbolism it will have and the more difficult it will be to understand its meaning.

The most important thing is that people who have had such a tattoo can no longer even imagine themselves without it. It’s as if it becomes a part of their body, begins to mutually complement them.

And it doesn’t matter at all that someone still associates this symbol with a stigma. After all, for the bearer of a tattoo, such an image is a distinctive sign that distinguishes the individual from others.

Therefore, if you decide to get a lily tattoo, you can be sure that you will definitely not be left without attention; a correctly executed lily flower will add even more visual appeal to you!