Kittens made from socks. Master Class. Fragrant cat made from a sock Craft from a cat sock step by step

From a pair of ordinary socks you can sew a wonderful soft toy, which can not only be an attribute for children to play with, but also a wonderful decorative element in the overall interior of your home. The next master class will tell you how to make such a cute kitten with your own hands.

To sew a soft toy you will need the following materials and tools:
-a pair of new socks;
-filler (cotton wool, holofiber, padding polyester, padding polyester);
- embroidery threads in brown, green and pink colors;
-sewing threads;
-buttons (2 pieces);
- pink fabric (felt, fleece, jersey, cotton);
- a simple pencil;

Instructions for making a toy from socks.
1. Turn the socks inside out.
2. On one sock, draw lines on the contours of the figure’s front and back legs.

3. On the second sock we draw a sketch of the head and tail.

4. We sew the parts along the outlined contours as shown in the photo.

5. Cut the socks into pieces, leaving 0.5 centimeters from the seams.

6. Turn all the blanks right side out.

7. Stuff the body of the toy with filler through the holes in the legs. Then we sew up the holes with a neat seam.

8. Fill the head.

9. We sew stitches along the edge of the head part, tighten the thread and secure it with a knot.

10. Fill the tail piece and sew up the hole.

11. Sew the head to the body.

12. Sew on the tail.

Now I will tell you how to make a cat out of a sock with your own hands, and also demonstrate a master class with step-by-step photo instructions. We just recently created, and this craft is certainly similar and has several similar steps. Mostly girls do this type of homemade work, since many people like to sew and cut things. You won’t need a lot of material, the most important thing is to find suitable colorful socks, padding polyester or synthetic padding, as well as little things: a needle, scissors, threads and accessories.

Making a sock cat with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the step-by-step steps that I provide in the photo. Children love to play with such toys, so they are increasingly gaining popularity among handicrafts. Let's start creating a cat out of socks.

Let's prepare some bright and colorful socks. The larger the size, the more massive and larger the craft will be.

Now we need to outline the part that we will cut out. On the toe, in the area of ​​the toes, draw a small arc and pin it on the side with pins.

Carefully cut out what you planned.

If you don’t have a sewing machine, then manually hem the part that was cut.

For clarity, this is how it will look. We created the cat's front legs.

Take a padding polyester and stuff a sock with it. It’s dense, so that the created paws also have a lot of padding polyester.

This is what it will look like.

We sew up the side through which the sock was stuffed with padding polyester.

On the side where the hole was just sewn up, we make a seam and visually separate both legs. We immediately prepare the second sock.

The second sock will also need some work. It is needed to create the head. We make markings, you need to cut off almost the entire part where the toes are and pin the middle of the sock with a pin.

This is what it turns out. Carefully cut out.

We hem the part that was cut off and turn the workpiece inside out.

This is what it will look like up close.

We do not fill the entire workpiece with padding polyester. We stop just below the heel.

We cut off the unnecessary part, just below the heel near the toe.

We put in a lot of padding polyester so that the cat’s head is firm.

We hem the head carefully so that the padding polyester does not fall out. And connect it to the main part, the body of the cat.

We sew on the fittings and tie a bow around the neck.

Our closest neighbors are cats and kittens, so it is not at all surprising that they are given a special place in our lives. A simple cat toy made from socks, you can make it with your own hands without unnecessary complications.

To make this cat, you don’t need to take old worn out socks - the toy will turn out ugly. Maybe there is a bright mismatched sock that has been waiting for this moment.

What you need for work:

  1. Sock.
  2. Scissors.
  3. The material for stuffing the cat is padding polyester or batting.
  4. Needle with thread.
  5. Buttons and yarn for decoration.

First, let's determine what length you like. If you want to do this, leave the very bottom of the sock.

Then you need to stuff the cat’s body and head with padding polyester. Stuff the body more tightly so that the head is not too big. After stuffing, fold the edge of the cut inward and baste with pins. Try to make sure that the arrows do not go. Sew along the basting line and pull the corners to .

Remember the product, giving it the desired shape. Adjust your ears so they are pointed. Draw with a marker or pen. Then we embroider the muzzle with black threads using a “back needle” stitch. Make a scarf for your cat from braid or thread with a button. So we made a craft from socks with our own hands.

This cat is not easy to sew, but very simple. You don't need any special skills to work - just be able to hold a needle in your hand. A child can make a toy if you help him a little.

Materials that we will need for work:

  1. Felt scraps
  2. Buttons
  3. Socks
  4. Sintepon

Let's start our master class. First, cut off the elastic at the toe, then cut the sock from the top to the beginning of the heel. We will get a torso and two legs. From the second sock you need to cut off a strip that will be the tail, as well as two triangles that will become the ears. For the inner parts of the ears you will need pink felt. We cut the toe into two parts, they will become the cat’s paws.

We stuff the top with padding polyester, fold the cut bottom strips face to face, and sew the legs with any small stitches. We turn and stuff each paw and sew up the hole.

In order to mark the neck, you need to sew a seam with a “needle forward” stitch below the head, then pull the thread and secure it.

Now we take a sock of a different color and cut it this way: we cut off the part with the heel and toe, we simply don’t need them. The upper part of the sock with the elastic band will become the sweater, and the middle part will become the sleeves; it needs to be cut in the middle. We turn the bottom of the sweater one centimeter to the wrong side and carefully hem it. Now you can put this sweater on the cat, then sew the paws to the sleeve blanks, then sew them on the side and turn them inside out. We stuff the paws with padding polyester, turn the top of the sleeves slightly inward and sew up the hole. We sew it to the sweater, grabbing each leg of the body.

We fold the blank for the tail, stitch it from the wrong side and stitch it, now we turn it inside out, a pencil will help us with this. After this, we stuff the tail with padding polyester and carefully sew it to the cat’s body.

We take pink knitwear and make an overlay for the cat’s face from it. To do this, first mark a place and sew a piece of knitwear over the edge with a frequent seam, put a little padding polyester inside and, turning all the edges inward, sew further. For the bridge of the nose, select a light triangle made of felt, sew two such triangles together and sew them on first, then add padding polyester and sew up the hole. Now we make the ears; to do this, we fold the triangles in pairs and sew them together. We sew the ears into the right place for the cat. They must first be gathered and small folds made, and then sewn on.

Probably in every home there is a pair of unnecessary socks or two socks that you just can’t find a pair for. Why not make a cute toy for your child from them? If you don’t have a baby at home, then such a toy can become a good pincushion or simply play the role of decor in the house. From this article you will learn how to make a cat out of a sock in several ways.

Method 1

For further work you need to stock up on the following components:

  • Two children's socks (you can use paired socks or different ones).
  • Filling (this can be padding polyester, foam rubber, dish sponges, holofiber and other fillings).
  • Fabric scissors.
  • Needle.
  • Thread matching the color.

To make a cute kitten from just two unnecessary socks, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

  1. The first step is to sew the body of the future cat toy. For this purpose, you need to take one sock and cut off the cuff from it.
  2. Make one small cut on the side of the sock cuff.
  3. Turn the product inside out. Sew the cut edges completely on the front side, and leave a hole on the cuff side so that later you can turn the product inside out and fill it with stuffing.
  4. Turn the product inside out and then fill it with padding polyester or other filler.
  5. Sew up the hole left in the sock seal with your own hands. To do this, the hole must be gathered in a circle with a thread and tightened, while hiding the edges inside the kitten.
  6. The nose and cuff of the second sock should be cut off. The heel will be the kitten’s muzzle, so you need to cut out the ears on the resulting pattern.
  7. Turn the workpiece inside out and then stitch it from the side of the ears.
  8. Turn the product right side out, fill the head with the same stuffing, and then tighten the edge of the head with thread.
  9. Sew the resulting part to the body of the cat.
  10. Cut out the tail, sew it, stuff it, and then sew it to the almost finished cat.
  11. Attach small eyes to the toy - they can be purchased at the store or made from improvised materials.
  12. Embroider the remaining components of the face (nose, mouth and antennae) on the toy using satin stitch.

Method 2

In order to make a fat cat from a sock with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials for work:

  • A pair of socks (preferably the same ones).
  • Any filler.
  • Thread and needle.

To sew a fat tumbler cat yourself, you need to be very careful and follow the given procedure:

  1. Fill one of the prepared socks about halfway.
  2. Form a circle from the filler, then continue filling the pot-bellied toy to the end.
  3. Sew so that the corners stick out a little. These corners will be the ears.
  4. Draw a cheerful face with a simple pencil, and then start embroidering it with satin stitch.
  5. Take the second sock and cut it into two equal parts. Fold the bottom part lengthwise and cut.
  6. Sew these halves together and fill them with stuffing. You will get cute front paws.
  7. Sew a kitten from a sock with your own hands along with the front paws - they should look up.
  8. From the material that you have left, you can make a cat collar.

The original tumbler toy made from socks is ready!

Method 3

In order to independently sew a small toy cat from children's socks, you need to prepare in advance some materials that any needlewoman will find in the house:

  • Two socks (they may vary in color).
  • Thread matching the color.
  • Needle.
  • Black floss thread for the cat's face.
  • Any type of filler.
  • Buttons, felt or decorative eyes from a special store.

All the necessary items have been prepared, now you can proceed directly to the master class. In order to make a cat from a sock, you need:

  1. The first step is to cut out the body of the future toy. For this purpose, you need to cut off the cuff and nose of the baby sock, making a cut at the bottom. The hind legs and body are cut out.
  2. The cut off nose of the product will act as a tail. We stitch it and fill it with padding.
  3. Sew the kitten's body, stuff it with prepared padding made of padding polyester or other material.
  4. From the heel of the second sock you need to make a muzzle for the kitten, making a small cut on this part - these are the ears. Next, this part needs to be stitched and filled with stuffing.
  5. Tighten the unstitched part of the head and body tightly with thread.
  6. Embroider a cute face on the cat's head.
  7. Sew the head to the cat's body.
  8. Sew the tail made at the very beginning to the product.
  9. Use the elastic band of the first sock to make a scarf for the kitten - this way you will hide the seam on the cat’s neck.
  10. The cat's front legs must be made so that they are inseparable from the body. To highlight them, they need to be sewn on the body with several strong stitches.

A toy cat made from children's socks is ready! If desired, you can decorate it with additional decorative elements.

Evgenia Ushakova
Master class “Soft toy “Kitten” made from socks”

DIY kitten toy made from socks. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Master Class: Soft toy« Kitty» from socks, with step-by-step photos.

Description: World soft toys are very diverse. And sew soft toy made from socks doing it yourself is not only an exciting activity, it is always a great mood at the end of the work and a good mood for those who the toy falls into the hands. Master-The handicraft class is designed to work with children.

Target: manufacturing soft toy made from socks.

Tasks: Learn to sew soft toy made from socks, establish the rules for safe work with a needle and scissors; develop cognitive activity, instill aesthetic taste; cultivate neatness, precision in work, hard work, positive emotions.

Equipment: sewing tools (needles, scissors, pins, threads, socks, filler, technological map, sample.

Hello guys! Guess the riddle.

We are familiar with this beast

And he only lives at home.

He has a big mustache

He will sing you a song.

Only the mouse is afraid of him,

He quickly runs into the hole. (cat)

Well done! That's right, it's a cat or a cat.

Manufacturing process soft toy(kitten) from socks:

1. First let's sew the body kitten. Take one sock, cut off the cuff and make slits sock and from the cuff side.

2. Turn the sock inside out. Sew from the side sock completely along the edge of the cut, and sew on the cuff side, leaving a hole in order to turn the sock inside out later.

3. Turn the product inside out.

4. Stuff the torso kitten filler and sew up the holes (gather the hole in a circle with a thread and tighten it, hiding the edges inside).

5. The second one sock cut off the cuff and toe, heel sock- this will be the muzzle kitten. On the resulting pattern we cut out the ears.

6. Sew the head piece from the side of the ears.

7. Turn out the head piece. Fill it with filler. Place the edges on the thread and pull, securing the thread.

8. Sew the head part to the body.

9. From the rest sock cut tail, sew along the edge.

10. Turn the tail inside out, stuff it with stuffing and sew it in the right place to the kitten.

11. Let's make eyes for kitten(you can sew on beads, cut out and sew on eyes from felt). We will make it from buttons.

12. Sew the eyes onto the muzzle. Cut out a nose from felt and sew it to the muzzle kitten, let's make a mustache and a mouth. Made from black thread.

We got a good one kitty.

Students in my class sewed kittens from socks.

With these toys they can play by themselves, or they can give it to their younger brothers and sisters. And look, they turned out to be very interesting kittens.

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