Lessons of seduction of women. How to Seduce a Man Quickly: The Best of the Geisha Experience

Seduction is the ability to attract another to you. Seduction predetermines the presence of a charm that makes the other change his trajectory and want to taste the forbidden fruit. You don't have to be a Hollywood star to successfully seduce. A temptress is one who takes a man on board with her attractiveness, sex appeal, sensuality, her style. She is self-confident, she always has a desire to please, to conquer. The seductress delights and attracts.
Seduction is pleasure. You don't have to be a professional seductress to win. The most important thing is to send clear enough messages so that the object of your seduction can understand them. Do not promise too much so as not to scare him. Use classic seduction tricks for this: smiles, courtesies, promising looks, sexual behavior and sexual gestures. 60% of the success of communication is not said out loud, but told with the help of these modest tricks. Although some people are seduced by beautiful speech. As for courtship, the words you use must be very subtle so as not to cause the opposite effect. Seduction is a game that has several stages. You must first, little by little, tame a man to yourself, enter his intimate space, personal life, and then lead him along. Even if the one on which you are testing the powers of your charm behaves calmly, this does not mean that he is not hurt. It could be timidity or protection rather than your defeat. Over time, you can gain confidence in you, because allowing yourself to be seduced is also not easy. People who are seduced tend to be defensive. In order to, despite everything, overcome all obstacles and win the trust of another, put yourself in his place and try to experience what he experiences, see what he sees, and love what he loves. Try to enter into symbiosis with him.
By definition, seduction is a foreplay, something that happens before "use". And this prelude is inevitable, it is she who causes desire. To bring your partner to a certain condition, there are so many different ways: small gifts, unforgettable romantic candlelight dinners, intimate music, sexy attire, flirty lingerie. Sometimes a small detail is enough to give free rein to a man's imagination: a strap that has fallen off his shoulder, an unbuttoned button, an exciting scent of perfume, not to mention such "experts" in this field as striptease, belly dancing or consistent coquettish undressing, a belt with stockings are an indispensable element in the arsenal of a real seductress, not to mention seductive red lingerie and a glass of wine that can help to relax. In nature, how many people, so many different tastes.
Before you determine your type of seductress - a vamp woman, an intellectual woman, a woman-boy, a woman-child, a natural woman - you need to know that there are as many seduction techniques in the world as there are people. You can draw hundreds of other types, but do not forget that a woman is diverse and behind each of these archetypes of seductresses who enjoy society, hiding one diverse and very changeable Woman. Today she can appear before the public as a boy, and tomorrow as a sexy stunning woman.

Among the main types of seductresses are:
A vamp who loves plunging cleavages, tight dresses, feathers, sequins and sexy lingerie. She prefers red and gold colors and leopard print. Such a woman loves to be in the company of men, she uses her charm and even abuses it.

Woman star, or secular lady- stylish, with ideal proportions of a figure like a fashion model, with perfect make-up - the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. She gets all the men she wants. But, despite the fact that everyone dreams of her, only the most courageous will want to touch this star.
The classic seductress has perfect clothes, her hair is neatly cut, she loves small suits like Chanel, Longchamp handbags and colorless nail polish - such a little bourgeois lady, maybe even a little authoritarian. She gives men the right to take care of her. She likes love and sex in all their manifestations. But she won't do it to just anyone.
The chrysalis is fragile, delicate, with appetizing roundness, with porcelain-colored skin, it always smells good. She is capricious, and she likes to be desired. It is as if she was born for the pleasure of men with refined taste.
natural girl- most likely, in beautifully fitting jeans or in a romantic dress. She seduces with her spontaneity, mind games and facial expressions. For her, sex is not a priority, it is rather a logical conclusion to seduction. She is sensual, warm, gentle, not a conformist, primarily preferring simple and sincere relationships. Sometimes she lacks sophistication and festivity a little.
A naive seductress - a woman-child, Lolita. She touches men with her naivety, she is emotional, not very self-confident. This is a woman who seduces against her will. She needs to be discovered and seduced, although her gullibility can sometimes be just a game.

And now we will learn by heart the commandments of the temptress.

  1. In order to arouse his interest, in the company behave as if he is not around. If he has even a little pride, then it should hurt him.
  2. Flirt with others to get him to react. The spirit of competition is the most effective bait on your impromptu fishing. How to flirt with men, you can read a very useful article.
  3. With genuine interest, listen to the stories he tells, his sexual adventures and the secrets of success. He will easily and gratefully call the one who did not utter a word about herself, but only listened to him with admiring attention, an excellent interlocutor.
  4. And shock him with your speech, prepared in advance. Your erudition at the right time will make him proud of you, even if he does not yet have the moral right to do so.
  5. And, of course, ask him appropriate questions in areas in which he feels like an expert (stock exchange rates, football matches, new sensational books). After all, nothing is more pleasant for men than to feel at their best.
  6. Depict the good Samaritan, fulfill his little desires: serve a glass of your favorite drink, add sugar to his coffee and stir it with a spoon, then give him a foot massage. It's so touching!
  7. Seem fragile, weak, defenseless, to give him the opportunity to be a strong protector. He was prepared for this from childhood.
  8. Play the role of a woman who is free from prejudice, who is not afraid of either the number of men or the amount of sex.
  9. Also, introduce him to your most beautiful girlfriends to raise your price. Or vice versa, with the ugliest - for the same purpose.
  10. And, most importantly, dress very sexy, fashionable and luxurious to look the most seductive.

And now I will tell you a terrible secret. What modern men love, and what they would like. Among the sexual fantasies and wishes of men, the following are in the lead:

  • A man would like to make love to two women at once.
  • A man loves everything new. A man loves proactive women in love.
  • A man would like to know "Kama Sutra" by heart. According to all the statistics in the world, men prefer oral sex.

Men love women who are not afraid to discuss their sexual fantasies. This indicates their readiness to move on to concrete actions. Men like it when women caress his pets, dog or cat.
As an example of the effectiveness of using psychological techniques to seduce men, I would like to tell you the story of famous people, I will not tell you their names, but I think that you will recognize them anyway. This brilliant illustration could be called "Conditioned Reflexes

Seducing a man is a whole art that one cannot quickly learn on one's own. Therefore, we want to offer you some effective lessons on seducing adults and mature candidates, young people. You will learn what tricks exist to arouse sexual attraction to yourself, what to do if a young man is much younger or old for you, correct or wealthy. We will share the secrets of geisha who can seduce any man.

Some gestures have literally magical powers. With their help, you can influence the subconscious of a man and cause insane passion.

  • Hair. Depict thoughtfulness and slowly play with the ends of your hair. Sometimes a mesmerized guy will literally pass out watching you play. Turn on his consciousness again, straightening his hair with a careless gesture. All gestures should be done slowly, hinting to the man that you are relaxed and not in a hurry.
  • Lips. Slightly parted lips, paired with relaxed eyes, have an added appeal. At the same time, lightly lick them with the tip of your tongue, but do not forget about naturalness.
  • Wrists. This part of the hand subconsciously attracts special attention. Demonstration of the inside of the thinnest part of the arm causes an irresistible desire in a man. Use a bracelet for this. Casual play with them or wristwatches will increase your chances.
  • Legs. The classic crossover does not need further clarification. Such a gesture is associated with a guy with passion and the desire to receive pleasure.
  • Facial expression. Languid looks with slightly relaxed upper eyelids will make a lasting impression on a man. Practice in front of a mirror.
  • Touching your body. Touch your nose, neck, hands. This is where the mirror effect comes into play. Both the elderly and the young will subconsciously understand that a woman expects such touches from him.

You can choose any of these gestures or combine two or more at once!

How to dress for the plan to work

Real geishas take non-revealing outfits (mini-skirts and tops, lingerie). Their trump card is the ability to gracefully walk: wag their hips, keep their back straight, look only forward. All movements must be smooth. To make them interesting, you need to choose flowing clothes, from shiny, iridescent fabrics, without a deep neckline. Openness no longer attracts anyone, the Internet is full of naked bodies available at any moment.

Avoid patent leather over the knee boots, they look awful and tasteless! In them you will look like a runaway from the panel or a brothel. Balance between the overtly sexy and the casual with sandals or high wedges.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Word magic: quick seduction in a minute

If we are talking about a person you already know, tell us how your body reacts:

  • I'm on fire;
  • you cause a pleasant shiver;
  • I would like to feel your touch;
  • your look excites me;
  • everything in your body drives me crazy;
  • you seem to penetrate me.

Use special words to address a man:

  • you are my gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • Darling;
  • expensive;
  • sexual.

Words relating to your feelings should be pronounced especially softly and gently. Do not forget about facial expressions and other gestures.

Do not miss the opportunity to call a man by name. This has an amazing effect on the male subconscious. You can fix the result with the help of unobtrusive compliments. Praise his skin, muscular torso, the beauty of his face, his pleasant voice.

The conversation should use direct calls to action. Gently and playfully, about a minute or two after using the gestures, tell the guy you want to get close to him using the word "want."

Secrets and techniques of seduction

Most of the information we receive through vision. At all times, women have successfully used their eyes to seduce men. A long and close look speaks not only of your interest, but also of your readiness for something more than just a friendly conversation. Also use "shooting" eyes. Practice in front of a mirror and intuitively determine how fast you need to do it.

All gestures and actions should look natural, but do not forget about confidence. Inner doubts can spoil all efforts, so leave uncertainty at home.

Take a natural pose, while avoiding symmetry. An even position (standing and sitting) can evoke associations with school or correctness. Sit opposite the guy, turning slightly sideways to him, while crossing your legs and leaning forward with your chest.

Each gesture individually produces a much smaller effect than the use of combinations. Curve your back seductively. Try to depict movement towards the interlocutor.

You can also use items of clothing or accessories - play lazily with a half-removed shoe on your foot or finger seductively. Choose one or another combination depending on the situation and the mood of the interlocutor. Use your innate sensuality and ability to intuitively understand a man.

The Importance of Massage

Don't forget about the look, here's how to look to make it magical:

Very important . Read here: how to look, what should be the look and behavior, what can and cannot be done.

Help to establish communication. Here it is written how you can and cannot behave, what should be done so that you are not seen through.

Trying to seduce a guy, you need to follow his gestures. We have described here. You will be able to correctly assess the facial expressions and behavior of the interlocutor.

Have you been assigned? Read here about how not to fail it: how to overcome fear, what to wear, how to please, what to talk about, what mistakes to avoid.

In case of online dating, we have tips on how. Is it realistic to do this, what to write, how to understand that he pecked? All the answers are there!

Approach to men of different types

Upbringing, education, age and social status leave an imprint on the minds of guys and determine their tastes and preferences.

If he is much older than you

Those wise by life experience prefer sincere girls. It is not difficult for them to recognize a clear attempt at manipulation. If you want a long-term relationship, try your best not to seem frivolous. An older man understands perfectly well that he will have to deal with your young competitors, so he must see at least some hope for a serious relationship. You can give it if we talk about serious things: family, children, business, career, self-development, politics.

What to do when the "victim" is younger than the woman

If the age difference is noticeable to the naked eye, then a candidate’s long-term relationship is driven by internal uncertainty or the desire to learn something new from an experienced partner. In this case, it is better to emphasize your maturity. Wear a formal skirt suit, talk about serious topics (business, career, work). Guys are attracted to older women who know their worth. Frivolity and too obvious flirting, on the contrary, can scare away.

If it's a wealthy candidate

Seducing such candidates is very difficult. This is due, first of all, to the fact that they always have enough fans. They are aware of the attractiveness of their position and try to weed out too materialistic natures. If a woman is counting on a long-term relationship, then she should let the man know that she is not frivolous, and that money is not the main thing for her in life. You can do this if you order an inexpensive dinner in a restaurant and do not accept gifts on first dates.

How to tame the right one

Seducing the right guy with casual flirting isn't going to be easy. "Correctness" extends to all areas of life, so it's important not to seem frivolous. In conversations, it is best to emphasize how important family values ​​\u200b\u200band self-development are to you. Sometimes such men suffer from excessive pedantry, so your appearance should be appropriate (tidy, clean, if not fashionable clothes, washed and combed hair).

Avoid Mistakes

Choose a behavior model, focusing on the situation and type:

  • Appearance. All men are disgusted by a sloppy look, so untidiness will always be perceived negatively. Clothing must be ironed and clean.
  • Accessibility demonstration. For short-term relationships, she will fit just fine, but if a woman is counting on something more, then she will have to demonstrate her seriousness. Try to talk calmly, do not chatter and do not laugh. You can only giggle and smile sometimes.
  • Vulgarity. Swearing, drinking alcoholic beverages (including wine), frank talk about intimacy will repel a serious candidate. Therefore, be modest: do not sit on the "victim's" knees, do not hug her by the neck. Avoid such close contact.
  • A lot of words

    When trying to learn how to seduce, it is important not to skip a single step!

You can attract male attention without words, it is enough to know the lessons of seducing men - postures and gestures and to possess the secrets of a special style of behavior.

There are not so many conditions - only two. First, the object must be within your reach. Secondly, you must be psychologically prepared to meet him.

Sharon Stone demonstrates several flirting techniques at the same time.

Psychological preparation before the lessons of seduction of men

In order to "tune in" for success, use the power of your imagination.

First, imagine yourself at that moment in your life when you felt especially good and took your breath away with pleasure and drive - no matter where and when it happened - it could be either a roller coaster ride or a parachute jump or a night walk along the embankment barefoot or swimming in an ice-hole, remember each of your sensations, and, having entered this state, begin to act. If you want to radiate erotic vibes, remember the most sensual moments.

Then clearly state the goal you want to achieve. Its wording should be built in such a way that the implementation depends only on you, and not on other people. Don't say to yourself, "May all the guys go crazy for me," say, "I drive anyone crazy." Avoid constructions with the words "I want", "I will". Otherwise, you will want, but not receive and wait for a wonderful tomorrow.

No body contact

  • Hair

Hair is one of the brightest symbols. So sit opposite, shake your hair, fix a strand that has come out of your hair, smooth your hair or just run your hand through it. Some men can, as if hypnotized, watch how a long curl is wound around a finger, then unraveled, and then this action begins again.

  • Wrists

Another "male fetish" is the inside of women's wrists. Show off their delicate skin by pushing up their sleeves, for example.

  • Lips

Lips can be temptingly open, just pre-practice, choosing the maximum diameter in front of the mirror, so as not to appear yawning or asthmatic, in need of immediate air access.

  • Legs

Thanks to Basic Instinct, everyone has long been convinced of the important role legs play in seduction. So feel free to transfer them.

  • Eyes and smile

A wide and open smile combined with sparkling eyes is an excellent weapon. Pupils dilate reflexively when we feel excitement and arousal. The technique of shooting with the eyes is worth learning additionally.

The gaze can descend, expressing consent, rise to the ceiling, quickly slide over the body, and stop at the eyes of the counterpart. You can not take your eyes off him, then instantly look away, and look at the man again, but from under the eyelashes. Remember that there are no forbidden looks, the main thing is that they look not affected, but as natural as possible, so practice!

  • Gait

Move with a straight back, small steps (they look sexier), swaying your hips slightly (don't get carried away), bring the heel of one foot over the toe of the other.

  • Seductive curve of the back

The way a woman stands, how she walks, how she sits, is instantly noted by a man at the subconscious level. In this case, the bend of your back has the greatest impact force. To develop a regal posture, do the following.

Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the following areas of your body:

  • head without lifting the chin;
  • shoulders, slightly turning them back, but not too zealous;
  • elbows, but not the carpal part of the hands;
  • buttocks;
  • calves, if possible;
  • heels

Straighten your back, push your chest forward and up. Keeping this position of the body, place the palm of your hand on the base of the spine, at the very bottom and slightly move it forward, moving it away from the wall: this will provide the spinal column with a deep bend. Move away from the wall.

Remember that a man reacts not to the volume of a woman's breasts and not to the length of her legs, but, above all, to the curve of her spine. A woman of any age should pay special attention to the spine, and then she will be able to make an indelible impression.

Learning to sit attractively

When a woman puts one leg over the other in the knee area, she simply sits in the way that is most comfortable for her. But the closer to the top of the thigh her legs are crossed, the more interesting she is in men. In addition, this position of the legs automatically gives her spine the desired bend.

And in general, legs crossed high at the hips look more slender, long and sexy. This is the most effective way for a woman to demonstrate the general advantages of her figure and, of course, the shape of her legs.

A pose with legs crossed at the hips will emphasize your sensuality, but only if you do not allow yourself to forget about the length of the skirt: in demonstrating your charms, it is very important not to overdo it. In principle, too defiant and provocative clothing can scare away rather than attract a man.

"Object Games"

Twist something oblong in your fingers. Since the time of Freud's grandfather, there have been no significant changes in the psychology of sexuality; phallic symbols have remained its important component. So pick up a cigarette, a glass leg, etc., hinting to a man that you are not averse to doing the same manipulations, but not with this object. If you have achieved that a man does not take his eyes off you, shake your shoe. Such actions are perceived by representatives of the strong half of humanity as a very strong and clear erotic signal.

The art of touch

If you touch your body, the man will interpret these actions as "I want you to do the same." You can run your hand over your shoulders or thighs, buttocks or chest. Attention will be riveted to your chest if you accidentally shake a drop of water from a misted glass into a hollow, and then begin to wipe it with your finger.

A game of "random" touching can be the start of a closer connection. You can touch his wrist, expressing consent, run your hand over the forearm, saying goodbye. Or you can just give him something - a glass, a cup, a lighter, cigarettes, a pen (depending on the situation).

In principle, all these techniques can be called classic, but they still work. And with their help, you can fall in love with anyone. To achieve the maximum effect, "adjust" to a man, speak his language (use the same words as him), breathe to the beat, move at the same pace and rhythm, in a word, adapt to him.

Author of the article "Lessons of seducing men: postures and gestures"

Karen Hawkins

Lessons of seduction


Usually Madame du Maurier's salon was bustling with men's talk and laughter, but this evening the card table in the corner of the room caught everyone's attention. Behind him, Nicholas Montrose, Earl of Bridgeton, looked at his opponent with ill-concealed disgust. Baron Parkington, a snobbishly dressed snob, spent his whole life looking down on those people whom he considered inferior to himself. Nick usually ignored such representatives of the human race, but for some reason now he had a strong desire to crush this toadstool. And he'll be damned if it doesn't give him tremendous pleasure.

Parkington's beefy fingers suddenly slammed a shot across the table.

Well, Bridgeton? Bet five hundred or leave the game.

The baron's piercing voice got on Nick's nerves. He glared at Parkington and glared at him until he blushed. It is absurd to continue the game; the baron lost almost all the games. Nick should have been happy.

But this was not enough for him. He was as eager to crush the Baron as he was to humiliate him. Trample his name into the dirt and leave it there, turn it into pitiful debris in the stream of life.

“I accept your bet of five hundred, Parkington. Nick reached into his inside pocket, pulled out a sheaf of papers, and tossed it on the table. “And I'm raising her forty thousand pounds.

The Baron turned pale, and the audience gasped as one. Like hungry wolves, they smelled blood and wished to take part in the hunt.

Sweat dripped down Parkington's cheeks and onto his sagging collar.

- Forty thousand? You must be joking.

“I never joke about cards. “He was lucky as hell today, and Nick couldn’t lose. Besides, defeating a man like Parkington was a special treat. No matter how Nick despised the baron, he envied him. After the end of the game, he will pack his belongings and return home to England.

It had been three years since Nick's foot had set foot on the shores of his country—three long lonely years. This thought tormented him, made his throat constrict, crushed his chest.

God, he's getting sentimental. Nick gestured for the servant to fill a glass of Madame du Maurier's excellent brandy. He was eager to return to his homeland, but not because he missed the rainy English countryside. No, he wanted to come back because he was neglected. Nick was forced to leave England under the pressure of unpleasant circumstances, and the memory of this still burned him.

The elegant white-haired gentleman standing next to Nick whispered softly:

“Tempting fate, aren't you, mon ami?”

Nick glanced at the Comte du Lac. He was dressed in a reddish-brown tailcoat with luxurious silver trim, and his thoroughbred face showed nothing but sincere courtesy. He seemed to be an aristocrat to the core, but Nick knew that Henri had neither a title nor an upbringing. This was an impostor who infiltrated high society, comforting wealthy widows and abandoned wives.

A man of high morals would have exposed such perfidy, but Nick considered Henri funny and did not want to refuse his company. In addition, he understood what it meant to be an impostor. Society did not suspect that the state of the Earl of Bridgton did not come to him from old family chests, but was won by hard work, torn from the hands of luck itself.

Viscount Gaillard, a swarthy man of small stature, who took over the duties of the dealer, raised an eyebrow and looked at the baron:

Well, Parkington? The Count bets forty thousand pounds. Do you support the bet?

The baron's gaze was riveted to the check lying on a pile of money. He wanted to get it. Nick could see it in the way his plump, wet hands gripped the cards, the way his pink tongue licked dry, overly thick lips.

“I swear to God, yes!” Parkington gestured for paper and pen to be brought to him. They were quickly delivered and, and he wrote two lines on a piece of paper, then put a sweeping signature. - Here.

Gaillard frowned at the paper.

- What is it?

“Gibberton Hall,” the madman grimaced contemptuously. “My family estate in Bath.

Land ownership in England! Something quivered in the depths of Nick's soul, and for a moment he stared at the piece of paper thrown into the center of the table. A dull pain clenched his throat, and images of damp, foggy morning and green hills running away into the distance came flooding back.

A curse! He had been alone in this life since the age of thirteen, and experience had taught him that emotions were useless. If he returns to England, his decision will be based on reality, necessity, and not on elusive feelings. He must find a home in some secluded place. Where he can spend the last few bright moments of his life.

And they will come much sooner than you might think. Nick looked at the baron's scrawled lines, feeling a dull ache throbbing at the base of his skull.

“I accept,” he said softly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Count shake his head. One of them will rise from the table as a lost, ruined man with nothing left but a name, and that unfortunate man may very well be himself.

The servant refilled his glass and Nick took a long sip. The pain in the eye sockets intensified. It was a sign of the coming darkness. He suffered from excruciating headaches. Those were hours and days of endless suffering, swirling blackness and paralyzing fear. He looked into his opponent's eyes in response to his greedy gaze, cursing the fate that pierced his brain with this torture at such an inopportune time.

- We play.

Gaillard laid the map face up in front of Parkington. The eight of clubs fell on the green cloth, and a discontented murmur swept through the crowd.

Parkington's sweaty face lit up.

- Only the queen and cards older than her can now bring you good luck. A contemptuous grin twisted his overly red lips. “I would love to spend your money, but it will give me even greater satisfaction to be able to tell everyone in London how I won such a sum from the notorious Earl of Bridgton.

Nick looked at the dealer.

- A map, Gaillard.

- Yes, my lord. The Frenchman wiped his palms on his tailcoat, feeling the gazes riveted on him. He took a deep breath to calm himself, then slapped the card on the table. The Queen of Hearts smiled sweetly at Nick.

The whole room exploded with a roar of excited voices. Parkington stared at the map with his mouth open.

- Can not be...

Nick stood up and nodded to the Comte du Lac, who obediently approached to collect his winnings. Henri glanced at Parkington and smiled softly.

- It happens, monsieur. Luck is a fickle creature. She loves many, but is faithful to no one.

The Baron shook his head as if he wanted to get rid of the nightmare.

“I was winning until…” He whistled. “Bridgeton, you bastard.

The Count stopped collecting the scattered banknotes. Gaillard's black eyes widened, and everyone who heard them froze in place.

Nick kept pulling on his gloves.

“My dear parents were legal spouses, so I'm not a bastard in the strict sense of the word. However, if you're questioning my origins... I'm afraid even my mother didn't have a firm grip on the matter.

Parkington got to his feet awkwardly, his face as pale as it used to be red.

- The rules of the game have been violated. I need a recalculation.

The silence became piercing, broken only by a faint, excited hum. Nick shook an invisible mote from his sleeve. Damn them all! They want blood, and he will give them this pleasure. However, he has very little time; the pain in his head increased, and an unbearable heaviness spread over his arms and legs.

Henri gave Parkington a disapproving look.

“Perhaps the baron was mistaken. He's also an Englishman. Of course, he did not want to accuse the count of foul play.

Parkington snorted contemptuously.

We have already talked quite a lot about various methods of seducing men, but the advice first came from representatives of the weak half of humanity. Therefore, all the lessons we have already learned about seducing guys can be considered insufficiently complete. After all, our view on this issue and the view of the guys themselves have differences, which are often quite significant. So let's see what men advise, and what seduction lessons they can teach us.

Seduction of a guy. Male point of view

We will not talk about the one-night stand seduction technique now, because there is nothing complicated in it and special seduction lessons are not needed here. In this case, almost all men cannot remain indifferent to a girl in a mini-skirt and a blouse with a deep neckline, fragrant with the aroma of expensive perfumes. It is enough for such a young lady to throw a sensual look at the guy from under her eyelashes, and - you're done! A passionate night with this young man is guaranteed to her.

It's another matter when it comes to winning the guy's heart and going with him to the registry office. Traditional means of seduction in this case work rather weakly, and more subtle lessons are needed. Indeed, in order to marry a person, it is not enough just to seduce him, he must fall in love with himself. And fall in love not for a month, but for years. Let's not talk about life.

The lessons of seducing a guy for marriage are based on the fact that you cannot force a man to fall in love with you. He can be taught to eat any food, be persuaded to wear a certain style of clothing, cut his hair the way he doesn't like, and even force him to follow a diet. But it's impossible to make a guy fall in love with a girl.

But this does not mean that everything is hopeless if the young man does not spontaneously fall in love himself. The most important thing in this matter is to find out what his ideal life partner is. Forget that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach; representatives of the stronger sex are not so primitive and also have spiritual values. How to find out about them? The girl should take a closer look at the guy and determine how he relates to this or that type of women, how he communicates with them, how he speaks about bitches, "blue stockings", "gray mice" and so on. In addition, it would be desirable to learn more about the guy's ex-girlfriends, about their character, temperament, demeanor.

Based on all these observations, the girl can get an idea of ​​​​the two female types that exist in the representation of the guy. The first type is women who do not like the young man at all. It includes all the actions, habits, character traits of the fairer sex, which simply bring it to white heat. The young lady needs to take all this into account. For example, if a guy hates smoking women, then the girl should exclude the cigarette in her hand. For starters, at least in his presence. The young man does not digest bright makeup - to make it unobtrusive, does not like girls who are too bold - to behave more modestly, and so on.

The second type is women who have qualities that a guy sympathizes with. There is one point here. A girl should find such qualities in herself, and not strenuously portray until such time as she decides that the job is done. Just to find! Since all the lessons of seduction, prompted by men, clearly show that they cannot stand female pretense. Yes, with the help of pretense, you can interest a guy and even win his sympathy. But as soon as the girl's bluff is revealed, sympathy instantly transforms into antipathy. And then it will be impossible to change something, a rare guy will forgive this kind of deceit. Therefore, if there is no quality in a girl, you should not portray it. Every woman has a huge potential of inner virtues. And the missing quality can be completely replaced by another.

Now - about the manner of communication with the guy. It turns out that the statement that our men like to conquer women, like an impregnable fortress, is wrong! No, there are, of course, young people who like it when a girl behaves like the Snow Queen, and who get downright pleasure from the fact that she torments them. Most men, however, are not subject to such emotional masochism. Therefore, a girl needs to behave with her chosen one as friendly as possible.

This does not mean that a young lady can openly hang herself around a young man's neck, looking languidly into his eyes. So the guy may well decide that she belongs to the category of women of a certain occupation. It is enough just to be friendly and willingly keep up the conversation on the topic proposed by the interlocutor. In a word, the girl should make it clear to the young man that she is interested in him. Men claim that women's interest means a lot to them. And almost half of them fall in love with the fairer sex just because they are friendly. This behavior of a woman is perceived by men as an encouragement and an invitation to action to win her heart.

How should a girl behave after she started dating the one whom she imagines as her future husband? Men are advised to try not to openly show their feelings and give the guy the initiative in developing relationships. While these relations are friendly, the girl may well invite the guy for a cup of coffee and offer him options for spending time together. But then, after she feels that the quality of the relationship has become different, more sensual, the activity in their development must be conceded to a man.

Now let the guy himself call, he himself comes up with a reason for the call, he himself invents a reason for talking with the girl for hours. Let him make a date, and he will decide to kiss the girl. Understanding by a man that it was he who showed activity in love affairs, and this activity was crowned with success, has a very beneficial effect on male love.

And, finally, one more man's advice that allows a girl to finally win a guy's heart. After he has a strong sympathy for the young lady and he confesses his feelings, in no case should you behave like this:

  1. To consider a young man as his property immediately after he confessed his love;
  2. Show off a guy, like an expensive acquisition, in front of your girlfriends and acquaintances.

The first pattern of behavior usually disappoints men and pushes them away from women. The second model very quickly begins to annoy, which also does not contribute to the depth of feelings. The girl should remain just as sweet and friendly and, in addition, let the guy know that he has become much closer to her.

These are the lessons of seduction that men themselves teach us. Let's take them into account, and our chances of wearing a wedding dress one day will increase significantly.