Belly after 2 births. Natural childbirth - “what is the difference between the birth of a small child and a child-hero! two pregnancies, childbirth! how to get rid of a sagging belly! how to get back a flat stomach after childbirth in a month! tying up! a photo!!! video!!!". Why p

There was a baby in the house. The newly-made mother is happy, with love and tenderness she holds her child in her arms - this is one side of the coin. But there is another: changes in appearance that inevitably occur immediately after childbirth and, unfortunately, not always for the better. For example, the abdomen after childbirth can be sagging, very noticeable. and cannot be pulled in. The waist is also much wider than it was a year ago.

All this spoils the mood of a woman, underestimates her self-esteem. What to do in such a situation? How to quickly tighten a sagging belly after childbirth and make your figure attractive?

For most women who have just given birth, a distended stomach after childbirth becomes a real problem. Only a few lucky women manage to show off their previous prenatal forms after the baby is born.

As a rule, the stomach does not disappear immediately after childbirth, it decreases gradually. Postpartum dimensions are individual. For some, it looks like at 3 months, while for others it looks like 6 months of pregnancy. And all this is normal, you should not despair. Many women wonder - how long after giving birth does the stomach go away?

The stomach after childbirth does not go away immediately, and this depends on several factors:

  • from the elasticity of muscles and skin;
  • nutrition during pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the number of pregnancies and births;
  • the nature of pregnancy and childbirth, the absence of complications during this period;
  • metabolism;
  • the state of the muscles of the peritoneum before pregnancy.

How soon will the form be restored?

Some women don't have to do anything to make their belly look like it used to. But there are only a few of them. As a rule, the stomach after childbirth does not look perfect.

Here are the main reasons why a belly remains after childbirth:

  • In the process of carrying a child, fat appears in the abdomen, which is necessary to protect the crumbs from the outside. This process is regulated by hormonal changes and laid down by nature. But so that the fat layer does not become too large, rational nutrition will come to the aid of the expectant mother both before and during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth.
  • As the baby grows in the womb, the abdominal muscles and ligaments that support the uterus gradually stretch. Therefore, immediately after the birth of a child, the stomach cannot become flat, as before, it takes time for their contraction. The abdominal muscles after childbirth will contract faster if during pregnancy the woman maintained physical activity and performed exercises that were allowed during childbearing.
  • The uterus during pregnancy greatly increases in volume. Gradually it is reduced. To make this process go faster, it is important to establish breastfeeding. On average, this takes several months, but if the baby was born by caesarean section, then the uterus will contract much longer.

When the stomach will pass after childbirth, it is impossible to say for sure. This is very individual, you can only identify the factors influencing this process. This is the time that has passed after childbirth, and willpower, and heredity, and tissue elasticity. And, of course, motivation, without it in any way.

The easiest way to cope with the problem of loss of physical fitness is primiparous, who gained no more than 12 kg for the entire time of bearing a baby, and went in for sports before pregnancy. Women who have not given birth to their first child recover faster emotionally and psychologically. But it is more and more difficult to acquire the former forms after each subsequent birth. After a caesarean section, the recovery time is extended.

Recovery of the uterus

The involution of the reproductive organ takes about 2 months. Such a long period is explained by the fact that the uterus is stretched along with the growth of the baby. It begins to shrink immediately after the birth of the child. But the rate of contraction is individual, it depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman, on the nature of childbirth and the qualifications of the gynecologist. With multiple pregnancies or a large newborn weight, recovery is slower.

skin after childbirth

The abdomen hangs after childbirth and due to stretched skin. It stretches all 9 months of pregnancy as the fetus grows. The skin, like the muscles of the peritoneum and the uterus, is not able to instantly return to its original state.

To restore its firmness and elasticity, it is recommended to massage. If it is not possible to use the services of a professional massage therapist, then a massage of this area of ​​​​the body in the shower with a natural sponge will be a good alternative. To massage the abdomen after childbirth, you can use oils with vitamins A and E, which will help restore skin elasticity. The recommended duration of a session is 15 minutes.

Even if a woman intensively went in for sports before the birth of a baby, if she has excellent health and she gained quite a bit during pregnancy, she cannot quickly return the skin on her stomach to its original form. This takes time and some systematic effort.

How to clean the stomach and get rid of sagging skin?

If the stomach sags after childbirth, an integrated approach is important.


To tidy up the big belly left after childbirth, you need a properly selected regular physical activity. To make a sagging belly flat after childbirth, as before, is possible only with the help of regular exercise.

Physical education not only helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also burns calories, thereby helping to reduce the fat layer formed during pregnancy. You can do the exercises at the gym or at home. Useful and swimming in the pool. Each woman determines for herself what type of training is most appropriate for her.

Many prefer shaping. This is a complex of aerobics and athletic gymnastics techniques. During classes, a directed effect on various muscle groups is carried out, due to which not only the press, but also the muscles of the whole body develop.

As a rule, such training is carried out in the gym in groups under the guidance of an instructor. On the one hand, it is very convenient. The coach will monitor how competently the exercises are performed, exclude those that should not be practiced yet. But it may be inconvenient for a mother that classes in the gym are held at a strictly defined time, at which various unforeseen circumstances may arise.

For this reason, for many women, training at home is preferable. Now many sets of home exercises have been developed to help ensure that there is no big belly after childbirth.

Performing exercises at home, you should follow certain recommendations:

  • before starting a workout, you need to perform a light warm-up;
  • do not use weighting agents in exercises;
  • during classes, the press is recommended to be kept in constant tension.

If the birth went naturally, then the exercises can be started after about 2 months. In the case of a caesarean section, loads are permissible no earlier than after 3 months. Exercises after childbirth performed at an earlier date will not only not be beneficial, but can cause irreparable harm to a woman's health.

It is necessary to perform the exercises measuredly, slowly. The main thing at the same time is constancy and systematicity.

The most common exercises for the abdominal muscles can be divided into the following groups:

  • The torso moves, but the legs do not (turns, tilts, etc.). When they are performed, the upper muscles of the peritoneum are strengthened.
  • The legs move (squats, scissors, swings, etc.), the torso does not move. All exercises are performed only with the legs, while the muscles of the lower abdomen are worked out.
  • The legs and torso move together. At the same time, all groups of abdominal muscles are strengthened. The simplest exercise is the simultaneous bending of the torso and lifting the legs bent at the knees.
  • Legs and torso move crosswise. In this case, the main load falls on the oblique muscles.

Before embarking on physical activity, a woman should definitely consult a doctor who, on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth, will decide on the possibility and intensity of training.

Even if a belly appeared after childbirth, it is not recommended to download the press at first. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman's white line of the abdomen diverges. It will take six months to a year to restore it. Until that time, such exercises will not bring the expected result.

After a caesarean section, the recovery sequence is somewhat different. Firstly, exercises can be started much later than after natural childbirth. Secondly, such women are recommended to tighten the abdomen after childbirth with special corset underwear.

The most simple and common exercises that can help a woman regain her lost forms are plank, squat, boat, leg swings. The complex will be effective if you first perform it once a day, and later, when the body gets used to the loads, repeat it several times a day with interruptions.

In this case, a woman needs to ensure that the load is not excessive for her body. Exercising to exhaustion is absolutely meaningless in this case. A large belly after childbirth will not instantly become flat, and it will take a lot of strength to care for the baby.


For many women, after giving birth, excess weight goes away extremely slowly, which is associated with a slow metabolism. In this case, especially if the stomach remains after the birth, the mother's nutrition should be given increased attention. It is from him that at first the health of her and the baby directly depends.

It is recommended to exclude fatty and high-calorie foods from the diet. At the same time, any diet for weight loss is highly not recommended for a nursing mother. The nutrition of a woman during this period should be varied and rational. The lack of vitamins and microelements, which can occur with improper or poor nutrition, will affect not only her well-being, but also the health of the baby.

Good afternoon dear readers. Today we are talking about how to get belly back after childbirth. A hot topic, isn't it? I will also explain a little why we have big belly after childbirth how it all arises from a medical point of view and when stomach finally disappear. I will explain why the stomach does not go away from playing sports or decreases very slowly. On the Internet you will find a lot of information and exercises aimed at reducing the abdomen after childbirth. Choose only what you believe! Faith is 50% of the successful completion of any business.

Why does a big belly remain after childbirth

To get started, watch a video where an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about the process of weight gain during pregnancy. How much a mother can gain extra pounds, what weight gain can be considered normal and how this will affect the child.

And, so, now we know that you can gain a lot of extra kilos, and accordingly the muscles will stretch and a big belly will appear, which we need to remove after childbirth. There are lucky women who instantly get rid of these unpleasant pounds and their stomach goes away very quickly, but most are not among them.

What conclusions can we draw from the video and what do doctors generally say about a big belly after childbirth .

The belly remains large after the birth of a child for three main reasons:

Firstly. The uterus is distended and needs time to shrink.

Immediately after birth, the uterus weighs about 1 kg. After the second week after giving birth, the uterus weighs 500 g. But in order for her to take normal, prenatal sizes, 6-8 weeks should pass (individually)! Accordingly, these weeks the stomach will not radically decrease.

Secondly. Fat accumulates during pregnancy in the abdomen.

It accumulates individually for someone more, someone less, but there is a must! It is necessary for the body to protect the fetus from external factors. So, do not envy your friends who are as slender as reeds right after giving birth! Genetics and all. We are all different. Not bad or lazy, but with different heredity and different metabolism. By the way, according to some studies, people prone to weight gain live longer. I'll talk about this in another post.

In order to remove fat from the abdomen, and not only from it, it takes time and physical activity.

Thirdly. Stretched abdominal muscles.

During pregnancy, the muscles experience a colossal load and gradually stretch with the growth of the child, and again, time is needed to restore them. Back to genetics and lifestyle again...

Due to the combination of these three factors and big belly after childbirth

When will the stomach disappear after childbirth and how long does it take

But only you can answer this question. It all depends:

  • From time after childbirth (only the uterus shrinks in 6-8 weeks)
  • From heredity
  • skin elasticity
  • Number of births
  • Willpower
  • Proper nutrition
  • Physical activity

If we talk about the condition of the uterus after childbirth, then we already understood that 1.5 -2 months after giving birth, the shape of our abdomen also depends on its size.

Immediately after childbirth, the uterus begins to contract and return to its prenatal shape. Often, for a better reduction, gynecologists prescribe water pepper tincture, nettle infusion, and much more. I will not describe in detail how and what, since all postpartum recovery procedures should be carried out only under the supervision of your doctor. In the meantime, we are not worried and at least for 2 months we don’t really think about the figure :).

Speaking of heredity, then it, in principle, does not play such a decisive role. Just because our moms didn't get their prenatal belly back doesn't mean we need to relax and accept the fact. No and no again! We collect will into a fist and forward to the goal. If a person has difficulty parting with the weight gained (from abundant nutrition), then most likely he has a slow metabolism.

It takes more effort to keep fit

The aging processes in the body are slower than those of those who are said to be “not in horse food”

Skin elasticity. Sometimes it happens that there seems to be no stomach, but the skin hangs on it like an apron. Such a belly is called belly apron.

Often an "apron" appears when the skin does not have time to shrink to the desired size during our rapid weight loss. In this case, to remove the belly apron, diets and exercises need to be supplemented with masks for the abdomen, body wraps, wearing a bandage (not all doctors are for a bandage, the decision is up to you and your personal doctor).

We need to help our skin recover and shrink back to its original size. Perhaps I will devote one post to this problem. While you can read a black clay belly mask, my post about getting rid of stretch marks also helped me a lot. The recipes and tips given there help not only to remove stretch marks, but also generally improve skin condition.

If we talk about how to restore the stomach after the second, third or more childbirth, then everything is the same as after the first.

It takes a little more effort and patience. Everything is achievable. If after the first birth the stomach went away as if by itself, but after 2 in any way .. Don't be upset! Perhaps before the first pregnancy, your muscle tone was better than before the second, perhaps you were younger and the body coped faster. Yes, there are thousands of reasons! Do not believe mothers and grandmothers who say that a woman who has given birth cannot be the same as in girlhood. Patience and a little effort.

Physical activity, proper nutrition and willpower should to be with everyone and not only during the period when we need to remove the stomach after childbirth. Proper nutrition and fitness should become the norm.

Why the stomach does not decrease and the waist does not return after childbirth

I'm talking about the case when we kind of shake the press and twist the hoop, but the stomach does not want to leave.

Let's remember that we cannot lose fat (fat remained on the stomach) only in some separate area of ​​​​the body. Getting rid of fat in the abdomen is only against the background of overall weight loss! So that's the diet.

When we pump the press, i.e. we perform power loads, then we build muscle tissue. Yes, the weight will go away in the future, but it will take a lot of time and a constant increase in the load. Fat is burned for the most part only by aerobic exercise with a heart rate of up to 90% of the maximum! In the literal sense, aerobic exercise is exercise “with oxygen”. For example: running, walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics, etc.

I will not describe all the processes at the biochemical level. It is only necessary to remember that subcutaneous fat is broken down and excreted from the body in the presence of oxygen. By the way, aerobic exercise can be supplemented with breathing exercises for weight loss.

I suggest watching a video with exercises to return the prenatal form, which can be performed with the child. Probably, for many mothers this will be relevant.

Exercise with baby 1

Exercises with a child 2

Another video with good exercises for a big belly after childbirth. The advantage of this complex is that the execution time is only 10 minutes.

And a few more exercises from Irena Ponaroshku, which she demonstrated in the program "About the Most Important". In this video and the doctor's comments about whether they help or not, these exercises to remove the stomach after childbirth.

That's all for today.

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Beauty, harmony and a flat tummy after childbirth!

The joy of having a baby a few weeks after giving birth can be overshadowed by the new mother's worries about her appearance. The skin and muscles of the abdomen, which have been greatly stretched and stressed for several months, are in a flabby and saggy state. And if the breast filled with milk pleases the eye, then the sagging belly wants to be removed as soon as possible. How can I remove the stomach after childbirth, what needs to be done for this, how long will it take?

For a long time of pregnancy, a young mother yearned for tight-fitting things and beautiful sexy dresses. However, a noticeably protruding belly spoils the mood and appearance of a woman. Why do young mothers try to immediately take all possible measures in order to get into good physical shape as soon as possible.

How soon can you tighten your stomach

The rate of contraction of the abdominal muscles and skin after childbirth depends on the type of constitution and genetic predisposition of a woman. In some women in labor, the belly is almost invisible a few weeks after the birth of the baby, while others do not manage to remove it for many months.

  • The body needs some time to contract the stretched muscles. The more elastic the muscles, the faster they will return to their original shape, therefore, in young women under the age of 20, the stomach goes away much faster than in older mothers.
  • Multiple pregnancies or large fetal sizes slightly lengthen the period of postpartum muscle contraction. On average, muscle tightening takes from several weeks to two months. If during pregnancy a woman has gained a large number of extra pounds, then this period may be delayed. The abdominal wall is also strongly stretched during repeated pregnancies.
  • If delivery was carried out by cesarean section, then a scar remains on the uterus and abdominal skin, which will prevent muscle contraction. In addition, nerve endings are damaged during the operation, so muscle tone is noticeably reduced, which also affects their ability to contract. Pain that accompanies a woman for a long time after surgery prevents her from tightening her stomach and prolongs the recovery period.

How long it takes the body to restore its previous form, usually depends on the woman in labor herself. In the event that even three months after the birth, the stomach still remains, the woman should take additional measures to eliminate it.

What will help you contract your muscles faster?

Usually, in cases where a large sagging belly needs to be removed, a woman purchases a subscription to a fitness room or immediately goes on a diet. However, this recipe is not suitable for mothers after childbirth. Doctors are allowed to actively engage in sports no earlier than 4-6 months after the birth of the baby. It is also impossible to limit yourself to a diet, since how a newborn baby will grow and develop depends on the diet of a nursing mother.

In addition, for a faster recovery of the mother's body after childbirth, he needs to receive a certain amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Significant physical activity and malnutrition can worsen lactation and lead to hormonal imbalance in the female body, which is why it is undesirable to use such methods until the end of breastfeeding.

The abdomen will remain large until the period when the uterus contracts to its original size. Therefore, the mother needs to perform daily a set of exercises to stimulate uterine contractions, called postpartum gymnastics.

You can speed up the process of muscle and skin contraction after childbirth in the following ways:

  • Using creams for stretch marks. Special cosmetics for stretch marks will help increase the elasticity of the skin, which will visually make the stomach less flabby.
  • Massage. Quite an effective way to tighten the abdomen after childbirth. Massage enhances blood circulation in the tissues, increases muscle tone, which contributes to their faster contraction. Already immediately after a few massage sessions, it will become noticeable how the excess volume goes away.
  • Walks in the open air. Daily hourly walks with a newborn child in the fresh air increase the overall tone of the body, improve intestinal motility and activate metabolism. Such walks stimulate the work of the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, help to lose weight and eliminate unnecessary centimeters at the waist and hips.
  • Breast-feeding. In the last stages of pregnancy, the woman's body produces the hormones progesterone and relaxin, which ensure the elasticity of tissues and ligaments. No less important is the hormonal background for postpartum muscle contraction. In women who are breastfeeding, the normalization of hormonal levels after childbirth occurs faster than in women in labor who, for one reason or another, do not have lactation. Restoring hormonal balance helps the body quickly return to its previous form. In addition, along with breast milk, about 40 grams of fat from internal reserves leaves the body daily. About 500 kcal per day is spent on milk production, which speeds up getting rid of unnecessary weight. But, if a woman does not breastfeed, then she can afford effective weight loss diets.
  • Properly organised. In order to quickly remove extra centimeters from the waist, a woman should reconsider her diet. She will need to give up flour products, fatty, spicy and salty foods. But the amount of fluid drunk every day should be increased to two liters per day.
  • Good physical form. It is no secret that women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy and were in good physical shape recover faster after childbirth. Therefore, in order to quickly remove the stomach after childbirth, it is necessary to train the muscles of the corset and abdominals even at the planning stage of the baby.

Good afternoon!))

In this article I will tell you how to manage to give birth in the first birth of a small child, and in the second child - a hero! Postpartum Recovery! Tying up! how to get your belly in order after childbirth!

No scary stories! Everything is positive! Go!

So, I have two boys! Age difference of 7 years!

First pregnancy was not planned, but we were happy! The pregnancy proceeded perfectly, there were no deviations. But the baby was born at term with a weight of 2 kg 400 g!!! Whoa??? I lead a healthy lifestyle, I don't smoke! But looking at me, the doctors said that this is my peculiarity, because she herself is a petite girl! Everything was fine with the child, but they took him to the ICU for observation. A day later, when they observed his condition, they handed it to a young mother!

How was the first birth?

Shortly before that day, I was at a doctor’s appointment, who examined me, and examined me so much and “played around” that my stomach began to hurt! Thus, I believe that my birth was provoked. For 2 days I suffered with excruciating pain. On the 3rd day I gave birth from the moment of the start of tangible contractions in 4-5 hours. When they showed me my baby, I melted! Tears of happiness and joy!!!

Second pregnancy was planned! The son has been asking for a brother for a long time and soon the school was waiting for him! First grade! My husband and I did our best and from September 1 I went on maternity leave!!! Tutelka in tyutelka as they say !!!

The pregnancy went great! in the first months I rode a bike, we flew on a plane on vacation. I have been active throughout my pregnancy! When asked by the doctors when I would go to the hospital, I said that I would come with contractions and that’s it (fortunately the hospital is nearby)! The son is a first-grader, at home there are a lot of worries)))

Outcome of the second pregnancy! How was the second birth?

At night, I began to pull my stomach, launched applications on my phone for contractions, periodically pressing the button with a contraction. And also at that time I continued to knit a scarf with knitting needles, I really wanted to knit it ^^))) in the end, the application told me "go to bed")) I went to bed, had breakfast with my son in the morning, sent him to grandparents, and she went to the hospital. My contractions were already noticeable and lasted every 15-10 minutes. Arriving at the maternity hospital, she went through the registration procedure, then looked at the chair and said that the disclosure was already 5 cm! immediately to the prenatal, after 2 hours I had another baby!!! son!!! weighing 4 kg and height 55 cm!!! Hey, did you forget that I'm petite??? (my height is 155 and weight is 50 kg before pregnancy)) People!!! how did he fit in me? Of course, I have thoughts that I hugged my spine, but still!)))

What do these 2 pregnancies and births have in common?

Gained the same amount of kg about 17!

Pregnancy was easy!

Childbirth, both first and second, natural (breaks (internal, external) are insignificant).

And here is the paradox! After the first birth, when I had a small baby, I could not unbend, I walked with the letter "sic" for the first day! And after the second birth, when my hero was born, I was ready to run a hundred meters in 30 minutes!

It's been 2 months since my second birth!

What can we hide, most pregnant girls and young mothers think about their beauty after the birth of a baby! A flat stomach is not a dream, but a reality!

After the first pregnancy and a successful (natural) birth, my stomach was in a deplorable state (stretch marks, large abdomen, sagging). I didn’t know all the subtleties and didn’t take care of my skin during pregnancy. After giving birth, I was so busy with the child that I began to pay attention to the stomach only after a year! I had to sweat enough to bring it back to normal!

Therefore, in my second pregnancy, I decided to radically change everything! I studied the relevant literature and decided that after giving birth I would try tying the abdomen !!!)

Briefly (in case you forgot): I am 28 years old, my second pregnancy, for the whole pregnancy I gained 17 kg. The baby was born big - 4 kg and height 55 cm (despite the fact that I myself am not tall, my weight before birth was 50 kg).

During pregnancy, I did not tie up my stomach. The main thing I did was moisturize my stomach skin with body lotion every day! I don't have any stretch marks this pregnancy.

I began to tie up my stomach on the 3rd day, when I arrived home after the hospital. My birth went without complications. The day after giving birth, I was lying on my stomach with might and main (Oh, finally))! I also did the "bike" exercise (I asked my doctor, she allowed it!).

I did tying every day when my "working" day began. I didn't tie up at night!

In the attached video, I show how I did the tying! You need to tie up lying down! I'm just showing the principle! Adjust the tightness of the tying yourself! Should be comfortable!

initial actions.

You need a cloth with which you will tie. I have this ordinary cotton fabric, folded in half.

So, we take the canvas, put it on the stomach, wrap it around the sides and tie a knot at the bottom, but not in the center !!! (it should not put pressure on the uterus). We straighten all the wrinkles on the canvas. We put our hands under the canvas and at the very bottom of the abdomen we begin to lift it up. It appears as if in a pocket, it is well fixed. You must be comfortable! You can't push too hard!!!

This technique helps with sagging of the abdomen, tightens it, the condition of the muscles improves, and the lower back is also fixed! I felt very comfortable! So I walked all day, took pictures before going to bed.

I am satisfied with the result!

To achieve a flat stomach, I needed: tying up, a bicycle exercise on my back and just lying on my stomach!

A bandage is not the same as a bandage!!!

I share my experience! There are contraindications! Consult with your doctor!

Thank you for your attention! I think that at least for someone my review will be useful! I wish you well, as well as health to you and your children!!!

You can pay attention to my other detailed reviews with photos!