We do chemical peels of the face at home without errors. Peeling. When to make chemical, acidic, deep, fruity, glycolic, laser at home, photos, reviews

When is it better to do peeling in a salon or at home, in summer, winter, spring or autumn. What kind of peeling is preferable for sensitive or problematic skin: medium, deep or superficial. How to do peeling.

Peeling according to the depth of exposure

When is the best time to do it and why?

Can it (safely) be done at other times of the year

Is it possible to do at home or better in the salon

Deep peeling It is recommended to carry out in the winter. It is not safe to deep peel at other times of the year. Performed in a cosmetic clinic.
Median peeling Held in late autumn or winter. It is not advisable to do the procedure in warm sunny seasons. Experts recommend doing only in the cabin.
Light (superficial) peeling Some peelings are carried out in any of the months of the year, after the procedures it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time. The procedure can be carried out both at home and in the salon. In salon conditions, superficial peeling is more effective.

Professional peels

Chemical peeling for the face The beginning of spring, to April, late autumn - from mid-October, in winter. In summer, a week before and a week after the procedures, do not stay in the sun, do not visit the beach, solarium, saunas, baths. You can do it at home using ready-made compositions for these purposes.
Almond Facial Peeling Early spring, late autumn, winter. It is possible to carry out procedures in the summer, with the subsequent observance of precautionary measures. You can carry out the procedure at home.
Facial laser peeling The best time is the beginning of winter. Late autumn, early spring-April. It is carried out only in the salon, cosmetology clinic.
Gas-liquid face peeling Peeling is possible at any time of the year. Only in the cabin, this requires special equipment.
Retinol (yellow) peeling Autumn, winter time. In spring and summer, if necessary, it is possible to do peeling. After the procedure, it is not recommended to visit solariums, saunas, baths, swimming pools. Use creams with a high UV protection index. The procedure is available at home.
Peeling calcium chloride for the face During the whole year. Recommended to be done at home.
Acid facial peel September to March. Not recommended in summer. Acid light peeling can be done at home.
Diamond face peel Cool and non-solar season, from late autumn to early spring. It can be done in the summer, but the skin should be protected from the sun, pigmentation may appear. It is carried out only in beauty salons.
Ultrasonic face peeling In any season. Carrying out ultrasonic peeling is available at home with the presence of the device.
Carbon face peel The procedure can be done at any time of the year. The procedure is possible only in the salon / cosmetic clinic.
Glycolic face peel The best time for glycol peeling is autumn/spring. It can be carried out in winter / summer, subject to the use of protective creams and emulsions. Perhaps at home, but the salon procedure is more effective.
Facial peeling with fruit acids It is possible to carry out peeling at any time of the year, you should first consult a cosmetologist, peelings with fruit acids act differently at different times of the year. It is recommended to do at home. However, procedures in the salon are more effective.
Garra Rufa fish peeling Recommended in the warm season. The procedure can be carried out in any season of the year. Only in the salon.
Enzymatic facial peel During a year. The procedure can be done at home
Vacuum face peeling It is recommended to carry out in the period from autumn to spring. It can be carried out in the summer, but after the procedure, swelling and redness are possible, it is necessary to use protective equipment. It is possible to carry out the procedure at home with the presence of the device.
Salicylic face peel The procedure is shown in the autumn-spring period. You can do peeling at home using ready-made products.
Coral facial peel Peeling is done at any time of the year. It is possible to carry out peeling at home. It is recommended that the first procedure be carried out in a salon in order to find out how to perform the manipulations correctly and in what sequence.
Mechanical peeling of the face For peeling, the cool season, from autumn to early spring, is best suited. Can be done during the summer. In the hot season, experts advise doing superficial light peeling. Peeling can be done at home, using products without aggressive components. Mechanical peeling with a deeper action is best done in a salon.
Oxygen face peel In any season. Peeling is carried out in the salon. At home, an alternative method of oxygen peeling is used using products saturated with oxygen and vitamins.
Jessner Peel Recommended for any time of the year. After peeling, avoid direct sunlight on the skin, use protective equipment. The procedure is available at home. It is recommended that you first consult a cosmetologist about your skin type, post-peel care and possible skin reactions to peeling.
Pink Facial Peel At any time of the year. The procedure is available at home

Home peels for the face

It is these compositions with vitamins and nutrients that are specially designed for home use.
Milk peeling for the face You can do the procedure at any time of the year. In the summer, after peeling, you should refrain from sunbathing, visiting solariums
Hilak forte facial peeling
Fruit peeling for the face
Salt peeling for the face Peeling can be applied at any time of the year. It is recommended to do in the summer before visiting the beach, solariums.
Peeling with soda for the face Peeling is best done in the cool season, autumn-winter-spring. It is not advisable to do it in the summer, on hot sunny days, it dries out the skin a lot.
Whitening Lemon Facial Peel Peeling is shown at any time of the year. In the summer, after peeling, you should use creams with a high degree of UV protection, refrain from sunbathing.
Grape facial peel Peeling can be applied in any of the seasons.
Facial coffee peeling Applicable at any time of the year.

Peeling - cosmetics

Facial peeling Cosmetologists recommend the use of peeling from autumn to early spring. It is not advisable to spend in the summer.
Facial peeling scrub Can be carried out in early spring, summer is not desirable.
Facial peeling gel Recommended for use in autumn and winter. You can do it in early spring, in the summer after application, refrain from being in the sun, use creams with a high UV protection.
Black pearl oil face peel The tool is suitable for use at any time of the year. After peeling, you should apply products with UV protection, it is not recommended to visit solariums, stay in the sun.
Peeling gel for face Planet Organika

Facial peeling Natura Siberica

Tiande face peeling The same recommendations. The same recommendations.
Librederm facial peeling with chamomile
Shiseido Facial Peeling
Dewytree Facial Peeling
Vichy face peeling
Avon facial peeling
Korean Facial Peeling
Japanese facial peel
Facial peel Acid poppy The tool is recommended for use in autumn, winter periods. Early spring, not recommended in summer. If necessary, use in the summer, choose cloudy days, evenings for use. After peeling, use products with a high UV protection index.

How often can a face peel be done?

Facial peeling is a cosmetic procedure designed to deeply cleanse the skin. Peeling will help get rid of pigmentation, acne scars, wrinkles, remove dead cells of the epidermis, which will contribute to rapid regeneration and improve skin tone.

According to the degree of impact, peels are divided into three types:

  • deep,
  • median,
  • surface.

By type of funds used:

  • chemical,
  • mechanical,
  • physical.
  1. Deep- no more than once every 3-5 years, depending on the type and condition of the skin. After deep peeling, it takes time for the skin to recover, from 3 to 6 months. After the procedure, it is recommended to use products that accelerate the healing and restoration of the upper layer of the skin. Exfoliating and scrubbing agents are contraindicated. Their use is recommended after complete regeneration of the skin in order to prolong the effect of peeling. The result of the procedure is stored for 3-4 years.
  2. Median- no more than once every 6-12 months. The recovery time of the facial skin takes less time, since the effect is not so deep, a maximum of 2 weeks. The effect of the procedure lasts up to a year. Also, in order to prolong and preserve the effect of peeling, it is recommended to carry out light peels once a month in a salon or at home. Median peeling is carried out in a salon. At home, it is possible to carry out such peeling with strict observance of the instructions for the use of means and apparatus for peeling. If used incorrectly, burns, severe irritations, allergic reactions are possible.
  3. Surface- regularly, depending on the type of skin. For dry skin type no more than 1-2 times a month, for oily skin 2-3 times a month. Light peeling procedure can be done in the salon or at home.

For peelings, you can use ready-made mixtures or make your own.

When doing peeling at home, you should take into account all the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists.

Ingredients can be purchased at a pharmacy, prepared from natural products:

  • dairy products,
  • fruit,
  • salt, sugar, soda, coffee grounds, oatmeal.

Peelings at home using natural products can be done every 7-10 days. When using ready-made products with various acids, the surface peeling procedure can be done once a month.

Cosmetologist's advice: before carrying out any peeling at home, you should check the skin's reaction to the constituent components.

If allergic reactions occur, the component should be excluded or replaced.

After peeling, you should apply means to protect the skin from insolation. After deep peels, it is necessary to use products with a high index of protection against solar exposure, refrain from visiting baths / saunas for a while.

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • tan on the beach or in the solarium.

Table 2. Is peeling possible in such cases?

Situation, event, state of health

Is it possible

What to Consider

Is it possible to do peeling with pimples and acne Yes, selectively, subject to certain conditions First, you should identify the cause that provokes the appearance of acne and pimples. It is recommended to exfoliate after the pimples have gone. You can carry out superficial peels for acne. In the presence of inflammation, ulcers and wounds, peeling is not performed. Superficial and median peeling can be carried out in the presence of black dots and comedones.
Is it possible to do facial peeling during pregnancy and breastfeeding Yes, some types of peels can be used During pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindicated: deep peeling, superficial and median chemical peeling.

Since hormones change during pregnancy, chemicals can cause persistent pigmentation.

During lactation, deep and medium peels are prohibited.

You can do: light (superficial) physical peeling, peeling using natural products.

Is it possible to exfoliate after cleaning? Undesirable After cleaning, the skin is injured, unwanted allergic reactions, severe redness, rashes may appear. After cleansing, peeling can be done only after the complete restoration of the skin, depending on the skin type, after a maximum of 2-3 weeks.
Is it possible to do peeling with rosacea The use of deep and aggressive peels is not recommended. Suitable for use are peelings that do not cause severe irritation, hypoallergenic: almond, milk, lactobion.

Hardware peelings are shown: oxygen, gas-liquid, aqua-peeling.

Possible use: retinoic peeling, peeling with azelaic acid, phytic peeling, coral.

Can exfoliating be done on sensitive skin? Yes, some types of peels can be done Such skin is more susceptible to peels than other types. Superficial peels are recommended. Since the skin reacts to the slightest impact, it is necessary to choose the right procedure that suits best and does not injure the skin. Acid superficial peels can be used. If you want to carry out the procedure at home, you should first consult a cosmetologist.
Is it possible to do facial peeling with demodicosis Yes, some types of peels are indicated to improve the condition of the skin. With demodicosis, the use of: laser peeling, chemical peeling with glycolic acid, chemical peeling with triacetic acid is indicated.

Chemical peels with acids for demodicosis help improve skin condition, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties that promote healing.

Laser peeling, acting on the skin, promotes healing and renewal of damaged skin areas.

Is it possible to do peeling during menstruation, before menstruation Contraindicated At the time of menstruation, it is best to refrain from peeling procedures. These days there is a change in the hormonal background of a woman, the reaction to peels is difficult to predict. The restructuring of the body begins a few days before the onset of menstruation, so the time immediately before menstruation is also not suitable for peeling.
Is it possible to do peeling while taking hormonal Yes, but subject to conditions When taking hormonal drugs, before carrying out the procedure, you should visit your doctor and get a consultation. Depending on what disease is present and what means the doctor has prescribed, some types of peels may be contraindicated.
Is it possible to do peeling before / after mesotherapy Yes Peelings are recommended before mesotherapy. In such a combination of peeling - meso, mesotherapy promotes rapid recovery of the skin after peeling.

After a mesotherapy session, superficial peels can be performed.

Is it possible to do peeling after Botox? Yes Botox and chemical peels work well together. Surface peeling with acids is compatible on the same day of both procedures. For a stronger peeling effect, after the introduction of botulinum toxin, cosmetologists advise waiting a month.
Is it possible to do peeling after biorevitalization Yes These two procedures are recommended to be combined in a complex to enhance the effect of rejuvenation.
Is it possible to do peeling after fillers Not After the introduction of fillers, peels should not be applied for two weeks. It is necessary to wait until the skin at the injection sites heals. After healing within 1-2 months, only light peels are applicable. Medium exposure peeling can be used only after consultation with a beautician, as it all depends on the condition of the skin.
Is it possible to do peeling after sunburn? Yes, some peels It is recommended to carry out superficial peeling to restore rough skin after sunburn.
Can peeling be done after dysport? Yes A month after the application of Dysport, you can do laser and chemical peels.
Is it possible to do peeling after threads, mesothreads Yes You can do peeling after 2 - 2.5 months.
Is it possible to do peeling before / before eyebrow tattooing Not Peeling in the eyebrow area is not recommended 10 days before and after tattooing. Exposure to acids on tattooed skin can affect the color of the tattoo.
Is it possible to do peeling before / after plasmolifting Yes These two procedures are recommended to be carried out in combination to enhance the effect of rejuvenation. Plasmolifting after peeling will improve the condition of the skin and enhance the effect of rejuvenation.
Is it possible to do peeling after or before a solarium? Deep peeling: before the procedure, you should avoid sunbathing a month before the procedure; after completion of rehabilitation from sunburn, visits to the bath, sauna, you should abstain for at least 6 months.

Median peeling: peeling is not recommended immediately after active tanning. It can harm sun-weakened skin. Peeling can be done after 10-14 days; when conducting a peeling course, it is highly undesirable to sunbathe between sessions; after peeling from sunbathing should refrain for 2 weeks.

Is it possible to do peeling after hyaluronic acid Yes It is recommended to carry out these 2 procedures alternately in order to enhance the effect of rejuvenation.
Can peeling be done after microblading? Yes, but over time After microblading, peeling is possible after 2-3 months, since the skin in the eyebrow area is highly susceptible to injury. When peeling, it is recommended not to apply products close to the eyebrows.
Is it possible to do peeling after a scrub? Yes, but over time After the scrub, the use of peeling is categorically not recommended. The scrub contains abrasive particles, after exposure to which microtraumas remain on the skin. Subsequent peeling can have a negative effect. Scrubs are prohibited before deep and medium peelings.
Is it possible to do peeling after removing a mole Not After removing moles, peeling is not advisable. It is possible to carry out superficial peeling 2-3 months after removal.
Is it possible to do peeling after shugaring Yes It is recommended to use peels before and after shugaring. Peeling improves the condition of the skin, with this combination of peeling-sugaring, the number of ingrown hairs is significantly reduced.
Is it possible to do peeling after lip augmentation Yes, as time goes by Peelings can be applied two weeks after lip augmentation.
Can peeling be done after laser resurfacing? Not The rehabilitation period after the procedure can last up to a year. For this period, it is necessary to exclude the use of any peels.
Is it possible to do peeling after mechanical cleaning Yes, recommended over time Superficial peeling is recommended a week after mechanical cleaning. A deeper peeling effect is applicable after 3-4 weeks.
Is it possible to do peeling immediately after tooth extraction Not After tooth extraction, cosmetic procedures should be postponed for 5-7 days. Impact on the skin of the face, especially physical ones, is highly undesirable.
Is it possible to do peeling after 50 years Yes Peeling is recommended. Deep to remove age-related pigmentation, fine wrinkles, overall improvement of skin tone. Median peeling to keep the skin in good shape.

Since the skin becomes thinner with age, it is not recommended to abuse peeling.

Superficial peels at this age are ineffective.

When to peel: video

How often you can peel, find out in the video clip:

What peeling can be done in the summer, find out in the video clip:

At home? Salon recipes use effective chemical compounds and acids. The procedures are performed by professionals using special equipment, often under local anesthesia. Is it possible to repeat at home what they do in salons? Isn't it dangerous for health?

Let's start with the basics. Peeling according to the depth of impact on the layers of the skin is divided into superficial, medium and deep. And at home, it is quite normal and harmless to the face that only the first type of procedure can be carried out. Such peeling will help eliminate fine wrinkles, get rid of dead skin cells, improve the texture and color of the skin. Also, this manipulation will contribute to the disappearance of acne and blackheads. But acne, medium and deep wrinkles, scars and other cosmetic problems require a professional approach. In the salon, cosmetologists, using acids of various concentrations, controllably burn the stratum corneum and penetrate into the lower areas. This procedure is performed under partial anesthesia of the patient. This circumstance makes it impossible to average and at home. You will find recipes for gentle procedures in this article.

What are superficial peels?

It is quite possible to clean the epidermis from dead particles, mud plugs and sebaceous secretion at home. For such a procedure, sparing products with a low concentration of active substances are taken. Therefore, in case of a mistake, you will not cause irreparable damage to your face in the form of burns or scars. This will be minimal damage that will resolve within one hour.

Distinguish mechanical and chemical peeling for the face at home. Recipes for the impact of the first type are based on the use of small abrasive particles. They effectively exfoliate dead cells, cleanse the skin and increase blood circulation. Abrasive particles are part of various scrubs. In order not to disturb the pH level of dry skin, it is better to use gommage. It is applied for a few minutes, and then the product is rolled up with the fingertips. In superficial chemical peeling, substances containing inactive acids are used: salicylic, lactic and others. They penetrate the epidermis, promote cell exfoliation, stimulate and restore turgor.

Substances for home peeling

The procedure is best carried out with pharmaceutical preparations or natural products based on alpha and beta hydroxy acids. These are gentle substances that can only cause irritation in hypersensitive people. Alpha hydroxy acids include citrus juices, fermented milk products, apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar. These substances actively fight acne, eliminate the effects of photoaging (from exposure to the sun) and small areas of pigmentation.

Glycolic acid can be used for both superficial and medium peeling at home for the face. The recipe depends on the concentration of this substance. If the drug contains about 25%, it is suitable for home use. Glycolic acid at a concentration of 40 percent or more is used only in salons. People with oily skin need a different peel. It is based on the use of salicylic acid. It dissolves the sebaceous secret well, penetrates into the deep layers, disinfects. Used in home cosmetology and other organic substances based on herbs, willow bark, sugar cane, apricot kernels, coffee grounds.

Preparation for peeling

This procedure - be it of a mechanical or chemical nature - should not be carried out on the eyelids and under the eyes, lips, eyebrows and nostrils. Therefore, before applying the active substance, these areas must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Before performing a chemical facial peel at home, recipes recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub a day before the procedure. Then you should test your body's perception of the chemical. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of it to the skin behind the ear on the hairline or on the forearm. Wait a minute and then rinse with warm water. A slight redness is not an alarming symptom. But burning and intense irritation are a sign that this substance is unacceptable for you. In order for the result of the cosmetic procedure to be long-lasting, it must be repeated once a week for one to one and a half months.

Peeling devices

As an alternative to salon facial cleansing, home appliance manufacturers offer various devices that allow you to carry out the procedure yourself. These devices recommend using special recipes suitable for a procedure such as mechanical facial peeling at home. Reviews also sing praises for safe and easy-to-use devices. Such devices are not cheap, but beauty requires sacrifice. And if the health of the skin of the face is also at stake, then no money is a pity.

What appliances can be used at home? These are, first of all, various ultrasonic scrubbers and brushes. The Gezatone Beauty Irism 708 multifunctional device has proven itself well. Thanks to the iontophoresis function, it can even be used for deincrustation (deep cleansing of the face). Users leave positive feedback about the Gezatone Ionic-Ultrasonic m360 ultrasonic massager, Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner vacuum cleaner, Galvanic Beauty SPA m777 and Gezatone KUS 2000 devices. But there are also contraindications for using these, in general, safe peeling devices. In the event that there are rashes on the face (including those of a viral nature, such as herpes), if the skin is affected by acne and pimples, then it is better to refuse devices.

At what age can you do peeling at home for the face

It's about taking proper care of yourself. Do not neglect cosmetic procedures, but they should not be abused either. Before using this or that facial cleanser, you need to determine the type of skin. Purchased masks and scrubs are easy to use, but the components in them are more aggressive. You should not use them at a young age. Young girls with problematic oily skin can stop at scrubs. They are allowed to use at least daily, but inflamed areas should be avoided. If the skin is dry, then it is recommended to replace scrubs with gommages, and allow yourself the procedure once a week. If the skin remains oily even after thirty, reviews still recommend reducing the use of scrub.

Weak glycolic, salicylic and Jessner peels up to 25 years old are used only in cases of serious cosmetic problems. After thirty, as a preventive measure for aging, it is allowed to start using AHA acids. At the same age, it is indicated for problematic and oily skin. After thirty-five, it is advisable to occasionally apply retinoic facial cleansing. Porous mature skin will benefit from a 25% TCA peel. Before using pharmacy, purchased and self-prepared preparations, a sensitivity test to the components of the chemical composition should be carried out. Persons with dry skin or in adulthood need to combine peeling with the use of creams with polyunsaturated acids.

Scrubs for oily skin

With this type, deep cleansing of pores clogged with fat and narrowing them is important. Here is the easiest peeling at home for the face. The recipe does not require any special ingredients. Take baby soap and lather it well in your hands. Apply to the face, avoiding the eye area. Pour a teaspoon of sugar into the palm of your hand and massage your face with light circular movements for two minutes. Wash off with cool water. Use baking soda instead of sugar next time. After such a peeling, the skin will lose its oily sheen, become matte and smooth. And the following recipe allows you to achieve a rejuvenating effect. We cut the peel from a fresh cucumber, chop the pulp of the vegetable in a blender, squeeze the juice. Mix in a bowl a large spoonful of oatmeal with a small spoonful of finely ground iodized salt. Add cucumber juice until you get a paste. Pour two drops of rose oil into it. Massage the face with this scrub for two minutes and leave it on the skin for another ten. Kefir and curdled milk are an excellent gommage. Just apply the fermented milk product on your face and wait until it dries. Then, with wet fingers, roll it from your forehead to your chin.

Exfoliating scrubs

If you want to remove the keratinized particles of the epidermis, then you need to carry out a completely different peeling at home for the face. The recipe suggests including harder particles. It can be eggshells, rice, almonds, berry seeds, crushed in a coffee grinder. In order not to inflict mini-scratches on yourself, fatty essential oils or flour are added to such a scrub. Here is the first recipe. Mix a pinch of ground coffee and rice flour. Dilute with two soup spoons of kefir. Massage the face with the mixture, leave for seven minutes, then rinse with cool water. The second recipe: knead a spoonful of cranberries, add a little almond oil, two drops of orange juice, two brown sugar cubes and a pinch of oatmeal to the gruel. Let's rub it like a peeling and hold it for another five minutes like a mask.

Gommages for dry skin

This requires a special peeling for the face at home. A recipe for dry skin requires the use of nourishing and moisturizing ingredients in gommages. This is fatty cottage cheese, olive oil, sour cream. Abrasive particles should be smaller in diameter than those used for oily skin. Here is the first recipe. Grind the eggshell into flour. Mix one teaspoon of it with the same amount of sour cream and yolk. Apply to a damp face with light movements, massage and leave as a mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water. Recipe two: mash four strawberries, dilute the gruel with a spoonful of olive oil.

Chemical peel with alpha hydroxy acids

As we have already mentioned, these compounds include fruit juices, lactic acid products, and vinegar. Especially good citrus peeling at home for the face. The recipe with lemon not only cleanses the skin, but also brightens and rejuvenates it. This mask acts as a lifting. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice and cane sugar. Add neutral yogurt. Apply the mass on the cleansed face in a thick layer. Leave the mask for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cool water. It is useful for older ladies to wipe the skin with a swab dipped in a solution of lemon juice after washing.

Home peeling with beta-hydroxy acids

The best substance in this series is aspirin. According to reviews, it gently dries the skin, disinfects it. Aspirin leads to exfoliation. This remedy lightens freckles. In addition, a cheap drug is sold in every pharmacy without a prescription. How to make such a peeling at home for the face? The recipe with aspirin (also called acetylsalicylic acid) is very simple and is used for all skin types. Three tablets need to be crushed. With dry skin, the powder is diluted in an incomplete spoonful of jojoba oil, and with oily skin - with plain water.

We add honey. It must be liquid. We put the mixture in a water bath and cook, stirring, until it thickens like sour cream. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed and steamed face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. We make an aspirin neutralizer: mix water and soda. Wash your face with this solution.

Skin cleansing for inflammation

Facial peeling at home for problem skin requires its disinfection. Scrubbing acne is not allowed. Cosmetic clay (blue, pink or red) is suitable as an abrasive, and aspirin is used for disinfection. Grind two tablets. Mix with a spoonful of clay. We dilute with water until a slurry is obtained. We put a drop of bergamot and tea tree oils there. Let's put on a mask. Cover your face with a damp cloth. After a quarter of an hour, wash off with a neutralizer.

Professional glycol peeling for the face at home: a step by step recipe with a photo

We clean the face. Wipe it down with alcohol. Let's prepare the neutralizer. We smear the nostrils, lips and eyebrows with Vaseline. Using a brush, quickly apply Skin Obsession 30% to the face. Hold exactly one minute. Rinse off with a neutralizer. We apply a nourishing cream. After a week, repeat the procedure, increasing the exposure time to two to three minutes.

Modern aesthetic medicine offers its patients a wide range of various services that effectively help to cope with almost any appearance flaws. Such a variety often makes the patient want everything at once, and one of the tasks of a competent specialist is an objective assessment of the patient's appearance and the selection of the most effective scheme for correcting its shortcomings. One of the most popular and sought-after cosmetic procedures today is a chemical peel. Until recently, it was assumed that this procedure is strictly forbidden to perform in the summer, but now this myth has been dispelled. Read on the site what chemical peels can be done in the summer, and what are the features of their implementation.

You can do peeling in the summer: important features of the procedure

Is it possible to do peeling in the summer - this is a very common question that cosmetologists often ask their patients. The fact is that the amazing result that the patient receives after chemical peeling encourages him to make this procedure regular, and to carry it out constantly, regardless of the time of year. And in some cases, the patient needs peeling at this time of the year the most.

To date, it is already known that chemical peels can be done in the summer, and, in some cases, even necessary.

The only question is what compositions of peels and in what cases should be used, as well as what features of the procedure and the rehabilitation period after it must be remembered by both the specialist and the patient.

Peeling can be done in summer:

  • what chemical peels can be done in the summer;
  • effective Skin Perfect peels that can be done in the summer.

What chemical peels can be done in the summer

The opinion that it is strictly forbidden to do any chemical peeling in the summer is completely wrong. The fact is that for owners of thick, oily and porous skin, peeling should be carried out regularly, as this approach helps to keep the condition and appearance of the skin constantly healthy, well-groomed and beautiful. In summer, light, gentle peels with low concentrations of fruit acids, such as ferulic, milky and almond peels, are optimal. But, in some cases, the patient may need more intense peels, such as Jessner peel, glycol peel, and others. Their use may be necessary if the patient has fresh scars, and they need to be corrected as soon as possible, regardless of the time of year. In this case, peeling can also be carried out, however, after peeling, the patient must limit his time on the street for some time, and very intensively protect the skin from sunlight.

Effective Skin Perfect peels that can be done in summer

For peeling in the summer, it is best to use combined multi-compositions of sparing fruit and natural acids. A real find for effective summer peeling are Skin Perfect peels made in the USA:

  • peeling based on mandelic acid 40% is intended exclusively for professional use, has a rich composition, which includes mandelic acid 40% and glycolic acid 40%, lactic acid, vitamin C, vegetable glycerin, extracts of licorice root and white willow bark, as well as caprylyl glycol. This peeling effectively helps to cope with hyperpigmentation, rosacea, moderate lentigo, epidermal melasma, oily skin, acne, dull and porous skin, as well as signs of photo- and chronoaging;
  • peeling with glycolic acid and kojic acid 30% also contains 10% lactic acid, hydroquinone, bearberry, licorice root extract and vitamin C. This peeling is indicated in the presence of age-related skin changes, acne, hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation, to correct depigmentation and moisturize , as well as oily skin with enlarged pores;
  • peeling based on retinoic and salicylic acids, which, in addition to 10% retinoic and 20% salicylic acid, also includes vitamin C, Japanese tea extract, hyaluronic acid, fruit acid and grape seed extracts, as well as retinyl palmitate. Indications for this peeling include acne, oily facial skin, scars, hyperpigmentation, mature, atonic skin, the presence of signs of photo- and chrono-aging, as well as melasma and lentigo;
  • Jessner Peel 30% - The powerful formula of this peel has a deep exfoliating effect on dense, oily skin. It contains lactic acid 15%, salicylic acid 20% and resorcinol 15%. This peeling is indicated for hyperpigmentation, oily facial skin, scars, acne, follicular hyperkeratosis and actinic keratosis, as well as for signs of photo- and chronoaging;
  • multipeeling with liposomes Episomal Multi Peel is indicated for the correction of hyperpigmentation, melasma, actinic keratosis, acne and oily facial skin, seborrhea, atonic skin and pronounced signs of aging, as well as for the fight against post-acne and scars on the skin. It contains 10% retinoic acid, vitamin C, hydroquinone, kojic acid, hydrocortisone, phenol, 10% trichloroacetic acid, 10% salicylic acid, aloe vera.

Effective Skin Perfect chemical peels, which can be used in summer, make it possible to correct skin imperfections, regardless of the season.

Facial peeling is a popular, effective facial treatment. Depending on the age of the patient and the depth of penetration of the chemical composition, various tasks can be achieved from skin transformation and getting rid of acne, to the elimination of uneven skin turgor and wrinkles.

The basic preparation for the procedure includes avoiding alcohol two to three days before exfoliation. This is necessary so that unforeseen reactions do not occur in the skin with the chemical components of the peeling.

If medium or deep peeling is performed in advance, a whitening cream can be used 2 weeks before the procedure. This measure will help minimize the prerequisites for hyperpigmentation of the skin by reducing the production of melanin.

Skin restoration after peeling may vary slightly from patient to patient, and depends on several factors:

  • Type/type of peeling (for example: after PQ Age peeling there is practically no recovery period and already on the day of the procedure the skin looks fresh, hydrated and rejuvenated),
  • skin condition,
  • Proper post-peel care
  • How well the correction of the skin is carried out.

So let's talk about how to care for facial skin in the post-peeling period.

1.ointment- the most common question on the Internet: "can I wash my face after peeling"? The first 12 hours are not. Then, starting from the morning of the next day, you can wash your face - twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, you need to use a mild moisturizing, slightly foaming, sulfate-free product.

For a period from a week (superficial peeling) to three weeks (medium, deep peels), we exclude any products with abrasive particles (scrubs, home peels). After washing, you need to blot your face with a towel, but do not wipe it - this injures the skin.

After washing, do not use tonics, lotions and any other alcohol-containing, AHA-acid products that require the use of a cotton pad.

2.Care cosmetics - to replenish moisture in the skin . The first step of moisturizing can be spraying with moisturizing essence - this way you do not work on the skin with your hands, which is especially important for medium or deep peels.

It is very good to use a product with hyaluronic acid, it is close to the skin and replenishes the moisture balance well, creating a protective barrier on the skin.

All the same hyaluron can be in a moisturizing gel / cream. Good moisturizers are: aloe and collagen.

It is better to give preference to delicate textures with a hypoallergenic composition. You can purchase a special product or a whole post-peel treatment designed specifically for the best skin recovery.

In pharmacy care, they work well: bepanten cream, panthenol spray (not an aerosol - it contains alcohol). You can moisturize the skin three or more times a day, the main thing is not to overload it and not to use too dense textures.

3.Sun protection after peeling . A must-have item, even if it seems to you that the street is cloudy and safe. Not without reason, autumn and winter are considered the safest time for peeling, not all types of peeling can be performed in spring.

So, after any peeling, it is required to protect the skin with an SPF factor of 30 or more before going outside (even if it is a trip to the store by car). After superficial peeling - SPF is used for at least two weeks, then you can use the appropriate care cream with SPF.

After medium or deep peeling, sun protection is required for a month or more.

Also do not forget about sunglasses, hats and caps.

What is considered the norm after peeling

  • Pimples after peeling not uncommon and not an exception, especially if exfoliation was carried out just to get rid of them. The first way to eliminate - acne rash. What to do - consult a beautician - with a strong rash, antibiotics and vitamins can be prescribed;
  • Peeling after peeling, more than the norm - it is with exfoliating skin that tissue renewal occurs. In no case should peeling be torn off and even gently removed, this can lead to complications. All crusts will fall off on their own. By the way, if the face does not peel off, there is nothing wrong with that either: firstly, after some peelings there is no peeling, and secondly, skin features could affect.
  • Redness, as a result of a burn, gradually disappears in the healing process.
  • Swelling of the face - especially after a median peel lasting up to 3-5 days, in the case of a deep peel a little longer.

What is not considered the norm and requires consultation with a cosmetologist:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • cracks in the skin (as a result of poor hydration);
  • pigmentation (may appear if there was no sun protection or the patient has a high predisposition);
  • erythema;
  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • scars of hypertrophic and keloid type.

Answers to important questions

It is more or less clear with the departure and the consequences, but here is how things are with the return to normal life.

  • Is it possible after peeling in the bath or sauna, to the pool and take a bath?

No. Water procedures in the pool are fraught with infection, and chlorinated water is dangerous for irritation, the possibility of getting burned and overdrying the skin.

Taking baths, saunas and bathing procedures are dangerous due to high temperatures, and this, in turn, is sweating - that is, skin irritation, plus active reproduction of bacteria occurs in a warm environment. You can return to your favorite water procedures after complete healing of the skin.

  • Is it possible to play sports after peeling?

Any workout leads to sweating, which, as in the case of bath procedures, leads to burning and irritation of the skin.

  • When can I sunbathe / go to the solarium?

Sunbathing, both natural and artificial, is highly likely to cause hyperpigmentation, so you should refrain from sunbathing for the period of the peeling course and for a month.

It is this factor that lies in the preferred peeling during the period with minimal solar activity.

  • Is it possible drinking alcohol after peeling?

Absolutely not - at least a week or two, if peelings are carried out in a course - refrain for the entire period!

Why and what is fraught with:

  1. increased burn when interacting with chemical residues in the skin;
  2. intense erythema;
  3. increased swelling of the face and eyes;
  4. inefficiency of some types of peels, the appearance of unwanted reactions of the body.
  • Can you make face masks?

Natural masks are completely prohibited, as they can cause inflammation on burned skin, injure particles and cause allergic reactions.

It is better to pay attention to professional masks designed for post-peel care - mainly aimed at deep moisturizing, soothing and restoring the skin.

  • When can I paint, use foundation after the peeling procedure?

After superficial peeling, as a rule, it is allowed to apply cosmetics (tone, highlighter, powder, etc.) every other day. After medium and deep peeling, you should refrain from 7-14 days. It is worth noting that mascara and lipstick are not included in the prohibited list.

  • Is it possible to clean the face after peeling?

In some cases, there is such an opportunity, after some light types of exfoliation, it is also possible to combine procedures. Only a beautician can answer with accuracy.

  • Is it possible to do peeling after biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

As a rule, there is no ban on carrying out, the procedures often go in parallel or at intervals. The exact answer can only be given by a beautician in accordance with the desired result and the condition of the skin.

  • Is it possible to peel after Botox / Dysport and filler?

Only a cosmetologist can give an answer, taking into account the time elapsed after the procedure and what kind of peeling should be performed. The fact is that after Botox or the introduction of a filler, the vessels in the treated area are squeezed, this condition slows down the process of skin regeneration.

The same applies to laser hair removal on the face and tattooing of eyebrows and lips after peeling. First you need to wait for the complete healing of the skin and then go to the master for beauty.

The view of cosmetologists on restorative care may vary somewhat, there are general rules and recommendations, but the cosmetologist knows better (the type of peeling is known, the condition of your skin and its type, as well as other nuances).

Therefore, do not neglect the prescribed care of a specialist and do not try to act independently, contrary to the recommendations, if you have questions, it is better to seek clarification from a specialist. Do not forget that the peeling procedure does not end in the cosmetologist's office.

Human skin consists of a deep layer, the dermis, and an outer layer, the epidermis. They are separated by special membranes. Newborn cells gradually move to the surface, and the old ones die off. However, for the most part, they cannot be removed on their own, so skin problems arise: clogged pores, inflammation, bumps, age spots, wrinkles. The modern beauty industry and the experience of home care offer an option to deal with these troubles. A cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to cleanse the face, is called peeling.

  • mechanical;
  • physical.

Depending on the intensity of exposure and the expected result, face peeling is divided into three groups:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

Why is peeling necessary?

1. To smooth wrinkles and prevent new ones. Dead cells accumulating in irregularities age the face faster than nature intended. Peeling allows you to remove the inanimate layer in the epidermis, freeing and leveling its surface.

2. Polluted skin looks stale, its pores clog, blood circulation is disturbed. Face peeling makes it more elastic and attractive.

3. The procedure is indicated for women whose epidermis is prone to inflammation, pores are often enlarged, and acne appears.

4. Peeling is needed for those whose face has age spots. This is the best way to make them less noticeable or eliminate them altogether.

5. With regular exfoliation, the skin becomes well-groomed and ages more slowly.

Types of peeling

The procedure is different, and it depends on the components, the nature of the impact, the complexity and price of the event. It is important to take into account both the condition of the skin and the result that a woman would like to receive.

1. Exfoliate at home (check out).

You can clean the skin not only in the cabin. Superficial peeling is quite possible to do at home. To do this, you need an exfoliating component (fine sea salt, apricot kernels, almond or even oat bran) and something to nourish and moisturize the skin (good sour cream, honey, olive oil). These ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2 (the actual peeling is always less). It is better to apply the mixture along the massage lines. The greatest effect is achieved when the skin is pre-steamed well.

How often can peeling be done at home? Since it is not very aggressive, the procedure is carried out twice a week for those with oily, normal and combination skin and once for those with dry skin. Peeling at home will not overcome wrinkles or freckles, but it is quite capable of maintaining the epidermis in a satisfactory condition.

2. Almond peeling.

It has a simple composition and recipe, so it is possible to do this procedure at home. This will require:

  • 5 pieces. almonds (unpeeled);
  • 150 ml of honey;
  • 150 ml lemon juice.

Nuts are crushed into powder, all ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water. You can do almond peeling quite often - 1-2 times a month. This method is good for both young skin and aging skin: it is safe, the composition does not contain artificial additives. The only exception is an allergic reaction, the presence of which must be checked before peeling is applied to the entire face.

3. Chemical peeling of the face.

Speaking about which peel is best to choose, salon experts often recommend this one. The principle is to dissolve dead cells of the epidermis directly on its surface. This happens due to the various acids included in the peeling. Since these are potent substances, they burn the skin to a greater or lesser extent, so a professional approach is needed. There is a deep, medium and superficial peeling of the face. Each of them involves a different concentration of acid.

When the specialist begins to carry out the procedure, the patient will feel an unpleasant burning sensation. For medium or deep peels, an anesthetic may be prescribed. After visiting the salon, the skin of the face begins to turn red, then the redness goes away and peeling appears. When this happens, it's best to do nothing at all and try not to touch the skin so you don't get an infection. In no case should you tear off the outgoing scales of the epidermis with your hands - scars may appear.

After this type of peeling, it is better not to go out in the sun for several days, as the skin becomes vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. This procedure has many varieties. During it, many types of acids are used. To understand what peels are, it is worth considering some of their types.

4. Glycolic peeling.

The safest, almost painless, has no consequences in the form of scars, scars, serious burns. Affects the surface layer. It is customary to do a chemical peel with the help of alpha hydroxy acids. Since they are found in apples, lemons and other fruits, the procedure is usually called fruit. Glycolic acid penetrates better than others into the layers of the epidermis and destroys dead cells, so it is used more often than others.

When the fruit peeling of the face is successfully carried out, the following results are observed:

  • melanin granules responsible for pigmentation are distributed evenly, therefore, age spots decrease, turn pale, disappear;
  • glycolic acid molecules bind water molecules in the skin of the face, so it becomes elastic and smooth, wrinkles decrease, wrinkles disappear;
  • ceramides, which make up intercellular membranes, are synthesized more actively, which means that moisture will be well preserved in the deep layers of the epidermis.

5. Acid peeling.

It is made with active acids. The upper layers of the epidermis are affected. This type of procedure in the salon is needed primarily for those whose face is prone to pigmentation, freckles.

The peel contains several acids and vitamin C.

  • Retinoic acid activates the growth of skin tissues, controls the production of melanin, improves metabolic processes. Thanks to it, new blood vessels are formed that supply oxygen and nutrients to the epidermis on the face.
  • Phytic acid, in addition to preventing aging, enhances the exfoliation of dead cells and prevents skin irritation at the same time.
  • Azelaic acid inhibits the formation of DNA, which prevents aging. It has an antibacterial and soothing effect.
  • Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and activates the production of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity.

Acid peeling is indicated for owners of aging facial skin. It is also necessary to do it for those who suffer from acne or from its consequences - scars and irregularities.

How often can you clean your face?

Up to 30 years of age, salon exfoliation procedures are not recommended, it is enough to treat the skin at home from time to time. But for aging skin, such care will only benefit - wrinkles will be smoothed out, the contour will tighten. When is the best time to exfoliate? In summer, this aggressive impact is not recommended: the best time for it is the cold season (autumn-winter-spring).

There is no clear answer to the question of when the procedure is more effective - in the morning or in the evening. But most experts are inclined to believe that during the night the skin of the face will rest and irritation will go away, besides, the sun's rays at this time will not harm it.

Superficial peeling can be done once a week, medium - in 30-60 days. Deep exposure is akin to a major surgical operation that takes place under anesthesia. The effect lasts for years, so such peeling is extremely rare.