Blue topaz or Siberian diamond. Topaz is everyone's dream

In Russia, the topaz stone received special attention only in the 18th century, although in many countries it has been revered since ancient times. In the Urals, in places of extraction discovered at the same time, he was called "heavyweight", since he is significantly heavier than many precious stones. For almost a century, jewelers have called it the "Siberian diamond", thus emphasizing the beauty and amazing brilliance of crystals mined in the mines of the Ilmenogorsk semi-precious belt.

Topaz properties

Natural topaz is an aluminum silicate and is described by the chemical formula Al2 (F, OH) 2. It is a high-density transparent crystal with a characteristic glassy luster. Its hardness on the Mohs scale corresponds to 8 units, and it is one of the standards for the formation of this scale. Topaz crystals can be very large - they are found weighing tens or even hundreds of kilograms. In 1965, a wine-yellow crystal with dimensions of 82x37x35 cm and weighing 117 kg was found in Ukraine. But the record belongs to a Brazilian find weighing 5.8 tons.

Types of topaz and their colors

In ancient times, some types of topaz, differing in color, were mistakenly attributed to other minerals. Various versions of the origin of its name are associated with this. For example, many people call the island Topazios the first known deposit of topaz, although it is almost proven that in the "Natural History" Pliny the Elder named this mineral, which we classify as chrysolites.

The color range of topaz has several shades of yellow - from golden to yellow-brown. It was the yellow topaz that caused the appearance of another etymological version - the correspondence to the Sanskrit "tapas" (fire, heat). And it is precisely such stones that are very highly valued along with rich blue, wine and pink. The less valuable are colorless, greenish and pale-colored.

Photos of topaz

Topaz products

The first items with topaz were found at the sites of primitive people. Perhaps they were used as a tool, since the mineral in them looks like thin narrow plates. In further history, crowns and headdresses of kings and sultans were decorated with natural topaz, which were very expensive. The same stone is included in the number of twelve stones that adorned the pectoral of the high priest Aaron mentioned in the Bible.

The answer to the question of how much topaz is worth today depends on its color, intensity of natural color and shine. It is characteristic that the stone looks equally impressive in any jewelry processing - both faceted and in the form of a cabochon with a smoothly polished surface, and in any artistic form.

Blue Topaz Product Catalog:

How to clean topaz

There are no special recipes for cleaning products with topaz. It is a very resistant stone that only decomposes with phosphoric salt. It can be washed in soapy water using a cloth or soft brush. You can simply rinse it under running water. You can also dry it in the sun, but it is better not to expose the stones of a blue hue to the sun, as they can become discolored.

Topaz deposits

The richest deposits of topaz are found in Brazil, Pakistan, India, in the mountains of Sri Lanka. The Ural deposits of gems are famous for the fact that several types of topaz of very beautiful shades are mined here at once, often of large sizes - up to 30 kg. The Volynskoe deposit in Ukraine is rich in blue and wine-yellow topaz. These minerals are also mined in Australia, Japan, Norway. There are small deposits in the countries of central Europe.

Topaz stone meaning

It has long been believed that precious stones have a subtle energy that is attuned to a person when worn frequently. And natural topaz is particularly good at this. It is a stone for psychologists and forensic scientists, because it promotes the development of intuition and helps to find solutions in difficult situations, to reveal secrets. He is called a saint because he promotes spiritual growth and protects from evil.

Whose topaz stone by horoscope and zodiac sign

Natural topaz is energetically suitable for almost every person, although it affects everyone in their own way. Nevertheless, there is a category of people to whom he is especially predisposed. These are those born under the constellation Scorpio. It is significant that only in this single case there are no contradictions in any of the known lists of correspondences of stones to the signs of the zodiac. This applies to all lists, including those approved by the UK Jewelers Association, the US Jewelers Industry Council and the International Jewelers Association.

Healing properties of topaz

Even in ancient times, several ways of using topaz in healing were proposed - from treating poor eyesight to getting rid of the plague. It seems that there is no scientific confirmation of such abilities of the mineral, and therefore it is better to treat the eyes with proven methods. Those who believe in the energetic effect of the stone should pay attention to the following:

  • Topaz stone resists exhaustion and depression;
  • reduces the rate of aging;
  • relieves migraine headache;
  • reduces the intensity of seizures of epilepsy, gout and asthma;
  • improves the functioning of the esophagus and stomach;
  • helps to reduce high blood pressure;
  • promotes deep sleep.

The magical properties of topaz

In ancient times, it was believed that the topaz stone can bring wealth, as it attracts the favor of the rulers. It was believed that he gives the ability to inspire his thoughts to others. Probably, he could become a powerful weapon if this were really so. Therefore, it is much more pleasant to believe that this beautiful stone helps to be more attentive to life and the signs of fate, using them for good.

Topaz is a stone that belongs to the second group of gemstones and is a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate. There are several versions of the origin of the name of this beautiful stone.

According to one of them, topaz was first found on the Red Sea island of Topazios, hence it got its name. Mysterious legends and rumors have always circulated around this territory, so only the most courageous treasure seekers could decide to visit them and receive a beautiful nugget as a reward. Another version says that the name comes from the Latin word "rayuv", which translates as "search". And finally, the third and most widespread legend says that "topaz" is derived from the Sankrit word "topas", which means "fire, heat and passion."

Description and characteristics of topaz

The stone is distinguished by a wide variety of colors and shades, there are both absolutely transparent, colorless topaz, and stones of various saturations of yellow, cherry-brown, blue, green, red, pink and golden colors.

In nature, polychrome stones are found when different parts of the same crystal are painted in different colors. It corresponds to the 8th strength index, the density of topaz is 3.49-3.60 g / cc.

It is very resistant to external influences, including acid, decomposes only with phosphoric salt. The mineral is one of the reference, used to determine the relative hardness by scratching.

The magical properties of topaz

Its magical properties have been known since ancient times. So, for example, in the East, a stone of a golden hue was considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. In India, topaz was revered along with diamond and ruby, it was one of the most valuable stones, and pink topaz was considered magical, returning lost hope. It is necessary to study the properties of individual varieties of topaz in order to know for sure who suits a stone of a certain color. So:

  • yellow mineral helps a person show leadership qualities and influence the audience, forcing people to follow him;
  • a golden stone is suitable only for people with a strong spirit. It helps its owner to find harmony, peace and well-being, inner enlightenment, his owner gets the opportunity to live serenely, enjoying life;
  • red topaz is a love amulet, it increases the attractiveness of the wearer and enhances the passion of the partner;
  • lilac or imperial stone helps in the professional field, especially those associated with investigations and impact on people. Investigators, forensic scientists, psychologists and hypnotists will get along well with him;
  • pink topaz helps to overcome depression, revives lost hopes and is a good defender against betrayal and fears;
  • blue topaz, whose properties are reduced to protection from overt and hidden enemies, is considered a stone of psychics and clairvoyants. It makes its owner more sociable, attracts new friends and acquaintances to him.

Since ancient times, magicians have used topaz to protect against the evil eye, witchcraft and other negative influences. If you wear jewelry with these noble stones, then you will forget about depression and anxiety. It is best to choose it in combination with gold, but it is not suitable for everyone. It is believed that this stone only loves mature and creative people, it helps to reveal hidden talents and encourages the creative process. However, this will not happen immediately, the stone will take some time to get used to you, and you - to it, in the process it may even change a little color. So, examples are known when the stone was initially aggressively yellow in color, and over time it became a calm golden hue, which means that the topaz is used to a new owner.

The healing properties of the stone

In alternative medicine, there is a whole section that deals with treatment with natural stones. It is called lithotherapy. Topaz is no exception, its use in medicine is very wide. During the Middle Ages, it was used to prevent poisoning. It was believed that topaz can be used to check if there is poison in food; if there is poison, it should have changed its color. Perhaps that is why it was widely used to decorate royal cups.

According to lithotherapists, topaz suppresses depression and strengthens the protective functions of the body, the constant wearing of jewelry with topaz will protect you from colds and viral diseases. It perfectly treats bone diseases, female infertility and sore throats. Experts say that in history there were cases when topaz helped to cope with heart attacks, strokes and diseases of the endocrine system. In the fight against diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and sexual dysfunction, topaz is a good helper. Eye diseases, poor eyesight and myopia are treated with topaz. It is believed that with its help you can get rid of insomnia and nightmares and find a sound and healthy sleep. In addition, the positive effect of topaz on people suffering from asthma, gout and high blood pressure has been noted.

Topaz and astrology

Before choosing one or another natural stone, you need to make sure that it is suitable for your zodiac sign. This is very important, because an unsuitable stone may not only not have a positive effect on the owner, but even harm him. According to astrologers, topaz is favorable to those born in November, so it is ideal for Scorpios. This opinion is shared by both modern and ancient oracles.

They believe that jewelry with topaz for those born under this sign is not just possible, but necessary to wear, because these people tend to go to extremes, and the stone helps to find inner harmony and make the right decision.

This is especially true for young Scorpios.

Topaz comes into force when a person becomes contradictory, uncontrollable, his self-confidence goes beyond all boundaries, while you need to compromise and try to establish contact. The beneficial effect of the stone will help to pull yourself together and go to reconciliation, as well as avoid stressful situations. Sooner or later, every person born under the sign of Scorpio needs such help, because they have enormous opportunities and prospects for self-improvement. They are advised to choose jewelry with a blue or lilac stone. You should not choose this mineral born under the sign of Taurus, Libra and Pisces, these are the opposite signs to Scorpio.

What does topaz look like? It is a gem that spreads light into a full spectrum. Usually it is a transparent mineral. The columns of crystals are correct and arranged in columns. Topaz is of great importance in jewelry.

The physical characteristics are strength and transparency. Due to this, it is valued as an ornamental stone. But it is quite difficult to cut it.

Topaz magical properties:

  1. Protects against damage, evil eyes and other negative influences.
  2. Moves people up for good deeds.
  3. Helps to learn the secrets of the universe.
  4. It attracts good luck and happiness.

Supernatural properties ennoble any person, which means a mineral, like a stone of people with a pure heart and soul.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

Topaz is a stone that attracts good luck. It is important to take into account the astrological compatibility of the properties of the stone and the sign of the zodiac.

Important! For women and men, the astrological effect of the stone is almost the same, so there are no major differences in the effects.

The gem is not combined with many astrological signs. It is important that the very energy of the mineral and the elements of the sign is in harmony.

Who suits the horoscope:

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

More often the gem is completely transparent. Sometimes gems are found, the color of which is represented by any of the shades of the rainbow. Sometimes they combine several colors at the same time.

The raw mineral has a peculiar state. According to the color scheme, the varieties of topaz are distinguished. Views are determined by color.


  • Blue.
  • Yellow.
  • London blue topaz.
  • Rauchtopaz.
  • Pink.
  • Green.
  • Blue.
  • Golden.
  • White.

Colored topazes are considered valuable specimens that are highly prized in jewelry and are worth a lot of money at auctions.

How much: price

How much is the simplest sample of a gem, as well as unique samples, you can find out using the Internet.

The price is determined by the cut method, color, size, clarity and many other characteristics of the sample.

Approximate cost of the stone:

  • Transparent faceted topaz, 5 carats - 85 conventional units.
  • Golden faceted in 12 carats - 70 conventional units.
  • Top Sky Blue 12 ct - 120 conventional units.
  • Brown 12 carats - 135 conventional units.

The list is endless, it is better to contact a jewelry salon, to resort to the help of a professional. At auctions, you can find samples that are much more expensive.

Products and jewelry made of stone and its application

The use of topaz is maximal precisely in jewelry. A gem of this rank cannot be considered an ornamental stone. Where cut samples are used:

  • Earrings.
  • Pendants.
  • Necklaces.
  • Bracelets.
  • Brooches.
  • Rings.

Topaz jewelry is engraved with precious metals. Topaz is most successfully combined with gold and platinum.

Note! The cost of jewelry with topaz is equal to that of jewelry with precious stones.

Products with a mineral fit perfectly into an ensemble with other precious stones. Thus, all-round brilliance and glare is achieved.

Medicinal properties: are they there?

The healing properties of the stone have been known since ancient times. It was used as a protective amulet against many diseases and problems with the body.

In alternative medicine, the mineral is respected and is considered an assistant in any situation:

  1. Restores the work of the digestive system.
  2. Protection against disease and inflammation.
  3. Allows you to establish work in the process of psychological disorders.
  4. Restores vision and other body systems.

Treatment consists in using the stone as an amulet. The gem needs to be applied to problem areas for a while.

How to spot a counterfeit: checking for authenticity

Natural stone has a muted color palette. Bright saturated colors are practically not inherent in this type of mineral. In addition, there are several ways to distinguish a fake from the original.

A counterfeit can be identified according to the following criteria:

  1. By color.
  2. The arrangement of crystals inside the gem.
  3. Ringing sound on impact.
  4. It is difficult to damage by mechanical impact.

Synthesizing artificial stone is expensive, but less valuable natural stones may be provided instead of topaz. If, after the checks, there is still uncertainty, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Mineral deposits

Deposits of topaz are limited in their quantity.

The origin of gems is determined by natural conditions.

The largest deposit is considered:

  • Brazil.
  • Schneckestein.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Russia.

Other mining sites are either too small or of poor quality.

Care and storage

At the same time, storage requires special conditions: a dark place with normal humidity and low temperature.

Caring for topaz is no different from caring for any other natural mineral.

It is enough to simply carry out the following actions:

  1. Wipe the stone with a damp cloth.
  2. Drying is natural.
  3. Polishing is carried out thanks to natural fabric.

It is undesirable to use chemicals, too aggressive cleaning methods. Not too often ammonia is used for polishing, but in small quantities.

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Natural topaz belongs to the second group of jewelry gemstones. This stone is known to almost everyone firsthand. Correctly crafted topaz is beautiful. He will not leave anyone indifferent. Its trademark is pronounced brilliance, variety of colors and affordability. That is why he is so loved and appreciated.

The name of the stone came to us from Greece. There is an island in the Red Sea called "Topazos", which in Greek means - to seek, or from Sanskrit - fire.

Physicochemical properties of topaz

  • Chemical formula - Al2 (F, OH) 2.
  • Possible impurities Fe3 +, Fe3 +, Ti, Cr, V, etc.
  • Crystals are prismatic, short-columnar.
  • Cleavage is perfect.
  • The system is rhombic.
  • Color in nature - Colorless, golden yellow, pale blue, yellow, yellowish brown, violet red, pink.
  • Transparency - transparent.
  • The shine is glassy.
  • Mohs hardness - 8.
  • Density - 3.49-3.57.
  • Refraction or refraction period - 1.606-1.638.
  • The fracture is conchial.

Topaz color

If you take into account all sorts of options for the color scheme of topaz, the list will be very long. Natural topaz has many natural shades - tea, pinkish, light yellow, bluish, brownish, peach, cognac. Plus, topaz has an excellent property - it is able to acquire rich colors obtained by various types of heating and radiation treatment. I will list the most famous shades of topaz and their brand names.

London blue topaz- dark blue topaz. Sometimes with a slight gray or green color.

Sky blue topaz is a light blue stone that resembles the sky on a clear day. The first two colors on this list are obtained exclusively through heat treatment. Sky blue topaz is also obtained by heating, but a crystal of this color can also be found in nature.

Topaz color " Champagne"(" Champagne ") is also known to many. Soft luminous tone and sophisticated shades radiate natural warmth, tenderness and beauty.

It is considered the most valuable in the world market today. Yellowish-golden, reddish-golden and pink colors, with a rich and fade-resistant tone. This is all Imperial Topaz.

I would also like to note that natural topaz with a red or pink tint is the rarest and most expensive among natural topaz. The price of such a stone can reach 300 - 500 US dollars per one carat of weight. Brownish and yellowish shades are an order of magnitude cheaper, but by no means cheap.

Today on the world market, including in Russia, they offer the widest range of Imperial topaz. A wide range of shapes and sizes. Where did so many high-quality stones come from ?! The fact is that almost all of these topazes have an artificially obtained color. They have nothing to do with the natural color of the imperial topaz. If you take a colorless, natural topaz crystal and bake it in the oven and knead it into a dough, it will take on a pleasant yellow hue. Now imagine modern technology! Everything becomes immediately clear.

And a little more about the brown shade

is not topaz. This name was coined to attract sophisticated amateurs. Just a PR move. Rauchtopaz is nothing more than smoky quartz. any topaz. Thanks to this delusion, many managed to make good money.

There are also colors that are obtained through various types of processing. Green, red, pink, mystic or azotic topaz (containing various iridescent spectra; mystic with predominantly blue, violet and green colors; azotic with red, yellow and golden colors).

Topaz deposits

There are many deposits of this mineral all over the world. Brazil is the main supplier of quality crystals. Topaz also comes to the world market from the following countries: Australia, Afghanistan, China, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe and Japan.

Healing properties of topaz

It is believed that topaz helps with nervous disorders, improves sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Topaz is an excellent remedy for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Some traditional healers with the help of topaz relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, stop bleeding. There is an opinion that topaz should be worn on the body to prevent colds and increase immunity. In ancient times, topaz was used in the treatment of poor eyesight. The most powerful in their energy are considered to be golden and honey topaz.

The magical properties of topaz

In the countries of the East, a golden stone is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It frees one from violent and dangerous passions that give rise to a serene enjoyment of life in a person. Eliminates negative emotions - depression, fears, doubts, anger, hatred. In many countries, amulets are made from topaz that can protect against evil spirits, black witchcraft, the evil eye and damage.

Light blue topaz makes you look optimistically at life, strengthens your intuition. He gives women - beauty, men - wisdom, and together - prosperity, recognition and success.

Now it has become fashionable to acquire semiprecious and precious stones that correspond to the sign of the zodiac, because many believe in their magical and healing power. Topaz, a stone for which the sign of the zodiac is Scorpio, also did not stand aside. It is assumed that a person born in November and wearing this mineral has exceptional honesty, decency, generosity. But first, a little about the stone itself.

Origin and color spectrum

There are several versions of the origin of the name of this semi-precious stone. First, the name was given in honor of the island of Topazios, where this stone was first discovered. The second is “topas”, translated from Sanskrit it means “fire”. In Russian, there is a synonym for "heavyweight" - because of the large specific gravity of this rock: weight up to 20 kg is not considered a rarity, and specimens from 60 to 80 kg were found in Norway. Topaz belongs to the group of minerals and is famous for its variety of shades. It is relatively wide: from brown, wine-yellow, golden, orange, to blue, pink and even red-orange. There are stones that combine several colors at once. Although colorless topaz is a fairly common phenomenon.

We are looking for reasons in nature

The reasons for the different colors lie in the radiation nature of the mineral, which causes deviations from the parameters considered ideal. With prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, topaz with a yellow-brown tint can lose color. On the other hand, radioactive radiation in colorless minerals causes an intense acquisition of colors from wine-yellow to brown with an orange tint. They are also characterized by a strong glassy luster on internal cracks and adhesive planes with a pearlescent tint. This stone is considered a reference because it does not dissolve in acids and does not change under external influences.

Cold finesse - blue topaz

The most sophisticated of all the color variations of topaz is blue. His mission is to reign and bring beauty, perhaps that is why he is not alone in nature, he is always accompanied by his retinue - tourmaline, morion, fluorite.

Topaz is considered a stone with a special purpose. With the help of it, tangled cases and problems are solved. This is an amulet for people who want to develop the ability to intuitively guess lies, make the right decisions and always be in a good mood. Do you want to know who the blue topaz (stone) symbolizes? Scorpio zodiac sign. It cools down the unbalanced, overly emotional, explosive nature of the representatives of the sign and brings inner harmony, endowing with calmness and balance. Wearing a sky blue topaz ring every day (except Monday and Friday) will channel energy in the right direction, develop the ability to excel in rhetoric, politics and diplomacy.

Yellow is only for the truthful

In a yellow mineral, the tint varies from transparent to intensely golden, brown is rarely found. Yellow topaz is a stone, which is also called a yellow citron, because it has a bright color.This is a real talisman for honest and decent people who do not know how to lie and play, because with such a credo it is not easy for them in life. Yellow topaz successfully fulfills its purpose as a talisman, protecting energy and allowing creativity and talents to unfold more fully. It helps maintain an even family relationship, endowing a person with kindness, warmth and sincerity. The ancient Greeks believed that it gives endurance and awakens additional strength. Among the Egyptians, the mineral personified a symbol of service to the god Ra, and jewelry with it was revered as the highest value and was considered a sign of the patronage of the deity. Numerology associates yellow topaz with one. People born on the first day, he protects and protects from all troubles. It is also recommended for Libra and Gemini to wear it.

properties, zodiac sign

This mineral has never been deprived of people's attention. Topaz crafts were found during excavations of ancient sites in the Urals. In the East, he personified a symbol of spirituality. The Greeks believed that the stone gives a man wisdom and discretion, and a woman - beauty. In many countries, he served as a talisman against evil spirits and their tricks, on travel. Topaz was awarded with unique properties and abilities, it was believed that the "fire stone" helps to expose the intrigues and secret thoughts of others.

Someone praised him, someone lost faith in his power, but everyone unanimously agreed on his miraculous magical and healing properties. The main thing is to decide: topaz is a stone of which sign of the zodiac? They believed that if the mineral is “yours” according to the horoscope, then the person who possesses it is always in a wonderful mood, serenely enjoying life, has reliable friends and true love. He is not subject to causeless anger and rage, depression, fears, obsessions. Moreover, the stone will help to reconcile those who have quarreled, eliminate the cause of misunderstanding and hatred.


The category "Topaz (stone) - the sign of the Zodiac" is not limited to an unambiguous definition. Jewelry decorated with it helps to gather the spirit and make the right decision, since the stone brings wisdom and peace. So which zodiac sign is topaz suitable for? Besides Scorpio, these signs are Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, Aries. Apotropy has a particularly effective effect on its owner in his own home. To the November Scorpios, he brings good luck and luck in business, love and fidelity in relationships. He will reward March Aries with wild imagination and the opportunity to express himself in creativity.

Ayurveda classifies topaz as a gem that can energetically charge the intellect, overcome fear and phobias, and inflame passion in people.

Folk and traditional medicine

Ancient folk medicine healers treated myopia and other eye diseases with topaz. How they succeeded is unknown, but if people recovered, then it worked. Apparently the placebo effect was working. Until now, healers treat nervous disorders with this stone, relieve insomnia, expel Topaz helps to accelerate tissue regeneration, relieve stress, exacerbate taste sensations, improve the organs of the digestive system, liver, gall bladder, spleen, restore the energy and nervous systems. With the help of it, the immune system is strengthened, new forces are awakened to fight the infection. If you look at the mineral for a long time and intently, madness can be cured. To present a stone framed with gold in a ring or pendant means to show your benevolent attitude towards a person and wish him good luck and happiness. To make all this come true, the gift is put on the index finger of the right hand or on the neck.

We feel in our hearts

Pop and movie stars, politicians, lawyers, businessmen are not indifferent to jewelry with topaz. This is not surprising, because the stone is able to attract not only material well-being, but also the attention of the opposite sex. And yet, first decide on a talisman, and it will not be difficult to find a horoscope for it. The main thing is that you personally like the amulet, and you need to treat it without fanaticism and blind faith. Use healthy humor, irony, and self-criticism when choosing a mineral. Listen to your heart and inner voice, assess addictions and personal tastes. After all, topaz is a stone. The sign of the Zodiac, to which he belongs, will help you choose the right "your" talisman. You will definitely feel that it is yours when all the energetic vibrations coincide. Yes, not only people are able to emit energy vibrations. Minerals too! True, not so often - only once a day. Moreover, this is another reason to visit jewelry stores more often in search of your personal pebble ...