Gradient on the nails with a comb brush. An original gradient on nails with glitter gel polish and a brush - step by step photos, video tutorials. Gradient acrylic powder

Gradient is a relatively new trend in nail design. A smooth transition from shade to shade or a rainbow overflow makes it possible to combine this type of manicure with almost any style of clothing.

Most of all, this technique is attracted by the simplicity of execution. You can create a gradient manicure yourself, the effect of such a design is not inferior in its attractiveness even to complex techniques that only a professional master can perform.

If you want to create a vivid image, but in the absence of practical skills, the gradient will be the most suitable.

Simple gradient

A simple and affordable way for everyone to apply a gradient is to use a sponge. With its help, you can create smooth transitions that cannot be done with a brush. Sponge prints need to be done carefully. Their number on one nail depends on the desired intensity of staining: the more sponge prints, the richer and brighter the manicure will be.
After applying a gradient, the nail is immediately covered with a fixing compound on top. This will help to avoid the transfer of porous structure from the sponge to the nail.

The disadvantage of this method is that before processing each nail plate, it is necessary to reapply varnish to the sponge, because most of it is quickly absorbed.

Despite some inconveniences during the procedure, the result obtained is worth it.

Gradient brush

To apply a gradient manicure with a brush, you will need the same materials as for the sponge technique. But the peculiarity of this method is that the varnish can be applied both vertically and horizontally.

Adhering to the algorithm, you can even create a gradient on the nails yourself:

  1. At the first stage, you need to choose the shades of varnishes so that, when combined, you get a smooth transition from a light tone to a dark one or from a saturated to a muted one.
  2. In order for the manicure to last longer, the nails must be properly prepared: make at least the simplest manicure, carefully polish the nail plate.
  3. The base is applied to the prepared nail with the first layer. Give it time to dry.
  4. It is better to treat the skin surrounding the nail with a cream. This will make it easier to remove excess nail polish after your manicure.
  5. The selected varnish color is applied carefully, being careful not to go over the edges.
  6. A varnish of a different color is applied so that it covers half of the nail from the cuticle to the tip.
  7. Until both layers of varnish are completely dry, create a gradient. Do it with a sponge. She gently blotted the border of the merger of two shades of varnish. At the same time, movements should be fast and abrupt.
  8. When the nails are a little dry, a fixer is applied in the last layer.

Gradient manicure options

  • White gradient

White gradient has a similarity to French manicure. Smooth transitions of pale pink or cream and white varnish give a special grace to the hands. A white gradient looks good on a tanned skin background.

  • Black gradient

Black is versatile, it blends harmoniously with many colors. The combination of black and white varnish on one nail will add austerity and elegance to the image. And the combination with a rich scarlet color simply cannot fail to attract the attention of others.

  • Red gradient

Gradient manicure done in red tones can include varnish from bright to almost black and burgundy. This design is perfect for an evening event.
Sometimes a red gradient is made with transitions to a different color scheme.

  • Pink gradient manicure

Makes any look delicate and feminine. It is suitable for women regardless of status and age, appropriate in any setting.

  • Blue gradient

Blue varnish is a great alternative for those who find the classics boring and uninteresting. The advantage of blue is in its versatility, in the presence of a large number of different and interesting shades.

Beautifully and neatly executed, it is suitable for everyday life and for a festive event.

  • Shiny gradient

Gradient manicure can be not only in the form of a color transition. Stretch effect can be created using confetti or glitter.

At the first stage, the nail is varnished with the main color. Then sequins are abundantly applied to the edge of the nail plate, and with the help of a brush they are stretched to the nail hole, thinning the layer.

Glitter will create a festive and spectacular manicure. In this case, glitter can be used in the same color as the main varnish, or vice versa, emphasize the contrast.

Using confetti in the design of nails, they focus on its size. For example, place larger confetti at the end of the nail plate, and small ones towards the middle.

  • Gradient with design elements

The most spectacular, but at the same time the most difficult to execute is a gradient with design elements. There may be several options for it. Manicure is widespread when an accent in the form of a pattern or gradient of a different color is placed on one or several nails of one hand. A drawing located on top of color transitions requires special skills of the master, since there is a high risk of overloading the nail plate or making it larger.

A curly or geometric gradient always looks original, which implies the presence of shapes and outlines of the stretch line.

A gradient with the use of foil tape or rhinestones has an equally spectacular look.

Gradient manicure cannot leave anyone indifferent. Among all the variety of its types, each woman can choose the one that will suit her mood.

In the warm season, I really want to pamper myself with an unusual and bright manicure. Standard techniques are no longer interesting and boring. Fortunately, fashion trends do not stand still, but are developing at a rapid pace. So, more recently, the masters of the nail service surprised with a new technique called gradient manicure. Its peculiarity is that it creates the effect of a blurry transition from one color to another. The gradual change in color scheme looks very impressive!

Gradient manicure can have a lot of different colors. To make the manicure expressive, you can use contrasting shades. To make a successful combination, you can use the color spectrum.

Gradient manicure at home

Gradient manicure, despite the apparent complexity, can be done at home. And how exactly, you can watch video tutorials for beginners, which provide step-by-step instructions.

Gradient manicure gel - varnish

So, how to make a gradient manicure, and what tools do you need to complete it?

  • Abrasive nail file 801 - 100 grit.
  • Degreaser for nail plates.
  • Transparent gel base.
  • Special brushes.
  • UV lamp for drying gel polish.
  • Colored gel varnishes.

We make a gradient with gel polish (step by step instructions with a photo).

Apply a gradient to the nails.

We remove the remnants of gel polish.

Align the gradient drawing with the top. Ombre manicure is ready.

Video Tutorial: Secrets of Creating the Perfect Gradient

Prepared nails must be degreased. Then the marigolds are covered with a colorless gel polish and placed in a lamp for 30-40 seconds. The sticky layer is removed with a degreaser. Then a colored gel polish is applied to the middle of the nail. The brush should move strictly from the cuticle. Further, the unpainted part of the nail is covered with another shade of gel polish. Then the border of the transition between colors is painted over with a thin brush. The result must be cured in a UV lamp (hold for 3 minutes). To eliminate the sticky layer, each nail is wiped with a napkin dipped in a degreaser.

The resulting result is covered with a finishing gel varnish. It gives the nails a beautiful glossy shine.

4 ways to do gradient designs

Masters of nail design have come up with quite a few ways to perform a home gradient manicure. Someone in the old fashioned way uses a sponge and an applicator for the eyeshadow. Advanced craftsmen have already armed themselves with such a fashionable and convenient tool for performing a gradient, such as a comb brush or a simple gradient brush. Well, lovers of new products with might and main draw for themselves and their clients a geometric gradient on their nails.

Gradient on nails with a sponge step by step

Gradient on nails with an eyeshadow applicator step by step

Gradient brush step by step

Geometric gradient on nails: step by step

Gradient manicure. Ideas and novelties of a photo of decorating nails with shimmering sand

Gradient manicure with designs

If you have a good sense of style and imagination, then you can try a gradient manicure with designs.

Gradient manicure can be combined with sequins, rhinestones, foil, drawings.

Gradient design is performed in the following sequence:

  • The nail plates are coated with a base varnish.
  • Then colored varnishes are applied to polyethylene or foil in the required order. This season, trendy colors: pink, white, red, black, violet, turquoise, coral.
  • A sponge is pressed to the varnishes and gently transferred to the nail. Shades are transferred with patting movements in order to make the borders as blurry as possible.
  • This procedure is repeated for all nails.
  • The result obtained is fixed with a topcoat.

Tips for beginners

In order for a gradient manicure to turn out neat, you must follow certain rules.

Rule # 1 for a good gradient manicure. First of all, you need to choose the right sponge. It should be fine-meshed. The cells must be the same shape and size. Otherwise, a gradient manicure may not work. Instead of a smooth transition, you will end up with unattractive dots that are far from the gradient.

Rule of good gradient manicure # 2. It is also not recommended to save on varnishes. Gradient manicure, made in economy of material, turns out to be uneven and awkward. Smooth transitions are achieved only when using the required amount of varnishes.

Good Gradient Rule # 3. As for the color scheme, the best base option is a beige, white, milky, peach shade. Additional colors can be any. In order to choose the right combination of them, you can look at the various options on our website. Here are various options for gradient manicure (photo below).

Video tutorial on how to perform the correct gradient manicure with gel polish

How to achieve an ombre effect on your nails? We are watching a training video.

Ideas and novelties of a photo of a gradient manicure

A manicure with a gradient effect on nails is a novelty based on the ombre technique, which was popular in 2016-2017. This design looks very stylish and beautiful. Gradient allows you to blend many shades, creating complex combinations and color transitions. It is not so difficult to carry out such a manicure on your own at home. It is enough to watch video tutorials for beginners and learn the basics of technology.

Gradient on nails is a special decorative technique, and you can use both regular and gel polish. This design involves creating a smooth transition between several shades of the same color. It is enough to look at the photo to understand that the gradient goes well with painting, stamping, as well as stencil manicure.

Recently, darker and more saturated shades have gained popularity. An interesting color scheme will visually lengthen the nails and make your hands graceful.

There are several types of gradient design:

  • The horizontal gradient is a very popular design that stretches color from the base of the nail to the edge of the nail. It is considered classic.
  • A vertical gradient assumes a gradual transition of colors from left to right.
  • Gradient on each finger separately. Nails are covered in different shades of the same color. An overall picture of a smooth transition from a darker tone to a light one is created. This kind of design looks great on short nails.
  • French manicure involves stretching the color from light pink to white. It looks best on nails of medium length and will be appropriate in a formal setting.

It is up to the girl herself to decide what technique for applying a gradient on the nails to choose. Almost all of them are easily reproduced at home.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make the gradient yourself

Many are interested in how to make a gradient on the nails. It can be done in several ways:

  • with a sponge;
  • vertical and horizontal gradient with a brush;
  • gradient on nails with gel polish.

When choosing the third method, you need to count on additional costs for the purchase of the necessary materials and equipment. The first two methods using conventional varnishes are easily performed at home with the help of available tools.

The number of shades for the gradient is selected at your discretion. They should be from 2 to 4. It is not recommended to use more shades. Firstly, because there is not enough space on the nail plate for such a wide palette, and secondly, because of the excessive variegation.

Sponge manicure

To create a manicure yourself using the gradient technique, you will need:

  • A sponge with a pointed edge made of fine-grained foam, which will be convenient for creating a gradient. The varnish is evenly distributed, and the coating is smooth and beautiful. Foam sponges are also suitable for this purpose.
  • Varnishes in two adjacent or contrasting shades.
  • Base and fixer.
  • Glass of water.
  • Foil.
  • Cotton swabs.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Soft brush.
  • Nail polish remover.

According to the step-by-step instructions, the procedure for applying varnish with a sponge at home looks like this:

  • The nails are cleaned and degreased with nail polish remover.
  • Apply base and let it dry.
  • Drops of varnish of selected shades are placed on a piece of foil so that they partially overlap each other.
  • The varnishes are mixed in the overlap area, creating a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Prepared varnish is collected on the sponge. It turns out a stencil sponge. In order to understand what effect can be achieved, make an impression on the foil.
  • Press the sponge to the nail, slightly moving it along the plate.
  • After the colored layer has dried, a fixer is applied. It will allow not only to extend the life of the coating, but also to level it.
  • Using a brush dipped in nail polish remover, remove excess on the skin.

Before starting your household chores, make sure the varnish is cured and will not deteriorate.

Gradient pattern with a brush

For a gradient manicure with a brush, you need the same materials as for the method using a sponge. A feature of this technique is that it can be performed by applying varnish vertically or horizontally.

Here's a step-by-step guide to making a vertical gradient at home:

  • First, the appropriate shades of varnishes are selected to obtain a smooth transition from light to dark or from bright to muted.
  • The gradient on the prepared nails holds much better, so it is worth doing a minimal manicure by carefully polishing the plate.
  • After the nail plate is prepared, a base is applied to it and allowed to dry.
  • It is helpful to lubricate the area around the nail with a cream that will make it easier to remove excess nail polish after a manicure.
  • Gently paint the nail with the selected colored varnish, without going over the edges.
  • Then the varnish of a different color is distributed so that it covers only half of the nail plate from the cuticle to the tip.
  • Create a gradient while both layers are still wet. To do this, blot the varnish with a sponge at the border of the confluence of the two shades. Movements should be quick and sharp.
  • Let the nails dry.
  • And at the very end, a fixer.

A similar manicure can be created using 3 or more shades of varnish, but this will be more difficult. You need to try to follow the instructions in stages, carefully applying a thin layer of varnish. You can use duct tape instead of cream to protect the skin around the plate.

A horizontal gradient is done in a similar way. The only difference is in the direction the color is stretched. The varnishes of the selected shades are applied horizontally. The border between them is also blotted with a sponge. It is best to slightly dampen it so that the varnish does not pick up so quickly.

As for a design that involves a separate staining of nails, then it is also created with a brush. They simply apply varnishes of similar shades to the nails so as to make a smooth transition from light to dark. Then, for example, the little finger will be painted in the darkest color, and the thumb, respectively, in the lightest.

French in gradient technique

One of the fashion trends is the gradient version of the classic French manicure. The design is covered with white varnish at the ends of the nails, closer to the cuticle, smoothly turning into transparent shades.

It is quite difficult to carefully carry out such a manicure at home. We'll have to practice and do it exactly according to the instructions. The design is carried out as follows:

1. Apply a base coat of a pink or beige shade to the entire nail plate, dry it.

2. The middle part of the nail is painted with a lighter shade, gently shading it with a sponge. This will allow you to achieve a smooth and inconspicuous transition between shades.

3. Using fine-grained foam rubber or a sponge, apply white varnish to the edge of the nail.

4. After drying the layer, the varnish is fixed with a top.

This design will look perfect if the plate is almond-shaped. French is a great option for extended nails. It is suitable not only for formal office style, but also for everyday life.

Geometric gradient

Geometric gradient coverings are especially trendy this year. There are many ideas for its implementation. You can easily find them on the net and watch educational video tutorials. Various shapes and lines serve as a decoration for such a manicure. They divide the nail into equal or asymmetrical segments and zigzags. The color scheme can be both classic and avant-garde, bright and catchy. Stencils and tapes are actively used. Complement fashionable nail art with velvet sand or acrylic powder. The effect depends on the skill of the performer.

The step-by-step tutorial states that to reproduce a geometric gradient in the form of diamonds, you need to:

  • Prepare your nails so that they are all the same length. They are given a beautiful shape.
  • Sketch the future drawing on paper.
  • Apply the base to the nails and dry.
  • The nails are covered with white varnish.
  • Varnishes of two colors are laid out on the palette, one of which is necessarily white, and the other, for example, blue. This will need to be done each time before applying. But at the same time, the proportion of blue must be gradually increased.
  • The shades are mixed and varnish is applied to the plate with a thin brush, drawing outlines of rhombuses. They are painted over with the same color.
  • In a checkerboard pattern, rhombuses are drawn on the nails in a darker shade, which is obtained from mixing white varnish and blue. Again, paint over all the figures.
  • The diamonds at the very end of the nail plate should turn out to be a deep blue color with almost no admixture of white.
  • Finally, cover the nails with a matte top.

This technique is best learned with step-by-step photography.

Gradient gel polish

Gradient gel polish manicure is no less relevant 2017 novelty than the geometric technique. To recreate it, you need to prepare materials:

  • dehydrator;
  • acid-free primer;
  • color gel polish 2 shades;
  • top coating;
  • Ultraviolet lamp;
  • A thin brush from the set for painting on nails.

You can perform a step-by-step gradient with gel polish like this:

  • Prepare nails by degreasing with a dehydrator.
  • Primer.
  • Then the base is baked in a UV lamp for a minute.
  • Apply a light gel polish by brushing from the base of the nail and up to half the total length. It is necessary that in the middle of the plate this layer of varnish ends with a straight line. The length of the coating on all nails should be approximately the same.
  • A darker varnish is applied to the rest of the nail. The brush moves from the edge of the plate towards the middle to the border of the shades. There should be no gap between the two shades.
  • Using a thin paintbrush, blend the borders of two colors with short strokes. Then the transition of shades will turn out to be more imperceptible and smooth.
  • After staining each nail, the brush must be thoroughly wiped off. This will help keep the shades on the next finger.
  • After mixing the shades on all nails, hold each hand under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  • Apply the finish and bake it in a lamp.
  • Remove the sticky layer with a special tool.

A gradient using gel polish takes more time and skill, but it also looks much more advantageous. Such a manicure will delight the eye for 2 weeks.

The gradient on your nails will look original even with the classic design technique. French manicure will allow you to acquire charm. Contrasting varnish colors will look interesting and fashionable in 2017. They are relevant for summer manicure. A design option for autumn can be made in rich and juicy shades of a warm range, and cold tones are suitable for winter.

The currently popular design on the nails is a gradient, easy to do with a sponge. Moreover, a sponge (sponge) manicure can be quite different, both in color and depending on the application technique and even the sponge.

By choosing different colors of varnish or gel, a manicure with a sponge can be delicate and light, bright and catchy, or complex and saturated. The transition varies not only from light to dark in one color scheme, but is combined, gently flowing from one shade to another completely.

Manicure sponge and its varieties

Depending on the density or type of sponge, the gradient created on the nails also varies significantly. the large-pore structure of the sponge contributes to a more blurred gradient on the nails and the boundaries between shades, using dense, fine-pored sponge options, you can achieve a rich color that often does not require a second layer.

Gradient manicure with a sponge with one shade of varnish

A one-color gradient manicure is very easy to create, but it looks very beautiful, and with light tones of varnishes it is original and delicate, especially if you use varnishes with a shimmer. Place a few drops of nail polish on paper or foil, that is, material that does not absorb (plastic can be used). Soak up a small amount of varnish with a sponge, you may need to check the color depth on a sheet of paper first. Blot your nails, starting at the tips where the pigment should be slightly richer, gradually decreasing the intensity towards the middle of the nail. Let the varnish dry a little and (if desired) repeat the procedure again. Finally, apply a top coat to your nails.

Sponge manicure using two colors of varnish

You can also create a multi-colored gradient with a sponge. Place two polish colors on the paper, and to create a nice and smoother gradient, the border between the colors can be slightly mixed with a toothpick. Further, a sponge soaked in varnish should be applied to the upper part of the nail and moved to the tip. The procedure can also be repeated.

Gradient sponge with three or more shades of varnishes

It is convenient to create a multi-color gradient by applying strips of varnish directly to a sponge (although you can also on paper). Next, place the sponge just above the nail and move it up and down a little.

Random gradient

Nails look beautiful, where the gradient shimmers with different shades of varnishes. In this case, the procedure is the same as for the three shades, only stripes can be created by combining different colors and arrangements.

Sponge manicure using gels and gel polishes

A gel gradient with a sponge is done a little differently than using nail polishes. The stages of creation are as follows:

  • Apply the gel to a third of the nail, starting at the tip.
  • Using a sponge, lightly and gently blot the gel, slightly blurring upward towards the cuticle.
  • Then dry in a UV lamp.
  • Apply the gel again to a third of the nail and blot again with a sponge without using the tip of the nail.

This procedure, depending on the desired saturation of the shade, can be repeated 2-3 times. Cover your nails with clear gel and cure in a UV lamp.

A two-color gradient with a gel using a sponge is also performed, only two colors of varnish should be applied to the nail, and then slightly tap with a sponge on the border of contact of the shades.

The creation of a multi-color gradient using a sponge and gel polishes is no different. The nail is painted in three colors, while the stripes can be along and across the nail, and then on the border of the varnishes you should easily tap with a sponge.

The random gradient includes the same steps where multi-colored gel strokes are applied to the nails and their border is blurred with a sponge.

With the invention of gel polish, it has become easy to maintain a beautiful manicure for a long time.

Gel polish stays on nails for about three weeks, does not chip, and retains a bright saturated color.

At the same time, there are incredibly many types of design. It is convenient to add sparkles, rhinestones to a manicure, combine different shades, make drawings and patterns.

Stretching on nails with gel polish, or, in another way, gradient manicure, is popular among girls.

Stretching is a gradual transition from one color to another. It is not easy to implement such a design, but if you practice and get your hands on it, everything will definitely work out.

Craftsmen use two ways to create a gradient manicure. Consider master class of stretching with gel varnishes.

  • Method 1

For work you need a thin brush. This technique is quite laborious, but the result will be neat and you will not have to remove excess varnish from the print rollers.

Operating procedure:

  1. Preparing the nail plate for applying gel polish. To do this, we perform a manicure, remove or push back the cuticle, and also polish the nails with a buff. After that, degrease the surface.
  2. Apply a thin layer of primer, then base coat and dry under a UV lamp. The nails are now ready to apply the gel polish.
  3. We apply a monochromatic gel polish (for example, black) on nails that will not have a design. Dry under a UV lamp.
  4. On the nails, where the gradient will be made, we apply camouflage on two-thirds of the nail, moving from the base to the middle.
  5. Take a soft round brush and start stretching the camouflage to the edge of the nail. Keep the brush parallel to the nail to avoid streaking. Dry the coating under the lamp.
  6. Acting according to the same algorithm, we apply the second layer (it does not need to be dried).
  7. We mix the top with gel polish in a contrasting color (in our example, this is white as a contrast to black). The consistency should be medium, so that the resulting mixture is not too transparent, but does not "streak" when applied.
  8. Apply the mixture with a clean brush to the free third of the nail. Now we stretch this layer with gentle movements in the direction from the junction of the gel polishes to the base of the nail, but not reaching it. We also hold the brush parallel to the nail.
  9. With a clean brush with stronger pressure, once again shade the junction of the camouflage and the mixture of gel polish and base. After that we dry the coating under the lamp.
  10. Apply the second layer already on two-thirds of the nail, stepping back slightly from the base, and shading again. To avoid streaking while shading, do not forget to remove excess gel polish from the brush. Optionally, you can apply a third coat of gel polish to achieve maximum color density at the tip of the nail, and blend again.
  11. Dry the nails under the lamp and apply a top coat. Remove the sticky layer with a cotton pad or a lint-free cloth dipped in a special liquid.


  • Method 2

This method will be easier for beginners to master, but more consumables will be required.

Operating procedure:

  1. Prepare the nail plate, degrease the surface.
  2. Apply two colors to the palette, blend the border with a toothpick or needle to achieve a smooth transition.
  3. Dip a sponge or sponge into this mixture and apply it to the nail. You should get an imprint of the drawing. Part of the varnish gets on the print rollers, it must be removed.
  4. Dry the varnishes under the lamp.
  5. Remove the sticky layer with lint-free napkins.
  6. Apply top and dry under a lamp.

A manicure using this technique will turn out beautiful if the coating is made in one layer of medium density.

If you want to use a loose gel, the first method is better. And if the gel is very thick, the coating may wrinkle during drying.

A few tricks:

  • if you choose the first method, prepare a napkin in advance to wipe the brush after each stroke, so that the shades come out clean,
  • to save time, you can try not a thin, but a fan brush,
  • to obtain a beautiful jacket using the stretching technology, it is better to use a transparent varnish as an additional color, which will not spoil the purity of the white shade,
  • if you plan to make a gradient using the second method, first apply the cream to the nail rollers to make it easier to remove excess varnish.


Not so long ago, girls could afford a brilliant manicure only for some kind of celebration.

Today, you can safely use glitter in everyday life, especially if the shades are dim.

You can take both familiar shades and unusual glitter colors. The sequins themselves can be of various shapes, sizes and types.

In stores, it is easy to purchase both monochromatic and diluted tones, as well as forming holographic patterns. Sequins are found friable, and may be part of the varnish.

Apply sparkles and create a gradient. The manicure turns out to be festive and bright, in addition, many people believe that it is easier to work with glitter.

For stretching, you need sequins in two different colors.

Operating procedure:

  1. Prepare the nail plate, shape, trim.
  2. Apply a base coat and dry under a lamp.
  3. Apply gel and do not dry.
  4. Prepare a tube with an obliquely cut edge. Scoop up sparkles of the same color into it and lightly pat with your finger, pour them onto the nail to the middle.
  5. With an applicator or a brush, spread them over the surface of the nail to the middle. Stretching can be done both obliquely and in a straight line.
  6. Dry under a lamp.
  7. Apply another layer of gel and perform the procedure again on the free edge of the nail with glitters of a different color.
  8. Dry under a lamp.
  9. Apply a top coat and dry.
  10. Remove the sticky layer.

A few tricks:

  • be sure to completely dry the base coat, otherwise the surface will be uneven,
  • hands and tools must be dry while applying glitter,
  • the brush can first be dipped into the fixing varnish, and only then into sparkles for further drawing,
  • wipe the brush with acetone before changing the color.

Experiment with nail art stretch marks gel polish and your manicure will certainly not be left without the attention of others.

  • Simple gradient

The simplest gradient is the transition of colors not on one nail, but from nail to nail. That is, you can use from three to five different shades in one color scheme.

It is important that the varnishes are of the same texture and density. Masters do not recommend combining glossy, pearlescent, matte coatings in one manicure, such a combination will look ridiculous.

This rule may not apply to glossy and matte varnishes.

  • If a fixer is applied to a matte color, it will become glossy and the gloss matte after applying the transparent velvet effect.
  • If you chose a simple gradient, distribute the varnishes by tones. Start the best with the dark.
  • If there are three colors, apply the darkest on the middle finger, make the index and ring lighter, and the lightest varnish will "get" to the thumb and little finger.

If there are five shades, start with the little finger and make each next nail lighter than the previous one.


Combine two colors on one nail carefully. For a party, you can use bright colors such as purple, orange, pink.

For a business meeting and everyday wear, the ideal option is pastel shades: white, pale pink, ivory, beige.

The vertical gradient looks original, that is, a combination of colors along the length of the nail. In this case, it is not necessary to be limited to two colors, you can take three or more.

A cheerful mood will create a rainbow stretch. Use all the colors of the rainbow - two to three shades for each nail.

A few gradient tricks for short nails:

  • use a light shade at the base, and apply a dark shade to the tips - this will make the nails visually longer,
  • limit yourself to two colors, since the area on a short nail is small and with more shades, the pattern may turn out to be blurry.

There are no restrictions on the brands of gel polishes. All manufacturers offer a wide range of colors.