How to recover after a breakup with a man. What follows from the above. Learn to speak directly about your feelings and ask for another chance.

The fact is that the possible “second wave of love” is even more powerful than the love of the first months of dating! So, first of all, you should make sure that you are not swirling in an emotional whirlwind too much, so that both of you would not commit rash acts that you can later regret. This, for example, may be the conception of another child or a new joint business - such ideas in such a period are not the best choice, and it would be wiser to wait for a more stable phase in the relationship.

This does not mean that the "tidal wave" of passion and excitement should be completely ignored. Of course, enjoy - it's very nice, but both keep your finger on the pulse.

Take care of yourself

The remaining resentment, trauma, anger and anger at the former partner is, on the one hand, quite normal, because both of you had to go through a lot. But, if these old wounds are not in a hurry to turn into scars, but interfere with you, if they, like ghosts, constantly loom in everyday situations, if they continue to hurt and even cause a desire to take revenge, you should take this seriously and take care of your psychological state. The two of you can go to a family counselor or try individual therapy for the spouse who feels that everything is not yet over.

Do not remember the break itself

The temptation to reproach your spouse with the fact that you had to endure a breakup because of him is very great, especially in moments of quarrels (and there will certainly be, because a couple’s reunion is not a magic pill for all past problems). But this should be avoided if possible. Firstly, the partner also experienced a lot. It is not so important who exactly was the initiator of the breakup and why everything happened that way - in the end, both suffered, and both also deserve sympathy. Secondly, and most importantly, the abuse of such reproaches can lead to the fact that both you and your husband will regret your decision to get back together. So, if your memories of the separation period itself and its cause still hurt you, treat them more carefully: think it over on your own or “take it” to a friend or friend, mother, specialist. But don't blame your partner.

Focus on the good things in your relationship

Western family consultants believe that even if such a good thing was not enough, for example, no more than 10%, it is still a very worthy basis for further changes. But surely there was much more good in your pair! Try to remember this: about how you met, how you liked each other and why you fell in love, where you went, how you fooled around, and how many sweet and touching moments there were in your life together. Do not forget to remember what is in your partner, his personal qualities for which you chose him!

It's great if such memories are shared: for example, arrange an exchange of memories in the evening over a glass of wine. All of this can very well be cement for the relationship, which will help to treat this new attempt with a positive attitude, keep you together.

Thank each other

Gratitude is a very pleasant and tender feeling. It has the power to heal many wounds, both yours and your loved one's. Say “thank you” more often, because there are, in fact, a lot of reasons for this: for the fact that he is so attentive to you, for being with you, for his participation in your affairs, for love and care, for patience and understanding. Yes, just because you have it.

Create new shared memories

Sharing experiences is very important for any relationship. In a couple reunited after a breakup, part of this shared experience, unfortunately, has taken on a negative connotation. That is why you, like air, need new positive impressions. The dark colors of the past are desirable to be "covered" with more joyful and lighter shades of the present. For this, trips to new places, a new joint hobby, training courses, some new projects are suitable. Spend more time with your children, come up with something interesting and enjoyable that you haven't had in your life before. Expand your "library of impressions"!

To revise means, firstly, to take an inventory: is it really relevant today what you agreed on and what was implied at the very beginning of the relationship? Perhaps your roles or family composition have changed. Perhaps you yourself have changed a lot, and now you need something completely different from your partner. Perhaps parting taught you something, and now you need to say new wishes and expectations.

Draw the right conclusions

The fact that you decided to be together again does not mean that all the problems and roughness that were in the relationship disappeared on their own or now you just need to forget about them.

On the contrary, here it is better to use a different tactic: use your breakup and reunion as a “reset point”. Consider what did not suit you before, what caused you (perhaps) to separate: in a relationship, in yourself, in a partner, in various joint situations. Draw conclusions from this: something needs to be corrected, because it’s impossible and you don’t want to endure anymore, and some things obviously won’t change, so you have to learn to treat it differently or just accept it as it is. Offer to do the same "work on the mistakes" and a newly acquired partner. It will be very helpful for both of you!

Apologize and admit your mistakes

This point directly follows from the previous one: the fact is that even if one person decided to break off the relationship and it is mainly one person who is to blame for this, there is always a contribution of both to common problems. This contribution can be different, and it can be difficult to acknowledge it out loud, in front of a partner. But sincere apologies and a willingness to work on your mistakes are very important. This is the balm that is simply necessary for two wounded hearts. Let each other feel that despite what you hurt, you are sorry about it and are ready to change.

Make plans for the future

It's not just about which summer camp the kids will go to or which refrigerator to choose, but what you both want to see in your future together, and what would be better to avoid? How can you both improve your relationship? How do you plan to move forward and in what direction? Discuss.

Talk and listen

This is very commonplace advice, but just as commonplace, many couples continue to ignore it. Meanwhile, this is the psychotherapeutic function of relationships - the ability to share with a partner your feelings about what is happening between you, and give each other verbal feedback. This is the same "glue" that gives people the ability to cope with crises, with shocks, with the usual daily routine. You can definitely avoid a lot of problems if you periodically talk - honestly, sincerely, heart to heart.

In general, all these recommendations describe one simple thing: people do not choose each other by chance. And if you have already been together for some (perhaps a very long) time, then your partner and your relationship are already worth it to make every effort to restore them.

Let everything work out!

Hello dear friends!

After a protracted disagreement in a couple, I want to quickly find a way to restore harmony. It is hard to feel the pressure of omissions, insults and silent pauses. But marriage is not easy!
It requires a two-sided return, not a one-sided game.

How wisely and respectfully you build conciliatory communication with your loved one depends on his response to your words and actions. How to restore relations with your husband and make them even stronger? In today's article, I propose to find the answer to the question and learn a lot of interesting nuances!

The main reasons for the "cooling" in marriage

  1. The desire to change her husband. Understand that your disappointment and dissatisfaction with the chosen one arises from your own unfulfilled ideas, and this is not his problem;
  2. after a quarrel, the partners strive to prove to each other that he/she is the victim of circumstances. But I will disappoint, two are to blame for the conflict!;
  3. nit-picking and the desire to control the life of another. Mutual understanding is killed by systematic reproaches that provoke a final break in trusting feelings. And phone checks, control of actions and movements are a way to manipulate an individual and humiliate his dignity;
  4. pregnancy and the birth of a toddler can lead to a lack of understanding in the family. The husband is not aware of the change, wondering where the former tenderness, care and regular sex have gone? And the woman completely goes into her feelings and experiences. Quarrels and conflicts can destroy the idyll of a homely atmosphere. It is during this period that partners may secretly consider divorce;
  5. difficulties in work and finances. Any problems that arise with a person outside the home, sooner or later, but will affect the relationship. Therefore, you need to find an approach to dialogue with your husband in advance, so as not to lose touch, once broken;
  6. betrayal or betrayal. How to live rosy and fun after his betrayal? The question is complex, and at the same time, if you want to improve relations with your husband, first of all, you need to make every effort to!

Returning trust

The first stage of restoration work within the family must begin with the resuscitation of the main aspect - trust. There are several rules, following which, you can safely count on harmony and peace in marriage.


  • nag, criticize and challenge the actions of your husband that are not connected with you;
  • arrange performances and tantrums in his presence;
  • manipulate a partner for their own benefit;
  • to challenge his decisions in public, expressing his superiority;
  • blame her husband for all the problems of the family, the world and his own sense of self;
  • issue ultimatums, threaten divorce/take children away/commit suicide;
  • recall past grievances, sins and skeletons in the closet;
  • violate the peace and independence of a loved one;
  • punish by ignoring, lack of seksa, cooking, washing;
  • leave the house with things without warning;
  • put relatives in their defense.

What to do after a break in a relationship?

After a breakup, it's important not to overdo it by playing an upgraded version of yourself. It is important for a man to understand that after some time he again met his beloved, whom he had once fallen in love with.

The best proof of self-improvement is a happy, pretty, benevolent, improved copy of yourself that was able to live on!

If a man made a mistake and made you doubt masculine qualities and principles, take a closer look at his views on marriage. Have the main aspects changed or are you at risk of stepping on the same rake?!

Operation Rescue

Admit guilt and go to reconciliation correctly

The advice of a psychologist is always aimed at a deep understanding of the essence of the problem inside the head. That is why I recommend that you sincerely repent of your mistakes. Think you don't have them? It wasn't there:

  • defending one's point of view with the help of rude statements and insults;
  • manifestation of egocentrism;
  • ignoring, inability to forgive;
  • inability to express themselves correctly (screams, tantrums, crying);
  • reluctance to talk about feelings, etc.

Pause and joint affairs

It is always easier to take the most obvious path - shouting and good irritation. Make it a rule to remain silent and take a break, instead of pouring the contents of your head on the interlocutor.

Engage in joint commitments, putting aside differences:

  • go shopping;
  • clean the apartment
  • prepare a romantic dinner;
  • work with children;
  • plan your budget or vacation.

The main rule is not to talk or think about conflicts, and in the event of a "hot" situation, take a break. As soon as you feel calm - voice a claim, request or argument in a calm tone.

Politeness as a secret weapon

After a difficult dialogue or breakup, don't turn into a bitchy, iron lady. Say "thank you", "please" and "excuse me!" more often.

Tact, respect and benevolence are able to minimize the conflict by disarming the opponent. And for a woman, this is the wisest decision! Encourage your husband, give compliments, express gratitude and evaluate actions. This is the only way to count on reconciliation and the long-awaited thaw!

I also share an interesting video, after which you will certainly think about relationships:

On this point!

Subscribe to updates, share your opinion on how you solve crisis situations with your husband?

See you on the blog, bye bye!


Health 27.09.2015

Dear readers, today on my blog I have a topic that probably excites many of us: how to return the old feelings and relationships. How often do we remember romantic meetings, and then, having lived for a while, everything goes somewhere. Problems, worries, everyday life, finances, and now something is happening in the family ... Do you know the situation? I think, if you honestly answer this question, then each of us will say: "Familiar." Maybe there are happy families who manage to avoid this, but I personally have not met such families.

And at every stage of our relationship, it is not easy to return cooled feelings, to breathe a new, fresh stream into them. In my opinion, this is still more the work of a woman. We are endowed with sincerity, touching, we can understand a lot, forgive, we always want something new. A woman is a violin and a rod Men - for me, this is how family relationships are seen. And that's what Work is. I suggest that today we read, think, reflect, reflect and just work. Aren't we gladdened by the prospects of new relationships?

I myself am not a psychologist, but I really like such topics, read something and the most important thing, then do something, namely, apply a lot of what I read. Today, on the pages of my blog on the topic of the return of cooled feelings, psychologist Olga Tovpeko will reflect and share her thoughts. I give her the floor.

How to return the cooled old feelings and relationships?

Good afternoon, I am very pleased that Irina invited me to visit her blog. I hope that the conversation will be useful and interesting to many. Let's look at a typical female story...

“We come home from work, I run to the kitchen and start preparing dinner quickly. Then I take care of the children, and my husband, tired, sits down at a computer or tablet to read the news ... And so every day ... Sometimes I catch myself thinking that all our communication comes down to solving household issues or discussing children's problems. There was no romance left in the relationship, no former interest. But once we could talk all night long about everything! .. "

Are you familiar with the situation when the relationship fades? When do they lose their taste and excitement in a series of troublesome everyday life? When the soul becomes hurt and hurt: where did the romance go? When you look at wedding photos, you remember how it all began and you are amazed: is it really us? And so you want to return the old relationship, but how? And is it possible?

This problem - cold feelings and boredom in a relationship - can take a serious toll on them. After all, if we don’t get joy from relationships, then we can draw the most categorical conclusions: I’m not on my way with this person.

And this is not just a life observation. Statistics confirm that the main reason for divorces is not conflicts and quarrels, but, on the contrary, lost interest and almost no communication with each other. Research in Canada, based on a survey of several hundred couples, has confirmed that it is cold feelings and boredom that are the main reason why a marriage breaks up.

Bored in a relationship. What to do and how to return the old feelings?

If you are faced with this situation, then I have two news for you. One is good and the other is so-so (although the first is impossible without it!).

I'll start with the last one. The bad news is that since all the mechanisms in a relationship are triggered by a woman’s hand, then most of the responsibility for the “tarnishing” of a relationship lies with us.

The same circumstance gives us good news! If you understand the laws of relationships and manage them competently, then very soon they will sparkle with new colors, which means that you will feel loved and desired in them again!

If you've read this far, then you're ready for it! But in order to return the old relationship, first you need to figure out the reasons - how does it happen that they begin to fade, become gray and boring ...

Let's go from the opposite. What did you get when there was brightness in your relationship? Feeling loved and desired. Feeling of understanding and unity. The opportunity to share your feelings and be accepted. You experienced different experiences and experienced intense emotions from the time spent together. Where did it all go?

There are 3 gradual reasons for the cooling of feelings

1. Unpreparedness for "grounding" . Any couple eventually moves to the stage of solving everyday issues. An apartment, a job, money, children and a heaped life - all this requires constant and daily “monitoring”, pragmatism and endurance. Were you ready for socks or gas prices to be the topic you discuss in bed before going to sleep?
An internal protest against the end of the courtship and the first romantic years is the first step towards boredom.

2. The second reason is perfectionism and high expectations . Because we were not fully accepted as children, we learned not to accept others. We build thousands of beautiful pictures about what should be and how it should be.
How should my husband react when I tell him about my experiences. How he should look, what and with what facial expression to answer. We are waiting for help and support, while remaining silent. We cannot humanly explain to our husband what is important for us to receive from him.

Detailed, detailed expectations - endless and exhausting - do not give us the opportunity to get closer to the real person - our own husband, to know and accept him for who he is. Learn how to properly convey to him what is important to us. Learn to listen to him and understand his needs.

3. A natural and direct consequence of constant expectations - displacement of responsibility . Therefore, the third reason is how much you know how to take care of yourself and realize yourself as a couple.

When we get into a relationship, we often subconsciously think, “Now I have someone to take care of me. Now you can relax!”
We expect a man to take care of us at all levels: on the bodily (to look after, give rest and preferably sponsor), on the emotional (understand and accept, support and admire), on the intellectual (start up interesting conversations, develop himself and entertain us).

And now the question. To what extent do you take care of yourself on all these levels?

  • On the body: to what extent do you feed your body with the right food and give it care? To what extent do you give your body rest and weighted load?
  • On the emotional : to what extent do you support, accept and understand yourself? Do you know what you want and where you are going? Do you accept your shortcomings and accept yourself as a whole person? Do you find timely support and comfort for the soul?
  • On intellectual : to what extent do you develop yourself and realize your talents and abilities, plans and ambitions?

It is important to understand that it is our responsibility to satisfy the needs of our body and soul, intellect and spirit.

But what does boredom have to do with it and how can you return the old relationship?

Give me one more minute and I'll explain this relationship...Ready to hear the truth?
If you do not realize yourself at all these levels, then the husband will be guilty. This means that resentment will begin to appear, discontent will accumulate, and it will become more and more difficult for you to open up in a pair, to be sincere.

If you do not open up, then your relationship will very soon become superficial - it will revolve at the level of routine, daily hustle and bustle and slowly become covered with dust. Relationships will leave intimacy, and when this happens, boredom always appears on the threshold ...

Summing up, we come to the conclusion that boredom in a relationship is not just a sign that you have not gone to a cafe or traveled out of town for a long time. Believe me, you can go shopping together in Paris every weekend, or travel from one place on the planet to another, but boredom will follow you around.

Brightness and romance in relationships, their liveliness are not at all due to cheerful and colorful events (although they are also important!). They are connected with the closeness and depth of your relationship, with how much you realize yourself in them, how much you can be
yourself. And this is not possible if you live in resentment, claims and discontent ...

I emphasize once again that boredom in a relationship is the impossibility (or unwillingness) to be yourself, to talk about what you want, to express yourself the way you want, to share thoughts and plans, interests and desires.

Boredom is the closed oxygen in a relationship, when everyone is closed in something of their own, and there is no real, living flow of genuine and refreshing common - namely, closeness, interest and curiosity in each other's life.

How do we usually see the situation when our feelings cool down?

Misinterpreting the situation further exacerbates it. What are our thoughts when we get bored in a relationship? Usually we think that the reason is in him (my husband) or in her (my wife).

We perceive a partner as the source of all our joys and, accordingly, all misfortunes, losing sight of one small detail: routine is a natural part of our life, and boredom in a relationship is only a certain and natural stage. So it's not all that scary!

Understanding the laws of relationships, you can easily and beautifully use this difficult, but necessary stage to deepen relationships. Although many prefer it at this point to get out of them.

Let's move on to the answer to the main question: how to return cooled feelings to our relationship?

First of all, it is important to understand: relationships are “plastic material”, and the man in them quickly and sensitively reacts to our changes. Therefore, depending on how you change and open up, so will your relationship develop. And it's great that we can fix them only by changing ourselves, and not trying in vain to fix someone!

Algorithm of 5 steps, how to return the old relationship in a pair:

1. I cannot tell you directly: get rid of illusions, expectations and idealizations, because I understand that this is impossible. And then I offer you a healthy alternative: try to “unstick” your expectations and your real man. Separate your expectations from what it is. And to be curious: what drives him? What does he feel? How is he now? What does he want?

Change of focus of perception - a very healing remedy. When we get stuck on ourselves and in ourselves, we only fall into the trap of our own resentment, seeing everything in black: he simply does not love me. I'm sure it's not! Love is more than just the satisfaction of needs.

2. Ask yourself: what do i really want? What am I missing? What causes relationships to fade in my eyes? What would make them juicy and alive for me? Write it all down on paper, point by point, so that thoughts do not get confused in your head, so that you better understand yourself, figure out what you are missing for happiness.

3. Now go through all the points. What a small but real step you can take to move towards a more joyful and fulfilling relationship? What can be done at the level of events (where to go, where to be), skills and abilities (what to do, how to do it), values ​​and interests (what unites us, in what we touch souls) can be done? Initiate one step for each item within the same week without delay.

4. Seize the right moment and try talking to your husband what is going on. Share your feelings (only without reproaches and claims), tell us what is important to you and what is missing.

Ask if he notices something similar in your relationship, how he feels. Perhaps the husband will say that for him everything is happening as usual, and he does not suffer from the fact that something is missing. In this case - don't be embarrassed - women are always more sensitive to details.

Offer your husband some specific and realistic idea that you think will freshen up the relationship, and ask him for help.

5. Learn to open up in relationships . You will say: yes, he just does not want to listen to me. He is only interested in the news... Maybe it is. However, the devil is in the details. For a conversation, choose the right moment and, most importantly, the right attitude. Often we are initially set up for disappointment and then we build a conversation in such a way that this expectation is only justified. Start a discussion from the state “I am good, and you are good” and you will see that the man will not be indifferent.

Finally, I would like to add that relationships cannot remain boring if you start working on them - learn to be softer and more flexible, give up detailed expectations, start asking for help and support more and gladly accept them, be observant to yourself and your man.

Then the relationship turns first into a real intricate detective story, and then into an adventure novel, where you are no longer a passive observer, as before. You will discover so many new facets in your relationship that you will definitely not be bored!

Olga Tovpeko, candidate of psychological sciences, author and head of the project “School of Psychology for Moms”, author of trainings and psychological quests for moms.

I thank Olga for the information. It was very interesting for me to read everything. I think that the plan of action has already been outlined ....

My spiritual gift for today will be Secret Garden – Chaconne Secret Garden is an Irish-Norwegian duo. Classical pair - keyboards and violin. In the hands of these talented performers, true magic is born. Those who read our magazine "Fragrances of Happiness" probably remember my article "The Secret Garden of the Soul". I chose this composition in the article not by chance. Let's go back to the beginning of the article... Remember my words about the Violin Woman and the Pivot Man? I think that this duet is exactly like that.


How to return the relationship: real stories of ordinary people

This is Casey Nestad, New York's most popular blogger, with 8 million subscribers on her youtube channel.

This is his wife Candace.

Their story begins back in 2005, when they suddenly decided to get married. The couple dated for only one month and, yes, they decided to get married so soon. They just came together on a weekday to the registry office and officially signed.

Our parents were very unhappy with our decision to marry so quickly.

And not just like that. Indeed, in the next 6 years, Casey and Candice several times

2013, they are not together. There has already been a breakup after a long relationship.

And blogger Casey decided to make a "My girlfriend Candice" video that starts with him calling her. She is in Paris with her family.

He: Let's start dating again when you get back from Paris?
She is: I do not think it's a good idea. You think I'm annoying and spoiled.
He: I don't think you're annoying and spoiled.
She is: Seriously?
He: No =)

Casey is trying to return the relationship and does it in her own way.

Flowers and diamonds are not the way to a girl's heart. Air conditioning - that's what will win the heart of a girl.

he says.

And while she is in Paris with her family, he sneaks into her apartment, replaces the old air conditioner with a new one, and leaves a note:

Welcome, I hope you enjoyed Paris.

- and signed (here a heart) "Casey".

When Candice returned from Paris, she saw the note and the air conditioner and then she knew that he was serious about bringing her back into his life.

How did he get back in touch with her?

They began to spend some time together. Together we went to the beach, where he invited her to go on a trip. She was negative and said it was a very bad idea.

But over time, after reading several books about traveling around America and building a route from New York to Florida, in a motor home, they go on a trip.

Candace even takes her dog with her.

It was a long journey. Stops were only to replenish the tank with gasoline and take a shower if possible. Someone was driving a motor home, someone was frying scrambled eggs in the kitchenette at that time. While standing in a traffic jam, there was an opportunity to take a shower, because when the car was moving, it was not easy to do this.

And right during the trip, Candace starts talking about how she's not sure she wants to be with him. She did not tell her mother that she went on a trip with him and did not want to tell her about it. Because she herself is still not completely sure that she is ready to return to this relationship. She fears she is wasting her time.


I remember that we fought during the trip and after it ended, we didn’t talk at all for a couple of days and I thought that I could no longer spend time with this person.

If I knew that we would have to be on the road without sleep and shower for 36 hours, I would never have agreed to this.


The same thing happened to us as it happened to everyone else.

We met, fell in love, everything is fine. Then disagreements begin, we part.

Time passes, both have already forgotten the grievances and we are together again. Everything is fine. Then again, parting, so serious that it seems that this is the end.

But time heals, and here we are together again.

They broke up about 6 times. Least. Some partings were very serious and long. Each of them was in a relationship with other people!

But despite all this, despite the fact that they were very tired on this trip, despite the fact that Casey planned this trip quite badly, it brought them very close and renewed their relationship.


Our relationship was such that all my friends and family were already sick when I started to say anything about Casey.

They were waiting for the moment when our endless partings would already stop.

Casey laughing.

Yes, but now we have an insanely happy marriage like never before.

Candace, skeptical:

Despite the fact that yesterday we were ready to part again.


And so almost every day =)

Why am I telling you this sweet, sad and at the same time happy story? This article is written for those of you who are looking for ways to

Do you think it's impossible to return what has already passed? No matter how!

How to get back in a relationship a year after a breakup?

And this is Dmitry and Ekaterina Portnyagin, happily married for almost 9 years. Do you know how difficult it all started?

Once upon a time, back in their student years, the couple met and their romance was wonderful. But the young had constant disputes and quarrels because of the guy's activities.

Dmitry, now a well-known blogger and entrepreneur, at that time was just starting to build his business.

He earned practically nothing and disappeared for days in his small office.

Katya didn’t really like it, because he was so tired that he fell asleep in an armchair right in the cinema, where they went on a date. Then the girl regarded this as disrespect and dislike for herself, and they broke up.

A year has passed, during which the guys did not see each other.

But love is love, and one day, gathering his pride and fear into a fist, Dmitry came to Katya, offering to try again.

A year later, the couple got married.

What do you think now, is it possible to return the relationship that collapsed?

I have no doubt that this is so. After all, I have a very similar personal story. I tell her to the participants, dedicated to the return of relationships with departed lovers.

Ex-boyfriend came back to me after 8 months of separation

If you have been a subscriber to my mailing list for a long time, then you remember this letter very well, I wrote it in August 2016:

It happened yesterday.

Of course, I myself have not yet fully figured out what will happen next with our relationship, but the fact remains:

the guy that I thought was an ex and who, as I was sure, stopped loving me a long time ago, is now with me again and it seems he has feelings for me!

You are probably already gnawed by the question, what does the power of thought have to do with it?

And despite the fact that all these 8 months, no, rather 7 (because I spent the first month in tears ...) I did the three most important points from the list of 6 steps that I described in my blog.

With the help of those 6 steps, I had previously returned the departed guy (by the way, the same one :-)) in just 2 weeks. But this time I used (well, yes, we have such difficult characters) only 3 steps and you know what?

1. This is self love - I used the technique from the book Love Yourself Like Your Life Depended on It.

2. These are good memories of him, that is, I only told good things about him to my friends.

3. And these are positive everyday thoughts: I imagined that a man who loved me was next to me and sang a song about love.

And, of course, I didn’t write to him or call him. But she just lived, minding her own business, was fond of a blog, work, friends, apartment design ...

The most basic message I want to convey to those of you who may not be in a relationship with the opposite sex right now is that self-love, self-confidence, and not being “fixated” really work wonders. Especially self love.

The article, to my surprise, became very popular and people constantly wrote to me with clarifying questions.

The most frequent of these were:

  1. Is it possible to return a person in my case?
  2. What does the result depend on? What is the guarantee?
  3. Do I have a chance to return if ... (we broke up a long time ago, there is another / another, etc.)
  4. Is it worth returning?
  5. Why are they leaving?
  6. Wouldn't this be violence against the will of man?

And many, many other questions. Therefore, quite recently, although it has been brewing for a long time, I recorded a video, a master class in which I answer all the exciting questions for an hour.

Can a girl reconnect with a guy?

What do you think, I'm not a girl? =) Therefore, of course, maybe I could.

Until I had a separate course on returning a relationship, readers of this blog with a request “how to return a relationship” came to my marathon to fulfill a wish. And they successfully returned a loved one, for example, here are two live reviews:

In the marathon and the course on the return of relationships, practices have something in common, but in the course I focused on this very desire.

Important! I did not limit myself to practices to change reality, because I myself know how important it is to first remove all emotional blocks, negative attitudes and relieve depression. If you are interested in what will be in the course, then look