How to make your husband work harder. Change your social circle. Why a man does not want to work

Somehow she lived most of her life wrong. She was never deprived of male attention, she was happy in all her three marriages. And from each of her husbands I heard the same phrase: "You won't find another like you."

There was one BUT. All her men sat firmly around her neck, and she never understood how to make her husband work. And it would be nice if her husbands were similar to each other. They were different.

The first husband constantly jumped from one job to another. Constantly got some kind of fines. Or even without a paycheck. He constantly drove in, crashed, crashed in their joint car, which required maintenance, like a full-fledged member of the family.

And she wrote term papers to students at night. Because her salary was not enough for their entire family. Other people's advice on how to get her husband to work did not help at all.

The second husband is wonderful, kind, courteous. Everything was great with him - walking, traveling, talking. But for some reason, she could not count on his financial assistance. Her husband once said to her: "You have your wallet, I have mine".

And because she could not even afford sick leave. After all, he alone could not pay for a rented apartment. Yes, and how to force him, if he himself is so painful.

When she met a third, she breathed a sigh of relief: the owner of a small but profitable business. Finally, all my problems are over, and I don't have to think about how to make my husband work, she breathed a sigh of relief. But the problems have just begun. As soon as he moved in with her, the business collapsed, other undertakings also flew into the abyss, not even having time to pay for themselves. He could not work "for his uncle".

She again did not have to force herself to take a part-time job, because she knew how to work.

Why does she need it?

Why does she end up in the same situation over and over again? She works like a draft horse at two jobs and does not know how to make her husband work and earn money. With a question - "What am I doing wrong?"- she came to the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

There she learned that it is the woman in a couple who sets the tone for the desire to work and earn from a man. And if the husband cannot or does not want to work, then the woman herself is to blame. It was she who created such conditions for him.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that our actions and desires depend not only on our innate properties, but also on the degree of their realization. The presence of skin and anal vectors make a woman an excellent housewife and a business woman in society.

Everywhere she has time like a skin: her career is going uphill, and she always looks great, and she will run to fitness after work. And he will create comfort at home, as only the owners of the anal vector can do, and prepare a delicious dinner. These qualities are very attractive to men. After all, “a beauty, a Komsomol member and an athlete” does not occur at every step.

This is what we call a strong woman. But a strong woman, as a rule, also has a visual vector. It is he who gives high intelligence, so necessary for a successful woman. And it is in the use of the properties of the visual vector that there is a catch.

In such a situation, when a wife supports her husband and does not know how to make her husband work, women often find themselves who lack the implementation of a visual vector.

Maybe this is love?

Realizing herself as much as possible in society, a woman often does not have enough strength and time to make the most of the visual vector, which is “responsible” for compassion for others. It is the visual vector that gives her the need to love, to create emotional connections.

Love for a woman with a visual vector, as shown by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, is the desire to direct all her emotionality to the object of her love - to her husband, of course. This desire to sensually merge with it, to dissolve in it.

And here it turns out: she can love and create an emotional connection. But for some reason, he always chooses a husband who has less ability. It is on a weak man that the desire to help is triggered, only pity and compassion wake up to him. She mistakenly thinks that she will not be able to have a relationship with a strong and developed man. She herself needs to give her compassion to the weak.

Who knows how, he works

The same thing happens with regard to the extraction of money in the family. Developing in society, a woman is more and more able to work and provide for herself and her husband. In her rapid development, she is already overtaking a man, but historically she is used to getting everything from her husband.

In her desire and ability to work and earn money herself, she demands the same from her husband. And he cannot always catch up with her, because initially she chose a weaker one.

Sometimes it happens that in modern life a man loses his realization. Of course, a loving wife will support her husband. After all, she can do everything herself! And here her visual compassion can do her a disservice. She pities him, expresses her understanding that such a wonderful specialist cannot find a job corresponding to his level. And he continues to pull on himself the need to provide for his family. And the husband gets lazy: "Honey, you can do everything yourself."

At some point, she starts screaming: “You haven’t sat on my neck before!” And she again does not know how to make her husband work.

What to do? Regret or not?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that it is necessary to help those who really need it. No need to feel sorry for a healthy man and take responsibility for the maintenance of the family.

Surely you can easily find those who are really weak. Maybe you have a lonely elderly neighbor who lives nearby who needs a kind word? Or maybe kids from dysfunctional families hang around in your yard and suffer greatly from the cruelty of others?

In any case, you need to help and pity the weak and unprotected. And it shouldn't be a one-time thing. It is the emotional connection with sick and needy people that will fill all your need for empathy and compassion.

And you, helping them, creating emotional connections with them, will get another effect. Feeling your new state, your husband himself will jump from the couch. And it will not need to be more customized and forced.

It's worth trying!

“... only I went through the training, and in some miraculous way, after many years of unsuccessful attempts to find a stable income, my husband has been working for six months, and the debt TAILES are being closed ...”

How to make a husband work and start earning worries many women. In this article, we will analyze the reasons for reluctance and ways to motivate your betrothed. Perhaps our tips will help you. Do you work three jobs and struggle in futile attempts to pay the rent on time, pay for the kindergarten, buy normal clothes, and at this time your husband is firmly entrenched at his home computer and wants to see nothing but shooters, racing and online MMORPGs? It's time to think about how to reason with the freeloader.

Who is the breadwinner in the family?

The notorious mammoth, which any self-respecting man should get and bring to the feet of his beloved, haunts the latter. Some do not like the fact that the mammoth is small, for others it is not the first freshness, and for others there is no one to skin and cook soup from at all.

Of course, the latter have the hardest time, sooner or later they ask themselves how to get their husband to go to work? First you need to understand your own thoughts and requirements for a partner, because it's a sin to hide, sometimes women themselves do not understand what they want.

“Why do you put up with a lazy husband, a lazy overgrown!”, “Punch in the neck if you can’t re-educate”, “Of course, why should he work if he is used to you all by yourself?” - this is perhaps the softest thing that women write on forums and advise their friends when it comes to whether it is possible to force a man to find a job.

It was not in vain that we started talking about mammoths at the very beginning, because the belief that a man's duty is to work and provide in the conditions of the modern world is nothing more than a stereotype.

If you work and earn money, and your husband meets you with a hot dinner in a cozy house, even without them, but this situation suits you both, then drive all the advisers and well-wishers into the neck who think they know better how you live.

Do not forget that the stereotypes that the entire responsibility for the financial well-being of the family lies with the man originated at a time when women did not have the right to vote, did not receive education and generally were in the house at best as a servant, at worst as a pet . And if the ladies won their rights with a fight, then together with them they pulled out the lion's share of responsibility. About the fact that women used to be sold, stolen, left by inheritance, somehow quickly forgotten, but we remember the mammoth tightly, yes.

But this was a lyrical digression, if the problem of how to make your husband work and earn money still worries you, then read on.

Conscious choice or temporary respite

This is a very important point. Sooner or later, anyone can face the loss of a job. And anyone can get tired. Even if that person is a man.

If it so happened that your husband, for one reason or another, was left out of work in terms of a career, then do not rush to start a saw. Even the most inveterate hard worker has every right to sit out for some time at home on the couch, even with beer and football.

This option can also drive a person into a corner: a man worked and made good money, and now he simply does not want to exchange money due to his high qualifications for vacancies that are not suitable for him. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to act as gently as possible, periodically place newspapers with advertisements and try to convince your husband that the difficulties are temporary and there would be a desire, but there will be a necessary vacancy.

Chronic lazy

All of the above applies to adequate men who find themselves in a difficult life situation, when they need to endure and support. And what to do with a couch potato who has occupied the sofa and categorically does not want to work?

By the way, the breadwinner of the family may well become a chronic lazy person if he encounters failures too often and simply gives up.

  • Many women from the very beginning of family life give a man the wrong attitude, not supporting him in his endeavors and not trusting him in career matters. Remember Henry Ford's wife, who was the only one who believed in his invention. Well, if it were not for her holy faith, she would definitely not have spent her old age in full prosperity and well-being. Never compare your man, even from the desire that he go to work with other, more successful husbands of your girlfriends or relatives.
  • Don't demand instant success. Sometimes it is worth paying attention to the prospects and opportunities for further career growth, even if at first you have to sacrifice the amount of earnings. Believe me, sooner or later, he will outgrow the position that he initially chose because of the higher salary, but without prospects. And then hello again extinct look.
  • Even if your spouse has long and firmly settled on the couch, periodically remind him of his previous work, for example, tell him that you met his former colleague, remember what a good and valuable specialist the partner was. Positive moments associated even with a former job will help awaken in him a sense of need, a desire to plunge into the whirlpool of events.
  • Don't drink. He can work periodically and be interrupted by odd jobs, you should not reproach the amount of money earned. Rejoice. Even if your man brought a tenth of your salary, do not try to poke him with this. Be sure to praise and express hope for further success.

Whip or gingerbread?

The question of how to make a man work if a man does not want anything already contains the answer - violence, ultimatums and other strict conditions, up to divorce. Women, called the weaker sex, for some reason love to manipulate relationships, they say, a man will definitely be afraid of losing the highest value in his life and will certainly agree with all her arguments and accept all her conditions.

However, making a man surrender through violence means that in your eyes he will not look more manly. And the worst thing is that he himself understands this. And, therefore, there is no point in proving and conquering you, and most importantly, fighting for your mammoth. However, do not play the comforter.

A number of measures that will remind your missus that you are now limited in finances are still worth taking, especially if the man, frankly, has been sitting on the couch.

  • Talk to him about the family budget. Say openly that you don't have enough money. Make a list of expenses and income to be as clear as possible. All this is done calmly and without hysteria.
  • Limit entertainment, especially his. No, children and you should not be affected. You should not walk around with regrown roots or a shabby manicure at all just because your Petechka-Vasenka-Kolushka has nothing to smoke. And it's not even discussed.
  • Do not try to burden yourself with additional work, even if you have the opportunity to take a part-time job or go to a second job. Believe me, this is the road to nowhere. If you can work at two jobs or with a heavy load, then you will never return to the previous regimen.
  • Delegate household chores to your husband. It is not at all necessary to come home from work with the air of a breadwinner and beat the table with your fist with a cry of "Come on eat." But to send to the bank to pay bills, loans, pick up the youngest child from kindergarten, to do with the senior lesson - this should become the norm.
  • Do not allow money to be spent on nonsense. Treats, beer and other entertainments that you spoiled him with before should be a thing of the past. And this is not out of harm, but only on the basis of economy. Therefore, of course, you should not defiantly show off and squander money yourself. You really save.
  • Don't accept help from your parents. This never-empty compassionate treasury will never get you out of this situation, only aggravating it.

Laziness - as a principled position

If your husband does nothing just because he is a pathological lazy person and you have come to this conclusion after repeated futile attempts to get your missus to work with both a stick and a carrot, then there are two ways out. And both of them are unhappy. The first is to reconcile and drag the idler on yourself further, the second is to leave.

There should not be advisers here, the decision is made only by you and only with a cold head.

How can you recognize an ordinary lazy person in order to protect yourself from such happiness?

  • He never has money. He constantly shoots cigarettes, borrows from his mother for travel, cannot even invite you for a cup of coffee in a cafe - all this should alert you at the very beginning of a relationship. Even if a man is broke at this stage of his life, he will never show this to a woman, especially at the dawn of a relationship.
  • He often changes jobs, and leaves with a scandal and resentment in his soul. Nobody appreciates him, he cannot overcome his pride, and in all the teams they seek to crush him. This may be repeated two or three times. And then be sure - in front of you is a simple lazy person.
  • Even having a certain specialty (and more often without it at all), he constantly radically changes the field of activity. Yesterday he repaired cars, and today he sells chairs. And here it is not a matter of versatile interests, but rather a lost goal.

Of course, all these recommendations are of a general nature and it is better to decide what exactly to choose based on the nature of your companion, your life situation and financial situation. Sometimes urgent issues require really tough measures.


Sometimes women have to deal with the fact that the husband does not work and does not bring any income. Well, if these are temporary difficulties, and he is in search of work. But it often happens that a man is not going to look for a job, even if his wife is pregnant or on maternity leave. In such a situation, the wife has a question how to make a man work. You need to act on the basis of his psychological type.

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    Why does the man not want to work?

    The most common reasons why a man does not want to work include the following:

    • A person prefers to live at the expense of others. This category is called gigolos. They fall in love with women who can support them. If such a candidate met, then it is practically impossible to make him work. It is easier for him to find a new source of income in the person of a woman than to look for a job himself.
    • The man is waiting for the "finest hour". This applies to people in the creative profession (writers, musicians, scientists). The spouse does not want to work, as he is waiting for the moment when success will come to him. The husband dreams of doing something that will significantly change the world.
    • Laziness. The spouse will put off looking for a job from day to day, as he likes to while away the time in front of the TV, enjoying a cold beer, or spend his leisure time in any other way.
    • Unsuccessful experience. Refusal to look for work may be associated with negativity at the previous place of activity, due to which the man lost faith in himself.
    • There is no professional work. It is difficult for a spouse to find a profession in the specialty that he received at the university.

    How to manipulate a woman

    Men's psychology and job search

    Depending on the psychology of a man, he will have a different attitude to work.

    How to get your husband to stop drinking

    Husband - "mother's son"

    Such men from childhood are accustomed to being taken care of and doing all the work for them. Great parental love fixed in the guy the conviction that he should not decide anything in life on his own. Correcting such a man will be difficult. The wife should follow the advice of psychologists:

    • constantly highlight the significance of a loved one, say how reliable he is, that only he can be counted on in a difficult situation;
    • gently reminding the spouse that if he had a job, the family would have more opportunities to pamper themselves and the children;
    • it is strictly forbidden to insult the husband, as he will begin to protest and act out of spite.

    If the "mother's son" loves his wife, these tips will help awaken the earner in him, as a result of which the man will look for work.

    Alphonse it

    Husband is a narcissist

    This type is characterized by high self-esteem, so he sees himself only in leadership positions. But his skills are manifested only in words, but in reality he is not able to do the job efficiently. Therefore, such men sit at home waiting for some promising offer to come to them.

    The wife needs to limit her beloved in the pleasures that he receives through money. Suffice it to say that problems have arisen at work, and the salary will be significantly lower than usual. Therefore, there is no opportunity to buy new things, eat well, afford active rest. A narcissistic man will not be able to give up his usual life and will think about ways to earn his own money.

    Spouse - "slow-witted"

    In order to make such a man act, you need to be patient, as a slow spouse will be determined for a long time with a place of activity. Most often, this leads to the fact that a promising job is offered to another person.

    The wife needs to push her husband to make a quick decision:

    • indicate the advantages of the proposed position;
    • to say that he is an excellent specialist, so the period has come to realize himself;
    • make plans for the future, implying that the spouse will work.

    The man is a misanthrope

    Such a man is not afraid of the work itself, but the need to interact with society, so they sit at home. It is difficult for this type of people to participate in discussions, make decisions, and maintain everyday conversations.

    The husband should look for alternative ways to earn money, such as working remotely. Then the spouse will not need to be among people, he will be able to engage in any activity at home.

Usually, the bulk of women marry a man who works. But after the wedding, some of the stronger sex turn into a lazy person. "The prey is caught, the hunter's instinct is satisfied, and you can relax" - they think. Some even stop washing dishes after themselves, considering it not a male occupation. And the wife at this time is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, providing and serving all family members for two.

What to do to drive husband off the couch and force him to look for a job? Indeed, for many modern families, every penny counts, so one of the spouses should not be allowed to work day and night, and the second did not consider it his duty to replenish the family budget and sat on the neck of the other.

force the husband work under pressure, through threats, ultimatums and persuasion is possible only for a short time. And in order to wake up a breadwinner in a husband, one must act cunningly. We must not forget the folk wisdom that says: "Women's strength is not in aggression, but in cunning!". Just so a man does not become lazy. After all, your faithful one was once ready to move mountains for you, which means that he can still work now, but he simply has no motivation to find a job. Our tips will help motivate a man:

1. Don't take care of everything yourself. Many modern families have a common budget with a common piggy bank where the husband and wife put their money. Even if you are one of those women who can earn for two alone, do not take on the functions of a husband. You should not get a second job, give the head of the family the opportunity to earn money himself. Even if you work hard at 3 jobs, his conscience will not torment him. He will simply say: "What a fine fellow you are!" and will continue to lie on the couch all day. Remember: a man becomes inactive only because his wife is too powerful and enterprising next to him.

2. Say what you want from him. Most of all, they don’t like it when women make a scandal, reproach and call names, and then remain silent for weeks, instead of directly telling him what to do. Explain to your husband what you want and how you imagine life when he gets a job. List to him how much you can then spend on rest, on buying things and in which sections you plan to send your children. Communicate your thoughts in a positive way.

3. Don't saw and don't compare. Sawing a husband is not the best way to make him work. Especially comparing him to other men. Don't use your friend's husband or your dad as an example. Hearing phrases like: "I grew up in a family where men worked, and you ..." the husband will get angry, but he will not look for work.

4. Praise and support. A wise wife knows how to inspire and inspire confidence in her husband. Men need recognition and support, but they need to be praised and admired skillfully, without going overboard. Instead of: "You're lazy!" or "Aren't you ashamed to sit on my neck?" say: “No one can do this better than you”, “You will succeed, you are the best!”. In case of failure, calm down. Men get used to scandals and insults and think: "Why should I strive for something if no one in the family respects and appreciates me."

5. Help him find a job. It is easier for women to call their relatives, friends and acquaintances, they are more sociable than men. It is easier for them to find out through someone about available vacancies and ask for a job for their husband.

6. Visit more often with your husband. A man who is used to lying on the couch gets used to being alone. He does not like to communicate with friends and does not go to visit. Do not let your husband stay at home, let him be among people more. Do not leave him when you go to visit your parents and girlfriends, visit the theater, cinema and park with him.

7. Offer to take any temporary job. Even if your husband has a higher education, it is not easy to find a job in your specialty now. Offer him to work as a security guard or courier for now. "Put on the shelves" the whole situation without reproaches, explaining that his unemployment harms the family and if he gets any job, then even a small salary would make your life much easier. If he decides to take such a difficult step for you, then it will depend only on you whether he will become the head of security or the head of the department in the future. After all, the career of a husband largely depends on the wisdom of his wife.

8. Don't give him money. If, despite the fact that you have tried your best to help your husband find a job, he does not want to work and continues to lie on the couch or surf the Internet all day, then it is likely that your chosen one is a gigolo. It is useless to praise, persuade and support such a man. It is impossible to force someone to do something and re-educate an adult if he himself does not want to change. Stop serving such a parasite. Don't give him money, let him find a way to earn it himself. Give him an ultimatum, or he gets a job, or you break up. Divorce, of course, is an extreme measure, but the "pack your bags and go to your mother" method works if the husband - gigolo is afraid of losing you.

Sometimes it happens that the husband in some families, the head and father of the family, the main breadwinner, suddenly sits on his wife's neck and does not want to work.

In this case, the wife does not know how to make a lazy husband work?

And what if the husband lost his job through no fault of his own?

Well, if this is a temporary phenomenon, but if this state of affairs drags on for months?

How to be in such a situation, how to make your husband work?

Spouse's strength test

Today, unemployment is a serious life test, a mutual test of the strength of the relationship between spouses. They say that sometimes a woman can afford not to work, this corresponds to her image that has developed over the centuries - the keeper of the hearth.

Since prehistoric times, men have been earners who are obliged to take care of the material well-being of their families. And the situation when it suddenly turns out that the husband loses his job is now, alas, not uncommon. And losing a job for a husband is a disaster not only for the family but also for himself, and this does not mean that he is a lazy husband.

Problems immediately begin in the family, not only financial, but also moral. The woman begins to convulsively think about how to make her husband think only about his wife and children, that he must go and find a job. She is only looking for a reason to express dissatisfaction with her husband. The most common mistake a woman makes in such a situation is her undisguised expression of dissatisfaction, she begins to make claims, arrange quarrels and scandals, and find fault with trifles.

The situation is even worse if a woman subconsciously devalues ​​her husband, and she begins to consider him a useless loser, comparing him with successful men, stubbornly lowering his self-esteem.

The power of stereotypes

There are many reasons why finding a job is not easy. Reasons of a psychological nature are not the last place here. Often a person who is looking for a new job wants to find the same one that he had before. And it doesn’t matter at all whether he himself left his previous job or was fired. It doesn't mean he's lazy. He subconsciously looks for a job where he already knows everything, where he knows the team and where no one needs to prove his worth, where everyone appreciates and respects him.

That is why, getting to an interview, a person unconsciously strives to quickly leave a new, unusual place for himself. From this, excuses arise, such as an uncomfortable schedule, low salary, more responsibilities. Sometimes it is difficult to break oneself and start all over again, but without it it will not work. In addition, there is often a stereotype in the male logic - the husband is obliged to earn more than his wife, therefore, even with a good prospect, the man categorically does not want to agree to a modest salary. He would rather resign his position than he would listen to the ironic remarks of his wife in the future.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that all relatives and friends are aware that the husband sat on his wife's neck. From the point of view of the public, the husband cannot but work, and the sidelong glances of others, coupled with sarcastic remarks and sympathetic sighs, only add fuel to the fire. Only spouses should remember that only their family has the right to assess their situation, and it is not worth getting hung up on the opinions of others.

Be together in sorrow and in joy

A wise loving wife should understand that her husband is not lazy, he simply does not work temporarily, that at this moment it is not at all easier for him, and he also worries about the future. In such a situation, it is worth having a heart-to-heart talk with your husband and explaining that you believe in him, that everything will eventually work out. In this case, one should not force the husband to realize himself, but try to sympathize during this period and cheer up, understand, become more sensitive to him.

Put the situation together on the shelves, without reproaches, logically explain that his unemployment harms the family and there is not enough money even for the most necessary things. That in this situation even a small salary would not hurt, which would make life easier.

It is not a sin to try to help, and not only in words, but also in deed. For example, together with him to look for suitable job options, to assist in writing a resume. Take care of the appearance of the spouse before the expected interview. Finally, call out that your husband is looking for a job, tell everyone you know - all of a sudden someone will offer a good option. If such an offer has not been found, convince your husband to first agree to any job, when it turns up and something worthwhile, you can always quit.

A man can keep the hearth

There is another option. When a husband for some reason does not want to look for a job at the moment, then let him temporarily take on the duty of a housewife. And the roles in this case will be distributed as follows: the wife earns money and builds a career, and the husband does all the household chores: cleans, cooks, raises children, makes purchases, in other words, performs all women's household duties.

If the husband treats such a formulation of the issue with understanding, conflicts in the family will not arise. But if he is not in the mood to perform women's duties, and it is impossible to force her husband to do household chores, talk to him gently and explain that there is nothing humiliating in this, and even more so it is temporary, that as soon as he starts working again, duties will be removed from him automatically.

The list of men's household chores is very different from women's. And not every man is accustomed to doing household chores, at first it would be more correct to make him a list of things that need to be done in a day, as if setting a certain algorithm of behavior. I note that many men, having worked at home, quickly understand the difference between service and household duties, and yet sitting at home is not a man's business. Or it may happen that the exchange of roles will even suit the spouses. Since a woman can become a good earner, and a husband can be a good keeper of the hearth.

Only one minus - the situation can become uncomfortable at any moment. Due to the fact that the wife also has a risk that everything will not go smoothly at work, a health problem may arise, or finally she may become pregnant and give birth to a child.

If the husband is lazy

It also happens that the husband is lazy, he does not want to work or work at home, all day long he lies on the couch with beer watching TV or surfs on the Internet. Then the situation is quite likely, outlines before us a person who is essentially a gigolo. How to make a man work in this situation? Here, in order to make a husband spend money on his wife, one must try hard. This "breed", as a rule, can be seen at the beginning of the relationship. Here everything is determined by the choice of the woman herself.

Some independent business women are quite satisfied with this state of affairs. In this case, the husband is usually a beautiful decorative addition to her persona. He accompanies his wife everywhere, as if complementing her image. That's why the woman keeps him. Here, everyone decides how to live. It is useless to think how to get a lazy husband to help around the house; he lives like in a hotel. The chance that this man will suddenly change and, taking up his mind, will go to work is negligible. As long as there is even the slightest possibility, he will continue to lie on the couch. Sawing or persuading such a man is absolutely useless. He must himself understand and realize the need for change.

There are some psychologist's tips on how to get a husband to work.

First of all, in such a situation, you need to monopolize all the money that you receive.

Spend them exclusively on food and things absolutely necessary for the house.

Do not deny yourself or your child, but do not allocate a penny to your spouse for personal expenses.

Do not serve a parasite, let him do everything himself. Sometimes just say how hard it is for you and how expensive everything is!

If this does not lead to a positive result, threaten with an ultimatum: Either he goes to work, or a divorce.

This is, of course, an extreme measure, but sometimes it becomes the most effective. The fear of losing a loved one has a sobering effect, and even inveterate lazy people begin to make certain gestures.

If all attempts to direct the husband on the right path were in vain? Seriously think about whether this is the man with whom you intend to live on? Do you agree to continue to support him, perhaps even until retirement? Take a sober look at the situation from the outside, weigh the pros and cons, try to understand if you can put up with this state of affairs.

Always remember - the position of the husband of Alphonse has a bad effect on the children in the family. Lazy husbands are a sentence for life. If yes, then let go of the situation, and endure, but no - go ahead and become happy already without this man.