What size of the pelvis is considered narrow for childbirth. Normal parameters of the pelvis. Definition of clinical parameters

Assessment of the anatomical structure and size of the pelvis begins with a conversation, during which you can find out health problems before pregnancy. As a rule, a narrow pelvis in women is a consequence of:

  • genital infantilism;
  • rickets;
  • tuberculosis;
  • injuries and fractures in the pelvic region.

How to determine a narrow pelvis according to external data?

When assessing the musculoskeletal system, special attention is paid to the growth of the expectant mother. Narrowing of the pelvis is most typical for short women (less than 160 cm) with signs of sexual immaturity: male-type hair growth, narrow shoulders and chest, poorly developed mammary glands, etc. Often, a decrease in the size of the pelvic cavity is indicated by a curvature of the spine and limbs, insufficient mobility (ankylosis) of the knee and hip joints.

How to determine a narrow pelvis using a pelvis meter?

Tazomer - a device designed to measure the size of the female pelvis (pelviometry). Outwardly, the tool resembles a compass with rounded ends and a centimeter scale.

To determine the narrow pelvis in a pregnant woman, external dimensions are measured, since the internal parameters of the bone pelvis are not available for evaluation.

To determine whether a woman has a narrow pelvis or not, you need to know the parameters of three transverse and one straight dimensions.

N (abbr.) - norm

Cross dimensions:

  • Spinarum(segment between the highest points of the right and left iliac bones). N 25-26 cm.
  • Cristarum(measured between the furthest points of the right and left iliac crests). N 28-29 cm.
  • Trochanterica(determine the distance from the left to the right large trochanter of the femur). When determining this transverse dimension, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat in the thigh area should be taken into account. N 31-32 cm.

The measurement is carried out in the supine position, with straight legs and arms extended along the body. When assessing the third transverse dimension, the legs must be moved and slightly bent.

IMPORTANT! Starting from the third trimester, with a long position of a woman on her back, the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the vessels, disrupting the venous outflow and provoking the appearance of inferior vena cava compression syndrome. This fact should be taken into account when conducting pelviometry.

Straight size:

  • External conjugate (k. externa) - a segment between the supracacral fossa and the highest point of the pubic symphysis. N 20-21 cm.

To measure the external conjugate, the pregnant woman is laid on her side as follows: the underlying leg should be bent at the hip and knee joints, the upper leg should be straightened.

How to determine a narrow pelvis, based on the numbers obtained?

A narrowing of the pelvis in a woman is said to be in the event that one or more external dimensions are less than the norm by 1.5 cm or more.

IMPORTANT! Compliance with the external dimensions of the norm does not guarantee the absence of a narrow pelvis in a woman. When evaluating the data, one should take into account the massiveness of the bones and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat. The option when a woman with outwardly wide hips has a narrow pelvis is quite acceptable.

How to determine a narrow pelvis by internal dimensions?

An important indicator in determining the narrow pelvis is the true conjugate. This is the internal size of the entrance to the narrow part of the pelvic ring, which is the gap between the most protruding point of the sacral promontory and the junction of the pubic bones.

The true conjugate plays an important role in the passage of the child through the birth canal, as it is the narrowest point in the pelvic cavity. N - not less than 11 cm.

Bimanual examination evaluates the diagonal conjugate, namely, the distance from the highest point of the cape of the sacrum to the lower edge of the pubic symphysis. During vaginal examination, the tip of the doctor's middle finger rests on the top of the cape, and the edge of the palm rests on the edge of the pubic joint.

As a rule, with a diagonal conjugate equal to 12.5-13 cm, the fetal head moves freely along the birth canal.

To calculate the true conjugate, you need to know the outer or diagonal conjugate.

True conjugate = outer conjugate minus 8-9 cm or diagonal conjugate minus 1.5-2 cm.

IMPORTANT! When determining a narrow pelvis, they also evaluate:

  • direct exit size: a segment between the lower edge of the pubic bone and the coccyx (N 11 cm);
  • transverse exit size: after palpation of the ischial tuberosities, the distance between them is measured (N 9.5 cm).

How to determine a narrow pelvis using additional measurements?

Rhombus of Michaelis.

Represents a site in the lumbosacral region in the form of a rhombus. The upper corner of the rhombus is the base of the sacrum, the lateral corners are the posterior superior iliac spines, and the lower corner is the apex of the sacrum.

N of the Michaelis rhombus: longitudinal dimension 11 cm, transverse dimension 10 cm.

The vertical size of the lumbosacral rhombus normally corresponds to the true conjugate.

Solovyov index.

You can determine a narrow pelvis using a centimeter tape by measuring the circumference of the wrist. In N, the Solovyov index is 14-15 cm.

A wrist thickness of more than 15 cm indicates the massiveness of the bones in a woman, which means that the pelvic cavity will be smaller.

The pubic joint.

The womb is the gap between the upper and lower edges of the symphysis. In N, the height of the womb is 4-5 cm.

With a height of the pubic joint of 7 cm or more, childbirth in a natural way is impossible.

How to determine a narrow pelvis by the shape of the angle of the pubic articulation?

In N, the pubic angle is obtuse (from 90 to 110 °), therefore, with any deviation, they speak of an incorrect structure of the female pelvis.

How to determine a narrow pelvis in childbirth?

If the size of the child's head does not match the size of the pelvic cavity, they speak of a clinically (functionally) narrow pelvis. This complication makes it impossible for a child to be born through the birth canal.

It is possible to identify a clinically narrow pelvis on the basis of Vasten: determination of the elevation of the fetal head above the womb.

The insertion of the fetal head into the small pelvis occurs when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. With a narrow pelvis, the advancement of the child is difficult, which means that Vasten's sign will be positive (the fetal head protrudes above the bosom).

IMPORTANT! Most foreign experts came to the conclusion that determining the size of the pelvis does not carry any informative value in determining the tactics of childbirth. Even with the use of additional methods such as computed tomography (CT) and bone radiography, the obtained data on the narrowing of the pelvis are not the basis for a planned caesarean section.

No matter how far forward medical science has stepped, it will certainly take with it into the future an ancient and very simple tool - tazometer. With its help, any obstetrician can predict how the birth of a woman who has just registered for pregnancy will proceed. How is the pelvis measured? What are they and what do they affect?

Why pregnant women determine the size of the pelvis

Observing the mystery of childbirth, our distant ancestors naively believed that during attempts the mother's womb opens to push the fetus out, and then shrinks again. It is really hard to imagine how otherwise a full-term baby with a head circumference of at least 30 cm can be born!

But in fact, the birth canal of a woman has a powerful and almost non-extensible bone frame, and the birth process obeys the complex laws of biomechanics. According to them, the child must enter the birth canal in a certain position, gradually turn around, cut through the tissues of the perineum in a strictly defined position, leaving the mother's womb. But even if all these rules are followed, there are situations when, due to a mismatch in the size of the pelvis and the fetus, childbirth is painfully delayed or cannot end on its own at all. Until the middle of the last century, the main cause of birth trauma and death of an infant or woman in labor was precisely an anatomically or clinically narrow pelvis. Remember at least the wife of Andrei Bolkonsky ...

The main purpose of measuring the size of the pelvis of a pregnant woman is to determine what “dimensions” of a child she can give birth to on her own, so that neither the baby nor the mother is hurt. The doctor predicts in advance how serious the problems in childbirth can be, and chooses the most optimal type of assistance to the woman. For example, in a situation where a narrow pelvis is diagnosed, a woman in labor is offered a planned caesarean section.

How to determine the size of the pelvis

Obstetricians are not interested in the size of everything, but only. This is the bony birth canal, through which the fetus moves outward during contractions and attempts. To measure it from the inside is technically very difficult or not safe during pregnancy (such as using x-rays). And outside, it is covered not only with an array of pelvic and femoral bones, but also with powerful muscles and subcutaneous fat. Therefore, the doctor determines the outer dimensions with a tazometer and already using them, according to special time-tested formulas, he imagines what the internal volume of the pelvic ring will actually be. To measure only some indicators, a vaginal examination and a centimeter tape are sufficient.

What determine the size of the pelvis in obstetrics

First, the obstetrician-gynecologist will ask the pregnant woman to turn her back to him and probe region of the sacrum (rhombus of Michaelis). Well, when it is shaped like a square. The narrower it is, the more likely it is that a woman has a narrow pelvis.

Next, the patient lies on the couch on her back, straightening her legs. The doctor applies the bellied tips of the pelvis to the most protruding anterior-outer points of the wings of the pelvic bones. In the figure, this is normal, it is 25-26 cm. Then the doctor stretches the compasses-like legs of the tazomer a little more and presses his buttons from the sides: to the most distant points of the wings of the ilium. This is normally more than the first one by at least 3 cm in the figure. the obstetrician lowers it lower - to the skewers of the femurs. This, the size of which is another 3 cm larger. To measure the latter, the woman needs to turn on her side, bending her lower leg at the joints. The doctor applies one button of the tazomer to the center of the pubic joint, and the other - on the back in the hole above the first sacral vertebra. This is how the external conjugate is determined, normally equal to at least 20 cm.

But if obstetricians were guided only by the external dimensions of the pelvis of the woman in labor, they would make many fatal mistakes. After all, the thickness of the bones in different people is very different. Therefore, the next step of the gynecologist will be measuring the circumference of a woman's wrist. This is how the thickness of the bones is determined, taking into account which the size of the internal conjugate is empirically calculated. This is the very exit from the small pelvis, which the fetus will have to overcome during childbirth. There is a direct relationship: the smaller the circumference at the narrowest point of the wrist, the thinner the bones and the less must be subtracted from the size of the outer conjugate. Approximately, we can say that with a wrist size of 14 cm or less, the pelvis will be normal.

Next, the doctor will determine internal dimensions of the pelvis during a gynecological examination. Each doctor knows the length of his palm from the crease at the base between the first and second fingers to the tip of the middle one. Having inserted his fingers into the pregnant woman's vagina, he will try to reach the cape of the sacrum with the third, noticing how tightly the base of his first finger is adjacent to the pubic joint (this is in the diagram). If at the same time at least 12.5 cm is obtained, and even better - it is not possible to reach the sacrum at all - the pelvis will freely "miss" the child's head.

In order to more fully judge the size of the exit from the pelvic ring, the distance between the lower edge of the center of the pubis and the top of the coccyx is also measured with a pelvic meter (it is normal, with a deduction of 1.5 cm for soft tissues, from 9.5 cm or more), as well as between ischial tubercles (here, on the contrary, they add 1.5 cm and get normally from 11 cm and above).

Not so simple…

Every woman is unique, and so is the shape and size of her pelvis. It can be not only wide or narrow, but also oblique, and in any plane. Its structure is influenced by scoliosis, osteochondrosis, congenital degenerative diseases, which a woman may not even be aware of. Inside the pelvic ring, the bone may have outgrowths (osteophytes) that make the most spacious circle dangerously traumatic or even impassable for the fetus. Therefore, the doctor can take a few more external measurements, send for ultrasound to clarify the internal and identify osteophytes. Therefore, if the doctor considers it necessary to carry them out, be glad that an attentive gynecologist examines you. Believe me: it is worth suffering for the sake of a successful outcome of childbirth.

The dimensions of the pelvis during pregnancy are measured already at the first visits to the doctor's office. Such parameters are studied in order to determine the future course of labor, as well as to diagnose possible asymmetry or abnormal structure.

General information about the structure of the pelvis

The hip apparatus is formed by the sacrum, coccyx and two pelvic bones, which are interconnected by means of ligaments and cartilage. The main difference between the structure of female hips and male hips is that it is wider and more voluminous. This state of affairs is explained by the reproductive function, since it is here, in the uterine cavity, that the embryo will grow and develop, and subsequently the movement of the formed fetus through the birth canal will begin.

Normal natural delivery depends on the structure and size. Violation of symmetry, deviations and anomalies often lead to complications during pregnancy and during childbirth. Measurements become especially important if the ultrasound reveals the presentation of the baby, then maximum care from the doctors will be required.

Normal pelvic dimensions in obstetrics during pregnancy

Measurement of the pelvis during gestation is used at least twice, at the first visits to the doctor and at later dates. The study is carried out both with the help of palpation and with the use of a special tazometer device. The dimensions of the pelvis during pregnancy make it possible to assess the possibilities of a woman before labor, whether the intervention of doctors is required or whether a pregnant woman is able to give birth to a child on her own without serious consequences.

First of all, doctors need to measure the Michaelis diamond or lumbosacral diamond, which is assessed while standing at the back of the sacrum and should have a symmetrical shape. In the normal state, the vertical length is 11 cm, and the width is 10 cm. Any deviations, a non-standard shape and a fuzzy diamond-shaped silhouette indicate difficulties as the pregnancy progresses.

  • interosseous measurement of about 25-26 centimeters - determines the distance between the most protruding points of the bone in front;
  • between the crests of the iliac bone tissues, the distance should be 28-29 cm - this is the norm;
  • length between large skewers of 2 femurs - 30-32 centimeters.

Table of normal values ​​​​of the size of the pelvis during pregnancy:

The interpretation of the last measurements is carried out by the doctor by subtracting 9 centimeters from the external parameters. But, in some situations, it is required to measure the circumference of a woman's wrist in order to understand the width of the bone. Thus, if the wrist diameter exceeds 15 cm, then 10 cm must be subtracted.

It should be remembered that the difference between the first three measurements is on average 3 cm, a decrease in this value suggests a significant narrowing of the pelvic bones.

The value of a wide and narrow pelvis during pregnancy

When the measurement values ​​are greater than the norm, it becomes clear that the pregnant woman has a wide pelvis, this is a physiological norm and does not pose a danger to the child. In rare cases, wide parameters can indicate the rapidity of childbirth, which is fraught with tears in the perineum.

A narrow pelvis is ascertained when the parameters decrease from 1.5 cm. At the same time, in obstetrics there is the concept of anatomical narrowing, which is observed when the norm drops to 2 cm. Diagnosing a narrowing does not necessarily indicate a pathologically difficult birth. Often in women with narrow parameters, a small baby is born, and the head passes without difficulty. The indicator is measured in order to assess risks, if a large fetus develops inside the womb, this often leads to serious consequences in the process of natural independent childbirth.

Narrow pelvis - risk factors for pregnant women

Adverse consequences due to the smaller ratio of the hip bones are possible not only at the stage of delivery, but also in late pregnancy. So, when the head of the child falls lower to the small pelvis, the uterus rises accordingly, this hinders the respiratory activity of the body, there is significant shortness of breath.

According to statistics, pregnant women with narrow hips are much more likely to be diagnosed with fetal presentation. Therefore, they belong to a group requiring careful monitoring by medical specialists in order to reduce the likelihood of complications during the birth of a baby. Not infrequently, there is an early discharge of amniotic fluid, hypoxia and prolapse of some parts (umbilical cord, arms, legs) during attempts.

The most dangerous is the prolongation of pregnancy if narrow hips are diagnosed. Often, doctors decide to perform a planned caesarean section in order to minimize the risk of serious injury.

Pelvis shape


transversely narrowed

generally uniformly narrowed


simple flat

Flat rachitic

common flat

    During vaginal examination, the diagonal conjugate is measured (12.5-13 cm). Obstetric conjugate - c. vera (subtract 2 cm from the dimensions of the diagonal conjugate).

The true conjugate is calculated:

    along the diagonal conjunct;

    by external conjugate;

    according to the vertical dimension of the Michaelis rhombus;

    using X-ray pelviometry;

    according to ultrasound.

    The capacity of the small pelvis depends on the thickness of its bones, which is indirectly determined by measuring the circumference of the wrist joint with the calculation of the Solovyov index (13.5-15.5 cm).

    Rhombus Michaelis (normal - 11 x 10 cm).

    The direct size of the exit of the small pelvis (9.5 cm).

    The transverse size of the outlet of the small pelvis (11 cm).

    The pubic angle (90 0 -100 0).

    External oblique dimensions of the pelvis.

    Lateral conjugate (distance between the anterior and posterior superior iliac spines on one side) - 15 cm.

    Distance from the anterior-superior spine on one side to the postero-superior spine on the other side (21-22 cm).

    Distance from the middle of the upper edge of the symphysis to the postero-superior spines on the right and left (17.5 cm); the difference in size indicates the asymmetry of the pelvis.

    Distance from the supra-sacral fossa to the anterior-superior spines on both sides.

    Pelvic circumference at the level of the iliac crests (85 cm); the same at the level of large skewers (90 - 95 cm).

    The height of the fundus of the uterus; abdominal circumference.

    Fetal head diameter (12 cm).

    The pubosacral size (the distance from the middle of the symphysis to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd sacral vertebrae is a point located 1 cm below the intersection of the diagonals of the Michaelis rhombus - 22 cm); a decrease in this size by 2-3 cm is accompanied by a decrease in the direct size of the wide part of the pelvic cavity.

    X-ray pelviometry allows you to determine all the diameters of the small pelvis, the shape, the slope of the pelvic walls, the shape of the pubic arch, the degree of curvature and the slope of the sacrum. It is recommended to produce in 38-40 weeks. pregnancy or before the onset of labor.

    Ultrasound examination - ultrasound, is used to diagnose an anatomically narrow pelvis and makes it possible to obtain the value of the true conjugate and the biparietal size of the fetal head, their ratio.

The course of pregnancy and childbirth with a narrow pelvis

A narrow pelvis as such does not lead to a change in the course of pregnancy.

The adverse effect of the narrowed pelvis on the course of pregnancy affects its last months and at the beginning of childbirth.

Features that an obstetrician should know about:

    In primiparas, due to a discrepancy between the pelvis and the head, the latter does not enter the pelvis and remains mobile over the entrance throughout pregnancy and at the beginning of childbirth. The height of the fundus of the uterus on the eve of childbirth remains at the same level.

    In nulliparous women with a narrow pelvis, by the end of pregnancy, the abdomen has a pointed shape, and in multiparous women it is pendulous.

    Anomalies of the bone pelvis are common causes of malposition of the fetus - oblique, transverse and pelvic presentation of the fetus, as well as unfavorable insertion of the head - extensor.

    One of the frequent and serious complications of pregnancy with a narrow pelvis is premature (prenatal) outflow of water. This is due to the lack of a contact belt - the head stands high, it does not touch the pelvic ring, so the waters are not divided into anterior and posterior - the entire mass is poured out at the beginning of labor under increasing uterine pressure.

    With the outflow of amniotic fluid and the moving head of the fetus, there is a high risk of prolapse of the umbilical cord and small parts of the fetus. Prolapse of the umbilical cord leads to the development of acute hypoxia of the fetus and its death if the head presses it against the pelvic wall. In these cases, only an emergency caesarean section can save the child (intranatal mortality among newborns in these cases is 60-70%).

    With a narrow pelvis, childbirth is often complicated by the weakness of labor. Firstly, women with a narrow pelvis have hormonal insufficiency, sexual infantilism, and secondly, childbirth is protracted, which leads to fatigue of the woman in labor, depletion of energy resources and the development of secondary weakness of labor activity.

    Maternal trauma. Prolonged compression of the fetal head of the bladder and rectum can lead to the formation of genitourinary and enterogenital fistulas (for 6-7 days). Compression of the cervix can lead to edema, necrosis, deep tears.

    The lack of forward movement of the fetus with continued intensive labor activity leads to a gradual thinning of the lower segment and the occurrence of a threatening rupture of the uterus.

    With a protracted course of childbirth with a long anhydrous interval significantly increases the risk of endometritis, chorioamnionitis, ascending infection of the fetus.

    Fetal complications. The fetal head configures slowly, lingers for a long time in various planes of the small pelvis, which causes a violation of cerebral circulation, edema, an increase in the volume of the head, the formation of cephalohematomas, subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages. With the further development of the child in these areas, a cicatricial adhesive process is formed, leading to the occurrence of deviations in the neuropsychic sphere and physical development up to the development of hydrocephalus, hyperkinesis, epilepsy and dementia. Moreover, with deep, irreversible violations of brain function, cerebral palsy can form.

During pregnancy, gynecologists pay increased attention to the size of the pelvis of the expectant mother. In our article, we will look at what the norms should be for natural childbirth, as well as what to do if you have a deviation from the norm.

Measuring the size of the pelvis during pregnancy

A mandatory procedure is to determine the size of this area. This is necessary to determine whether a natural resolution is possible or whether surgical intervention will have to be resorted to.

Important! To determine the internal narrowing, obstetricians measure the coverage of the wrist using the Solovyov index: if the girth exceeds 14 cm, then a narrow pelvis can be assumed.

The structure and measurements are determined by doctors by palpation and using a tazomer. The measurement is carried out several times: first, when a woman is registered for registration, and then before the birth itself. Particular attention is paid to the study of the sacral region - the Michaelis rhombus. To do this, measurements are taken between the dimples above the coccyx. If the rhombus is a square, the diagonals of which are approximately 11 cm, then we can conclude that there is no deformation. If they are different, then it can be assumed that the pregnant woman has a pathology.
Measurements are carried out as follows:

  1. The woman should lie on her back, provide access to the hips, remove clothing from this area.
  2. Using a pelvis meter, the doctor takes 1 longitudinal and 3 transverse measurements.
After the end of the procedure, the results are compared with acceptable indicators:
  • Distantia spinarum- the line between the anterior superior iliac spines is approximately 26 cm;
  • Distantia cristarum- the greatest distance between the scallops of the iliac bones - 24-27 cm;
  • Distantia trochanterica- the line between the large skewers of the thigh bones - 28-29 cm;
  • Conjugata externa- lines between the upper edge of the pubic joint and the V-lumbar vertebra - 20-21 cm.

Normal parameters of the pelvis


narrow pelvis

Consider when it is considered narrowed, and what to do with such a pathology for a pregnant woman.

Did you know? Only in 5% of cases, children are born on time. In other cases, childbirth occurs 7-10 days earlier than the expected date.

First, it is worth noting that it is customary to distinguish two concepts - anatomically and clinically narrow pelvis. An anatomically narrow pelvis is characterized by a decrease in indicators when measured by at least 1.5-2 cm. In some situations, childbirth proceeds well - this happens if the child has a small head. A clinically narrow pelvis may well correspond to normal measurements, but due to the fact that the child may have a large head, there is a discrepancy between the head and the pelvis. In such a situation, childbirth can cause difficulties in the health of the mother and baby, so doctors often consider the possibility of an operation.


The main causes of an anatomically narrow pelvis include:

  • the presence of rickets;
  • poor nutrition in childhood;
  • the presence of poliomyelitis;
  • the presence of congenital anomalies;
  • the presence of pelvic fractures;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • the presence of kyphosis, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis and other deformities of the spine and coccyx;
  • the presence of diseases and dislocations of the hip joints;
  • rapid growth during puberty with elevated androgen levels;
  • the presence of strong psycho-emotional and physical stress in adolescence.

Influence on the course of pregnancy

The presence of pathology almost does not affect the course of pregnancy. If an anatomically narrowed pelvis is present, you should definitely see a doctor. In the last trimester, some difficulties often arise, for example, the wrong position of the child. Since the head is not able to press against the entrance to the small pelvis due to the fact that it is narrow, a woman may suffer from shortness of breath.

Management of pregnancy

Women with pathology are put on a special account. This is due to the fact that there is a high risk of complications during pregnancy. Difficulties in management lie in the fact that it is very important to identify the abnormal position of the fetus in time. Also, the term of childbirth is determined with particular accuracy - this will eliminate overwearing, which negatively affects the general condition of the woman and the baby. Approximately 1-2 weeks before delivery, it is recommended to hospitalize the pregnant woman in order to clarify the diagnosis and choose the method of delivery.

Indications for caesarean section

There are two types of indications for intervention. Let's consider them. Absolute readings:

  • the presence of a narrow pelvis of 3 and 4 degrees;
  • the presence of severe pelvic deformity;
  • damage to the joints of the pelvic bones;
  • the presence of bone tumors.
In the presence of at least one of the above cases, natural delivery is strictly prohibited. In such situations, a planned caesarean section is prescribed.

Important! During contractions, women with a similar pathology are advised to lie more so as not to damage the amniotic sac, as it can provoke too early outflow of amniotic fluid.

Relative indications are the presence of a narrowed pelvis of the 1st degree simultaneously with the following factors:

  • big fruit;
  • presentation in the pelvic region;
  • excess of terms of pregnancy;
  • child's suffocation;
  • uterine scar;
  • abnormal deviations of the genital organs.
Also, an indication for surgical intervention is the presence of a narrowed pelvis of the 2nd degree. The difference between relative indications and absolute ones is that with them they can be allowed to give birth naturally and a caesarean section will be performed if the woman begins to feel unwell, or if there is a threat to the life of the mother and child.

Possible complications during childbirth

Unfortunately, in the presence of an anatomically narrow pelvis, it is impossible to give birth on your own. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult for a child to overcome the path, and this can lead to injuries and even death. It is for these reasons that obstetricians strongly advise women with this pathology to perform a planned caesarean section. However, if grade 1 narrowing is present, the expectant mother may be allowed to give birth on her own.

But such a decision can lead to:
  • early rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • weakened activity in childbirth;
  • placental abruption;
  • rupture of the pelvic ligaments;
  • uterine rupture;
  • hemorrhages;
  • fetal suffocation;
  • trauma to the baby.

Did you know? A newborn baby has 300 bones, while an adult has only 206.

A narrow pelvis is a specific feature of the structure of the female body. But even with such a pathology, modern medicine allows you to endure pregnancy and give birth to a child. The main thing is to follow the instructions of the doctor and take care of yourself.

Video: female pelvis during pregnancy