Card file in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic: Games and exercises for the formation of ideas about time. "hour of free play in kindergarten"

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Description of the slide:

"Hour of the game" in kindergarten was prepared by the teacher of MBDOU No. 8 "Teremok" Galashova E.V. 2016

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Description of the slide:

Childhood is a time of amazing discoveries. The world of childhood appears as a variety of forms, smells, sounds, colors. The environment has many obvious and hidden properties that the child learns to discover for himself, to perceive the world as a whole, to navigate in it. The child has many questions to which he is looking forward to the answer. It is at this age that it is necessary to develop curiosity, cognitive and creative activity in the child. Game - what could be more interesting and meaningful for a child? This is joy, and knowledge, and creativity. This is what the child goes to kindergarten for. A.S. Makarenko wrote: “The game in the life of a child has the same meaning as in an adult - activity, work, service. What a child is in play, such is in many respects he will be in work when he grows up. And the life of the child, his play activity is leading for the preschooler. The game is the life of the child, his existence, the source of the development of his moral qualities. - In the game, arbitrary behavior is formed, cognitive processes are activated. - The game develops the ability to imagine, imaginative thinking. This happens because the child recreates the actions of an adult and gains experience of interacting with peers.

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Description of the slide:

In the game, the child learns to subordinate his desires to certain requirements - this is the most important prerequisite for the education of the will. In the game the child develops spiritually. V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of play, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity. Without it, he is a dried flower. The game begins to enter the life of the child at an early age. In the year the child appears imitative actions. He "reads", plays in the kitchen with dishes. As they grow older, the games become more complex: children imitate the profession of their parents, acquaintances, "become parents" themselves. Watching a child play, you can learn a lot about his life, because he transfers all his feelings, experiences to toys. By games, one can judge the relationships in the family, the interests and inclinations of the child. Everything that a person needs in life, learning, communication, creativity, originates in a child's game.

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Description of the slide:

The game is one of the wonderful phenomena of life, an activity that seems useless and at the same time necessary; this is a creative activity that is not aimed at the final product, unlike modeling, drawing. In the game, children do not create anything, but learn a lot; This is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

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Description of the slide:

Purpose: this is the creation of conditions for the multidimensional and exciting activity of children in various fields of activity and ensuring their emotional well-being. Tasks: to create an emotionally positive environment that allows developing the creative and creative abilities of children in play activities; to form social trust that promotes community and cohesion in the team; promote the health of children, improve the psychomotor abilities of the child (muscle strength, flexibility, endurance); - develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention; promote the development of visualization skills, including the recognition of shapes, images and materials; develop leadership, initiative, a sense of mutual assistance; nurture interest in theatrical activities. Free play technology

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Description of the slide:

Four main features inherent in the game: free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from the result (procedural pleasure); the creative, largely improvisational, very active nature of this activity (“the field of creativity”); emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (sensual nature of the game, "emotional tension"); the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

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Description of the slide:

The structure of the game: the roles taken on by the players; game actions as a means of realizing these roles; playful use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional (or substitute objects); real relationships between the players; plot (content) - the area of ​​reality, conditionally reproduced in the game.

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Description of the slide:

"Game Hour" promotes the development of language skills, kinetic, kinesthetic, visual-spatial skills, interpersonal communication skills. "Hour of play" is intended for children 4-7 years of age. During the game, there is a change in activities, which makes it possible to exclude any kind of overload, fatigue of the child. The game in this case should act not only as a method of learning, but also as a free independent activity of children. The significance of the organization of the game hour lies in the fact that free play activity requires improvisation and creativity from each child. At the same time, the teacher must influence the content of the game, teach children how to interact, help, coordinate ideas, distribute roles, and agree on rules. The game hour is the time for the emergence and development of different types of games: games with rules, didactic games, puppet theater, outdoor games and others.

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Description of the slide:

The child lives in the game. And the task of teachers is to become a guiding and connecting link in the child-game chain, tactfully supporting and enriching the children's gaming experience.

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Description of the slide:

"Hour of the game" should be held in a friendly and unobtrusive manner. When planning a game hour, it is important to provide for the following: the teacher must not only observe the children's playing activities, but also analyze it: determine the stage of development, select techniques that will ensure the further development of the game, assess the level of children's interest; during one game hour, different types of games may be provided; the teacher should be attentive to the mood of the children: it is not pedagogical to interrupt the game if the children are active and their interest is very deep, and it is not necessary to continue the game if it does not arouse the interest of the players; The game hour can be organized in various ways, it is very important to take into account the individual interest of each child in a particular type of game.

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Description of the slide:

The teacher needs to educate children's interest in dramatization, theatrical activities. Pay serious attention to the selection of literary works for the puppet theater. Preference should be given to works with a moral idea that is understandable to the child. Thus, the interest of the teacher, his desire and ability to pedagogically expediently organize the playing activities of children during the game hour is necessary in order to effectively use this hour for the development of children and prepare them for school. The game is a free and independent activity that arises on the personal initiative of the child. In the game, the child proceeds from his immediate needs and interests, plays for the sake of the feeling of pleasure that it delivers. However, given its enormous educational impact on the child, adults should lead the children's games, create conditions for their emergence and development.

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Description of the slide:

The TEACHER MUST: encourage initiative and independent actions of children, if possible obeying the aspirations and interests of the child, trying to limit his freedom as little as possible. Moreover, encouragement and support are used more often than censure and prohibitions. take into account the child's abilities, avoiding the feeling of his insolvency: come to the rescue in case of difficulties, do not impose complex and incomprehensible actions, try to be at the level of the child's eyes when interacting in the game. A big creative task for the teacher is to organize games in kindergarten so that the life of children meaningful, interesting and engaging.

Games and exercises for the formation of ideas about time.

Parts of the day.

Exercise "When does it happen?"


Material: thematic set of pictures (parts of the day).

Task options:

1. Children are shown pictures showing contrasting parts of the day (day-night, morning-evening). The teacher asks questions:

What is in the picture?

When does it happen? (If the child finds it difficult, a hint is given: “When does this happen, during the day or at night?”)

Why do you think so? How did you know it was night (day)?

What do you do at night (day)?

What time of day is it now?

2. Pictures are presented, which depict adjacent parts of the day (morning-day, evening-night). The teacher asks questions:

What is in the picture?

When does it happen? What are you doing in the morning? What about during the day?

How did you know that the morning (evening) was over and the day (night) had come?

What time of day do you like best? Why?

3. The teacher asks the children to choose a picture that shows the morning (day, evening, night).

4. The teacher invites the children to put the pictures in order, what happens before and what happens next: “First the night, then ...” When the children have already learned the order of the parts of the day, you can add an element of a joke - name the sequence of parts of the day with errors, and the children must correct the mistake .

Game "Day"

Target - determining the level of children's ability to navigate in time, clarifying ideas about the parts of the day, fixing the names of the parts of the day, their sequence.

Material. 4 pictures depicting night, morning, afternoon and evening.

Game progress: The child, together with the teacher, examines the pictures and determines what is shown on them. After that, the adult asks the child to choose a picture of the night and put it in front of him. The rest of the pictures are flipped face down. The teacher begins the story: “The night has passed, it is dawning, the sun has appeared in the sky. What has come? (Morning). The child is invited to choose a picture of the morning and put it on the picture of the night. Then the story continues: “The sun has risen high, everything is brightly lit, it has become warmer. What has come? After answering the question, the child finds a picture of the day and puts it on top. Then the teacher says: “The day has passed, the sun is sinking below the horizon, it is getting dark. What has come? After answering the question, the child takes a picture of the evening and puts it on top of other pictures. After that, the teacher asks the last question: “The evening has passed, what comes after it?” If the child cannot answer the question, he is invited to look at the pictures and guess what comes after the evening.

Working with the clock "DAY":

Target - clarification of ideas about the parts of the day, fixing the names of the parts of the day, their sequence.

Material: clock with 4 sectors (pictures: morning, afternoon, evening, night)

Game progress:

The teacher points to the sector where the morning is depicted, asks the child:

What is drawn here? When does it happen? What do we do in the morning? (we wake up, wash ourselves, do exercises, have breakfast, etc.)

Pay attention to the position of the sun:

In the morning it becomes light, the sun rises.

The teacher shows the sector where the day is depicted, asks:

What is drawn here? When does it happen? And what do we do during the day? (We walk, go to the store, have lunch, go to rest, etc.)

During the day it is also light, the sun is high in the sky.

The teacher shows the sector where the evening is depicted, asks:

What is drawn here? When does it happen? And what do we do in the evening? (We walk, have dinner, play, read, go to bed, etc.)

It gets dark in the evening, the sun goes down.

Shows the sector where the night is depicted, asks:

What is drawn here? When does it happen? What do we do at night? (Sleep)

The night is dark, the moon is shining.

Then he circles the calendar with his hand and says: morning, afternoon, night and evening can be called in one word - day. They are like four girlfriends - they can live without each other, and they always follow each other.

You can draw the child's attention to the colors in which the sectors are painted, tell that the girlfriend Morning walks in a pink dress, Day - in yellow, Evening - in gray, and Night - in purple.

Tasks for children:

The teacher names part of the day and asks the child to name the part of the day that follows.

The teacher asks questions, and the children answer and show the required part of the day on the clock: (When do we have breakfast? When do we sleep? Etc.)

Game "Name the missing word"

Target - determining the level of children's ability to navigate in time, clarifying ideas about the parts of the day.

Game progress: The teacher says a sentence, skipping the names of the parts of the day: “We have breakfast in the morning, and we have lunch ...”, “We will go for a walk ...”, etc. Children name the parts of the day, for each correct answer - a token.

Game "Name the neighbors"

Target - fixing the sequence of parts of the day.

Game progress : The teacher says the name: "Name the neighbors of the morning." etc. Children name the parts of the day, for each correct answer - a token.

Game "Parts of the day"

Target - clarification of ideas about the parts of the day, fixing the names of the parts of the day, their sequence.

Material: 4 pictures (morning, afternoon, evening, night), a selection of poems.

Game progress:

The teacher exposes pictures depicting parts of the day, the children name the parts of the day and determine their sequence. The teacher reads a poem about each part of the day, and the children, in accordance with his reading, show the desired picture.

Game option: Pictures are distributed to children, when reading a poem, children raise the corresponding picture.

Game "What did you do"

Target - determination of the level of children's ability to navigate in time, clarification of ideas about the parts of the day.

Game progress : One lead child is selected. The teacher tells him the task: "Show me what you did in the morning." The child depicts the action, but does not name it. The rest of the kids guess.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow.

Game "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"

Target - introduce children to the concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow".

Material: multi-colored stripes, a selection of poems.

Game progress: The teacher explains that every day, in addition to its name, has another name (yesterday, today, tomorrow).

The day that has come is called today.

The day that has already ended is yesterday.

And the day that is yet to come is tomorrow.

We designate the color (stripes): today - blue, yesterday - blue, tomorrow - purple.

First, we fix the color designation: the teacher names the concepts, the children show the corresponding strip.

Then the teacher reads the poem, the children determine what day the poem refers to (yesterday, today, tomorrow) and show the corresponding strip.

Working with the block "Yesterday, today, tomorrow"

Target - consolidation of ideas about the present, past, future time (the concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow").

Material: a strip (block) divided into 3 squares, in each square - Velcro, picture cards.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the block to the children and explains that every day something interesting happens. This interesting can be noted in the block. Under the inscriptions yesterday, today, tomorrow there are empty squares with Velcro. We will hang cards on this Velcro, which depict what we did during a certain day.

For example:

What we did today: we drew - we hang a card that means drawing.

Let's remember, what did you do yesterday? - went to the store. We hang a certain card.

Now let's think, what will you do tomorrow? You will go to the circus tomorrow.

It is necessary to draw the attention of children to what has already been, pronounced in the past tense - they went, they bought. What is happening at the moment is said differently - let's go, buy. What has yet to happen - let's go, let's buy.

Ball game "Yesterday, today, tomorrow"

Target - determining the level of children's ability to navigate in time, consolidating ideas about the concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow".

Material: ball

Game progress: The teacher throws the ball to the children in turn, saying a short phrase, for example: “We are engaged in ...” The child who caught the ball finishes the phrase (

Phrase examples:

We will go out…

Did you go to the park...

Game-task "What happened before, what then"

Target- consolidation of ideas about the present, past, future tense.

Material: a set of pictures.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to put the pictures in order and tell what happened before, what happens next.

Exercise "House of days"

Target - consolidation of ideas about the present, past, future time (the concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow").

Material: a house with three windows, colorful stripes, a selection of poems.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to look at the house and says that this is a “house of days”.


What is the name of the day that has already passed? (yesterday) He settled in the lower window. (insert a blue stripe into the bottom pocket)

What is the name of the day that we have now, at the present moment? (today). He occupied the middle window (insert blue stripe)

What is the name of the day that will come soon? (tomorrow) He settled in the upper window (insert purple stripe).

The teacher reads a poem to the children and invites the children to “place the poem” in the appropriate window.

Days of the week

Working with the clock "DAYS OF THE WEEK":

Target - give an idea that 7 days make up a week, fix the names and sequence of the days of the week.

Material: clock "Days of the week" with numbers 1-7.

Game progress : The teacher shows the children a circle that shows the days of the week. He tells that this circle is called “week”, there are only seven days in a week, each day has its own name. Each day of the week of a different color (rainbow color), when naming the day, rearranges the arrow and draws the children's attention to the number:

Monday is the first day, it starts the week.

Tuesday is the second day.

Wednesday - this day of the week in the middle of the week, the middle.

Thursday is the fourth day.

Friday is the fifth day.

Saturday - work is over, on this day mom and dad are resting, they don’t go to work.

Sunday is the last day of the week, the seventh.

Then the teacher invites the children to name the days of the week in order, rearranging the arrow. Children name the number and the corresponding day of the week.


1. The teacher asks the children to name the days of the week in a different order.

(What is the name of the first day of the week? What is the name of the fifth day? Etc.

On what days mom and dad do not go to work, and you go to kindergarten?)

2. The teacher calls the day of the week. And the child must name the day that was at first (yesterday) and will be later (tomorrow) - thus, the following temporary concepts will still be fixed - yesterday, today, tomorrow.

"Colorful Week"

Target - fix the names and sequence of the days of the week, their color correlation.

Material: multi-colored circles, numbers from 1 to 7.

Game progress : The teacher on the demonstration circle indicates the color and names the day of the week, the children show the corresponding number.

Option. The teacher shows the numbers from 1 to 7 in order, the children show the corresponding color on their circles and name the day of the week.

Game "Live Week"

Target - fix the names and sequence of the days of the week, their color correlation.

Material : pictures - gnomes in clothes of different colors.

Game progress: The teacher tells the children that gnomes have come to visit them. They are named after the days of the week. He exposes a picture with the first gnome: “I am Monday. Who is next?" The children call, the teacher exposes the following gnome: “I am Tuesday. Who is next?" etc. At the same time, the teacher draws the attention of children to the color of the clothes of gnomes.


1. The teacher asks the children to put the gnomes in order and give their names.

2. The teacher asks the children to name the names of the gnomes:

What is the name of the gnome who is between Tuesday and Thursday, Friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc.

"Week, build"

Target -

Material: numbers 1-7.

Game progress : On the table, there are inverted cards with numbers in a mess. Children, on a signal, take cards from the table. They are looking for their partners, that is, they line up in order in a row and name their day of the week (“The first is Monday, the second is Tuesday ....).


1. The teacher asks to leave the day that stands for Monday; ... Wednesday, etc.

2. The teacher asks to leave the day of the week, which is after Monday, before Saturday, between Tuesday and Thursday, etc.

3. The teacher asks to leave the days of the week that are after Thursday (children come out with the numbers five, six, seven); before Wednesday (children with numbers one, two) and name their days of the week.

Ball game "Catch, throw, name the days of the week"

Target - fix the names and sequence of the days of the week

Material: ball.

Game progress: Children form a circle. The teacher stands in the middle of the circle. He throws a ball to one of the children and says: “What day of the week is today?” The child who caught the ball answers: "Tuesday." Then the teacher throws the ball to another child and asks a question like: “What day of the week was yesterday?”

Question options:

What is the day of the week after Thursday? Name the day of the week between Thursday and Friday, etc.

If someone finds it difficult to quickly answer, the teacher offers the children to help him.

Game-task "Dunno Week"

Target - fix the names and sequence of the days of the week

Material: doll or picture "Dunno".

Game progress : The teacher tells the children that Dunno came to visit them.

Help Dunno name the days of the week. Dunno called it this: “Sunday is a day of fun ... Then Wednesday - but this is nonsense .. Then Saturday - hunting for a walk. That's all!" Did Dunno correctly name the days of the week?

Children correct Dunno's mistakes.


Ball game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Target- development of verbal-logical thinking, consolidation of ideas about the signs of the seasons.

Material: ball.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle. The teacher names a sign of a certain time of the year. The child catches the ball if this sign is appropriate.

Exercise "Repeat, do not make a mistake"

Target - fix the names of the months (according to the seasons).

Game progress: The child calls the names of the autumn (winter, spring ...) months in order from the pictures or without them.

Compare game.

Target - learn to compose a story - comparing the signs of two seasons or one season by season with the simultaneous demonstration of pictures.

Material: reference demonstration pictures, pictures depicting the seasons (periods of the season)

Game progress : Children compare the signs of the seasons according to the supporting pictures.

Ball game "Go on"

Target - to consolidate the ability to name the signs of the seasons.

Material: ball

Game progress: the children and the teacher stand in a circle, the teacher calls the season and gives the ball to the child, the children name the signs of this season and pass the ball in a circle.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target - to teach to exclude an extra object from a series, to explain the principle of exclusion.

Material: pictures from d / settlement. "Seasons"

Game progress: The teacher shows the children 4 pictures, 3 of them are suitable for a certain time of the year, and 1 is not suitable. Children must identify what is not appropriate and explain why it is not appropriate.

Exercise "Name the seasons, months"

Target - fixing the names and sequence of seasons, months by seasons.

Material: pictures from the manual "All about time" (seasons and months)

Game progress: The child lays out 4 pictures (seasons) in order and names them. Then he selects 3 small pictures (months) for each season, names them.

Game When does it happen?

Target - clarify children's knowledge about various seasonal changes in nature; develop attention, speed of thinking.

Material: 4 series of subject and plot pictures by seasons, depicting seasonal changes in inanimate nature, flora and fauna, work and life of people

Game progress: The teacher distributes 4 squares of different colors to all the players, each color indicates a certain time of the year, for example: yellow - autumn, blue - winter, green - spring, red - summer.

The teacher (or child) raises a picture depicting some seasonal phenomenon (for example, leaf fall). Children must quickly raise the square of the corresponding color (yellow). For a quick and correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Note. Another version of the game can also be used (the game is played with a group of children), which consists in the children performing the following tasks:

1) arrange an exhibition of paintings on the theme "Winter - summer", "Spring - autumn" (select pictures and tell why you selected these pictures);

2) arrange an exhibition of paintings on the theme "Winter - Spring", "Summer - Autumn";

3) without naming the picture, tell it in such a way that everyone understands what season is drawn on it.

The winner is the one who completes the task faster (quickly “arranges” the exhibition and tells well).

The game "When do the trees put on this outfit?"

The goal is to form knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.


Game progress: The teacher shows one of the pictures, reads an excerpt from a poem describing the corresponding season, and asks the children when, at what time of the year this happens in nature.

The game "What time of year do you need these items?"

Target - to consolidate ideas about the seasons and seasonal changes in nature.

Material: plot pictures depicting the seasons, subject pictures.

Game progress : The teacher shows the children images of the seasons and objects and suggests determining what time of the year these objects are used and why.

Game "What first, what next?"

Target - clarify children's knowledge about the sequence of the seasons; develop attention, speed of thinking.

Material: an envelope with pictures depicting different periods of the seasons.

Game progress: At the command of the facilitator, the child takes the pictures out of the envelope and quickly arranges them in order. Starts with any picture or on the instructions of the teacher. The one who completes the task faster wins.

The game "Houses of the Seasons"

Target - to consolidate ideas about the seasons and seasonal changes in nature, about the order of the seasons, to fix the names of the months.

Material: 4 houses of different colors (red for summer, yellow for autumn, blue for winter, green for spring), pictures: 4 girls in colorful dresses (seasons), pictures of nature (by months), subject pictures.

Game progress : The teacher shows the children (child) houses and tells that a certain time of the year lives in each of them. Children determine (by color) in which house, what season they live. Then the houses are laid out in the order of the seasons. Children name the months of each season in order, select the appropriate pictures and insert them into the boxes. The teacher shows the children images of objects and offers to determine at what time of the year these objects are used and why. Children explain their choice and insert pictures into the windows of houses.

Note: The houses are distributed to children, each child must name the season, its months and select the right pictures for their season.

Working with the clock "Seasons"

The goal is to clarify ideas about the seasons, fixing the names of the seasons, their sequence.

Material: clock with 4 sectors painted in different colors (autumn - yellow, winter-blue, spring-green, summer-red).

Game progress:

The teacher points to the sector where autumn is depicted, asks the child:

What is drawn here? When does it happen? What happens in autumn? (Name the signs of autumn.)

In the same way, we determine the rest of the seasons, clarify their signs.

Pay attention to the colors of the sectors.

The teacher then asks the children

What are you calling now? (Seasons) How many seasons are there? ("4 seasons").

Tasks for children:

  1. The teacher calls the season and asks the child to name the season that comes next (or the previous season).
  2. The teacher asks questions, and the children answer and show the right time of the year on the clock: (When does it snow? When does the snow melt? Etc.)

Ball game "What's what?"

Target - fixing the sequence of the seasons.

Material: ball.

Game progress : The players stand in a circle. The teacher stands in the center of the circle, he throws the ball to the children in turn. Throwing, asks a question, the child, answering, throws the ball back.

Variants of questions: Winter, and after it? Spring, and after it? Summer, and after him? Autumn, and behind it? How many seasons? Name the first month of autumn. etc.

Didactic game "Daily clock"

Target : fixing parts of the day

Equipment : daily hours for the teacher and for each child, cards with the name of the parts of the day.

Game progress:

The teacher puts the hand of the daily clock on any part of the day. Children should put an arrow on their clock on the same part of the day, and name it.

Didactic game "Put the arrow correctly"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week.

Equipment: a large cardboard circle (for the teacher). Broken into seven equal parts; each part depicts a day of the week; a movable arrow is attached to the circle. The same circles were distributed to children, but smaller.

Game progress:

The teacher put an arrow on his circle on some day of the week and loudly calls this day, for example, Sunday. Children should put arrows on their circles for that day. Which follows Sunday, i.e. on Monday.

Didactic game "What time is it?"

Target : to develop the ability of children to determine the time by the clock.

Equipment : watch faces.

Game progress:

The teacher puts arrows on the dial and, turning to the children, asks: “What time is it?”. Children on the dials of their watches set the same time, call what time it is and show their watches. The child who correctly determines the time is given a token. The one with the most tokens wins.

Exercise "Put in order"

Target: arrange the pictures with the image of the seasons in order.

Equipment: pictures that depict a landscape characteristic of a particular season.

Game progress:

The cards are turned face down. Three four children are playing. The first - takes a card and puts it first in a row. This will be the image of the seasons. The second child takes a card and puts it next to the first if it corresponds to the next season in order. If the card does not fit, then the child puts it in front of him. The next child takes the card. The game continues until all the cards are laid out in the correct order, and under them are the pictures corresponding to each season.

Exercise "What season is it?"

Target: naming the seasons

Equipment: each child has tablets with the names of the seasons; the educator has pictures depicting a landscape corresponding to each season.

Game progress: The teacher shows a picture, and the children name the season to which this picture corresponds. One of the guys explains why he held up a sign with this or that name.

Exercise "Live Week"

Seven children lined up at the blackboard and counted in order. The first child on the left takes a step forward and says, “I am Monday. What day is next? The second child comes out and says: “I am Tuesday. What day is next? The rest of the children give tasks to the “days of the week”, make riddles. They can be very different: for example, name the day that is between Tuesday and Thursday, Friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc. Name all the weekends of the week. Name the days of the week on which people work. The complication of the game is that the players can line up from any day of the week, for example, from Tuesday to Tuesday.

What time of day does this happen?


Equipment: plot pictures depicting constant activities of children and adults at different times of the day (charging, washing, breakfast, going to school or work, school or work, walking, preparing lessons, playing, preparing for bed, sleeping).

Content: the teacher, showing one of the pictures, asks the child questions: What is the child doing? What part of the day is this? How did you guess? When do you go to kindergarten (school)? When do the stars and the moon appear in the sky? When does the sun shine brightly? What do you do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night? What happens when the morning ends? When does the night come? And etc.


Target: the formation in children of ideas about the day and the time sequence of events.

When getting acquainted with the concepts of week, month, year, seasons, the following techniques are effective:

  • use of graphic models Week, Year (calendar), timesheet-calendar; detachable, desktop, wall, individual calendars;
  • daily selection on the table-calendar of the day of the week and month of the year;
  • fixing observations of nature and weather in the Calendar of Nature and Labor;
  • development of layouts of calendars for a certain month, season.

To consolidate knowledge about time periods, small genres of oral folk art (riddles, proverbs, sayings) and works of art containing time categories are used.

Examples of riddles:

These brothers are exactly seven,

You all know them.

Around every week

Brothers walk one after another.

Say goodbye to the last -

The front appears. (Days of the week,)

twelve brothers

They roam one after another

They don't bypass each other. (Months.)

She drops a leaf every day.

How will the year go?

The last sheet will fall off. (Calendar.)

Saying examples:

December ends the year, and winter begins.

Autumn day feeds the year.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

Examples of works of art containing temporal categories:

  • short stories, fairy tales (S. Marshak 12 months, K. Ushinsky Four Wishes, N. Plavilshchikov Seasons, E. Ilyin Tales about yesterday, etc.); poems by A. Fet, F. Tyutchev, S. Marshak and others.

For this purpose, it is advisable to carry out:

  • conversations on questions (What day of the week is today? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What day of the week was yesterday? What month is the first of the year? What month is it now? What will be the next month? Etc.);
  • compiling stories on various topics about time by the children themselves: What was, is and will be, About favorite winter holidays, etc .;
  • didactic games Name the season, When it happens, Guess the day of the week, etc.


Target: formation of an idea of ​​the order of the days of the week.

Equipment: plates with the names of the days of the week.


Each of the children receives a sign with the name of one of the days of the week. At the command of the teacher: “Week, build up!”, The participants line up in the order of the days of the week.

Similar tasks can be performed using tablets with the names of months and seasons.


Target: fixing the idea of ​​​​the number of days in a week and the order in which they follow.

Equipment : a circle divided into seven parts - days of the week; a set of cards with numbers 1-7 (for each participant).


The teacher shows one of the numbers, the children raise a card * ku with the corresponding name of the day of the week.

When do trees put on this outfit?

Target: formation of knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Equipment: pictures of trees at different times of the year.


Each of the children receives one of the tablets with the name of the season. The teacher shows a subject picture, the children, whose tablets correspond to the depicted time of the year, raise them.

What time of year are these items needed?

Target: consolidation of the concept of seasons and seasonal changes in nature.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting the seasons; subject pictures (for example: an umbrella, a skipping rope, a panama hat, a ball, skis, a sled, rubber boots, a fur hat, a bicycle, sandals, warm boots, a rubber circle, mittens, a sundress, a raincoat, a swimsuit, etc.).

Familiarization with the order of the months following each other can be started from any of them, for example, from September. It is only necessary to maintain a system that determines the sequence of months in a year. The most important thing in the work is to gradually bring the children to an understanding of the dependencies and relationships between the studied units of time. To this end, the following exercises are recommended:

  • to compare time values: determine from the calendar what lasts longer - 5 days or a week, 7 days or a week, a week or a month, a year or a month, etc.;
  • compilation of tables of the ratio of time intervals in different versions: 1 year = ... months, 1 month = ... days, 1 month = ... weeks, 1 week = ... days, etc.;
  • solving simple everyday problems on time based on a calendar: Kolya visited his grandmother from Monday to Wednesday inclusive. How many days was Kolya with his grandmother?; Winter holidays last from 1 to 10 January. How many days are winter holidays?; Calendar spring begins on March 1 and lasts 3 months. Name the spring months, etc.
  • Acquaintance with the clock and the acquisition of skills for determining the time by it is carried out in the following sequence of studying the measures of time: hour, minute, second.

Here are examples of games and exercises.

different clocks

Target: familiarization of children with different Vedas of hours; determining the length of a minute.

Equipment: different types of watches: mechanical, electronic, sand; alarm clock, stopwatch; wrist, wall, desktop, etc.

At the end, the indicators of different hours are compared and it is concluded that the duration of a minute does not depend on what clock it is measured with. You should draw the attention of children to the fact that in 1-2 minutes you can have time to do something, and therefore time must be valued and properly distributed throughout the day.

How much time are we wasting?

Target: developing the ability to value time and use it wisely.

We know time is flexible. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with. There are stagnations in it, And sometimes it flows Unloaded, empty, Hours and days in vain. Let the intervals be even, What separate our days, But, putting them on the scales, We find long minutes. And very short hours.

Children are encouraged to do a home count: how much time they spend getting dressed, washing, making their bed, getting from home to school, and then analyze the calculations and find out if some of the listed tasks can be done faster and save time on them .

Price per minute

Target: formation of the ability to navigate in a time interval equal to one minute.

Equipment: hourglass for a minute; paper, pencils, scissors, thread, building material.

Task examples:

write accurately the same letter;

write numbers in a row, starting with one;

tie scraps of threads, each 10 cm long (at the end you can compare who has the thread longer);

cut sheets of paper into strips;

collect building material parts in a box.

Three minutes

Target : formation of the ability to navigate in a time interval equal to three minutes.

Equipment: hourglass for a minute; stopwatch; paper, pencils.

Task examples:

turn the hourglass three times;

watch on the stopwatch how many circles the arrow will make;

draw circles on a piece of paper (at the end, count how many circles you managed to draw);

sit quietly for some time. When it seems that three minutes have passed, raise your hand.

You can use the tasks from the exercise The price of a minute, but without hours. You need to finish their implementation when it seems that three minutes have expired.

By analogy, there is an acquaintance with a time interval of five and ten minutes. In the process of this work, it is very important to compare the amount of work similar in content, completed for different periods of time (three, five, ten minutes), and bring the children to their own conclusions.


Target: consolidation of the ability to determine the time by the clock with an accuracy of one hour (up to one minute).

Equipment: demonstration and individual (for each participant) models of watches with movable hands.

The teacher demonstrates the movement of the short hand through the numbers, while the position of the long hand is fixed at the number 12. Children, looking at the model, name the time to the nearest hour. On the instructions of the teacher, they put arrows on individual dials so that they show 5, 7, 8, etc. hours.

After the children have mastered the initial alphabet of reading hours, you can move on to the alphabet of reading minutes. For this purpose, the movement of the minute hand on the dial of the layout is demonstrated. Then the children are offered tasks: put the same time on the individual model as on the demonstration one, and determine it; position the hands of the clock so that they show 7 o'clock; 11 hours 30 minutes, etc.

Children can also be asked to solve the problem: The break began at exactly 12 o'clock and lasted a quarter of an hour. Express in minutes how long the change lasts and show on the model.

Artistic works to consolidate ideas about time.

The impact of fiction on the mental, speech and aesthetic development of preschool children is well known. Its value is also invaluable in the process of forming temporal representations. The narration of literary texts, especially poetic ones, can accompany the activities of a defectologist in classes with children with mental retardation. Literary works are used in the course of didactic games, plot outdoor games.

Fiction opens and explains to the child the features of the various properties and relationships that exist in the social and natural world, which are significant for the cognitive development of the child. It contributes to the improvement of thinking and imagination, enriches emotions, becomes an indispensable means of speech development.

A literary work as a means of child development is considered in the unity of content and artistic form. The allocation of various representations in it, including ideas about time, will be effective only if the child with mental retardation is prepared for this, i.e. if these representations are already formed at the elementary level.

Therefore, when choosing literary works for the formation of temporary representations of children, it is necessary to take into account the level of formation of these representations and the level of development of coherent speech. A well-chosen literary work contributes to the formation of ideas about the seasons, parts of the day, days of the week.

Parts of the day.

People woke up

They rush to the fields.

The sun came up

The earth rejoices!

(A.S. Pushkin)

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

rustling underfoot,

And fly... fly... fly...

(E. Trutneva)

Who, who lives in this room?

Who, who rises with the sun?

This Mashenka woke up,

Turned from side to side

And throwing back the blanket

Suddenly she stood up on her own feet. (A. Barto)

Morning. Sky is blue.

The sun is golden in the sky.

Hippo opened his eyes

And closed it again.

How you don't want to get up

All he would sleep and sleep.

Five minutes and five more

So twenty-five passes.

Sonya opens her eyes

he sighs indignantly.

"Why does the morning come so early?"

(Tkachenko Tatiana)

Happens on a sunny day

You will go into the forest more deafly -

Sit down and try on a stump

Take your time, listen.

(Y. Akim)

Paradise, Mashenka and Zhenya,

Wash your hands well.

Don't feel sorry for the soap!

I've set the table.

All set appliances,

Handed out napkins to everyone.

Stop talking-

I gave you soup.


It's getting dark outside the window

And the evening yawned on the go.

I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,

I'm going to my beloved mother! …

(M. Sadovsky)

It's evening. Dew

Shines on nettles.

I'm standing on the road

Leaning against the willow.

(S. Yesenin)

Good evening, garden, garden,

All trees sleep, sleep.

And we'll all fall asleep too

Let's just sing a song.

(I. Maznin)

Tired toys are sleeping,

The books are sleeping

Blankets and pillows

Waiting for the guys

Even the fairy tale goes to sleep

For us to dream at night

Close your eyes


(Z. Petrova)

Wept at night

Yellow maples:

Remember maples,

How green were...

(E. Moshkovskaya)

Clearly the sun has set

The light of the moon is nowhere to be seen,

Asterisks are frequent

Hiding in the clouds

And dark-dark autumn night!


I wake up smiling

I wash and dress..

I think it's wise

Start with a smile morning.

The day is full of worries, troubles

Time passes quickly.

You just have to want

You can do a lot.

In the evenings, resting

Nice to have tea

watch TV,

Play, sew, sing.

We got a little tired.

Night sneaking black cat

And under the starry chime

A fabulous dream purrs.

(E. Kulagina)

Yesterday Today Tomorrow.

To wait soon


Children go to bed

Early, no fire. (A. Barto)

We will not take Masha out into the garden today.

Chill in the cold

Maybe our doll.

(O. Krieger)

Tomorrow you will still sleep, kids,

And we're all heading south.

No, there is no cold now, no rain,

The wind does not blow the leaves off the branches.

(A. Pleshcheev)

The blasted road is slumbering,

She dreamed today

What is very, very little

It remains to wait for the gray winter

(S. Yesenin)

Mother! Look out the window

Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat

Washed the nose

There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,

Brightened, whitened

Apparently it's cold.

(A. Fet)

The swallows are gone

And yesterday at dawn

All the rooks flew

Yes, like a network, flickered

Over that mountain.

(A. Fet)


"New Dining Room"

Visit on the first day of the week

Tits flew to us

And on Tuesday, look

The snowmen have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday

We didn't expect them for dinner.

And on Thursday from all over -

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The dove ate porridge.

And on Saturday for pie

One hundred and forty came up.

Sunday, Sunday

A spring guest came to us,

Starling Traveler…

Here is the end of the song!

(Z. Alexandrova)

"Couch potato"

Monday I woke up

And on Tuesday I yawned

On Wednesday I stretched sweetly,

On Thursday, he fell asleep again.

I slept on Friday

I didn't go to work on Saturday

But on Sunday

Slept all day without waking up.

(J. Rodari)

"Clean Fly"

There lived a fly-cleaner,

Mucha bathed all the time.

She bathed on Sunday

In excellent strawberry jam.

On Monday - in cherry brandy.

Tuesday - in tomato sauce.

On Wednesday - in lemon jelly.

On Thursday - in jelly and in resin.

On Friday - in yogurt,

In compote and semolina ...

On Saturday, having washed in ink,

She said: - I'm more than capable!

Terribly, terribly tired,

But it doesn't seem to get better!

(Y. Bzhehwa)

On Monday I washed

And on Tuesday I swept.

On Wednesday, baked kalach with honey,

And on Thursday I played ball,

Washing dishes on Friday

Bought a cake on Saturday

Rested on Sunday

Read good stories.

(P. Bashmakov).

Monday is the first day.

Drive away, my friend laziness.

We are very close on Tuesday

We got acquainted with English.

In the middle of the week

We sweated in the gym.

Musical Thursday

Haven't had it in my life yet.

On Friday we have a little light

The ballet begins.

We've been tired for a week

Resting on weekends.

(E. Kulagina)

Seasons, months.


The mother came up with names for her daughters:

Here is Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.

Spring is coming and the forests are turning green.

And Summer has come - everything blooms under the sun,

And ripe berries ask in the mouth.

Generous Autumn brings us fruit -

Fields and orchards give crops.

Winter covers the fields with snow.

In winter, the earth rests and slumbers.

(A. Kuznetsova)

Mother - winter brings

Christmas and New Year,

White snow and blue ice

And snowdrifts at the gate.

The sun shines in spring.

The snow melted, the birds returned.

Grass breaks through

Leaves unfurl.

In a sundress, in sandals,

With strawberries in a basket

Summer beckons, at least a little,

Relax in nature.

autumn yellow leaves

Showers us with you

Invites the kids to school

Cleans up the garden.

(E. Kulagina)

Since January, leafing through the year,

Let's go on a hike.

Uncomfortable in February

Blizzards roam the earth.

In March, the sun warmed

Brightened, warmer.

Brooks sing in April

Under the cheerful ringing of drops.

In a warm and cheerful May

Everything sings, everything blossoms.

Berries ripen in June

Grasses are taller and juicier.

Like a cool hand

July beckons us like a river.

August is harvest time.

Ripe - remove.

In September suddenly felt sad -

The birds are heading south.

The sun shines less

In October it is either rain or wind.

Bushes are burning in November

Leaf fall is burning.

Snow, December, the end of the hike...

Not tired? Happy New Year!

(E. Kulagina)


The days got shorter
The sun shines a little
Here comes the frost
And winter has come.

It was winter - it was cold, snow.
Winter is gone and there is no snow.

The cold has come.

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?

(I. Vorobieva)


In December, in December

All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,

Frost paved over night.

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

(S. Marshak)


In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard

Snow on the roof, on the porch,

The sun is in the blue sky.

In our house they heat the stove,

Smoke rises into the sky.

(S. Marshak)


Who meowed at the door?

Open the door soon!

Very cold in winter.

Murka asks to go home.


The sun warms the earth weakly,

Frost crackles at night.

In the snowman's yard

Whitened carrot nose.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Like a snow maiden in a white coat

Masha rides boldly down the hill.

Vasya rolls a snowball

He decided to build a house.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

There is a good ice rink on the pond,

Ice sparkles like glass.

Alyosha runs on skates,

And he's warm in the cold.

(G. Ladonshchikov)


The cold winter will pass

Spring days will come

The sun will melt with warmth,

Like wax, fluffy snows,

emerald leaves

The forests will turn green

And together with velvet grass

Fragrant flowers will sprout.

(S. Drozhzhin)

The snow is no longer the same

It darkened in the field

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

(S. Marshak)


Loose snow darkens in March,

Ice is melting on the window...

(S. Marshak)


April, April...

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the woods.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

(S. Marshak)

In May.

I will walk through the woods

There are many birds there.

Everyone flutters, sings,

The nests are warm.

I will walk through the meadows

Moths are there:

how beautiful they are

These days of May!




June has come!

June! June!

Birds chirping in the garden

Just blow on a dandelion

And it will all fall apart.

(S. Marshak)


We collect in August

fruit harvest,

Lots of joy for people

After all the hard work. (S. Marshak)

On the green, in the meadow

Dancing Olechka in a circle.

A cheerful round dance

She sings a dance song.

(A. Kuznetsova)

The sun shines brightly,

It's warm in the air

And wherever you look

Everything around is light.

Bright flowers bloom in the meadow,

Dark sheets are covered with gold.

(I. Surikov)



The swallows are gone

And yesterday at dawn

All the rooks flew

Yes, as it flickered

Over that mountain.

Sleeping in the evening

It's dark outside

The leaf falls dry

At night the wind is angry

Yes, knock on the window.

(A. Fet)


Autumn is walking in our park,

Autumn gives gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan,

Pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars,

Autumn gives us fruits.

(I. Vinogradov)

Leaves fall different

From poplars and oaks.

Leaves fall and spin

And they fly and they fly.

(A. Romanov)

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch.

(A. Pleshcheev)

All our poor garden crumbles,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind

Only in the distance flaunts, there at the bottom of the valleys

Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash.

(A. Tolstoy)

On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread.

Birds fly across the sea

And the school opened.

(S. Marshak)

The sun hid behind the clouds

The wind is strong, cold,

The leaves are falling down and in heaps

The wind swept them all away.

The river runs so angry

The forest makes such a mournful noise,

The sky is covered with clouds

The sky is threatening with rain.

The birds all nestled in the field,

The fish hid on the bottom...

Everything is cold, cold!


Riddles, proverbs, sayings about time.

Riddles about the seasons.


Sisters live on earth
The sisters have pigtails.
Here is the green pigtail:
This is the first sister.
Plow, sow, water,
Opens the eyes of the kidneys. (Spring)

Multi-colored pigtail -
Burnt sister.
He also works skillfully
For everything to grow and mature. (summer)

golden braid -
This is the redhead sister.
Cleans, blows, mows,
The harvest is in the barns. (autumn)

And the fourth pigtail -
White sister.
Everything will be covered with a blanket,
Everything will smooth out, clean up,
And then the tired earth
Sing a lullaby. (winter)


1. The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming -
When does it happen?

(In the spring.)

2. Brooks run faster

The sun shines warmer.

Sparrow is happy with the weather -

Came here for a month...

3. The bear got out of the den,

Mud and puddles on the road

In the sky the lark trills -

Came to visit us...

4.Garden tried on white color,

The nightingale sings a sonnet

Our land is dressed in greenery -

We are warmly welcomed...

5. Housewarming at the starling

He rejoices without end.

So that we have a mockingbird,

We crafted...


6. Here on a branch someone's house

No doors in it, no windows,

But the chicks live warmly there.

This house is called...


7. On a forest thaw

A small flower has grown.

Hiding in deadwood



8. I open my kidneys
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement.
My name is ... (spring).

9. We got up early today,
We can't sleep tonight!
They say the starlings are back!
They say it has come ... (spring)!

10. Streams rang,
The rooks have arrived.
In your house - a beehive - a bee
Brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?


1. The sun bakes
linden blossoms,
The rye is ripe.
When does it happen? (Summer.)

2. A hot ball in the sky shines

Anyone will notice this ball.

In the morning he looks at us through the window,

Joyfully beaming...


3. A snake rushes through the hills,

Bringing moisture to the trees.

washing the shores,

It flows through the fields ... (river)

4. They are light, like cotton wool,

They are floating somewhere in the sky.

Keep the path from afar



5. Here are the diamonds on the leaves,

Along the paths and on the bumps -

What are these miracles?

Shines in the morning...


6. The clouds blocked the sun,

Thunder laughs out loud.

Stripe of lightning in the sky -

So it started...


7. Peas are pouring out of the clouds,

Jumps to us on the threshold.

From the roof he rolls into the garden.

What? It - ...


Made us all happy again. -

Like a swarm of lazy flies

Flies off poplars ... (fluff)

9. He will cry over the gardens -

The garden will be filled with fruits.

Even dusty plantain

Happy to wash in the summer ...


10. The sun sets in the evening,

He spends in the sky with a brush.

Doesn't want to leave.

The trace remains...


11. I am woven from heat,
I carry warmth with me
I warm the rivers
I invite you to swim.
And love for it
You are all of me. I ... (summer).

12. The sun bakes,
Linden color
The rye is earing
Golden wheat.
Who knows who knows,
When does it happen?


1. Fields are empty,
Wet earth,
The leaf is falling
When does it happen? (In autumn.)

2. Following August comes,

Dances with leaf fall

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!

3. Our Queen, Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Tell your children your secret

Who is your second servant?

4. Who does not let us warmly,

Does the first snow scare us?

Who calls the cold to us,

You know? Of course yes!

5. Wet the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this is....


6. The cold frightens them so much,

Fly to warm countries

Can't sing, have fun

Everyone gathered in flocks...


7. Autumn came to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say random!

Well, of course...

(leaf fall)

8. There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,

The wind is harmful and prickly,

It blows like that, there is no salvation!

What? Give an answer!

(late fall)

9. The sun no longer warms us,

The cold wind blows!

The breeze blew into the puddle

And bound her...


10. Rain and slush, mud and wind,

Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

Freezing, freezing man

The first white came out...


11. I bring the harvest,
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I don't touch the pines
And Christmas trees. I ... (autumn).

12. Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves.

What are the leaves whispering?
Let's go and ask.
The leaves answer: ... (this is autumn).


1. Snow on the fields,

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen?


2. Whose drawings are on the window,

How is the pattern on the crystal?

Pinch anyone on the nose

Winter grandpa...


3. He was once water,

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now for the New Year

On the river we see...


4. Her house is on a white cloud,

But she is afraid of the sun's rays.

silver fluff,



5. She circles the snow along the streets,

Like the feathers of white hens.

Zimushki-winter friend,

Northern guest ... (blizzard)

6. Caught on the cornice,

Head hanging down.

Little acrobat,

Winter lollipop - ...


7. He is from the snow alone,

His nose is made of carrots.

A little warm, cry instantly

And melts...


8. Who sweeps and gets angry in winter,

Blowing, howling and spinning,

Making a white bed?

This is snowy...


9. I have a lot of things to do:
I am a white blanket
I cover all the earth
I clean the ice of the river
Whitewash fields, houses
My name is ... (winter).

10. The cold has come.
The water turned to ice.
Long-eared hare gray
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped crying
The bear went into hibernation in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?


twelve brothers
They roam one after another
They don't bypass each other.

A week

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You are all familiar with them.

Around every week

The brothers follow each other.

Say goodbye to the last

The front appears.

(Days of the week)

What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each flock.

They fly in a string,

They don't turn back.

(Days of the week)


December ends the year, and winter begins.
January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
Everyone is young in the winter cold.
Winter scares summer, but it still melts.
The stronger the winter, the sooner the spring.
As winter is not angry, but submits to spring.
There is no winter without snow and no summer without rain.
Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March - with a drop.

Physical minutes.

One, two, one, two, the game begins.

(children clap their hands)

Shoveling snow with a shovel

We build a hill in the yard.

(simulating movements)

White and fluffy cotton

The yard is decorated in December.

(turns to the right - to the left).

One, two, one, two, the game is over.

(rhythmically stamping feet)

The sun woke up

It stretched sweetly

(hold hands, walk towards the center of the circle)

Rays thin

The clouds touched.

(raise hands up, run back)

The clouds smiled

And down to earth

(perform left and right turns)

White snowflakes

Clouds of giggles

(raise hands up, make flashlights)

They flew, swirled

Quietly descended.

(run in all directions, squat)

The wind plays with the leaves

(children stretch their hands forward

and swing from side to side

It picks up, it throws

(raise hands up and rise

on toes, then squat)

Leaf fall is circling in a waltz,

late autumn outfit(circling).

On the branches of a white birch

Two leaves survived.

The wind drives the clouds

(children raise their hands up and do

swing from side to side)

Rain pours tears

("steps" lower their hands down)

Oh, when will summer come to us again?

(spread arms out to sides)

turn the body to the right and left)

Following the summer to the south, the birds flew away

(flapping arms like wings)

Because soon the blizzards will sing.


Winter will end soon

(children stomp their feet)

Spring is upon us.

(clap hands)

hot rays of the sun

(raise hands up)

Turn snow into streams.

(lower hands, squat)

The birds will chirp

(flapping arms like wings)

Rivers - thick ice to break.

(spread arms out to sides)

turn left and right)

Rain clouds have arrived

Lei rain - Lei!

(arms outstretched, palms down)

Raindrops are dancing

(shake hands, stomp feet)

Like alive

Drink, rye, drink!

And rye, leaning towards the green land,

Drink, drink, drink

And the warm rain is restless

It's pouring, it's pouring, it's pouring!

(bend over, sit down)

Objectives of the lesson.

Demo material.


Course progress.

- What time of year is it? Name the spring months. How many?

- Spring came. The sun began to warm every day more and more (let's look at the sun and imagine how it shines brightly, right in our eyes), so the snow began to melt quickly. And then a snowdrop peeked out from under the snow. He raised his head and said: "It's good that spring has come!" (All spring events are shown on the flannelgraph.)

- And suddenly the sun hid, the snowdrop became cold. (And we got cold, show us how cold we are?)

Let's help him. Let's help him survive. What do you think should be done?

- We need water, and not just water, but living water.

- You and I will take a glass and see how many of these glasses fit in a jar of rose water, and how many - in a jar of blue water.

Children measure and clarify that rose water is 3 cups, and blue water is 4 cups.

-Look, we watered him, but he got better only a little. What else can we do for him? What can we do with bricks?

-But before building a greenhouse, we must know the dimensions of the bricks, their length and width. You will now measure it using a conditional measure and lay out the numbers - the length of the sides. The first number is the length, the second is the width.

Now we know the dimensions of the bricks and we can build a greenhouse, but we will do this a little later.

- You need to drive the clouds away from the sun.

- And for this we need to solve problems. And you will show the answers in numbers.

№ 1

gave the ducklings a hedgehog

Seven spring snowdrops.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there? (7)

№ 2

Six funny bear cubs

Hurry for the snowdrop

But one kid is tired

I lagged behind my comrades,

Now find the answer

How many bears are ahead? (5)

№ 3

hedgehog walking through the forest

And snowdrops found:

Two under the birch

One - at the aspen,

How many will there be

In a wicker basket? (3)

Summary of the lesson

- What new did you learn?

- What didn't you like?

An example of a summary of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Twelve months"

Program tasks:

  1. Teach children to establish a relationship between the number of items and their value
  2. Teach children to identify similarities by external signs.
  3. Continue to teach children to distinguish and correctly name the months of the year.
  4. To consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of seasons.
  5. Develop memory, attention, imagination. Creative thinking.
  6. Cultivate interest in learning activities.

Demo material:model of the year with months - inserts of the corresponding color;

Handout:flowers 18 pcs., coins, the number of which is 2 times more than flowers, colored pencils, crayons.

Lesson progress

Guys, now I will tell you a story about a girl, and you listen to her carefully and take one sector each - a month and make a model of the year.

December. Cold. The girl is walking in the snow, slightly covered with an old scarf. She needs, by all means, to find snowdrops and fill the basket with them. Suddenly she came out into a brightly lit clearing and saw strange figures. She greeted the inhabitants of the clearing cordially and told them about what she needed in the forest. Months, and that was them. They began to talk animatedly and sympathetically. (children take one sector each - a month. They make a model of the year and represent their month). Months, as you know, follow each other for a whole year, neither late nor ahead. The month of April, taking pity on the girl, offered her his services, because snowdrops appear in April. And for this he needs to miss a few months.

What months did April turn to with such a request?

The month of April asks March to change places with him, then February, January, December. (Children find out that 4 months gave way to April) April allowed the girl to collect a basket of flowers.

The girl brought flowers home. The stepmother was delighted, but did not thank the girl. She immediately thought, first of all, about money, because for each flower she will receive 2 coins very soon. Some of the flowers were so good that the stepmother decided to keep one of every three - the most beautiful - for herself.

- Now combine the flowers, spread them on the floor, in groups of 3 and take 1 flower from each group. How many flowers are left?

For each flower, the stepmother received 2 gold coins.

_ Many or few? (children mentally or practically correlate flowers and coins)

- How many coins would the stepmother get if she sold the most beautiful flowers? (recalculation of pairs is possible: flower - coin)

- What do you think, how many bagels can you buy for 2 rubles, 6 rubles, if one bagel costs 1 ruble?

Now let's play a game called "What season is it?". I will show a picture, and you will hold up that tablet, the color and name of which corresponds to this time of year.

- Well done boys! What did you like about our lesson? What have you learned? What was difficult?

An example of a summary of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group

"Help the Dunno"

Program tasks:

  1. To consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week, months of the year.
  2. Clarify and systematize children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring.
  3. Develop thinking, the ability to observe and analyze, compare and contrast.
  4. Cultivate skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Demo Material: Dunno, paintings depicting spring.

Handout: counting sticks.

Lesson progress:

Guys, look. Dunno came to visit us. He says that this poem is about autumn. Listen and tell me if Dunno is right.

The teacher reads the poem:

Drops are ringing in the yard,

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold...

What season is the poem talking about? How did you guess what it says about spring?


What were the days like in spring? How does the sun shine? Why did the snow and ice melt on the rivers? Which of the spring months was the coldest and which was the warmest? What changes have occurred in spring with plants? Why does grass start to grow in spring? Why are trees and shrubs green? Which flowers bloomed first? Why did insects appear? What birds have arrived? Why did they return to us? How has the life of wild animals changed with the onset of spring? What do people do in the spring in the fields, in the gardens? Why does everything grow well in spring?

The teacher clarifies and summarizes the answers of the children.

In spring, the sun shines brightly and sends a lot of heat to the earth. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. From the spring warmth, the snow melted, the soil thawed. Melt water escaped in small streams and turbulent streams. She watered the soil and, together with the spring warmth, woke the plants from a long winter sleep. The first spring flowers bloomed on the thawed patches: snowdrop, mother-stepmother, lily of the valley. Flowers blossomed on alder, willow, hazel, then buds burst on other trees and shrubs, and they were covered with green leaves. Green grass. Fruit trees bloom in May. Blossoming bird cherry, lilac. Animal life has changed. Insects appeared: flies, butterflies. The squirrel, hare, fox and other animals had cubs. All animals have changed their warm, fluffy winter coat to a rarer one, and some have changed its color. The hare's hair turned gray, the squirrel's hair turned red. Birds returned from warm countries and immediately set about building and repairing nests. Spring is a generous season.

- Now get up from your chairs and repeat the movements with me.

Physical education:

The sun lifts us up to recharge,

We raise our hands on the command "one",

And above us the foliage rustles merrily,

We lower our hands on the command "two".

- Guys, our guest is Dunno, a cheerful, kind boy and it seems to him that he knows everything. He's such a braggart! Well, Dunno, can you name the days of the week in order?

- Certainly can! Sunday is a day of fun, Monday, and then Wednesday - well, this is nonsense, and then Saturday - hunting for a walk. That's all!

- Guys, what do you think, did Dunno answer my question correctly? We must help him. Let's name the days of the week in order. Let's start on Monday.

- And tell Dunno, what day was before Monday and what will be after?

- Ha, it's easy! Before Monday it was Friday, and after Monday it will be Wednesday!

- Got it all mixed up again! Do you guys know? (children answer)

- Dunno, how many months in a year, which month follows which, which was the previous and which is the next?

- I don't know that!

-Do you know? How many months in a year, which is the first, which, the previous, which is the next? And now let's play: I will name some month, and you guess which one was before it and which one will be next. (the game takes place in a competitive form. Dunno plays with children)

- Guys, thank you very much for teaching me today in class to name the days of the week, the months of the year correctly.

- And you, Dunno, thank you for coming to our lesson today!(Neznaika leaves)Guys, did you like our lesson? What task did you like the most difficult?

Fragment of a lesson on the presentation of 1 minute for children of the older group

A 1-minute hourglass is placed on each table. The teacher says:

- Children, look how in 1 minute all the sand from one can of the hourglass will pour into another, and the arrow on the stopwatch will go one circle.

On a signal, the children turn the hourglass over, and the called child watches the stopwatch.

How much time has passed? -Children answer that 1 minute.

Let's see what we can do in 1 minute, - the teacher says. - The one who finishes the work in a minute will correctly complete the task. Time can be seen on the hourglass: when all the sand is poured from one can to another, 1 minute will pass. While working, you must watch the clock and finish on time. And now, - the teacher gives a signal, - within a minute, add patterns from sticks, whoever wants what.

Summing up the work, he says:

Correctly completed the tasks exactly in a minute Vova, Olya (and others). They followed the hourglass and finished laying out the patterns when 1 minute had passed.

How many patterns did you get in a minute, Lena? Etc.

Study of the concept of "Days of the week", "Month" of their number

Purpose of the lesson

Learn to name the days of the week in sequence; introduce the concept of "month" (consists of four weeks, one month follows another); exercise in the classification of geometric shapes according to various criteria.


For the teacher: leaves from the calendar for the past month, folded by week; two sets of numbers from 1 to 7, ball. For children: a set of geometric shapes.

Lesson progress

let's play

"Name it soon"

Children form a circle. With the help of a rhyme, a leader is selected.

The goat was walking along the bridge. and wagged her tail. I caught on the railing, I landed right in the river. Who does not believe - it's him, Get out of the circle.

He throws a ball to one of the children and says: “What day of the week is today?” The child who catches the ball answers "Tuesday", throws the ball to another child and asks a question like "What day of the week was yesterday? What is the day of the week after Thursday? Name the day of the week between Thursday and Friday. So the role of the leader gradually passes from one child to another. If someone finds it difficult to quickly give an answer, then the teacher offers the children to help him.

Educator.How many days in a week? (Seven.) Let's check if this is so. (Gives the children calendar sheets and offers to arrange them in order.) How many days are there in a week? Name them in order. Use your hands to show how many days are in a week.

Children spread their arms to the sides, thus showing the length of the week.

Then the teacher asks the children to name the first month of the year. “Look, how many weeks are there in a month? (Shows calendar sheets folded by weeks.) Count how many weeks there are in a month. Can you show how many days are in a month? (Children spread their arms wide to the sides.) Does each week have the same number of days? How to find out? (Put the leaves of the calendar of one week under the leaves of another.) How else can you find out how many days are in a month? (Leaves of the calendar put in a row.)

If the children count during the task, do not interfere. If not, it doesn't matter either, they will learn this later.

Educator. What is the name of the first month of the year? Second? Listen to proverbs about January.

Note. If the group has a poster calendar, invite the children to show January on it, ask what month this is.

“Build in order” (complicated version)

Inverted numbers (two sets) lie in disarray on the table. Children move to the music. On a signal, they take the numbers from the table. The teacher tells the children that they need to line up in order: the days of the week in order, one week after another. The players line up in order, in accordance with the number indicated on the card. Children turn into seven days of the week. Thus, two weeks line up. Children left without cards ask the players questions:

- the seventh day of the week, name your day of the week and come up with a proverb or saying about the number seven;

- Wednesday, tell me what day is your number? Name the fairy tales in which the number three occurs.

Children return the cards to their original place, and the game is repeated.

Sitting at the table

On the tables are geometric figures of various shapes, sizes, colors.

The teacher offers the children to decompose the figures according to different signs:

put aside the big red figures and name them;

set aside small figures, name them;

set aside all the quadrangles and name them;

set aside all triangles;

name different figures.


Oleg has eight stamps. All but three of the stamps he gave to his friends. How many stamps does Oleg have left? Do not rush to answer, you tell me in my ear, - says the teacher.

After listening to the answers of the children, invites the children to justify their answer.

Tell parents about what the children learned in today's lesson. Suggest paying attention to this in daily life. For example, which family member has a birthday this month? What day of the week will they go to the theatre? Etc.

Orientation of children by days of the week and seasons

Orientation in time

Purpose of the lesson

Exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper; learn to ask questions using the words: “how much”, “left”, “right”, “below”, “above”; practice counting within ten; in the name of the sequence of days of the week; introduce the name of the next month.


For the teacher: a set of cards with numbers and a set of cards with circles within seven, leaves from the calendar for the previous month, folded by weeks.

For children: one card each, on which three pictures are shown in a row with objects arranged differently, a set of chips.

Lesson progress

Sitting at the table

Before the children (divided into pairs) a card, chips. The teacher suggests that you first consider the pictures: “Imagine that one of you is a“ teacher. ”He will ask questions, and the other will answer them. First, choose

"teachers". Rub your hands, clench them into fists and, at the expense of "three", show your fingers, ten fingers cannot be shown.

Whoever shows the fingers more, he begins to ask questions about the picture. One two Three".

Children put their fingers together and determine who starts them. The teacher, approaching a couple of children, finds out how much more each has.

After that, he reminds what words should be in the questions: “In which picture on the left are ...? In which picture on the right are...? What's to the left of...?

For each question, children receive a token. The teacher approaches the children, clarifies their questions and answers. Encourages those who are in trouble. At the end of the work asks who asked more questions.

let's play

"Guess the Number"

Children sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. The leader is chosen by counting.

On the golden porch sat: Tsar, prince, King, prince, Shoemaker, tailor. Who will you be?

The host thinks of any number within ten and speaks to his teacher in his ear. The players using questions to which the host can only answer “yes” or “no” must guess this number. For example, the number five is conceived. "Is it more than four?" - "Yes". - "Is it less than six?" - "Yes". - "Is that the number five?" - "Yes".

After the number is guessed, the player who guessed it becomes the leader.

"Week, build"

(complicated version)

Overturned cards with circles lie in disorder on the table. Children, on a signal, take cards from the table. They are looking for their partners, that is, they select a card with circles for a number, line up in order. Children who are left without cards check if the pairs are correct and give them tasks:

- the days of the week that are after Thursday come out (children with the numbers five, six, seven come out);

- the day that stands for Monday comes out;

- comes the day after Tuesday. The game is played at a fast pace.

caregiver. What month is it now? (February.) Right. We have lived another month in the new year. (Shows the leaves of the calendar.) Show me how many days are there in a week?

And how many days are there in a month? (Children spread their arms to the sides.)


Let's count how many weeks there are in this month. (Four weeks.) “Which month has more days: January or February? How to find out? What do I need to do?"

This is done without an account. Calendar sheets are laid out: one month under another. And thus, it is determined which month has more days. Then the teacher offers to remember the proverbs about February. If the children find it difficult, he calls them.

No matter how angry February is, and you, March, don’t frown, but it smells like spring!

caregiver. Who knows what the next month is called?

If the children are having trouble, ask them which month is Women's Day. (In March.) So what month is next? (March.)

Tips for the educator

Bring tops into the play corner. Let the children learn to spin them first with one hand, then with the other. Play the game "Whose spinning top spins longer."

Use origami to make a bird, you will need it in the next lesson.


Target. Determining the level of children's ability to navigate in time.

Material. Four pictures depicting night, morning, afternoon and evening.

Instruction. The child, together with the teacher, examines the pictures and determines what is shown on them. After that, the adult asks the child to choose a picture of the night and put it in front of him. The rest of the pictures are flipped face down. The teacher begins the story: “The night has passed, it is dawning, the sun has appeared in the sky. What has come? (Morning). The child is invited to choose a picture of the morning and put it on the picture of the night. Then the story continues: “The sun has risen high, everything is brightly lit, it has become warmer. What has come? After answering the question, the child finds a picture of the day and puts it on top. Then the teacher says: “The day has passed, the sun is sinking below the horizon, it is getting dark. What has come? After answering the question, the child takes a picture of the evening and puts it on top of other pictures. After that, the teacher asks the last question: “The evening has passed, what comes after it?” If the child cannot answer the question, he is invited to look at the pictures and guess what comes after the evening.


Abstract of a comprehensive lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Spring Awakening"

Objectives of the lesson.Clarify children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week. Learn to measure the volume of liquid substances with a conditional measure. Fix the method of comparing length and width using a conditional measure. Improve the skills of orientation on the plane of the sheet. Develop the ability to divide geometric shapes into four equal parts. Cultivate mindfulness.

Demo material.Model images of the sun, clouds; snowdrop flower, a set of numbers up to 10. Two vessels of different sizes with water, a glass - a measure.

Handout.Album sheets, chips, bricks from large building material; sets of numbers up to 10; counting sticks, conventional measure (stick), geometric shapes: circles, squares, rectangles.

Course progress.Today is math class. Let's remember what day of the week it is? What was yesterday? And what tomorrow? And who will remember all the days of the week in order? Name the holidays.

- What season is it now? Name the spring months. How many?

-- Spring came. The sun began to warm every day more and more (let's look at the sun and imagine how it shines brightly, right in our eyes), so the snow began to melt quickly. And then a snowdrop peeked out from under the snow. He raised his head and said: "It's good that spring has come!" (All spring events are shown on the flannelgraph.)

- And suddenly the sun hid, the snowdrop became cold. (And we got cold, show us how cold we are?)

The sky is gloomy, gray, and the snowdrop closed its petals, he thought about where he could hide, and grieved that no one would help him.

Let's help him. Let's help him survive. What do you think should be done?

“We need water, and not just water, but living water.

I got living and dead water, but I forgot where the water is, although I know for sure that there is more dead water and less living water. Let's think, which of the containers has more water? How to check it? What is needed for measurement? Can the volume of water be measured with a strip of paper? Why not? What is the best measure to take to measure the volume (3 cups, 4 cups)?

- You and I will take a glass and see how many of these glasses fit in a jar of rose water, and how many in a jar of blue water.

Children measure and clarify that rose water is 3 cups, and blue water is 4 cups.

What can be said? That the volume of dishes does not depend on the amount of liquid in it. A small jar may contain more liquid than a large jar.

Now we know that living water is pink. And we can calmly water the snowdrop.

Look, we watered him, but he got better only a little. What else can we do for him? What can we do with bricks?

But before building a greenhouse, we must know the dimensions of the bricks, their length and width. You will now measure it using a conditional measure and lay out the numbers - the length of the sides. The first number is the length, the second is the width.

Now we know the dimensions of the bricks and we can build a greenhouse, but we will do this a little later.


What else is missing for a snowdrop to bloom again?

You need to keep the clouds away from the sun.

And for this we need to solve problems. And you will show the answers in numbers.

№ 1

gave the ducklings a hedgehog

Seven spring snowdrops.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there? (7)

№ 2

Six funny bear cubs

Hurry for the snowdrop

But one kid is tired

I lagged behind my comrades,

Now find the answer

How many bears are ahead? (5)

№ 3

hedgehog walking through the forest

And snowdrops found:

Two under the birch

One - at the aspen,

How many will there be

In a wicker basket? (3)

Look, the clouds have moved away from the sun, the sky has become clear, but for some reason the sun still does not warm. It needs rays to get it so that it can warm the earth.

Let's make two suns, one of nine ray sticks, and the other of seven, and lay out a number next to it. You see, the sun began to warm, warm, only in what place it warms more, it does not know. Here we will help him. With a chip we are looking for a place on a white sheet of paper. Put a chip in the lower left corner; in the upper right corner; on the right side of the sheet, etc. You see, we showed where the sun should shine, and the snowdrop completely leveled off. And in order for it to always be beautiful and please the eyes of people, it needs fertilizer (these are medicines that are designed specifically for plants). These medicines are of different geometric shapes. They act when divided into four parts. Separate them. Show with a number how many parts did you get? So our snowdrop has become healthy and beautiful.

Now you take your bricks and build him a greenhouse.

Summary of the lesson

- What did you like about the lesson today?

- What new did you learn?

- What didn't you like?

- Mark those who are doing very well.

On December 7, as part of the implementation of the situation of the month "Christmas Gift", the club hour "Good Deeds Fair" was held. In December, the club hour implements the tasks of introducing children to Christmas, with the folk traditions of Christmas, teaches preschoolers to prepare good gifts, help those who cannot take care of themselves (the main tradition of Christmas).

In our kindergarten, the club hour began with the beginning, where fairy-tale characters: lazy Marfushenka, kind Nastenka and Zimushka, together with their children, decided to prepare New Year's gifts for children from 112 Gvozdichka kindergarten, school No. 31 and the elderly, veterans. They also came up with special gifts for feathered friends wintering near the kindergarten.

After the start, the guys went into groups to make the gifts that they had planned. Each child tied a colored ribbon around their hand, symbolizing a specific good deed as a reminder of the purpose of the club hour. Upon completion of the gift making, the children, together with the teachers, tied colored ribbons to the magic Tree of Good Deeds, and handed over the gifts to the recipients.

In the "Rodnichok" group, the children, together with the teacher, made bird feeder toys.
Pendants of various shapes made of cereals, seeds and dried berries, hung on branches, will decorate the trees and attract birds, who will enjoy the prepared treat with pleasure.
The guys mastered the principle of making feeders easily: they prepared a fastening base, mixed prepared cereals, berries into it and filled in cookie cutters. The dough was made from flour, water and sweet syrup. Half a cup of water, three-quarters of a cup of flour, three tablespoons of syrup. We mixed everything in a bowl until a homogeneous mass, poured in the grains and kneaded with our hands until a homogeneous mass was obtained. In the upper part of each feeder, we needed to make a hole so that we could hang the finished product on a branch, for this we inserted a straw for a cocktail into the still soft mass.

We hung ready-made ornaments-feeders on the trees on the walking area, and did not forget about the neighbors-babies from group 1B, let them also watch the feeding of wintering birds!

The teacher of the group "Rodnichok" Drozdova S.N.

On December 9-10, a seminar was held in the kindergarten. The seminar was held by Natalia Petrovna Grishaeva, senior researcher at the Institute of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the innovative platform for the effective socialization of preschoolers, and Strukova Lyubov Mikhailovna, teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten of the Gymnasium of St. Basil the Great, responsible organizer of innovative platforms for the effective socialization of preschoolers.

The seminar was intended for teachers, senior educators, methodologists, psychologists, speech therapists, heads of structural divisions. The seminar was attended by teachers of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 186 "Freckles" and MDOU CRR Kindergarten No. 173 "Snowdrop".

On December 9, from 9.30 to 10.30, the teachers of the kindergarten "Freckle" held an open event "Club Hour", dedicated to role-playing games.

In each group, teachers organized role-playing games: "Library", "Hairdresser's", "Museum", "Cinema", "Home", "Hospital", inviting children to take part in them.

Certain rules of conduct were developed and adopted by the children during the Club Hour:

  • Say "hello" and "goodbye" when you join another group.
  • If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave.
  • Do not take toys from other children if they took them first.
  • Help lead the class if it's during Club Hour
  • Speak calmly.
  • Walk calmly.
  • Return to the group at the sound of the bell.
  • If you do not want to go to other groups, then you can stay in your group or return to it if you are tired.

In each group, a "Circle of Reflection", where the teacher made sure that the children did not interrupt each other, they spoke in turn. The teachers asked the children about where each of them had been, what he remembered, if the child would like to go there again, whether he managed to follow the rules of behavior, what hindered and what could help.

During the seminar, the issues of the socialization of the child in the modern world, the problems of child-parent relations, the socialization of the child in the preschool, were considered, the aspect of self-regulation of children's behavior was considered.

On December 10, the authors touched upon the theoretical aspects of working with parents, the causes of conflicts and methods of resolution. More details focused on theories of developmental communication with children, which involves attentive listening by an adult to a child, acceptance of his feelings, recognition of the child's right to his feelings and discussion of the boundaries of what is permitted with unconditional mutual respect.

When summarizing the results at the end of the seminar, the authors conducted a reflection of the participants. Each teacher had the opportunity to report with what he leaves the meeting. The educators talked about how their perception of the problem of socialization has changed, noted the most interesting technologies for effective socialization for everyone, and expressed gratitude to the organizers of the seminar.

On November 23, a “Club Hour” was held in the kindergarten on the topic "My motherland". He passed cheerfully and provocatively. The guys from the groups "Strekfly", "Solnyshko" came to visit us.

Together we made a flag of Russia out of colored paper.

Together with the guests we watched the presentation "Monuments of Arkhangelsk".

After watching the presentation, we played the didactic game "Our Motherland".

Our kids really enjoyed Club Hour. Sasha, Denis, Alevtina, Polina K., Ksyusha, Masha in the “Dragonflies” group made the application “Our City”, and in the “Sun” group Lina, Vitalina, Karina, Ira, Maxim, Matvey, Polina Sh., Veronika painted paper figurine Dymkovo painting. Nikita, Arina, Andrey, Maxim, Igor, Misha, Matvey, Pasha played Russian folk games in the gym. In general, all the guys have a lot of new impressions.

"Club hour" in the group "Zvezdochka" was conducted by the educator of the 1st qualification category Maltseva Galina Stepanovna.

In 2016-2017, our kindergarten is implementing a project to introduce modern technologies for the effective socialization of a child in the pre-school "Clubny Chas".

November 23 "Club Hour" was dedicated to the topic "My motherland" . Teachers in groups prepared activities for children: conversations, quizzes, exhibitions, creative workshops, multimedia presentations, round dance and dance games.

Physical culture instructors Marina Alekseevna and Elena Nikolaevna greeted the children very cheerfully in the gyms. They organized outdoor games "Favorite sports", general developmental exercises with flags, Russian folk games.

Yulia Vasilievna, teacher of the Cloud group, held a children's quiz "State symbols of Russia", the children drew on the topic "My city is Arkhangelsk", played folk round dance games "My Northern Land".

In the middle group "Sunflowers" the guests were met by the teacher Daria Vladimirovna with her pupils. Most of all, the children liked to make a layout of the flag, talk about the coat of arms and symbols of the Russian state.

And what is the most interesting place in kindergarten? Of course, the kitchen! Chef Tatyana Igorevna introduced the children to the premises, the process of preparing Russian cuisine.

Not every child dares to visit the manager's office!

The speech therapist teacher Irina Alexandrovna greeted the children hospitably in her office. She offered colorful games on the topic “My Motherland” to the children on the theme of the month.

Kids visited everywhere - they did not ignore the document specialist of the preschool educational institution, Maria Igorevna, they presented her with flags of Russia, which they made with their own hands.

- development by teachers of preschool educational institutions of the technology of socialization of preschoolers "Club hour";

- creating a team of like-minded parents and teachers.

To solve the tasks set, a working group of teachers was created to introduce the "Club Hour" technology. At working meetings, educators studied and discussed the teaching aid N.P. Grishaeva "Modern technologies for the effective socialization of a child in a preschool." Answered the questions of the questionnaire on the relevance of the problem of socialization of children. Developed and approved the work plan of the working group for the implementation of technology "Club Hour" » .

Tasks of the "Club hour"

  • to nurture independence and responsibility in children;
  • teach children to navigate in space;
  • foster friendly relations between children of different ages, respect for others;
  • to form the ability to show initiative in caring for others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention;
  • to form the ability to plan their actions and evaluate their results;
  • to teach children to politely express their request, to thank for the service rendered;
  • to develop the desire to express one's attitude to the environment, to independently find various speech means for this;
  • develop the ability to resolve disputes and resolve conflicts;
  • encourage the child's attempts to consciously share with the teacher and other children a variety of impressions;
  • help to acquire life experience (semantic formations), experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

The next step was to inform the parents (legal representatives) and teachers of the preschool educational institution about the conduct in the preschool educational institution "Club Hours", involving them in the project, discussion of organizational issues: defining the topics of "Club Hours", creation of a plan-map of a kindergarten, preparation of collective thematic plans related to the theme of the month.

Topics of the month

In kindergarten groups, educators held conversations about the rules of conduct, tours of the garden, and acquaintance of children with the plan-map.

The first event took place on October 28 "Club Hour" on the topic "Let's get acquainted!" .

In each group, meetings were organized for children: a conversation “Hello to you”, game exercises “What is friendship”, a communication club, a round dance game with a tambourine “Merry acquaintance”, a communicative game “Let's get to know each other”,"Polite riddles (rules of etiquette)", the game "Magic suitcase", the didactic game "Describe a friend", the didactic game "Count the sounds", drawing "Draw a portrait of a friend", games of low mobility "Together have fun walking", warm-up game "Polite watch”, the game “Delicious names”, hand drawing “Friendship”. role-playing games, drawing "My friends" and many other interesting games and activities.

For example, in the "Rodnichok" group, children met the guests from the "Sun" group in the communicative game "Interview" and visited the creative workshop "Sunny meadow". As a keepsake, each child took away a sun made with their own hands.

Game "Clock"

Game "Clock" for children is aimed at concentrating the child's attention on the game clock for as long as possible and thus facilitating parental work. After all, to teach a child to navigate correctly by the clock is, in fact, a whole art for parents. Moms and dads have to devote enough of their time to explain the same designation ten times.
Game clock online- an excellent training of memory and attention, and, most importantly, you can turn it on at any time. All this is very convenient. When the kid is already used to this game, he will be able to play it on his own, as well as put his knowledge into practice with the usual real clock.
It is worth noting that determining time by clock- is not given to the child immediately, but in no case should you despair. Gradually, your efforts will pay off.

Time plays a very important role in people's lives, which is why mommy and daddy should teach children from an early age to understand the clock. As the saying goes, the sooner the better. Your attention is invited game "Clock", which will help to comfortably and in a playful way explain to the child the basics of determining the time, because everyone knows that the kids are clearer when they are explained everything they need in a color game representation.
So, studying time together, and, most importantly, with desire and cheerful mood.

The first round of the game includes the task: "Correctly place the numbers and arrows on the dial." There is a dial in the middle of the screen, and signs with arrows and numbers are scattered around it. There is also a little hint, the figures with numbers and arrows are painted in different bright colors, and the middle of the dial is made in the form of a rainbow sector, each specific color of the plate fits its sector on the watch, in accordance with the cell where you want to put the plate. It should be noted that the shape of the plates is also different. What is all this done for? Everything is very simple, it is easier for a child to remember such correspondences - shape - color. After all the numbers and arrows are placed correctly, a cheerful little man appears on the screen - a clock, which notifies that everything is done correctly.

Learn to tell the time by the clock, we get into the second round, where a row of four bright men in hats with a sad dial instead of a face is presented to your attention. In the second block of tasks, you must correctly set the time on the clock. Scattered below the little men are arrows indicating a specific time that must be inserted into suitable dials. After the arrows are chosen correctly, the little man smiles. After the correct completion of the entire task, a cheerful little man - a clock - also appears on the screen.

In the third round, it is necessary to set the time on the little men - the watch is the opposite, that is, there are signs with the time: "8 hours", "12 hours", "3 hours", "5 hours", and also empty signs under the watch. The task is to install the time plates in empty plates, initially determining the time on the little man.

The fourth stage of tasks asks the kid to determine which of the two little men - the watch is now eight o'clock.

Next comes the fifth round, which already consists of three little men, and it is necessary to determine eleven hours.

The sixth stage includes 4 little men, and two hours must be correctly indicated. Further, the baby will already have to make a difficult choice and think carefully, because in the next block of tasks, as many as five hours are already presented to attention, and it is necessary to choose the right time indicating three hours.

At the last stage, colored clocks are offered, with the help of which you can independently train with your child by clicking on the signs: “+ 1 h”, “- 1 h”, “+ 5 m”, “-5 m”. With these keys, you can set any time on the clock. Very handy for both parents and kids. On the watch, you can practice teaching your child what time he needs to go to bed, eat, and so on.

All parents are interested in the question, and When is it time to start teaching child time? Let's start with the fact that by the age of two or three, kids know what a watch is and why they are needed in everyday life. And they know, because you have to explain to them at this age the need for a watch. So, the main answer to the question is that it takes no earlier than three years to start learning with a baby for hours. Why? Because, by the age of three, a child should already be able to count quite well. Up to three years, you can learn to determine the time of year and day. The most important advice for parents is that before starting training, it is necessary to explain to the baby in an accessible, simple language what types of arrows are (large, small), focus on the fact that the small arrow makes the big one move, and so on. The biggest and first difficulty will be the child not understanding the fact why when the arrow points to the division two, it means ten minutes.

In the preparatory group

Target: Formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of senior preschool age.


1. To introduce children to the clock face, to form ideas about determining the time by the clock.

2. Fix the score within 10, the idea of ​​the number 10 and the composition of the number 10.

3. Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of parts of the day, days of the week, months of the year, seasons.

4. Develop children's mental abilities, speech, responsiveness, cognitive interest.

5. Cultivate the skills of independent and team work.

Materials for the lesson:

Demonstration - a model of a watch dial with movable hands; a table to consolidate knowledge of the composition of the number 10; numbers 1-10; 9 yellow and 9 blue squares; pictures with different clocks.

Dispensing - a model of a watch dial with movable hands; 9 yellow and 9 blue squares, clock sheets without numbers.

Preliminary work:

Didactic games: “Name it soon”, “Brook”, “What, where?”, “Show the neighbors” or “Who is attentive?”.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:

A ball game “Name it soon” is held with children. Children stand in a circle. The teacher has a ball, she throws it to the child and asks a question. The child throws the ball back and answers the question.

1. What season is it now?

2. What day of the week is it?

3. What is the first month of the year?

4. What day of the week comes after Sunday?

5. How many months in a year?

6. How many days are there in a week?

7. What month is it now?

8. How many days a week do we rest?

9. What time of day do we go to kindergarten?

10. What is the last month of the year?

11. What is the second day of the week?

12. What are the parts of the day in order?

caregiver: Guys, I have a surprise for you. Let's sit on the chairs.

Knock on the door. Nikita enters - watch.

Hello guys! Oh, did you recognize me?

Children: Yes, you are Nikita!

Nikita: I am Nikita - watch. I want to give you a riddle:

We don't sleep for a day

We don't sleep at night

Both day and night

We knock, we knock.

Children: Watch.

Nikita: Correctly! I also have two assistants. Guess who it is?

Two sisters next to each other

They run circle after circle.

Shorty - just once

The one above is every hour.

Children: Clock hands.

caregiver: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Tell me what hours are there?

Children: Solar, water, sand, wall, manual.

Educator: Guys, let's see what kind of clock we have. I have prepared pictures for you.

Demonstration on TV different types of clocks.

Nikita: Guys, what is the watch for?

Children: To know the exact time and not be late for work for dad and mom, and for us in kindergarten.

Educator: It is right to know when to go for a walk, have breakfast. Look at my watch. What is the circle with numbers on the clock called? Who knows?

Children: Clock face.

caregiver: Well done! What hands does the clock have and what are they for?

Children: The short hand shows hours and the long hand shows minutes.

caregiver: Correctly. And who knows how to tell the time by the clock? Look, if the long hand shows 12, and the short number 1, this means that the clock shows 1 hour.

caregiver: Guys, let's play the game "Show me on the clock what time I'll tell you." Let's sit at the tables. Here are watch models with movable hands. You need to put the arrows so what time I will say. We start the game.

caregiver: Set the hands on the clock so that they show 5 o'clock. How did you put the hands on the clock?

Children: The short hand shows the number 5, the long hand shows the number 12.

(The game continues. During work, the teacher checks the results of the children's actions (according to the model on the board).

II. Fizkultminutka: "Clock".

Sabrina shows the moves.

Tilts of the head first to one, then to the other shoulder:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All clocks go like this:

Children swing to the beat of the mint:

See what time it is:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Legs together, hands on the belt. At the expense of "one" - the head leans to the right shoulder, then to the left, like a clock, etc .:

Left - one, right - one,

We can do it too

III. Strengthening counting skills within 10.

caregiver: Guys, I know that many of you are fond of gathering. Someone collects stamps, someone chips, spinning tops.

I decided to show you my treasures. Look in my basket, there are gems of two colors in it. Fianites and topazes. I love order in everything. Therefore, I ask you to collect my jewels so that you get 10 multi-colored stones.

I call 4-5 children and ask them to collect the stones so that there are 10 of them.

Child: For 1 blue and 9 yellow.

caregiver: Right. Oh, you guys on the tables also add your stones to make 10.

Children: 1+9.

caregiver: How many stones did you get?

Children: 10.

caregiver: What else?

Children remember all possible options. In case of difficulty, the teacher allows them to use the "magic house" - a reference table to consolidate knowledge of the composition of the number 10.

Children: 3 blue and 7 yellow. 3+7=10.

Children: 4 blue and 6 yellow. 4+6=10.

Children: 5 blue and 5 yellow. 5+5=10.

Children: 6 blue and 4 yellow. 6+4=10.

Children: 7 blue and 3 yellow. 7+3=10.

Children: 8 blue and 2 yellow. 8+2=10.

Children: 9 blue and 1 yellow. 9+1=10.

caregiver: Check with each other if the stones were collected correctly? Correctly? Has everyone done this? Well done!

IV. Summary of the lesson.

caregiver: What new interesting things did you learn today?

What is a watch for?

Children's answers.

Educator: Can you live without a watch? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys! Do you love receiving gifts? Then make gifts to each other. On the tables you have sheets with a dial. But there are no numbers on this watch. Draw the numbers.

Children draw numbers on the clock. And they give painted watches to each other.

Educator: Well done! Everyone did it!