Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child. Chinese calendar for conceiving a child

Every mother-to-be wants to know the gender of her baby as early as possible. With the help of medical methods (ultrasound), this can be done no earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy. And then, sometimes mistakes happen. It remains only to trust the "near-scientific" and folk methods, of which there are a lot now. Determining the sex of a child is possible by the following methods: by the date of conception, by the renewal of the blood of his parents, by the Chinese calendar, by blood type. Let's look at each of these techniques in a little more detail.

Calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception

As you know, the sex of the child is determined at the time of conception, the fusion of the sperm and the egg. The egg does not have a “sex”, the sperm is the carrier of the sex gene. So, contrary to popular belief, the sex of the child depends entirely on the man, or rather on his sperm.

If fertilization occurred with a spermatozoon - a carrier of the X chromosome, then a girl will be obtained, if XY - a boy will be born. Now about the date of conception. As you know, conception can occur only during the period of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube). This happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Spermatozoa, carriers of the XY chromosome are faster than spermatozoa of the X chromosome, but "live" in the female genital tract much less. Therefore, if you want a boy, try to plan conception exactly on the day of ovulation.

We determine the gender of the child by the "renewal" of the blood of the parents

This is a very interesting theory that has been around and shown to be fairly reliable for many years. Some researchers believe that people's blood is renewed every few years. Moreover, in men, this process occurs once every 4 years, and in women - once every 3 years. Blood renewal can also occur in other situations. For example, when donating blood for donor purposes, transfusion and large blood loss, due to surgery, childbirth, etc. Be sure to take these facts into account when calculating.

Let's try to calculate.

The man is 35 years old. The woman is 26 years old.

We look at the remainder in the received figures. The future father has 6, and the future mother has 5. Calculations show that they will have a daughter.

It is also possible to determine the sex of the unborn child based on the blood type and Rh factor of his parents. Although, these methods are very contradictory and can hardly be trusted. Both methods are presented below.

Table No. 1 gender of the child according to the blood type of the parents:

Table No. 2 gender of the child by the Rh factor of the parents:

Ancient Chinese table (calendar) for calculating the sex of a child

Using the table below, you can determine the gender of your unborn child. This Chinese calendar is said to be over 700 years old. And its original is kept at the Institute of Sciences in Beijing.

All that is needed for this is to know the exact month of conception of the child (this is the main problem). Few women know the exact day of ovulation, especially those who do not have a regular menstrual cycle. In the vertical column of the table, select your age, in the horizontal row - the month of conception. And at their intersection you will see the expected gender of the child.

18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Folk omens

In addition to all kinds of mathematical techniques, there are also popular beliefs. Many of them are probably known to you.

If a pregnant woman has a waist for a long time (if you look at her from behind), then a boy will be born.

Boys usually behave more actively, move more strongly.

Women who are expecting the birth of daughters are more likely to have toxicosis, acne, stretch marks, etc. Girls are said to "take the beauty" from their mothers. If a pregnant woman is constantly drawn to eat something sweet (especially if such cravings were not observed before pregnancy), a daughter will be born. If you are drawn to meat products, a son will be born.

The younger the woman, the more likely it is that her first child will be a son.

The shorter the period between births for one woman, the more likely it is that her second child will be of a different sex.

Parents over 30 are more likely to have daughters.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is possible to determine the sex of a child with 100% accuracy only by some medical methods, but it just does not make sense to conduct such analyzes. It is too expensive, and somewhere it is not even safe for the fetus. It is better to wait calmly for the birth of the child. And it doesn’t matter what gender it will be, the main thing is that it be healthy! Well, during pregnancy, you can try the methods described in this article. Which of them work and which do not, it will become clear after childbirth.

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If you are currently carrying a baby under your heart and really want to know its gender, then the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child will come to your aid. It will come in handy at any stage of pregnancy, which is very pleasing to expectant mothers, because with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the sex of the baby is usually determined not earlier than 20 weeks.

To calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar, you do not need much knowledge and a lot of time. You will know who is in your stomach in minutes.

Table and calculator for determining gender according to the Chinese calendar

Mother's age at conception:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Expected month of child's birth:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

What is the meaning of the ancient Chinese method for determining the sex of the unborn child and what is the essence of the calculation?

If you urgently need to find out who will be born: a boy or a girl, then with the help of a calculator you will do it without any problems. To calculate, you just need to enter your date of birth and the month of conception of your baby in the column. Be careful, because you need to know exactly the month in which a new life was born inside you. This will allow you to determine the sex of the child with almost one hundred percent accuracy. You won't have to do anything else. The calculator will immediately give the result and you will finally find out who lives inside you.

Agree, this method is very convenient, because you can use the Chinese table sex calculator at any time and in any place where there is an Internet connection. You do not have to do this with a computer, because you can also use a mobile phone to calculate the gender, the main thing is that it has Internet access.

How to find out who will be using the sex determination plate by the mother's age without an online calculator?

To independently calculate the sex of the baby, an ancient Chinese table will come to your aid, but here you will also need to know the lunar age of the mother, that is, your age is not according to your passport, but according to the moon. What does it mean? Now you will know everything. For the Chinese, the lunar age exceeds the age according to the passport. They believe that when a person is born, at that moment he is already one year old. They round the nine months of gestation to a year. That's not all. After the New Year comes, the Chinese add one more year to the lunar age. Therefore, the date of birth in the lunar age, in fact, does not matter. It turns out that in the new year all the Chinese have a kind of birthday and at that moment they all become one year older.

When you know your lunar age, you will also need to know exactly the month of conception of your baby. Here, a doctor can come to the rescue, who, together with ultrasound equipment, will determine your exact gestational age and the expected date of conception. Or, if you carefully planned your pregnancy, then you yourself probably know in what month the baby was conceived.

Now you just need to look carefully at the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child and find your lunar age (the number corresponding to your lunar age) in it. This number is in the column on the left. The month of conception is located at the top right. Then just cross these two values ​​\u200b\u200bintogether and see what letter you got. If you see the letter "D", then you will have a girl. If the letter “M” appeared before your eyes, then this indicates that a boy is growing in your stomach.

Calculating lunar age: A few examples for clarity

Let's consider the first example. So, let's say that a girl named Nina was born on January 1st. It turns out that she was born before the celebration of the New Year among the Chinese. By the way, they celebrate it between January 21 and February 21. The exact date depends, again, on the moon. When the second new moon occurs after the winter solstice, then the Chinese celebrate the beginning of the new year.

Since Nina's date of birth fell on the period before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, after the onset of the New Year she will no longer be a year old, but two. That is, according to the usual calendar, let's say March 1 would be only 2 months old, and according to the Chinese calendar, it would be 2 years old. Here is the arithmetic.

Let's consider another example. A girl named Tanya was born on February 23. At the time of her birth, like all Chinese, she turned one year old, and since her date of birth fell on the period after the celebration of the New Year, so far one more year will not be added to her age and on March 1 she will not be 2 years old, like Nina, but one year.

How true is the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by the date of conception and the age of the mother?

To believe the sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. For some, everything converges and the gender of the baby is the same, but for someone it turns out the opposite: the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child shows a boy, and a girl is born, and sometimes even two girls at once. Together with the table, many plan the birth of children of certain sexes. This tablet was invented in ancient times along with the Chinese horoscope, when medicine was not yet able to calculate the sex of a child using special equipment, because it simply had not yet been invented.

The sex of the child, the Chinese tablet helped many to calculate, because for this it was necessary to know only the lunar age of the mother and the month of conception of the child. With the help of this method, the planning of the sex of the baby was also carried out. This plate also came to us in Russia a very long time ago, and our parents (mostly mothers) determined the sex with the help of it. They drew these signs to each other and sent them in letters by mail to future parents, since there were no electronic boxes, as there are now. Those who lived close to their girlfriends simply brought this tablet to work for a pregnant woman or home, and together with her, over a cup of tea, carefully looked at the Chinese sex determination calendar and eagerly tried to calculate the sex of the unborn baby.

At what age is it most likely to conceive a girl, and at what age a boy?

Based on the Chinese pregnancy calendar and sex determination, a study was conducted in China. As a result, it was found that women aged 18 and 20 years (according to lunar age) most often manage to conceive boys. In any of the months they can have a male child, with the exception of January and March for 18 years old and January, March and October for 20 years old.

But girls are most often conceived by women whose lunar age corresponds to 21, 30, 31 and 32 years. For women of 21 years of age, the conception of a girl is most likely in any month, with the exception of January. For women 30 years old, conception of a girl is most likely in any month except January, November and December. At 31 and 32, you can try to conceive a girl in any month except January, March and December.

This is all about the pregnancy calendar and the gender of the child, judging by the reviews of many women, it is really true. Now you know how to calculate the sex of a child using a Chinese tablet. But you should not trust this method blindly and set yourself up for the result she said. The main thing is not what gender the baby will be, whether it will be a boy or a girl - it does not matter. The most important thing is that he was born healthy! We wish you successful pregnancy planning and conception with the help of the Chinese pregnancy calendar and the gender of the unborn child! Let the pregnancy test finally show two stripes and you will become the happiest parents!

Earlier we wrote about an unusual way to determine the sex of a child by publishing, and today we want to offer our readers an alternative - the Japanese calendar for conceiving a child for 2017.

In Japanese families, childlessness was considered a great misfortune, and when Japanese women gave birth only to girls, this was perceived as bad luck for their husbands. According to Japanese unspoken laws, every family must give birth to a son who will become the heir.

Previously, some Japanese went to adopt a child, just to have an heir, and husbands could even commit adultery, hoping to get a son from their mistress.

Since this problem was one of the most important in Japan, the sages of the Land of the Rising Sun thought about resolving it. And subsequently they created a wonderful and almost accurate method for determining the sex of a child, the effectiveness of which is 90% out of 100% - the Japanese calendar for conceiving a child.

The beginning of 2017 according to the Eastern calendar falls on January 28th. Now let's try to determine the sex of the child according to the Japanese conception calendar. It is enough to know the month of birth of the husband and wife, then find the intersection point in the table for these dates (see figure). Fix this number in memory.

Then open the second table and find in it the number that you remember, and then the month when the baby was conceived. When these two data intersect, you will see the estimated gender of the child.


Mom's birthday is in May, and dad's is in September. According to the first table, we find the number of intersections of these months. This is number 9.

Now we are looking at the second plate, looking for the number 9 in the vertical column, and the month of conception, for example, July - in the horizontal one. We see the result - according to the Japanese conception calendar of 2017, the couple will presumably have a boy.

It is worth remembering that this method of determining the sex of the baby cannot guarantee an accurate and 100% result, but do not despair! Modern ultrasound studies will show more accurate data on the sex of your unborn baby. But the most important thing is the health of the crumbs, which so much needs your love, care and attention.

Also, to find out when it is better to give birth to a boy or a girl, refer to the lunar calendar, which shows the relationship between the mother's age and the month of conception.

When it is better to give birth to a boy or a girl, the lunar calendar of conception will also tell you, depending on the month.

We wish all readers wonderful motherhood and healthy, happy children! The gender of the child does not matter, the main thing is that he grows up confident that he is loved only because he was born!

Every couple expecting replenishment in the family wants to know the gender of the child as soon as possible. But with the help of ultrasound, this information becomes available only at the second examination, and possibly at the third. It already depends on whether your baby wants to turn correctly during the ultrasound examination. Some parents are tormented by this issue already with the onset of pregnancy, then they try to find out who they are carrying, sorting through other options.

The main thing in the article

Determination of the sex of the child: proven methods

  1. Calculation by the difference in strength (freshness) of blood.
  2. According to the date marked by the moment of fertilization, and the lunar calendar.
  3. Combined blood type analysis.
  4. Influence of the moment of birth of both parents.
  5. Eastern methods.
  6. Medical methods.
  7. Popular beliefs, signs, methods of definition.

There are many more ways in which you can first try to determine the sex of the unborn child, but they are less popular.
All these ways to find out who you are waiting for do not give a 100% result. But there is always a 50% chance that the result will be correct.

How to calculate the sex of the child before pregnancy?

Everyone is interested to immediately know who is worth waiting for, but whoever is born, in any case, the child will be madly loved. The need to calculate the sex of the child before pregnancy usually arises in families that already have children. For example, a couple who has a girl, in most cases, want to give birth to a second - a boy, and vice versa. According to statistics, 85% of couples want children of different sexes.
There are several ways in which you can try to calculate the sex of the baby before pregnancy:

  • According to the difference in the freshness of the blood of the parents.
  • Hatzold method (planning in relation to the moment of ovulation).
  • according to the lunar calendar.

How to find out the sex of a child by updating blood: calculations and tables

The essence of the method is to determine which of the parents had a blood renewal as close as possible to the date of conception of the baby. Mom's blood is fresher - there will be a daughter, if dad's blood has changed recently - respectively, a son. What does it mean? Women's blood changes more often than men's, with a period of 3 years, and the period of renewal of male blood is exactly one year longer - it occurs every 4 years. At the moment of renewal, the blood is at the peak of its strength, when it is young, from this moment until the new renewal, it gradually weakens.
How to calculate? You need to take the mother's age and divide it by three. After that, the father's age is taken and divided by 4. You need to compare the remainder! The values ​​of the digits after the decimal point. Whoever has a number less than the remainder of the division has fresher blood.
For example: mom is 24, dad is 34.
In this case, the female blood is younger, that is, the renewal has just occurred, in comparison with the father's results. So the child will be a girl.

According to the Hatzold method (planning according to the onset of ovulation)

If you know when ovulation will occur, then it is quite possible to plan a child of a certain gender. We all know from school that sperm carries a Y chromosome (boy) and an X chromosome (girl). The thing is that spermatozoa with a Y chromosome are faster than those with an X chromosome, but despite their speed, they cannot live long in the vagina, due to the acidic environment. While their slow counterparts are more tenacious in this environment and can last longer.
You can determine the onset of ovulation by counting if the menstrual cycle is stable, as well as by doing an ovulation test, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
What is the whole trick of the method?
If you want a boy, then you should not have sex before ovulation starts a couple of days, but postpone sexual intercourse at the time it starts, when the egg is ready for fertilization. In this case, the one who is faster wins.
If you want a girl, then sexual intercourse should be done a couple of days before ovulation. Then, by the time the egg is ready, only the surviving sperm will remain. But, it is very important not to have sex at the time of ovulation.

According to the lunar calendar

Astrologers say that the influence of the moon plays a significant role at the time of the birth of a new life, directly in determining the initial sex of the child. If the moon is in the "male" constellation, then there is a high probability that the couple will have a boy. If the moon at the time of conception is in the "female" sign of the zodiac, then its influence is more inclined towards the birth of female life.

Table of sexes of children by year of birth of parents: principle and history

To calculate the sex of the child by the year of birth of the parents, or rather by the number of full years, the date of conception (month) is also required. How is the sex of the child determined by the date of conception?
The difficulty in determining the sex of a child using this method lies in the fact that many do not know the exact date of conception, and it is very difficult to calculate it months later. Especially if the moment of fertilization occurred in the last or first days of the month.

  • A popular calculation of the sex of a child by the date of conception is the ancient Chinese table, which has its own history of creation.

This table was found by archaeologists in Beijing, directly in one of the temples that holds the tomb of the emperor. The history of creation is still not known, many believe that the table is the result of research on the relationship between the age of the mother and the sex of her child. Others argue that this table is associated with the lunar calendar of ancient China. The original exists and is kept in Beijing at the Institute of Sciences.
For calculations, you need to know the number of years of the mother and the month of conception. The age of a woman must be counted by adding another 9 months to it, because in China the countdown of years does not begin from the beginning of birth, but from the moment of conception.

  • Japan has its own sex determination table, no less popular than the Chinese one.

The Japanese argue that the sex of the child is affected by both the date of birth of the mother and the date of birth of the father. The table is not one, the definition takes place in two stages.
In the first table, we calculate the “secret number”, which is at the intersection of the month of birth of the pregnant woman and the month of birth of the future dad.
On the second table, we directly determine who we are carrying, the sex of the child is indicated at the intersection of the “secret number” obtained from the first table and the month marked by conception.

Baby gender calendar for 2017

To find out who will be born in 2017, you can use the tables above, but do not forget to take into account the features of next year.
In China, the new year will start on January 28th, so the entire table will shift by one month, meaning January will be the 12th month of the year, not the first.
Also, do not forget to add to the woman's age - 9 or 7 months, given how long she was born.

Folk ways to determine the sex of a child

Folk signs will tell you who lives in the tummy :

  • Hair growth on the legs, when it increases significantly, the expectant mother will receive a son as a gift.
  • Love level. If in a couple a man loves his wife madly, then there will be a daughter.
  • In cases where a couple was constantly engaged in previously intimate entertainment without long breaks, then there will be a daughter.
  • If a woman, being pregnant, spends a lot of time at the mirror, then there will be a girl.
  • If a woman only gets prettier with pregnancy, then there will be a boy. People say that girls partially take away the beauty of their mother.
  • If a woman prefers to eat salty and sour, then she bears a son, if - sweets, then - a daughter.
  • A boy will be born if mom's feet are constantly freezing.
  • If a pregnant woman prefers a crumb to a crust of bread, then she bears a girl.
  • If the tummy is decorated with any kind of mark, a daughter will be born.
  • If a woman's body is covered with hair, then you need to buy blue things.

Folk signs only work if the pregnant woman herself does not know about them. That is, these should be observations from the outside. If a woman does not know what the people say: if you eat a crumb, there will be a girl, and she wants a son, and at the same time loves to gnaw a crust of bread, then only then can we conclude that there will be a boy.
Determine the gender of the child. What will folk methods suggest?

  1. Key - will answer. If a pregnant woman takes the key by the round side, then she bears a girl, if by the sharp edge - a boy.
  2. Pregnant ring . It is necessary to hang the ring over the palm of the pregnant woman and keep watching for several minutes. If the ring starts to move clockwise, visually drawing a circle, just wait for the girl, if it moves along the line across or along the palm - the boy.
  3. A little boy . If you came to visit where the baby lives up to a year, then you should watch him. If the child shows interest in a round tummy - a girl, if not - a boy.
  4. Milk . For this method, you will need milk at the outgoing expiration date and urine of a pregnant woman with a period of more than 10 weeks. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and put on fire. Curdled milk speaks of the temporary residence of the girl inside the mother, if the milk does not curdle, then most likely you are expecting a boy.

How to determine the sex of the child by the shape of the abdomen and the gait of the mother

This method of predicting the sex of a child is known to absolutely everyone. Each woman passing by will definitely determine for herself who you are carrying.
Everything is simple. If your stomach is swollen on the sides and does not strive forward at all, then most likely you have a girl who so wants to be closer to her mother.
If you have a neat tummy that moves forward with growth, leaving no trace of its presence at the waist, then most likely you will have a small protector.
If a pregnant woman walks awkwardly, spreading her legs wide while taking a step, this indicates that the masculine principle inside her makes itself felt.
A graceful gait with small steps portends the birth of a little princess.

At what week will the sex of the baby be determined by ultrasound?

Ultrasound is done for the entire duration of pregnancy three times, if there are no deviations and doctor's prescriptions. The sex of the child can also be found out at the first ultrasound, but this is very rare. In most cases, pregnant women will only know what to buy at the second examination. The second ultrasound is performed at 20 - 22 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the baby's genitals are already fully formed. On the device, you can see a clear outline of the gender.
The 3D sensor allows you to determine the sex of the child already at 14-17 weeks of pregnancy. This unique invention accurately determines who lives in the tummy.
But there are times when no technology can determine the sex of a child when he is actively hiding and does not want to turn around. Then you can ask to turn around or scratch the barrels, but not the fact that this will work.
Do they make mistakes on ultrasound? Yes, it happens. The doctor who conducts the examination is mistaken. Many children begin to worry when they start watching and are constantly moving. In such conditions, it is very difficult to accurately determine the sex.

Medical methods for early sex determination


This method is very risky because it can damage the health of the mother and baby. It is carried out at the 17th week of pregnancy. It is produced by piercing the amniotic sac to collect a small amount of fluid. The seized fluid is studied in detail for the chromosomal composition.
At the request of the parents, this procedure is not allowed. It is done only on the prescription of a doctor, in cases where there is a risk of genetic disorders of the fetus associated with the sex of the child. After all, some diseases are hereditarily transmitted only to a certain sex. In this case, parents will find out who they will have: a girl or a boy. This method gives an accuracy of 98%.

Hormonal studies (on hCG)

This method of determination has recently appeared and has not yet gained extensive use. It is accurate enough. After all, by the amount of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the mother's blood, you can accurately tell the sex of the child. It turns out that in women carrying a girl, the hCG rate is approximately 18% higher than in those pregnant with a boy.

There are some more methods for determining the gender of the baby such as − cordocentesis and chorionic villus biopsy. They are carried out for a different purpose, in most cases to detect pathologies and hereditary diseases. Doctors for the sake of determining the sex of the child do not prescribe them. These are quite dangerous examinations, which are prescribed only in extreme cases.

If we talk about the desire of parents to take such risks in order to find out who they will have, then this is not justified and reckless. Everyone during childbirth will find out who was born to them. It's okay if you have to endure 9 months. It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a boy, it will be the most beautiful and sweetest child in the world, because he is yours!

in early pregnancy, and some couples even want to choose the sex of their unborn child using a table or calendar, using methods that have come down to us from time immemorial. In this material, we will try to understand in detail the issue of sex determination both before the baby is born and before conception.

A pregnant woman wants to know the gender of her baby as soon as possible. Medical, during the passage of ultrasound. But you want it sooner! ...
As we mentioned above, many spouses want to determine the sex of the crumbs before conception, and not rely on chance. There are special diets that can affect fate,.

If you try hard, then in the end the spouses will have the one they were waiting for. We offer to study scientific methods for determining the gender of the unborn child and folk signs. The most popular medical method for determining gender is ultrasound. Sometimes the ultrasound shows the sex of the baby at 14-16 weeks, but most mothers will find out who to expect only around 23 weeks, when the fetus is actively moving in the womb.

How to determine the sex of a child with a modern scientific method at an earlier stage of pregnancy? Biopsy of the chorionic villi allows you to find out the good news at an early stage of pregnancy. Research negatively affects the health of the baby and his mother, a miscarriage is possible. But when using this technique, doctors never make mistakes with determining the sex of a child.

Blood renewal date partners can serve as a factor by which they find out who to expect - a girl or a boy. Every 3 years the blood is renewed in a woman, every 4 years in a man. Whoever this happened later is responsible for the sex of the baby (if the wife has a daughter, if the husband has a son). About how you can determine the sex of the unborn child by the date of blood renewal, blood type or Rh factor of the parents, we will describe in more detail below.

Thousands of years ago, in order to determine who a woman carries in her womb, the sages used ancient chinese calendars, with the help of which couples could determine the sex of an unborn child long before its birth. According to the calendar, you can even plan who you want to reproduce into the world - a girl or a boy.

Famous folk beliefs:

A couple of months before conception, a woman needs to eat more salty foods if she wants to get pregnant with a girl, and more sweet foods if she wants to give birth to a boy;

When a woman wants to give birth to a daughter, she puts scissors and a wooden spoon under the mattress, and place a small bow under the pillow;

A one-year-old boy often approaches a pregnant woman - she will have a girl, does not approach her - there will be a boy.

Next, we will tell you in detail about how to determine the sex of an unborn child by blood group and Rh factor of dad and mom, by “updating” the blood of parents and using a popular method that has come to us from time immemorial. Using the ancient Chinese table (see below), you can not only determine the sex of the child, which, according to the table, is most likely to be the future baby of a pregnant woman, but you can also choose for yourself - a boy or a girl will appear with you (before conception).