When does the baby start to move during the first pregnancy. Fetal movements according to the strength of activity. Stress, nervous and physical tension

Fetal movements during pregnancy are extremely important not only for the expectant mother, but also for doctors. A woman always looks forward to this exciting moment with impatience and trepidation, even if she is not pregnant for the first time. And the gynecologist, analyzing the frequency, regularity and nature of the movements of the crumbs, makes a conclusion about his development and general condition. Despite the huge breakthrough in the field of prenatal (that is, prenatal) diagnosis, fetal movements inside the womb remain one of the most important indicators in terms of significance. Therefore, they need to be monitored throughout pregnancy, counting movements and analyzing their features.

But today we will talk about when the first movements of the fetus appear and when they are felt during pregnancy, what they look like, what they can be compared with and what they talk about.

At what time are the first fetal movements felt during pregnancy

It's hard to believe, but the embryo makes its first movements at a very early stage, already starting from 7-8 weeks. Of course, they are still reflex and unconscious, completely uncoordinated and very weak. Nevertheless, already in such a short period of time, nerve and muscle tissues reach their development to such an extent that even a very modest, but still motor activity begins to be carried out.

The size of the fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy does not exceed 2 centimeters. It is still very small, and can swim freely in the amniotic sac, without even touching its walls. Of course, the expectant mother cannot feel these movements, but the baby develops and improves very quickly, reaching a higher level of development every week. A week later, he learns to swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a very serious job. A 10-week-old fetus can open and close its mouth, wave its arms and squeeze them into fists. At 11 weeks, baby stretches and urinates for the first time!

Then he becomes even more active - somersaults, sucks his fingers, yawns, reacts to changes in light and sounds. At week 15, the skeletal system is already getting stronger, and therefore very soon you will feel its jolts physically. Starting from the 16th week, the fetus already reacts to sounds coming from outside, at the 17th week the facial expressions begin to work actively (the baby squints), and after another week it already works with might and main: it closes from bright light, plays with the umbilical cord, clamps fingers into fists. Places in the womb are gradually getting smaller: the chances of feeling the first shocks increase.

All this time, the baby is getting stronger, his movements are becoming more coordinated, strong and active, and by the 15-16th week, his mother can feel the presence of another life in her womb physically, in the form of pushes and swarms. But still, in most cases, for the first time this happens a little later.

The first movements during pregnancy in all women are felt at different times. It largely depends on the sensitivity of the expectant mother. Often, women take the first movements for muscle contractions of the intestines, and in other cases, on the contrary, intestinal activity is perceived as the movement of a baby. Therefore, the timing when the first movements are felt varies. And yet, medical experience and reviews of pregnant women indicate that, on average, they appear between 18 and 24 weeks. The appearance of sensations earlier or later by 2-3 weeks can be considered the norm, because this sensation is evaluated subjectively.

Most often, obstetricians say that the first movements during the first pregnancy are felt at 18-22 weeks. At this time, the baby makes an average of 200 movements per day. It is most active between the 28th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy: the daily number of movements reaches 600. Most often and most strongly, a woman feels the baby at rest - usually in the evening or at night, when she completely relaxes.

You can talk a lot about this and figuratively, but no descriptions can be compared with the real feelings of your own baby. Moreover, we all evaluate and describe them differently: some are funny, others are romantic, and still others are down to earth and prosaic.

As you already understood from what was written above, the first movements of the child very often resemble intestinal peristalsis: it seems as if the stomach is rumbling. And for this reason, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the baby is moving or the intestines are “raging”.

Nevertheless, without exception, all pregnant women (ex and real) argue: it is impossible to confuse the so expected and desired first movements of the crumbs with anything. Even if not for the first time, but very soon you will understand: this is definitely a baby!

Moms compare his first movements with the splashing of a fish, the fluttering of a butterfly's wings ... Imagine that you hid a moth in your palms, and it flaps its wings ... Only this is in the tummy.

Physical sensations and understanding that your little blood is developing in the womb are incomparable with anything! Most pregnant women from this moment begin to truly realize that very soon they will become a mother!

What does fetal movement during pregnancy mean?

By the way, at the time when the mother begins to feel the movements of her baby, they already carry a certain meaning and become a real way for the crumbs to communicate with the outside world. And, do not forget that so far the whole world for him is first of all you yourself. From about 23-24 weeks of pregnancy, the baby reacts with physical activity to a variety of physical and emotional stimuli. Whether it’s uncomfortable, uncomfortable or hard for him, or whether his beloved mother feels bad (upset, nervous, tired, agitated, overstrained) - the baby either calms down or gets excited, and you will very soon learn to recognize his “mood”. Approximately from this period, experts say, the movements of the fetus already resemble the movements of a newborn baby.

Experts are convinced that already in the period of its intrauterine development, the baby shows its character through motor activity. However, if you do not notice a single movement within 12 hours, or if you notice for three days in a row that the baby has increased his activity, you must definitely tell your doctor about this. Very often, such changes may indicate discomfort experienced by the child, in particular intrauterine hypoxia.

Regardless of whether you are pregnant for the first time or already have maternal experience, fetal movements are always of particular diagnostic value. They need to be listened to, they should be learned to understand, they, of course, need to be answered with love and affection.

Meanwhile, often re-pregnant women feel the first movements of the fetus a little earlier than for the first time - on average, at about 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. This has several explanations. First, they are already familiar with the sensation and can immediately recognize it. Secondly, the uterus of women who have already given birth is more sensitive to such influences. By the way, thin women often feel the first movements of the fetus earlier than mothers “in the body”. Do not forget that the gestational age is not always determined correctly, and this may also be the reason that you felt your baby for the first time earlier or later than most other women.

In addition, women carrying multiple pregnancies are often confused: it seems to them that the baby is very active or swarms everywhere at once, while with a singleton pregnancy, higher motor activity in the later stages is noted in the area of ​​​​the legs of the crumbs (most often this is the area of ​​​​the hypochondrium , because most babies have a head presentation, that is, turned head to the pubis).

Be that as it may, the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy are the first available method of mutual communication between the baby and the mother. Talk to him, sing songs to him, consult, give him your love. He understands everything perfectly now! And this blessed time of your communication, unattainable for anyone, will never happen again...

Especially for - Elena Semenova

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is very sensitive to all the changes taking place in her body. When the first trimester is already behind, a woman is looking forward to the moment when she feels the first movements of her child.

Fetal movements during pregnancy are not just a pleasant feeling of unity between the mother and the child, but also an important indicator of the normal and proper development of the baby.

The child begins to move for the first time long before the woman feels it. At the beginning of the 9th week, the baby has the first reflexes, and in another week the child is able to independently change the trajectory of its movement, however, this process will not yet be felt for the expectant mother, and how exactly the child moves in the stomach will remain an unexplored question. By the beginning of the 18th week, the baby is able to carry out the following movements:

  • Touch the head.
  • Clenching and unclenching the fists.
  • Change of body positions.
  • Pick up the umbilical cord with your hands.
  • Taste your fingers.

Movement inside the mother's body is the only way for the child to communicate and report your feelings. Particularly impressionable mothers may think that they felt the first movements as early as 12-13 weeks, but this is not so.

The first internal impulse, similar to the movement of a child, is at first difficult to distinguish from the activity of the intestines.

The first perceptible movements

Pregnant women, in most cases, are very afraid to miss the moment the baby begins to move, because they still don’t know exactly what it feels like. But when this moment comes, everything becomes clear - internal shocks cannot be confused with anything. From this moment on, the question of how to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy completely disappears.

According to obstetrics the first movement of the baby during pregnancy occurs at a period of 16 to 24 weeks. On what factors does the onset of tremors depend?

  • The weight of the woman and the fetus. Women of a fragile physique begin to feel movements a little earlier than women of a large physique. Also, the mother will feel the pushes of a large baby earlier.
  • Physical form. Due to the elastic tension of the abdominal muscles, sensations may begin a little later.
  • Volume of amniotic fluid.
  • Features of the attachment of the placenta. If the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, then the baby may not be heard for longer. At the same time, there is no reason for concern if the volume of the abdomen increases and the doctor hears the baby's heartbeat.
  • Lifestyle of a pregnant woman. Active future mothers cannot always immediately pay attention to the first very light movements of the baby and understand that it is they.
  • What is the pregnancy. The term of the first fetal movement during the first pregnancy most often differs from subsequent pregnancies: the next time the woman begins to feel the baby earlier by 1-3 weeks. This is due to the fact that in the second and subsequent pregnancies, the expectant mother can already accurately recognize the beginning of the movements and not miss them, and also because after the first birth the uterus becomes more elastic and quickly goes beyond the small pelvis.

The importance of baby movements

The beginning of the movements of the baby is an important stage, not only because the mother began to feel even more close connection with her baby. Movements are a sure sign that everything is in order with the fetus and pregnancy proceeds safely. In addition, focusing on the day the first movements begin, the doctor will predict the date of birth.

When the baby first makes himself known, his activity will increase every day - in the future he will often remind himself of himself.

By 24-25 weeks, the baby usually develops its own mode of motor activity, which may depend on several factors:

  1. Times of Day. Low physical activity may indicate that the child is resting.
  2. Surrounding sounds. The baby can react violently to loud sounds and move more actively.
  3. The psychological state of the expectant mother. Under stress, a state of fear, the child may react in different ways: to quiet down or, on the contrary, to start moving actively.
  4. Physical exercise. Active movements can begin when the mother is at rest or sleeping.
  5. Food. When the mother feels hungry, the baby begins to move more.

It should be remembered that the more the child grows, the less room for movement remains for him. Therefore, towards the end of pregnancy, motor activity may decrease significantly.

Movement rates

When a woman gets used to the active movements of the fetus, she begins to study their nature, frequency and dependence on certain factors. Fine the child should move about 10 times within an hour. If the baby is quiet for a long time and the woman wants to wake him up, then you can eat something and lie down. Usually, during the mother's rest, the child begins to behave more actively.

It is not necessary at this time to part with movements, because they can, on the contrary, rock the baby.

The lack of movement for six or more hours is an urgent reason to see a doctor. This may be a sign of the onset of hypoxia - lack of oxygen. Using an obstetric stethoscope, the doctor will determine the rhythm of the baby's heartbeat and advise on further actions.

When carrying a fetus panic is clearly not the best way to take care of your baby. Of course, it is necessary to wait for the beginning of the first movements, but it is not worthwhile to clearly focus on the average norms - at what time the fetal movement is felt in most women. For a future mother, a sense of calmness is important, so you should be patient and remember that each person is individual.

Attention, only TODAY!

The most touching and exciting moment that many future mothers remember pregnancy is the feeling of the baby moving. It is one of the main signs of the existence of a small growing organism. That is why all future parents are in awe of this phenomenon.

When does fetal movement begin?

The very first fetal movements in pregnant women begin much earlier than the expectant mother can feel them. This is due to the fact that the fetus, as it “moves” towards its birth, goes through several stages of its development, during which it grows itself and develops its organs and systems. Here is a brief description of these stages in relation to the stirring of the little man inside the mother's womb:

  • The 8th week of pregnancy is the beginning of active movements of the fetus. During this period, he already has muscles and nervous tissue that can stimulate its contractions. True, these movements are chaotic, not coordinated and the baby is not aware. They are not felt by the mother either, since the fetus itself is still very small, therefore it is in the uterus “in free swimming”, without touching its walls;
  • The 10th week of pregnancy - the baby-embryo is already gradually mastering the basics of movement and can, having stumbled upon the wall of the uterus in the process of swimming in the amniotic fluid, change its trajectory of movement. Mom still does not feel his maneuvering, because he is still small;
  • 16th week of pregnancy - the future little man can already react with movements to sound stimuli (music, noise, voices, but first of all - to the voice of his mother and his intonation);
  • 17th week of pregnancy - your baby may already squint;
  • 18th week of pregnancy - he can already move his arms (squeeze and unclench his fingers, touch his face and even close it in response to sounds he doesn’t like). At this stage, the expectant mother can already feel the "echoes" of the movement of her little child;
  • 20-22 weeks of pregnancy - during this period, the main "engines" are already formed in the fetus: the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, his movements are already coordinated and regular. It is 20 weeks that is considered a relative guideline for the first mother's physical sensations that a baby is growing inside her;
  • The 24th week of pregnancy - from this time on, the baby is already developing a certain way of communicating with his mother through his physical activity. With his active movements, he can inform her about his well-being or emotional state (joy, anxiety, pleasure), as well as respond to her mood.

How to determine?

As mentioned above, the very first fetal movements during pregnancy are discoordinated, and he himself is very small, so they are not noticeable. In addition, the sensitivity to the movements of the baby inside the uterus also depends on what kind of pregnancy his mother has. So, many women who have this first pregnancy may not even immediately recognize the sensations of moving their firstborn, and usually fix this significant moment for a period of 20 weeks. Those who carry more than their first child are already familiar with these sensations, plus their uterus is more sensitive, so they can feel its movements a couple of weeks earlier, from the 17th-18th week of pregnancy. Also, an important role in when a mother first feels the movements of her child is played by her physique - every extra kilogram can slightly push back this pleasant moment.

Future mothers describe descriptions of the first movements of the baby in different ways. Someone feels a slight tickling inside, someone feels the fluttering of a butterfly or splashing of a fish, and someone compares these sensations with rolling objects or feelings, as with increased intestinal motility. They are painless, weak and may not be felt every day. But from that moment on, the expectant mother is already sensitively listening to such manifestations of her baby's existence.

What are they talking about?

The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when the baby embryo already has its own ideas about the feeling of comfort and begins to master the methods of managing it. One of them is reaction by movements. So, he may begin to move more actively in response to a lack of nutrients he needs or unpleasant moments.

So, for example, a child inside a mother can signal to her that she needs to change her position if she lies on her back, thereby squeezing large blood vessels that “supply” oxygen and nutrients to him. Also, with the help of active movements, massaging the walls of the uterus in this way, the fetus can independently “solve” the problem of oxygen and food starvation. Active wiggling can also signal to your mom that she needs to moderate her activity or emotional state.

How to "read" baby movements during pregnancy?

By the nature of the movement, every woman can understand the mood of her child. But from the 16th week of development, as we have already said, the baby is able to respond to the mother's voice and the sounds of music. This is how the first language of communication between mother and child is created. So fetal movements during pregnancy are not just a sign of life, it is even the first “conversation”. For example, in response to a light pat in one place or another in the abdomen, the child may respond by protruding an arm or leg.

Therefore, listening to how the baby inside you behaves is not just pleasant, but necessary. Now the fetal movements are an indicator of his condition, and if they are absent, try to stimulate them. This can be done with special breathing exercises or a little physical activity, eating, especially something sweet. However, if the child is completely calm for more than 12 hours, this is a reason to visit a doctor. Although his excessive activity for several hours or days should also alert, since it is also one of the ways to bring to you that the baby is experiencing discomfort.

From the 24th week, there is even a certain reference point for the activity of the unborn baby - 10-15 movements for an hour, with the exception of periods of his sleep, when he may not manifest himself for about 3 hours. The baby is most active in the period from the 24th to the 32nd week, after which he calms down a little: firstly, his size (both his own and the uterus) no longer allows him to show his activity, and secondly, he is already preparing to appear into the world. And here, the mother can already clearly determine what exactly her baby kicked - with a pen or a leg.

One of the ways to determine how well the pregnancy is going is the fetal movement according to the D. Pearson test “Count to 10”. It is used in the third trimester, from the 28th week. To do this, you need to daily count the number of movements in a certain period of time - from 9 am to 9 pm and write it down on a special card. Only you need to record the time not of the 1st, but of the 10th stirring. And, if by the end of the day you have less than 10 such records, this may indicate that the baby is not getting enough oxygen and this situation needs to be urgently corrected.

Therefore, remember: the motor activity of the fetus fully characterizes its condition, and maybe even its character! So listen and show love to your child from the first days of his conception!

The most anticipated, and therefore unforgettable, is the feeling of stirring under the heart of a new life. Future moms and dads are waiting for him with trepidation. Also gynecologists. You will definitely be asked to write down the date of the first movement, and they will already be guided by it to the date of birth. If you are expecting the first baby, then he will be born 20 weeks after the first movement (usually childbirth occurs at the 40th week of pregnancy), and if the second or third, then 2-3 weeks later. At least there are such statistics, but not all women fall under it. As a rule, the first fetal movements occur between the 16th and 24th weeks of pregnancy.

Although in fact the fetus moves already at the 8th week, but since it is still too small, you do not feel it. But later, when the baby grows up, his "gymnastics" will make itself felt with all its might.

How to know that this is a stir?

It can be difficult and easy to understand at the same time. Doctors describe this phenomenon in very different ways, and mothers themselves cannot find the right words. You have to feel the movement yourself. And it’s not a fact that, having felt, you will correctly explain the experienced state to your girlfriend “by position”.

A gynecologist (male) told me poetically about the movement: “Imagine that a butterfly has landed in your hands. You hold her, and she beats her wings in her hands.

Mom's explanations were more prosaic: something would gurgle.

I was impatiently waiting for butterflies in my stomach, but I still got a “gurgle”. But he was the most pleasant and most unforgettable of all the “gurgles”.

Each woman perceives in her own way. For some, this is the splashing of a fish, the fluttering of a butterfly, and for others, intestinal peristalsis. But in both cases, we are talking about the confirmation of a new life. Many pregnant women perceive themselves as a mother after the first stirring.

It happens that impatiently waiting for the first stirring, with the same impatience, mommy waits for its cessation. Babies in the tummy are so active that their movements cause unbearable pain to a pregnant woman.

What determines the mobility of the child in the womb?

Many believe that the character of the baby is already formed in the tummy. Here is the answer for you: a too mobile toddler will make itself felt right away. Although this is not always the case. Often the movements of the baby are not evidence of his temperament, but of well-being, development and health. Therefore, the task for a pregnant woman is very responsible: to analyze every step of her little one, to learn to understand and feel it. Any deviations from your joint normal life should be recorded.

The rate of movement during pregnancy

There are no single "normal" indicators. Although it is generally accepted that, starting from the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby should move at least 10 times per hour.

What do fetal movements indicate?

Movement is life. And even in the womb. Have you already observed your little one with the help of ultrasound? This is a little man with arms, legs, a heart ... With a bad and good mood, in a comfortable, or not very, position. So how can he tell you about all this? Naturally - pushes.

A very common occurrence. Experts say that it does not pose any danger to the baby and does not cause him discomfort. But here mommy will feel it in the form of rhythmic shocks inside herself. These episodes can occur up to several times a day.

Remember. This will also help you understand why your baby is moving. Often it requires your attention as early as 21 weeks. Recognizing your voice, the voice of dad, distinguishing between loud sounds and gentle melody, reacting to light, he will naturally let you know about his feelings and preferences. Undoubtedly, many mothers who have already taken place return with nostalgia to their “pregnant” days. We remember very well how the baby calmed down in the womb if the mother was upset or angry ... And how carefully he reminded himself when the storm of emotions subsided ... And who does not remember the “dance” nights! Barely dragging her legs to the bed, the expectant mother plunges into the long-awaited relaxation, and ... it wasn’t there! In the stomach, the period of wakefulness begins! The kid still lives according to his schedule and is not going to take into account your adjustments.

A baby can perform up to 500 different movements per day. Of course, you won't hear everything. After all, the perceptibility of movements depends on many factors: the amount of intrauterine fluid, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the child and placenta, the mobility of the baby, the sensitivity of the mother.

Starting from the 32nd week of pregnancy, by moving the baby, you can determine the position of the fetus in the uterine cavity. If he is in a breech presentation, you will feel tremors in the lower abdomen. And if the little one “stomps” above the navel, then the presentation is head. By the end of pregnancy, the baby is also preparing for the birth. His movements are already rarer, but by no means absent.

The absence of any movements for more than 12 hours is a serious reason to see a doctor.

In addition, you will need to consult a gynecologist if the child's movements are too rare, lethargic or, conversely, violent, painful. In any case, this indicates the suffering of the fetus. Most often, this condition is caused by oxygen starvation. That's just experts disagree on how to distinguish this pathology. Some believe that during hypoxia the fetus becomes too violent, while others - on the contrary. However, regardless of how your baby lets you know that he is not getting enough oxygen - take into account his signals. After all, hypoxia often causes fetal death. The causes of hypoxia are very different: diabetes mellitus, anemia, cardiovascular disease, fetal disease, and much more. Only a doctor can confirm or refute such a diagnosis. To do this, ultrasound is usually performed, heart sounds are heard, and CTG is also performed.

Cardiotocography is a very informative method for assessing the condition of the fetus. During this examination, the baby's heartbeat is recorded for 1 hour. The norm is not monotonous, but variable heart rate, which ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute. In severe fetal hypoxia, the heart rate is up to 90 beats per minute. In this case, an immediate caesarean section is performed if the pregnancy is more than 30 weeks.

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women do fetal movement tests themselves. D. Pearson's test is widespread: "Count to ten." It should be carried out from the 28th week of pregnancy. From 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock in the evening they count the movements. The time of the 10th perturbation is recorded daily on a special card. If your baby is inactive, contact your doctor.

Usually violent or weak stirring lends itself to “persuasion” and “training”. It is believed that the baby reacts sharply to the uncomfortable position of the mother. Especially recumbent. And as soon as she rolls over, the child calms down.

If, on the contrary, you need to stir up the little one, they recommend eating something sweet. After all, carbohydrates are the first and very quickly into the bloodstream. The kid gets a portion of dessert and it makes him cheer up.

Still, your main task is to maintain a good mood. Never panic count every flip and push. Enjoy communication with your angel. Give him as much attention as possible, take care of your health, watch your diet, daily routine. Have family get-togethers. The kid will be happy to listen to a fairy tale from dad, a lullaby from mom. Let the stirring of your unborn baby bring only joy. After all, this state is fleeting and nothing can return it to you. Don't miss the most touching moment of your life!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

For every woman, fetal movement is a long-awaited and desired event during pregnancy. Usually it does not have a specific time frame, because each pregnancy is individual.

Heat what to do measurements
walk eavesdrop flipping
the doctor has a difference
leg stage pregnancy

During the first pregnancy, the expectant mother wants to feel the first movements of the fetus as soon as possible. However, the baby always moves during his wakefulness. It's just that in the early stages it is imperceptible, but by the middle of the second trimester, its activity becomes more intense.

But in the third trimester, the baby becomes quite large, and the movements are reduced to a minimum, usually the baby completely calms down. The first timid movements of a child with a singleton or multiple pregnancy depend on the following factors:

  • woman's constitution;
  • fetal position;
  • features of the attachment of the placenta;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • emotional state;
  • motor activity;
  • lifestyle.

Active women who move a lot throughout the day may not feel the sensations that cause the first movements of the fetus, which are observed during the first gestation.

It is impossible to generalize the impressions and feelings from the first movements of the child. For some, they are similar to trembling and fluttering in the stomach, others feel like hunger calls, and still others clearly feel bumps, jolts and nutrition. Let's take a closer look at exactly when the tangible movement of the baby begins during the first and subsequent pregnancy.

How to recognize the mood of the child

Magic Moment Features

A good gynecologist at the first conception always talks in detail about exactly when the fetal movements begin. Of course, there are certain norms according to which the movements of the crumbs begin to be felt.

At the first conception, this moment comes from about 19-20 weeks. However, sometimes at the 15th week of pregnancy, girls begin to feel a barely noticeable movement of the baby. This only confirms that the body of each woman is unique.

At the same time, already at the 12th week, the baby begins to move the arms and legs that have appeared. However, he is still quite tiny, so his movements are imperceptible. Do not be afraid that you will not understand how you can recognize the movement of the fetus. In the short term, you will intuitively feel your baby, and in the last trimester, the baby will kick very actively and it will be impossible not to notice it.

A weekWhat happens to the child
18-20 weeksThe baby is growing up, so his movements are more noticeable. He already hears his mother's voice and reacts to it.
20-22 weeksHe has not taken a certain position, but there is still quite a lot of space in the uterus, so the baby rotates and turns over in all directions.
22-30 weekThe baby twists its legs, turns its head. His arms are already strong enough to wrap around his legs, grab the umbilical cord and sort it out.
30-32 weeksThe baby is still free to rotate and roll over, but by this time is usually in a stable position.
32-38 weeksThe baby is rapidly gaining weight, and there is less and less space in the uterus. Its activity is reduced due to the peculiarities of the position: the head is pressed against the chest, and the legs and arms are pressed against the body. The child can kick only occasionally, but strongly.

The motor activity of the child characterizes the course of pregnancy. By the intensity and frequency of his movements, you can judge how he feels.

Magic Moment Features

When the 25th week of pregnancy is approaching, girls sometimes note quite large intervals between fetal movements. Even if there is no activity for a day, this does not mean that something has happened to the child. It's just that he is not yet strong enough, and the expectant mother has not yet learned to recognize his movements.

Fetal movement during pregnancy at 27-28 weeks is felt about 10 times in 2-3 hours. From this age, he constantly begins to "communicate" with his mother and let him know about his well-being, pleasure, joy and anxiety.

Also, the baby reacts to the emotional state of the mother. When she is happy or worried, he can either calm down or start kicking especially actively.

A woman should monitor the movements of the child. The expectant mother needs

  1. Every day, count the number of movements of the baby.
  2. Record the time of every tenth movement.

If there are from 5 to 10 movements, then there is no reason for concern, because everything is fine with the baby. When the baby does not make itself felt within two hours, you need to walk around, climb the stairs, and then lie down. Try to eat something light. This usually helps to activate the baby.

Listen for fetal movements that appear at 38 or earlier weeks of pregnancy. They reflect the functional state of the baby. Do not be afraid if the baby behaves more actively than usual. This is not a pathology and often usually occurs due to the uncomfortable position that the expectant mother has taken.

Reflection of the functional state of the baby

When a girl sits leaning back or lies on her back, the baby moves more than usual. This happens because the uterus begins to compress the blood vessels that deliver blood to the placenta and uterus. As a result, less blood flows through the umbilical cord to the baby, so he feels the lack of oxygen and moves more actively.

What should be done.

  1. Try changing your body position.
  2. You should lie on your side.
  3. You can sit down and lean forward.

Blood flow will return to normal, and the baby will calm down.

Actions when there is no activity

If during pregnancy the norm of fetal movement is violated, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. A decrease in motor activity is an alarming sign. Often it indicates that the child suffers from a lack of oxygen (hypoxia).

When you notice that the baby has not been moving for about 6-7 hours, you should urgently call the gynecologist. If you are not able to get to the hospital on your own, you need to call an ambulance.

First of all, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope. On average, it should be about 130-140 beats per minute. The maximum rate is 160 strokes. If the heart rate is normal, a cardiographic study is performed. This diagnostic method evaluates the functional state and determines possible hypoxia.

During the examination, the specialist attaches the sensor to the anterior abdominal wall with the help of belts. The sensor allows you to determine the curve of the baby's heartbeat. The girl holds a button in her hand, which must be pressed when the slightest movements of the child are felt. Normally, the heart rate increases in response to movement.

If at a later date the doctor diagnoses severe hypoxia, then premature birth is prescribed. This saves a child's life. With a mild degree of hypoxia, treatment is indicated that prevents complications.

Motor activity of the second child

Fetal movements during the second pregnancy feel almost the same as during the first. Sometimes, due to the location of the placenta, the following features are observed:

  • the localization of shocks changes;
  • pushing force increases.

There will be a second birth

The placenta can be located on the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus. During the second pregnancy, a woman feels even the slightest movements of the fetus earlier. It is considered normal when, during the second pregnancy, a girl begins to feel them already at 4 months. It's about 16 weeks. Sometimes the movements of the baby can be seen at 3 months. They are like the light flutter of a butterfly. By the way, at the second conception, already at the 7th obstetric week, the first movements of your fetus may begin, but you are unlikely to feel them.