Synopsis on ecology in the younger group winter. Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the second junior group on the topic “Journey to the winter forest. Project activities in younger groups

Abstract of the lesson on environmental education in the second junior group "Journey to the winter forest."

Purpose: to know and name wild animals, their habitat and what they eat in winter.

    To expand children's understanding of the appearance and lifestyle of forest animals in winter (hare, squirrel, bear).

    Exercise in the selection of characteristic features for an animal, as well as select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of an animal.

    Enrich and activate the dictionary in accordance with the lexical theme "Beasts in winter".

    Continue to develop the ability of children to coordinate words in a sentence.

    Develop the ability to participate in a conversation.

    Cultivate a friendly, caring attitude towards animals, nature.

Vocabulary work: forest, wild animals, dwelling, hungry.

Equipment: snow crunch recording; picture of a forest clearing, subject pictures; soft toys: hare, squirrel, bear; handout: mushrooms, cones, carrots; hare tracks; semolina in a tray for each child; modules, ropes.

Preliminary work: conversations about wild animals; guessing riddles about winter, wild animals; viewing illustrations of wild animals; d\games "Who lives where", "Whose children", "Unusual lunch".

Course progress.

Organizing time.

Circle of Joy:

Our smart heads Will think a lot, deftly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly.

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp.

The backs straighten

We smile at each other.

    Guys, look, we have guests today, they are glad to see you, they smile at you. Let us give our guests our smiles and say hello to them.

    Guys, guess the riddle:

time of year, time of year

When nature sleeps

With golden shores

Under the fluffy snows (winter)

    What signs of winter do you know? ( it's snowing, it's cold, dress warmly,...)

    I wonder what is happening in the forest now. Do you want to go on a trip? (Yes)

    Just remember the rules of behavior in the forest first.

(the teacher shows the cards, and the children explain what is shown on them)

    Well done! Now I am sure that you are ready for a journey into the forest.

    Guys, is it warm or cold outside? (cold) What do we need to do before heading into the forest? (dress warmly)

(children imitate dressing process)

We put our feet in warm boots,

Hat on the head, warm jacket,

Gloves on hands.

Let's go for a walk in the forest, we'll walk merrily.

(Snow crunching sounds)

    These are the snowdrifts the blizzard has swept. Step over the drifts (children step over the modules lying on the floor) and cross the magic bridge (jump ropes), that leads to the winter forest.

    Here we are in the forest!

Listen to the silence in the snow kingdom. What wonderful frosty air. Can you smell what the winter forest smells like? Smells fresh, clean and cool.

Breathing exercises.

    Children, who lives in the forest? (...)

    lives on trees and gnaws nuts (squirrel),

    who walks angry hungry in the cold winter (wolf),

    white in winter, gray in summer (hare),

    cunning cheat, red head, fluffy tail - beauty, and her name is .. .(Fox)

    this animal sleeps in a den, licks its paw and grumbles (bear),

    like a Christmas tree, covered in needles (hedgehog).

    What are these animals called? Why are they called that? (they get their own food, build dwellings, take care of the cubs)

The game "Who lives where."

    Guys, do you know who lives where? (...)

    Do you think it is easy for animals in the forest in winter? (No) Why? (cold, hungry,...) Well done! You said everything correctly.

    Guys, look, someone's footprints. Who do you think left them?(...)

(if the children do not guess, then make a riddle):

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots.

Gray belly, long ear)

    That's right, these traces were left by a hare. Let's follow them and see where they lead us.

    What is this tree? (herringbone)

    And who meets us under it? (hare)

What is he? (white) Why is he white? (...) And what will it be like in summer? (...)

    What does a bunny like to eat? (...) And what does he eat in the winter forest? (...)

    I have a carrot in store for a bunny. Let's read a poem about carrots and treat the bunny:

I am a useful, tasty vegetable.

Juicy and smooth.

Bunnies love me.

I am a sweet carrot.

(put carrots in a basket and put under the Christmas tree)

    See what it is? (nut shell)

    Who could leave her? (squirrel) Where is she? (on the tree)

    Let's stand in a circle and talk about the squirrel. Answer the questions, pass the bump to a friend. (Where does the squirrel live? What animal is it? What is the name of her house? Does she stock up for the winter? What does she stock up? Who does she have cubs? What can the squirrel do?...)

    Well done! Something I'm frozen. Let's play with you to keep warm. Fizminutka "Squirrel".

(the teacher says the words, laying out the mushrooms and cones from the baskets)

We recognize the animal by two such signs

He is wearing a gray coat in winter, and a red coat in summer.

(children speak in unison)

Squirrel dries russula, tears nuts from a branch with a paw.

All the supplies in the pantry will be useful to her in the winter.

(collect mushrooms and cones in different baskets)

    Let's leave these mushrooms and cones to the squirrel, (the teacher puts baskets under the Christmas tree) And let's move on.

    How much snow has fallen (raises the edge of the fabric - a sleeping bear is visible) Who is it? (bear) What is the name of his dwelling? (den) What is he doing there 7(sleeping) Why? (...) And what does he eat when he sleeps? (sucks paw) What does the bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish,...) Guys, can you make noise near the den?(...) Why?(...) And when you sleep, can you make noise? (…) Everyone who wants to sleep needs to be taken care of. Let the bear sleep in the den until spring, gain strength, wake up strong and rested. I also have a gift for the bear - a barrel of honey. Wakes up - eats.

(the teacher leaves a barrel of honey near the den)

    Guys, help baby animals find their mothers.

The game "Whose children."

(lay out cards of mothers to children, work in pairs)

The game "Unusual lunch".

    The animals sat down together to dine at one large table, but what is it? Obviously, someone deliberately mixed up the plates with food. Help the animals find what each of them eats.

    Well done boys. Done with this game.

    Look at our clearing someone came. The sun came to us for a while. In winter, it rarely visits us, and even less animals in the forest. Let's draw the sun and give it to our forest animals (children draw on semolina). Animals will be happy with our gift.

    And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. On the bridge, through the snowdrifts. Here we come to kindergarten. Undress - mittens, hat, jacket, boots.


    Where did we go with you? Whom did you see? What did you do?

    If you liked our trip, take funny snowflakes. What did you like, Eva? And you, Roma? How about you, Kira? I will also take a snowflake for myself - I liked traveling with you, you did a good job. Say goodbye to our guests.

Synopsis for the second junior group “And in winter, in the cold, the water turned into snow”

Tasks of priority educational areas:
- "Cognitive development": the development of cognitive research activities through visual, tactile perception of the world.
Educational tasks in the integration of educational areas:
- "Social and communicative development": the motivation of children to be included in gaming activities, the development of imagination, familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules; preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.
- "Cognitive development": in the process of experimentation, show the properties of snow: snow melts in warmth and becomes water, stimulate the search for solutions to practical problems using various objects (molds, scoops).
- "Speech development": the formation of free communication, the development of speech.
- "Artistic and aesthetic development": the development of motor creativity to familiar music.
Planned results of the GCD:
Integrative qualities: enterprising, active, emotionally responsive, inquisitive, having primary ideas about the world around him, having mastered the skills necessary for experimental activities.
Prerequisites for UUD: communicative - the ability to listen; regulatory - to perform according to a given pattern and rule.
Equipment for the teacher:
1. Snowman toy.
2. Audio recording (calm music)
Equipment for children:
1. Plastic molds and scoops (for each child 2 molds and 1 scoop).
2. Forming trays.
3. Low, wide snow tanks.
1. Introduction to the game situation.
The children are in the group. Game Zone.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the toy - the Snowman. The kids look at it and touch it.
- Who is it? (Snowman) .
Is the snowman happy or sad? (Sad)
- How did you know that the Snowman is sad? (His lips are turned down.)
- Let's try to cheer up the Snowman?
- Do you want to play with him? (Yes)
Snow and wind game.
- Let's play the game "Snow and wind" with him.
The teacher invites the children to gather in a circle, hold hands. Says they will be snowflakes.
Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle
Roll like snow!
(A. Barto)
At the signal of the educator:
- The wind blew strong - strong!
- How did you blow? (Children play the sound of the wind).
- The snowflakes are flying!

Children scatter in different directions around the group, swaying, spinning.
- The wind died down, return the snowflakes to the circle. (The game is played 1 time. Turn on smooth music during the game).
- How fun we played with the Snowman!
2. Actualization of knowledge.
- The snowman is sad again.
- Why is he sad? (children's answers)
- You guys are all right, but the Snowman has his own reason for being sad.
- Ask the snowman: “Why are you sad? »
The teacher puts the Snowman to his ear and says that the Snowman wanted to make "pies" out of the snow, but he does not know how to do it.
3. Difficulty in a game situation.
- How to help our Snowman? (children's answers)
The teacher encourages children to make statements (to make “pies”).
- Of what? (From the snow).
- Where can I get snow? (On the street).
4. Discovery of new knowledge.
The teacher brings a container of snow into the group, gathers children around him.
- What is it? (Snow).
-What is he? (White, cold).
Children repeat the words together with the teacher, touch the snow.
- What was the snow like in the room? (children's answers)
Let's repeat the word "sticky" together.
Why is the snow sticky? (Warm) .
- The snow has become sticky, you can sculpt different figures, “pies” from it.
How are we going to make pies? With using what? (Children's answers).
- Look how I do it.
Next, the teacher puts the snow into sand molds with a scoop. Makes snow figures on a tray (“fish”, “flower”, “butterfly”, etc.)
- Did the pies turn out beautiful? (Yes)
- Do you want to make the same ones yourself? (Yes)
5. Independent activity of children
Children sit at tables.
- Snow must be taken with what? (Sovcom)
- How will we put the snow into molds? (Gently, hammer tightly, tamp).
Children independently (under the supervision of the teacher and the Snowman) sculpt figures from the snow, turn the molds filled with snow onto a tray. Then the trays are placed on a common table.
Children treat the Snowman.
- Try, Snowman, what beautiful and tasty "pies" the children made for you.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the change in the emotional state of the Snowman.
- Has the snowman changed? (Yes)
What is the snowman like? (Happy)
- Why did he become cheerful? (We helped him).
The snowman thanks the children for teaching him how to make cakes out of snow.
- Guys, do you eat snow on a walk? (Not)
- Why? (A sore throat, you can get sick).
Freeze game
- Now let's play. Get in a circle. The teacher tries to freeze the children's hands, feet, ears, etc., by touching the children. Children cover with their palms those places that the teacher is trying to touch.
- How fun we played!
6. Surveillance
The teacher draws attention to the snow figures.
- Children, let's look at our pies.
- What happens to them? (melt)
What do they turn into? (In water)
Why do they turn into water? (Because it's warm)
Children watch as snow "cakes" gradually turn into water.
- Do not be sad that the snow figures have melted, we will go for a walk and make "pies" from the snow on the street.
- Will the snow melt outside? (Not)
- Why? (Because it's cold outside)
7. Summary of the lesson
The teacher gathers the children around him.
- What did you do today? (children's answers)
- Was it difficult for you to sculpt snow "pies"? (children's answers)
- Did everything work out for you? (children's answers)
- Who did you help? (to the snowman)
- You helped the Snowman, because you know that the snow becomes sticky in the heat and you can make "pies" out of it
What happened to our pies? (They melted)
- Why did they melt? (Because it's warm)

Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the 2nd junior group "Gifts of Winter".

Alena Gennadievna Pochaeva, educator, Kindergarten No. 1 "Rainbow", Krasavino.
Description: the summary of the lesson is useful for educators, parents for memorizing poems with children.
Target: consolidation of ideas about winter based on the most vivid impressions of children.
Educational: enrich and consolidate knowledge about winter, its characteristic features; to clarify knowledge about winter clothing and footwear.
Developing: develop the skills of expressive reading of poems, songs, games, the ability to listen to the teacher.
Educational: to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of winter nature.
Materials:“box of sensations”, the painting “Winter landscape”, a drawing of a girl in winter clothes, snowflakes, sweets, a box “Gifts of winter”, in which there are models: a red palm, a branch of a Christmas tree, a paper snowflake.
Educator: Guys, I came to kindergarten today, and I have a beautiful box on my table. I don't know who brought it. Haven't you seen? I really want to know what's inside. There are holes on the sides of the box, I looked in, nothing is visible. And let's try to find out by touch what's inside. Who wishes? (the child comes up and puts the handles in, determines by touch what is inside).

Child: Snow.
(the teacher opens the box and shows the children. There is snow inside the box.)
Educator: Guys, when does it snow?
Children: In winter.
Educator: This is probably a gift from winter. And we still have winter gifts. Let's take a look at them. They are in this box. We collected them together.

Falling from the sky in winter
And circle over the earth
light fluff,
White .... (snowflakes).
Many snowflakes fell to the ground and it was covered with a snow blanket.
Look at the picture, how beautiful it is in winter. Fluffy snow covered the ground, houses, trees. Immediately it became light and festive. The snow shines especially beautifully in the sun, which, although it shines in winter, does not warm much.

Snowflakes everywhere winter scatters,
Gives everyone a silver outfit.
It's like a fairy tale comes alive.
And the snowflakes are spinning and flying.

Educator: What snow games do you like to play?
Children: Sledding, making snowballs, making a snowman, building a slide.
Educator: And when can you ski, sled, skate, build a slide?
Children: In winter.
Educator: Why can't you go sledding in summer?
Children: No snow, it's warm outside.
Educator: Do you know poems about snow? Read please.

Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle
Rolled up like snow.
A. Barto

Quietly, quietly it snows
White snow, shaggy;
We'll clear the snow and ice
In the yard with a shovel.
M. Poznanskaya

Everywhere snow.
Everywhere snow, in the snow at home
Winter brought him.
Hurry to us
She brought us snowmen.
From dawn to dawn
Glory to the winter bullfinches.
A. Brodsky

I didn't notice.
Little snowflake
Fell on the city
And I didn't notice
Getting off the sled.
Where did she go in white viewing ...
But it became in the world as if brighter!

Mom carries a sled, and I sit on the sled.
And I look with pleasure at the white snowflakes.
Suddenly a fluffy snowflake falls on the nose
This winter gift is sent to me by Santa Claus.
I take off my mitten and want to take a snowflake.
It is no longer on the nose ... It is a pity that it has melted again.

Educator: When a snowflake melts, what does it become?
Children: In a drop of water.
Educator: Let's look further gifts of winter.
Listen to the riddle:
I come with gifts
I shine bright lights.
smart, funny,
I'm in charge for the New Year! (Christmas tree)
(the teacher shows a branch of the Christmas tree)

Educator: On what holiday do people decorate the Christmas tree?
Children: For the new year.
Educator: When is the new year?
Children: In winter.
Educator: Winter gave us the biggest and most joyful holiday - the New Year. And in our kindergarten in the hall a tall lush Christmas tree was set up and decorated. Remember? Nastya, please tell us the poem about the Christmas tree that you read at the New Year's party?

Our tree.
Our tree is big
Our tree is high.
Above dad, above mom -
Reaches the ceiling.
How shiny her dress is
How the lanterns burn
Our Christmas tree
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!
3. Petrova

Educator: Do you guys like the New Year holiday? For what?
Children: Santa Claus comes with the Snow Maiden, they give gifts.
Educator: Let's look into the box again and see what other gift winter has prepared. (model - red hand) What is it?
Children: Red palm.
Educator: Why do you think she blushed?
Children: Frozen.
Educator: She froze because winter gave us frost. Look at the picture. This is Verochka. What is she wearing?
Children: Fur coat, hat, scarf, felt boots, mittens.
Educator: Why is she dressed like that?
Children: She's cold.
Educator: Winter gave us frost and therefore this girl, you guys and all the people put on warm clothes. Verochka is not afraid of frost, but are you afraid? And I'll check now.

Game "Winter Dance".

We warm up a little
We clap our hands:
Clap, clap, clap, clap!
(Children stand in a circle and clap their hands.)

We will also warm the legs,
We'll sink faster:
Top, top, top, top!
(Standing in a circle, the children stomp alternately with one or the other foot.)

We put on gloves
We are not afraid of blizzards:
Jump, jump, jump, jump!
(Children jump on two legs.)

We made friends with frost
Like snowflakes, swirled:
Yes Yes Yes Yes!
(Children spin and “scatter” in different directions.)

Educator: What fun they played! Winter gave us frost, and we put on warm, beautiful clothes and were not at all afraid of it.
Let's say "thank you" to Zimushka-winter for her wonderful gifts.
And in parting we will sing a song about winter.

Already you, winter-winter.
Already you, winter-winter.
The winter was snowy
The winter was snowy
All roads covered.
The winter was snowy
All roads covered
All roads covered
All roads, all paths
Do not pass, do not pass.

Let's take a look at our box again.

And here is a surprise (paper snowflakes on which sweets are glued with adhesive tape).

Target: to consolidate ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, about the state of animate and inanimate nature, to expand the horizons of children, to stimulate cognitive interest.


  • Develop communication skills, dialogue speech.
  • Do not harm nature, form the basis for the safety of your own life.
  • To evoke positive emotions in children using the word of art, music, folklore.

Pedagogical technologies used during GCD

  • Technologies of personality-oriented interaction of a teacher with children:

Pedagogical support, provision by the teacher of prompt assistance in solving problem situations;

Self-expression by the child of his inherent qualities and abilities;

  • Health-saving technologies:

Change of postures;

Finger gymnastics.

  • Problem-play technology:

Problem questions as a means of inducing, stimulating, activating the child's mental activity

- Didactic game "Beasts".

Material and equipment: : illustrations of winter landscapes, reference schemes for signs of winter, models for generalizing external signs, conditions for the existence of a hare, didactic game "Animals", snowflakes, a hoop (sheathed with tinsel), snowballs, a tape recorder, musical compositions.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizing time.

The teacher introduces the Snow Maiden doll into the group (establishment of emotional contact).

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky

Hello, free breeze,

Hello white snow!

Hello, kids: girls and boys,

Hello, I'll tell you and tell you a riddle!

The cold has come.

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

D: (children's answers) (

That's right, winter. Here I am, the Snow Maiden, I came to visit you. And I brought snow with me.

2. Psychological training "Zimushka - winter".

Now I will share with you particles of snow (distributing snowflakes).

Let's stand in a circle and turn into snowflakes. And we will spin around, as if we are light, fluffy, weightless (the audio recording “Silver Snowflakes” sounds).

Guys, have you heard what a beautiful, magical, wonderful melody sounded now, but how else can you say about it? What is she?

D: (children's answers).
The teacher adds: light, winter, joyful, fluffy, snowy.

Guys, take your seats. What joys does winter bring to you? What do you like to do in winter?

D: (children's answers).

And now I invite you to the winter forest. And this magic cloud will help us to be there. Let's all get up on our cloud and go to the winter forest, and this magic wand will help us move to the forest clearing. Let's fly! (the teacher waves a magic wand, music sounds).

Here we are in a forest clearing.

3. Conversation "Signs of winter in inanimate and living nature."

Take your seats. Guys, tell me what happens in winter in nature? What changed? I have these magical pictures that will help you (reference pictures appear on the easel).

Does it snow in winter? What do we see in this picture? What happens in nature? (snowing).

The rivers are covered with ice. What happened to the river in this picture?

The sun is shining, but it does not warm. How much sunshine do we have in winter? The sun is shining, but the snow is not melting, why?

Trees without leaves. There are fewer birds (for correct answers, the teacher gives snowflakes).

What good fellows you are! You know so much about winter. Now put the snowflakes in the magic box and see what happens to them. One, two, three - look, our snowflakes have turned into snowballs (the teacher quietly changes the boxes).

4. Game exercise - the game "Snowballs".

Let's play with you in the snow in our clearing. I have such a winter, snowy hoop, you will need to hit the hoop with a snowball. And I'll see how dexterous and well-aimed you are, only the guys don't have to push, we'll be careful not to hit each other with a snowball
(to the music, children throw snowballs into a hoop, the music ends, the snowballs are collected in a box).

5. Drawing up a model diagram "Signs and living conditions of a hare."

Let's take our seats. Guess the riddle, who is hiding under the tree?

In summer, a gray fur coat, and in winter, white

He wears a timid jumper ....... (bunny).

(The teacher shows a toy - a hare).

And now let's tell you about the bunny, and the pictures will help us.

Where does the bunny live? And Matvey will choose the right picture and show the guys.

What does a bunny look like?

What does it eat?

How does it adapt to winter? (Children answer questions and lay out pictures on an easel).

6. Didactic game "Beasts".

Now we are going to play a game. What forest animals do you know?

D: (children's answers).

Pick up only the animals of the forest (you must select the animals of the forest and take them to the clearing).

Checking the completed task, finding an extra animal that does not live in the forest. Consolidation of the concepts of "wild animals", "pets".

7. The result of the lesson.

It's time for us to go back, get up on the cloud and go to kindergarten.

Today, we visited the winter forest, remembered what happens in winter, talked about the hare and helped the forest dwellers.

And it's time for the Snow Maiden to leave. In parting, she gives us snowflakes. So that you do not forget the winter and remember its signs.

Program content:
Educational objectives: to contribute to the deepening and generalization of children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish; expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of the season; to introduce the properties of ice and snow; continue to teach to understand and use words denoting the ratio of objects in size: wide - narrow, high - low.
Developmental tasks: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other.
Educational tasks: to cultivate children's interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest; to cultivate love, respect for nature, to show care and attention to all living things, to form goodwill.

Preliminary work:
Examination of visual and didactic aids depicting wild animals, trees, birds, examination of the album "Seasons"; conversations about winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about birds, animals; reading fairy tales about animals; didactic games "Wild Animals", "Birds", "Animal World"; work with parents - we made feeders together with the children; We fed the birds on the walk.

Equipment, material:
Path (2 cords = 2 meters), river (white fabric, blue fabric, 5 plastic fish), artificial Christmas tree, birch branch, cotton wool, bear den (white fabric, chairs, toy bear), snowdrift (white fabric), feeders (according to the number of children), food (sunflower seeds, millet), forest laboratory (2 tables, sand-colored fabric, white fabric), ice, snow, trays 7 pieces, napkins from fabrics according to the number of children, tape recorder, red cardboard, phonogram “Howl of the wind”.

Lesson progress:

Guys, do you want to go to the winter forest?

Yes, we do.

Tell me, please, what time of year is it?


How did you know it was winter?

It is cold outside, there is a lot of snow, the sun is shining but not warm, the trees are bare, there are no leaves, they are dressed in warm clothes (a fur coat, felt boots, a warm hat, mittens, warm pants), you can go sledding, skiing, skating.

Well done boys. To get into the forest, we need to go along the road. The road lies ahead of us. What is its width?

Wide. (Children walk in pairs along the road)

Here we are together on the road. See where this road has taken us?

To the river.

That's right, we went to the river. In winter, the river freezes and is covered with ice. Who is under the ice?


Fish do not freeze in winter, they fall asleep. And when spring comes, the ice melts and turns into water, the fish begins to swim again. What do you think, is it cold under the ice?


The whole body of the fish, and the head, and fins, everything is asleep,