Beautiful garter. Bridal garter: everything you need to know about it. With decorative elements

There is hardly a person who would not know about the existence of a fun wedding competition, during which every unmarried girl dreams of catching the bride’s bouquet, and every single guy dreams of catching her garter. And if everything is in order with women’s logic (which of Eve’s daughters does not dream of meeting her prince?), then in men, most likely, the ancient instinct of the hunter speaks. Indeed, the one who catches this intimate detail of the bride’s dress becomes for some time a hero in the eyes of the guests present at the wedding - of course, because he is the most dexterous, successful, lucky! Few people think about the fact that the possession of a coveted wedding attribute can result in the loss of bachelor freedom for a year for the lucky one. Grandmother's tales, - the lucky one will wave it off. And completely in vain.

Not a dress, not a coat or a jacket

The song “Straw Hat” performed by the unforgettable Andrei Mironov seems frivolous to many, and yet its lines scattered around the world, becoming catchphrases. A wedding garter, like a hat, at first glance, is just a trifle. A piece of lace cloth. But without it it is impossible to imagine the end of the wedding evening, when a frivolous little thing turns into an oracle predicting the future.

What exactly is she? Once upon a time, when girls wore stockings instead of elastic tights with a supportive effect, an object was invented with which the stocking was held on the leg of a lady, namely a garter, which was an elastic band or ribbon. The garters of noble ladies were real works of art made of the finest lace, satin ribbons and even diamonds, which modern brides successfully replace with rhinestones, beads and sequins.

Time passed, the hosiery industry did not stand still, and now a belt with elastic bands as a way to fasten stockings sends the garter to a well-deserved rest, and then the stockings themselves (home-grown, rough) become a relic of the past, a thing from a grandmother’s chest. And yet, the garter continues to exist, nestled comfortably on the seductive legs of brides. It is no longer a functional part of a woman’s wardrobe, but without it a wedding is not a wedding.

Wedding garter: what should it be?

Today, no one would think of equating a wedding garter with an elastic band holding up a stocking. A sophisticated and romantic accessory, gentle, like the flap of a butterfly’s wings, and at the same time piercingly sexy, it perfectly harmonizes with the look of modern brides. Whatever materials take part in the birth process of this airy little thing - lace and satin, guipure and silk, velvet and velor, and rhinestones, sequins, beads, beads, bows, ribbons, fabric flowers, buckles, brooches and even... fluff and feathers!

A close acquaintance with the process of making a garter is surprising - it turns out that all the work consists of covering an ordinary elastic band with elegant and light materials, skillfully decorating it. The skillful hands of craftswomen transform pieces of fabric, lace and shiny trinkets into a real work of art.

As a rule, the bride has to choose between a narrow and wide garter, and if the width of the first is 3-4 cm, then the second is 2 times wider. But how to choose the color scheme of this accessory? The question is not an idle one, since the attention of many guests will be focused precisely on this detail of the bride’s toilet, put on public display.

It is better, of course, to focus on the color of the wedding dress. Thus, a classic dress in white or cream colors requires a garter of the same color, symbolizing innocence and purity. A blue garter carries the same meaning; it is chosen by brides whose outfit contains elements of this shade. The red color of this accessory not only symbolizes passionate love, but also brings good luck to the newlyweds. The romantic nature of the bride will be perfectly emphasized by pink, and gold will ensure well-being and wealth. However, the color of the garter can be determined even by a satin ribbon of the appropriate shade sewn onto snow-white lace.

In the old days, the color range of wedding garters was quite wide; a strict “taboo” was imposed only on purple and yellow, because the first was the lot of kings, and the second symbolized the priestesses of love. Today, all prohibitions have been lifted, and girls whose wedding falls in the bright colors of summer can choose a garter of any shade, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the bride’s shoes and bouquet and matches the overall style of the upcoming celebration.

The garter belongs!

A long time ago, when a garter was a functional thing, girls walking down the aisle did not think of the question that most modern brides are concerned about - which leg should they wear a garter on? Well, of course, both, our great-great-great-grandmothers would answer.

Today, the bride usually stocks up with two garters, copying the custom that exists among North American brides, who do not consider it possible to deprive the groom of the pleasure of removing this piquant thing from the beautiful leg of his beloved in silence and solitude. Therefore, the first garter, called the “lucky” one, goes to the most dexterous bachelor present and is placed on the right leg just above the knee. The second garter, the “honey” one, is hidden 10 cm above the first and is not intended for public viewing. This elegant little thing will be a reward for the young spouse, who must keep it until the day of the golden wedding. It is believed that after the sweetly named garter leaves the leg of its owner, the honeymoon countdown begins.

What other questions related to garters haunt brides?

- Should I wear a garter on a bare leg or give preference to tights, or, as an option, stockings with silicone stripes?

There are no restrictions here, the choice is up to the bride, the main thing is that she is comfortable and comfortable. If the garter is placed over stockings or tights, its elastic band should compress the leg more strongly, otherwise the piquant part will slide off the slippery stocking at the most inopportune moment.

Is it necessary to wear a garter on your leg all day or put it on immediately before the ceremony?

This question is also left to the discretion of the bride, and if the garter presses, it is not necessary to wear it in the morning.

What should brides who choose short wedding dresses do?

Indeed, there is something to think about here, because it is believed that such an intimate detail should not be displayed in public. In this case, you can either do without a garter altogether, or put it on at the right time. Extravagant brides can complement the bold image of a girl without complexes with an elegant garter in a prominent place. In order not to look vulgar, you should choose a stylish garter without lace, which in the minds of many is associated with underwear.

When it's time for "H" or Mini-striptease at a wedding

The wedding cake has finally been cut, the banquet is coming to an end, and soon it will be time for the happy newlyweds to leave the party. Then it’s time for the garter and the wedding bouquet to find their new owners. According to the tradition borrowed by Russians from the West, the groom throws the garter first, although, in principle, the order of actions does not matter - if desired, the bride can throw the bouquet first.

But before the garter is in the groom's hand, he must remove it. To do this, the bride sits on a chair or puts a leg on a chair, and the groom slightly lifts the hem of the dress and finds the first garter (the main thing is not to mix it up!), after which he carefully straightens the lace ring to loosen the elastic band, and slowly removes it from the bride’s leg wife's hands or teeth. As soon as the garter is in the hands of the newly-made husband, he turns his back to his friends standing behind him in a semicircle and throws the garter. It should be taken into account that the air accessory is too light, and therefore the groom needs to try to ensure that the object flies to its destination and does not land next to it.

The relatively new tradition of throwing a bouquet and a garter has taken root on Russian soil, and both subjects, usually not inclined to fly, fly merrily into a crowd of unmarried friends, separated by gender.

The lucky owners of the garter and bouquet perform a dance in front of the assembled guests, sometimes the man puts a trophy garter on the girl’s leg. To avoid complications and unpleasant situations, you should not force the wearer of a garter to dance with another girl if he did not come to the wedding alone. Let him perform a dance with his beloved, because the main thing is not strict adherence to traditions, but the good mood of everyone present at the wedding.

Learning to do IT beautifully

What to do so that from the outside the picture does not look vulgar? There is no need to overact, make ambiguous jokes or make jokes. An appropriate presentation will make the episode with the garter fun entertainment without a hint of vulgarity.

The following tips will help you with this:

If a girl is embarrassed by this whole idea of ​​​​removing the garter, the ceremony can take place according to a simplified program: the bride herself will remove the garter and give it to the groom. Further - according to the above scenario.

The bride herself should help the groom, who is entangled in too full skirts, so as not to force the guests to languish in awkward anticipation.

If there are many elderly people among the invitees, you should omit the episodes with lifting your skirt and, especially, do not remove the garter with your teeth, which is more suitable for a purely youth party. In this case, the sooner the garter is removed, the better. The only exception for whom you can make an exception is the photographer, if you want this historical moment to be captured for future generations.

Wedding garter: to throw or not to throw?

What to do if the bride and groom would like to follow traditions, but the need to remove an intimate object in front of everyone makes you doubt the advisability of the ceremony?

In this case, it is worth considering the following options:

Skip the striptease scene by taking out a pre-prepared garter and throwing it to the groom’s single friends,

Replace the garter with any other suitable item - a flower taken from the bride's bouquet, the groom's boutonniere.

You can also simply remove this item from the program - believe me, this does not affect anything, and the wedding will be no less memorable than those of your friends and acquaintances who performed the ceremony with a garter in compliance with all the details.

Rituals and traditions: fetishism in action or a piece of happiness as a keepsake?

As you know, in ancient times people attached special importance to all kinds of rites and rituals. Among these mysterious magical acts was a wedding. Today it is impossible to establish who exactly in the distant Middle Ages came up with the theory that a piece of the bride’s wedding dress brings happiness and good luck to the house. A person is always greedy for freebies and will never refuse the opportunity to get the Bird of Happiness, especially since there is no need to make any special efforts to do this.

Therefore, while walking at the wedding, all the guests were just waiting for the end of the celebration to pounce on the poor bride and take home scraps of the wedding dress. Fortunately, someone sensible was found who “corrected” the wild traditions of our distant ancestors. To keep the bride's outfit safe and sound, the emphasis was moved towards a small intimate detail - a garter, the value of owning which increased many times over.

At first, the responsibility of removing something so valuable to many from the bride and groom was assigned to one of the guests. But, apparently, this state of affairs did not suit the groom much (why, in public, in the presence of the legal husband, a strange man climbs under his wife’s skirt!), and then the young husband himself began to fulfill this honorable mission.

Sometimes the ritual was carried out in the presence of numerous witnesses, or the youth simply ran to the house of the groom, who from the threshold threw a little thing into the crowd that brought good luck. Today this is just a fun wedding episode that lifts the spirits of the guests. It is worth noting that not all over the world it is customary to throw away intimate items, as the Americans and, following them, the Russians do. The gallant French organize a kind of auction, and many men present at the wedding consider it an honor to buy a garter belonging to the most beautiful girl of the evening.

He forced her to respect or the Order of the Garter

Many have probably heard about the existence of such an order, but few are aware of the historical background of its birth.

Back in 1348, King Edward III of England gave a ball where representatives of the most noble families were present. While dancing with the king, the Countess of Salisbury lost her garter, which apparently did not sit too tightly on her leg. This incident threatened to turn the king's favorite into an object of ridicule from sharp-tongued courtiers.

The king instantly assessed the situation and made a decision - to make sure that the intimate detail of the women's toilet became the object of worship of his subjects. Who could have thought then that the courtiers, who laughed at the royal favorite, would dream of the Order of the Garter, seeing it in their sweetest dreams?

The resourceful Edward III defused the situation at the ball by tying a fallen garter on his leg - who would dare laugh at the king? And on April 23 of the same year, a royal decree establishing the Order of the Garter was signed. Its peculiarity was that the number of living members of the order is limited - only 25 people, including the king himself, and the decision on awards is made exclusively by the monarch.

The Order went down in history as the noblest, highest knightly insignia of Great Britain, and to receive it from the hands of the King was considered a great honor. Men wore the award below the left knee, attaching it with a gold buckle, and women (they were also accepted as knights of the order) pinned it on their left arm, below the shoulder.

Russian monarchs - Alexander (I to III) and Nicholas (I and II) - were also awarded this insignia. It is interesting that Peter I, who so actively implanted Western traditions in Rus', refused the Order of the Garter granted to him, establishing a domestic analogue “to spite” the British - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle.

The names of M. Thatcher and J. Major, Crown Prince Charles and Prince William, King Juan Carlos I of Spain and Emperor Akihito of Japan, as well as many other famous contemporary political figures and august persons, are forever inscribed in the history of the order.

What is the conclusion? The same object can be the object of greasy anecdotes and reverent admiration. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that such a savory dish as the garter tossing ritual should be served with the right sauce, and then your wedding will go off with a bang.

With a mustache yourself: a master class on making a garter

And now it’s time to remember the labor lessons at school, when from practically nothing - threads, a piece of fabric, beads - a beautiful dress for a doll, an embroidered napkin or a knitted scarf appeared. How long ago was it...

However, among the girls there are many needlewomen who never thought of parting with their favorite pastime. But even those of the fair sex who are not comfortable with a sewing machine, preferring to buy everything ready-made, can easily make a wedding garter within an hour.

You may ask - why is this necessary? Yes, at least save your wedding budget, because it’s not rubber. It's a small thing, but nice. In addition, the garter made by the bride’s hands is unique in its kind, and you cannot buy another like it in the store. By putting all your love into making this little thing, you will bring joy to your future husband and enjoy it yourself.

And, who knows, perhaps this process will captivate you so much that you will want to make a second garter - a “honey” one, which will be carefully stored for many years as the most valuable heirloom of your family. Agree - it’s nice to know that no one except you and your loved one touched it. This is just your thing, which will carry the aura of your love for a long time. It’s not for nothing that they say that objects also have memory.

Those who do not want to do handicrafts can go to the salon to choose a garter, and we will prepare everything you need:
- soft wide elastic band,
- scissors, ruler, glue,
- needles, threads, pins,
- satin ribbon,
- wide and narrow laces,
- all sorts of things from your girl’s box: beads, beads, sequins, ribbons, brooches.

If you don't have something, go to the store. Is everything finally ready? Then let's get started!
1. Take the elastic band in your hands and wrap it around your thigh in the very place where you are going to wear the garter. Adjust the tension of the elastic so that it does not slip or press. Once comfort is achieved, pin the elastic with a pin, stepping back slightly.
2. Mark the location of the pin with a pencil.
3. We retreat a little more (about a centimeter) so that we can sew the elastic, and cut it off.
This is where you may be tempted to cut off a little more, and then some more, because you are going to lose weight before the wedding, and besides, your legs are much slimmer than the measured piece of elastic indicates. You shouldn’t do this, because no one can see you now. The garter will fit exactly, so we continue.
4. We measure laces of different widths according to the length of the elastic, and then add another 20 cm.
This is necessary in order to sew the lace to the elastic, slightly gathered, to obtain beautiful flounces.
5. Place the lace pieces on top of each other, the wider ones at the bottom, and the narrower ones at the top.
The result should be something like a lace cascade, which we have seen more than once on beautiful ladies and brave musketeers in film adaptations of the works of Alexandre Dumas.
6. We connect the laces with pins and use needles to pin the ends of the lace to the ends of the elastic. You can also lightly baste them with thread, then needles and pins will not be needed.
7. While stretching the elastic, we pin the middle of the lace.
8. Continuing to act in the same spirit, we secure the gathered lace with needles, not forgetting to stretch the elastic. Make sure the assembly is even.
Our goal is to make the lace and elastic stretch in unison. Otherwise, the garter may be too small or put too much pressure on your leg.
9. Owners of sewing machines take a place near this unit, the rest continue to sew by hand. We sew lace to the elastic band, simultaneously removing the needles holding the product together.
That's it, the main work is done. If you plan to put a thread of beads (beads) on top of the product, we repeat the already familiar steps: stretch the elastic band, pin the thread with needles (baste with thread), and then finally sew it on.
10. We connect the ends of the elastic band and sew them securely if we do not want to lose the garter at the most inopportune moment, like the Countess of Salisbury at the ball.
11. Using threads or glue, we attach all kinds of decorations to the product - satin bows, brooches and everything that your imagination tells you.

If you want a satin ribbon to go in the middle of the garter, we make the following changes to the procedure. We put the laces on top of each other (wide to narrow) and sew the middle. On the front side we sew a satin ribbon that will close the seam. On the wrong side, also in the middle, we sew an elastic band, which we stretch slightly to obtain uniform flounces. We decorate the product with the same rhinestones, beads, and sequins. Satin bows made from narrow ribbon can be sewn or glued.

And a very simple method of making a garter can be recommended to those who find it difficult to complete the procedure described above, associated with the need to evenly sew the gathered lace to a stretchable elastic band.

To do this, you will need two pieces of narrow satin ribbon, the length of which is slightly longer than the elastic band cut initially. We sew lace to one of the pieces of satin ribbon, wide on one side, narrow on the other. Then we sew this satin ribbon with a second similar piece. We stretch an elastic band between the ribbons and securely fasten the edges of the product. That's it, the garter is ready, you can try it on. We told you how to decorate it above.

In front of you is a real wedding garter, made with your own hands. We hope you enjoyed the creative process. And the exquisite, unique, fabulously beautiful garter will look forward to the day and hour when it takes its place on the slender leg of its owner.

Pre-wedding efforts immerse the newlyweds in getting to know a variety of traditions. Their observance is not mandatory, but it gives unique emotions that remain in memory forever. One of them is connected with a lace garter, hidden until a certain moment under the girl’s wedding dress. The piquant accessory has an important purpose.

What is a bride's garter used for?

From time immemorial, guests have tried to take away part of the couple's attire from the wedding in order to lure good luck into their home. Did the celebrants rejoice at the ruined robes? Doubtful! An alternative solution was a detail that the girls were not sorry to part with. This is how the wedding tradition with a garter was born, which brides put on their legs over tights. In the midst of the fun, the newly-made husband must take off the seductive accessory, throwing it into the crowd of unmarried comrades. According to legend, the next time guests will walk at the wedding of the lucky person who managed to catch the headband.

The bride's garter is a tradition

An accessory such as a bride's garter, the history of the throwing tradition of which was familiar to barbarian peoples, was used to distract the attention of guests from their beloved. While they were trying to catch her, the groom could hug and kiss her without the eyes of strangers. The medieval monarch Edward III, who came out of a piquant situation with dignity, is considered to be the popularizer. Having hastened at the ball to pick up a piece of clothing dropped by the Countess of Salisbury, he found himself in the center of attention. Hastily tying the accessory on his leg, the king proclaimed this little thing a symbol of luck in amorous affairs.

Bride's wedding garter

Girls choose wedding garters with special trepidation. The main selection criteria include beauty, neatness and quality of the accessory. The harmonious combination of this little thing with the girl is also important. In some countries, two accessories are put on the leg, one of which remains with the new wife until the wedding night. If the pomp and shockingness of the first, “honey”, can be neglected (the groom is interested in something else!), then the second should be spectacular, because the guests will also see it. Wide and narrow, lace and silk, single-layer and multi-tiered - the choice is huge!

Red garter of the bride

Snow-white outfits today are not the only possible ones. Following current trends in wedding fashion, girls often opt for elegant decorations in other colors. So, a red dress, a wedding leg garter and shoes of a similar color can make an excellent tandem. Whether it is made entirely of red material or trimmed with elements of this color is up to the bride to choose, but the second option looks more elegant, hinting at virgin purity. The following are used as decoration:

  • bows;
  • beads;
  • satin ribbons;
  • lace and embroidery.

Blue wedding garter

This color is the personification of purity. Also, the bride's blue garter serves as a symbol of fidelity. Considering that in the future the accessory will go to a man, this color scheme is quite appropriate. They are predominantly made of white material, and elements of blue and its shades serve as decor. At the moment when the groom, having lifted his beloved onto a chair, removes this small thing from her leg with his hands or even his teeth, the guests cannot take their eyes off what is happening! For harmony, it is worth adding a belt, shoes or shoes made in blue to the girl’s image.

Brown bridal garter

It cannot be said that brown is a popular color for wedding dresses, but its shades deserve attention. Outfits made in light beige and coffee colors are trendy. A beautiful garter on the bride's leg, decorated with a brown ribbon or bow, will also look appropriate on the guy who catches it. Tradition suggests that he, having put the accessory on his leg, should dance with an unmarried girl who was lucky enough to become the owner of the bride’s bouquet. This does not oblige them to subsequent marriage, but it is believed that they are destined to be together.

White garter of the bride

If the red accessory symbolizes love, and the blue one foreshadows the birth of the first-born boy, then the white color of the bride’s garter represents purity. To create a little thing, which is one of the symbols of the new family, all you need is an elastic band, which can be narrow or wide, and a small piece of openwork lace. The best complement to the accessory is gold or silver jewelry, symbolizing material wealth in the home. You should not purchase products that use fishing line and other hard materials that can cause discomfort to the girl.

Bride's lace garter

The charm of delicate, exquisitely patterned, airy lace, presented today in an incredible stylistic variety, makes it the most popular material for creating wedding accessories. Modern technologies make it possible to produce canvases by machine, but the work of handicraftsmen is valued more highly. Amazingly beautiful garters for the bride, made of dense or finest lace, are associated with lightness and a sense of celebration. Comfortable wedding stockings and a garter will make the girl feel like a true queen on this day!

But does it really matter whether the bride's red, white or blue garter adorns her leg under her dress? Love, trust, loyalty and understanding are the key to a new family!

The garter for stockings has long lost its functional purpose, but as a piquant and seductive element of the wardrobe it has gained unprecedented popularity. It has taken a special place in wedding traditions. Of course, demand immediately gives rise to supply, but after shopping, you may be disappointed by the lack of a model you like or its overpriced price. But a bride’s garter can be done with her own hands in a few hours, and the cost of making it is minimal. In this article you will find some beautiful and simple ideas for creativity.

Important element

Previously, garters were made of leather or durable fabric and were not intended for prying eyes. But the wedding option will be seen not only by the groom, but also by all your guests. After all, the newly-made spouse must throw this wardrobe element at the unmarried half of the men present. Whoever catches it will soon find family happiness. Some versions of this custom insist that the husband must pull the garter off his wife's leg with his teeth. So, you see, this element of the wedding wardrobe should be neat and beautiful.

Master class: how to sew a bride's garter with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at the process of its creation.

What you will need for work:

  • rubber;
  • satin and corsage ribbon (necessarily wider than the elastic band);
  • 2 pins;
  • sewing machine;
  • glue gun

And here’s what happens if you sew a satin ribbon to the edge of the lace:

How to make a bride's garter with your own hands in 10 minutes?

In order to make such beauty, you don’t even need a machine.

What you need to buy:

  • stretch lace of the desired width;
  • a decorative element made of rhinestones (or take a regular wedding necklace and remove the extra links with wire cutters);
  • matching thread and needle.
  1. To begin, cut a piece of lace so that it fits snugly around your leg. Do not squeeze the vessels so as not to impair blood circulation, but also do not forget that the rhinestones are heavy and will pull the structure down.
  2. Sew the ends of the lace from the wrong side.
  3. Turn the product inside out and lay it out so that the seam is at the back in the middle.
  4. Sew on a decorative element.

The sparkling garter is ready.

How can you diversify this idea?

For example, this bride’s handmade garter is decorated with a large beaded decorative element. Lovely, isn't it? And the work is done exactly the same.

If desired, you can add a frame of sewn or glued round rhinestones around the voluminous decoration.

A simple solution

Here is another beautiful bridal garter. Making it with your own hands is not so difficult, and the process itself will not take much time and money.

If you have an average foot, then, most likely, lace elastic headbands will fit perfectly on it. Ready-made chiffon flowers and airy feathers will complement delicate lace.

A thin elastic bandage can be transformed with pearls and rhinestones. To ensure they lay beautifully, glue them to a tulle base to match the fabric, and only then sew the assembled composition to the garter.

Experiment with lace and trim colors to create your own perfect garter.

Today you can only notice a woman's garter at a wedding - on the bride's leg, but often not even on the leg, but in the hands of the groom. The custom of dressing a bride with this accessory came to our country in the 90s from the West. In the nineties, the “trick” of borrowing Western traditions appeared. That’s when the wedding ritual of throwing this thing away to bachelors began to take root. This tradition is gaining popularity.

Buying inexpensive garters for a bride in Moscow is a difficult task facing a future wife, but nothing is impossible for the specialists of the Pion-decor online store. The experts of our salon will be happy to select for you lace bridal garters of excellent quality and at incredibly low prices, and will also introduce you to a wide range of inexpensive items on the salon’s website.

In the gallery of photos of garters on the bride’s leg, any girl will be able to choose the ideal model for herself: with a wide or narrow elastic band, a delicate cream shade or a bright rich color, with ribbons or lace. This delicate wedding detail should be chosen very carefully: it is customary that even the most beautiful garters for the bride are not visible under the dress, so for the wedding it is necessary to wear an accessory that matches the color of the girl’s main outfit. In addition, this part of the women's wardrobe is often ordered specifically for holiday competitions. For example, the groom throws a garter into a crowd of unmarried men or removes it from the bride without using his hands.

Are you looking for an original bridal garter for your wedding? The best option is to sew it yourself. We will tell you how to do it efficiently and beautifully with your own hands. Here you will find several detailed instructions for creating an accessory, video tutorials and lists of necessary materials. You can easily make a garter from lace, satin and elastic that you won’t be ashamed of.

Materials for garter:

  • two red satin ribbons;
  • rubber;
  • lace.

Here is the master class:

  1. Take your foot measurement.
  2. Cut the lace, in order to correctly calculate its length, multiply your leg volume by 1.5.
  3. Apply a red satin ribbon, the width of which should be approximately 2.5 cm, in the middle to the front side of the lace and baste.
  4. Use a machine to stitch along the edges of the red fabric. Don't forget to backtack at the end and beginning of the stitching.
  5. After you have stitched on both sides, carefully pull out the basting.
  6. Measure the desired length of the elastic, subtract 7 cm from the leg volume.
  7. Attach a pin to the ends of the elastic and pull it between the lace and additional fabric. Make sure that it does not twist during operation.
  8. Fold the garment in half with the right side facing inward and machine stitch the ends.
  9. To make a bow, cut a 35 cm wide ribbon and another 1.5 cm wide.
  10. Cross the ends of the wide piece to make a loop. Place its upper part under the intersection of the ends.
  11. Wrap the intersection with a narrow piece, slightly pulling the wide one together. Sew the resulting bow from the wrong side.
  12. Sew a bow to the garter.
  13. Your luxurious Raffaello garter is ready!

To make it more clear to you, here is a video of the garter making process:

DIY nautical style wedding garter

You will need:

  • fabric (need white) made of satin;
  • rubber;
  • blue satin ribbon.

Wedding accessory manufacturing process:

  1. Measure the volume of your leg.
  2. Cut the white tape to the required length and multiply the leg volume by 1.5, so you will get a piece of the required length.
  3. Stepping back 1 cm from the edge of the tape, apply a narrow blue tape and baste it.
  4. Trim off any excess fabric. Cut two strips of wide ribbon the same length.
  5. Place the resulting pieces together with the wrong sides facing each other and baste from one of the edges.
  6. Open the free edge and insert a white ribbon into it. Baste.
  7. Machine sew a narrow piece of fabric onto the white fabric. It is important to remember that you only need to sew on the edge that is closest to the wide blue ribbon.
  8. Sew a wide blue ribbon along both edges. Don't forget to backtack at the end and beginning of the stitching. Then pull out the basting.
  9. Measure the elastic, to do this, subtract 7 cm from the volume of the leg. Attach a pin to the end of the resulting elastic and stretch it between wide pieces of fabric.
  10. Fold the almost finished product in half with the right side inward and sew its ends on a machine.
  11. To make a bow, cut 16 cm of white ribbon and the same amount of wide one. A narrow piece will need 6 cm.
  12. Place a wide blue fabric on the white fabric and secure the edges of the resulting product. Fold their ends with a slight overlap. Bend the workpiece along the middle, bending the white edges back.
  13. Tighten the fold with a narrow blue ribbon and sew.
  14. Sew a bow to the garter and enjoy the finished accessory.

The garter must be matched to the outfit. For those who have not yet decided on it, we have prepared a detailed review. You will find out which ones are more popular now, about their pricing policy, assortment, design, etc.

Before buying vestments, it is worth knowing about. What color, length and style should it be, is it worth taking someone else’s, what can and cannot be done with it before and after the wedding.

Particular attention should be paid to putting your head in order. Our other article will help you correctly. You can choose it according to your face type, hair condition and outfit.

They will help you make your styling more effective. We previously wrote about how to create them yourself.

Want to have some fun before your wedding? There you are ! You can organize a cool pajama and foam party, hold an event in the style of “Sex and the City” and other unusual themes.

The classic version - how to sew

Here's what the bride will need:

  • satin ribbon;
  • buckle;
  • rubber.

DIY sewing process:

  1. Use a meter to measure your leg circumference.
  2. Cut two ribbons of the same size: in order to correctly calculate its length, multiply the volume of the leg by 1.5.
  3. Place both pieces of fabric with the wrong sides facing each other, then sew them together using a machine. Don't forget to backtack at the end and beginning of the stitching.
  4. Measure the length of the elastic band; to do this, subtract 7 cm from the leg volume.
  5. Attach pins to the ends of the elastic and pull it between the ribbons.
  6. Fold the product in half with the right side inward and sew its ends using a machine. Before sewing, pull the elastic a little by the pins.
  7. Cut 17 cm of satin fabric and thread it through the buckle so that it is in the middle.
  8. Fold the resulting ribbon right side inward and sew.
  9. Turn the ribbon with the buckle inside out, fold the seam and tighten the resulting bow with thread, then use the same thread to sew the buckle to it.
  10. Sew the resulting bow and buckle onto your garter and enjoy a beautiful, classic style garter.

How to create a model in fuchsia color - master class

Manufacturing progress:

  1. Measure your leg size.
  2. Cut the lace and satin ribbon to the desired length; in order to correctly calculate the length of the fabrics, multiply the leg volume by 1.5.
  3. For the bow, cut two 2.5 cm wide ribbons so that their length is 20 cm. Then, for the corner, cut 15 cm of the same fabric.
  4. Melt all edges. Before doing this, fold the piece in half lengthwise and cut the edges at an angle.
  5. Connect the wrong sides of the ribbon and lace and stitch them together using a machine from both edges.
  6. Measure the length of the elastic: to do this, subtract 7 cm from the volume of the leg. Pass the elastic between the lace and the ribbon.
  7. Pull the elastic a little and sew the ends together. Then carefully sew them with hidden stitches on the front and back sides.
  8. To make the bow, take 2 long pieces and fold them in half so that the edges are in the middle. Sew them together.
  9. Connect the two resulting ribbons, thread them through the middle with a needle, then attach a short piece to the bows so that the needle threads it through the center. Tighten them and sew them together.
  10. We tie a satin ribbon of a different color into a bow so that the tails remain. Using a glue gun, glue it to the bow. In turn, glue it to the garter in the place where the seam was.
  11. Glue a ribbon rose to the bow. Your garter is ready!