What does a maple leaf on a signet mean? What does the Maple Leaf tattoo mean? Why maple leaf?

Trees today are not only a source of oxygen and human joy, part of the landscape, but also history and mythology. You will find many stories and legends about almost every tree. Whether to believe them or not, everyone decides for themselves. Unfortunately, due to insufficient time, we cannot afford to remember a lot of useful and interesting information. Today we will talk about the center of world mythology - the maple tree, and the myths associated with it.

Maple (sycamore) comes from the Latin word ‘acer’ - sharp. At first glance, it is already difficult to find the Latin root in the word in this center of world mythology - maple.

Maple is a tree into which, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, every person can be turned after death. For this reason, maple wood is not used for firewood, for bread in the oven, a coffin is not made from it, etc. It was also believed that while the owner was alive, the maple tree in front of his house would be stately and tall. A man dies - and with him a maple tree.

The transformation of a person into a maple tree is one of the popular motifs of the legends of the ancient Slavs: a mother cursed her worthless son (daughter), and wandering musicians walking through the forest made a violin from maple, which, in the voice of her son (daughter), tells about the irredeemable guilt of the evil mother. Or the mother often wailed over her dead son, saying: “Ay, my son, you are my little lamb.”

According to Serbian beliefs, if an innocently convicted person hugs a dry maple tree, the maple tree will turn green; if an unhappy or offended person touches it, the maple will dry out.

Maple is also used in Slavic holidays - on Trinity Sunday, houses were decorated with maple branches. They were previously illuminated in the church. This ritual still exists today. It is especially common in villages, because on the eve of the holiday you can go into the forest and pick maple branches.

When carefully examining maple leaves, the five-pointed leaves of most maple species resemble the five fingers of a human hand; In addition, the five ends of the maple leaf symbolize the five senses. Perhaps this is why the myths associated with maple are so closely connected with human life.

In the modern world, maple signifies restraint and also symbolizes the arrival of autumn. In China and Japan, the maple leaf is a symbol of lovers. In China, the meaning of maple is that the name of the tree (feng) sounds the same as the expression “to confer a high rank.” If the drawing shows a monkey with a tied bag sitting on a maple tree, then the drawing is called “feng-hui”, which translated means “may the recipient of this drawing receive the rank of official.”

For women, maple symbolizes a man, young, strong and loving. In Ukraine, maple and linden were represented as a married couple, and the falling of the leaves of this tree meant discord and separation in the family.

Modern people have ceased to believe in stories of this kind, but despite this, it should be noted that trees played a special role in the life of ancient peoples. For every occasion in life, they had a certain tree that helped solve a vital problem, make a cure for diseases, and protect the home from evil spirits.

In this article we will talk about the reasons for the popularity of such a symbol as the maple leaf. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors endowed it with mystical properties.

Did you know that maple was often used by our ancestors in rituals for the Trinity Day, Corpus Christi Day and other revered days? Houses and gates were decorated with leaves, and they were used as a talisman. What is so special about maple leaves, why have they been used as symbols for a long time?

Why is the maple leaf a symbol of Canada?

Many people wonder why the maple tree is considered a symbol of Canada, since it grows not only in this country. This opinion is only partly true - on this emblem it is the sugar maple that appears. It grows only in North America, being source of world famous maple syrup and sugar.

Maple syrup is a favorite delicacy around the world.

It is also important that it was in Canada that those who came there Europeans saw maple for the first time in their lives. A tree about 40 meters high with a lush crown, from which bright red leaves beautifully fall, could not help but be remembered.

Then the Europeans realized that they could not only admire a tree, but also make a profit with it. The experience of local Indians has shown that excellent syrup can be made from maple sap extracted in early spring. Over time with Europe has taken pride of place in the recipe of Canadian cuisine.

In the 19th century, the enterprising population, seeing such success of the product among their fellow citizens, decided export his. To this day, the production of maple syrup is considered beneficial component of Canadian foreign policy. And about 20 festivals dedicated to this delicacy are organized annually!

There is a legend, according to which the maple leaf became a symbol of Canada thanks to the visit of Prince Albert Edward of Wales. The local residents were unusually inspired and decided to welcome the guest of honor with their symbols. As a result, Scottish migrants brought branches of thistles, and English migrants brought roses. And only the children of migrants who were already born in Canada had nothing to take. Then the idea came to take maple leaves.

Maple syrup is rightfully considered the national product of Canada.

What does the maple leaf on the Canadian flag and $5 coin mean?

Flag Canada as it is now, appeared in 1965. But the maple leaf existed as an emblem even earlier - since the 19th century on coins and stamps.

As for the flag itself, initially there were as many as three sheets on it. However, later the flag was tested in a wind tunnel, where it became clear that The image of one 11-pointed sheet is least distorted when exposed to air currents.

The 11 peaks of the emblem do not carry any meaning.

IMPORTANT: As for the color red, many people mistakenly think that this color scheme in this case is associated with autumn. In fact, red is the national color in Great Britain. And this is logical, since Canada is formally considered a constitutional monarchy. White is the color of France.

Why exactly the maple leaf? Very simple: as we wrote above, Canadians are proud that such a tree grows here. They also count the maple leaf symbol of the unity of the nation.

The emblem is also immortalized on the coin. Moreover, this coin is considered one of the most popular in the world. The size of such a coin is 1/10 oz., which is equivalent to 5 Canadian dollars. It is released since 1982.

The meaning of the maple leaf on the coin is the same as on the flag - the personification of goodness, peace and pride in one’s country.

Maple Leaf on Canada Coin

The meaning of a maple leaf on a piece of jewelry

It is believed that a person who wears jewelry in the shape of a maple leaf will certainly must find kindred spirits among those around him. Maple seems to absorb energy in order to then distribute it to those who are nearby. It was not for nothing that our ancestors considered him symbol of love.

Energy near this tree gentle, soft, helping a person find peace of mind. If you always carry the maple leaf symbol with you, you will soon notice that you have acquired confidence, inner strength, poise.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that such a talisman symbol takes on all the negativity to which a person may be exposed. It protects you from emotional outbursts and frees you from heaviness that can settle in your soul.

If you are on the path to something new, then purchasing jewelry with a maple leaf is the first step along this path. After all, the maple leaf will attract good luck to you in business and promote career growth. It is possible that you completely unexpectedly You will understand how best to express yourself.

Our ancestors believed that the five-pointed maple leaf symbolizes five human senses. And if you wear such a leaf on yourself, you can help, as they believed, full disclosure of these feelings. Why not take advantage of the experience of previous generations? After all, it may well be that life will really play out new colors, and the world around us will become be perceived more positively.

Floral motifs are perhaps one of the most popular in the art of tattooing. Images of flowers, trees, leaves are indeed quite common, and in completely different variations. Today we will find out what the meaning of a maple leaf tattoo is, talk about suitable styles for depicting it and advise the most successful places on the body and compositional solutions.

Associations and folk beliefs

Just as clover in our minds is associated with Ireland, and tulips with the Netherlands, when we mention the maple leaf, our imagination pictures endless Canadian forests.

For more than three centuries, the maple has been the official symbol of Canada. Its flag still adorns the sugar maple leaf, from which the famous sweet syrup is made. When brave settlers set out to conquer the American north, they encountered such trees for the first time, so they became associated with the beginning of a new life on a new continent. The red color of the leaf became a symbol of the blood shed during the wanderings across the endless northern plains, and the white background of the flag - the personification of peace between the peoples living in this country.

It wasn't just Canadians who considered maple special. In Rus' they believed that the soul of a person after death could move into this tree. There are many legends that tell how a person turns into a maple as a result of a curse from his mother or another relative. It was believed that if a musical instrument was made from maple, it would sing in a human voice, talk about all its troubles, and, in general, begin to complain about life in every possible way.

In Japan and China, maple is considered a symbol of love. Sometimes you can see paired maple leaf tattoos on the arm of boys and girls, which means a bright mutual feeling that they are ready to carry together throughout their lives.

Symbolism in tattoo art

The interpretation of symbols used in modern tattoo art largely depends on ancient ideas and associations that they evoke. So, let’s figure out what a maple leaf tattoo means:

  • Strength and resilience. Maple is a strong tree that can withstand gusts of wind, snow blizzards and any bad weather; it does not mind the harsh northern climate. Such tattoos are often chosen by people endowed with extraordinary fortitude and the will to win. They are ready to fight to the end for their ideals, constantly engaging in battles with fate. Like the first conquerors of the north, full of hope and faith in a bright future, he bravely sets out to meet a new life, emerging victorious from all trials.
  • Love and loyalty. This meaning came to us from Eastern culture. As already mentioned, in the East, maple leaves are considered a symbol of love, romantic relationships, fidelity and mutual understanding between lovers. Therefore, such a tattoo can become a symbol of the great feeling that its owner experiences for his soulmate. The image of a maple leaf is perfect for people for whom feelings always come first.
  • Memory. This meaning is associated with yellowed autumn leaves. Fallen leaves are associated with loss, farewell, and the completion of a certain stage. A tattoo with a red or orange maple leaf is sometimes done in memory of a person who passed away from the life of its owner, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness and melancholy.
    You can often see a maple leaf tattoo on the arm of Canadian military personnel. Such a tattoo is a tribute to respect and love for one’s homeland, its history and culture, and one’s people.

Subjects and styles

When choosing a style for a future tattoo, make sure that it is able to reflect the emotions that you would like to put into the image. For example, if you want something gentle and calm, but at the same time bright, look at a photo of a maple leaf tattoo in watercolor style. Thanks to soft lines and smooth transitions of shades, watercolor works look like real paintings made using this technique.

Those who crave expression should pay attention to. Tattoos made in this style simply exude the spirit of rebellion, non-conformism and individualism; it is perfect for those for whom banality and everyday life are unacceptable. Usually in trash polka only black and red colors are used, but in fact there are no strict canons that must be adhered to. Thanks to its expressiveness, this style always remains recognizable, no matter what colors you decide to use.

When choosing a place on the body, consider the shape and size of the future tattoo. For example, if you plan to depict just one leaf without any additional decorative elements, such a small piece of work will look good on almost any part of the body. A larger, vertically elongated maple leaf tattoo on the shoulder, forearm, thigh or lower leg will look harmonious. For larger, round-shaped jobs, a chest or spatula is suitable.

As for the composition, there are very original options, for example, landscapes or portraits of animals, enclosed in the silhouette of a leaf, leaves painted with the colors of the British or French flag. The image can consist of many elements, among which the maple leaf will act either as the center of the composition or as a decorative detail.

Maple leaves, both in summer and autumn, amaze with their beauty.

This tree has mystical magical powers, legends and tales are written about it, it is used in magic, in folk medicine, the maple leaf is the emblem of a famous country, and what a delicious maple syrup...

In autumn, at the call of instinct, and sometimes - almost by tradition - we collect beautiful fallen leaves to put them between the pages of a book and preserve their fleeting beauty.

Carrying such a maple leaf with us as an amulet, we can help our five senses open up and more deeply perceive the joys of life and the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

According to modern symbolism, maple means restraint.
For women, it symbolizes a young man, slender and strong, kind and loved.

In Ukraine, maple and linden were represented as a marriage pair, and the fall of maple leaves promised separation from the family.

For the Celts, the presence of two trunks in a maple tree in most cases was a symbol of the struggle for one’s self.

All over the world, maple is a symbol of autumn.

In China and Japan, the maple leaf is the emblem of lovers.

According to Pennsylvania German traditions, the maple tree symbolizes the beauty of life.

Upon closer examination, the five-pointed leaves of most maple species resemble the outstretched five fingers of a human hand; In addition, the five ends of the maple leaf symbolize the five senses.

In the late sixties, the Canadian maple leaf also became a symbol of peace and love, appealing not only to our five physical senses, but also to the higher, spiritual ones.


In general, our ancestors endowed all trees with certain magical properties.
The maple symbolized the ability to magically protect, love and material well-being.
It is also important what the furniture of our living room, bedroom, and hallway is made of.
The tree is considered the undisputed favorite for its magical properties.

Maple products bring love into our home.

The branches, seeds and leaves of maple were attributed with magical power to protect a person and his space from all evil.
To scare away evil forces, maple fruits were buried under the threshold of the house, and a green branch was hung over the bed.
The maple leaf was often depicted on Easter eggs.
The stake used to pierce the vampire's heart could be not only aspen, but also maple.

Maple is a tree that helps people of all types find peace of mind, brings peace and self-confidence.

This is the tree of inner strength and balance.

It is not touchy; takes on all emotional outbursts, frees you from boiling passions.
Maple Tree of solar-Martian nature.

In many beliefs it represents the army of Light.

In many ways similar to ash, but its strength is aggressive and effective.

Therefore, maple is used to create barriers to Darkness.

A solar disk carved from maple and hung above the door, maple steps at the entrance to the house, door jambs made of this wood - all these are protections from evil forces, often used in ritual buildings dedicated to light, solar deities.
Maple was used in the construction of bridges over running water.

Running water is an obstacle to dark forces, and the maple did not allow these forces to use the bridge.
Maple branches covering the barn or stuck into the walls protect livestock from the evil eye and damage.
The maple was called the good tree, believing that it was the seat of deities or demons. It was believed that the maple tree brings happiness and protects against lightning, so it was planted near the house.
In Rus', in order to prevent a witch from entering the yard and house, maple branches were stuck in the doors.
The maple arrow is believed to kill the undead.
In agricultural magic, maple branches were used to grow flax.

Using maple wood as a talisman will give you the ability to communicate in a company and be sociable.
Maple wands are used for curses.
A staff made of maple is used in protective magic.

There is a belief that there is a very strong connection between a person and the maple tree that grows next to his house.

And as long as a person is alive and well, the maple tree grows and turns green.

And if a person dies, then the maple dries up and goes away with him. After all, without a soul, life slips through your fingers like sand.

The magical powers of maple lie in the areas of love, longevity and attracting money.

In magic it is believed that an evil sorcerer can turn a person into a maple tree.

The energy of maple is very soft and caressing. He is able to hug and caress, while all troubles disappear somewhere by themselves.
The power of maple can relieve nervous tension, unnecessary aggression, and contributes to the harmonization of our entire being. It protects us from our own nervousness and explosiveness.

If you find a red maple leaf in the fall (without green veins or yellow spots).

It needs to be washed and dried a little.

Then, thinking about your loved one, mentally imagining everything you expect from meeting him, kiss the tips of the leaf. Place it under the bed mattress or under the sofa. After the date, wrap the maple leaf in a red rag and hide it on the farthest shelf.
This ritual gives rise to a constant desire in a person to see you again and again.
The charm of this maple leaf remains strong for one year.

Maple is a melodious tree.

“Stretch a ringing string on a dry branch of a wedge tree, sing me your daring song...” is a frequent motif of ancient legends.

Sadko's harp was made from maple.
In songs about a mother or a poisoner's wife, sycamore (white maple) grows on the grave of her murdered son (husband).
And in the South Slavic tradition, where such songs are unknown, the maple, nevertheless, is also thought of as involved in human destiny. According to Serbian beliefs, if a dry maple tree is hugged by an unjustly convicted person, the maple will turn green, but if an unhappy or offended person touches a maple tree that is turning green in the spring, the tree will dry up.
According to an ancient tradition, when a house was built, a couple of maples were planted on its southern side.

And since in the old days houses were almost always built with a facade to the south in order to receive more solar heat, trees were planted in front of the entrance to the house, and in the summer their shade provided protection from the sun's rays.

Since a house was usually built when a new family was created, these trees received the names “Groom” and “Bride”. But, probably, in former times these two maples, under whose protection the house was all year round, were called the trees of the god and goddess.
If the maple leaves curl up and expose their lower surface to the wind, it means it will rain.

The maple sap has started flowing - the spring frosts are over.

Seeing a light maple tree in a dream means predicting the unexpected location of people previously unfamiliar to you and some offers from them that are interesting and profitable for you.
Maple branches were used in the rites of the Trinity, Green Christmastide, and Midsummer.

In Polesie, the Saturday before Trinity was called “maple”, “maple Saturday”.

On the holiday, one or three trees were placed at the doors and windows, and the house was decorated with branches. It was believed that at this time the souls of deceased relatives come to the house and hide in maple branches. After the holidays, trees and branches were not thrown away; they were burned or chopped for firewood.
In the legends of the Western and Eastern Slavs, maple is a tree into which a person has been turned (“sworn”).

It is for this reason that maple wood could not be used for firewood (“maple came from man”).


The juice of maple leaves is taken for medicinal purposes as a tonic, diuretic and antiscorbutic. (1 tsp 2-3 times a day).
Maple juice is not only tasty, but also a very healthy drink.

The first mentions of it in folk “medical books” date back to the 16th-17th centuries.

It has been proven that maple sap helps treat more than 45 diseases.

In addition, it perfectly quenches thirst and tones the body.
Sweet maple juice (maple juice) is drunk for scurvy and lower back pain (lumbago).
In maple sap, researchers discovered a substance that resembles the properties of some antibiotics.
It is interesting that in some areas of Russia and Canada, in places where immigrants from Russia and Ukraine live densely, maple sap is used in folk medicine as a remedy for treating shallow wounds.
Probably, in this case, its disinfecting properties are manifested.
But the juice is far from the only medicinal raw material “from maple”, which “serves in the ranks” of traditional medicine.
So, in the spring, during the sap flow, the bark of the roots and branches of the maple is also harvested.
Maple bark is used primarily as an astringent.
A decoction is made from the leaves and seeds, which has diuretic, antimicrobial, antipyretic and wound-healing effects.
It is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory diseases, herpes, inflammation of the lungs and oral cavity.
And in such situations, you can “use the services” of crushed green leaves. Pre-treat the wound or ulcer with any antiseptic, and then apply a bandage with fresh leaves, which is changed daily.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Fresh crushed leaves are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers for cleansing and healing. Leaves and young shoots, boiled with vinegar, are used for poultices for painful sensations in the liver and spleen.
Use a weak solution of bark ash to wash your hair for scabs and ulcers.
An aqueous infusion or decoction of young leaves is used for jaundice, kidney stones, scurvy, as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic.

Maple broom in the bathhouse

widely used, maple leaves and shoots have healing properties.
They contain ascorbic acid, alkaloids, and tannins. Infusion and decoction of maple leaves can be used as an analgesic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory agent.
Crushed maple leaves are applied to wounds for healing.
Maple broom has the same properties.
It is flexible, biting, generates heat well, and absorbs sweat.
In addition, maple not only releases substances that are beneficial to humans, but also absorbs harmful ones - for example, benzene. For residents of large cities, apparently, this is especially useful.
The main plant of healing baths is maple.
The Slavs considered it the tree of patience. It helps to acquire perseverance, get rid of excessive haste and impatience.

Myths and legends:

The banks of the Acheron River (Aceruntia - stream of sadness), an underground river through which Elder Charon transported the souls of the departed, were overgrown with maples.
Acrisius is the father of Danae, Perseus (Acrisionides) is the son of Danae.
The transformation of a man into a maple tree is one of the popular motifs of Slavic legends: a mother “cursed” a disobedient son (daughter), and musicians walking through the grove where this tree grew made a violin out of it, which in the voice of the son (daughter) talks about the mother’s guilt.

Maple emblem

The maple leaf acts as the emblem of Canada.

The sugar maple is recognized as the national tree of Canada, and its leaf appears on the coat of arms and national flag of this country.

Gaining increasing popularity in Canada, the maple leaf began to be depicted outside the coat of arms and flag, as an independent symbol of the nation.

The Canadian team's hockey uniforms feature a maple leaf.

The modern flag of Canada is a panel of three vertical stripes: red, white and red, with a red maple leaf in the center of the white stripe.


Magic recipes

12 g of crushed bark pour 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, then leave for 1 hour and filter. Drink 1/4 or 1/3 tbsp for diarrhea. 3 times a day.

A healing infusion can be prepared from crushed seeds (1 tsp), leaves (2 tbsp) and bark (1 tbsp). Pour the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water and leave in a water bath for an hour. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day for renal colic and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder as a tonic, but for colds and bronchitis, the infusion will act as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. It is recommended to wash purulent and difficult-to-heal wounds with the same infusion.

Crushed leaves and seeds are mixed in equal proportions, take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour 1 tbsp. hot water, boil in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, filter through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and bring the volume to the original volume. Drink 2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. Prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory diseases, herpes, inflammation of the lungs and oral cavity.

Brew 1 tablespoon of fresh or dry maple leaves in 1 glass of boiling water, leave on a hot stove for 1/2 hour, without bringing to a boil, strain, cool. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Used for jaundice, kidney stones, scurvy, as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic.

For impotence and prostatitis, take the following remedy: Norway maple (sycamore). Young leaves collected in June are passed through a meat grinder. To the resulting 70 ml of juice add 30 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol for preservation. Take 5-10 drops before meals for 3-4 weeks. The purpose of maple sap is also shown.

Use in cooking:

1. A drink made from fermented maple sap - the sacred wine of sun worshipers.

2. Bread is baked on maple leaves in order to transfer the power of the Sun to the loaf and take away possible bad energy from the dough.

3. Maple sap is used to prepare soft drinks, jelly, sweet cereals, and in baked goods.

3. You can get syrup and sugar substitute from it.

4. Sugar maple owes its fame to the fact that it was the only source of sugar for local tribes living in the territory of modern Canada, and then for the first settlers from Europe. It was made from maple sap. In the 19th century In Canada, the production of maple sugar and syrup was established.
Maple sugar is obtained by boiling maple sap.

Maple syrup is also boiled sap from the maple tree.

In the legends of the Western and Eastern Slavs, maple is a tree into which a person is turned (“sworn”). It is for this reason that maple wood could not be used for firewood (“the maple came from a person”). It was impossible to make a coffin from its trunk (“it is a sin for a living person to rot in the ground”). It was forbidden to place maple leaves under bread in the oven (a palm with five fingers was seen in a maple leaf). The transformation of a person into a maple tree is one of the popular motifs of Slavic legends: a mother “cursed” a disobedient son (daughter), and musicians walking through the grove where this tree grew made a violin out of it, which in the voice of the son (daughter) talks about the mother’s guilt. In songs about a mother or a poisoner's wife, sycamore (white maple) grows on the grave of her murdered son (husband).

And in the South Slavic tradition, where such songs are unknown, the maple, nevertheless, is also thought of as involved in human destiny. According to Serbian beliefs, if a dry maple is hugged by an unjustly convicted person, the maple will turn green, but if an unhappy or offended person touches a maple that turns green in the spring, the tree will dry up. According to an ancient tradition, when a house was built, a couple of maples were planted on its southern side. Since a house was usually built when a new family was created, these trees received the names “Groom” and “Bride”. But, probably, in former times these two maples, under whose protection the house was all year round, were called the trees of the god and goddess. Maple symbolized abilities for magical protection, love and material well-being. Maple was used in the construction of bridges over running water. Running water is an obstacle to dark forces, and the maple tree did not allow these forces to use the bridge. Maple branches covering the barn or stuck into the walls protect livestock from the evil eye and damage. The maple was called a good tree, believing that it was the seat of deities or demons. It was believed that maple brings happiness and protects from lightning, so it was planted near the house. In Rus', in order to prevent a witch from entering the yard and house, maple branches were stuck in the doors. To scare away evil forces, maple fruits were buried under the threshold of the house, and a green branch was hung over the bed.

Maple leaves were often depicted on Easter eggs. The maple arrow is believed to kill the undead. In agricultural magic, maple branches were used to grow flax. They were stuck into the arable land, saying: “Lord, give us flax, like a maple tree.” There is a belief that there is a very strong connection between a person and the maple tree that grows next to his house. And as long as a person is alive and well, the maple tree grows and turns green. Maple is a melodious tree. “Stretch a ringing string on a dry branch of a wedge tree, sing me your daring song...” is a frequent motif of ancient legends. Sadko's harp was made from maple. Maple branches were used in the rites of the Trinity, Green Christmastide, and Midsummer. In Polesie, the Saturday before Trinity was called “maple”, “maple Saturday”. On the holiday, one or three trees were placed at the doors and windows, and the house was decorated with branches. It was believed that at this time the souls of deceased relatives come to the house and hide in maple branches. After the holidays, trees and branches were not thrown away; they were burned or chopped for firewood. There are signs associated with maple: “If the maple leaves curl up and expose their lower surface to the wind, it means it will rain.” “The maple sap has started flowing - the spring frosts are over.” For women, it symbolizes a young man, slender and strong, kind and loved. In Ukraine, maple and linden were represented as a mating pair, and the fall of maple leaves promised separation from the family.