Low placenta previa during pregnancy. Low placentation during pregnancy - what is it

Any deviation from the norm, heard by the expectant mother at the doctor's office or during the examination, is alarming. Low placentation is no exception. How dangerous this condition is and how to prevent its negative consequences, we will consider in more detail.

Normal location of the placenta and low placentation

When a fertilized egg completes its journey through the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, it attaches itself to one of its walls. Normally, the cell will be located closer to the bottom of the uterus, which is located in the upper part of this organ.
They speak of low placentation when the distance from the uterus to the uterine os is no more than 6 centimeters

But it happens that the egg, for some reason, is attached to the lower part of the uterus, closer to the "exit". This condition is low placentation. It is important to remember that this diagnosis is made when the distance from the uterus to the uterine os is 6 centimeters or less.

Low placentation and placenta previa

When the placenta descends so low that it blocks the entrance to the uterus, then it appears. It is important not to confuse: with low placentation, the uterine os is open, with presentation, it is partially or completely closed.

Expectant mothers often combine these concepts into one, starting to panic. But, despite the similarity, there is one very important difference in these diagnoses: with low placentation, natural childbirth is quite possible, in contrast to presentation, in the presence of which there is a high probability of delivery by caesarean section.

Low placentation differs from presentation by an open entrance to the uterus, which makes natural delivery possible

Symptoms of low placentation

The greater the distance from the placenta to the uterine os, the less likely it is that any symptoms of low placentation will appear. When the child's place falls low, up to presentation, there are signs similar to the symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • pain in the abdomen of a pulling nature;
  • lower back pain;
  • blood discharge is red or brown.

If abdominal pain can be harmless and indicate a sprain, then bleeding is a very dangerous symptom that requires immediate consultation with a specialist in charge of pregnancy or an emergency doctor.

Causes of a low placenta

To date, medicine does not give an exact answer to the question of the causes of low placentation. No one knows why an egg attaches itself in one place or another in the uterus. But factors have been identified that affect the fact that the embryo will not be located in the usual place:

  • inflammatory diseases, transferred earlier;
  • surgical interventions, in particular, a history of abortion;
  • endometriosis;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • myoma;
  • anatomical defects in the structure of the uterus (bend, bicornuate uterus, etc.);
  • vascular pathologies in the pelvic organs.

Risks and impact of low placentation on the course of pregnancy

Low placentation can lead to placental abruption in severe cases

The condition of a low-lying placenta is not as obviously dangerous as presentation, but it also carries significant risks:

  • Since the growing fetus presses on the uterus, it begins to "oppress" the child's place. And this is fraught with uterine bleeding and, in extreme cases, placental abruption.
  • By nature, it is laid down in such a way that the blood supply is better at the bottom of the uterus than from below. Thus, the fetus, attached to its lower part, risks losing vital nutrients and oxygen.

At the same time, it must be remembered that this diagnosis is not final. After all, a child's place during pregnancy can repeatedly change its location. This process is called placental migration.

Migration in most cases corrects fetal misattachment

Migration is a process that in most cases corrects such a pathology as low placentation. It is important to understand that the placenta itself does not actually move. The change in its location is the result of the growth of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus. Simply put, the placenta migrates as the uterus grows. Migration of the placenta always occurs in only one direction - from the bottom up, from the internal os of the uterus to its bottom.

It is thanks to this phenomenon that doctors do not focus on the location of the placenta until the third trimester - it has been proven that in 95% of cases the placenta rises on its own, taking the correct position.

Diagnosis of low placentation

Ultrasound will reliably inform about the fact of anomalies in the location of the placenta

The location of the placenta is determined by ultrasound diagnostics. Also, according to the results of ultrasound and Doppler, the doctor will be able to determine whether there is a lack of nutrients (by the size of the fetus and their age-appropriateness) and oxygen (by assessing blood flow during Doppler).

That is why, with a low placentation detected, it is necessary not to neglect the doctor's recommendations and attend consultations, as well as undergo examinations as often as recommended by the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Terms of establishing low placentation and placental migration

As a rule, ultrasound shows low placentation at a period of 20-22 weeks, during the second routine screening. From this moment on, a woman must adhere to a protective regimen. Doctors wait until 36 weeks to change the location of the placenta. Only after this period, the state of "low placentation" is taken into account by the doctor who will take delivery in the future.

Treatment of low placentation and features of the protective regimen

As soon as the expectant mother learns about this diagnosis, the first questions she asks the doctor are whether it can be cured and whether the regimen needs to be changed. Let's consider these aspects in more detail.

Treatment of low placentation

To date, there are no drugs that can affect the change in the placenta of its location. Therefore, in the presence of this pathology, doctors always choose the tactics of waiting. Or, if the placenta does not take the desired position, the method of delivery is corrected if necessary. It is important to remember that low placentation in itself is not an indication for caesarean section.

Protective mode

Due to the risk of uterine bleeding and placental abruption, doctors strongly recommend that a pregnant woman maintain a protective regimen. Perhaps, you will have to be careful until the very birth.

The protective regime includes the following activities:

  1. Limit physical activity. All sports should be cancelled. Only slow walking is allowed.
  2. Do not make sudden movements. The placenta, which is already under pressure, may not withstand the jerk, and then detachment will begin.
  3. Minimize travel, especially on public transport. Stress, shaking and sudden movements are something that is highly undesirable with low placentation.
  4. Raise your legs in a sitting position. A slight elevation of the legs will increase blood circulation and help prevent fetal hypoxia.
  5. Strictly limit the weight of items taken in hand. Lifting weights is a very common cause of uterine bleeding. The maximum permitted weight is 2 kg.
  6. Get up from a lying position without jerking, with the help of your hands and without using, if possible, the abdominal muscles.

The author of this article was also diagnosed with low placentation during pregnancy. I, frightened after the ultrasound, “wooled” the Internet and “tortured” the doctor - what to do, how to fix it. And the gynecologist gave me two very good, in my opinion, advice. The first of them consisted in the words “mode without fanaticism”: yes, it is necessary to limit the load, not to make sudden movements. But this does not mean that you need to "go into hibernation", like a bear in winter. Because with constant lying in bed, the blood supply in the pelvic organs worsens, and this is dangerous for the baby, who, because of the wrong location, risks not getting the substances necessary for life. In addition, not a single airing of an apartment or house can be compared with a walk in the fresh air. Only oxygenated blood is able to adequately transfer this very oxygen to a growing baby.

The second advice given to me by the doctor concerned the universal static exercise - the knee-elbow pose. It is universal in that it will be useful both with increased uterine tone, and with the pathology of the location of the placenta, and even in the case of an incorrect position of the fetus.

This exercise is unique for several reasons:

  • reduces pressure on the uterine os and low-lying placenta;
  • improves blood flow;
  • changes the direction of gravity.

I did this exercise 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes. After that, be sure to lie for 30-40 minutes.

As a result, following these tips, by the next screening, I heard that the placenta had risen noticeably - to a normal level. It is impossible to say exactly what exactly influenced her migration and whether it affected anything at all. But one thing I can say for sure is that it didn't get worse, and I did everything I could do to change the situation.

Photo gallery: features of the protective regime

With low placentation, it is necessary to rise without sudden movements from the “on your side” position, helping with your hands While sitting on a chair or in an armchair, legs must be raised to improve blood flow in the pelvic organs Physical activity with low placentation should be limited to leisurely walks

Sex with low placentation

As a rule, the doctor categorically excludes sex with a low placenta.

But since there are several types of sex, the question often arises in pregnant women - whether all types of intimate contact should be limited or directly vaginal sex.

With low placentation, it is necessary to exclude any kind of sex that:

  • causes excitement, leading to a rush of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • produces a direct physical effect on the vagina or rectum.

Childbirth with a low-lying placenta

If by the end of pregnancy the placenta still has not changed its place and the diagnosis of "low placentation" remains, the doctor will carefully consider the accompanying factors:

  • whether there is fetal hypoxia;
  • Is the child positioned correctly?
  • is there an entanglement with the umbilical cord;
  • is the distance to the entrance to the uterus less than 2 cm.

In the presence of these conditions, the doctor will most likely decide to perform a caesarean section.

In other cases, the very fact of the low location of the placenta does not affect the process of delivery, and a pregnant woman may well give birth to a child on her own.

is one of those cases. But, having heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, one should not panic, because this is not a pathology, but a borderline condition.

Often, by the end of pregnancy, there is no longer any threat. As medical statistics show, in 99% of cases, childbirth with this condition goes well.

The placenta and its role during pregnancy

What is placenta? This is a child's place, the mass of which reaches 1.5 kg, and the diameter is 15 cm. The connection between mother and baby is provided by an extensive network of numerous blood vessels that are located in the placenta.

The role of the placenta during pregnancy is simply huge because it performs very important functions. It is she who secretes a number of hormones, including those responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

Through it, the fetus receives minerals, nutrients, vitamins, as well as oxygen - all that is so necessary for the normal development of the baby. In addition, the placenta will also remove carbon dioxide reptile.

The condition and full development of the child directly depends on the functioning of the fetal-placental-phytoplacental system.

Low placentation during pregnancy: what is it

After a successful conception, a fertilized egg-embryo seeks for itself a favorable and suitable place for fixing in the body of the uterus. Often this place becomes the bottom of the uterus or the back wall.

However, for a number of reasons, the embryo may seek a “different haven” for itself in order to gain a foothold normally. This is exactly how the low formation of a place for the fetus - the placenta - happens.

Reason for diagnosis low placentation during pregnancy, the location of the placenta becomes below 5.5cm internal os. However, this is not such a rare condition.

So, in 15% of cases, the placenta is attached to the underside of the uterus. Increasing in size, it can block the birth canal. But the situation during pregnancy can change for the better.

When the fetus grows and the uterus increases in size, the attachment point also rises higher, which means that there is no longer such a threat to the fetus.

It is worth noting that such a diagnosis is a serious situation when a woman is forced to be under the close supervision of her doctor, since there is a risk of placental abruption.

Most often, such a diagnosis from a doctor can be heard by patients in whom this pregnancy is not the first. This condition can be detected during an examination - ultrasound. Do Ultrasound on - , - , - pregnancy.

What is the reason?

To name the exact reasons for the low location of the placenta are not taken even by physicians. However, low placentation is not uncommon for women who have already given birth.

Often this condition is promoted by inflammatory processes that provoke changes in the inner walls of the uterus.

There are a number predisposing factors that can lead to this condition: complicated first births, abortions, uterus, chronic endometritis, parity (a large number of births), as well as the age of the woman (if she is over 35 years old).

Rules of behavior

If a woman has heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, she should follow a number of simple requirements:

  • do not make quick, abrupt movements, do not run, do not jump, and also avoid physical exertion;
  • give up sexual activity;
  • give an elevated position to the legs in a lying and sitting position;
  • to minimize the movement in public transport;
  • if bleeding or spotting occurs, immediately consult a doctor, and in the event that the bleeding is severe, call an ambulance;
  • you should not refuse inpatient treatment in the department of pathology of pregnancy, if this option is offered by the attending physician.

There is no need for special treatment in this condition., however, the expectant mother is obliged to closely monitor her condition.

How is childbirth with such a diagnosis?

If the distance between the cervix and the placenta is more than 6 cm, childbirth proceeds normally. If the distance is slightly less, then in this case, the birth is also likely to be normal.

If the doctor decides that the low location of the placenta is undesirable, then he will pierce the fetal bladder. After that, the baby's head will fix the placenta. But in this case, the birth process should be supervised by experienced professionals.

If the fetus is in the wrong position (legs forward), then doctors will perform a caesarean section to avoid complications.

If a woman has a low placentation, there may be a situation of complete blockage of the exit from the uterus. In this case it will do on the pregnancy caesarean section.

Dear ladies, it should be borne in mind that in most cases, to - pregnancy, the placenta shifts - it rises up (behind the growing uterus), which means that any threat to mother or baby disappears.

If you have already been frightened by the great danger of low placentation, then first calm down. Although this condition is considered pathological, it is quite widespread among pregnant women and is not as scary as it is painted. Meanwhile, the risks associated with such a pathology are very high - it's true. But they can be minimized if certain precautions are taken.

What does low placentation mean in pregnant women?

The placenta is a unique organ that is formed and exists only during pregnancy. It acts as an intermediary between the embryo and the uterus, performing a number of important functions, the main of which are nutrition and protection of the fetus.

The placenta is located at the site of attachment of the embryo to the uterine epithelium (therefore, it is also called a child's place). Normally, this area is closer to the upper point of the uterus (its bottom), and more often the attachment occurs along the back wall. If for some reason the fetal egg makes its landing below, then they talk about low placentation. The diagnosis is made if the distance between the placenta and the uterine os (the opening in the cervix) does not exceed 5-6 cm. If its edge does not reach the pharynx by only 1-2 cm, then such an attachment is called marginal low placentation. If the child's place overlaps the cervix, then placenta previa is diagnosed - partial or complete, depending on the degree of closure of the pharynx.

Compared to presentation, low placentation is not as dangerous, but still fraught with multiple risks. Usually, the condition of the uterine endometrium prevents the normal attachment of the fetal egg and placenta. If it is damaged and its functions are impaired, then implantation occurs with a violation. The causes of such damage are most often transferred sexual infections, inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity (for example, endometriosis), surgical interventions (abortions, previous births), anatomical features of the female organ. Other risk factors include smoking, age over 35, having multiple pregnancies, and previous multiple or complicated births.

And there is also a version about the “psychological” reason for such a violation: as if the placenta is located low in women who are very afraid of losing a child, thus closing the exit from the uterus and “protecting” the baby.

This pathology only says that the placenta is located lower than with normal attachment, but does not block the birth canal, as happens with its presentation. However, this feature immediately puts the woman at risk for abortion.

What threatens low placentation during pregnancy: is it dangerous?

This organ is densely intertwined with blood vessels that connect to the choroid plexuses in the wall of the uterus. Thus, there is an exchange between these organs with blood that carries oxygen, vitamins, proteins, hormones and other substances to the fetus and removes waste products from it. The blood supply to the uterus in its lower part is worse than in the upper one. Therefore, with low placentation, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is defective. This increases the risk of intrauterine growth retardation and the occurrence of hypoxia in the fetus. Therefore, sometimes, with diagnosed placental insufficiency and deterioration of uteroplacental blood flow (that is, a condition when the placenta cannot properly perform the described functions), supportive drug therapy is required to compensate for the missing substances to the fetus.

A low-lying placenta can cause premature detachment and severe bleeding during childbirth. Their method and tactics of conducting is determined closer to the expected date. In women with such a pathology, low blood pressure is often observed and late preeclampsia often develops.

But the biggest danger with low placentation is associated with termination of pregnancy due to detachment of the child's place. Indeed, with such an arrangement, it bears heavy loads, which it is not ready to withstand. The pressure of the uterus and fetus from above leads to damage to the blood vessels and rejection. The risks increase with the duration. But it also increases the chances that the placenta will rise to a safe height on its own.

Low placentation in pregnant women: when will it rise?

The degree and likelihood of danger directly depends on how many centimeters remain between the lower edge of the placenta and the uterine os. However, even with a distance of 2-3 cm, when the diagnosis is made unconditionally, there is a possibility that everything will improve. And therefore, you never need to draw gloomy conclusions and get upset: it is possible to safely endure and give birth to a baby! Moreover, this is what happens most of the time.

As the uterus grows in size and rises higher and higher into the abdominal cavity, it will “pull” the child's place along with it. This natural movement is called placental migration. Most often, it occurs at a later date, closer to the 30th week of pregnancy or even later - at 32-34 weeks. But positive dynamics can be observed in the second trimester. All these changes are well defined during ultrasound.

The placenta takes its final place for a period of 36 weeks. Therefore, there is no reason to worry ahead of time: everything can change for the better!

Low placentation in pregnant women: sensations

It is very important to diagnose the pathology as early as possible, because the management of such a pregnancy has its own characteristics: any physical activity of a woman is reduced to an absolute minimum, and when the first signs of a threatened interruption appear, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital.

We are talking mainly about bloody discharge from the vagina of any nature! Even daub and brown discharge are a great alarm. Pain in the lower abdomen with low placentation is rare. And in general, there may not be any symptoms at all. In this case, the pathology is detected only during the passage of ultrasound. But sometimes women complain that their stomach hurts or pulls.

How to treat low placentation during pregnancy: what to do?

Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no medical treatment for this problem. And if you are interested in how you can raise the placenta, then you should understand that there are no drugs that could “force” it to do so. But if you create all the conditions for this, then she can do it on her own.

However, sometimes drug therapy is still used. If a situation that threatens the fetus or pregnancy arises, then the woman is hospitalized and undergoes supportive treatment aimed at stopping bleeding, reducing uterine tone, improving uteroplacental exchange, etc.

What is impossible if low placentation during pregnancy: tips and tricks

The course and outcome of such a pregnancy mainly depends on the woman herself, on how carefully she will treat herself and how diligently she will follow medical prohibitions. And there are many…

Low placentation and exercise

The most important thing is to reduce any physical activity to an absolute minimum, and if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, completely exclude it, that is, just lie down! Moreover, it is better to lie with legs raised up - this contributes to better blood circulation in the placenta. Playing sports, running, jumping, making sudden movements, lifting even small weights is strictly prohibited! Low placentation and physical activity are completely incompatible! It is not recommended to even raise your hands up and bend over. And yoga, and the pool, and Pilates, and other activities for pregnant women will have to be postponed until the placenta rises. And after that, perhaps the doctor will allow you to resume classes.

You also need to completely abandon sex.

Is it possible to fly with low placentation?

Any travel and travel is also generally prohibited. You can discuss this issue with your doctor, but most likely he will tell you that it is better not to even move around the city (whether it be personal or public transport) unless absolutely necessary. And there is no need to talk about the plane and the train at all: both moving and flying are extremely dangerous now. Therefore, the trip to the sea, unfortunately, will have to be canceled.

Is it possible to go to the bath with low placentation?

All kinds of thermal procedures are also contraindicated: bath, sauna, bath, hot shower and foot baths, heating pads and warming compresses in the pelvic area. All of these procedures increase the risk of uterine bleeding.

With a steam room in general, you need to be careful throughout the entire period of gestation. There are many contraindications for future mothers to visit the bath, and low placentation is one of the most serious among them.

Is it possible to wear a bandage with low placentation

But with the bandage, not everything is so simple. Because some doctors strongly recommend wearing a prenatal bandage with low placentation (arguing that it supports the uterus and reduces stress), others prohibit it (until the placenta rises).

And therefore, if it is convenient for you and you want to wear a bandage, then this question must be clarified with your doctor, and if possible, with several, in order to compare their recommendations.

With accuracy, it can only be stated that the bandage does not contribute in any way to raising the placenta, and with a breech or breech presentation of the fetus, the bandage can prevent this position from changing to physiological, that is, head down.

How to give birth with low placentation: natural childbirth or caesarean section

In principle, the low attachment of the baby seat does not interfere with natural childbirth. But this factor can be aggravated by others.

If the low-lying placenta rises to a safe height, then this will not affect childbirth in any way. You may only have to puncture the fetal bladder.

But in some cases, doctors will plan a caesarean section (approximately 38 weeks). In particular, if the lower edge of the placenta before childbirth is located at a distance of 2 cm or less from the cervix of the uterus, that is, with a marginal placenta. An additional indication for surgical delivery in such a situation is the incorrect presentation of the fetus.

Who had low placentation during pregnancy: reviews

It sounds gloomy, but everything is not as terrible as it might seem at first glance. You will have to slow down your usual rhythm of life a little, but in general you can put up with it. After all, the well-being of the baby is much more important than temporary restrictions and inconveniences. Moreover, it is quite possible to successfully endure such a pregnancy, and this is confirmed by numerous reviews. Most women testify that the placenta rises with the increase in term - and the problem disappears on its own. Only in isolated cases, low fastening is maintained until childbirth.

However, in order to minimize all risks, you must be very careful and attentive to yourself. Heroism and irresponsibility are unacceptable here. At the slightest suspicion that something is wrong, it is necessary to urgently call the doctor or immediately go to the hospital (if bleeding begins) and not refuse hospitalization if it is offered. This is precisely the case when vigilance cannot be excessive.

And the last thing: do not forget that with a low placentation, not only physical, but also emotional peace is necessary. So immediately set yourself up for an optimistic wave: almost always the placenta rises higher and higher with an increase in the term.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

The placenta supplies the baby with oxygen, vitamins and trace elements, and cleans the amniotic fluid from waste products. Its formation begins as early as 10–12 weeks of gestation, but attachment to the uterine membrane occurs much earlier, at the chorion stage. Low placentation during pregnancy occurs due to the placement of the placenta in the lower region of the uterus, which threatens with a number of complications both during gestation and at the time of childbirth.

The transformation of the chorion into the placenta lasts up to 16–17 weeks. However, the growth of an important organ for the baby continues in parallel with the development of the baby - up to 36 weeks. The low location of the placenta can move up by the time of delivery, then the risk of negative consequences will decrease. But if the displacement of the placenta occurs towards the internal uterine os, is less than 5-6 cm from it, or partially or completely blocks the lumen, this will already be called low placenta previa. Then the danger will increase.

Is low placentation dangerous for the expectant mother and baby

The place of attachment of the placenta is determined at the beginning of pregnancy. If a low location of the placenta was diagnosed, and by the 24th, 25th or 26th week it has not moved, complications may arise in the mother and baby. The danger is associated with an increase in the mass of the fetus by the 2nd trimester, which causes pressure on the embryonic organ. It falls even lower, the risk of blocking the cervical canal increases.

This can lead to the following consequences:

  • frequent bleeding will cause anemia in a pregnant woman;
  • a low content of hemoglobin in the mother's blood will lead to hemorrhagic shock, which entails a threat to the health and life of the baby;
  • when the vessels are squeezed, the blood flow worsens, which threatens with hypoxia and a delay in the development of the baby;
  • insufficient space for the fetus in the uterus leads to an incorrect presentation of the baby;
  • detachment of the embryonic organ leads to impaired blood circulation in the fetus;
  • premature detachment will cause premature birth;
  • a low-lying placental organ prevents the baby's head from lowering into the small pelvis, which will lead to difficulty in natural childbirth;
  • during contractions, the embryonic organ is able to move and block the birth canal, which will make natural childbirth impossible (you will have to urgently perform a caesarean section);
  • if a caesarean section is necessary, low placentation along the anterior wall of the uterus makes the operation difficult and leads to large blood loss.

If a pregnant woman in the third trimester has frequent and heavy bleeding, or there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, the mother is left in the hospital under round-the-clock medical supervision until the onset of childbirth.

If it is impossible to bear the child for the prescribed period (40 weeks), they try to keep the pregnancy up to 37 weeks. Then a caesarean section is prescribed, since natural delivery in this situation is not recommended. In case of urgent need, the operation is carried out earlier.

Symptoms of the disease

It is noticed that low placentation was recorded in 15% of women whose age is 30–35 years.

The reasons may be different, but the main ones are:

  • damage to the mucous wall of the uterus - formations of a different nature, trauma;
  • physiological features - bending of the uterus, poorly developed genitals;
  • inflammatory processes - endometriosis, salpingitis, KSD and others;
  • mechanical damage to the walls of the uterus in the past - abortion, difficult childbirth, curettage, surgical operations;
  • hormonal failure - irregular or heavy periods;
  • diseases of internal organs - cardiovascular, liver, genitourinary system.

When the child's place is not attached very close to the uterine pharynx, no external symptoms of pathology are observed. You can detect a threat only at 12–13 weeks by checking an ultrasound scan.

The lower this organ is located towards the exit from the uterus, the stronger the signs of low presentation or placentation will appear:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, having a pulling character;
  • small spotting after strong physical exertion;
  • pain in the lower back and lower abdomen during detachment.

In addition to the above symptoms, 20% of pregnant women with low placentation experience:

  • headache or dizziness;
  • low pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • swelling.

The earlier a feature is diagnosed, the lower the risk of developing dangerous pathologies. Therefore, at an early date, you should definitely visit a gynecologist. Low placentation at the beginning of pregnancy is diagnosed in 80% of women. But after 30 weeks, for most, the embryonic organ rises.

Gynecological examination for women with low placentation is categorically contraindicated.

How does this condition affect pregnancy?

Often the child's place is attached to the back wall of the uterus. Its attachment to the bottom is considered the norm (above). But sometimes it is attached to the front wall. If its location is very low, less than 6 cm from the edge of the exit from the uterus, this is fraught with consequences. After 23–27 weeks, the child begins to move, and after 31, the movements become more active. During this period, it can damage the placental organ or the umbilical cord, especially in breech presentation.

The second disadvantage of this feature is the poor blood supply to the lower part of the uterus, which threatens the fetus with a lack of oxygen.

If at 18-19 weeks low placentation is fixed along the posterior wall, then the placental organ migrates higher by the end of the term in most cases. And with a front mount, everything can be the other way around, since migration is directed in the opposite direction.

Another danger is the extrachorionic type of placentation, where the placenta is displaced to the center, creating a kind of shelf. This arrangement requires close monitoring of the pregnant woman throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

What not to do with low placentation

Certain features of pregnancy make a woman take better care of her health. In order not to aggravate the circumstances, and not lead to even greater omission, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor.

With such a diagnosis, the following are contraindicated:

  • abrupt movements;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • vaginal procedures;
  • weight lifting;
  • stress and overwork.

It is not recommended to sit cross-legged, as this position interferes with normal blood circulation. You also need to lie down and get up carefully, without jerking. Even coughing and sneezing can cause spotting. Riding in public transport is also not desirable, especially during rush hour.

Sex with low placentation is possible only in the absence of obvious symptoms and contraindications - detachment of the placental organ, pain, bleeding.

When having sex with a partner, it is important to observe basic precautions:

  1. Hygiene. Be sure to visit the bathroom before starting intimacy;
  2. No sudden movements. Strong shocks can hurt, so the friction must be done gently, the penetration is shallow.
  3. Position selection. The pressure on the uterus will be less if the woman lies on her side.

With the threat of abortion or low placental presentation, sexual intercourse is contraindicated. During this period, even masturbation and anal sex can cause serious complications due to uterine contractions during orgasm, which will lead to placental abruption. Therefore, you also need to masturbate with caution, if there are no prerequisites for pathology.

What are the treatments

There is no medical treatment for this disease. According to statistics, 8-9 out of 10 cases, the placental organ independently takes the correct position, as the uterus grows. Therefore, a diagnosis made at 20–22 weeks or 32 weeks of pregnancy should not be considered critical. Until 33–36 weeks, the position of the placenta changes, which means that there is a possibility of complete disappearance of the pathology.

In order not to aggravate the process, to bear the child and give birth naturally, you need to listen and follow all the doctor's instructions. Throughout pregnancy, with a low location of the placenta, it is important to be observed by a specialist and regularly do ultrasound. Three times an ultrasound examination is the norm - the first at 15-17 weeks, the second at 21-24 and the last at 34-36 weeks.

Starting from the 28-29th week of pregnancy, with a strong development of the pathology, a number of drugs are prescribed to maintain the pregnancy until the required period:

  1. Papaverine and Ginipral contribute to an increase in the elasticity of the muscles of the walls of the uterus, an increase in tone and the removal of spasmodic impulses.
  2. Increases hemoglobin Ferlatum, Hemofer, Aktiferin.
  3. It enhances blood circulation, improves the nutrition of placental tissue Curantil, folic acid and vitamins E and Magne B6.
  4. Increases the level of progesterone - Utrozhestan.

In some cases, if there is a risk of placental detachment, the doctor advises to put a pessary.

In case of bleeding and severe pain, it is necessary to quickly call for medical help. At this time, you can’t do anything, it’s better to just lie down until the ambulance arrives.

Features of childbirth

If, before the onset of labor, the woman in labor underwent a complete examination and control of the course of pregnancy, natural delivery in most cases will be successful.

But several factors influence the course of childbirth:

  • place of attachment of the placenta;
  • the nature of the course of pregnancy;
  • the occurrence of complications during the gestation period;
  • associated pathologies.

If the placental membrane does not cover the uterine os, the obstetrician pierces the amniotic sac. As a result, the baby presses the placenta against the uterine wall with its head, preventing it from exfoliating.

Caesarean section is preferable in case of placental presentation or incorrect position of the fetus - butt down.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent, special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the mother. Increase the amount of vitamins and minerals entering the body that have a beneficial effect on pregnancy. Calcium, magnesium and iron are especially useful.

Get more rest and walk outdoors. During rest, it is recommended to place the legs a little higher, placing a pillow or roller. This will ensure the activation of blood circulation in the placenta, which will help move it up.

Excitement, overstrain and stressful situations have a bad effect on the position. It is worth remembering that even with such symptoms, women can carry and give birth on their own, without surgery, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet. You just need to follow all safety rules and listen to the supervising doctor.

You can do special exercises for pregnant women or go to the pool. But these questions should be discussed with a gynecologist. Exercises with low placentation should be light, without sudden movements. Lifting weights and running are prohibited.

It is better not to have sexual games during this period. The placenta is located only 30 - 40 mm from the edge of the cervix, and rhythmic rumblings can provoke its movement closer to the edge.

Is it possible to wear a bandage with low placentation, the attending physician will answer. Different types of placentation require different treatment and prevention.


After reviewing in more detail what low placentation means and how low placentation manifests itself, we can safely judge that it does not pose a particular danger if the pregnant woman is under the strict supervision of a doctor throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. However, there may be complications if recommendations are not followed. Then you should immediately consult a doctor.

When a woman is in a position, she becomes more vulnerable and prone to all sorts of complications, the occurrence of which can occur absolutely suddenly. One of these is low placentation during pregnancy. Primiparous women, as well as those who have not encountered this concept during previous pregnancies, seeing danger in everything incomprehensible, are wondering: what is it and is there any reason to panic?

After the fertilization of the egg has occurred, it, getting into the uterine cavity, is attached either to its back wall or to the bottom, which at that time is at the top. It is there that the process of formation of the placenta takes place - a vital organ that provides the transmission of oxygen and nutrients from the mother's body to the child.

However, under the influence of certain conditions, it may also happen that the finished egg is fixed in the lower part of the uterine cavity and will be dangerously close to exiting it.

And if the gap between the placenta and the internal opening of the uterus is less than 5.5 cm, then this is a low placental rate during pregnancy.

Causes of low placenta in pregnant women

The diagnosis is based on the results of an ultrasound examination.

Among the factors that can provoke low placental, the following are distinguished:

  • distinctive anatomical features of the construction of the female reproductive system;
  • physical pathologies of development;
  • the consequences of transferred infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • gynecological operations;
  • the age of the woman exceeding 35 years;
  • experience of termination of pregnancy;
  • engaging in heavy physical labor or undergoing excessive sports loads before pregnancy and at its very beginning.

All of these factors affect the state of the endometrium. The egg, which has undergone fertilization, moving along the uterus, is looking for the most suitable place for attachment. And, not finding it at the back wall or at the bottom, it stops at the bottom.

Signs of low placentation during pregnancy

Symptoms are characteristic of a miscarriage

In cases where the placenta during pregnancy is not too low, outwardly it cannot be detected and noticed.

This condition can be diagnosed by a specialist after an ultrasound examination, which is carried out as planned on the 12th week.

However, the closer the edge of the placenta is to the outlet of the uterus, the more likely it is that a woman will experience sensations that signal a threatened miscarriage:

  • aching pain covering the lower abdomen;
  • uterine bleeding.

The abundance of spotting depends on the size of the placental abruption. The larger it is, the more bleeding. This pathology is often accompanied by dizziness, lowering blood pressure, nausea, fainting. Therefore, if even the most minimal discharge is detected, a pregnant woman should immediately contact her doctor.

What is the danger of a low placenta?

In rare cases, low placentation can lead to miscarriage. However, 90% of women carry a baby, and for some, even after a while, the placenta occupies an impeccable location.

This is because the uterus during pregnancy grows with the fetus and pulls the placenta up. Thus, the distance between the internal os of the uterus and the placenta increases to the required parameters.

But nevertheless, it is worth remembering that in some cases the placenta can partially or even completely block the cervix of the uterus, and then complications may occur, including:

  • detachment of the placenta;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • the threat of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the child's neck;
  • risk of miscarriage.

Therefore, with a low location of the placenta, expectant mothers need to be extremely careful in their behavior, attentive to their well-being and strictly follow all the doctor's instructions.

Rules of conduct for a pregnant woman with low placentation

With low placentation, a pregnant woman needs rest and rest.

Having heard such a diagnosis, a woman should not panic and worry. All that is required of her is to lead a measured, calm lifestyle.

It is necessary to ensure that all her movements are smooth, without unnecessary harshness. It is necessary to move at a leisurely pace and avoid physical exertion. It is also better to refuse intimate relationships at this time. A pregnant woman should spend more time in a lying or sitting position, raising her legs.

If bleeding or spotting is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

In some cases, a gynecologist may refer a pregnant woman for inpatient treatment, and it is not recommended to refuse this, since under the constant supervision of specialists it will be easier to avoid a number of possible complications.

How is childbirth with low placentation?

Natural childbirth with low placentation

The choice of a method for resolving a woman's burden with a low location of the placenta is determined by the distance of the location of its edge from the internal os of the uterus. If it is less than 6 cm, then the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section. However, it is not uncommon for a woman to be allowed to give birth naturally. This point is certainly debatable. Indeed, during natural labor at the time of cervical dilatation, there is a high probability that placental abruption will occur, which is fraught with the opening of bleeding. With head presentation, the child, moving along the birth canal, can press the dangerous area, and in this case, delivery will take place without complications. However, with breech presentation, only emergency surgery will help. Therefore, if there is even the slightest risk to the health of the child or the expectant mother, it is better to resort to a caesarean section.

So, the low position of the placenta during pregnancy is not a reason for the pregnant woman to worry, but the basis for proper nutrition and a calm, measured lifestyle in anticipation of the birth of a long-awaited baby.