New Year's scenario "how Santa Claus was looking for a snow maiden." New Year in kindergarten script for the senior group Children perform the song "Dancing with Santa Claus"

Scenario New Year's party for preschool children 5-6 years old in kindergarten "In Search of the Snow Maiden"

Gordeeva Anastasia Alexandrovna, teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34"
Description: The event was held in the senior group. The children participated in the matinee with great joy. We tried to support in them the desire for initiative, artistry, responsibility. Children enjoyed learning poems, songs, dances and remembered them very quickly. In addition, children with their parents made Christmas decorations and decorated the New Year tree in the hall with them.
Purpose: this event will be of interest to educators, music directors, teachers of additional education.
Target: holding a New Year's party and strengthening the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia.
Tasks: To form in preschoolers the idea of ​​the New Year as a good holiday, as the beginning of the calendar year. Development of communicative, singing, rhythmic abilities. Develop the ability to bring joy to your loved ones.
Hall decoration: New Year's elegant tree, New Year's toys made by children's hands, forest edge, the throne of Santa Claus, Baba Yaga's house.

In the middle of the hall there is a decorated Christmas tree, in the distance there is a forest edge. Children go to the music hall to cheerful music. They walk in circles around the tree. When the music ends, everyone stops around the Christmas tree.

Leading: I am very glad to meet all of you today in our wonderful, magical forest! It is impossible not to notice the magnificent beauty of the Christmas tree!
A bright holiday is coming: our wonderful New Year!
All health and good luck, friendship, happiness for ages!
New Year is knocking on the door, open the gate!

1 child:
What a beautiful Christmas tree we have
It stands, sparkles with hoarfrost and pleases all of us
We'll hurry to make a wish
And we want to congratulate moms, dads, grandparents on the holiday!

2 child:
And a fairy tale is hidden in the holiday
White swan swims
Bear rides on a sled
Squirrel gnaws nuts
The New Year is coming soon!

3 child:
Here she is, what a beautiful Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights
We all dance for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

4 child:
Christmas tree lights up
Underneath, the shadows are blue.
prickly needles
Shine, sparkle with frost

5 child:
Multicolored toys
She hung for us
And we look at the Christmas tree
And we all have a lot of fun!

6 child:
Today the trees are bright
Light up everywhere
All over the country and in every home
The guys are smiling!

7 child:
It happens in the world
That only once a year
They light up the tree
A wonderful star.

8 child:
The star burns, does not melt,
Shines beautiful ice.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

(children sing the song "Fluffy Christmas tree came to visit us")

fragrant herringbone,
Came to visit us
Christmas tree fluffy,
Brought joy!

We are all happy about the Christmas tree
Here comes the New Year!
And sing for the Christmas tree
And we make a round dance!

We will meet at the tree
Holidays are the best!
needles prickle,
Loud laughter is heard.

herringbone elegant
Came to visit us
A lot of joy
Brought to the kids!

How happy we are for the Christmas tree
Here comes the New Year!
We will sing for the Christmas tree
Let's make a round dance!

(children sing a song and dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

(Children sit in their seats. Children dressed as animals approach the Christmas tree: a fox, a squirrel, a bear, a hedgehog)

9 child:
The wolves brought me this news in the forest today
That in the garden the children have a decorated Christmas tree! (Fox)

10 child:
The animals heard the news, ran through the forests
Everyone wants to check it out for themselves, to look at the Christmas tree for themselves! (Squirrel)

11 child:
For whom, why, where did this miracle come from?
Didn't Santa Claus himself bring the Christmas tree here? (Bear)

12 child:
Is there time to figure out who, why brought, removed
Hey, foxes, hares, squirrels, open a noisy ball!

(cheerful pair dance to the soundtrack)

Magpie: I bring you great news! A very important guest is coming to you soon!

Leading: Hello forty, and who should come to us?

Magpie: Listen to the riddle:
We will not meet him in the spring, he comes every year.
He has a bright blush, a beard like white fur.
Happy New Year to everyone, he will light a magnificent Christmas tree,
Amusing the children, he will stand with them in a round dance.
We meet him amicably, we are great friends with him ...
But you can’t give our guest hot tea! Who is this?

(song - dance "Russian Santa Claus")

(after the song is performed, the lights go out in the hall, music sounds, Santa Claus enters)

Father Frost:
Happy New Year! I wish you all good health!
Here I come again...
Or I've become so old that I don't see anyone. But only that they sang a song about me. Where is everyone, where did everyone disappear, who sang a song about me?

Leading: Hello, Santa Claus, these guys sang a song for you. We have a holiday, a new year! But the trouble, grandfather, happened right before your arrival. The lanterns went out on the Christmas tree. Will you help us? You are a magician!

Father Frost: I'll help. It is the wind of the northern prankster who is mischievous. Guys I just need your help. Repeat after me the magic spell:

Light up for us a fluffy, green, slightly silver tree
Light up all sparkling with snowflakes, transparent, thin ice floes!
(it turns out, light the Christmas tree only the second time)
Santa Claus admires the Christmas tree with his children.

Leading: Santa Claus, and the guys really want to play with you and have prepared poems for you.

Father Frost: I will gladly listen. For each poem I have prizes from a snowman. These are magical snowballs. Don't lose them, we'll still need them.
(children read poetry, Santa Claus gives them snowballs)

Father Frost: And now I will blow on you, with a magical breeze, and you will all sit down in your seats.

Leading: Santa Claus you promised to play with the guys, didn't you forget?

Father Frost: Did not forget. I have a favorite game. Let's just agree. Whoever loses will dance! A musical game. Well, are you ready? Then let's start! (playing with chairs)

Leading: Santa Claus you lost to you to dance!

Father Frost: Lost right. Only one I will not dance. I will dance with my granddaughter, Snegurochka. Snow Maiden, where are you! (No one responds, Santa Claus calls again)

Leading: Santa Claus, but the Snow Maiden is not here!

Father Frost: Here's the trouble! I specially sent her ahead so that she would hide a magic snowball under the tree. Santa Claus looks under the tree, there is no snow. There is no snowball, no Snow Maiden. How so? I'll go to the forest to look for her. You wait for me, I'll be back soon!

(Staging "Santa Claus in the forest")

Father Frost: Hello little white bunny, hello fluffy, have you seen my granddaughter Snegurochka?

Hare: Walk along that path, you will meet a fox, she will tell you where the Snow Maiden is

Father Frost: Hello fox, hello sly! Have you seen my granddaughter Snegurochka?

Fox: Walk along this path where snowflakes play with the north wind. Ask them they fly everywhere, everyone knows!

(dance of the snowflakes)

Father Frost: Hello snowflakes, have you seen my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden?

Snowflakes:(4 girls). Grandfather, the Snow Maiden played with us, then a strong wind blew and she disappeared. But there is a hut over there. Maybe she was hiding from the wind there. Let's go and see!

(Santa Claus comes to the house and looks out the window. And Baba Yaga comes out of the house, smart)

Father Frost: Hello Baba Yaga! Have you seen my granddaughter Snegurochka? I lost her, and I can find her!

Baba Yaga: I know I know! Here she is with me. She got lost. I brought her to me. She fed, put her to bed, covered her with a blanket. She sleeps for a very long time. I woke her up, I woke her up, there was no way to wake her up. Looks like the Snow Maiden is tired!

Father Frost: Baba Yaga, the Snow Maiden loves songs and dances. No wonder you spent the whole day dressing up and preening? Dance Baba Yaga, dance, then the Snow Maiden will hear and immediately wake up.

Baba Yaga: I have one very cheerful dance, about me. Only one I will not dance. Boring. I need helpers. Yes, the more there are, the better!

Father Frost: And you look at Baba Yaga, how many brave athletes you have in the forest! They will help you!

(dance "Grandma Ezhka", parents help (dance by show))

Snow Maiden:(child) Coming out of Baba Yaga's house. Hugs Grandfather Frost, thanks snowflakes and Baba Yaga.

(dance of the Snow Maiden)

Father Frost: Thank you very much Baba Yaga for saving my granddaughter Snow Maiden! And now it's time for us all to return to kindergarten. The kids are already waiting for us!

(to the melody they return to the music room, the light comes on)

Father Frost: Hello guys! Here I am back! And he brought guests to you! Meet my granddaughter Snegurochka! And these are snowflakes, dance with them and also Baba Yaga, do not be afraid of her, she is kind today.

(fun dance)

Father Frost: Thank you guys for such a wonderful, fun holiday! And how well you know how to tell poems and songs to sing and dance! I'm sorry, but it's time to pack up. But in parting, I want to play one more game with you. Have you lost your magic snowballs? Now we will play with them! One of them is magical. Where he stops, there will be a surprise!

(Santa Claus plays snowballs with children and with the audience. One snowball rolls under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus finds a magic chest next to him. It contains gifts for children. Gives gifts to children. Free dances to cheerful music).
Santa Claus says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: Our dear guests, dear children. And so our holiday came to an end. But I am sure that you will have enough good mood and joy for the whole coming year! Happy New Year! With new happiness! See you soon!
Photo from the matinee

New Year's performance for kids
Scenario matinee for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario "Christmas Tree" (Jr. gr.)
New Year's party

Scenario New Year's party (kindergarten).

Host: Everyone, hurry up and run here.
Gather in this room
If you want to see
New Year's Carnival!
Assistants: (in turn) What will it be? What will it be?
What will it be?
Presenter: Crackers, sweets,
Icicles, balls of golden color,
Gifts, flickering colored lights,
Stars, snowflakes, garlands of flags,
Dances and songs, and laughter incessantly!
What will it be, in your opinion?
Assistants: (together) Christmas tree!
Leading: Get into the circle soon,
Hold hands together
Let's sing, dance,
Meet the New Year.

Phonogram of the song "New Year's toys".

(They stand in two circles.)

Host: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
We hasten to congratulate everyone
Let under our miracle tree,
Loud laughter doesn't stop.
In the sky of shining stars,
A fairy tale rides to visit children.
We meet a fairy tale at this hour
Under the forest tree.
And a miracle happens here
Both jokingly and seriously.

(The lights go out, the metallophone sounds, and the lights come on again. Cinderella is standing in front of the Christmas tree.)

Host: What is it? What happened? Yes, it's Cinderella!

Song "Miracles"

(The presenter and Cinderella sing)

Host: How did you get here?
Cinderella: The Good Fairy gave me a magic wand to do something nice for you at this New Year's hour.
magic wand,
Touch the tree.
Christmas tree is elegant,
Light up quickly!

(The tree lights up.)

Presenter: So the tree sparkled
Bright gold lights
We invited to the party
In a round dance of their friends.

(Cinderella sings the song "Stand up, children, stand in a circle")

Host: Guys! Let's dance with Cinderella!

Dance "Stand up, children, stand in a circle"

Leading: Let's get up in a friendly round dance,
Let's dance a round dance!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
May it be a good year!

Round dance "Under the New Year".

(Baba Yaga and little Yaga run in, run around the Christmas tree)

Dance "Baba Ezhka"

Host: What is this?
Baba Yaga: Is this our Christmas tree?
Mal. Yaga: Yes, yes! Ours, ours!
Baba Yaga: We looked for her that year for the Serpent Gorynych. And this tree was brought here! Here we are! We'll bewitch everyone!
Mal. Yaga: Yes, yes! Let's bewitch, let's bewitch!
Baba Yaga: Look, everyone has gathered here. What do you all want here?
Host: Ay-yy-yy! Shame on you! We are celebrating the New Year here.
Mal. Yaga: Chevos, Chevos, meet?
Host: New Year!
Baba Yaga: Well, enough, enough! We don't want to listen to anyone. Either this tree is ours, or we will enchant it, and it will go out forever. Here!
Mal. Yaga: Yes, yes, it will go out, it will go out!
Baba Yaga: And Santa Claus will never come here. And we will all get gifts.
Mal. Yaga: Hello!
Host: Guys, what to do? Give away?

(Children shout: "No!" Little Yaga pulls Baba Yaga)

Mal. Yaga: What are we going to do?
Baba Yaga: Forgot why we are here!? We must do evil. Well, build up! March behind me! Sing the magic song!

Song "Witch"

"We, Ezhki, Ezhki, Ezhki,
We are going to the tree.
We don't like fun
We are not friends with the guys
And we only do evil!"
They conjure: "Chuhara-muhara!
One two Three!
The light turned off! "

(The light is flashing, the tree goes out)

Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga: (together) Well, that's it!
Host: It can't be! Christmas tree, light up! Guys, let's all get together.

(Children speak, but the tree does not light up.)

Baba Yaga: Do not try, nothing will work!
Mal. Yaga: It won't work, it won't work!
Baba Yaga: Well, well! it would be necessary to congratulate the Serpent Gorynych on the holiday. Why is he not a man, what, he also needs a holiday.
Mal. Yaga: Of course you do!
Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga: (shouting) Hey, Serpent Gorynych! Hey, Serpent Gorynych!

(Snake Gorynych flies in, flies around the Christmas tree)

Serpent Gorynych: Called?
Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga: (frightened) Called! Called!
Serpent Gorynych: Why?
Baba Yaga and Mal. Yaga: (together) We wanted to wish you Happy New Year.
Serpent Gorynych: And why are these here?

(Hedgehogs squat in fright)

Serpent Gorynych: I'm asking you, are you deaf or what?
Host: Don't scare, don't scare! We are not afraid of you Zmeya Gorynych!
Serpent Gorynych: Yes, I will turn you all into logs with eyes. And although ... no! I love to play. Now, if you win back, I won’t bewitch. Well, no, you will all be trees.
Presenter: Well, well, Serpent Gorynych! All our guys are brave, fast, dexterous. They will definitely beat you.
Serpent Gorynych: Let's see, let's see!

Game: "Running in bags"

(Helpers treat the winners.
Serpent Gorynych at first runs fast, then worse and worse, at the end he completely weakened, crawling, stretching on the floor.)

Presenter: Well, that's it, the end of your witchcraft. I hear Santa Claus rushing here.
Serpent Gorynych: And I really wanted to celebrate the New Year by the Christmas tree.
Mal. Yaga: And all of you, Baba Yaga! We run, we take away, we enchant!
Baba Yaga: Ehehe! I miscalculated, now the children are not the same ...
Serpent Gorynych: What will happen now?
Presenter: Guys, so that Santa Claus does not go astray, let's shout: "Darling, Grandfather, Frost!"

(Women Yoshki and Serpent Gorynych, hiding behind a Christmas tree
The children are called Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters

Santa Claus: Wow! I'm coming! I hurry, I hurry!
Hello my friends!
From their dense forests,
I have been coming here for a long time.
I'm not late? Got it right?
The place is full of people here!
A glorious holiday will be here
I see that the guys are waiting!
And what do you have on your Christmas tree
Are the lights not on?
Presenter: Yes, Baba Yozhki and the Serpent Gorynych bewitched her.
Santa Claus: Look, a lot of unclean forces have gathered.
Nothing, I'll deal with them now.
But in order to defeat them
We need a magic sword!
Presenter: Santa Claus, there are gnomes and parsley among the guys, they will help.
Come on, gnomes and parsley, come out
And help Santa Claus.
Find the magical sword.

(Gnomes and parsley enter)

Gnome: Come on, gnomes, stand up!
Everyone turn around for me
We will pass through the dense forest
And we'll find a snow maiden.

(To the music, gnomes and parsley walk around the Christmas tree
Baba Yoshki and Serpent Gorynych run out, pass each other a sword. The gnomes and parsley catch up with them, take the sword and give it to Santa Claus.)

Santa Claus: Well, thank you gnomes and parsley.

(Santa Claus is chasing Baba Yoshki and Serpent Gorynych, they yell and run away.)

Santa Claus: Here I am now!
Come on, get out of here!

(He treats gnomes and parsley)

Santa Claus: Now you can light the lights on the Christmas tree.
Presenter: And we guys will help!
For Santa Claus, repeat the last words.
Santa Claus: Come on, tree, wake up! / all: "start up!" with pops/
Come on, tree, smile! / all: "smile!" /
Come on, tree, one-two-three! / all: "one-two-three!" /
Burn with the light of joy! /all: "burn!"/

(The Christmas tree does not light up)

Presenter: Something does not light up!
Santa Claus: We shouted to no avail,
Our Christmas tree has not woken up.
Somebody didn't seem to be screaming.
Someone must have been silent!
Let's shout together again:
One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

(Everyone screams. The tree is on fire)

Presenter: We did not try in vain with you,
The tree burst into flames!
Santa Claus: Oh, what a Christmas tree!
All sparkle with needles.
Come on, sing for me
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Presenter: Santa Claus, you lost your mitten.
Santa Claus: Where?
Presenter: But the guys, catch up!

Game "Catch up the mitten".

Santa Claus: Oh, mischievous people! You played with me, and I will play with you.
Let's all do it like me.

Game "Let's do everything like me."

(Santa Claus shows movements, children repeat)

Let's all do like me! (2 claps)
Let's all do like me! (2 claps)
Come on, all together, all at once! (2 claps)
Everyone does it together with us! (2 claps)

Let's all stomp like me! (2 stomp)
Come on, all together, all at once! (2 floods)
Everyone does it together with us! (2 floods)
Let's laugh like me: "Ha ha!"
Let's laugh like me: "Ha ha!
Come on, all together, all at once! ("Ha ha!)
Everyone does it together with us! ("Ha ha!)

Let's all sneeze like me: "Ahchi!"
Come on, all together, all at once! (Apchi!)
Everyone does it together with us! (Apchi!)

Host: Santa Claus! Father Frost!
Santa Claus: Yes, I'm Santa Claus!
Presenter: He has grown to our eyebrows,
He climbed into our boots.
He says Santa Claus
And naughty like a little one.
Santa Claus: Who is talking about me?
Presenter: He ruined the water tap
In our washbasin.
He says with a beard
And naughty like a little one.
Santa Claus: What did I spoil?
Presenter: He draws on glass
Stars, palm trees, balls.
They say he is 100 years old
And naughty like a little one.
Santa Claus: Who says that I'm small? Come on, show me your hands. Now I'll freeze you.

Game "Freeze"

Santa Claus: Oh, how smart! Didn't freeze anyone. I'll go rest.
Presenter: No, Santa Claus! We will not let you out of the circle. We have fun with you.
Santa Claus: How not to let go? I'll be out right now.

Game "We won't let go"

Presenter: I got into a circle with us
Here and stay
Do not leave you, Frost,
How not to get out.
Santa Claus: Let me go, dear children,
After all, I love to dance more than anyone in the world.
Presenter: Guys, who are brave, come out with Santa Claus and dance!

(Santa Claus dances with willing children / awards /)

Santa Claus: Oh, I haven’t danced like that for a long time,
And I'll admit, I'm a little tired.
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, sit down and rest,
And the guys will show you their numbers.
The music will play
You will transfer toys.
Where does the music stop
That Santa Claus will tell a poem or sing, dance.

Poems, numbers

/ awards /

Presenter: Santa Claus! And where is the Snow Maiden!
Santa Claus: Yes! It's time for her to come. Has something happened to her already?
Presenter: Guys, do you know where the Snow Maiden is?
Wait, wait. Who froze Kai's heart? The Snow Queen? Isn't this her job?
Santa Claus: I think we should go look for her.
Presenter: Well, guys, let's go look for the Snow Maiden? Then, join hands, and quietly walk around the Christmas tree.

(To the "Quiet Song" they go around the Christmas tree.
Suddenly they hear the howl of the wind, a blizzard.
The snowman comes out.

Snowman: Guys, I'm a snowman.
I'm used to the bitter cold.
By faith, by truth I serve
I guard the snow castle.
Lives here all alone
Ice Queen.
Presenter: Hey, Snowman - Snowman!
Please let us through!
We are going to visit the Snow Queen.
Snowman: If you play with me, then I'll miss it.

Game "Running in galoshes"
"Running in felt boots" / wear snowballs /


Presenter: Well, what a Snowman. You will miss now.

The Snow Queen comes out, under the howl of a snowstorm.

Snow Queen: In the distant kingdom, in the white kingdom
Among the snow, among the ice.
I live like a queen
Cold is my only companion!
Snow, sparkle, snow sparkle,
Making me happy with beauty.
It will never melt
Even in summer and spring.
Ice blocks decorate the castle,
How the crystals ring.
And transparent icicles,
It's so nice to freeze!
It's cold everywhere in my house,
I own the realm of ice.
And snowflakes are circling everywhere,
Spin, spin and fly!
Presenter: Hey, Snowflakes, come out,
Circle around the tree.

Dance of the Snowflakes

Snow Queen: Well, thank you, Snowflakes!
Get some hotels!


Snow Queen: Why did you come to me? Come on, answer quickly, otherwise I will freeze you so much that you will never be able to thaw.

/waves an icicle in front of the host's nose/

Host: Wait, wait! Calm down please! And don't wave this stick, that is, your wonderful icicle, in front of my nose. How cold it is around you. How would I really not turn into an icicle.
Snow Queen: Scared!? Well, well, I was joking. My heart is really icy, cold, but in my soul I am a kind Queen. Oh, how long have I not seen merry dancing.
Presenter: Well, guys, let's cheer the Queen, let's dance!

Dance "Ducklings"

Snow Queen: Well, thank you! You cheered me up.
Santa Claus: Dear Queen! Have you met my granddaughter Snegurochka by any chance?
Snow Queen: Sorry, but I myself am looking for a boy named Kai and a girl named Gerda. By the way, are they among you? It's a pity. That nasty girl Gerda managed to steal Kai from me, and I loved him so much. Since then, I have been walking around the world, looking for Kai. No, I haven't met the Snow Maiden. But I saw animals in the forest, maybe they know. And it's time for me to go. Goodbye.

(The Snow Queen leaves.)

Santa Claus: Well, what will I go along the path and I will find the animals.
Presenter: You guys, hold hands, go around the Christmas tree and follow Santa Claus.

Dramatization of the song "There was a cheerful Santa Claus"

(In the course of the song, the animals, about whom it is sung, go to the Christmas tree, portraying themselves. Losing children clap.)

Santa Claus: Hello, forest animals!
Low bow from me.
I see very funny
Can you help us?
Host: We are looking for the Snow Maiden. You didn't remove it?
Animals: No.
Santa Claus: Well, thank you for that.
You will receive a treat.

Santa Claus: Where is my Snow Maiden?
I am very sad.
Host: Don't be sad, grandfather.
Here we have friends everywhere,
They won't leave us in trouble.
Santa Claus: Well, on a holiday we cannot be bored.
Gotta play again.
Host: Girls and boys,
My fingers are cold
Ears get cold, nose gets cold.
You can see Santa Claus.
Let's run around the tree
Let's run away from frost.
Santa Claus: Well, kids, well done!
Have fun from the heart!
Presenter: Hear, hear, Santa Claus!
Who is coming to us. Yes, this is Little Red Riding Hood, and not alone.
Dance of the Little Red Riding Hood.

Santa Claus: And how they dance, look! Well, well done! Come on, I'll reward you.
Presenter: Have you met the Snow Maiden?
Little Red Riding Hood: We did not meet the Snow Maiden. And there is someone crying, maybe she?

(weeping sounds.)

Santa Claus: Who is crying there? Come out to us!

(Goblin enters in chains.)

Goblin: Why are you wandering around here, or are you tired of living?
Host: Hello, Goblin! Why are you so angry? Our children are kind, they want to help your trouble. Why are you crying?
Goblin: How can I not cry? I met the Snow Maiden in the forest, she got lost. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't. Koschei the Immortal took her away, and chained me up in chains, he won't let me drink or eat. And I'm so thirsty, I'm completely weak.
Presenter: Guys, let's give Leshy water to drink?

Game "Drink Leshy".

(2 teams, 1 bucket of water, and the other / empty / near Leshy, the guys run around with a mug, Leshy drinks, feels a surge of strength, breaks the chains.)

Leshy: Thanks for the help.
But what do I hear!
(lays down, listens)
I hear the Snow Maiden crying in the Koshcheev Kingdom.
Host: Can you tell us how to rescue the Snow Maiden?
Goblin: Only Baba Yaga knows about this.

Santa Claus: Well, we must look for Baba Yaga.

(A noise is heard. Leshy leaves. Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick.)

Baba Yaga: Who came? Kids!
Yes, how pretty, well-fed. You came just in time, I'm so hungry.
Presenter: What did you think of Baba Yaga?
Are we already gathered?
Baba Yaga: What do you think I should do? To look at you and salivate? You kicked me out of the party. Oh, and I'm angry. You sang songs about Santa Claus, but you never remembered me. They played games with the Snowman, but not with me. And now walk through my forest, look for the Snow Maiden?
Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, we will play with you. Shall we play guys? Only you first, turn away and close your ears, and the guys and I will agree.

Game "Baba Yozhka"

(Baba Yaga sits on the floor)

Baba Yaga: Enough, enough! Oh, you're still teasing!
Presenter: Do not be angry, Baba Yaga! The guys played with you, joked.
Santa Claus: Tell me how to rescue the Snow Maiden from the Koshcheevo Kingdom?
Baba Yaga: Okay, I'll help you, but first I'll test you. A scarlet flower grows in the forest. If the guys break it first, then I will reveal Koshcheev's secret to you. Well, if I break it first, then you will never see the Snow Maiden.
Presenter: Well, guys, are you ready?

The game "Who will pick the flower faster"


Baba Yaga: Well, okay, so be it. Listen. Walk around the Christmas tree along the path, but the path is not simple, enchanted, but you will learn how to go along it later. Listen further. You will find a chest, an egg in the chest, a needle in the egg, and the death of Koshcheev in the needle.
Santa Claus: Thank you Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga: Well, happy! And I flew.

Presenter: Well, guys, are you ready to hit the road? Then in front! Just be very careful. Look at our assistants, they will help.

Path with obstacles.

(They follow each other in a circle, changing movements)

Host: Here we are.
Santa Claus, look for a chest under the tree.

(Santa Claus takes out a chest)

Santa Claus: Yes, there he is!
So we open / open /
Here it is an egg / takes out an egg /
We break / breaks /
So! Well, here is the cherished needle / takes out a needle /
All! The end of you, Koschey the Deathless / crackling sounds, breaks the needle /

(Music sounds, the Snow Maiden runs in. Throws herself into her arms.)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa! You saved me from inevitable death.
Santa Claus: Say thank you not to me, but to the guys.
Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Low bow to you for your kind hearts and courageous deeds! Happy new year friends! Happy New Year!
Presenter: It's time to return to our Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden: Come on, hold hands!
Everyone join the round dance!

Santa Claus: It's good when the Christmas tree is on fire!
It's good when the song sounds!
And the merry people are dancing.
It means: New Year is coming!
Presenter: Let your eyes burn like stars!
Happiness, joy for our children!
Santa Claus: It's time for us to say goodbye, although you have fun.
Presenter: Santa Claus! Where are the gifts?
After all, the guys are waiting for them.
Santa Claus: Ai-yay-yay! What have I done?!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, what happened?
Santa Claus: I left a bag with gifts in the forest.
Presenter: So call the forest soon.
Santa Claus: / calls /: Hello! Hello! Forest? Who is on the phone? ... Lisa Patrikeevna? ... Have you seen my bag of gifts? What?… Does it swing on a bitch? Is waiting for me? Would you ask a bunny to get it? ... What? ... Jumped once, didn’t get a bag? ... Would you ask a bear ... What? ... Lez, did he fall? Now you say the bear has a bump on his forehead? Would you ask for a squirrel? A skilled squirrel will get it ... What? ... you say in an instant jump on a tree, waved its tail - pushed the bag? ... What ??? ... Baba Yaga? Came running, caught a bag? Yeees…
Again this Baba Yaga.
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, let's call Emelya for help.
Santa Claus: Oh! Here is Emily!

(Emelya drives in on the stove, sings.)

Emelya: / sings: / You, Morozushko-Frost!
You Emelya, do not freeze.
Chok-chok-chok! Chok-chok-chok!
I'm Emelya - a fool!
Hello good people!
As if by pike command,
As per my wish.
The stove is heated to glory,
Have fun honest people!
Walks left, walks right
The stove goes back and forth!
Santa Claus: Oh, Emelyushka! Yes, you don't know anything...
Emelya: What happened, grandpa?
Santa Claus: Baba Yaga stole gifts!
Emelya: Oh, the old witch.
But nothing! Do not be sad. Grandfather.
Now we will return the gifts.
"By pike command,
According to my desire.
Come here Granny Yagulya!"

(Baba Yaga, backing away, screams.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, no strength! Oh, someone is pulling! Oh, I can't!
Emelya: Here she is, caught!
Why did you steal gifts from children?
Baba Yaga: What are you, Emelyushka! I joked, I joked, honey.
/strokes him/
You're already angry with me, killer whale.
Don't get too angry. I'll return now, now!
Ouch! I forgot the spell. Ouch! And don't remember.
I'm already a grandmother. Read me 200 years old.
Emelya: You, Baba Yaga, don't play the fool.
I don't believe you at all.
Baba Yaga: Well, yes, well, yes! .. Ah-ah-ah ... Now I remember

(Backs to the door.)

Emelya: Ah-ah-ah! That's what! Well, stop!
Where are the gifts? Confess!
Baba Yaga: Emelya, what do you want from me?
You have such a wonderful oven.
You and weld gifts on it.
Emelya: Well, no! You invented everything, you cook.
Baba Yaga: How to heat the stove? Come on, mothers, give something to your grandmother: a scarf, a boot, a purse for kindling, you can have a felt boot.

(She is served pre-prepared things. She puts them in the oven, stirs them with a broom. Smoke comes out, coughs.)

(Puts her head into the oven, where she is put on a kokoshnik. She sticks her head out of the oven and goes to dance and sing with a handkerchief.)

phonogram "The moon shines"

Baba Yaga: You'll have to climb yourself.

(Pokes his head into the stove, puts on a kokoshnik, gets out of the stove, dances and sings with a handkerchief.)

Baba Yaga: (sings) Oh, I was young!
I was good.
But my years have passed
Youth is gone.
I baked pies
Just a meal
Dressed up as best I could
Just a sight! Wow!

Emelya: (to the music) Yaga, what are you doing? What happened to you?
Baba Yaga: (to the music) Come on, Emelya! What do you "Yaga!" I am not Yaga! I am a beautiful girl.

(Baba Yaga leaves to the music.)

Host: What about gifts?
Emily: Yes! She did not cook gifts for us. Now it's my turn.
"By pike command,
According to my desire
Boil gifts in the oven."

(The light goes out to the music. The furnace walks, a flashlight burns in the furnace behind the red cloth. The light comes on.)

Emelya: Well, that's it!
Santa Claus, get it!
And feed the kids!
Santa Claus: Well, thank you, Emelyushka, helped me out.

(Santa Claus takes out the bags from the oven, puts them in a bag, the Snow Maiden holds the bag.)

Emelya: Well, I have to go! Goodbye, kids!

(Leaves to the music.)

Santa Claus: I'm happy with you, kids,
There are sweets waiting for you in the bag.

(Gives the bag to the presenter)

Santa Claus: We sang and played,
From the bottom of my heart I am happy!
Now isn't it time for us
Have a masquerade ball?
Presenter: Come on, everyone is in costumes, masks
Become like in a fairy tale.
Let's go with Grandpa
Find the best costumes.
Snow Maiden: We will rightfully reward everyone,
We won't cheat anyone.

(Awarding the best costumes to music.)

Santa Claus: It's time, friends!
Need to forgive.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.
Snow Maiden: I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful ringing laughter!
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs around with you!
Presenter: Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.
Now it's time to say goodbye
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until we meet again!"

Olga Rykova
The scenario of the New Year's party "How the children were looking for the Snow Maiden"

Under cheerful music enter the hall children. Stand around the Christmas tree, examine the decorations.


Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you!

The beautiful Christmas tree came from the forest

Bringing joy to both the big and the little ones.

Hello holiday tree!

We have been waiting for you all year.

We are at the tree New Year's,

We lead a friendly round dance.

Leading: We have prepared poems for our beautiful Christmas tree. Sonechka will tell a poem about a Christmas tree.


1. We have fun today, we called the guests,

We hung toys on our Christmas tree.

2. Child: Our tree is high,

Reaches the ceiling.

Above dad, above mom

Here is the height.

3. Child: Big herringbone

Came to visit us

We have many gifts

The tree brought.

4. Child: We will stand under the Christmas tree

We will dance.

little feet

We will knock.

5. child: Mom decorated the Christmas tree,

Anya helped her mother;

Gave her toys:

Stars, balloons, crackers.

6. Green, fluffy

In a fur coat snow,

Christmas tree came to the holiday

Frosty winter!

7. child:

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree

Let's start our round dance!

Vedas: Well done, let's clap. We told poems, but we forgot the song, We will sing a song to our Christmas tree. Let's hold hands, stand up and make a circle and sing a song to our Christmas tree.

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

LEADING: Children, do not make noise,

And sit quietly.

Hear the snow crunches

Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Music sounds, enters Snowman with a bucket of snowballs.

SNOWMAN: I am not small and not great,

snow white snowman!

I have a carrot - nose,

I love frost very much.

In the cold - I do not freeze.

And spring will come - I will melt.

We will sing and dance

Dance near the Christmas tree.

Guests clap friendly -

The dance will be more fun!

Dance « New Year's polka»

SNOWMAN: I'm not a simple snowman,

I am cheerful, mischievous.

I really like to play

Songs to sing and dance.

I have snowballs with me!

Let's play kids?

You make out the snowballs

Have fun playing with them! (Throws snowballs from a bucket) .

Snowball game

SNOWMAN: Oh, how hot it became in the hall!

Oh, I'm afraid, now I'll melt!

LEADING: Guys, help,

On the snowman wave(children waving)

SNOWMAN: Something does not help.

I get sick and keep melting… melting… melting…

LEADING: You need to bring some water,

To give Snowman get drunk! (Gives a mug of confetti)

SNOWMAN: Good cold water!

I'll drink some water... (pretends to drink, approaches parents)

Yes, I will hurt all adults! (splashes confetti)

LEADING: Oh you, snowman - mischievous ...

SNOWMAN: Guys, I almost forgot, I have another letter for you.

Hurrying up to you for the holiday,

He is a merry fellow and a prankster,

He has gifts in a bag,

And on a fur coat - a bright belt.

He lit the lights on the tree

He rolls the hare down the hill.

He brought to us for the holiday

A whole load of new fairy tales!

Who is this?

CHILDREN: Father Frost!

SNOWMAN: I'll run to meet him!

I wish you not to be bored!

And to make it even more fun, invite more guests!

LEADING: Oh, guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming!

Let's clap more fun

May they find us soon! (Children clap)

scene"Who celebrates the New Year"

L. Mikhailova (version of the text by M. Kartushina) Two bunnies with a large carrot approach the leader.

Happy New Year

All children and all animals!

And take from the bear

You are a gift soon.

As a gift from bears

Basket of cones.

LEADING. Thanks, Mishka, for the bumps. Be a guest at our celebration, come...

I'll see who's coming

Celebrate the New Year with us!

Which of all the animals

Tail fluffy and long?

Children. At the fox.

A fox with a fish approaches the leader.

I brought it as a gift

You have a big crucian.

This fish is not simple,

And the wonder is big.

LEADING. Thank you fox. Sit next to other guests.

I'll see who's coming

Celebrate the New Year with us!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Here is a carrot from the garden.

We are so hard

They carried her together.

Leading. Thank you, bunnies, for the treat! Be a guest at our party!

Well, hares, come out, show your dance ...


SNOW MAIDEN: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all I:

I wear a snow coat

I'm not afraid of frost

All made from snow i,

I'm called the Snow Maiden.

I love in the forest under the tree

play with bunnies

And with snowflakes

Spin and dance!

The girls go to the center of the hall.

1 girl: We are white snowflakes,

We fly, we fly, we fly.

Paths and paths,

We'll cover it with snow.

2 girl: We dance over the fields,

We lead our round dance.

Where we don't know

The wind will carry us.

All together with Snegurochka perform"Dance of the Snowflakes".

Snow Maiden: Well done, snowflakes, danced from the heart!

Santa Claus is not coming

And the New Year is coming soon!

It's time for him to come

He stopped on the way.

Santa Claus, wow!

Do you hear me calling you? (Children call Santa Claus)

Music sounds for the entrance of Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I'm coming! I'm coming!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

Happy New Year

And I wish you health.

Snow Maiden: Our tree is so beautiful,

So pretty and slim!

Santa Claus, but why

Does it stand without lights?

SANTA CLAUS: We will fix this trouble,

Let's make all the fires burn!

Let's say together: "One two Three,

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

Sounds like music to light the lights.

Snow Maiden: Very much expected, Santa Claus,

We have you for the evening!

How happy is everyone

New Year's meeting!

We will start a round dance

Let's sing a song for you!

SANTA CLAUS: One, two, three, four - get in a wider circle!

A song is being performed "You came to visit us Santa Claus"

Snow Maiden: Everyone knows, frost is a joker,

He is sly and mischievous!

Take care of your ears, nose,

If Santa Claus is nearby.

The game is being played "It's cold outside"

SANTA CLAUS: You, kids don't yawn

Close your cheeks quickly!

After the game...

SANTA CLAUS: Nice, nice played!

I just see that I'm tired

Yes, I would sit

On the the kids looked,

I know that poetry taught -

That would surprise me.

1 child:

The windows were decorated by Santa Claus.

And snowdrifts made snow in the yard.

2 child:

Kind Santa Claus came to us today.

We are glad to see him on holiday New Year.

3. Santa Claus goes to the holiday

In a red coat, in felt boots,

He brings gifts

For little kids!

4. Santa Claus came to our holiday today New Year.

He will sing, dance and give gifts with us.

5. Santa Claus came to the Christmas tree

Put the bag on the shelf

There are gifts for the kids.

For chanterelles and hares.

6. Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,

And on the branches - snow!

7. Fur coat, hat, mittens.

Titmouse sit on the nose.

Beard and red nose

It's Santa Claus!

SNOW MAIDEN: Our Christmas tree is shining,

Shines very bright

So the time has come

Distribute gifts!

Father Frost: Oh, where's my bag!

(walks around the hall, looking for a bag. Asks the children if they have seen him. Knocks with a staff)

One, two, three, spin around (turns in place)

Gift bag, find (finds a bag under the tree, takes it out)

Father Frost A: That's the knot. Uh-huh.

I cannot untie.

Snow Maiden: Well - let's all clap together,

We stomp our feet smartly.

The knots were all untied and everyone got gifts.

Distribution of gifts

Father Frost: Well, that's all, you need to say goodbye, I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Let the New Year meet together both adults and kids!

Snow Maiden: We wish you to grow big so that you do not know worries!

And Santa Claus and I will return to you in a year!

The scenario of the New Year's party in the group "Asterisks"


Children enter the hall to cheerful music. Stand around the Christmas tree, examine the decorations.


Hello, holiday tree!
We have been waiting for you all year.
We are at the Christmas tree
We lead a friendly round dance.

1 child:

- The Christmas tree is lit up with lights.
It’s good for us to meet friends at the Christmas tree.

2 child:

- Brighter, brighter, let the Christmas tree sparkle with golden lights!
Happy New Year to our dear guests.

3 child:

- The Christmas tree is a kind beauty.
We like to have fun by the Christmas tree!

Presenter: - This is Grandfather Frost brought a Christmas tree to the children. Let's sing a song to our Christmas tree.

Children lead a round dance "Little Christmas Tree"

After the round dance, they sit on chairs, and the Host rolls out a snowball from under the Christmas tree.

Host (speaking):

- We rolled a snowball,
Round like a ball.
What would be made of it?
Difficult task!

The snowman comes out to the music.


I came out of the snow
I hurried to your tree.
Thanks to all the guys
Who blinded me now.

Presenter: - Children, look what a beautiful snowman we have turned out.


- I'm not a simple snowman,
And cheerful, mischievous!
I really like to play
Run, jump and jump!
What holiday is coming to us?

Leader and children: - Winter New Year's Eve!

4 child:

We have a lot of fun at our holiday!
And now we will all sing a song about the New Year.

Children sing the song "New Year".

Snowman: - Do you guys like to dance? ... Very good! Then let's sleep together! That's how many snowballs I brought you.

Children perform the dance "With snowballs".


- And we, the snowman, will play with you,
In a bucket of snowballs now we leave!

The game "Collect snowballs" is held.


- One, two, three, four, five! We start playing
You collect all the snowballs and carry them in a basket.

After the game, the children sit down.


- Snowman, our snowy friend,
Tell us, dear friend,
Where does the Snow Maiden live?
She is waiting for our children.
Only we don't know
How to find her
In a field or dense forest
We need to go.


— Snow Maiden-beauty
In a white coat
Lives in a beautiful house
At the edge of the forest.
You will go along the path, you will find the house of the Snow Maiden.

The snowman leaves.

Presenter: "Alright guys, let's hit the road!"

Children with the Leader walk around the hall around the Christmas tree to the music. They approach the house.

Presenter: - Snow Maiden! Come out soon! Receive guests!

Snow Maiden:

- Hello my friends!
I am very happy for all of you!
You sit for a while
Relax near the Christmas tree
And tell me poetry.

Children read poetry.

1 child:

- Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Come visit us:
“Children, hello, I’m with you!”

2 child:

- Together with the Snow Maiden
We'll start a round dance.
Listen, tree, our songs!
Hello, hello New Year!

3 child:

- The Snow Maiden came to us
And brought joy
We'll start a round dance.
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snow Maiden: Thank you children for your kind words.

Presenter: - With us, you get up in a circle, start dancing with us.

Children perform a song-dance "Here is winter around white."

Snow Maiden: - Where is Santa Claus? Why doesn't he come to our party? Probably forgot about us. Let's call him out loud. Let's say together: "Santa Claus! Whoa! Aw!"

Children and the Snow Maiden: -Father Frost! Whoa! Whoa!

Father Frost:

- Aw! Whoa! I'm coming!
Hello kids,
Girls and boys.
Happy New Year
And I wish you health!

- And why is your Christmas tree not burning, not sparkling with lights? Not in order! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, bring me my magic wand ... Come closer to the Christmas tree. (Children go to the tree.)

- Magic wand touch the twigs,
Christmas tree-beauty, light up for the guys.

The tree lights up.

- We blow on the Christmas tree like this, like this.
And the Christmas tree went out like this, like this.

Children blow on the Christmas tree, it goes out.

- And the heels will be stamped and the lights will be lit.

Children stomp, the tree lights up.

- And now stand in a circle around the Christmas tree,
Start dancing near the Christmas tree.
We will sing about the Christmas tree, we will sing about the beauty!

Children sing the song "Dancing with Santa Claus."

1. One, two, clap, clap kids,

Chorus: Let's run faster, faster, around our Christmas tree.

2. One, two, stomp the foot, stomp the foot, kids,
One, two, more fun, more fun dance.

3. One, two, all in a squat, all in a squat, kids!

4. One, two on the knees, on the knees, kids.
One, two, more fun, more fun dance!

Father Frost:

- You sang the song marvelously, very loudly and beautifully.
And now it's time for us to play, kids.

The game "Freeze" is being played.

Father Frost:

- Show your hands, they love to dance
I'll freeze them now, we need to clean the handles!

- Show your legs, legs love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs!

- Show your ears, ears love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the ears!

- Show your cheeks, they love to dance cheeks.
I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the cheeks!

- Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, I'll look at the guys.

Presenter: - Sit down, Grandfather Frost, and the guys read poetry to you.

1 child:

The windows were decorated by Santa Claus.
And he brought snowdrifts in the yard.

2 child:

- Good Santa Claus came to us today.
We are glad to see him on New Year's holiday.

3 child:

- Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree, hiding a chuckle in his beard.
Do not torment us for too long, untie the bag soon!

Presenter: - Grandfather, the guys have prepared a song for you. Listen!

Children sing the song "Santa Claus".

Father Frost:

- Walking legs shaking, do not stand still
So let's go sledding friends

Dance-game "Sled"

Father Frost:

“We had a lot of fun riding and didn’t get tired at all.
I thank you guys. I say thank you.

Snow Maiden: - How beautiful everything is around, and the guys are waiting for gifts!

Father Frost:

- There will be gifts for you!
Where did I put them?
Oh, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot!
- Ah, gifts! Well, gifts, of course. So here they are!

Santa Claus shows a small bag.

Father Frost: “You see, granddaughter, I haven’t forgotten.

Snow Maiden: “But he is very small. There isn't enough for everyone here. Santa Claus, you are a wizard.

Father Frost:

You forgot the whole secret
I look around the Christmas tree, I’ll put a gift under it. (He puts it not in front of the children, but deeper into the Christmas tree ...)
I'll knock with a staff and now our gift will grow up! (Running around the Christmas tree to the music, knocking with a staff.)

Santa Claus pulls out a large bag of the same color hidden there from under the Christmas tree with gifts and distributes gifts.

Father Frost:

- It's time to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Snow Maiden:

- Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Together: - Goodbye, kids!


- And we will walk around our Christmas tree again.
We wave to her: "Goodbye!"
We look forward to visiting next year.



1 child:

2 child:

3 child:


Host (speaking):

The snowman comes out to the music.




Leader and children: - Winter holiday New Year!

4 child:






The snowman leaves.



Snow Maiden:

Children read poetry.

5 child:

Snow Maiden: - Thanks for the kind words.


Snow Maiden:

Children and the Snow Maiden: -Father Frost! Whoa! Whoa!

Father Frost:

The tree lights up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree, it goes out.

Children stomp, the tree lights up.

And now stand in a circle around the Christmas tree, Start a dance near the Christmas tree. We will sing about the Christmas tree, we will sing about the beauty!

  1. One, two, more fun, more fun dance.
  2. One, two, more fun, more fun dance!

Father Frost:

The game "Freeze" is being played.

Father Frost:


1 child:

2 child:

3 child:


Snow Maiden:

Father Frost:

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost:

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost:

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:

Together: - Goodbye, kids!


The holiday is held in the first junior group. Classic winter characters congratulate children on the New Year - the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and the Snowman.

Attributes: a basket of snowballs, a magic wand, a small bag.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music. Stand around the Christmas tree, examine the decorations.


Hello holiday tree! We have been waiting for you all year. We are at the New Year tree We lead a friendly round dance.

1 child:

- The Christmas tree is lit up with lights. It’s good for us to meet friends at the Christmas tree.

2 child:

Brighter, brighter, let the Christmas tree sparkle with golden lights! Happy New Year to our dear guests.

3 child:

- The Christmas tree is a kind beauty. We like to have fun by the Christmas tree!

Presenter: - This is Grandfather Frost brought a Christmas tree to the children. Let's sing a song to our Christmas tree.

Children lead a round dance "Near our Christmas tree."

After the round dance, they sit on chairs, and the Host rolls out a snowball from under the Christmas tree.

Host (speaking):

We rolled a snowball, Round, like a ball. What would be made of it? Difficult task!

The snowman comes out to the music.


I appeared from the snow, I hurried to your Christmas tree. I am grateful to all the guys who blinded me now.

Presenter: - Children, look what a beautiful snowman we have turned out.


I'm not a simple snowman, but a cheerful, mischievous one! I love to play, run, jump and jump! What holiday is coming to us?

Leader and children: - Winter holiday New Year!

4 child:

We have a lot of fun at our holiday! And now we will all sing a song about the New Year.

Children sing the song "New Year".

Snowman: - Do you guys like to dance? ... Very good! Then let's sleep together! That's how many snowballs I brought you.

Children perform the dance "With snowballs".


And we, the snowman, will play with you, Now we are leaving the snowballs in a bucket!

The game "Collect snowballs" is held.

Presenter: - One, two, three, four, five! We begin to play, you collect all the snowballs and carry them in a basket.

After the game, the children sit down.


Snowman, our snowy friend, Tell us, dear friend, Where the Snow Maiden lives - She is waiting for our children. Only we do not know How to find it, In a field or a dense forest We need to go.


The Snow Maiden-beauty In a snow-white fur coat Lives in a beautiful house On the edge of the forest. You will go along the path, you will find the house of the Snow Maiden.

The snowman leaves.

Presenter: - Well, guys, let's hit the road!

Children with the Leader walk around the hall around the Christmas tree to the music. They approach the house.

Presenter: - Snow Maiden! Come out soon! Receive guests!

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends! I am very happy for all of you! You sit a little, Rest near the Christmas tree And tell me poems.

Children read poetry.

5 child:

The Snow Maiden came to us And brought fun, We will start a round dance. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snow Maiden: - Thanks for the kind words.

Presenter: - With us, you get up in a circle, start dancing with us.

Children perform the dance "Winter Dance".

Snow Maiden: - Where is Santa Claus? Why doesn't he come to our party? Probably forgot about us. Let's call him out loud. Let's say together: "Santa Claus! Whoa! Aw!"

Children and the Snow Maiden: -Father Frost! Whoa! Whoa!

Father Frost:

Whoa! Whoa! I'm coming! Hello guys, girls and boys. Happy New Year and I wish you good health!

But why doesn’t your Christmas tree burn, doesn’t sparkle with lights? Not in order! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, bring me my magic wand ... Come closer to the Christmas tree. (Children go to the tree.)

Touch the magic wand of the twigs, Beautiful Christmas tree, light up for the guys.

The tree lights up.

We blow on the Christmas tree like this, like this. And the Christmas tree went out like this, like this.

Children blow on the Christmas tree, it goes out.

And the heels will stomp and the lights will light up.

Children stomp, the tree lights up.

And now stand in a circle around the Christmas tree, Start a dance near the Christmas tree. We will sing about the Christmas tree, sing about the beauty /

Children sing the song "Dancing with Santa Claus."

  1. One, two, more fun, more fun dance.

Chorus: Let's run faster, faster, around our Christmas tree.

  1. One, two, more fun, more fun dance.
  2. One, two, more fun, more fun dance!
  3. One, two, more fun, more fun dance!

Father Frost:

You sang the song amazingly, very loudly and beautifully. And now it's time for us to play, kids.

The game "Freeze" is being played.

Father Frost:

Show your hands, they love to dance. I'll freeze them now, you need to clean your hands!

Show your legs, they love to dance. I'll freeze them now, you need to remove your legs!

Show your ears, ears love to dance. I'll freeze them now, you need to clean your ears!

Show your cheeks, cheeks love to dance. I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the cheeks!

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the guys.

Presenter: - Sit down, Grandfather Frost, and the guys read poetry to you.

1 child:

The windows were decorated by Santa Claus. And he brought snowdrifts in the yard.

2 child:

Kind Santa Claus came to us today. We are glad to see him on New Year's holiday.

3 child:

Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree, hiding a laugh in his beard. Do not torment us for too long, untie the bag soon!

Presenter: - Grandpa, the guys have prepared a song for you. Listen!

Children sing the song "Santa Claus".

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, would come up with a game, amused the kids.

The game "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going ..." is being played.

Father Frost:

Walking legs shaking, do not stand still So come on, friends, let's all dance together.

Children perform the Chok Da Chok dance.

Father Frost:

They danced very merrily and did not get tired at all. I thank you guys. I say thank you.

Snow Maiden: - How beautiful everything is around, and the guys are waiting for gifts!

Father Frost:

There will be gifts for you! Where did I put them? Oh, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot! Ah, gifts! Well, gifts, of course. So here they are!

Santa Claus shows a small bag.

Father Frost: - You see, granddaughter, I have not forgotten.

Snow Maiden: - But he's really small. There isn't enough for everyone here. Santa Claus, you are a wizard.

Father Frost:

You forgot, the whole secret is that I am a MAGIC GRANDPA. I look around the Christmas tree, I’ll put a gift under it. (He puts it not in front of the children, but deeper into the Christmas tree ...) I will knock with a staff and now our gift will grow up! (Running around the Christmas tree to the music, knocking with a staff.)

Santa Claus pulls out a large bag of the same color hidden there from under the Christmas tree with gifts and distributes gifts.

Father Frost:

It's time to say goodbye, I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Snow Maiden:

Let the New Year meet together Both adults and kids!

Together: - Goodbye, kids!


And we will walk around our Christmas tree again. We wave to her: "Goodbye!" We look forward to visiting next year.