Olivia wilde color type. Color type "summer". Image Maker Tips

Having tried all the known methods for determining the color type, I finally made sure that I am Summer.

The main characteristic of the "summer" color type is a cold skin tone, whether it is light or dark. Therefore, the color of clothes, accessories, etc. should compensate for this, but, in no case, emphasize it. That is why warm colors do not suit the representatives of the “summer” color type.

Another characteristic feature of "summer" is not a contrasting appearance. And although there is a contrasting "summer", its contrast is still relative early. Therefore, the second criterion for choosing a color will not be the brightness of the shade.

Non-contrasting appearance "summer" has a large range of shades flowing into each other. This gives the depth of color perception and exotic appearance. This quality must be emphasized with complex shades.

Summarize. Colors for the "summer" color type are selected according to the following principles:

1) The color should be cool or neutral. More precisely, the color should not be warmer than the skin tone. For example, pale yellow or dark red are in the category of shades colder than the skin color of the “summer” color type.

2) The shade should not be bright. Otherwise, the complex, multi-color gamut of "summer" will be lost and interrupted by one color.

3) Shades should be selected preferably complex. This will be a continuation of the multicolor of this color type.

4) It is advisable to select dark shades for contrasting representatives of this color type. Light girls should limit themselves to lighter and medium-light colors.

Pink shades for the "Summer" color type

At your disposal is a huge range of lilac shades: grayish, lilac, brownish - any dimming is welcome. Dark shades of pink will suit you as well. Pure pink shades, yellowish, reddish, orange all depart to other color types.

1 raspberry
2 lingonberry color
3 pale lilac
4 pink-lilac color
5 purple color
6 dark lilac color
7 mauve color
8 pearl pink color
9 rosewood
10 grey-pink color (puce)

Red shades for the "Summer" color type

1 dark red color
2 mahogany color
3 ruby ​​color
4 cinnabar color
5 coral color
6 cherry blossom
7 terracotta color
8 color port wine
9 rust color
10 burgundy color
11 wine color
12 color carmine
13 color red earth
14 alizarin
15 red chicory color
16 Bismarck furioso color
17 color cardinal

Dark and pale red shades will suit the “summer”. There are a lot of them, much more than clean and warm ones.

Orange shades for the "Summer" color type

Some people think that orange does not go with the summer color type. But it's not. Its shades with the addition of blue, white, brown, red - all fit a non-contrasting appearance.

1 orange-pink color
2 dark orange color
3 red color
4 sienna color
5 Jaco's last breath
6 copper color
7 peach color
8 golden copper color
9 red ocher
10 brick color
11 flesh color
12 powder color
13 caramel color

Yellow shades for the "Summer" color type

It is difficult to imagine dark shades of yellow, but light, pale ones are easy. Greenish shades of yellow will make the appearance of "summer" painful, but golden, straw, sandy, etc. will be just right.

1 grey-yellow color
2 pale yellow
3 rose yellow color
4 vanilla color
5 gold ocher
6 gold color
7 golden oak color
8 saffron color
9 brass color
10 sand color
11 linen color
12 color champagne
13 straw color

Green shades for the "Summer" color type

1 green-blue color
2 grey-green color
3 dark green color
4 white-green color
5 color blue-green
6 emerald green color
7 brown-green color
8 olive green
9 color green tea
10 emerald color
11 frogs faint color
12 olive color
13 Khaki
14 lime color
15 protective color
16 marsh color
17 patina color
18 coniferous color
19 dark coniferous color
20 malachite color
21 kiwi colors
22 polka dots
23 color wormwood
24 dark grey-green

The green color itself is very different and multifaceted. It can include all the colors of the rainbow. This is not an excised source of shades for representatives of the “summer” color type. Those shades of green that are closer to blue can be chosen without hesitation. The criterion for choosing shades is closer to yellow: the presence of an admixture of red is olive and protective tones.

Blue shades for the "Summer" color type

1 blue color
2 blue-green color
3 dark blue color
4 color blue-black
5 color blue-gray
6 gray-blue color
7 white-blue color
8 sky blue color
9 dark blue color
10 sky blue
11 prussian blue
12 grey-blue-green color
13 color denim
14 cobalt color
15 color of the black sea
16 hyacinth color
17 aqua
18 color steel
19 pale blue
20 gray color
21 color topaz
22 blueberry color
23 thrush egg color
24 blue greenish blue color
25 storm color
26 grey-green-blue color

The main criterion for blue will not be brightness. Such shades as azure, indigo, electric will drown out the exotic beauty of "summer".

Brown shades for the "Summer" color type

1 brown
2 color dark brown
3 black-brown
4 light brown
5 red-brown color
6 taupe
7 tan
8 ash brown
9 golden brown
10 chocolate color
11 dark chocolate color
12 old gold color
13 coffee color
14 color milk chocolate
15 bronze color
16 ocher color
17 light ocher
18 chestnut color
19 dark chestnut color
20 light chestnut color
21 colors golden chestnut
22 sepia color
23 umber color
24 hazel
25 mahogany
26 oak color
27 cinnamon color
28 blond color
29 light light blond color
30 color dark blond
31 colors ash-blond
32 rose brown
33 color old bronze

Brown. It is by definition not bright and complex. Beware of shades that go too yellow.

Violet shades for "Summer"

1 dark purple color
2 red-violet color
3 purple-black color
4 purple pink color
5 grey-violet color
6 plum color
7 eggplant color
8 gray-brown-crimson color
9 anthracite
10 grey-lilac color
11 grape color
12 wisteria color
13 blue-violet color
14 deep red purple
15 dark lilac color

Violet shades are preferred with gray, blue, magenta tint. Frankly lilac tones are not suitable for "summer".

Neutral shades for the "Summer" color type

1 neutral color
2 gray color
3 bleached oak color
4 hacks
5 latte color
6 milky color
7 ivory
8 cream color
9 dark gray color
10 light gray color
11 white-grey color
12 metallic gray
13 grey-beige color
14 black-grey
15 color wet asphalt
16 asphalt color
17 cream color
18 silver color
19 platinum color

For the most part, they go to the "summer" color type. Beware of yellowish-beige shades.

In general, having studied my wardrobe, I realized that I choose the right shades ... on an intuitive level. And now, knowing the basics, choosing new purchases will become even easier...

It's no secret that all types of appearance can be conditionally divided according to the seasons: winter, summer, autumn, spring. Right now, the days are coming when the summer color type reigns - the sunlight is getting brighter, the days are getting longer, which means that there are more and more opportunities to demonstrate all the advantages of this particular type of female appearance.

Who can we attribute to "women-summer"? Red hair? Just not them. Brown eyes? Again, not our case. Transparent, delicate skin? This is definitely not about the summer color type. But in Russia this type of appearance is the most common, so it is very difficult to make a mistake. What is characteristic of the female appearance of the summer color type? Our tips, as always, will help you to correctly orient yourself in matters of female beauty, correctly determine your type of appearance and successfully use all its advantages! So, do you have all these "insignia"?

Summer color type - characteristic features

What distinguishes a woman-summer?

  • Firstly, light brown hair (note that even the name of the hair color is of the same root with the word "Rus"!), They can be both light and dark, no redhead is allowed, only real light brown shades. And if the hair is of an aristocratic ash color, with a bluish cold tint - no doubt, we have a summer color type.
  • Secondly, light skin, which can have both a delicate pinkish tint and a slightly olive one. Her barely noticeable transparency, which remains in a woman until her very old age, is also one of the characteristic features of the summer type of appearance.
  • But the eyes can be of a wide variety of colors - and blue, and gray, and green, and even warm hazel colors, but not brown.

What colors in clothes are suitable for summer color type

Oddly enough, but the color scheme that is most suitable for a summer woman does not at all correspond to our ideas about summer. Hot, bright, neon or "acid" colors are not for her. Flashy, flashy colors are excluded. If you belong to the summer color type, you may have noticed that piercing and overly saturated colors absolutely do not suit you. What colors to choose for your wardrobe in order to maintain harmony between appearance and clothes?

  • Remember what colors are present in nature in summer? You will definitely not find bright and sparkling colors. Muted, as if powdered shades - that's what suits the summer woman. It may also sound very unexpected that for the summer color type the most suitable colors are cool, even cold. Blue, dark blue, gray-gray, wet asphalt, lilac - very "summer" colors in the clothes of a "summer" woman.
  • But what about the colors of the red spectrum? In the wardrobe of the summer color type there are also them, but - again - muted and dim: pinkish-smoky, pinkish-ashy, pink in a “pure” form, but not flashy, pinkish-brown, raspberry, cherry.
  • Green shades are present only in mixed palettes, for example, muted sea wave, powdered needles, smoky gray-emerald.

Colors for the basic wardrobe of a woman-summer

1. The main color is blue in muted shades. As a base color for a summer woman, this color is just perfect! See how perfect combinations of this color look with others that we suggest you use to create a basic wardrobe:

  • with a very beautiful color of the dawn, which happens only in summer - not bright and not hot;
  • with white, green and a small red stroke;
  • with pale pink, mouse gray and brown;
  • with the color of a tropical wave and pink;
  • with red, white and "boiled" denim;
  • with light blue and vanilla color;
  • with lilac, chocolate and vanilla.

2. The main color is pink-lilac, grayish-pink. This color is very delicate, pastel, however, despite its tenderness, it is perfect for making up a basic wardrobe on its basis. Use the color combinations that we offer you, and you will see how this shade favorably emphasizes all the advantages of the summer color type:

  • with lavender;
  • with dark blue and a slight addition of pink "pink";
  • with the color of a summer dawn and chocolate;
  • with milk and dark chocolate flowers with touches of denim blue;
  • with the color of eggshell and mocha;
  • with the color of silver, light yellow and denim "boiled";
  • with smoky emerald, light emerald and blue-violet.

Makeup for the summer color type

What colors of decorative cosmetics can be considered the most suitable for the summer color type? Without a doubt, these are the same cold shades - blue, lilac, silver for shadows, clover, mallow, soft watermelon - for lips. Mascara - gray, brown, but black - for evening make-up and for those who have dark blond hair.

When choosing colors for your makeup, we advise all women of the summer type to give up excess brightness and juiciness. Warm shades are acceptable, but only in combination with cold ones. The tone for the face is pink, beige light (if it is needed at all, the skin of a “summer” woman without an additional decorative layer is beautiful!). Blush is allowed only in pink shades, no peaches and apricots! However, this pink one is of cold colors, in a barely perceptible blueness.

For a summer woman, we suggest choosing makeup either in a sporty style - a little foundation, a minimum of shadows and lipstick, or in the style of French elegance - tonal powder, lip contour, lipstick color is a little richer than usual, shadows and blush. It is extremely easy for a summer color type to do makeup - for many girls and women, “a little bit” cosmetics are enough - and she already looks elegant and aristocratic!

Decorations for the summer color type

The best jewelry that suits the summer type of female appearance are, of course, diamonds. Cold, transparent shine is what you need! Opal of a bluish color, delicate, light aquamarine, light gray-green or blue agate will also perfectly complement the summer look. Pearl? Why not? But the shade is gray or pinkish. Gold? Wear it without hesitation, but only white or cold pink, no yellow metallic sheen! Platinum? Great choice!

Silver looks very harmonious on a summer woman. Silver jewelry can be both modern, designer and avant-garde, as well as vintage, when the silver has already faded a little and looks very noble!

Fragrances for women-summer

What do we imagine when we talk about summer? Flowers, sea, fruits? These fragrances are perfect for you if you are a summer color type. Freshness, citrus, delicate floral, slightly sweet - refined and refined, real summer flavors!

Hair color for summer color type

Blondes and light blonds very often think that their hair color is too plain and faded, they strive to make it brighter and ... make a fatal mistake. Red, ruby, bright mahogany - absolutely not the shades of hair that would suit a summer woman.

Try adding bright blonde strands to your hairstyle and you will be amazed at how expressive and new you will become! Platinum, ash, silver - thin strands will be an excellent addition to your look.

Want to add a touch of extravagance? Add a light green tint during highlighting or coloring - and your look will be great!

Glasses - sunglasses and for every day

The spectacle frame of a summer woman has the same cold tones as the entire main range of this color type: silver, lilac, pinkish. From above - metal, from below it can be generally transparent.

Sunglasses can also be bright (to the extent that brightness is generally acceptable for a summer color type) - emerald, reddish, purple. That's what summer is for experimenting!

Without exception, all women dream of belonging to the summer color type, of being gentle, sophisticated, feminine. Therefore, many blondes darken their natural hair color, brunettes lighten, and those lucky women who are given a “summer” appearance by nature can easily shine in all the splendor of their exquisite image with the help of our advice!

Royal and gentle at the same time. Proud and friendly at the same time. Restrained, majestic and spectacular. Their beauty does not scream to the whole world, but confidently declares itself. In their appearance - the freshness of summer rain, the transparency of morning dew, the intoxicating smell of clover and honey. All this can be safely said about women, representatives of the Cold Summer color type.

All people on our planet are conditionally divided into four main color types. Depending on how their image combines the color of hair, eyes and skin, as well as on the contrast of these three components in relation to each other. Color types have "seasonal" names: "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn". Each color type is divided into three subcategories.

"Summer" girls are "Clean and Bright Summer", "Cold, Real Summer" or "Mild Summer". Today we will talk about the subtype "Real, Cold Summer" - the coldest of all "summer" images.


"Cold Summer" is one of the most common color types in our latitudes. Women with this appearance are also found in the north, but still most of them are concentrated in regions with a temperate climate.

"Cold Summer", "Real Summer", "Contrast Summer" - these are all several names for one particular type of appearance. In short, these are light, muted and cold shades of the image. In this subtype there are no sharp contrasts, dark saturated tones. And no hint of warmth, as in women of the "winter" color type.

"Real summer" beauties can have blue, blue, gray, dark gray, gray-green or gray-blue eyes. They are quite expressive, although not too contrasting. Such eyes are characteristic of Slavic appearance.

The hair color palette of the representatives of the Cold Summer subtype is very rich: light blond, blond, dark blond. Sometimes a slight implicit "ash" or a slight hint of a red tint is visible in the hair color. The general tone of hair color for both brunettes and brown-haired women is cold. There are no blondes among this subtype.

The skin tone of the "Real Summer" may be different. Options: beige with a hint of pink (“blood with milk”), beige with a hint of gray, milky or classic neutral beige, ivory and dark beige (dark tan complexion).

The lips are light pink or pale, as a rule, well-defined, on a face that is not too contrasting - they stand out well, and therefore noticeable.

Sometimes "Cold Summer" is confused with "Winter". It is very easy to remember the distinctive features - Zim does not have blond hair and beige skin, and Summer does not have such a pronounced contrast as Zima. Although both types of appearance are cold.

Color palette in clothes

You need to know the color type and subtype in order to properly compose your wardrobe, choose accessories and form an approach to makeup. Faithfully underlined advantages of "Cold Summer" and accurately placed accents will refresh the face, give charm and charm to the look.

Stylists and colorists recommend this subtype to pick up things for themselves in soft, muted and dark tones. The ideal option is a variety of shades of brown. “Summer cold” appearance will go very well with the color of mocha, coffee, coffee with milk, cocoa, dark chocolate.

The “coolness” in the image is perfectly emphasized by soft dark red (“wine” shade), noble gray with a charcoal tint, muted blue, “emerald”. Dark purple, dark aquamarine are all great colors for True Summer. There is only one condition - all dark colors must be kept exclusively in cold colors.

Among bright colors, representatives of this subtype should pay attention to “berry” shades - cherry, raspberry, blackberry. Not bad "Real Summer" will look in turquoise and dove, cold lilac, amethyst and dark purple. Again, all bright colors should be cold.

From light colors, preference is for cold blue and light gray shades, lemon and lavender, you can even pink, but without warm notes in the palette.

We create a wardrobe

It is not difficult to create a basic wardrobe for a woman of the Cold Summer subtype. She has a fairly large selection of acceptable shades that she can combine in her clothes.

For everyday wear, as well as in a business style, this type of women should rely on their “crown” dark and cold colors. This should be taken into account when choosing skirts, trousers, suits, as well as coats, jackets, windbreakers, raincoats and even handbags.

Bright "berry", gray and turquoise shades are a guideline for choosing evening dresses, light summer dresses. Light cold shades (“lavender”, “lemon”, blue and light gray, as well as ivory) are the main colors for choosing shirts, blouses, summer suits (including trousers), dresses.

These are the basic requirements for the Cold Summer wardrobe. Further - it all depends on the imagination.

Dark "cold" things are best combined in one ensemble with light "cold". A bright "cold" is better to wear separately. That is, a dark gray charcoal business suit for a woman of this color type implies a duet with a light-colored shirt or blouse, for example, lemon.

And a rather bright “blackberry” or a cold “raspberry” is better to embody in an evening dress, which will be combined with a minimum of dark - only shoes and a handbag. Light colors should be located closer to the face (blouses, shirts, jackets), dark colors should “shift” lower. Bright - monochrome.

Things white and black, although they are classics of style, do not fit the "Cold Summer". In them, they will look too dull, and natural beauty will not be able to express itself.

Instead of white, it is desirable to use ivory, milky or beige, but with a cold tint. Instead of black - dark brown bitter chocolate or dark gray, with a touch of steel or a touch of wet asphalt.

You should not get carried away with floral prints, frills and ruffles for "Cold Summer". Their style is rigor and simplicity, classic cut, intelligence in every detail. It is possible to allow “flying” fabrics only in summer outfits, which must be seasoned and not “full”.

The brightness of the muffled general tone of the appearance of such ladies can be given with the help of accessories. "Real Summer" can bring itself only one contrasting detail in the image. It can be a bright and shiny clutch (necessarily aged in cold shades) or a medium-sized jewelry. Decorations for this subtype are strict and elegant, with topazes, lapis lazuli, amethysts. The best metals for Real Summer are silver and white gold.


If a girl of the "Cold Summer" type uses warm tones in makeup, she will look tired and haggard. Makeup should emphasize the natural "coldness". Therefore, the main principle in the selection of cosmetics is cold and non-contrasting shades.

Tone and powder - ivory, cool pink, the tone should have a light texture. If the skin is naturally dark, you should give preference to powder and tone with a cold olive tint.

Eye shadow should match the color of the iris, but other options are also acceptable: blue and green metallic, sand, "iris", olive, baked milk color, "steel", "sage", dark brown.

Eyeliner doesn't have to be black. Ideal shades are graphite, dark brown, dark purple, dark blue, steel. It is better to opt for a mechanical pencil, leaving a liquid eyeliner for contrasting "Winter" and bright representatives of "Autumn".

The color of the mascara, as far as possible, should match the color of the eyeliner.

Blush can be pink, but not bright and not warm, peach. They should not be applied too much - emphasized contrasts will not make the face of a woman - "Cold Summer" expressive. They should be well shaded. Avoid red, copper and brick blush shades. They are too warm and flashy for "Real Summer".

Lipstick - "cold" palette: raspberry, cherry, fuchsia, and all wine shades.

Choose a lip pencil exactly one tone darker than lipstick.

In this article we will talk about colors in clothes, makeup, suitable for the SUMMER color type. Let's give photo examples and consider the features of 3 subtypes: light, cold, mild summer.

  1. Signs of the Summer color type (hair color, eyes)
  2. Colors in clothes
  3. Makeup
  4. Subtypes
    • Bright summer (classic)
    • Cold summer (cool, contrast)
    • soft summer

Are you not sure if you know your color type? We read How to determine your color type.

Hair color, eyes and other signs of the summer color type

If the protruding areas of the veins under your skin are bluish in color, and your eyes and hair are light, then you belong to the SUMMER Color Type.

Colors in clothes

This palette will help you navigate the choice of clothes and accessories - you will not miss the color if you take one with you to the store.

(click to enlarge)

A pocket palette consisting of a set of patches of summer colors can be purchased at an online store or printed on a color laser printer.

All subtypes of summer appearance are very suitable pastel colors and a minimum of warm shades.

Pay attention to soft muted shades - blue powder, mint greens, dirty pink and milky white.

You should not dress up in bright, contrasting colors because they will ruin the calmness and serenity of your summer look.

Pay attention to pastel yellow - it will suit you very much, because your skin has a bluish-pink tint.

Dilute it with mint, turquoise, dirty pink and any shades of gray.

Your jewelry should be predominantly silver.

About makeup for the summer color type

  1. Foundation should be based on your natural skin tone - cool bluish or cool pink.
  2. Blush color - cyclamen, wild rose, English rose, linen.
  3. For eyeliner, use grape, graphite and smoky shades.
  4. As a base for applying shadows, use shades of sand, shades of jasmine, silver and pearls. For more intense shades of shadows, use lilac, smoky or cornflower blue.
  5. Lipstick - pink jasmine, amethyst, cherry and smoky rose.

Subtypes and subtleties in the selection of shades of makeup

There are three subtypes of summer appearance, each of which has a certain degree of makeup intensity.


Eyes- green or blue.

Hair color- light or smoky blond, possibly with a reddish tint.

Leather light, cold, neutral beige. There is a light pink blush.

Your palette is definitely cold - this applies to the hair, and to the eyes, and to the complexion.

Your colors are the lightest and lightest of all the colors of the summer palette. If you have a slight blush, then you are a bit like a light spring type.

Your color look is light and very delicate.

The main colors in the wardrobe are soft and muted, such as pastel blue or lavender.

You also look great in camel, peach and coral. Sand shades and shades of cocoa are very suitable.

Almost all colors in your palette have a slight, grayish sheen. Pure colors don't suit you.


Eyes gray, blue or bluish-gray.

Hair from light to dark smoky chestnut. Red reflections are barely present or absent altogether.

Leather- cool beige, with bluish undertones or neutral beige.

The dominant colors in the palette are cold. Much thanks to the eyes. The color of your skin does not radiate heat.

Unlike those color types that somehow have similarities with other seasons, your palette is the most strict.

Your most harmonious colors are found in a wide range of grays, cool purples, blues and reds.

Orange and yellow don't suit you at all. However, if the hair is dark, then a smoky yellow will suit you just fine.

Your individuality is emphasized by lavender, milky beige and raspberry.


The summer color type is not so easy to determine with accuracy, although it is quite common among Slavs. The main summer characteristics are the almost complete absence of warm tones in appearance, a slight contrast between hair and skin color, protein and iris, skin with a bluish glow. But they all coincide only in the natural variety of summer, and it is very rich in subtypes, muted colors and shades. Sometimes it can be confused with a non-contrasting winter - the same cold tone, but more softness in features and general appearance. Sometimes summer resembles a bright spring - similar colors, little contrast, but the skin is much colder, there are no golden hues. Given the blurry nature of this season, it's not easy to figure out which colors and palette suit it. The generally accepted rule is that there are no contrasts, bright and saturated colors are not suitable, they drown out the summer color type. The best choice is discreet, discreet shades of cold colors, as if powdered with gray.

The basic wardrobe and clothes for the summer color type should be designed in just such colors. Instead of black - graphite gray, smoky blue, brown with a gray undertone, chocolate, coffee with milk. These colors are well suited for the basic wardrobe, that is, outerwear, jackets, suits. White will perfectly replace light beige, light gray, milk chocolate or eggshell color. The muted blue tone goes well with pale blue, lilac, cool gray and pale pink. Lilac and lavender, silver, mocha, gray, the color of wet asphalt - all these colors are great for the summer color type. The red spectrum is represented by soft and muted pink tones: smoky, ashy, dusty.

Usually summer girls do not like their natural hair color - they consider it too gray, ordinary and unsaturated. And completely in vain - the ash blond is now in special favor. But if there is still a need to repaint, you need to know what hair color will suit the summer color type. You should choose shades without yellowness, which is not inherent in the general tonality of this season. Light hair will go cold blond, light brown - wheaten, dark summer hair can look advantageous with a slight reddish tint.

What colors of clothing and hair suit the cold, natural, soft and contrasting subtype of the summer color type? The photo will help to understand

The summer color type is very diverse in its manifestations. While mostly cool, soft, and light, its subtypes vary considerably in contrast and saturation. For example, natural, or cold summers are characterized by grayish-beige, from light to medium shade, skin color, blue or gray soft eyes. The hair color of the cold summer color type is from medium blond to dark ash. Changing it drastically is a bad idea. Too dark will make the face pale and sickly, and warm shades will come into conflict with cold skin. To refresh the hair, girls with a natural summer color type can be recommended to lighten individual strands, coloring with cold tones, and ombre coloring.

The colors of clothes for this subtype are with a blue undertone, muted, delicate. Bright, clean and warm are completely unsuitable for summer, they are best avoided so as not to get lost in their radiance. But neutral tones - cool grays, khakis, taupe, lavender, dusty purples, aquamarine - are suitable for basic wardrobe and everyday wear. In them, the summer appearance comes to life, it seems more contrasting. Girls of the summer color type in the photo in these colors look the best. Delicate and light colors - pale pink, light beige, in general, cold pastel colors - combine well with the colors of the summer clothing base for the color type. Dark, saturated, cold colors are useful as accents that set off a soft and light image.

The contrasting summer color type is similar to winter - girls with this appearance have rather dark ash-colored hair, light cold skin. But it is devoid of winter brightness - the hair color is muted, the contrast between the iris and the protein is not very large. And the eyes themselves are not so bright. A careful study of the shades of hair and eyes will help to understand whether this is a summer or winter appearance, and to avoid mistakes when choosing a wardrobe. After all, black and white, which a girl can wear in a contrasting summer, mistaking herself for winter, will by no means make her more beautiful. Those who have correctly decided on their appearance know what colors in clothes fit the summer color type in a contrasting subtype: blue, berry shades, light gray, dark blue, soft fuchsia.

The soft summer color type is slightly influenced by autumn, so the skin of girls with this appearance is not as cold as that of other subtypes, but rather neutral. Hair color for the summer color type in the soft subtype usually seems to be a problem - it is mouse gray and can be considered nondescript. However, when repainting, care should be taken not to go into too warm and dark tones. Although a little bit of gold in the hair will not hurt a soft summer, the main thing is not to overdo it. The eyes are usually gray-blue or hazel, with no contrast. It is better to choose colors in clothes that are muted and soft (grayish and sky blue, coniferous, emerald turquoise, wormwood, light purple, dark beige), but in order not to look blurry, you need to shade them with deaf and saturated - matte red , sapphire, cherry.

Basic wardrobe and palette for the light, dark and bright subtype of the summer color type

The light summer color type resembles spring, but it is cold and not so bright. It is found in natural light, ash blondes. The skin of this subtype is pinkish or pale beige, with a bluish glow. The eyes are smoky blue or translucent green. The main characteristic of such an appearance is a light color, therefore the palette of the summer color type of the light subtype is rich in pale, delicate, neutral colors. Milky, light lavender, dusty rose, light gray are very suitable for this delicate and chilly color type. For color accents, you can use light blue, matte red, ultramarine.

The dark summer color type is common, but it is not easy to describe and define it. In general, this is summer with dark hair of a cold and soft light brown eyes, with a skin of a coldish or neutral shade. It is quite possible to confuse it with winter or autumn, and a test with scarves will help to figure out which season the appearance belongs to. You will need six of them: bright red and black, orange and khaki, dark blue and cornflower blue. They need to be brought in turn to a non-made-up face in natural light. If the first pair came up, then the color type is dark winter, if the second is deep autumn, and only cornflower blue and dark blue make dark summer shine. For this subtype of the summer color type, the basic wardrobe should consist of dark blue, dark gray, saturated cold green tones, shades of wet asphalt and cocoa. Cold pastels also look good, but they need accents of deeper colors.

The bright summer color type is more contrasting compared to other summer subtypes. The skin is usually darker than the hair, and the eyes stand out brightly on the face. The general tone of the face is pinkish, cold, but can also be light olive. The iris is a rather saturated green, gray-green or blue. Hair - light blond or light ash. All shades of gray, purple, wine, soft fuchsia, a palette of cold pastel colors will suit a bright summer.

For girls with a summer appearance, it is very important not to make a mistake with the color type, because inappropriate colors are very harmful to their cool, calm appearance.