Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (younger group) on the topic: Drawing up a story based on the painting “Cat with kittens. GCD on the development of speech "Compilation of a descriptive story based on the painting" Cat with kittens

GCD Examination of the painting "Cat with kittens"

Objectives: To form the ability to carefully consider the characters of the plot picture, answer questions about its content; to promote the manifestation of elements of creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture; fixing in speech the names of animals and their cubs; activate in speech the words denoting the actions of the animal; develop mutual assistance.

Tasks: Learn to name animals and their cubs, cat leashes, what animals can do; To teach children to compose a story based on a plot picture, forms answers to questions using elements of explanatory speech; Pronounce words correctly, use the means of intonational expressiveness in the process of communicating with peers and adults.

Previous work: Reading poems about pets, a cat, singing the song "Grey Kitty", guessing riddles about animals.

Benefits: the picture "Cat with kittens", pictures of animals and their cubs, sheets of paper depicting unfinished cats.

Individual work: To teach Artem D. to name baby animals, to teach Yegor L. to come up with names for kittens, talk about kittens.

Priority area: communication, integration, cognition, FCCM, artistic creativity (drawing), health, FZK.

Event progress

I. Children, let's play with you (finger gymnastics)

Let's imagine together that we are visiting Grandma Milania. We are playing in the yard and we saw someone:

mustachioed cat

horned cow

bearded goat

Shaggy dog

grimy pig

Let's remember once again who we saw visiting Grandma Milania.

II. Didactic game "Mom and kids" (by pictures)

III. Examination of the painting "Cat with kittens".

Who is in the picture? (cat)

What cat? (big, fluffy, beautiful)

What are the kittens? (small, fluffy, funny)

What is the cat doing? (lies resting)

What name can you give a cat? (Murka)

What is this kitten doing? (plays with balls)

What name can you give him? (Vaska)

What is this kitten doing? (licks milk)

What name shall we give him? (Fluff)

What is the third kitten doing? (lies next to mom, resting)

Let's give him a name, shall we? (Sonya)

How can you call everyone who is depicted in the picture? (Cat family)

Where is papa cat? Let's figure out where he could be (Gone hunting, hid in another room)

Now think, who could bring a basket of balls to kittens? (Mistress, mother, grandmother)

What will she say to the cat with kittens when she returns? (What spoiled kittens, so I will punish you, I will not give milk)

IV. Fizminutka.

Here the window is open (hands to the sides)

The cat came out on the ledge (imitates the graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up, the cat looked down

Here I turned to the left (turn my head to the left),

Watched the flies (turn your head to the right)

Stretched, smiled and sat on the ledge (sit down)

V. Word game with a ball "What can a cat do?"

VI. Drawing up a story based on a plot picture.

We will learn to compose stories according to the plot picture, at home tell your mothers about the cat and kittens.

“The picture shows ... (a cat with kittens). The cat is big ... (fluffy beautiful). Next to her ... (three kittens). They are ... (small, funny). One kitten is called ... (Vaska). He ... (plays with balls). Another kitten is called ... (Fluff, he laps milk). The third kitten is called ... (Sonya). Sleep has already eaten and ... (lay down next to mom). Papa-cat left ... (hunting). She brought a basket of balls ... (hostess). Now she will return and say ... ("What spoiled kittens!"). I liked the picture because the kittens turned out ... (funny).

And now, girls and boys, let's close our eyes, let our eyes rest. We will think about how to compose a story about a cat and kittens.

The teacher listens to the stories of the children, encouraging their attempts to tell.

VII. Creative activity. Drawing on the topic: “What is the cat missing?”

Let's give pictures to a cat with kittens

VIII. Outcome. Reflection of activity.

What did you learn in class?

Who were the stories about?

What do you remember about the lesson?

"Word game, what can a cat do?"

TOPIC: Storytelling based on the painting "Cat with kittens" (for children 4-5 years old)

Program content:

continue to teach children to look at the picture. Involve children in conversation while looking at them, name the features of the appearance of the animal, help understand the content of the picture. To cultivate the ability to listen to the story of the educator, compiled from the picture, to compose a story according to the model on their own or with the help of the educator. Raise interest in pets.


picture "Cat with kittens", paired pictures for the game "Mom and kids", easel, pointer, sheet of paper depicting a cat with balls, ball.

For each child, a sheet of paper with a drawn kitten, colored pencils.

Previous work:

conversations on the topic: “Pets”, didactic games, memorizing nursery rhymes about a cat, looking at the album “Our Pets”.

Methodical methods:

story, conversation, artistic word, didactic games "What the cat is doing", "Paired pictures", looking at the picture, physical education.


The teacher draws the attention of the children to the guests, greet them, brings the children to the tables where paired pictures with pets are laid out.

Animals came to visit us:

Cats, horses, pigs.

They lost their children, cried for a long time, searched.

Help mothers find their children as soon as possible.

Let's help moms, (children complete the task, check).

At the horse (foal)

At the cow (calf)

Dog (puppy)

At the pig (piglet)

In a cat (kitten)

At the goat .... (goat).

Well done! And I have prepared a surprise for you. Sit on the chairs (I show the picture, the children are looking at it).


Who do you see in the picture?

Let's look at the cat first.

What cat? (big, fluffy, beautiful).

What is the body of a cat covered with? (wool).

And what kind of wool? (long, soft, fluffy).

What does a cat have? (body, head, paws, tail).

What's on the cat's head? (ears, eyes, nose, mouth, mustache).

What is the cat doing? (lies).

we studyEducator:

There are kittens next to the cat. What are they? (small, fluffy).

What kind of faces do they have? (Funny, funny).

What is the body covered with? What are the kittens doing?

Now I will tell you a story about a cat with kittens. Listen carefully, and then try to tell yourself.


This is a cat with kittens. The cat is big and fluffy. The whole body of a cat is covered with hair. It is soft, thick and long. A cat has a body, a head, paws, and a tail. On the cat's head are ears, eyes, mouth, nose, whiskers to feel the prey. There are kittens next to the cat. They are small and fluffy. Kittens like all children love to play. They have fun with their mom.

Now let's hear your story. (2-3 children).

Here comes a black cat, hiding, waiting for a mouse. The mouse will bypass the mink and will not get to the cat.

The cat has eyes, the cat has ears, the cat has paws - soft pillows. Kitty, kitty, don't get angry, don't scratch the kids.

Guys, and I have for you another game "What can a cat do?"
I will throw the ball to you, and you answer and throw the ball back to me.
The cat knows how .... (to catch mice).

The cat knows how ... (to wash). Etc.

Well done! I have more pictures. Who is depicted on them? (kittens). You said they like to play with balls. Let us tell them

many multi-colored balls, like a mother cat (show illustration), let them play. But for this we need to stretch our fingers. Repeat after me.

Finger gymnastics.

Pussy, kitty, kisulya (alternately stroking the palms)

Julia called the kitten. (flexion and extension of the fingers).

Doing work by children.


Guys, I suggest you take these drawings home and tell your parents about the considered painting “Cat with Kittens”.

Evteeva Irina Evgenievna,

teacher of the first qualification category

MADOU CRR - Kindergarten No. 13 "Sun"

Zaraysk, Moscow region.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" in Nadym"


in the educational field "Speech development",

speech development in the middle group



Educational area: "Speech development".

Integration of educational areas:"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Form of organization of educational activities: GCD.

Subject:"A story based on the painting "Cat with kittens"".

Target: Formation of communication skills of children, development of horizons.


1. Continue to teach children to describe the picture in a certain sequence, call it;

2. To form the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, form the plural and singular form of nouns denoting baby animals;

3. Consolidate children's ideas about wild and domestic animals, their cubs;

4. Develop graphic-motor skills and visual coordination;

5. Promote the development of a sense of compassion and willingness to help.

Preliminary work: compiling a descriptive story about a toy, examining the painting “Dog with puppies”; didactic games "Who lives where", "Help me find my mother", "Big and small"; games - improvisations, drawing "Mustachioed - striped"; plot - role-playing games "Zoo", "Journey to the forest", "Farm".

Material and equipment: a demonstration magnetic board, a large mitten, a soft toy - a bunny, a drawing - a diagram of "forest", "house", a napkin, a painting by S. Veretennikova "Cat with kittens", sets of split pictures "Wild animals and their cubs", "Pets and their cubs”, colored balls of thread for each child, colored felt-tip pens (pencils), landscape sheet, attributes - hats of kittens.

Lesson progress:

1. Introductory part (introduction to the situation)

IN: Guys, I know that you love mom and dad, grandparents, and other family members very much. It is so? Why do you love them?

What do you think, is it possible to love animals?

What animals do you know?

Who has an animal at home?

How do you love him?

I also love animals, both large and very small! And I want to tell a story. Do you want to listen? So. I'm walking along the path, walking slowly, and suddenly ... (I take off the napkin, and under it is a mitten).

"Oh! What is a small house?

A sheepskin mitten!

Someone is crying.

Can you help us, friends?

Who can cry there? (children's answers)

(I take out a hare from my mitten)

Guys, who is this?

Ask the hare why is he crying? (children ask a question)

W (W): I’m small, I’m still stupid, I don’t know much, I often forget, I didn’t obey my mother, I ran away from her and got lost. Guys, please help me find my mom.

IN: Guys, do you want to help the bunny? Can you?

2. Knowledge update -didactic game "Help me find my mother."

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals, their cubs, habitat.

On a magnetic board mixed pictures of domestic and wild animals, a schematic representation of Christmas trees and houses; separate pictures of baby animals.

IN: Guys, who do you see here? How will you help the bunny? (Children alternately perform a game action - they correlate mother with her cub. Actions are pronounced with the words: the mother of the dog has a cub puppy. This is a pet. We will place them near the house. The goat has a goat, a pet, also to the house. A cow has a calf, domestic animal, the fox has a fox cub, lives in the forest, let's put them near the Christmas trees, a wild animal. The wolf has a wolf cub, a wild animal, lives in the forest. And you, hare, mother hare. You also live in the forest. Go, hare, to mom and don't get lost anymore!)

IN:- Guys, could you help the hare? What knowledge do you need for this? Well done, helped the hare find his mother! And now I'll introduce you to another family. Want to? (The teacher puts the picture “Cat with kittens” on the board.) Carefully consider this picture (I pause, the children look).

3. Discovery of new knowledge - storytelling in a picture

IN: Have you looked at the picture and must have already decided what it should be called?

D:“The cat and her kittens”, “Mother cat plays with kittens”, “About kittens”, “The cat lies on the mat and looks at the kittens”.

IN: Yes, different names. But I want to remind you that the title of the picture should not be very long, but short. But even from the short title it should be clear what this picture is about. Masha briefly named the picture. Well done! Sasha's name of the picture I also like. And you? And why?

D: Because it is short and clear what the picture is about.

IN: The artist painted this picture and called it "Cat with Kittens" (pause). Guys, didn’t it seem strange to you that I said “wrote?” No, I was not mistaken: you need to say so - “the artist painted a picture”, but did not draw. It's clear? Let's talk together (choral pronunciation "the artist painted the picture") Remember this! In order for the story based on the picture to turn out to be interesting, without repetition, you must first tell everything about the cat, then everything about the kittens and, finally, about what we see around. So, attention to the mother - a cat. Big beautiful cat admires kittens, isn't it? Tell about her.

D: (2-3 children talk about the cat). The cat is large, gray and tabby. She has big green eyes. She lies and looks at her kittens. The cat has a big head and short pointed ears, fluffy tail, etc.

IN: Well done boys! Both Sasha and Masha correctly noted that the cat is large, mustachioed, all striped, with beautiful thick fur. The cat is very pleased to hear these words. She rests and admires her children - kittens. How many? (choir answers) Let's count together: one kitten, two, three kittens. The cat has three kittens. They have grown up and can take care of themselves. It is so? Tell about them.

D: (2-3 children talk about kittens). The cat has three kittens: one gray, one tabby, exactly like the mother, and one red. They called him, probably, Ryzhik. They have already grown up and know how to play with colored balls. The gray kitten was tired and fell asleep near his mother. And Ryzhik wants milk, etc.

IN: Well done, guys, everyone told about the kittens. They have grown up and know how to play themselves. Kittens' favorite pastime is playing with balls.

Here is my cat - a toy.

I'll throw a ball at him.

He will play with a ball

Unwinds my threads.

Guys, I think the kittens are fine at home. And what do you think?

D: I also think that kittens are good, they are funny. Their mother is next to them. And with mom and calm and fun. Kittens have their own place in the apartment - a rug. It is striped and colorful. On the floor is a saucer of milk. This means that the cat and kittens have a caring mistress. She loves them. And everyone is fine! (I listen to the choral and individual answers of the children, show surprise, consent).

IN: Look, guys, it seems that the kittens are really smiling! After all, Katya correctly said that she and her mother are both calm and cheerful. They are good. Do you agree with Katya and with me? Well done for noticing a beautiful striped rug and a saucer full of milk on the floor. This hostess made sure that the kittens were warm and satisfying.

And now Refat will compose his story based on the picture, and I ask you guys to listen carefully to the story and see if there are any repetitions in it. Well, Refat will try to avoid them. First he will talk about the cat, then about the kittens, and later about whether the kittens are happy in the house. (The child tells, adhering to the plan of the story.)

IN: Thanks Refat. Well, guys, did you like Refat's story?

What did you like?

Were there any repeats?

How did Refat avoid repetitions?

Let's take a look at his story. If you really liked the story, then clap your hands cheerfully, and if someone didn’t like it, then stamp your foot.

IN: Guys, today we learned to tell from a picture. I liked your stories so much that I decided to leave the picture “Cat with Kittens” in the group until the end of the day. Suddenly, one of you will still please her by telling how beautiful she is and her kittens too.

4. Fizminutka. Game - improvisation "Depict an animal"

(children put hats on their heads - kittens)

IN: I am a house cat

soft belly, (Children depict an animal:

soft paws, it is important to move around the carpet on the “even”

There are scratches in the paws of the Dac. ropes", stroking tummy,

I like to play, claws; crawling, catching up with colored

"Meow-meow" repeat, balls of thread, wind them around

And catch up with the balls. tangle - hand motility.)

IN: Well done! Good kittens! Kittens enjoy playing with balls so much that they ask you to draw balls for other kittens. Will you draw? Can you? Sit down at the tables, let's draw.

5. Drawing multi-colored balls

(I show a sample picture - multi-colored balls.)

- What color are the balls?

What form?

How many?

Are they the same size?

- Guys, have you noticed why some balls turned out to be large and others small? (each next turn is larger than the previous one)

Let's draw balls in the air. Get the right marker. (I check if all the children are holding the marker correctly.) We put a dot in the air and draw a curved round line, do not connect the line, but each time we make a larger and larger curl. And the more curls, the more balls. Did everyone get big balls? Guys, kittens ask you to draw large and colorful balls. Does everyone understand? Take the right pencil (felt-tip pen) and get to work. (A calm melody sounds; individual work in a low voice - advice, praise, help, display on a separate sheet.)

IN: Oh , how many multi-colored balls turned out! Whole show! Guys, ask the kittens, did they like the balls? What should they be? Everyone tried! Lera drew large balls. Lots of curls and very close strands to each other. Well done! And Sasha, and Katya, and Ilyas drew red, blue, green balls. Yes, they are all big! What kind of pictures do you guys like? (2-3 children analyze the work). Well done! All balls are good! Kittens say "meow meow!" - Thank you!

6. Comprehension. Guys, did you enjoy doing it? What did we do in class? What is the correct name for the painting? And how do you need to tell the picture so that the story is interesting? Well done! Communication with you has brought me joy. This is what makes me feel like this! (I make a facial expression) Depict your mood, either with facial expressions or emoticons. Great! Give each other smiles! And always help those who need it!


1. Exemplary general educational program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to school", edited by; M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

2. "Development of speech in kindergarten, middle group"; M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

3. "Complex classes in the middle group of kindergarten" (a practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions) TC "Teacher", 2001

Myakotkina Olga Alekseevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: GBOU School №51
Locality: Moscow
Material name: Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group
Subject:"Compilation of a story based on the painting "Cat with Kittens"
Publication date: 15.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

"Compilation of a story based on the painting "Cat with Kittens"

Goal: development of children's speech through teaching creative storytelling in

plot picture

To teach children to compose a detailed story according to the proposed picture,

based on the plan;

Exercise in guessing riddles;

To form the ability to carefully consider the picture;

Develop speech, attention, memory, thinking;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Form of organization of children's activities



preliminary work

Reading stories: In Berestov, "Cat at the Gate", "Stray Cat", "Kotofey".

A. Usachev, "Planet of Cats"

Equipment and materials: picture "Cat and kittens", easel,

markers, ball

Lesson progress

Educator: “Guys, today we will learn to compose a story according to

picture of a pet. And what kind of animal, you will learn,

when each of you guesses his own riddle and quickly sketches the answer.

The teacher passes and "in the ear" says a descriptive

characterization of the animal.

sharp claws, soft paws ...

fluffy fur, long mustache ...

purrs, laps milk ...

washes his tongue, hides his nose when it's cold ...

sees well in the dark, sings songs, purrs

she has good hearing, walks inaudibly...

can arch its back, scratch...

Educator: "Who is it, guys?"

Children's answers.

Educator: “Quite right, today we will make up a story

about cats and kittens.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the presented

Teacher: Look at the cat. Describe her appearance. What is she like?

Children's answers (big, fluffy)

Educator: “Look at the kittens. What can you say about them, what are they like?

Children's answers (small and fluffy too)

Educator: "How do kittens differ from each other?"

Children's answers (one is red, the second is black, the third is motley)

Teacher: “Exactly. So we can say that kittens

differ in color. What does each kitten do?

Children's answers.

Educator: "What are these kittens like?"

Children's answers.

Educator: “Indeed, kittens are very different. But they are similar in that they

small. Now let's give the cat and kittens imeen. But such

so that they match their character"

Children make guesses.

Educator: “So, a kitten named ... is playing. How can you say in

to another?"

Answers of children (frolics, jumps, rolls a ball)

Educator: “A kitten named ... is sleeping. How else can you say?

Answers of children (sleeping, closed eyes, resting)

Educator: “And a kitten named ... laps milk. How else can we say?

Answers of children (drinking, licking)


The cat woke up in the morning

Stretched gracefully up

Bent down nicely

Turned left and right

And quietly walked away

Movements are imitated (according to the text)

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. Asks the question: "What can

make cats? and throws the ball in turn. Children answer and hit the ball.

Educator: “Now let’s get back to the picture. Hear me compose

story about this picture. »

Children listen carefully.

The teacher tells the children a plan according to which they need to draw up

Who is in the picture?

Where is the action taking place?

Who could leave a basket of balls?

What's happened?

What can happen when the mistress returns?

Children try to make up a story from the picture.

The teacher sums up the lesson and conducts the game.

Children are divided into 2 teams. Members of each team in turn

run up to their easel and draw a kitten. That team wins

who drew more kittens.

Dinara Miniyanovna Gibadullina
Drawing up a plot story based on the painting "Cat with Kittens". Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

Target: contribute speech development, mental operations.



Build skill carefully look at the picture.

Improve skill based on the plan.

Exercise in guessing descriptive riddles on a given topic.


Exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning, select words that indicate the actions of objects.

Clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [s] and [h], [w] and [g], [h] and [u], [l] and [r] and differentiate them by ear.

Improve the ability to name words with a given sound in a word.

Develop memory, thinking, observation.


Generate interest in pets.

Cultivate respect for activities with other children, do not interrupt each other, listen to your friend to the end.






Examining the painting.



vocabulary work:

Anchoring in speeches children the ability to maintain a conversation.

Entering new children into the dictionary words: frolicking, dozing, lapping.

Individual work:

Activation on lesson inactive children - to involve in the conversation, looking at the picture, answers to the questions of the educator.

Material: painting« Cat with kittens» , toy kitten, ball.

caregiver: Guys, today we will write a story about a pet. Which animal are you talking about? tell, you will know when each of you solves the riddle. I will make riddles in my ear.

Sharp claws, soft pillows.

Fluffy fur, long whiskers.

Purring, drinking milk.

Washes his tongue, hides his nose when it's cold.

He sees well in the dark, sings songs.

She has good hearing and walks quietly.

Knows how to arch the back, scratches.

What guess did you get?

Children: Cat.

caregiver: Name the cubs cats?

Children: kittens.

caregiver: So today we will write a story about a cat with kittens. Look at cat. Describe her appearance. What is she?

Children: Big, fluffy.

caregiver: Look at kittens what can be said about them? What are they?

Children: Small, also fluffy.

caregiver: What is the difference kittens apart? What do they have different?

Children: One kitten is red, the second is black, the third is motley.

caregiver: That's right, they differ in coat color. How else are they different? See what each kitten is doing?

Children: One plays with a ball, the second sleeps, the third drinks milk.

caregiver: How are they all alike? kittens?

Children: All are small.

caregiver: Kittens are very different. Let's give these nicknames cat and kittens so that you can guess from them which kitten is in character.

Child: Kitty (gives nickname) plays.

caregiver (frolics, jumps, rolls a ball).

Child: Kitty (gives nickname) sleeping.

caregiver: How else can you say about him? (resting, dozing).

Child: And this kitten (gives nickname) drinks milk.

caregiver Q: How else can you say? (lacking).

Fizminutka « Cat»

Carefully as if cat from sofa to window

I'll walk on my toes, lie down and curl up in a ring.

And now it's time to wake up to pull up, smile.

I can easily jump off the sofa, I will arch the back

And from the saucer I drink milk with my tongue.

Now guys think story about this picture. Listen to the plan to help you make up a story.

Who is pictured on picture? Where is the action taking place?

Who could leave a basket of balls? And what happened here?

What can happen when the mistress returns?

Guys, try story use the words and expressions that you used when looking at the picture.

The story of the children in the picture.

caregiver: A kitten came to visit us, guess what his name is.

The children answer.

caregiver: The kitten will play with you. How do we call a kitten?

Children: Kitty Kitty.

caregiver: What is the sound at the end?

Children: Sound [S].

A toy kitten appears, the teacher speaks on his behalf.

Kitty: Listen to what sound I will say. (Long-drawn s-s-s.) What sound did I say?

The children answer.

Kitty: Now listen to another sound. (Pronounces drawling z-z-z.)

The children answer.

Kitty: And now repeat the words after me.

Sa-za, sa-za, the dragonfly flew away.

For-sa, for-sa, a wasp flew to us.

Children repeat.

Kitty: What sounds are often found in these tongue twisters?

The children answer.

The kitten asks the children to repeat the following tongue twisters.

Zha - sha, zha - sha, Zhenya feeds the baby.

Cha - cha, cha - cha, we catch bream in the river.

La-ra, la-ra, the game begins.

Children answer what sounds are often found in these tongue twisters.

Kitty: Well done, you distinguish sounds well. Now let's play a game with you.

A game "Guess where the sound is?"

Kitty: I really enjoyed playing with you, but it's time for me to go back to my mother. And since you answered well, I give you pictures of kittens.

caregiver: That's our end class. What did you like more about lesson? And why?

Self-analysis of direct-educational activities

Educational area: "Communication"

Chapter: « Speech development»

Subject: « Drawing up a plot story based on a picture« Cat with kittens»

Directly - educational activities are built taking into account federal state requirements and age characteristics of children, according to the structure of the general educational program of preschool education "Birth to School" N. E. Veraksa.


Educational: form skill carefully look at the picture; improve skill write a story about a picture drawing on the plan; exercise in guessing descriptive riddles on a given topic.

Educational: exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning, select words that indicate the actions of objects; clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds and differentiate them by ear; improve the ability to name words with a given sound in a word; develop memory, thinking, observation.

Educational: arouse interest in pets; to cultivate respect for other children, not to interrupt each other, to listen to a friend to the end.

Form of organization directly-educational activities: subgroup.

Activity type: developing.

Stage 1 - organizational (3 min) guessing riddles. Didactic task: attract attention, arouse children's interest.

Stage 2 - motivational (4 min) looking at the picture. Acceptance by children of the purpose of the activity.

Stage 3 - consolidation of existing ideas (8 min) storytelling by picture, didactic games.

Stage 4 - final (3 min.) summarizing the material covered

Stage 5 - reflection (2 minutes.)

direct educational activities were carried out according to the long-term plan, taking into account the age characteristics of children. All parts are interconnected and smoothly pass from one to another. Used different types activities: guessing riddles, didactic games, surprise moment, question - answer. The proposed material is available for children. A game motivation was created, which contributed to the interest of children. Vocabulary and individual work was actively conducted. The nature of the interaction between children and the teacher is trusting, friendly. Children enthusiastically completed the tasks that were offered to them. They enthusiastically took part in the activities.

This educational activity contributed to the consolidation of the previously acquired knowledge of children. The only thing I would like is that inactive children not only watch, but also show their activity themselves. This is what I will strive for in my future work.

I think that the goal set by me was achieved, the children coped with all the tasks.