Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic: NOD "Zimushka-winter" (senior group). Synopsis of GCD on cognition in kindergarten for children of the senior group "Winter - winter

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 15"


continuous educational activities for the implementation of the educational field « cognitive development »

(formation of a holistic picture of the world)

in the middle group

Theme "Hello, zimushka - winter"

Protection of the project "Zimushka - winter"

Golysheva Elena Vladimirovna


Snezhinsk 2016

Program tasks:


To develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature.


Continue to explore winter sports. To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.


Raise the notion that man is closely connected with nature


Develop the ability to guess riddles, to think.

Exercise in the ability to express your thoughts in a sentence (of 3 - 4 words), common, with homogeneous members.

Clarify the generalizing concepts of "shoes", "clothes" and use them in speech.

Preliminary work:

Watching a video about winter, about winter fun

Reading books about winter


Memorizing poems about winter

Viewing illustrations about winter

Plot-role-playing game "Doll Masha froze"

D / game "What is superfluous?", "Seasons", "Winter fun"

Situational conversations: “Where do illnesses come from in winter?”, “Why is it cold in winter?”, “What will we wear for a walk in winter?”

indus individual work:

Exercise Ilya and Ksyusha in the ability to express their thoughts in a sentence (of 3 - 4 words), common, with homogeneous members.

Develop Julia's thinking skill when guessing riddles

. Methods and techniques:

game moment

Use of art word


Questions (leading)

Kids Tips

Help educator

Choral pronunciation

Individual pronunciation


Lesson progress:

1 part

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher offers to listen to the poem

When does winter come?

Winter is coming for everyone

When both grass and houses

The carpet covers the snow.

Freezing water on the river

The river will fall asleep until spring

When the kids are on the rink

Skate will scratch the ice?

Educator: What time of year did I read the poem about?

(About winter)

Educator: The real winter has come. What is the first winter month?


Educator: How is winter different from autumn?

(Snow falls in winter, ice freezes)

Educator: How do people prepare for winter?

(Wear warm clothes, prepare firewood)

caregiver : Bunny came to visit us. He also prepared for winter. How?

(The bunny changed his gray coat to white)

caregiver : Where does Bunny live?

(The bunny lives in the forest)

caregiver : What does the Bunny eat in the forest in winter?

(bark of trees, dry branches, fruits)

Educator: The bunny in the forest will not freeze. He has a warm coat. And when he is completely cold, he digs a deep hole in the snow.

Educator: Can a person freeze in winter? Why?

(If you don't wear warm clothes)

Educator: In winter, a person must wear warm clothes. What do you wear in winter for a walk?

Children list items of clothing and shoes. We fix it in speech with choral and individual pronunciation.


Educator: In order not to freeze in the frost on the street, you need to move: jump and run.

Let's show you how to jump. Clap your hands on your shoulders.

(children jump)

Educator: Keep your hands warm to keep them warm.

(rub palms and blow on them)

Educator: This is how you can keep warm outside in winter. No frost is afraid of you.

part 2

Educator: Bunny wants to know if you like to walk outside in winter?

I listen to the answers of children, directing them to the ability to correctly build a common sentence

Educator: In winter, you can find many more interesting activities. Name them.

(Sledding, skating, skiing, ice slide)

caregiver : The main thing to remember is the rule: you can’t go out onto the reservoir. The ice can crack, you can fall through the ice and drown.

Where can you ski and skate safely?

(At the rink, at the stadium, FOK)

caregiver : Can I skate on the road?


caregiver : Do you like sledding? Where can you ride?

(From the mountain in the park or in the yard)

caregiver : It is forbidden to drive on the roadway. You can only ride in the park or on the sidewalk.

Educator: Now I will give you riddles. To correctly guess them, you need to listen carefully and think carefully.

    Powdered the tracks

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And on a sled rolled (Winter)

    Stars circled

A little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm (Snowflakes)

    And not snow

And not ice

And silver will remove the trees (hoarfrost)

    What is the master

Put on glass

Both leaves and herbs

And thickets of roses (Frost)

    It's pure and clear like a diamond

Doesn't know the price

Born by mother

And he gives birth to her (Ice)

    Two snub-nosed girlfriends

Not separated from each other

Both run across the sky

Both songs are sung

Both tapes on the run

Left in the snow (Skiing)

Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly! Bunny really enjoyed visiting you. But he needs to run back to the forest, where his friends are waiting for him.

Synopsis of the joint organized activity "Zimushka-winter"

Target: Summarizing children's knowledge about winter and winter fun.
Tasks: Educational:
- activation and expansion of the dictionary;
- selection and use of related words in speech;
- the formation of a conscious attitude to health.
- development of auditory attention;
- development of fine motor skills of fingers;
- to promote the development of physical qualities: speed, agility, coordination, endurance;
- development of speech, thinking.
- education in children of self-confidence, mutual understanding, friendly relations with peers in joint activities;
- education of self-control over speech, the ability to listen to each other;
- upbringing of an active life position, striving for a healthy lifestyle;
Methods and techniques: verbal, reading a poem, visual, game
Equipment: pictures about winter and winter fun, music for relaxation, snowballs. Clothing: hat, scarf, felt boots.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.
1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist. Now I will read you a riddle, guessing it, you will find out what we will talk about today. Listen carefully.
Brought fun, snow,
Loud and boisterous laughter.
Killed all the trees
Gave joy to children.
And don't forget about adults

Guess who she is?
What season is this riddle about?
Children: This is Zimushka - winter.

    What is our winter like? (Severe, white, silvery, fluffy, snowy, frosty, cold).

    What happens in winter? (Snow falls, wind howls, rivers freeze).

Well done, guys, remembered all its signs.

Exercise "Name the action" (with the ball). I will say an unfinished sentence, and the one to whom I pass the ball will finish the word I did not say.

    In winter, a blizzard ... ( sweeps).

    At night, the wind in the pipes ... ( howls, howls).

    From a snow cloud of snowflakes ... ( falling, flying, spinning).

    In the forest in winter, a hungry wolf ... ( howls).

    For the winter, a bear in a den ...... ( falls asleep).

    Frost cheeks and nose ... ( pinches).

    In winter, water in the river. ... ( freezes).

    Frost on the branches of trees ... ( glitters).

    In winter, snow is all around ... ( covers).

    Trees in winter ... ( are sleeping).

    Grass under the snow in winter ... ( warming up).

    Insects in winter ... ( hiding).

Speech therapist: Do you love winter? For what? (children's answers)

Guys, do you think winter is good or bad?

Suggested responses from children:

    In winter it is good, because there is a lot of snow and you can make a snowman, play snowballs.

    In winter it is good, you can go sledding down the mountain.

    In winter, the best holiday comes - the New Year, and this is very good.

    In winter it is bad, when a strong frost blows, we do not go for a walk.

    In winter, it is bad for birds - they are cold and have nothing to eat.

    In winter it's nice and fun, we go skiing and play hockey.

The teacher draws a round of snowballs “good”, “bad” for each answer.

Look, guys, at the snowballs and make a conclusion: which snowball is bigger? In winter, there are more good things: the guys love to play, have fun, play sports.


3.Speech therapist: Winter is a frosty time, but it brings a lot of games, entertainment and fun to people. And yet, winter is the time for fun children's games and fun.

What winter games do you know?

Look at the picture, what games are the children playing? (children list)

Now we will go for a walk. Look at the cards and choose what we need for the walk.

Hat, fur coat, felt boots, sandals, skates, shovel, sled ....

Let's make a sentence with each of these words.

Why didn't anyone take sandals, a skipping rope?

The game "The Third Extra". Now listen to my winter words, one of the three words will be superfluous, you need to name it, explaining your decision:

2. Snowballs, sleds, skates.

3. Snowstorm, skiing, frost.

4. Snowball, snowman, bullfinch.

Correctly! What smart people and smart people! You know everything about winter, winter phenomena.

What games do they like to play? I will tell you puzzles:

    Now I will tell you riddles about winter fun, and you guess them.
    - My new friends are both shiny and light,
    And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost. (Skates)

    - Two new two-meter maple soles:
    He put two feet on them - and run through the big snows. (Skis)

    - Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.
    For a rope - a bridle through the yard I lead a horse,
    I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back. (Sled)

    - I will collect a round little lump of snow,
    I'll throw it at a friend, I'll throw it at my brother,
    We play, all in the snow. (Snowballs)

    - They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.
    Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.
    Eyes - coals, handles - knots.
    Cold big. Who am i? (Snowman)

Speech therapist: And now we invite you to play exciting games. Want to?
Children: Yes!
4. Phys. Instructor:
- Good with its beauty, our winter is winter!
Play with her today, the kids have gathered here!
- Who came here to play?
And of course win?
Who among you does not like boredom?
Who is the master of all trades here?
Who wants to be an athlete?
How about a warm-up?
(with a wave of the right hand, point to yourself while pronouncing “I”)

I see that you are all ready to play, and in order to become dexterous, I ask you to repeat after me!

    “Winter has finally come, (children spread their arms to the sides)

    The houses have become white (they fold their hands over their heads)

    It's not snowing on the street, (move your hands from top to bottom)

    Janitor sweeps the street, (imitate)

    We are sledding, (squat, arms stretched forward)

    We write circles on the rink, (hands are laid behind the back. Slowly spinning)

    Deftly skiing, (imitate)

    And we play all the snowballs. (Make and throw snowballs)"

6. : Great workout guys! And now I invite you for a winter walk. But first, let's do a Neboleyka massage to prevent colds.
Massage of biologically active zones “Neboleika”
- So that the throat does not hurt, we stroke it boldly.
(children stroke their neck from top to bottom with their palms)
- In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub your nose.
(rubbing the wings of the nose with the index finger)
- We will also rub our forehead, hold our palm with a visor.
(put palms on the forehead with a “visor” and rub it with movements “to the sides - together”)
- Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears, boldly neck.
(spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front and behind the ears)
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we are not afraid of a cold!
(rubbing both palms)
Speech therapist: Well done, they did a good massage. Now you won't get sick!
7. Phys. Instructor:
To ride all day
We are on a snowy hill,
So that we do not have to warm ourselves,
You need to dress warmly.

Relay race "Let's go for a walk"
(on command, the first child puts on a hat, scarf, mittens and runs to the landmark, comes back and passes the baton to the next player.)
(conducted by a physical education instructor)

caregiver : Well done! The task was completed! And now we will fulfill finger gymnastics "We went for a walk in the yard"
One, two, three, four, five
(bend one finger at a time)
We went for a walk in the yard.
(“walk” on the table with index and middle fingers)
They sculpted a snow woman,
("sculpt" a lump with two palms)
The birds were fed with crumbs.
(“crumble bread” with all fingers)
We then rode down the hill,
(lead the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And also rolled in the snow
(put palms on the table with one side or the other)
Everyone came home in the snow.
(shake hands).
We ate soup and went to bed.
(movements with an imaginary spoon; hands under the cheek).

10.Educator : In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow, and I also want to play with you with the word "snow".
(Reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "snow").
Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,
Falls to the ground ... (Snow.)
Fluffs are gliding from the sky -
Silvery ... (Snowflakes.)
On the paths, on the meadow
Everything is decreasing ... (Snowball.)
Here's some fun for the kids -
Everything is stronger ... (Snowfall.)
Everyone is running,
Everyone wants to play ... (Snowballs.)
Like a white down jacket
Dressed up ... (Snowman.)
Next to the snow figurine -
This girl is ... (Snow Maiden.)
In the snow, look -
With a red breast ... (Bullfinches.)
Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream
Decorated the whole earth ... (Snow.) "

13 Outcome: Speech therapist. So our fascinating walk has ended, and I invite everyone to sit on the carpet and remember what we talked about today? What games did you play, what did you like? What did each of you do best? (children pass the snowball and answer).
Speech therapist: Well done, and now I suggest you close your eyes, relax and listen to music.
(During the music, the speech therapist reads the verse).
Quietly spinning in the air
snowflake butterflies,
And lie down on the bare forest
Sticky fluffs.
Evening moves slowly
The snow is less and less.
Like someone with white paint
Decorated the roofs.
To them in the morning from the frost,
Snow sticks sticky.
And birch trees will dress
In rabbit coats.

Synopsis of GCD on speech development "Zimushka-Zima"

Target: the formation of cognitive interest in children about winter changes in nature.



    Clarify and systematize children's ideas about winter changes in nature.

    Exercise in the selection of related words to the word "snow".

    Know the names and sequence of the winter months.


    To promote the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, coherent speech.

    To improve the syntactic side of speech (the ability to figuratively compose stories using mnemonic tables, conveying the mood of the story).

    To form initiative, activity, cooperation skills.


    To promote the formation of children's love and interest in nature.

Material: pictures on the topic, multimedia, videos: "Winter", "Warm-up snowmen"; big snowflake, mimic tables, picture "Winter", small snowflakes, pictograms, emoticons, whatman paper with a stencil of a snowman.

Preliminary work: talking with children about the season Winter, learning proverbs and sayings, reading stories, looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work:"white-skinned", "light-skinned"

Integration of educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard: cognitive development, social and communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

GCD progress:

Educator: Children, tell me the topic of our lesson today after you watch the movie. Happy viewing.

Watch the video "Winter"

Teacher: Guess what the conversation will be about. Tell me, do you like winter? Why do you like her?

Let's stand in a circle and remember the "winter words" that you know.

(Children stand in a circle, passing a snowflake, each other takes turns calling words that fit the season Winter).

Educator: Would you like winter to come to visit you? How to do it? Try it. (Children try to invite on their own)

First, let's call her quietly: “Zimushka-Winter, come! With crackling frosts, loose snows!

Now you need to say loudly, expressing delight. The children are talking.

The bell rings, Winter appears (picture).

Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

White-skinned, fair-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

All covered with silver!

Educator: Why do you think winter is called the queen?

How else do writers and poets call winter in their works?

Are the definitions of “white-skinned”, “light-skinned” suitable for winter? Why?

That's right, winter does not spoil us with its colors, everything is white and houses, trees, and paths.

On which trio did winter arrive?

What kind of horses are in this trio?

That's right, it's the winter months.

What is the first month of winter? What proverb do you know about December?

"December ends the year, and winter begins"

What is the second month?

January is the beginning of the year, winter ... the middle

What is the last month of winter?

Educator: Zimushka-Winter did not come to you empty-handed, she prepared various tasks for you, and for a correctly completed task she will give you snowflakes, at the end we will find out which of you is an expert in the winter season.

Educator: Remember what was spinning, flying and falling outside the window in the film?

Children: snow.

Educator: Task one, you need to choose related words for the word "snow"

Children: snowflake, snowball, snowy, snow maiden ...

Educator: Well done! What is snow like? The game "Compare what it looks like."

Children: White as sugar, cold as ice, fluffy as fluff, cotton wool, soft as a feather bed, crispy as a crust, sticky as glue, etc.

Educator: What can you say about winter in our area, what is it like in the Perm region?

Children: soft, warm, cold, blizzard ...

Educator: What else can you say about winter? Look at the pictures and make sentences that reflect the signs of winter and begin with the word "winter".

Do you think winter is good or bad?

The good-bad game

Winter, is it good? Why? Prove it.

Choose a picture and make a sentence based on it, which should begin with the words: "Winter is good, because ..."

Winter, is it bad? Why? Prove the same: “Winter is bad, because…”

Teacher: Does the weather affect your mood? When it's snowing and it's not very cold outside, windless, what is your mood?

Children: Cheerful, joyful, contented, happy, wonderful, beautiful. Show the desired icon.

Educator: And if there is a strong, prickly wind outside, or instead of fluffy snow it started to rain, what does your mood become?

Children: Sad, sad, dissatisfied, joyless. Show the desired icon.

Educator: To cheer you up, Winter invited friends to visit you, whom you will recognize by solving the rebus. (Guessing the word by rebus) Snowmen

The snowmen got lost in the maze, can you help them get out? Winter is tricky, she wants to see how friendly you are. You will work in pairs. Determine which of you will take the pencil, and which will prompt the direction: to the left, straight, right.

Well, they coped with the task, here are the snowmen! Let's get up and dance with them!

Physical education minute snowman warm-up video

Educator: The next task, you need to make a story according to the tables.

Drawing up a story about winter according to the mnemonic table.

Educator: Whose story was more interesting for you? Why?

Next task. Winter has prepared a difficult task for you, she encrypted the words, and your task is to unravel them. You need to work in a team.

Educator: We coped with the tasks, Zima wonders which task was the easiest for you? Why?

What task was the most difficult? What helped you accomplish it?

Educator: And now let's sum up who turned out to be the smartest, count the snowflakes. Let's clap for the winners. The winner is awarded a medal.

Educator: Remember who the boy in the film sculpted from the snow? Can you make a snowman out of your snowflakes? Want to try?

Then apply glue to the snowflakes, come up, stick your snowflakes on the paper.

Teamwork applique snowman.

What kind of snowman did we get? (Cheerful, joyful, contented)

Educator: I was pleased to work with you today, you are great! They came up with beautiful sentences, made interesting sentences, chose related words correctly, helped each other. Thank you!

Children, if you liked the lesson today, take a funny emoticon and give it to Zima, and if someone had difficulty in class, then take a sad emoticon, bring it to me and tell me what you experienced difficulties with.

Kopteva Margarita Viktorovna
ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada "d / s No. 179 "Snowdrop"

Synopsis of the NOD "Zimushka winter"

Goal: Expanding vocabulary and consolidating knowledge about the time of year - winter for preschoolers; to form the ability of children to name the signs of winter.

1. Expand and concretize children's ideas about winter, phenomena of living and inanimate nature; clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic (snow, frost, go, blow, fall, white, cold, cold).

2. Improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, form the ability to form high-quality adjectives, develop speech hearing, visual attention and perception, consolidate the ability to compose a story using mnemonic tables, develop general and fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of speech and movement.

3. To educate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature, a positive attitude to participate in GCD. Cultivate respect for each other, mutual assistance.

Equipment and materials: ICT, chest, snowflakes, flannelograph, mnemonic tables, didactic game.

Preliminary work: talking about winter, looking at pictures and illustrations, reading poetry and proverbs, observing snow, looking at snowflakes, playing with snow, experiments, reading the stories “The First Snow” by E. Trutneva, “It’s Snowing” by M. Poznanskaya, reading and memorizing poems about winter, winter natural phenomena.

Lesson progress

Q: Guys, guests have come today, let's greet them.

Today we will go on a trip to the winter forest

Eyes look at me, ears listen to me.

Q: Today I want to ask you a riddle:

Who, guess, the gray-haired mistress:

Will shake the feathers - over the world of fluff?

B: I think so too! It was winter.

With the help of ICT on the blackboard a picture of a winter forest. We walk through the winter forest. There is a chest on a stump under the tree.

Q: Guys, here is Winter's chest and something is written on it. Will we read?

B: “For the children of the Ladushki kindergarten. Let's open the chest and find out what's in there.

Q: And to open it you need to say the magic words.

Chick, chuck, chuck, chock - open, chest!

Does not open.

Let's do it together!

D: Chick, chuck, chuck, chock - open, chest!

Q: Guys, here the snowflake is so fragile, transparent! Oh, but she doesn’t have rays, and without them she’s not so beautiful, it will be difficult for her to spin in the air without rays and land on the ground. What to do? I came up with, I suggest you save the snowflake - find the rays and return them to her.

- Magic light, help, show us the way. (candle with a flashlight)

RAY-1: Guys, tell me please, what time of year is it?

Q: How did you guess?

D: It’s cold outside, it’s frosty, it’s snowing, the trees are bare, the sun doesn’t warm, people dress warmly, a blizzard, the river is frozen

Q: What about snow? What is he?

D: White, light, fluffy, cold.

Q: What winter fun do you know?

E: downhill skiing, skiing, ice skating, building a snow fort, making a snowman, snowball fights.

(Fix the signs of winter. Reading a poem)

The days got shorter

The sun shines little.

Here comes the frost

And winter has come!

Q: Well done, you described the winter well!

B: Fluffy white snow

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling down, laying down...

RAY-2: Winter forgot to finish the poem, let's help her and suggest the right words.

Game "say a word":

Quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground (snow)

Fluffs are sliding from the sky - silvery (snowflakes)

In the village, on the meadow, everything is falling (snow)

Here's the fun for the guys - getting stronger (snowfall)

Everyone runs races, everyone wants to play (snowball fights)

As if in a white down jacket, dressed up (snowman)

Nearby is a snow figurine, this is a girl (snow maiden)

In the snow, look, with a red breast (bullfinches)

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth (snow)

Q: What words did you add?

D: Snow, snowflakes, snowball, snowman, snow maiden

Q: What root word do they all look like?

D: On the word "snow"



We make a snowman

From fluffy snow.

That's what he is the first com!

That's how big he is.

The second one is a little smaller,

The third is the head

The hat will be from a bucket,

Nose - carrot,

And the eyes are two cheerful lights.

That's how funny he is;

He laughs from ear to ear

He makes kids happy.

RAY-3: Working with the mnemonic table. Memorizing a poem

RAY-4: We have another ray with a task:

DI"Call it sweetly" The teacher, throwing a snowball to the child, calls the word, and he calls it affectionately and returns the snowball.

Winter - (winter), frost - (frost), ice - (ice), cold - (chill), snowflake - (snowflake), blizzard - (blizzard), snow - snowball, sled - sleigh, snowman - snowman, felt boots - felt boots, warm coat - warm coat

RAY-5: (work with lepbook) And here is another ray found. And the task here is the following: Guys, these pictures fell apart. (I pour out parts of the cut pictures on the table). Let's collect them! (Children are divided into subgroups).

D / and: "Collect a picture."

The game is played at the tables, standing. Each child has his own picture, not similar to each other. Children post their picture. Whoever did it first helps the other.

RAY-6: Guys, we found the last ray, if we complete the task correctly, then our snowflake is saved.

Viewing illustrations about winter.

Which illustration fits poem« Winter» ? Why did you choose this illustration? (children's answers).

Which illustration fits the lines from poems A. S. Pushkin:

1. Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shine in the sun, snow lies ...

2. A storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting.

Like a beast she will howl

It will cry like a child.

3. Came, crumbled,

It hung in tufts on the branches of oaks.

Laid down in undulating hills

Among the fields, among the meadows.

The snowflake turned out great! Well done!


Q: Guys, now let's remember the signs of winter? (It’s cold, frosty outside, it’s snowing, the trees are bare, the sun doesn’t warm, people dress warmly, a blizzard, the river is frozen)

What winter fun do you know? (downhill skiing, skiing, ice skating, building snow forts, snowmen, snowball fights).

What root words did we learn (snow, snowflakes, snowball, snowman, snow maiden).